Our blogs

Reception 24th February Home Learning

Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 11:18am

Wednesday 24th February 2021


Here is your learning for today! J 



  • Reading – Remember to read 10 minutes each day - We would love to hear you all read this week, if you could upload a little video to Seesaw, that would be super!😊

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – 

Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or'

Can I spread the words with sound buttons out and see if I can match the words to the correct sounds? (These are the purple words from before half term.)

Can I sort the ‘or’ and ‘ar’ pictures?

Can I write the words for the pictures?

Can I play the woodland trail game?

See Activities Attached.

Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements).

All of this helps to develop co-ordination and shoulder movements, working towards better pencil control.

  • How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute?
  • Can you join in with the ‘Grandma's Glasses’ song? 

Handwriting, this week the letters are 'Yy,Zz,Aa and Bb’– Remember to start at the top. 

See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters.  If you have finished your handwriting booklet – please practise your handwriting on lined paper. 😊


The Humpty Words of the day are – they, we, all, she 

 Can you spot these words in a reading book?

Can you write the words?

Can you think of a sentence for these words? (See if you can get a couple of the words in one sentence.)

Can you write your sentence?

Today we are thinking about what do astronauts wear?

There is some more information here. https://www.spacekids.co.uk/spacesuits/

Can I try wearing a pair of gardening gloves and do a fiddly job such as a jigsaw whilst wearing them? (That’s how astronauts feel!)

Can I cut out and stick together my astronaut? (Or draw one – thinking about their special space suits.)

Can I use the labels to correctly label my astronaut?

See activity Attached.

Maths – 

Can I count back from 20 to 0?


  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 8? (See the sheet attached.)

Can I choose 2 of the home learning pattern activities to have a go at? (See attached.)


  • Main Focus – Teen Numbers

Can I watch the ordering numbers video below?

Can I complete the missing teen number activity? (See attached - You could make the given number lines with your number cards and see if your child can find the missing numbers.)

Can I use my number lines to find one more and one less than a given number? (Find the given number together, then either jump forwards or backwards along together.)


Topic Time

Science Today we are going to think about how astronauts get to space.


Can I make a balloon rocket?

You will need some string, a straw, a balloon and some sticky tape.

Watch this video to show you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMX7zgaLC0w&feature=emb_logo (Watch the video from 4minutes 30 secs.)

Can you make it go further? Uphill? Downhill? Round a corner? What works best?



Reception Story Time

Today our story is ‘Hey Ho to Mars We’ll Go’ .


We hope to see you all soon! 😊


Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021

Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 9:15am

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to your Wednesday learning. The writing you have been posting on Seesaw is fantastic and we can see you are trying hard to remember your Think Pinks. We are liking the photos of you outside in the sunshine doing some gardening and investigating plants.

Gardening GIFs | Tenor


Keep reading every day. For your challenge today choose one of your reading books and talk about what happens in the story. Use these question starters.

Who did...?  Where did...?  When did...? What happened when...?  Why did _______ happen?

Remember you can also find a huge library of eBooks at the Oxford Owl (link in the Home Learning button at the top of out class page).

Reading GIFs | Tenor


Today we will be revisiting the long E sounds and practising reading our words as well as writing them. To begin, watch the videos attached below to remind yourselves of all the E sounds.

Then tune into Seesaw for this morning's sounds learning.

Tree Icon Animation | Web & Presentation Ready | Shop Animations


Today we are going to help Scaredy Squirrel with a new Exit Plan. Now he isn't afraid of the unknown anymore, lets have a think about how he will use his emergency kit to go into The Unknown. 

Tune into Seesaw to listen to the rest of the story and your learning introduction.

Mélanie Watts | Guybrarian



Tune into Seesaw for your handwriting practice today. You will need a pencil and some lined paper.

Writing books are available from the school office.

Elephants Seesaw GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


Counting.Play a game of Saucer Spotter .Click here. Choose different numbers to start counting from. Count in 1s,2s and 5s.

Number Facts. See how quickly you can recall your number facts for 5.Write the numbers from 0 to 5 on pieces of paper. Turn them over .Pick one piece of paper, turn it over and say the corresponding number to make 5.

Main Focus. Measuring length Click here for the video.

Take care when recording your answers on the sheets that your numbers are formed correctly.


Here’s a song to welcome you back to French learning. Click here.

Now we’re going to recap the names of some fruits with this song.Click here.

Here are the fruit words (pronunciation in brackets):

une pomme (oon pom) – an apple; Une banane (oon banan) – a banana; un orange ( un oronj) – an orange; une poire (oon pwar) – a pear; une fraise (oon frez) – a strawberry; un ananas (un anana) – a pineapple.

Here’s a game to practise the fruit words. Collect some pieces of fruit or draw some on bits of paper.

One of you puts a hat on and the other balances a piece of fruit or a picture on the hat without the hat wearer seeing what it is. The one wearing the hat has to guess what kind of fruit it is – in French of course!

See if you can ask for your fruit in French this week. Une pomme, s’il te plait. (oon pom seel tuh play).

Merci beaucoup. A bientot. See you soon!

Animation — Piper Storer


Today you are exploring different ways to use your voice. Click here.

Fairtrade Fortnight.

This week and next week we are thinking about Fairtrade.Fairtrade is a way of buying and selling products that allows the farmers to be paid a fair price for their produce.

Your Fairtrade challenge for this week

Cocoa trees grow in countries with
tropical climates.
Find out what fruit trees grow in the UK.
With an adult, make a plan to grow your own!

Coffee Time Hug Sticker by Fairtrade America for iOS & Android | GIPHY

HOME LEARNING Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 3:45pm

Year 4

Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  Welcome to Tuesday’s learning.  Thank you for all the work you uploaded to Seesaw yesterday – it was great to see you all back and you continue to impress me with your learning at home.  Well done Year 4 – you really are fabulous! 



Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Can you describe your favourite character from the book? Explain why you like them and what it is about them that interests you.  Provide information about what they wear, what they look like and what their personality is like.

Remember, if you need any new reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.



Our last set of spellings were all homophones. Children in school will be tested on them today, therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on them.

Write the long date Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the title Spelling test and complete the test underneath.

Ask someone to read out your spellings twice, ask them to read out the sentences below so you can choose the correct homophone – you don’t need to write the sentences, just the word.

  1. New. The new boy in the class had moved from Scotland.
  2. Mist. Mist prevented us from seeing where we were going.
  3. Heel. She dug her heel into the ground.
  4. Side. I rolled from my back onto my side.
  5. Piece.  She offered me a large piece of cake.
  6. Rain.  The sound of the rain on the roof was soothing.
  7. Him.  I saw him running in the woods.
  8. Knew. Jenny knew her mum wanted a scarf for Christmas.
  9. Missed.  The striker missed the goal!
  10.   Heal. The wound had begun to heal.
  11.  Sighed.  She sighed deeply as she was disappointed.
  12.  Rein. Billy had the horse on a long rein.
  13.  Peace. We said a prayer for world peace.
  14.  Hymn.  My favourite hymn is All Things Bright and Beautiful.
  15.  Reign.  How long did Queen Victoria reign for?

New spellings will be given tomorrow.



Today, please re-read / listen to Chapter 7 of Kensuke’s Kingdom. A copy of the book is attached to the blog or you can listen to Chapter 7 by clicking here.

Make sure you look up any words if you are unsure of their meaning. Try and work out the meaning of the word from the sentence before you look it up in a dictionary.

Write the long date Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I answer questions about a text?

Open the document attached to the blog called ‘Chapter 7 questions’.  You may either print the document or answer the questions directly into your Home Learning Book.

Some answers are given, but these are only suggestions and you may come up with other ideas.  Please do not look at the answers until you have attempted all the questions.

Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 25th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on a mixture of 3 and 6 times tables.



Count in 5’s from 0 to 60 and back again.  Count in 5’s from 85 to 140 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what patterns do you notice?

Please count in 50’s from 0 to 600 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Now count in 50’s from 850 to 1400 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice now?

What is the relationship between 5 and 50?



Click here to play Daily 10.

Click on play game. Choose Level 3, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 500.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.  These are quite tricky so make sure you give yourself enough time to work them out!

Remember to make jottings to help yourself.

Eg Half 678                  Partition into 600     70      and     8

Half 600 = 300       Half 70 = 35      Half 8 = 4      300 + 35 + 4 = 339

(You could further partition 70 into 60 and 10.  Half 60 = 30   Half 10 = 5   30 + 5 = 35)

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to practise our mental maths strategies and complete an arithmetic test.

Make sure you have everything you need before you start:

  • A pencil and a ruler
  • Your Home Learning book OR a printed copy of the arithmetic test (attached to the blog)
  • A 20 minute timer
  • The arithmetic answers (to check your answers afterwards. These are attached to the blog)

Please make sure that you make jottings / show your working out – this is important as it helps to find any errors (if you make them!).  Try and complete the test independently and CHECK EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS CAREFULLY before you look at the answer sheet.  Remember, it doesn’t matter if you get an answer wrong, the most important thing is to find your mistake.

Before you start, please watch the video on Seesaw which will explain a couple of strategies.  This will be uploaded on Tuesday morning.

Good luck!


Please post your work on Seesaw so that I can see how you got on!




When people gather at Mass on Sunday, they bring with them their joys and sorrows, their giving and receiving, the good they have done and those things they are sorry for.

Life is full of giving and receiving (taking) and sometimes gets out of balance. The Mass helps people to reflect on their daily lives and challenges them to try again. It gives Christians the strength and courage for this and the knowledge that they are supported in love and prayer.

Jesus understood very well how people often find it hard to love as much as they might do.

In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus explains how God loves and gives advice to us on how to love better. Read Matthew 5: 45-58 which is attached to the blog.

Write the long date Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I describe how I can apply Matthew 5: 45-58 to my daily life?

The reading tells us something about what God’s love is like.

What do you think is the most important piece of advice in this text?

Choose your favourite lines from the reading and write them in your Home Learning Book in your best handwriting.

Then, describe why you especially like these lines.  What images or thoughts do they give you? How do they make you feel? How can you apply them in your daily life? How could these words shape your life? Please write these descriptions in your book.

Decorate your work beautifully by adding pictures or patterns to your work.


Please share your beautiful work on Seesaw.



Please click here for today’s music lesson which is all about rhythm and pulse.  You will learn what rhythm is, how to represent rhythm with symbols, and perform a rhythm too.


Please send upload a video on Seesaw of one of your performances!


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 2 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables)
  • A maths challenge all about decimals – tenths

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  It is important that you practise these skills as they are invaluable in helping you to learn your number facts and multiplication and division facts.  In addition, they will enable you to calculate accurately and at speed when working mentally.

A new spelling challenge will start tomorrow.


Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 3:30pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good day on Monday. We loved all of the lessons about Mars and Space.

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw. Today I would like you to send me a photo of your science investigation and your writing.


Tuesday 23rd February 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you know about one of the characters.



Write the long date: Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test  

Write the numbers 1 to 6 down your page. Ask somebody to call out each spelling twice. If you get any wrong, practice them and then try again.

  1. decide
  2. describe
  3. different
  4. difficult
  5. disappear

Bonus question: knight. The knight defeated the dragon.



Today you are going to write your news report all about the Mars 2020 mission, yay! You already have the information you need from your work yesterday. I will be sharing some of your work from yesterday on Seesaw.

I have attached an example news report and a blank sheet you can use to write on if you want to.

Remember to include:

Headline (5 words or less)

By-line (who wrote it)

Introduction – main points


Quote – something somebody said from the video, remember inverted commas (speech marks)

Picture with a caption underneath to tell you what the picture is



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops (places and names need capital letters)

Beautiful handwriting



Times tables

Write the short date: 23.02.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out the following questions.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 55 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.

  1. 12 ÷ 2 =
  2. 24 ÷ 2 =
  3. 6 ÷ 2 =
  4. 14 ÷ 2 =
  5. 20 ÷ 2 =
  6. 4 ÷ 2 =
  7. 18 ÷ 2 =
  8. 2 ÷ 2 =
  9. 16 ÷ 2 =
  10. 10 ÷ 2 =




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February

Shape Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February




Count out loud in 3s from 0 to 36:

In a high-pitched voice

In a robot voice

In a whisper




Today you are going to answer some arithmetic questions.

There will be some videos available on Seesaw in the morning which will remind you of the strategies we use for some of the questions.

After watching the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete the questions.

After 20 minutes, check your answers yourself and then use the answer sheet to check.



There is a PowerPoint attached, read through the PowerPoint and complete the activities. There is an optional extra on the last slide, you don’t have to do it but you can if you want.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your science investigation and your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.



Have a super day! Please send me pictures of your Science and writing.

Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 2:47pm

Tuesday 23rd February 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to Tuesday. Well done and thank you to those who have started the Sumdog challenges and sent work through Seesaw. If not, remember that I am here to see any work or help in any way.

Also, thank you to those who have been working hard on their handwriting with the daily poem; I can see a huge difference in you all so keep it up. Little and often is the way to go.


Good luck with today’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Predict what might happen when you are part way through the book. Write your prediction in the form of a paragraph or bullet points.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on animals. This week focus on having every letter on the line.


Has a mouth

Like a watermelon inside.

Teeth like seeds when he yawns.

Eyes like a coal black

Old pit stack

Smouldering there.

Did he stare?

Did he glare?

He makes me afraid.

Strange worlds in his look.

And his coat

Dark as night

With bright





  • The spellings for this week, short ‘y’ sound
    • Play the Window Game that I explained in a video before half term. Just to remind you:
      • top left = copy neatly x3
      • top right = say each letter out loud x3
      • bottom left = non-dominant hand x3
      • bottom right = blind writing x3


Writing task

Can I describe Aladdin’s character and explain how it is different from the film?

Read pages 8 – 15

Watch the video sent through on Seesaw where I explain how to describe Aladdin’s personality.



MathsSubtraction Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in 1/5 and 3/5 from:

6, 9,  5 1/5,  13 2/5,  27 4/5

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use the column method to subtract?

See the video from White Rose Maths named, Subtract whole numbers for how to complete the activities.

  1. Maths challenge Missing Digits – See the Seesaw video for an explanation of the challenge with the attached sheet at the bottom of this blog.



This week something very exciting has happened in the world of Space science.

"Touchdown confirmed" - there is a new robot on Mars!

This video is an animation of how scientists planned the landing, not footage of the real thing, but it gives a really good idea of the successful landing.


Amazing, isn’t it?!

Perseverance’s mission is to look for signs of life on Mars. Scientists have to model their investigations on Earth because obviously they can’t nip to Mars. They form hypotheses (good guesses) based on what they can learn here. So, they have researched life forms on Earth that live in extreme habitats. They are called extremophiles.  There are extremophiles living in Antarctica,  in volcanic ash and lava and deep under the sea where there is total darkness. There is also life in Yellowstone park hot springs and in a river called Rio Tinto in Spain which is very acidic.

If life can exist in these extreme environments on Earth, maybe it can also exist on Mars?

Write the date and learning objective

Can I research the possibility that there is life on Mars?

Your first job is to research Extremophiles on Earth and write a paragraph explaining what you have found out.

Now use the ESA kids website to research what scientists think about the Possibility of life on Mars and write a paragraph.

ESA Kids - Life on Mars.

Use this link to find out about Perseverance and write a paragraph about its mission. Why do you think it is called Perseverance?

The Mars Rovers: Perseverance

Finally, what do you think? Will Perseverance find evidence of life on Mars?

Use the underlines words/phrases as sub headings.

Well done. Keep an eye on the news for the latest developments 211 million km away!



Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Mental subtractions                                             (200 target)
    2. Divisions for 6, 7 and 9s                                       (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘short /y/ sound’                                    (45 target)



Well done. Another day completed!


Year 2 Home Learning - 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 2:23pm

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Good morning Year 2.  

Well done for completing some wonderful pieces of work yesterday. We hope you had a happy start to the week and are looking forward to a fun day ahead. We really enjoyed starting our new story ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ and we are looking forward to see what other brilliant pieces of work you will produce this week. You are all amazing and we are very proud.

This week it is Fairtrade week so at the end of the blog there will be a different activity all about Fairtrade so please have a go at these. Today have a think about this question:

What is a ‘choice’? Discuss with a sibling or an adult.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - Today, try and record yourself reading a book and listen back to hear if you are using expression in your voice.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



Finding patterns in your numbers. Think about these things:

  • What’s happening to the numbers?
  • Can you spot the jumps between the numbers?
  • What’s happening to the tens in the number?
  • What’s happening to the ones in the number?
  • Is it a single digit number?
  • Is it a two-digit number?
  • Can you notice a change in the ones/units when you are counting?


Use a hundred square or number line to help you look at the patterns whilst you are counting.

If you want an interactive hundred square press this link.



Count in 2s from 1 to 60. Repeat this 4 times.

Write your numbers in 2s to 60 from 1. Here are some to start you off.


1    3     5     7     9     11    13    15      17      19     21      23    25     27     29     31 …………


Using the questions at the top can you write down 5 patterns that you have found?

Look at the numbers carefully to see what is happening to them.


This week our lessons focus on 3D shapes. Please watch the video on White Rose maths and complete the worksheet attached -  https://vimeo.com/514236813.


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



Can you remember the story from yesterday? What did the crayons do? Why do you think the crayons wanted to quit?

Image result for the day the crayons quit grey crayon

What would the crayons do instead?

Where do you think the crayons would go?

What would they do?

Would they go together?


Please see the attached Word document with details for today’s lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be focusing on the phoneme /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge' at the end of words.


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 26th February. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.


badge              edge                bridge              dodge              fudge

age                  huge                change            charge             village


Spelling rules for /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge'

The letter j is never used at the end of words.

The spelling -dge is used straight after short vowel sounds. Example: badge

Use –ge in words with all other vowel sounds and short vowel words that

have a consonant sound before the /j/ sound. Examples: cage, fringe


In other positions in the words, it is spelt g before e, i and y. Examples: giraffe, Germany, gymnastics

It is spelt j before a, o and u. Examples: January, job, jump


Please work through today’s PowerPoint presentation which gives a talks through this weeks spelling rule.

Show You Know – Show that you know the spelling rule by completing the activity below.

Directions: Write “-ge” or “-dge” on the line to spell a word. Write the word out in full.



Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – 3D Shapes

Spellings – /j/ spelt -ge and -dge 


Last Wednesday (17th February) was Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. Lent lasts for 40 days. During Lent we prepare for Easter. We remember that Jesus died for us on the cross and rose again.

Christians prepare for lent either by praying, fasting or spreading kindness. When we take part in Lent, we grow in love of God and other people.


For your lesson today, please write your Lenten Promise on the cross which is attached to the blog. You can decorate around your promise but try not colour over your writing.


Your promise should be ‘how you can be a better person’. Here are some ideas:


I promise to play nicely with my brothers and sisters.

I promise to make my bed every morning before school.

I promise to help with jobs around the house.


Your worksheets are attached on the blog.

You have a worksheet all about Lent and a cross to write your Lenten Promise.

Please take a picture of your Lenten Promise Cross and send it on SeeSaw.



This is your music lesson this week.

Please click the link to access the lesson.



Fairtrade Activity

Cocoa trees grow in countries with tropical climates.

Find out what fruit trees grow in the UK. With an adult, make a plan to grow your own!


Can you create a poster all about the fruit trees that grow in the UK?


We hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.

Year 2 team.

Reception 23rd February Home Learning

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 11:55am

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

A fabulous start to your home learning Reception! It is lovely to see you all posting what you got up to in half term.



  • Reading – Remember to read 10 minutes each day - We would love to hear you all read this week, if you could upload a little video to Seesaw.😊

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – 

Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar' 

Today we are going to look at the sound 'or'.   Have a watch of Polly’s video below to find out about the sound.

Can I play the read and roll ‘or’ sound?

Can I write the oo and ar words?

Can I read and match the sentences to the pictures?  

See activities attached.

Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements).

All of this helps to develop co-ordination and shoulder movements, working towards better pencil control.

  • How many reaches to sky can you do in 1 minute? (Using one arm then the other.)
  • Can you join in with the ‘If your happy and you know it’ song? (You will need some playdough.)

Handwriting, this week the letters are 'Yy,Zz,Aa and Bb’– Remember to start at the top. 

See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all this week’s letters.  If you have finished your handwriting booklet – please practise your handwriting on lined paper. 😊


The Humpty Words of the day are – go, into, you, he 

 Can you spot these words in a reading book?

Can you write the words?

Can you think of a sentence for these words? (See if you can get a couple of the words in one sentence.)

Can you write your sentence?

Listen to our story first.

Can I draw all the things an astronaut needs to take with them to space? (Use the story to help you.)

Can I label some of the things I have drawn?

Maths – 


  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 7? (See the sheet attached.)

Can I count the dots and work out the missing numbers for my number bonds to 10? (See attached)  - Remember a number bond is two numbers that add together to make 10.


  • Main Focus – Teen Numbers

Can I order my teen numbers, using my number cards?

Watch the video below – See if you can make all the teen numbers by having a group of 10 objects and adding one more each time, just like the video.  


Topic Time

  • KUW 

Can I find out some information about one of our planets?

Can I draw a picture and write about a fact I have found?

Have a watch of the ‘What is Space’ video below the attachments.

To find out more information on your chosen planet, you might have to look through a space book or have a look online.

Here are a couple of other videos you might want to watch.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qd6nLM2QlWw&safe=active  - Planets and Space for Kids

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vb2ZXRh74WU&safe=active – Storybots


Reception Story Time

Today our story is ‘UFO Diary’ – By Satoshi Kitamura – See below.

We hope to see you all soon! 😊

Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 9:20am

Hello everyone! Welcome to your Tuesday learning. We have loved seeing all the new learning you have posted on Seesaw already. We loved reading your Scaredy Squirrel sentences and seeing all your counting in 5s learning! Keep it up.

Image result for sunshine gif


Read every single day.

For your challenge today we would like you to find as many Tricky words as you can. Can you spell these words from memory? Practise writing them. Remember you can request a new set of Tricky words from the school office.

Image result for reading pictures


Today we are revisiting our long O vowel sounds. Watch the videos below to remind yourself of the sounds and visit Seesaw for your lesson. You will need a pencil and paper.

Image result for boat gif


Well done on all your ideas from yesterday. Our favourite sentence was...

Scaredy Squirrel was afraid of the green Martians because they talk funny.

Image result for scaredy squirrel

Today we will be exploring Scaredy Squirrel's Emergency Kit and creating one of our own. Watch the video lesson on Seesaw, where we will read a little more of the story and introduce your learning.

When creating your emergency kit, think about why you need your equipment.

Scaredy squirrel needs a huge net to catch the killer bees.

He needs a whistle to distract the sharks.


     Visit Seesaw for your handwriting learning today. All you need is a pencil and some paper.

                   Image result for handwriting pictures               


Counting.Yesterday we did some counting in 5s. Pick a number from 0 to 50 which ends in 5 or 0. Count on or back from that number in 5s .Take it in turns with your grown up.

Number Facts Number facts of 5 song. Click here.

Main Focus- Measurement: Length and Height.This is a new block of learning.Today we are comparing lengths and heights.

Watch the video. Click here.

Image result for measuring gifs


The Our Father Prayer - Preparation for Communion

After the priest has said the words that Jesus used at the Last Supper, the parish family prepares to receive Jesus in Holy Communion.  As part of preparing to receive Jesus everyone prays the family prayer that Jesus gave us, the Our Father.  Explain that this is a family prayer because God is a Father to everyone and loves and cares for everyone.

Who gave us this prayer?

Why is this a family prayer?

Who says this prayer at Mass?

Say the Our Father together.


Today we are going to practise our underarm throws with a game of Battleships.

Watch the video here and follow the intructions on the activity card below.

Image result for throwing gif



Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 5:37pm

Monday 22nd February 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to the start of another week. I do hope your half term week was filled with fun, family and lots of relaxing moments. I have been keeping myself busy throughout from painting a bathroom, cleaning every room and practising a new skill for me - a handstand!

Do not forget to check Seesaw for any videos that I have sent. Here are Monday’s tasks:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Over the half term, which was your favourite book to read and why?


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on animals. This week focus on having every letter on the line.

Nature’s Numbers

One old observant owl

Two tame tickled trout

Three thirsty throated thrushes

Four fine fantailed fish

Five. Fantastically famous frogs

Six swiftly swimming salmon

Seven sweetly singing songbirds

Eight engagingly eager eels

Nine nippy and neighbourly newts

Ten tenderly tiptoeing tortoises.



The spellings for this week, short ‘y’ sound

  • The spelling sheet is attached at the bottom of this blog.
  • Sumdog spelling challenge starts today. 


Writing task

Can I analyse the new novel cover and predict the story?

Watch the video sent on Seesaw which explains today’s task.


Maths – Subtraction Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in ¼ and ¾ from:

6, 4 ¼ , 8 ½ , 36, 187

  1. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I use mental strategies to solve subtraction questions?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, ‘Mental Subtraction’

  1. Maths challenge (decimals) – explanation on the same video. The sheet is attached to ‘Mental subtraction’.




Can I problem solve to find my way across the river?

Physical Education (PE) is where we learn through moving by practising a skill and then evaluating how we moved afterwards so we can complete activities better when we try again.

In today’s task, follow the link Cross the River, which is an adventure activity using your knowledge of movements to get ‘across the river’. There is a video here, Cross the River Video, which explains how to keep yourself safe while playing.

Here are a few examples of how to make it easier or more challenging for yourself:

  • Use different number of objects
  • Use smaller objects (pieces of paper) or larger objects (cushions)
  • Have 3 lives to get across or have none
  • Have a start and finish point that is further away (moves through rooms or is outside)


As well as PE, you should also being doing PA, Physical Activity, which is where you move your body to raise your heart rate up. The weather is slowly warming up recently so whether you do an indoor physical activity (Joe Wicks, circuit training, play an active game) or outdoor physical activity (running, biking, scooting) make sure you look after yourself by keeping fit.




Sumdog – Three challenges


    1. Mental subtractions                                             (200 target)
    2. Divisions for 6, 7 and 9s                                       (200 target)
    3. Spellings ‘short /y/ sound’                                    (45 target)



Congratulations! The first Monday back is now complete.


Reception 22nd February Home Learning

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:56pm

Monday 22nd February 2021

Welcome back Reception, we hope you have had the most wonderful half term and really relaxed! This half term will we be learning all about Space, Dragons and Wizards! 😊



  • Reading – Remember to read 10 minutes each day - We would love to hear you all read this week, if you could upload a little video to Seesaw.😊

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – Please recap all the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. 

Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo 

Today we are going to look at the sound “ar” – Have a watch of Polly’s video below to find out about the sound.

Can I read and find the matching pictures? (I Spy Phonics)

Can I sort the pictures into real and silly words?

Can I write a sentence for the picture?

(See the phonics activities attached.)


Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements).

All of this helps to develop co-ordination and shoulder movements, working towards better pencil control.

Handwriting, this week the letters are 'Yy,Zz,Aa and Bb’– Remember to start at the top. 

See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all this week’s letters.  If you have finished your handwriting booklet – please practise your handwriting on lined paper. 😊


The Humpty Words of the week are – the, I, no, to 

 Can you spot these words in a reading book?

Can you write the words?

Can you think of a sentence for these words? (See if you can get a couple of the words in one sentence e.g. I went to the shop.)

Can you write your sentence?

  • Writing Activity – 

Can I draw a picture and write a sentence about my favourite thing I have done during half term?

See if you can copy and finish the sentence below.

My favourite thing I have done this half term is ____________________________.

(if you are feeling extra clever you could say why it was your favourite thing too!)

Remember when you are writing to use your sound mat to find the sounds you can hear without asking your grown up. Use your finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. There is so much to remember Reception! 😊

Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – Can I count from a different starting point than 1 to a given number, see examples below. Using your numberline to help if needed.

Can I count out loud from 5 until 30?

Can I count out loud from 7 to 23?

  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 6? (See the sheet attached.)

Can I revisit my number facts to 3 using the PowerPoint? (View in slideshow.)


  • Main Focus – This half term we are beginning to recognise our teen numbers and understand that our teen numbers are 10 and some more.

Can I watch the number blocks video? 

Can I use the numicon flash cards attached to help me recognise the amounts?

Can I match my own number cards from my resource pack to the numicon numbers?

Topic Time

  • RE – We are now in the period of Lent, which started on Ash Wednesday.

What is Lent? - BBC Bitesize – Have a watch of the video to explain what Lent is 😊

Lent is the period of six weeks (40 days not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, the most important festival in the Christian calendar.

Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week.

What is the story of Lent?

Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray before beginning his work for God. Jesus was tempted several times by Satan, but was able to resist.

Lent allows Christians to remember Jesus' fasting in the desert. It is a time of giving things up and a test of self-discipline. Some Christians just give up something they really enjoy, such as cakes or chocolate.

Activity - During Lent we make promises either to show kindness everyday to help others, to do something extra or to give up something like sweets and chocolate.

What is your promise for Lent this year?

Can I draw a picture on the leaf attached and ask my grown up to scribe on my promise?

Miss Collinson’s promise this year is to give up eating crisps and to walk 10 thousand steps everyday! 😊

Reception Story Time

See the video on Seesaw for today’s story time.


We hope to see you all soon! 😊

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:40pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a lovely half term and managed to find the time to relax and enjoy yourself. I am looking forward to a fun week of learning, I hope you are too. I am also looking forward to seeing all of your work again on Seesaw, I have missed your messages over the past week.

Please send me a photo of your writing today, I can’t wait to hear from you all again!


Monday 22nd February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about what you have read so far.



Today I would like you to have another practice of the spellings from before Half Term. You will be tested on them tomorrow.

Write the long date: Monday 22nd February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Practice

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear


Write out your spellings down your page. Get a coloured pen or pencil and draw a circle around the parts of each word that you find tricky and need to remember.

Do this two more times, so you have written each word three times.



Tomorrow you are going to write a news report all about the landing of the Perseverance Rover on the Jezero Crater on Mars. I have been very excited following the story on the news.

Below are links to two videos all about the mission, watch both videos. After, watch them again but pause and write down information that you can use tomorrow when you write your news report. I have attached a sheet with the information I would like you find out.

If you are like me, and find it all very fascinating, you can watch more videos and read news reports to find out more – just check with your parents first.


Watch this video up to 2 minutes 36 seconds.



Watch this video up to 2 minutes 9 seconds.



Be very careful with capital letters and copying spellings from the videos!


Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for perfect spelling and capital letters.

I will choose some of the really good ones to share so please let me know on Seesaw if it is OK to share your work with the rest of the class, to help them with writing their news report tomorrow.



Times tables

Tomorrow you are going to be tested on the division facts for the 2x tables.

Cut up a piece of paper so you have 12 pieces. Write the following numbers on them:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24.

Shuffle the cards and face them down in front of you, set a timer for 1 minute.

Turn over a card and divide the number by 2, say the answer out loud.

See how many you can do in 1 minute.

Play two more times, can you improve your score?



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February

Shape Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February




Count out loud in 10s:

From 12 to 122.

Back from 122 to 12.

From 214 to 354.

Back from 354 to 214.


Number Facts

Write down or tell somebody all the pairs of numbers which make 9. Try to do it as quickly as you can.

Here is an example: 1 + 8



Today you are going to be practising measuring.

Watch the video, pause where you need to.


Complete the worksheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check.

Some of the questions ask you to use a ruler, if you don’t have a ruler you can skip those questions and write out your 2x tables instead.




I would like you to make a picture of a planet. It can be of Mars, a different planet, or a made-up planet.

Draw round something circle, like a plate, to draw your planet. Decorate your planet in whatever colours and patterns you want, you can look at pictures to try to make it realistic or you can use your imagination. Decorate the sky around the planet.

The children in school will choose out of paint, felt pens, crayons, torn up scraps of paper and pencil crayons. So you can use whatever you have at home.




Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. The new challenges start on Monday.

In school  tomorrow, we are going to be using flour and cocoa powder in our Science lesson. If you want to do the lesson too you will need flour and cocoa powder. The lesson will be explained in tomorrow’s blog.



Have a wonderful day, smile lots J

HOME LEARNING Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:31pm

Year 4

Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Good morning Year 4 and welcome back.  I hope you had a relaxing half term and enjoyed spending time with your family.  There are 6 weeks until the Easter Holiday - let’s hope we are back together in school before then!  Remember to try and do your work as independently as you can and to the best of your ability.  If things feel a little overwhelming, set yourself a target and do what you can - give yourself a treat once you have reached your target. You also have Friday to catch up with some work if you need to.



Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Can you predict what you think will happen next? Give reasons why you think this will happen.



Our current spellings are all homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but are spelt differently.  These spellings will be tested tomorrow. The words are:

him      hymn       new         knew      mist         missed         heel       heal

side     sighed     piece      peace     rain           rein              reign 

Write the long date Monday 22nd February 2021

Practise each of the words using look, say, cover, write, check.  Do this 2 or 3 times so that you are confident with the spellings and meanings of each.

These words will be tested tomorrow. New spellings will be given on Wednesday.



Today, please read / listen to Chapter 7 of Kensuke’s Kingdom up to the end of pg 106 ‘… and for the time being we kept our distance from one another.’ Please do not read any further.

A copy of the book is attached to the blog and 2 audio recordings will be uploaded to Seesaw on Monday morning.

Make sure you look up any words if you are unsure of their meaning. Try and work out the meaning of the word from the sentence before you look it up in a dictionary.

Write the long date Monday 22nd February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I draw a setting using evidence from the text?

Open the document attached to the blog called ‘English task’.  You may either print the document or draw the boxes in your Home Learning Book.

Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 25th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on a mixture of 3 and 6 times tables.



Count in 2’s from 0 to 30 and back again.  Count in 2’s from 84 to 112 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what patterns do you notice?

Please count in 20’s from 0 to 300 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Now count in 20’s from 840 to 1120 and back again – can you go any further? Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice now?

What is the relationship between 2 and 20?



Click here to play Daily 10.

Click on play game. Choose Level 3, Doubles/Halves, Halves up to 250 Multiples of 10.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc. 

Remember to make jottings to help yourself.

Eg Half 250                  Partition into 200 and 50

Half 200 = 100       Half 50 = 25      100 + 25 = 125

(You could further partition 50 into 40 and 10.  Half 40 = 20   Half 10 = 5   20 + 5 = 25)

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to learn what area is.  

Write the short date 22.02.21

Write the learning objective Can I show an understanding of area?

Watch today’s teaching video here.

In the video, we are given some important words and their definitions (eg area, closed shape, < = > symbols etc) Write these down in your Home Learning Book so that you can refer back to them later on!

Open the worksheet attached to the blog called ‘What is area?’

Complete the worksheet / answer the questions in your Home Learning Book.   

Check your answers with the document ‘What is area answers’ attached to the blog.  Look carefully at any questions you got wrong and try to understand why you made the error. Without looking at any notes you made, can you write a definition of area?



Last Wednesday (17th February) was Ash Wednesday.  Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent.

Lent lasts for 40 days. During Lent, Christians prepare for Easter when Jesus suffered, died, and rose from the dead.  Christians prepare for Easter in three ways: they pray, fast (resist temptation) and do acts of kindness. By doing these things, they grow in love of God and other people.

Today, please write your Lenten Promise on the cross attached to the blog and place it where you can see it at home.  Make sure you decorate your cross beautifully too. Your promise should be something you can do to make yourself a better person. For example:

I promise not to argue with my brother or sister.

I promise to help my Mum and Dad with jobs every day.

I promise to do a kind act for someone each day.

Please share your work on Seesaw.



Today we are going to start our new geography topic - a country study of Italy.  This will link to our last history topic, Romans.. (If you remember, in our first couple of Roman history lessons, we discussed the story of Romulus and Remus and learnt how the Roman Empire grew).

Please open the document called ‘Italy’ attached to the blog for full instructions.

Please share your work on Seesaw.


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables)
  • A maths challenge all about decimals – tenths
  • A spelling challenge based on the homophone spellings you will be tested on tomorrow (a new spelling challenge will start on Wednesday)

Please make sure you log on and have a go!  It is important that you practise these skills as they are invaluable in helping you to learn your number facts and multiplication and division facts.  In addition, they will enable you to calculate accurately and at speed when working mentally.


Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Year 2 Home Learning - 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:04pm

Monday 22nd February 2021

We hope you all had a wonderful half term. We are very excited to read your Seesaw posts for this week. Remember, you have done some amazing work so far and we are very proud of everything you have achieved. Now it is time to start our home learning again and we are sure you are all ready to go. We are starting a new book in English and we will be looking at 3D shapes in Maths along with a range of different activities, so please read this post carefully. I know home learning is very different to school but you are all doing a fantastic job. Try to remain resilient and persevere with all the tasks set. Little and often is always the best policy.


Keep going, we are proud of you all!


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - I spy - Play ‘I Spy’ games. Can you find words beginning with...? Can you find a picture of a ...? How many ... can you see?


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



This half term for our maths starters we are focusing on spotting patterns whilst we are counting and when they are written down.

To find patterns it is important to think about these things:

-            What’s happening to the numbers?

-            Can you spot the jumps between the numbers?

-            What’s happening to the tens in the number?

-            What’s happening to the ones in the number?

-            Is it a single digit number?

-            Is it a two-digit number?

-            Can you notice a change in the ones/units when you are counting?


Use a hundred square to help you look at the patterns whilst you are counting. I have attached one to the blog.

If you want an interactive hundred square press this link.


Count in 2s up to 60. Repeat this 4 times.

Write your numbers in 2s to 60.


Using the questions at the top can you write down 5 patterns that you have found?

Look at the numbers carefully to see what is happening to the numbers.


This week our lessons focus on 3D shapes. Please watch the video on White Rose maths and complete the worksheet attached. https://vimeo.com/508435282


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



We are starting a brand new book called The Day the Crayon’s Quit by Drew Daywalt.

You can find a PowerPoint version of the story attached to this blog or watch the following Youtube video.


Try to find an old box of used crayons or look at the picture below – some broken, some stubby, some whole, and some with the wrappers taken off. Talk to someone in your house. Why do the crayons look like this?

 Image result for old crayons

What has happened to the crayons to make them this way?

Why are some crayons much shorter than others?

Which crayons do the children think are the most popular?

Are there any crayons that seem never to have been used? Why might this be?


Please see the attached Word document with details for today’s lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be focusing on the phoneme /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge' at the end of words.


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 26th February. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.


badge                 edge                   bridge                 dodge                 fudge

age                     huge                   change                charge                village


Spelling rules for /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge'

The letter j is never used at the end of words.


The spelling -dge is used straight after short vowel sounds. Example: badge


Use –ge in words with all other vowel sounds and short vowel words that

have a consonant sound before the /j/ sound. Examples: cage, fringe


In other positions in the words, it is spelt g before e, i and y. Examples: giraffe, Germany, gymnastics

It is spelt j before a, o and u. Examples: January, job, jump


Please work through today’s PowerPoint presentation.

Once you have done this, have a go at the word search and see how many -ge and -dge words you can find.



Can I explore the properties of a variety of balls?


A variety of balls



Would you choose a ball of plasticine to play tennis or table tennis? Why not?

Do you think the squashy ball will bounce well? What sort of balls do you think will bounce best?


Why do you think balls bounce?

Balls bounce because they are elastic. When a ball hits a hard surface its shape changes – the part touching the ground flattens slightly. It gets back into its original shape quickly and bounces back up.

Watch this video of a ball bouncing in slow motion to show how the ball flattens and goes back into shape.


How are we going to test the bounciness of these balls? How will we make it fair so that we treat all the balls the same?

Try one of the following experiments:


Experiment 1 - If you have a variety of balls

Think about dropping the balls (not throwing) from the same height onto the same surface. You need to decide how to do this (two balls could be dropped together by the same person and their bounces compared, or a few people in a line drop a ball each at the same time). Then we need to think about measuring the height of the balls when they bounce back. You could stick paper to the wall and draw lines on the paper to denote the height of each bounce. Try to predict which ball will bounce the highest then test them by dropping them and recording the bounces. When you have tested the balls and marked the bounces on the paper on the wall, talk about your findings so far and see if they can explain what happened.


Experiment 2 – If you only have one ball available

In this variation you will need to find out which surface is good for bouncing.

Do you think balls bounce well on sand? Do they bounce well on wood? Take just one ball – a fairly bouncy one if possible – and drop it onto different surfaces, e.g. carpet, wood, tiles, and note the height of the bounce. Try to keep the ball and height the same but changing the surface onto which the ball is dropped.


Have you discovered anything interesting? Have you been surprised by anything today?

Record your results in your home learning journal.


Can you imagine what life would be like if we bounced like balls? What surfaces would be best to walk on? How could we decrease the bounciness?


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – 3D Shapes

Spellings – /j/ spelt -ge and -dge 


We hope you have a fantastic week of home learning.


Year 2 team.

Year 1 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:04pm

Good morning, Year 1. We hope you had a lovely half term and you managed to relax and get some fresh air. We are looking forward to seeing all your new learning on Seesaw.


Read every day. Talk about one your reading books. Explain what you think about the story. Is there anything you would change about this story? Do you like this story? What do you like about it?If you need some new books just get in touch and we will change them.

Image result for reading clipart


This week we will be revisiting our long vowel sounds including our split sounds. Revisit our end, middle and split A sounds by watching the videos below. Read the words along with Geraldine and write them out using your sounds and sound buttons.

Visit Seesaw for your learning this morning. 


This week we will be meeting Scaredy Squirrrel. Tune in to Seesaw for the story and your writing challenge this morning. You can download the challenge sheet below or complete your learning on a lined page. We will also revisit our Think Pinks today to help you improve your writing over the next few weeks.

Image result for scaredy squirrel


Tune into Seesaw this afternoon to practise your Handwritng. All you will need is some lined paper and a sharp pencil.


Counting. Practise counting in 2s. Use a ruler or make a number line so that you can see the pattern. Start on different numbers. Count back in 2s from different numbers.

Number Facts. These need to be practised every day to improve fluency and commit the facts to long term memory. Use counters in two colours to explore all the ways to make 5. How quickly can you recall the ways? Try asking the question in a different way..... I have 3 blue counters...how many red ones do I need to make 5?

Main Focus Counting in 5s 


Read the story about Clare and Tom going to Mass.

Look at the picture.

Answer the questions.

Think about our lunch time prayer and then compose your own thank you prayer for God’s gift of food. Draw pictures around your prayer.

.Image result for lunch time school prayer


This half term we will be looking at Plants and Growing. Today will be looking at different plants and their features.

You can use the pictures below or find some plants around the house or in the garden to compare. We'd love to see what you found out on Seesaw.

Image result for plants gif


Fabulous Friday 5th March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:49pm

Fabulous Friday 5th March 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

Image result for vanelope cartoon jumping for joy

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity – Play 'On The Run' game (documents below).

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it!  

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and a lovely weekend. I am really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday. If you want to bring your Home Learning book in to show some of your favourite pieces of work, that would  be great.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 4th March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 4th March 2021

World Book Day 2019 - Co-op Academy Swinton

Good morning Year 5, I bet you all look great in your costumes. Enjoy the day and remember to upload your photos onto Seesaw. Write a message about your favourite book and say why it is so good. You could win a ten pounds book voucher!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or one you have just finished. Write a book review to say why you enjoyed this book so much. Draw pictures of the characters or setting. I have included a worksheet to help you (documents below). Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


Read Alice Spode (documents below). This is another Cautionary Tale. Do you think it is by Hilaire Belloc? Why not? (He died in 1953, long before texting was possible!).

Look at how the poem fits the structure of other Cautionary Tales:

1. A brief description of the foible and hint of consequences;

             2. A particular time where the foible causes terrible events to unfold;

             3. The reaction of others/the moral stated.

Make annotations on the poem to show these three sections.

Identify other features that make this poem fit the style of Hilaire Belloc. Notice in particular the rhyming couplets and the use of phrases from other Cautionary Tales e.g. ‘chief defect’ and ‘I shall now relate’

Display and read Cautionary Characters (documents below). Can you think about other modern-day characters that could be added to this list?

Use the Character Challenge and invent a modern-day character who could be included in Cautionary Tales.

Write a poem about your character in the same style as the other poems we have read.

The date and title are:

Thursday 4th March 2021

Can I invent a modern-day character who could be included in Cautionary Tales and write a poem?




For your mental starter, work on your Maths Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Counting in 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s and 100 000’s. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I count in 10’s, 100’s, 1000’s, 10 000’s and 100 000’s?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.




We have come to the end of our topic – The Shang Dynasty.

Follow the link below and have a go at the quiz online.


Today I would like you to write your own quiz for one of your family members to complete about The Shang Dynasty. On a sheet of plain paper design a fun and colourful quiz sheet with great questions to ask someone (remember question marks!).

You can use questions from the quiz you have just done, then think about what you have learnt during this topic and write more questions of your own.

Trim your quiz sheet down and stick it into your exercise book or write it directly into you book.

The date and title are:

Thursday 4th March 2021

Can I create a quiz sheet about The Shang Dynasty?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Click on this link for your Music lesson:


Plastic cup, pencil case and contents, home items.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March 2021

World Book Day | World Book Day is a registered charity. Our mission is to  give every child and young person a book of their own.

Good morning Year 5, I hope your costumes are ready for tomorrow and you are reading, reading, reading! Above are the books you can get for World Book Day. Some of them look really interesting and the authors are great. Katherine Rundell is one of my favourites, she has written some super stories.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or one you have just finished. How did the story make you feel when you were reading it? Explain your answer. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


Enjoy re-reading Matilda by Hilaire Belloc (documents below).

What poetic features do we look for in a poem? Answer - including key terms such as rhyme, rhythm, couplets, alliteration, unusual vocabulary, metaphor & simile, personification, repetition, hyperbole, stanza.

There is a list of poetic language for you to look at (documents below). We have covered most of these in class, but if there is anything you are unsure of, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary.

Using the poem – Matilda, search and annotate the text for any of these poetic features (use your highlighters, coloured pencils, little arrows and notes like we do in class – there is an example in the documents below - poem annotation, but it is a different poem!). You can trim this annotation work down and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight into your book.

Look through - Matilda Questions (documents below), answer these in your exercise book.

Please also read the poems – Henry King and Algernon by Hilaire Belloc.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Can I annotate a poem to find poetic features and answer questions about the text?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter work on your Maths Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Cube Numbers. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I understand and find cube numbers?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.





We will start our new topic next week when we are back in class.

Today, I would like you to research a famous scientist that interests you. It could be a scientist from the past or from the present.

You might want to investigate and research a scientist that is involved with the mission to Mars and the Perseverance that you looked at last week.

Create a fact sheet/poster about your chosen scientist and share all the information you have researched. This can be written straight into your exercise book or typed, trimmed down and stuck into your book.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Can I research a famous scientist?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Bonjour tout le monde!

Here’s the breakfast song to start us off:


Today we are going to say whether we like or don’t like food items. Then we’re going to recap how to use articles. In English, articles are ‘a’ or ‘the’ for singular nouns. ‘A’ becomes ‘some’ for plural but ‘the’ is used for singular or plural in English.

A sausage – some sausages.

The jelly - the jellies.

In French, as you know, nouns can be masculine or feminine so there are two words for a and the:


Masculine singular

Feminine  singular

Plural (masculine and feminine are the same)



Un   (un)

Une   (oon)

Des (day) = some



Le   (luh)

La    (la)

Les (lay)


Download lesson 6 with audio:


Work through, saying whether you like or don’t like each item. When you get to slide 8, notice whether the food items are masculine (blue background) or feminine (red background). You’ll need this information later. After slide 9, write the date in French and the learning objective in your book:

Can I give my opinion of foods and use the correct form of the definite article (le, la or les)?

Read slide 10 then write out the 3 sentences using the correct form of the definite article ‘the’ : le, la or les. Check you answers and correct them if necessary.

Challenge: Can you write your own sentences saying what you like and don’t like, using these as a model?

Très bon travail! Marci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:48pm

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March 2021

World Book Day: Cassie Chadderton puts ambition to create “generations of  readers” at the centre of bold new vision — FMcM

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all doing lots of reading this week and enjoying your books. I love reading so much that I often have a pile of books waiting to be read, just as soon as I finish my current one! A huge well done to Georgina, who also had her story read out by the Mayor of South Ribble! We have some great author's in Year 5! Check out the World Book Day website, there are loads of fun activities and ideas, https://www.worldbookday.com/


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Draw a picture of one of the settings described in the book. Label everything in the picture using words and phrases that the author used. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


We have finished our work on non-fiction and will now do some poetry – Cautionary Verse by Hilaire Belloc.

Read Matilda - Missing Words (documents below). This is the start of the poem and there are words missing. Can you suggest what the missing words might be? Write the start of the poem in your book and fill in the missing words with ones you think will fit. You can check when you read the whole poem next.

Read Matilda – the whole poem (documents below). What sort of poem do you think this is? Is it serious or comic? Why do you think that? What might go on to happen? Answer these questions in your book.

Which vocabulary should you check? (souse, frenzied, score) Find out the meanings of words you are unfamiliar with and get a better understanding of the poem. List new words in your book with a definition (a dictionary will help you here).

Click on the link below, follow the words as you listen to a spoken performance of the poem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSW56PnC-Bg

Think about what makes this an effective performance, e.g. the pace, the careful pronunciation of ‘tiptoe to the telephone’, the increased pace as the fire-brigade arrive, the change in tone for ‘Maltilda’s House is Burning Down’, the use of punctuation and line-breaks.

Practise saying the phrase ‘tiptoe to the telephone’ and try to find other phrases to practise in particular.

Look at the poem - Matilda again and practise reading it aloud just like the example you heard.

Remember the ways to enhance performance, e.g. use of volume, tone, actions and sound effects.

You could annotate the text to help you remember, e.g. underline emphasised words.

Record yourself reading the poem Matilda (performance poetry) and upload it to Seesaw for me to see or perform it for someone at home.

Please read the other poem - Jim by Hilaire Belloc and the information that tells you a bit more about who Hilaire Belloc is (documents below).

The date and title are:

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Can I read and understand a poem and perform it?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter work on your Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Square Numbers. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I understand and find square numbers?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.




Have a go at these PE activities. Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Games Skills – Golf Rolling:



Health Related Exercises, Circuits 3 – Super Strength:




Use the link below to log into code.org.

Please work through the lessons in order.



Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:47pm

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021

World Book Day 2021 - National Awareness Days Calendar 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you all had a lovely weekend. The sun was shining and it felt a lot like Spring! Only one more week of Home Learning until we are back together. You have all done so well, so keep trying your best for this final week. It is World Book Day on Thursday; we can all dress up as our favourite book character at home and at school. Think about what you will be wearing, maybe, something you wore last year, something new or something you have put together and made yourself. You can upload a photo to Seesaw and send a message about your favourite book, telling us why it is your favourite. You could win a ten-pound book voucher! A huge well done to Bella who is also going to have her story read out by the Mayor of South Ribble (Facebook Wednesday 3rd March 4pm). I will look forward to hearing that.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Design a new front cover for your book. Don’t forget the title and author! Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ibly. Please learn these spellings for a test on Friday (05.03.21) this week, as we will have new spellings when we get back to school on Monday (08.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

possibly            visibly            flexibly              responsibly          plausibly

terribly             forcibly           feasibly            compatibly           invisibly

horribly             audibly           incredibly         credibly                irreversibly


Read ‘Cycling Helmets A & B’ (documents below).

Compare the texts, which is easiest to read and why (text is identical)?

Think about the importance of organisational features (numbered/bullet points, brackets, adverbs, imperative/bossy verbs, labelled diagrams and more).

What organisational features will you choose to use in your writing today?

This text combines explanation and instruction features and your writing should too. I have included the key features of instructions and explanations to help you (documents below).   

Today you will be writing a guide for your chosen mode of transport.

Use your plan from last Friday’s lesson to help you. It should be easy if you have got a detailed plan!

You can write this straight into your exercise book.

The date and title are:

Monday 1st March 2021

Can I write a guide using organisational and presentational devices, adverbs and brackets?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter spend ten minutes on your Sumdog Challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Prime Numbers. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I understand and find Prime Numbers?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Addition and subtraction multistep problems.

Lighthouses – Answers:

All three lights will be off after 5 seconds.

All three lights will next come on together

after 120 seconds.


 Follow the link below, watch the tutorial clip and have a go at drawing a friend or loved one. Then, make them into an installation that you can keep forever!


Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Today you will be learning about - The Last Supper and the Eucharist in Mass (documents below).

Please read through the lesson and think about the answers to the questions. Then you will answer those questions on the worksheet provided – The Last Supper and Eucharist Questions (documents below). Please trim it down and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Monday 1st March 2021

Can I answer questions about The Last Supper and The Eucharist?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Squared and Cubed Numbers.

Spelling Challenge: Words with irregular spellings. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Fabulous Friday 26th February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:46pm

Fabulous Friday 26th February 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

Image result for jumping for joy

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity – Hundred Square Challenge (documents below).

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it!  

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and a lovely weekend.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Thursday 25th February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:46pm

Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 25th February 2021

Image result for jesus lenten images for children



Good morning Year 5, I hope the Lenten Promises are going well. Remember Lent is a time to do things for others. What kind thing will you do today? A big thank you to everyone at home who is helping you with your learning. You are all doing so well and I know you are trying your best, just as though you were in school, because I am seeing such a high standard of work on Seesaw. This makes me smile and feel very proud of you. Even better news, we will all be in class together again on March 8th!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment. Before you finish the book, write down your predictions for the ending. When you have finished the book check back and see how accurate your prediction was. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Look at ‘Transport of the Future’ (documents below). Choose a mode of transport that you would like to write a guide about.

Think about these questions: What if they became available tomorrow? How might different people feel about them? What issues might arise?

Read and remind yourself of the the features of instructions and explanations (documents below).

Choose an audience for your guide, considering their needs (children, teens, parents, technophobes, older people etc.). This will help with your planning later.

Today you will be PLANNING a guide to a futuristic form of transport, which will include both instructions for use and explanations as to how they work.

You will find two planning sheets (planning grid/planning notes 2 - documents below). Either, trim them down and stick into your exercise book or copy them straight into the book.

The date and title are:

Thursday 25th February 2021

Can I plan a guide for users of my invented form of transport?




For your mental starter, I would like you to complete you Maths Sumdog challenges.

Work through the PowerPoint – Prime Numbers (documents below) and complete the tasks as you go along. The answers are provided within the slides, so please write your own answers in your exercise book first, before you click to check them. The answers pop up quite quickly so be sure to write them down before you click again!

The date and title are:


Can I find prime numbers?

Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Recognise multiples of 6, 8 and 10.

Explain methods and reasoning.


Spot the shapes 2 – Answers:

1. There are 11 triangles.

2. There are 17 squares.


Click on the link below - What are oracle bones?


Watch today’s lesson and complete the little activities. Then, read the information sheet about oracle bones and answer the questions (documents below, Oracle Bones - Questions). You may print out the worksheet, trim it down and stick it into your exercise book or write the answers straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Thursday 25th February 2021

Can I answer questions about oracle bones?

If you are feeling creative, you might like to have a go at drawing your own oracle bones and write on them using Ancient Shang characters (symbols). You will find a worksheet with oracle bone writing (documents below).

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Click on this link for your Music lesson:


  • 2 bowls and pencils.
  • Pencil case and contents.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:45pm

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021

Fairtrade - Lancaster City Council

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are well and doing lots of reading. You could recommend one of your favourite books to a friend. Perhaps, phone them and have a nice chat to see how they are. You might also like to write a list of books you would recommend to someone in Year 5 and we can talk about them when we are all back in school. Not long now! It is Fairtrade Fortnight, so I have included a sheet with activities that will help you learn a little bit more about Fairtrade (documents below). You might also like to visit the website. There are lots of things to do and learn and even a competition if you are interested, https://www.fairtrade.org.uk/choose-the-world-you-want/


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment or one you have just read. Draw a cartoon strip of the main events of the story. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Read through Explanation Features (documents below). This will help you with your writing today so you know what to include when writing an explanation.

New technology often requires instructions for use and explanations of how it works.

Have a look at the Baby Cage pictures (documents below) What do you think when you see these pictures? Find out what a patent is.

Today you will be writing and performing explanations of genuine patented products (in the style of Dragons’ Den pitches).      

Have a look at the patent designs (documents below), choose one and write a three-minute presentation (pitch), explaining how the inventions work.

MEDIUM/HARD: Include adverbs for opinion (cleverly, easily, clearly, amazingly, etc.) in addition to cause and contrast. Remember to use brackets if necessary. Include all the key features of an explanation text.

I have included a worksheet (Dragons' Den Worksheet below) to help you with this. Stick it into your exercise book or you can write straight into your book. 

On Seesaw, there is an example of a piece of explanation writing that could be used as a pitch. This is what I would like you to do. Then you can read it out and pitch your product, good luck!

The date and title are:

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Can I write an explanation to present (pitch) a patented product?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter do this counting activity 3. I have alson included the answers for activities 1, 2 and 3 for you (documents below). Please spend ten minutes on your Maths Sumdog challenges.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Common Factors. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I find common factors?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Visualise 2-D shapes.

Explain methods and reasoning.

Shape Puzzle – Answers:


Click on the link below, read and follow the lesson as it progresses. Make sure you watch the video clips as well.


Do the task on slide 6. You may print it out or copy it directly into your exercise book. If you are unsure there is a good example on slide 9 that will help you.

The date and title are:

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Can I compare reversible and irreversible changes?

Exciting and Additional Science Work

This week something very exciting has happened in the world of Space science.

"Touchdown confirmed" - there is a new robot on Mars!

This video is an animation of how scientists planned the landing, not footage of the real thing, but it gives a really good idea of the successful landing.


Amazing, isn’t it?!

Perseverance’s mission is to look for signs of life on Mars. Scientists have to model their investigations on Earth because obviously they can’t nip to Mars. They form hypotheses (good guesses) based on what they can learn here.

So, they have researched life forms on Earth that live in extreme habitats. They are called extremophiles. There are extremophiles living in Antarctica, in volcanic ash and lava and deep under the sea where there is total darkness. There is also life in Yellowstone park hot springs and in a river called Rio Tinto in Spain which is very acidic.

If life can exist in these extreme environments on Earth, maybe it can also exist on Mars?

Write the date and title:

Wednesday 24th February 2021

Can I research the possibility that there is life on Mars?

Your first job is to research Extremophiles on Earth and write a paragraph explaining what you have found out.

Now use the ESA kids website to research what scientists think about the Possibility of life on Mars.


Use this link to find out about Perseverance and write a paragraph about its mission. Why do you think it is called Perseverance?


Finally, what do you think? Will Perseverance find evidence of life on Mars?

You can use the underlined words/phrases as sub headings.

Well done. Keep an eye on the news for the latest developments 211 million km away!

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Here’s a song to welcome you back to French learning.


Click here and download lesson 5 with audio. http://www.rachelhawkes.com/Resources/Y5_French/Yr5AutumnFr.php

Today’s lesson starts with a recap of time and moves on to describing what you have for breakfast.

Play the audio clips on slide 2 and see if you can write down the missing word. You can check your spellings on the next slide.

Qu’est-ce que tu manges? What do you eat?

Je mange … I eat Je bois…..I drink. Du, de la and des all mean some. Du is used for masculine nouns, de la for feminine nouns and des for plural nouns.

Work your way through, repeating all the words. Listen to the song on slide 21 and see if you can understand. Then, write the date in French in your book and the learning objective:

Can I read and understand a French text?

Read the text on slide 22 and answer the questions in English. Check your answers afterwards.

Bon travail! A la semaine prochaine!


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:45pm

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Image result for lent for children

Good morning Year 5, hopefully you have settled back into your Home Learning routines. Have a look at this picture, see if there is anything you could do for someone else today. I am going to pray for my family. Unfortunately, I cannot hug a friend at the moment, but I will save that for a time when I can! Maybe you could choose one to do each day during Lent and colour them as you do it. I will include this in the documents below if you would like to print it out. Perhaps you could design and draw your own version of this and include other good things to do!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Draw five thought bubbles and write what the main character might be thinking at different stages in the story. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Read the opening of ‘A Guide to Using Twitter’ (documents below).

Spot any brackets in the text.

The brackets are used to mark off extra information in a text in a noticeable way (this extra information is called parenthesis).

Look at the PowerPoint – Parenthesis, slides 2 to 6 (documents below). Explore parenthesis and challenge yourselves to decide where brackets should go.

Other punctuation could be used to mark off the extra information: commas or dashes.

Commas are a subtler form of parenthesising and dashes are used in informal writing.

Ask someone at home to play this game with you (it should only take ten minutes). Each player needs a separate game sheet to pass around (documents below – Bracket Game Sheet or copy it onto a sheet of paper).

As in the parlour game Consequences, you take turns to add to the story, with extra information in brackets (there is an example in the documents below – Bracket Game Examples).

At the end of each turn, players fold over the sheet to hide what they have written.

Unfold the sheet when it has been completed and read it out. It will be funny!

Now, write out one of the scenarios in your exercise books, correctly punctuated.

The date and title are:

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Can I explain how brackets are used and use them correctly to add extra information?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter complete this counting activity 2 (documents below). Write your answers in your exercise book with today’s date. Please do your Maths Sumdog challenges for ten minutes.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Factors. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I find the factors of numbers?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Use a symbol to stand for an unknown number.

Explain methods and reasoning.

All Square – Answers:


Have a go at these PE activities. Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Games Skills – Continuous Battleships: https://www.youthsporttrust.org/sites/default/files/Home%20PE%20Continuous%20Battleships.pdf


Health Related Exercises – Circuits 2 – Healthy Hearts:




Use the link below to log into code.org.

Please work through the lessons in order.



Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 14th Feb 2021 @ 5:44pm

Year 5 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Image result for lenton promises

Good morning Year 5 and welcome back to another half term of learning before Easter. I hope you all had a great week off and enjoyed time with your families and doing the things you like to do best of all. Hopefully, it will not be much longer until we are back in class together. I am really looking forward to seeing you all and catching up on any news you have to share with me. A huge well done to Jack Beetham, who had his faraway story read out by the Mayor of South Ribble. It was an excellent story. As it is now Lent, I would like you to think about your Lenten Promises. To help you I have included a little worksheet (documents below). Please post these on Seesaw for me to see.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Draw an outline of your favourite character. Write down all the different roles they play in the story inside the shape. For example, father, friend, villain, hero etc. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


Before half term we were investigating words instead of said. A lot of you have already tested yourselves on these spellings, but if you have not, please ask someone to test you today. Remember to put a mark out of fifteen.

laughed          questioned       suggested          quizzed          muttered

joked             queried            screamed           mumbled        whispered

chuckled         remarked        pleaded             grumbled        bragged

This week we are investigating the suffix - ible. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (01.03.21). If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

divisible            gullible            digestible         permissible          audible

accessible         invincible        legible              compatible          responsible

reversible         invisible           illegible             feasible               edible


Re-read ‘How Escalators Work’ (documents below). It is a good example of an explanation text that we read before half term.

Look at the language features, including tense, formal vocabulary (e.g. surface, internal) and use of technical terms (e.g. drive gear).

Briefly look at the use of brackets (more on that tomorrow).

What does this text explain to us? It explains how escalators work.

We could use this to answer the question ‘How do escalators work?’.

I will show you how to briefly summarise the key facts of this text in note-form. You will find this on Seesaw and this is what you will be doing today.

Have a look at ‘Research Questions’ and the website (documents below and link).

Choose one that you would like to find out more about.

Research questions are numbered in order of reading difficulty (EASY:1 → HARD:12).

  • Today's task requires you to answer one of these questions by reading an explanation text, making notes, and presenting information to someone.


The date and title are:

Monday 22nd February 2021

Can I use the internet to answer a question, make notes and present my explanation?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter, complete this counting activity 1 (documents below – cut and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight in to the book). You could colour the squares for part 2. Please spend ten minutes on Sumdog.

Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Multiples. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I find multiples of numbers?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve a problem by organising information.

Visualise 2-D shapes.

Sleigh Ride – Answers:




Follow the link below, read all the instructions and have a go at drawing your own sound creature. Be as creative and imaginative as you can!


Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Today you will be learning about - The Passover (documents below).

I have included a worksheet to help you – The Passover Seder Plate (documents below). Please trim it down and stick it into your exercise book or copy it straight into your book.

The date and title are:

Monday 22nd February 2021

Can I name the foods on the Seder Plate and what they symbolise?

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Factors and Multiples Within 100.

Spelling Challenge: Homophones (Recap). These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

Dance Week Performance 2020

Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 3:52pm

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk