Our blogs

Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 12th February 2021

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 4:46pm

It’s Fabulous Friday 12th February 2021!


Congratulations for getting to the last day of half term!

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!




For a minimum of 30 minutes.


Spelling Quiz


Don’t forget to have a spelling quiz Today is the spelling quiz. Hopefully you can get someone to quiz you on the 15 spellings, in random order.


Complete the number activity – Yes / No


See the attached document at the bottom of the blog, Yes/No Game for how to play



Dance Week


Thank you to everyone who has sent in a video of themselves dancing. The compilation music video should be finished soon.


Finish anything off


If there is anything you need to complete, you can do that today and upload to Seesaw for any help or feedback.



Lent is when Jesus spent 40 days wandering the desert, fasting and resisting temptation. During this time, you have an opportunity to be like Jesus. You can choose to resist temptation, pray and do acts of kindness.

Lent begins next week during half term on Wednesday 17th February 2021. Why not make a Lenten Promise on the template (attached at the bottom of the blog). Some examples are:

To help around the house more.

To say a prayer for someone every day.

To swap iPad time for reading time.

To talk to a family member or friend more.



The Friday Catch Up video will be sent through Seesaw by the end of the day.

Have a super half tem!


Year 3 Home Learning Friday 12th February 2021 - FUN FRIDAY

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 4:05pm


Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day on Thursday and a nice week. Thank you to everybody who sent a video of the dance, they are amazing.


I hope you have an amazing Half Term filled with laughter and smiles. Please take the time to rest, you have all been working so hard and have certainly earned some time off J


Friday 12th February 2021


It’s Fabulous Friday! Woohoo.


Start your day by listening to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKh0dLIuIu8&safe=active


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

  • Read

Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.


  • Complete the number activity.

Guess my number.

You need two players.

  1. Player 1 chooses a number between 0 and 1000 and secretly writes it down.
  2. Player 2 asks five questions.
  3. Player 1 answers the questions with yes or no.
  4. Player 2 then guesses the number.
  5. Repeat but swap roles.

If it is too difficult, change it so the guesser can ask more questions.

Here are some good questions to ask:

Does it have 2 digits?

Does it have 3 digits?

Is it odd? (Ends in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9)

Is it even? (Ends in 2, 4, 6, 8, 0)

Is it higher than …?

Is it lower than …?

Is it a multiple of …? (In a times table)

Does it round up to the next ten? (Ends in 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

Does it round down? (Ends in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)


  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!


Fabulous Friday - 12th February 2021

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 2:09pm

It’s Fabulous Friday!

sun GIF

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

•          Read.

•          Complete the number activity.

•          Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for your teacher to see.


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it! 


We have had another fantastic week of learning from Year 2 and we are so proud of everything you have achieved this half term. In school, we are going to perform the school dance that we have been practising all week. We know Year 2 will be the best dancers! Mr Ingram and Miss Bennison will be joining in too.


Please view our ‘Friday catch up’ on Seesaw where we discuss all of your amazing achievements throughout the week.


We hope you have a lovely, relaxing half term with your loved ones.



Set aside a quiet time today with no distractions. Go and grab a drink and find a quiet place to enjoy your favourite book.


Reading challenge - Write down 5 words from your book which you think are great pieces of vocabulary.

You could write down a word that you do not know the meaning of. Use a dictionary to look up the word so you know what it means for next time.


Number activity

New Year Ox GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

Today, people across the world will celebrate Lunar New Year and the start of "Year of the Ox".

The ox is a valued animal in Chinese culture because of its links with farming. People born in the year of the ox are said to be honest, hard-working and kind. They think logically and are great leaders.

Find Out!

Can you find out which year of the Chinese calendar you were born in?


Chinese code breaking

Please see attached. In this activity you need to use your knowledge of place value to work out what numbers the pictures represent.


Mandarin number bonds

Can you use the Mandarin number track below (or attached) to create number bonds to 10?

Watch out for the number ’0’, it looks very tricky!



We hope you all have a brilliant half term.


Year 2 team.


Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 1:19pm


Year 4

Fabulous Friday 12th February 2021

minions GIF

It’s fabulous Friday!

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

  • Read

Enjoy reading for pleasure - take time to finish a book you are enjoying or start something new.


  • Complete the number activity / game attached to the blog


  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!

Don’t forget to see the Friday Catch-up video on Seesaw this evening!


During half term, enjoy spending some time with your family.  Make sure you relax and recharge your batteries so you are ready and raring to learn on Monday 22nd February 2021!  Let’s hope it’s not too long until we are all back together in school.

Have a lovely half term!

Fabulous Friday 12th February

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 9:47am

It’s Fabulous Friday Reception!

We have loved seeing all of your dancing videos this week Reception, they have really made us smile. We hope you enjoy the final video ! J

You have all worked incredibly hard this half term and we are so proud of you for keeping going! We miss you all so much and hope to see you soon! 


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your family the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

· I have attached a reading challenge for you to have a go at over the holidays!


· Can you make up some more simple addition questions using your part-whole model?

Can you find a way to make a number bigger than 15?


· It's Chinese New Year today.


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it! 


We hope you have a lovely half term with all your family, make sure you get lots of rest and do things you enjoy together. J



Year 2 Home Learning - 11th February 2021

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 2:52pm

Thursday 11th February

Good morning.

Well done on another brilliant day of learning – remember it is Fabulous Friday tomorrow so let’s work really hard and have a more relaxing day tomorrow.

Don't forget to practise our dance for our big performance. Today is the last day for you to upload the 10 second dance video to SeeSaw. Please try to post it before 12 today so we can put all the videos together – Good Luck!

You can find the video on the gallery section of the class blog or click the link here.

Have a go at this breathing exercise before you start your learning today. Breathing in different ways is a great way for us to feel calm and relaxed before we start our learning.

Here are your Thursday facts to start your day:

  • Koalas sleep for 20 hours a day.
  • Great white sharks can be found throughout the world’s oceans, mostly in cool waters close to the coast.
  • Rays protect themselves with venomous spines or barbs in their tail.




It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - Draw and label a character or a setting from a description in the book.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS




Is Joseph correct or incorrect?

Explain how you know.

Give your own statement about counting in threes and ask a parent or sibling to work out if it is correct or incorrect.

Number facts – Subtraction bonds

Write out all your subtraction bonds from 10. Now write all your subtraction bonds from 100. Compare the 2 sets of numbers. Do you notice a pattern?

Times Tables

3 Times Tables – Listen to this 3 times table song: 3 times table song

Play hit the button and select 3 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 3 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 3 times tables up to 12, in your home learning journal?


Can I sort 2D shapes?

Today’s Maths lesson can be found on Seesaw. Please watch the video carefully pausing to attempt certain tasks when prompted by the teacher.


Once you have watched the video, have a go at the worksheet attached.


Sumdog challenges

Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Shape  

Spellings – Nouns with the suffix -ness



Please see the attached English lesson for more details.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be looking at changing adjectives to nouns by adding the suffix -ness.


-ness is one of a number of noun suffixes. It is used to make nouns from adjectives, although not every adjective can be modified in this way. Here are some common adjectives whose noun forms are made by adding -ness:


But remember, some are trickier!

When the word ends in a consonant and a y, we need to change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ then add –ness



Please note - Not all adjectives can be made into nouns using "-ness." Typically, if an adjective is in its -er or -est form, "-ness" cannot be added: higher and highest cannot become higherness or highestness.


Use the nouns below to write your own sentences:







This week we are starting a new topic in RE – Sacrament.

In this lesson we are going to explore different ways to say thank you.


Share this story together:

Mrs. Hegarty had taught in St Mary’s School for thirty-seven years. Everyone loved her. She was very kind and sometimes quite strict, but no-one minded because she was very fair and really loved the children. Now she was retiring. Everyone wanted to say goodbye and thank you.

On her retirement day, there was a special thanksgiving Eucharist in the church with all the children, parents and teachers. There were special prayers for Mrs. Hegarty, and her favourite hymns. Afterwards, everyone crowded into the hall and there were lots of speeches. Father Atkins told a story about when he had been a little boy in school and Mrs. Hegarty had taught him. Everyone laughed. He said he owed her a lot and gave her a bouquet of roses, her favourite flowers. One of the mums reminded everyone how Mrs. Hegarty had made St Mary’s into a really good school. The parents gave her a camera because she was going to learn photography. Peter, from Year 6, made a speech wishing her happiness and because she likes bird-watching, the children gave her a pair of binoculars.

Mrs. Hegarty was sad to say goodbye. She thanked everyone for their kind and thoughtful gifts and explained that as she used each one, she would think of all the children, parents and staff. She said she would read through all her cards when she got home. She thanked everyone who had prepared the Mass and the party. It was a happy day. Everyone was pleased to say thank you to someone who had done so much to help other people.


Q Why was Mrs. Hegarty thanked?

Q How did different people say thank you to her?

Q How do you think Mrs. Hegarty felt?

Q Which way would you choose to say thank you?



To complete the task in the attached documents called 'Thank You' worksheet.


Additional Art Activities

Please see the attached ideas.


We are very excited for Fabulous Friday tomorrow.


Year 2 team.

HOME LEARNING Thursday 11th February 2021

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 2:41pm

Year 4

Home Learning Thursday 11th February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  I have seen some super videos showcasing your dancing for St Oswald’s Dance Week. If you haven’t managed to send your video yet, keep practising and make sure it’s uploaded by 12 noon today, so that we can include it in our whole school video!  Click on the link here to see the dance video again.



Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Use lots of expression in your reading today.  Try and think about how the character would speak and what sort of voice they would have – a deep, gruff voice, or a high pitched squeaky voice?  How else might they speak?



These are your new spellings which will be tested on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 (when we come back to school after half-term).  They are another set of homophones.  Homophones are words which sound the same but are spelt differently.

him      hymn       new         knew      mist         missed         heel       heal

side     sighed     piece      peace     rain           rein              reign 

Write the long date Thursday 11th February 2021

Practise each of the words using look, cover, write, check.

Choose some of the homophones and write your own sentences using them correctly. Make sure these are different to the words you chose yesterday.

For example, him and hymn.

The muddy football boots belonged to him.

My favourite hymn is ‘All things Bright and Beautiful’.



Today you are going to be editing the description of the storm you wrote yesterday. You will need a different coloured pen or pencil (to use like you would your purple editing pen).

  1. Read through your work carefully OUT LOUD (to check you haven’t missed out any words and that it makes sense!) At the bottom write 2 things you are proud of and 1 thing that you would improve if you were to write the description again.
  2. Read through your work and find a short sentence where more information could be given – use a different colour pen or pencil to edit it (could you use and, but, or, so, because, when, while, as etc to extend the sentence)
  3. Read through your work and correct any words that need capital letters. Correct any words where you have a capital letter but it shouldn’t be there (correct with your coloured pen or pencil)
  4. Read through your work and include punctuation where needed, for example, is a sentence too long and you need to split it up with full stops?
  5. Read through your work and improve 3 sentence openers – check the ISPACE sheet from yesterday for suggestions and the last point on the success criteria
  6. Choose 3 words which you could change to more ambitious vocabulary.

Write the long date Thursday 11th February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I edit my work?

Re-write your work in your best joined up handwriting with all your corrections. Compare it to the original.  Remember, writing is a process, we need to read, improve, read improve …..

Please share your edited work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 2, 4 and 8 times tables.

Children in school will be tested on their tables today, therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on your individual target or ÷12 if you are on ‘free’ tables.  Ask them to call out your tables in a mixed up order.  This is how I do it in school – ask the question twice, count to 8, then ask the next question.

Write the short date 11.02.21

Write the title Times tables test

Please share your ‘test’ on Seesaw.



Count in 10’s from 62 to 182 and back again.  Count in 10’s from 1947 to 2107 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what patterns do you notice?

Please count in 8’s from 100 to 196 and back again. Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Now count in 8’s from 40 to 160 and back again. Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice now?



Click here to play Daily 10.

Click on play game. Choose Level 3, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 250 Multiple of 10.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.   Remember to write the answers down and to make jottings!

Eg Half 270               Partition into 200 and 70

Half 200 = 100     Half 70 = 35       100 + 35 = 135

(You could further partition 70 into 60 and 10.  Half 60 = 30   Half 10 = 5

30 + 5 = 35)

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to use the written method of multiplication to solve word problems. This will build on the work you completed on Monday and Wednesday.

Write the short date 11.02.21

Write the learning objective Can I use the grid method to solve word problems?

Please watch the videos which will be uploaded to Seesaw on Thursday morning. These videos will explain how to use the grid method and answer word problems successfully.

Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Multiplication word problems’ attached to the blog.

Complete the worksheet and answer the questions in your Home Learning book.  You must use the grid method AND write a sentence to answer the question as these are the strategies we are practising today!

Quite a few of you found multiplying a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number tricky yesterday.  Please try your best to work through the questions today – there are some examples of how to set out grid multiplication on the worksheet, as well as various videos you can watch on Seesaw from earlier this week.


Check your answers with the document ‘Multiplication answers’ attached to the blog.  Look carefully at any questions you got wrong and try to find where you made the error. Was it your multiplication or your addition which you found tricky?  Did you remember to write a sentence to answer the question properly?



Click here to download today’s final lesson in this topic on the properties and everyday uses of gases.

Make a poster as suggested on slide 6, using the word bank to help you.

Write the long date Thursday 11th February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I describe some everyday uses of Gases?

Then use pictures and writing to show off your knowledge. A good example of the poster is shown on slide 9.

Can you find out what kind of gas is in crisp packets and why? You could add this to your poster.

Air is actually a mixture of gases – can you find out what they are? A good way to show the composition of air is to draw 100 small circles, representing the ‘whole’ (100%) of air. Colour them according to the percentage of each gas in air eg oxygen makes up 21% of air so you would colour 21 circles one colour to represent this. What is the rest? Remember to put a key at the side to say which gas each colour is. Add this to your poster too!

If you have a balloon, some bicarbonate of soda and vinegar, you could try the balloon experiment described on the left of slide 7. You could just mix the bicarb and vinegar and watch! Do this where you can clean up easily! What gas have you made in this chemical reaction?

I hope you’ve enjoyed this topic on solids, liquids and gases – the states of matter. You have worked as proper chemists to investigate their properties. Well done! We’ll move on to a new topic next half term.


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 4 and 8 times tables)
  • A maths challenge to practise counting in multiples of 4, 5 and 8
  • A spelling challenge based on this week’s new homophone spellings

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  It is important that you practise these skills as they are invaluable in helping you to learn your number facts and multiplication and division facts.  In addition, they will enable you to calculate accurately and at speed when working mentally.

Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.


Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 11th February 2021

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 2:19pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Wednesday and are looking forward to a fun day ahead. We really enjoyed finishing Mr Stink, we are looking forward to finding out what our next book will be after Half Term.  

Ms Hodson really enjoyed the stories that some of you read out and sent in. She had the biggest smile on her face while she was listening. I love your blurbs and book covers for Mr Stink. Your Lenten Promises are beautiful too!

If you haven’t already sent your video for the dance, try to send it as early as you can today on Seesaw.


Thursday 11th February 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Then, ask somebody to read out a page of your book to you. Listen out for different voices and also where they pause.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are some of the words which you need to know by the end of Year 3.

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear


Write the long date: Thursday 11th February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Sentences

Write 5 sentences using your spelling words. They can be about anything and they can be silly if you want.

Start each sentence with a capital letter and end each sentence with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark (if it is a question).



Please talk to somebody all about the Mr Stink book – tell them the story, the different characters, your favourite parts, any parts you didn’t like, how you would change the ending if you could.

I have attached an example of today’s work for you so you can see how to present it.

Find your book cover from yesterday and open it up.

Inside the first half, I would like you to give the book a star rating. Draw up to five big stars depending on how much you like the book. Draw them big enough to fill this whole half of the page.

1 star = didn’t like it at all                                                5 stars = loved it

Inside each star, write down a word to describe the book e.g. emotional, amazing, funny, happy, interesting.

Then colour in your stars – but don’t cover the writing.


Inside the second half, write some quotes that different people have said about the book. Below are things that myself, Ms Hodson, and Mrs Wood have said about the book. You can copy them. You can also write down what you and people in your house have said about it. Remember to use inverted commas (speech marks).

Write these big to fill your page.

“A fantastic book that made me laugh and cry.”

Miss Smith


“I laughed so much, especially at Mr Stink’s toilet habits.”

Ms Hodson


“A truly wonderful book all about friendship and being yourself.”

Mrs Wood



Perfect spelling

Capital letters

Beautiful handwriting

Inverted commas



Please send me a photo of the inside of your book cover on Seesaw, I will be looking out for beautifully presented work.


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button.


Click on Division Facts and then ÷2.

If you find it tricky, write out your 2x tables before you start and use them to help.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 4s:

From 0 to 48.

From 48 to 0.



Write the short date – 11.02.21

Write the title – Can I represent 100s, 10s and 1s?

Watch this video, pause where you need to:


Complete the worksheet and then use the answer sheet to check.



Optional Maths Challenge:

Click on the link, you can either download a sheet to work on or complete the activity interactively.


It looks very complicated at first, but once you get started I think you will enjoy it.




Watch this video


Complete the activity attached to this blog – Super Strength

If the weather is nice, get outside J




First let’s recap the phonics sounds from the week before last by watching the video again. This week, you are going to try and write down the number and colour words that contain the sounds.

Before you start, write the date and learning objective in your book:

jeudi onze février

Can I use phonics to help me spell French words?

Then write each of the phonic sounds, leaving space underneath each to write down the words that have the sound in. Spread them out on your page. The sounds are:

Ou     eu      an      oi       in/un  i         on

Now listen to Emilie again, pausing the video when she asks you to think of the numbers and colours that have that sound in. You have a go at writing the words under the right sound then start the video again to check your spelling. Please correct it if you make a mistake. Mistakes are fine! They help us to learn.


Maintenant, nous allons apprendre les animaux = Now, we are going to learn some animals.


Click on Lesson 15 with audio. Work through the PowerPoint.

Can you add some animal words to each phonic list now? What about un lapin? Which sound does that have? Un oiseau? Un poisson? You could draw a mini picture next to each word to remind you what they mean.

Très bien et merci beaucoup.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of the inside of your book cover.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.

7 of you have already completed the times tables challenge – wow!!!

10 of you have already completed the number challenge – AMAZING!



Have a wonderful day J I am so proud of each and every one of you! Please send me a photo of the inside of your book cover on Seesaw. I will be looking out for beautifully presented work and perfect spelling.  


Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 11th February 2021

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 12:48pm

Thursday 11th February 2021


Good morning everyone. Well Year 6, we have made it to the final day of learning being posted here on the blog (tomorrow is Fabulous Friday). I hope you have found all the videos helpful and my feedback to your work on Seesaw supportive. Remember that you can spread your work over today and tomorrow or complete it today and start you well-earned half term break early.

Here are today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Design a new front cover for your book. Remember to include the title, author and pictures.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes/action verses. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

The Morning Rush

Into the bathroom,

Turn on the tap.

Wash away the sleepiness –

Splish! Splosh! Splash!

Into the bedroom,

Pull on your vest

Quickly! Quickly!

Get yourself dressed.

Down to the kitchen.

No time to lose.

Gobble up your breakfast.

Put on your shoes.

Back to the bathroom.

Squeeze out the paste.

Brush, brush, brush your teeth.

No time to waste.

Pick up your school bag

Up off the floor.

Grab your coat

And out through the door.



The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

  • Write out each word in parts with different colours. This should be in syllables to help with your visual memory:
    • capture, adventure, measure, enclosure


Writing task

Can I note down the differences between the novel and the film of Tom’s Midnight Garden?

For our final lesson on Tom’s Midnight Garden, I would like you to watch the BBC adaptation and compare it to the book.

Here are the links to all the Tom’s Midnight Garden series parts:

BBC Episode 1

BBC Episode 2

BBC Episode 3

BBC Episode 4

BBC Episode 5

BBC Episode 6

You may watch this over a few days or all in one sitting (but I think in total it comes to about 2 and half hours).

Please copy the table and complete it whilst you watch it. Just focus on the differences between what you remember in the book compared to the series. Aim for at least 10 main differences between them (there may be missing or added parts, characters portrayed differently or different settings).




BBC series













Maths – Multiplication Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in 2 ½ .

7 , 15 ¼  , 23 ½ , 64 , 97

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use my multiplication knowledge to solve problems?

I have sent a video explaining how to solve the sheet, Multiplication Word Problems. Remember to use RUCSAC

(Read, Underline, Calculation, Solve, Answer, Check) which is explained in the video.

  1. Arithmetic 19 – 36. See the Arithmetic video for guidance on some of the strategies we use.




Can I investigate information about the Mayan calendar and create a report?

Follow the video on Seesaw and the PowerPoint information, Mayan Calendar Time Detectives, to complete the following tasks:

  1. How do we measure time? (Think about seconds, minutes, months, years and spider diagram some of these – slide 1).
  2. Read through slide 2 – 4
  3. Slide 5 - Mayan calendar research by making notes using these websites:
    1. Mayan calendar 1
    2. Mayan calendar 2  
    3. Mayan calendar 3

There is a Mayan Calendar Report worksheet attached to the blog which I explain in the video.

Try to answer the following questions:

Can you name three things about the Haab calendar?

Can you name three things about the Tzolk’in calendar?

How long is the calendar?

Any interesting facts?

  1. Report – also explained in the video. 




  • To end the term, please choose a video or two to complete some artwork for fun. I love Disney so follow the link How to Draw Disney Series.
  • Following last week’s ‘Express Yourself’ art, I have attached Art Journaling which explains that for a week, keep journal entries of only VISUAL forms to express your experiences of that day.


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Fluency in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9x tables                  (200 target)
    2. Multiply by 10, 100 and two digit numbers     (200 target)
    3. Spellings -sure / -ture                                            (45 target)



Well done, tomorrow is Friday. We are nearly there!


Reception 11th February Home Learning

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 11:37am

Thursday 11th February 2021

Today is the last day to send in your video of the dance if you would like to be a part of our school montage! J



  • Reading – We can tell that so many of you are becoming more confident with your reading. Well done Reception 😊

Can I use expressions in my voice when I am reading?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. 

Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo (if you want to watch anymore videos for these sounds – search Geraldine the giraffe and the sound on YouTube)

Have a look at the CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) word PowerPoint and see if you know the sounds needed to spell the words.

Can I have a go at writing the Phase 3 Phoneme frame words? (Remember only one sound goes into a box)

Can I read the captions and draw a picture to match?

(See the phonic activities attached.)

Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.

Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home

Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!


  • Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements). All of this helps to develop      co-ordination and shoulder movements, to help towards a better pencil control.

Can I have a go at the fitness bingo? (See attached.)

Handwriting this week will be the letters 'Uu' ‘Vv’ ‘Ww’ ‘Xx’. – Remember to start at the top. 

See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters.  


The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like 

Can I check I can spell these words, without help from the grown up?


  • Story Activity - 

Revisit your new story from yesterday, practise reading it out loud using your story map.

Can I write my new version of the story? (Use the template attached if needed – you can finish writing this tomorrow if it gets too much.)

See the Seesaw video modelling this J


Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – 

Choose one of your favourite things to play with, can I count out loud how many I have?

(Teddies, cars, balls)

  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 5? (See the sheet attached.)

Can I solve the double problems? (Draw the problem out to help you work out the answers.)

Can I colour the numbers in correctly? (See the sheet attached.)


  • Main Focus – Watch the Ten Pin Bowling video below.

Can you make your own bowling game? (You could use bottles, cube towers, toilet/kitchen rolls.)

Can you record how many you knock down?

Topic Time

  • KUW – Tomorrow it is Chinese New Year – It is the year of the Ox this year.

Watch the video below.

Can I try writing some Chinese numbers?

Can I make my own Chinese lantern?

Can I make my own dragon craft? (See ideas attached.)


Reception Story Time

See the video on Seesaw for today’s story time.


Some great number work this week too Reception. Well done to all of you uploading your work daily.

Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 3:39pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good Tuesday. The work you sent me on Seesaw was amazing, I really enjoyed the poem Ryan read out and sent me, it’s called What Turkey Doing? By John Agard. I loved listening to all of you read, what a treat. Ms Hodson can't wait to listen tomorrow morning. 

You really are doing such a great job at home, I know it must be tricky for you sometimes J

Please send a 10 second video of yourself doing the dance on Seesaw today or tomorrow. These will be used to create a whole school video.

The video and more information can be found here:



Wednesday 10th February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next in the story.

Don’t forget to change your reading book with the school office when you have finished.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are some of the words which you need to know by the end of Year 3.

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear


Write the long date: Wednesday 10th February 2021

Write the title: Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

Write your spelling words down the side of your page.

Look very carefully at a word - notice double letters, words within words, tricky parts, letters that don’t sound like you would expect.

Say the word out loud.

Cover the word and write it down next to it.

Uncover the word and check you have spelt it correctly.

Repeat so you have written each word 4 times.



Listen to pages 260 – 267 of Mr Stink, I will send you a video of the pages on Seesaw in the morning.

I have really enjoyed this book, I hope you have too. I wonder if you notice anything about the very last sentence…


You are going to design a new cover for the Mr Stink book. I have attached a photo of the front and back covers so you can see what they look like.

I would like you to get a piece of paper and fold it in half so that it is like a book.

On the back, write a blurb for Mr Stink. A blurb tells you what the book is about.

On the front, design your own front cover for Mr Stink – you might want to draw a picture of your favourite part. Remember to include the title, author and illustrator.

I would love to see your book cover on Seesaw.

Keep these handy because you are going to do something on the inside tomorrow.



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Using commas

Adding an exclamation mark

Writing in paragraphs

Ending with a …


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button three times.

Practise division facts for ÷ 2




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 10s.

From 234 to 334.

From 901 to 1011.

Back from 1052 to 972.



Watch the video, pause where you need to.


Complete the sheet attached to this blog and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.

Some questions ask you to use base 10, you can draw this.

Draw a square for 100, a line for 10 and a dot for 1.


Optional Maths Challenge

Attached is a sheet called Magic V Challenge.

This is an investigation where you will be finding as many possibilities as you can. I would love for anybody who has a go to tell me all about what you found out on Seesaw.



Please look at the photo attached all about songs that make you feel good, either write your favourite songs or talk about them. 

Follow the link to complete the music lesson. You will need a cup.





Next Wednesday 17th February will be Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. 


During Lent we prepare for Easter.

In Lent we remember how Jesus suffered and died for us.

When Jesus rose from the tomb on Easter Sunday, he showed us that death

is not the end.

God, our Father, wants us all to live with him in a new life of peace and joy in heaven.

During Lent, we prepare for Easter in three ways: we pray, fast, and do acts of kindness.

By doing these things we grow in love of God and other people.


I would like you to write your Lenten Promise on the cross attached to this blog. Stick it up somewhere at home.

I would like your Lenten Promise to be something you can do to make yourself a better person. Here are some examples:

I promise to do 20 minutes of exercise every day.

I promise to ask my Mum and Dad for jobs every day.

I promise to swap iPad time for reading time.

I promise to do something kind each day.


Decorate your cross with pictures and patterns – make it look beautiful.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your RE work and your Mr Stink book cover.  

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. There is a new game :) 



Have a wonderful day J Remember you are amazing! Please send me a photo of your Lenten Promise and your Mr Stink cover on Seesaw. I will be looking out for beautifully presented work.  

Try to send a 10 second video of yourself doing the dance today or tomorrow.


Reception 10th February Home Learning

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:55pm

Wednesday 10th February 2021

We would love to see your videos of the dance, don’t forget to send them to us before Thursday dinner time. J



  • Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. 😊

Can I talk about the characters in my story?

Is it a fiction or non-fiction story book?

Can I act out the story?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading book.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. (It is important for Reception to consolidate their sound recognition for all of the sounds - therefore this week we will not be learning any new sounds.)

Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo

Can I remember all my new sounds?

Can I think of a word for each sound?

Can I have a go at the phonics activities? (See attached.)

Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.

Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home

Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!


These hand exercises will help to strengthen your fingers and will help with your handwriting. 

Handwriting this week will be the letters 'Uu' ‘Vv’ ‘Ww’ ‘Xx’. – Remember to start at the top. 

See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters.  


The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like 

Can I say the words, copy the words and then write them without copying?


  • Story Activity - Today, we are going to use all of our ideas from yesterday to make our own version of the story.

Watch this video and draw out your new story map

Can I retell out loud my new version of the story using my story map? 


Maths – 

Can I count in 5's? 

  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 4? (See sheet attached.)

Can I continue the patterns? (Print page 1.)

Can I remember my doubles? 


  • Main Focus – Watch the addition to 5 video attached below.

Can I complete the number bonds to 5 activity by drawing the amount that is missing? (See attached.)

Watch the video on Seesaw and use the part-whole model to make up your own addition questions.

Topic Time


Science - This week, we are going to look at eggs in more detail.

You’ll need 3 eggs and some vinegar to do all these activities.

First, take an egg and talk about it.

Here are some ideas for your discussion

Feel the shell. What is it like? Is it heavy or light? Rough or smooth? What colour is it? Are all eggs brown? Where did it come from? Do only chickens lay eggs or do other birds lay eggs too? Can we eat them? Which bird lays the biggest egg? Which bird lays the smallest egg? There are some pictures attached. Amazing!

Now break the egg into a dish and look at the yolk and the white. The yolk is the nutrition for the baby chick and the white provides water and cushioning to protect the developing chick. Can you see a thin membrane inside the shell? (This is to stop the white drying up. The shell is porous so the water would evaporate without it.) We’re going to look at this membrane again later on!

Here are some activities you can try with eggs.

Boil one for 5 minutes and another for 10 minutes. What is the same and what’s different about them? Which do you prefer to eat? How has the white and the yolk changed now they’re cooked?

Click this link to make a bouncy egg! You’ll need one egg and enough vinegar to cover the egg. It takes at least 24 hours to work but you can watch the reaction taking place while you wait. 

Further Discussion

What has happened to the egg shell? How does the egg feel now?

Have a cloth at the ready when you play with the bouncy egg!

Well done! You’ve done some egg-siting eggsperiments today!


Reception Story Time

Get yourself a blanket and enjoy today’s story after working so hard all day. 

Today our story is ‘The Little Red Hen’ By Michael Foreman.


There has been some amazing phonics work this week. Keep up the hard work! J

Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 10th February 2021

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:51pm

Wednesday 10th February 2021


Good morning Year 6. I hope you are all still well as we hit halfway through the week. Once again, there are many tasks attached to Wednesday because our usual timetable would include Reading, English, Maths, French, Music and RE, all in one day. Please do not be overwhelmed by all of this and do what you can today – remember to look after your wellbeing!

Here are the tasks:


Dance Week

Do not forget that this week is Dance Week with the link for our school’s video here, Dance Week Video. If you would like to be on our school’s music video, send me a video of you dancing (just 10 seconds) through Seesaw by Thursday lunch time. Happy dancing!



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Make a timeline of the important events in the story.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes/action verses. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

Incey Wincey Spider

Incey Wincey spider

Climbed up the water spout;

Down came the rain

And washed the spider out:

Out came the sunshine

And dried up all the rain;

Incey Wincey spider

Climbed the spout again.



The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

  • Watch the video sent through Seesaw for how to play ‘Pyramid’.


Writing task

Can I design open ended questions for an interview with Tom?


I have sent a video explaining today’s lesson. Please watch it first as it will help in structuring an interview between yourself and Tom.

The link to the BBC video that I refer to in the video is here, How to Interview People.

The template, if you would like to use it, is attached at the bottom of this blog, named Interview Template.



MathsFractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in 1/5 then 3/5

Use the numbers to begin: 4 , 16 1/5 , 27 4/5 , 81 , 45

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use the grid method for up to 4 digit x 2 digit calculations?

There is a Seesaw video for today’s lesson which will help in answering ‘Multiplication Grid Method’ and the challenge:

Maths challenge – Missing Numbers



Follow this link, Developing Beatboxing, to Oak National Academy for today’s lesson.

There is also an image attached to the bottom of this blog named, What are your favourite songs? This has a template for you to complete for fun to note down your favourite songs at different times.



Quel temps fait-il?

Click this link and download Lesson 4 with audio.


Listen again to slide 2 with the rhyming weather forecast. Try this a couple of times until you are confident with the pronunciation.

Now you are going to use a map of France to write and ‘perform’ your own weather forecast.  It doesn’t have to rhyme! There is a map of France in the resources.

Use an atlas or online map to add as many places as you can manage – at least 6, please, more if you can. Add the places to the map then draw a weather symbol next to them.

Then use the model on slide 3 to help you describe the weather. For example, A Paris, il fait gris. You don’t need to put all the dots in. Trim the map and stick your map in your book with the date in French and title Can I describe the weather? Write your weather forecast underneath.

Extra challenge: Can you add some negative sentences? Remember, we add ne ….. pas round the verb to make a negative. For example, you could say. A Nîmes, il fait chaud. Il ne fait pas froid or il n’y a pas de vent. In Nimes, it is hot. It is not cold or it is not windy. (note: du changes to de after a negative) Have a go!

This work would be even better if you could make a video of yourself ‘performing’ (or just reading) your weather forecast and put it on Seesaw. You might like to dress up as a TV presenter – comedy outfits appreciated!

Bonne chance!



Can I write a prayer of unity?


Jesus often spoke to his disciples about the importance of unity among them.  He gave them the model of the unity between himself and God the Father.

Attached at the bottom is a passage from John 17: 11, 20-23 which is a prayer to the disciples of how they could be more effective if there was unity among them.

  • From the passage, what were your favourite words and phrases and why?
  • What can you learn from this Gospel reading?

Your task is to create your own prayer of unity that we could read out in school (when everyone returns). What message would you like in your unity prayer? Will you ask the Lord for more unity or will you name how we can be more united in your prayer?

Only as guidance, you may wish to start your prayer with:

Lord / Dear Lord / O Lord God / Father

And possibly end with:


(For how long your prayer has to be: short medium or long, I do not mind)



Sumdog – Three challenges:


  1. Fluency in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and.9x tables               (200 target by Sunday)
  2. Multiply by 10, 100 and two digit numbers       (200 target by Sunday)
  3. Spellings -ture / -sure                                           (45 target by Friday)



Congratulations for making it to the end of Wednesday!


Year 2 Home Learning - 10th February 2021

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:12pm

Wednesday 9th February

Good morning.

We hope you had a great day of learning yesterday. We are now half way through the week and we are very proud of your fabulous learning at home – keep it up. We loved reading your some of your interesting newspaper headlines on Seesaw. We can’t wait to read you newspaper articles today.  

We know that Year 2 love to dance! Make sure you watch the video on the class gallery where Mr Mears will teach us our routine. We hope to see everyone take part in school and at home. Try and practise every day and send in a 10 second video via Seesaw, no later than 12 noon on Thursday, so that we can include it in the whole school video!

Have a go at this breathing exercise before you start your learning today. Miss Bennison and Mr Ingram love this one!


Here are your Wednesday facts to start your day:

  • Elephants are the world’s largest land animal.
  • The Romans didn’t spend all their time fighting – they were amazing architects and engineers too!
  • Rainforests cover about 6% of the Earth‘s land surface.




It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - What do you think will happen next in the story? Use this formula to record your thoughts….

Text clue + background knowledge = What I think will happen.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS




Mr Ingram has been counting back in threes. Can you spot and correct my mistake on the number track.

Using a number line to 30 could help you solve the answer to the question.

Number facts – Subtraction bonds

Write out all your subtraction bonds from 10. Now write all your subtraction bonds from 20. Compare the 2 sets of numbers. Do you notice a pattern?

Times Tables

3 Times Tables – Listen to this 3 times table song: 3 times table song

Play hit the button and select 3 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 3 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 3 times tables up to 12, in your home learning journal?


Can I count the vertices of 2D shapes?

Today we are going to focus on counting the vertices of 2D shapes. Please follow the link here and have a go at the worksheets attached to this blog. We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.


Optional activity – Draw the shape game


Sumdog challenges

Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Shapes

Spellings – Nouns with the suffix -ness



Please see the attached English lesson for more details.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be looking at changing adjectives to nouns by adding the suffix -ness.


-ness is one of a number of noun suffixes. It is used to make nouns from adjectives, although not every adjective can be modified in this way. Here are some common adjectives whose noun forms are made by adding -ness:


But remember, some are trickier!

When the word ends in a consonant and a y, we need to change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ then add –ness



Please note - Not all adjectives can be made into nouns using "-ness." Typically, if an adjective is in its -er or -est form, "-ness" cannot be added: higher and highest cannot become higherness or highestness.


Please see the attached ‘Jumbled Words’ activity. All the nouns with -ness have been jumbled up. Can you work out the word and then place it in the correct sentence?



Please see today’s announcement on Seesaw for our ‘Underwater Dance’ lesson and follow the link to access the song - Underwater Song.


Before you start today’s PE session make sure you do a warm-up activity. Warming up before a PE lesson is not only beneficial to protect the muscles and the joints, it also helps to gradually increase our heart rates and circulation, which will increase the blood flow to the muscles. 

Warm-up game – Jumping bean


MOVEMENT – ‘We need to move like different animals in the sea’

Create some movements for the following animals:

-           Crab

-           Jellyfish

-           Stingray

-           Whale


Repeat these actions in this order until you can start to remember them.


CHOREOGRAPHY – Put the movements together using the song for timing.



“under the water” – Students can bend knees and move arms down and scoop up to indicate ‘under’.

“under the sea” – students to stand still and wave arms from side to side.

“lots and lots of fishys swimin’ ‘round me” – Students to do their fish action.


PRACTICE – Make sure you keep practicing the song over and over until you can perfect each dance move.


We would love to see some of your final performance on Seesaw.


There is a PSHE worksheet attached to the blog all about exploring different types of feelings. It would be great if you could complete it at some point this week. 

Exploring our feelings and emotions is something that's really important during the time at home and it is important to talk through them with an adult. 

Please send a picture of your worksheet on SeeSaw.


Additional Art Activities

Please see the document below. 


We are half way through the week year 2. Keep up all your hard work, we are very proud of you all.


Year 2 team.

HOME LEARNING Wednesday 10th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 4:24pm


Year 4

Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  Welcome to Wednesday’s Home Learning.  I hope you are all well and staying positive.  Remember to keep practising the dance routine – I’m looking forward to seeing your videos on Seesaw.  Click on the link here to see the dance video again.



Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Draw and label a picture of one of the characters.  Include information about what they look like, what they like to wear and their personality.



These are your new spellings which will be tested on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 (when we come back to school after half-term).  They are another set of homophones.  Homophones are words which sound the same but are spelt differently.

him      hymn       new         knew      mist         missed         heel       heal

side     sighed     piece      peace     rain           rein              reign 

Write the long date Wednesday 10th February 2021

Practise each of the words using look, cover, write, check.

Choose some of the homophones and write your own sentences using them correctly.

For example, piece and peace

The piece of paper was torn in half.

Her parents wanted some peace and quiet.



A video will be uploaded to Seesaw on Wednesday morning.  Please watch the video and practise your handwriting in your Home Learning book.

Write the long date Wednesday 10th February 2021

Write the title Handwriting



Today, please re-read page 89, from ‘A storm broke over the island that night …..’ to page 90 ‘There could be no fire now until it had dried out.’  An audio recording will be uploaded to Seesaw on Wednesday morning.

Please open the document called ‘English Descriptive Writing’ attached to the blog for today’s task.

Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 2, 4 and 8 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 11th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷12.



Count in 10’s from 1940 to 2090 and back again.  Count in 10’s from 85 to 225 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what patterns do you notice?

Please count in 8’s from 0 to 96 and back again. Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Now count in 8’s from 100 to 196 and back again. Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice now?



Click here to play Daily 10.

Click on play game. Choose Level 3, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 100.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.   Remember to write the answers down and to make jottings!

Eg Half 134                 Partition into 100    30     4

Half 100 = 50     Half 30 = 15       Half 4 = 2        50 + 15 + 2 = 67

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to extend our learning using the formal written method of multiplication. This will build on the work you completed on Monday.

Write the short date 10.02.21

Write the learning objective Can I use the grid method to multiply a 3d number by a 1d number?

Please watch the video which will be uploaded to Seesaw on Wednesday morning. This video will explain how to multiply a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number.

Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Multiplication 3d x 1d’ attached to the blog.

Complete the worksheet and answer the questions in your Home Learning book.  You must use the grid method as this is the strategy we are practising today!


Check your answers with the document ‘Multiplication answers’ attached to the blog.  Look carefully at any questions you got wrong and try to find where you made the error. Was it your multiplication or your addition which you found tricky?  Write a note on your work to explain what you found tricky today.



First let’s recap the phonics sounds from the week before last by watching the video again. This week, you are going to try and write down the number and colour words that contain the sounds.

Before you start, write the date and learning objective in your book:

mardi dix février

Can I use phonics to help me spell French words?

Then write each of the phonic sounds, leaving space underneath each to write down the words that have the sound in. Spread them out on your page. The sounds are:

Ou                 eu                an                oi                 in/un            i                   on

Now listen to Emilie again, pausing the video when she asks you to think of the numbers and colours that have that sound in. You have a go at writing the words under the right sound then start the video again to check your spelling. Please correct it if you make a mistake. Mistakes are fine! They help us to learn.

Key French sounds - C'est Emilie

Can you add any more words you know to each list? What about any day of the week? Some animals - un lapin? Some fruit – une poire?

Now we are going to learn how to describe where things are in a picture. Click on this link. Then click on lesson 15 with audio and work through the Powerpoint.

In your book, on a new page, put the learning objective:

Can I describe where things are?

Copy slide 8 adding the words in the correct place. See if you can get ‘au centre de’ in the centre of your picture rather than where they’ve put it!

We are working towards doing a piece of artwork then describing it. That’s why you’ll need these words. Merci beaucoup! A bientôt!



Watch the clips below and follow the instructions on the cards.

Games Skills – Climb the ladder

Climb the ladder card

Climb the ladder video

Gymnastics – Jumping Dice

Jumping Dice card

Jumping Dice video


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 4 and 8 times tables)
  • A maths challenge to practise counting in multiples of 4, 5 and 8
  • A spelling challenge based on this week’s new homophone spellings

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  It is important that you practise these skills as they are invaluable in helping you to learn your number facts and multiplication and division facts.  In addition, they will enable you to calculate accurately and at speed when working mentally.

Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 9th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 3:42pm

Tuesday 9th February 2021


Good morning Year 6. It is Tuesday – I see this as only three more ‘get-ups’ or two, if you can finish all your work by Thursday, so keep working hard Year 6! Do not forget that this week is Dance Week with the link for our school’s video here, Dance Week Video. If you would like to be on our school’s music video, send me a video of you dancing (just 10 seconds) through Seesaw by Thursday lunch time. Happy dancing!

Here are today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Make a dictionary containing 10 difficult word from the text.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

Two Little Dicky Birds

Two little dicky birds

Sitting on the wall,

One named Peter

One named Paul

Fly away Peter,

Fly away Paul;

Come back Peter.

Come back Paul.


The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

    • I have sent a Seesaw video (Spellings task) which explains the ‘Window Game’ task to complete.


Writing task

Can I write a play script between Tom and Mrs Bartholomew?

Read chapter 25 and 26 – A video has been sent through Seesaw.

The link for the BBC website I mention in the video is here, BBC Bitesize write a play

Please watch the video sent through on Seesaw which explains how to use the play script WAGOLL (which I have attached as a photo), the BBC Bitesize website and the success criteria.


MathsFractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in ¼ then ¾ .

7, 13, 25 ½ , 37, 55 ¼

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use partitioning to solve TU x U and HTU x U mentally?

There is a Seesaw video for today’s lesson which will help in answering ‘Multiplication Partitioning’ and the challenge ‘Decimals’.



Today we are going to look at Inheritance and Variation.

Inheritance means the passing of characteristics from one generation to the next.

Variation means that offspring will have many different characteristics to their parents. Some variations are more advantageous than others.

Remember the blackbirds last week? The white blackbird would be easier for predators to see so this would be a disadvantageous variation. This characteristic is unlikely to be passed on to its offspring because it might not live long enough to have any babies.

  1. Add these words to your glossary from lesson 1.
  2. Something to consider to start with: What if all humans looked the same? Click this link and add your thoughts to the padlet page. + means the good things,  - means the bad things and you can add your interesting thoughts in the last column.


We will all be able to see each other’s ideas!

  1. Living things produce offspring of the same kind but offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. Do people ever say you look like your Mum or your Dad or another family member? Have you inherited any of their mannerisms?  One of the characteristics that is inherited in humans is whether your ear lobes are attached fully or partially to your head. Are your ear lobes attached? Check with your parents whose you have inherited. Can you roll your tongue? This is another inherited characteristic.
  2. Have a look at the photo of the Cambridge family below.

What characteristics have been inherited from each parent?  Are any of the children identical to either parent? Who looks more like whom, would you say?

  1. You’re going to have a go at being dog breeders now. Find the resource, Variation: Breeding Dogs below. If the corgi and the greyhound were the parents, what might their puppies look like? Which characteristics might the puppies inherit?  How many variations can you make? You can either draw them or print out 2 copies and make 4 different dogs.

 Put today’s date and the learning objective:

Can I explain inheritance and variation?

Draw or stick the dogs in your book. Write a paragraph to explain what you have learnt today about inheritance and variation. You could start by explaining what the words mean in your own words.

  1. Finally, have a go at the end of unit quiz below. This will help you recap all the things we have learnt over the last 6 weeks.

Well done, Year 6. We have reached the end of our topic on Evolution and Inheritance. You have worked as excellent biologists! Next half term, we will move on to a new topic.



Well done. Another day completed!


Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 3:24pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good day on Monday.

We had quite a debate in History about which of the Ancient Egyptian achievements was the most important. We agreed on two in the end – creating their own language and building the pyramids and houses without the machinery and technology we have today. 

Well done all of your hard work, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw. Today Ms Hodson would love to hear some of you reading on Seesaw – so please send a short video if you can.


Tuesday 9th February 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and pause where there is a full stop or comma. Ms Hodson would love it if you could record yourself reading your favourite part of your book and send it on Seesaw.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are some of the words which you need to know by the end of Year 3.

Read them out loud.

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear

You will be tested on these spellings on Tuesday 23rd February after Half Term. We have this week to practise them and the Monday after Half Term, you don’t need to worry about them during the holidays.


Write the long date: Tuesday 9th February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Chunks

Write out your spellings in chunks you can remember, sometimes you can find words within your words. Last week we spotted the word pet in competition.

Here is an example:




Follow the video on Seesaw to practise your handwriting.




Read pages 252 - 260 of Mr Stink attached to this blog.

I would like you to imagine that you are Chloe. You are going to write Mr Stink a thank you letter that he can keep with him wherever he wanders.


Long date: Tuesday 9th February 2021

Title: Can I write a letter?


Here are some ideas to start each paragraph. Try to write at least 3 sentences for each paragraph with different memories and things that Chloe is thankful for:

Dear Mr Stink,

I am writing this letter to you so that …

First of all, I want to say a massive thank you for everything you have done for me. You have…

I will always remember our time together; we had some laughs! I remember when …

I hope that you and Duchess have a great time on your next adventure, and I hope …

Thanks again,

Love from Chloe



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops (places and names need capital letters)

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Using words from the Mr Stink book

Using commas and exclamation marks


Times tables

This week we are going to practise division facts for the tables we know.

Play on Hit The Button three times.

Click on division facts.

Click on ÷2.

It might help to write out your 2x tables before you play.

Try to improve your score each time.





Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 20s:

From 0 to 300.

From 22 to 122.

From 10 to 110.




Today you are going to answer some arithmetic questions.

There are two videos on Seesaw which will help you with questions 25 and 26, you can also watch previous videos if you need a reminder.


Don’t forget to use a number line to help with question 24.

Don’t forget to use a grid to help with questions 19 and 23.

Don’t forget to look for number bonds to help with question 21.


After watching the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete the questions.

After 20 minutes, check your answers yourself and then use the answer sheet to check.



Complete the Science lesson attached to this blog, it is all about transparent, translucent and opaque objects and materials.  



Have another practice of the dance:


Remember I will be asking for a short video of the dance by Thursday.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a recording of yourself reading.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.

Lexie has already completed the times tables challenge - wow!

Lexie, George and Madeline have already completed the number challenge - amazing! 

Don’t forget to collect a yellow dictionary from the school office when you can.



Have a super day J I am so proud of each and every one of you! Please send me a video of yourself reading out loud on Seesaw.  


HOME LEARNING Tuesday 9th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 3:22pm

Year 4

Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  Welcome to Tuesday’s learning.  I hope you enjoyed finding out some of the ways in which the Romans changed Britain yesterday. It’s amazing that some Roman ideas, words and numbers are still used today!  

Remember it’s dance week at St Oswald’s! Click on the link here to see the video. I’m looking forward to seeing your videos uploaded to Seesaw later on in the week.  Please send them to us before 12 noon on Thursday!



Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Predict what you think is going to happen in the next chapter. 



These are your new spellings which will be tested on Tuesday 23rd February 2021 (when we come back to school after half-term).  They are another set of homophones.  Homophones are words which sound the same but are spelt differently.

him      hymn       new         knew      mist         missed         heel       heal

side     sighed     piece      peace     rain           rein              reign 

Write the long date Tuesday 9th February 2021

Copy the words carefully into your book.  Find out the meanings of any words you don’t know.  Can you add any pictures or symbols to some of the words to help you remember what the different spellings mean?



Today, please read / listen to Chapter 6 of Kensuke’s Kingdom. A copy of the book is attached to the blog or you can listen to Chapter 6 by clicking here.

Please open the document called ‘English tasks’ attached to the blog for today’s activities.

Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 2, 4 and 8 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 11th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷12.



Count in 10’s from 620 to 760 and back again.  Count in 10’s from 950 to 1100 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what patterns do you notice?

Please count in 4’s from 40 to 88 and back again. Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Now count in 4’s from 80 to 124 and back again. Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice now?



Click here to play Daily 10.

We will be repeating yesterday’s halving activity.  Please try and choose a shorter time interval between questions or have a go at Level 3.

Click on play game. Choose Level 2, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 20.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.   Remember to write the answers down and to make jottings!

Eg Half 28                  Partition into 20 and 8

Half 20 = 10       Half 8 = 4      10 + 4 = 14

If you are feeling confident, have a go at Level 3, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 100.

Eg Half 134                 Partition into 100    30     4

Half 100 = 50     Half 30 = 15       Half 4 = 2        50 + 15 + 2 = 67

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to practise our mental maths strategies and complete an arithmetic test.

Make sure you have everything you need before you start:

  • A pencil and a ruler
  • Your Home Learning book OR a printed copy of the arithmetic test (attached to the blog)
  • A 20 minute timer
  • The arithmetic answers (to check your answers afterwards. These are attached to the blog)

Please make sure that you make jottings / show your working out – this is important as it helps to find any errors (if you make them!).  Try and complete the test independently and CHECK EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS CAREFULLY before you look at the answer sheet.  Remember, it doesn’t matter if you get an answer wrong, the most important thing is to find your mistake.

Before you start, please watch the video on Seesaw which will explain a couple of strategies.  This will be uploaded on Tuesday morning.

Good luck!


Please post your work on Seesaw so that I can see how you got on!



When you go to a film or watch a TV programme, it will begin with a title and a theme tune as an introduction to show that it is about to begin. The start of the Eucharist (Mass) is the same.

The start of the Eucharist has an introduction to prepare people for what is about to happen. Normally, the Sunday Eucharist will begin with a hymn, which may include something about the theme of that Mass or about people gathering. As this is sung, the priest and the servers walk in procession through the church towards the altar.

The priest kisses the altar first because it is a symbol of Christ. It is with Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit that the Church offers the Eucharist to God, the Father. The priest represents Christ and everyone at the Eucharist has their own part to take in the celebration. When the hymn is finished, the priest faces the people and makes the Sign of the Cross. The Eucharist has begun, the people gather in the name of the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit in a similar way to the way we gather for Collective Worship.

Write the long date Tuesday 9th February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I describe what happens during certain parts of the Mass?

  • Answer the following questions in your Home Learning book. Please answer in FULL SENTENCES and copy words correctly, such as Eucharist.


  1. Why do you think it is necessary to have an introduction at the beginning of the Eucharist?
  2. What is carried in the procession at the start of the Eucharist and why do you think these symbols are used?
  3. Why does the priest kiss the altar?
  4. Who does the priest represent?
  5. What does the Sign of the Cross signify at the start of the Eucharist?



  • Listen to John Burland’s hymn 'Gather together'. Write an additional verse to the hymn and explain your choice of words.



Gather together                                            Verse 1: Share with each other

Gather together                                           

Gather together and celebrate                       Verse 2: Sing with each other

Gather together                                           

Gather together                                            Verse 3: Pray with each other

Gather together and celebrate



Please click here for the last music lesson in this unit.  Today you will be composing and performing your body percussion piece.

Please also complete the ‘Mind Music activity’ attached to the blog. 

Perhaps you would like to send a video on Seesaw.


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 4 and 8 times tables)
  • A maths challenge to practise counting in multiples of 4, 5 and 8
  • A spelling challenge based on this week’s new homophone spellings

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  It is important that you practise these skills as they are invaluable in helping you to learn your number facts and multiplication and division facts.  In addition, they will enable you to calculate accurately and at speed when working mentally.

Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Year 2 Home Learning - 9th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 2:45pm

Tuesday 8th February

Good morning.

Well done on all your brilliant learning yesterday. We love seeing your work up on SeeSaw so please keep sending it.

This week we are celebrating Dance Week with a whole school dance project. Mr Mears will teach us our routine and we hope to see everyone take part in school and at home. You can find the video on the gallery section of the class blog or click the link here. Try and practise every day and send in a 10 second video via Seesaw, no later than 12 noon on Thursday, so that we can include it in the whole school video!

Have a go at this breathing exercise before you start your learning today.


Here are your Tuesday facts to start your day:

  • The sunset on Mars appears blue.
  • Polar bears also have black skin under their glistening coat, which helps them soak up the Sun’s rays and keep warm.
  • There are three different species of elephant – the African Savannah elephant, the African Forest elephant and the Asian elephant.




It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - Find 5 words that you are not sure how to say or what they mean. If you already know what they mean, find 5 more that others will find tricky.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS




What do you notice about the numbers that are circled? Can you complete the sequences?


Can you explain any pattern to a parent? What is the same and what is different?

Number facts

Write out all your number bonds to 10. Now write all your number bonds to 100. Compare the 2 sets of numbers. Do you notice a pattern?

Times Tables

3 Times Tables – Listen to this 3 times table song: 3 times table song

Play hit the button and select 3 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 3 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 3 times tables up to 12, in your home learning journal?


Can I count the sides of 2D shapes?

Today we are going to focus on counting the sides of 2D shapes. Please follow the link here and have a go at the worksheets attached to this blog. We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.


Sumdog challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Shapes

Spellings – Nouns with the suffix -ness



Please see the attached English lesson for more details.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be looking at changing adjectives to nouns by adding the suffix -ness.


-ness is one of a number of noun suffixes. It is used to make nouns from adjectives, although not every adjective can be modified in this way. Here are some common adjectives whose noun forms are made by adding -ness:


But remember, some are trickier!

When the word ends in a consonant and a y, we need to change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ then add –ness



Please note - Not all adjectives can be made into nouns using "-ness." Typically, if an adjective is in its -er or -est form, "-ness" cannot be added: higher and highest cannot become higherness or highestness.


As we have seen, some nouns can be formed by adding the suffix -ness to adjectives. Please see the attached word search. The word search is hiding nouns formed using -ness, but the words at the bottom of the sheet are the adjectives. Can you turn the adjectives into nouns by adding -ness, then find the nouns in the word search?



Here’s a song to start to recap the names of some animals.


Today we are going to play some games using the farm animals words we practised the week before last.


This link takes you to a lesson. Click start the tutorial to recap the words then there are 3 games which get progressively harder – yes/no, either/or then what is it?

If you’d like to do some more, click on the games tab at the top and choose a game to work on the same words.  Sow and Grow is very straightforward.

Here’s Old MacDonald again – slow the playback speed down to 0.5 at first. Try to join in, then speed it up to 0.75. Can you still keep up?


Très bien! Merci beaucoup. A bientôt!




For music this week please click on the link below. Attached on the blog is also a worksheet to complete for this lesson.


Additional Art Activities – See uploaded ideas.


We hope you have a fantastic week of home learning.


Year 2 team.

Year 1 Home Learning Friday 12th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 11:25am

Fabulous Friday!

Image result for sun gif

Wow Year 1, you've made it to the end of another week of great learning! It's now time for another Fabulous Friday!

Fridays are a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to...

Read.Pick a favourite book to read again. Talk about why you like it so much.


Image result for reading gif


Finish off any learning from earlier in the week.

You could perform your own show of Little Red Riding Hood. All the songs are here.

I love red song.

Wolfie blues song.

Let's make a cake for grandma song.

Stay on the path song.

Wolfie went a-walking song.

What big eyes you've got song.

The big bad wolf has gone song.

Image result for red riding hood cartoon gif


For your number game today, we are playing Make 31.

In the instructions it asks you to place counters on the board but you can easily play by circling or crossing out the numbers. Use drawings or objects to add your numbers together. Good luck.

Image result for rainbow gif

Have a lovely half term holiday!


Reception 9th February Home Learning

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 11:17am

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Here is your learning for today.  

It is Dance Week – Remember to learn the dance on the Reception Class Gallery and send the video to us before Thursday dinner time. 😊



  • Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. 😊

Can you play 'Humpty Word Pairs' or 'Snap' this week?

Can you use your finger, or a lollipop stick to follow the words in your story?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading book.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. (It is important for Reception to consolidate their sound recognition for all of the sounds - therefore this week we will not be learning any new sounds.)

Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo

Can you hear the sounds in the words and sort them?

Can you write the words?

Can you read the sentence and draw a picture to match?

See the Phonics PowerPoint for all of these activities. 

Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.

Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home

Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!


These hand exercises will help to strengthen your fingers and will help with your handwriting. 

Handwriting this week will be the letters 'Uu' ‘Vv’ ‘Ww’ ‘Xx’. – Remember to start at the top. 

See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters.  


The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like 

Can I write these words in different colours?

Can I put my humpty words into a sentence?

See how quickly you can write all your Humpty words that you have been practising at home.  Check the words.  How did you do?  Try really hard with any that may be tripping you up!

'The, to, no, I, go, into, you, he, we, she, all, they, my, her, are, me, said, was, were, be'

Do not forget to spot these words in your reading books too!


  • Story Activity - This week we are staying with the ‘The Little Red Hen'.

  It is important for your child to know the story inside out, to help them with their writing.

Can I change part of the story of the little red hen?

(See the Seesaw video for an example of this.) 


Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – Can I count out loud from 0 to 50? (In 1’s, 2’s and 5’s)

Can I count back from 25 to 0? (In 1’s)


  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 3? (See sheet attached.)

Can I talk through the number stories PowerPoint with my grown up? (View as a slideshow – Revisiting addition and subtraction questions.)

  • Main Focus – Can I listen to the ‘Pattern Fish’ story again? Can I talk about all the different patterns I can see?

Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached. (Session 5 – Pattern.) 


Topic Time

  • French  Today you are going to listen to the story of the 'Little Red Hen' in French.

First, let’s try and learn the words of the animal characters with this song.

It’s about animals who have big noses! Avec un gros nez!

The animals you will need to know for the story are:

Le chat (luh sha) = the cat

Le cochon (luh coshon) = the pig

Le canard (luh canar) = the duck

La poule (la pool) = the hen

Say them a few times, adding an action to help you remember each one.

Here’s the story of Little Red Hen en Francais. Try to follow the story from what you already know. You don’t need to understand every word.

Listen to it first, trying to pick out the names of the animals.

Now draw a cat, pig, duck and hen on four pieces of paper.

Play the story video again and ask your child to hold the right one up as the characters speak.

Can you join in with the “Pas moi!” sentence? Not me!

Merci beaucoup! A la semane prochaine. See you next week.


Reception Story Time

Get yourself a blanket and enjoy today’s story after working so hard all day. 

The story will be posted to Seesaw.


Have a lovely day Reception, we cannot wait to see your learning on Seesaw. J

Reception 8th February Home Learning

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 4:20pm

Monday 8th February 2021

We hope you have had a lovely weekend with your family.

One more week to go until half term!

We will be ringing everyone this week to see how you are getting on and catch up with any queries you may have.  

It is Dance Week – remember to learn the dance on the Reception Class Gallery and send the video to us before Thursday dinner time. 😊



  • Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. 😊

Can you play 'Humpty word pairs' or 'Snap' this week?

Can you use your finger, or a lollipop stick to follow the words in your story?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading book.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. (It is important for Reception to consolidate their sound recognition for all of the sounds - therefore this week we will not be learning any new sounds.)

Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo

Can I hear the initial sounds in the words and sort them under the correct sound? (Revisiting j,v,w,y)

Can I write a sentence about the picture? (Remember to use finger spaces, full stops, and capital letters)

Can I read the words attached?  (qu, long oo and short oo words)

See the phonics powerpoint for all of these activities. 

Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.

Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home

Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!


Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter 'Tt'. – Remember to start at the top. (We say 'Down the tower, across the tower' for the lower case t.)


The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like 

Can I write these words in different colours?

Can I revisit all the Humpty words so far?

See how quickly you can write all your Humpty words that you have been practising at home.  Check the words.  How did you do?  Try really hard with any that may be tripping you up!

'the, to, no, I, go, into, you, he, we, she, all, they, my, her, are, me, said, was, were, be'

Do not forget to spot these words in your reading books too!


  • Story Activity - This week we are staying with the ‘The Little Red Hen'.

Let’s recap the story with our song & recapping of the story (from Thursday)   - It is important for your child to know the story inside out, to help them with their writing.

Can I read the captions?

Can I order the pictures for the story?

Can I retell the story using my pictures and actions to help?

See the attached sheet.


Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – Can I count out from 0 to 30? (in 1’s, 2’s and 5’s)


  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 2? (See sheet attached.)

Can I remember my number bonds to 5? (See sheet attached.)

  • Main Focus – Can I listen to the ‘Pattern Fish’ story? Can I talk about all the different patterns I can see?

Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached. (Session 4 – Pattern.) 


Topic Time

  • RE  This topic is all about gathering. We thought about lots of different ways we can gather last week and why is it better when we have lots of people coming together. This week we are thinking about gathering at church.

Can I have a look at the picture attached and discuss the questions?

  • PE – This week we are practising our jumping and hopping. Have a go at the following game Lilypad jumping

Remember to bend your knees before you jump and when you land.

*You can say bend, stretch, bend – to help you*

Cosmic Yoga – On the Farm 


Reception Story Time

Get yourself a blanket and enjoy today’s story after working so hard all day. 

The story will be posted to Seesaw.


Well done to all the grown-ups who are helping you at home, they are also doing an amazing job!

Thank you to you all!


Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 8th January 2021

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 2:45pm

Monday 8th February 2021


Good morning Year 6. I hope you all have had a super weekend! The weather was not too bad on Sunday so I hope you managed to get out and be active for a while. This is the last week of the half term meaning we only have 5 days left of learning to do (4 days if you finish it all by Thursday) so keep going Year 6 as you have all been brilliant so far!

Here are the tasks for today:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Write a note to your friend telling him or her a bit about the book. Explain why you think he or she should read it.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on old nursery rhymes. This week focus on having the descenders hanging low and the ascenders tall.

Ring-a-Rng o’Roses

Ring-a-ring o’roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down.

Ring-a-ring o’roses,

A pocket full of posies.

One for you, and one for me,

And one for little Moses.

A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down.



The spellings for this week, -sure / -ture

    • Have a look at this BBC Bitesize clip, -sure or -ture? to try out which would the correct spelling be for ture/sure or even er (in some words)
    • Sumdog spelling challenge starts today. 


Writing task

Can I write a letter as Peter to Tom?

Read chapter 23 and 24

A video has been sent through Seesaw explaining the task for today. The link to the BBC Bitesize lesson is here, Features of a letter.


Maths – Calculating with Fractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forwards in factions steps of 1 ½

4, 8 ½ , 19, 2 ¾ , 26 ½

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use known facts to solve multiplication problems?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, ‘Multiplication Triangles’

  1. Maths challenge Triangles – on the same video with the challenge and answers on the same sheet.





As mentioned on Friday, this week is our Dance Week with no better way to celebrate it than to learn a new dance routine that the whole school can perform in.


Follow this link, Dance Week, and practise it as much as you want. It would be great if you could send a short 10 second clip through Seesaw of you dancing any part of the song. Then we will put everyone’s clips together to create a whole school video.


Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Fluency in 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9x tables                  (200 target)
    2. Multiply by 10, 100 and two digit numbers    (200 target)
    3. Spellings -sure / -ture                                            (45 target)



Well done. You have now completed the last Monday of this half term! 4 days left!


Year 3 Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 12:47pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a lovely weekend with your family and are looking forward to another fun week ahead.


Monday 8th February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about what you have read so far.



Write the long date: Monday 8th February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test  


Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice.

  1. station
  2. fiction
  3. motion
  4. nation
  5. education
  6. action
  7. injection
  8. caption
  9. fraction
  10. competition

Bonus question: 11. careless



You are going to be writing a story about a baby animal. There is an example story to give you ideas, you just need to change parts to make it your own.

Please download the writing task PowerPoint and turn the sound on, the PowerPoint will explain the task.

If you want to, you can draw a picture to go with your story.

Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for perfect spelling and capital letters.



Times tables

Write the short date: 08.02.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your 4x tables in a mixed up order.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 89 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 2s:

From 0 to 30.

Back from 30 to 0.

From 234 to 254.

From 1 to 31.




Today you are going to have some more practice with adding, it might be helpful to think about or watch the video again on Seesaw from last week about bridging ten.

Then watch this video, pause where you need to.



Complete the worksheet and then use the answers to check. You can draw empty number lines or base ten symbols to help with the questions if you want to.



Today you are going to be looking at some of the great achievements of the ancient Egyptians.

Watch this video and see if you can spot anything amazing that the ancient Egyptians did:

Ancient Egypt video 

Even though they lived thousands of years ago, they managed to do some very impressive things! They built the pyramids at around the same time that Stone Henge was built in Britain.

More informatian and your task are on the PowerPoint attached.



This week we are celebrating Dance Week with a whole school dance project. Mr Mears will teach us our routine (see video) and we hope to see everyone take part in school and at home.


Have a practice of the dance in preparation for making a short video later in the week. I will be asking you to have a little practice each day. By Thursday, you can send your dance videos to your class Seesaw (through the inbox). 10 seconds per child is more than enough footage as we will be using these clips to create a whole school video.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. The new challenges start on Monday.

Don’t forget to collect a yellow dictionary from the school office when you can.



Have a wonderful day J start the week with lots of smiles, always take the time to do something that makes you feel happy! Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.


HOME LEARNING Monday 8th February 2021

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 10:40am

Year 4

Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  I hope you had a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend.  Welcome to our last week of Home Learning before we break up for February half term.  I can’t believe that we have been Home Learning for nearly 6 weeks.  I know things may be tricky, but keep doing what you can, to the best of your ability.  

Remember it’s dance week at St Oswald’s! Click on the link here to see the video. Try and practise every day and send in a 10 second video via Seesaw, no later than 12 noon on Thursday, so that we can include it in the whole school video!

I have left some yellow dictionaries at the school office - these are the same dictionaries that we use in school.  Feel free to pick a dictionary up to use at home, you can then make sure your spellings are perfect in your writing.



Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Write 5 questions about the chapter you have just read for another reader to answer.  Make sure they start with a capital letter and end with a question mark.


Why did the boy ……. even though …….?

What happened after …….?          What happened before ……?

What does the word …….. suggest about the character / mood / setting?

Which character ………?

How did ……. feel when ……?    How do you know?



Last week’s spellings were all homophones. Children in school will be tested on them today, therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on them.  

Write the long date Monday 8th February 2021

Write the title Spelling test and complete the test underneath.

Ask someone to read out your spellings twice, ask them to read out the sentences below so you can choose the correct homophone – you don’t need to write the sentence, just the word.

  1. Tied. The parcel was tied with string.
  2. Knight. He was a knight in shining armour.
  3. Break. Don’t break the glass!
  4. Fought. The brothers fought like cat and dog.
  5. Waist. Kensuke’s breeches hung loosely around his waist.
  6. Guest. I was a guest at a beautiful wedding.
  7. Feet. When you’re writing make sure both feet are flat on the floor.
  8. Tide. He tried to swim against the tide.
  9. Night. In the middle of the night, the owl came out to catch its prey.
  10.  Brake. The girl used the brake on her bike to slow herself down.
  11. Fort. The fort was strong and secure to stop the enemies from entering.
  12.  Waste. Don’t waste water by leaving the tap running.
  13.  Guessed. I didn’t know the answer to the question, so I guessed!
  14.  Feat. Climbing Mount Everest was a remarkable feat.

Once you’ve completed the test, check any words that you got wrong.

New spellings will be given tomorrow.



Today, please read / listen to Chapter 5 of Kensuke’s Kingdom. A copy of the book is attached to the blog or you can listen to Chapter 5 by clicking here.

Once you have read Chapter 5, open the document attached to the blog called ‘Chapter 5 activity’. Read the instructions carefully and complete the task in your Home Learning book.

Write the long date Monday 8th February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I retrieve information from the text?


Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 2, 4 and 8 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 11th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷12.



Count in 10’s from 0 to 140 and back again.  Count in 10’s from 450 to 610 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what patterns do you notice?

Please count in 4’s from 0 to 48 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Now count in 4’s from 100 to 148 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice now?



Click here to play Daily 10.

Click on play game. Choose Level 2, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 20.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.  You will need to write the answers down and check them at the end.

Remember to make jottings to help yourself.

Eg Half 28                  Partition into 20 and 8

Half 20 = 10       Half 8 = 4      10 + 4 = 14

If you are feeling confident, have a go at Level 3, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 100.

Eg Half 134                 Partition into 100    30     4

Half 100 = 50     Half 30 = 15       Half 4 = 2        50 + 15 + 2 = 67

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to learn how to multiply using the formal written method of multiplication.

Write the short date 08.02.21

Write the learning objective Can I use the grid method to multiply a 2d number by a 1d number?

Please watch the video which will be uploaded to Seesaw on Monday morning. This video will explain the grid method.

Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Multiplication 2d x 1d’ attached to the blog.

Complete the worksheet and answer the questions in your Home Learning book.  You must use the grid method as this is the strategy we are practising today!

Check your answers with the document ‘Multiplication answers’ attached to the blog.  Look carefully at any questions you got wrong and try to find where you made the error. Was it your multiplication or your addition which you found tricky?


History / Computing

Click on this link to take you to the BBC Bitesize page ‘How did the Romans change Britain?’

Read the information carefully and watch the videos.  

Write the long date Monday 8th February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I give examples of how the Romans changed Britain?

Please make a factfile which explains to the reader some of the ways the Romans changed Britain.  You do not have to explain all the ways Britain was changed by the Romans but choose 3 that you are especially interested in.  An example of a factfile is attached to the blog, called ‘Example factfile’. Make sure your work is bright and colourful, words are spelt correctly and it is interesting to read.

You could make your factfile in your Home Learning book, or use PowerPoint, Word or Publisher. The choice is entirely yours, but make sure your work makes sense, you use capital letters and spell words correctly, whilst also showing off your history learning. (Please do not copy word for word off the websites, please use your own words).

You can find more information by clicking here and going to the Primary Homework Help website.  Look on the left-hand side of the page for information on Roman roads, Hadrian’s Wall, Roman Numbers etc

Please share your work on Seesaw.


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 2 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 4 and 8 times tables)
  • A maths challenge to practise counting in multiples of 4, 5 and 8

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  It is important that you practise these skills as they are invaluable in helping you to learn your number facts and multiplication and division facts.  In addition, they will enable you to calculate accurately and at speed when working mentally.

New maths challenges will start after half term.

On Tuesday 9th February 2021 you can start:

  • A spelling challenge based on this week’s new homophone spellings


Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk