Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Blog - Thursday 19th October

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 3:43pm

The days start to draw in: Today marks the beginning of autumn – Weather  News

Welcome to your last blog of this half term.

Winnie and Wilbur - Oxford Owl for Home


This week we have been learning through the story of Winnie the Witch. We learnt about her house, her family and her pet cat, Wilbur. Our ingredients for our magic potions were very imaginative. We also learnt about rhyming words and we drew a story map.  We worked together in small groups to design a new house for Winnie.

As part of our poetry day celebrations we learnt a poem called The Grass House by Shirley Hughes. We devised all the actions ourselves and performed it as a class in Golden Assembly. Ask your child if they could perform it for you.


Some of us have been learning about words such as string, spring and splat where we have to say each sound.

Some of us have learnt au in launch and a_e in cake.

We have been learning to write tricky words.

Click here for a spooky tricky word song.


Addition and subtraction using part-whole models - Maths - Learning with  BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize


We have been using practical equipment to learn about subtraction. The whole is 12, we subtract 5, how many are left? 7 and 5 are the parts and 12 is the whole. We recorded this in a number sentence.

Please practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.

We have also been learning about the number bonds which make 10.

Sing the number bond song. Click here.


40,300+ Dirty Hands Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock | Dirty hands close up, Washing dirty hands, Kids dirty hands


This week, we learnt how to keep our bodies healthy. We watched a cool video about how washing our hands keeps us clean and free from germs. We then did a 'germs' experiement to show that germs do not like clean hands, they run away from them! We also did a Joe Wicks video to raise our heart rates.


Baptism | My Site 8472


We continued to learn about belonging and learnt that we all belong to our school church. We started to learn about a baptism and who is present. We labelled a picture of a baptism and talked about what happens.


Transparent Sketchbook Png - Sketch Pad Clipart, Png Download , Transparent  Png Image - PNGitem


On Monday, we painted a physical version of our digital sunflower (from Computing last week). We hung these around the classroom as they were great!

Then on Thursday, we sketched different objects from around the classroom. We started by sketched toy animals and then we chose our own object to sketch.


Numbers 1-10


 We recapped the numbers 1-10 again. We then counted our Pirate friends’ treasure and matched some counting cards with their coins or parrots to the correct digit. We could all do this in French with each other! We have worked really hard this half term, recapping and learning French Greetings and numbers 1-10. Next half term, we will be ready to have some new sessions about classroom labels, family, fruits, colours and farm animals (after we’ve learned about French Halloween!).

Boomwhackers BWEG 7-Note Treble Extension Set


We did some warm up games, clapping rhythms of our favourite foods. We sang Hey You, learning all the actions and choosing which instruments to play. We played the boom whackers to Incy Wincy spider. 


Hot Chocolate Hand Drawn 15321581 PNG

Forest School

This week we used a new piece of equipment,our Kelly Kettle. We talked about being safe around the fire. We went into the nature area to collect sticks and twigs to fuel our fire. We made sure the twigs were dry and not too big. The water didn't take long to get warm and we all enjoyed some delicious hot chocolate.

In our other session we had a go at building shelters. We used ropes, traps, tent pegs, mats and clasps. We showed amazing teamwork and resilience as well as great communication.

Click here for photos.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - Split a_e words OR ee words OR tricky words

Maths - Problem questions

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers,



Thank you to everyone who came to Parents' Evening. We enjoyed talking to you about your child. Thanks also for all your brilliant support.

Have a lovely half term and we'll see you on Monday 30th October.


Year 1 Blog - Friday 13th October 2023

Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 5:43pm

Autumn Equinox: When Does UK Autumn Start in 2023?

Welcome to your Friday blog.

Percy The Park Keeper - Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens


We have been learning through the stories of Percy The Park Keeper. We built new houses for the animals out of Lego and described them. We wrote about how Percy helps the animals in his park. There are many stories about Percy and we had a good look at all of them. We also wrote descriptions about what kind of person Percy is.

Phase 3 Phonics Sound Mat - letters + sounds - Printable Teaching Resources  - Print Play Learn


We have all been revising all our Phase 3 sounds.

Some of us have been learning about words that have separate sounds, such as plants and frost.

Some of us have been learning about ph as in elephant and ew as in screw.


Progression in Calculations


We have been using part whole models to solve addition and subtraction number sentences. We used our maths manipulatives (such as cubes and counters) in the part whole models and then wrote the corresponding number next to them. 

We also started to learn about fact families and how the same three numbers can be swapped around to form another number sentence.


St Oswald's Catholic Primary School: Year 1: Blog items


As it was raining, we went inside and learnt how to play benchball. Everyone used their listening ears brilliantly and joined in with the throwing and catching.

Premium Vector | Jesus hugging a little boy feeling love and care in the  arms of the savior


We started our new RE topic about belonging. We wrote sentences about what it means to belong to a group and then drew pictures of how Jesus helped others to belong by showing them love.


Spiral Shell Clip art | Drawings, Ammonite, Coloring pages


We focused on the spiral shape within shells this week. We sketched a picture of a shell from the board and then used a real shell to see the difference. It was great to see such amazing focusing!


File:Sunflower clip art.svg - Wikipedia


We made our own sunflower digital art using on dots. We used the paintbrush tool for the dots instead of simply using the fill tool.


Ordnance Survey on X: "Have you seen our #map symbol flashcards? Print them  out & test your kids' skills - or print two packs for a game of  #geography snap! (PDF) #


We learnt about ordnance survey symbols and how they are important on maps. We found out that maps need pictures because words would take up too much space! We drew our own maps on big sheets and stuck on some symbols with glue.


15,800+ Police Investigation Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | Police investigation board, Police investigation wall,  Police investigation room


We conducted our own investigation to answer the question: do people with bigger feet have bigger hands? We found out that sometimes they do, but not all of the time, as one of us had the biggest feet and someone else had the biggest hands.


DIY Leaf Mobile - Make a Leaf Mobile - Soul Flower Blog

Forest School

In our first session we practised tying a simple overhand knot. We used strawberry laces. We tied them to a paper straw and then ate the lace!

In the nature area we found interesting natural objects and tied these to a stick using the knot we had practised. Our own Autumn mobile was created!

Great perseverance was shown.

For our second session we made our own choices. On one day we went into the nature area and explored, made dens, found mini beasts and played games. On the other day we went around the log circle for our child- initiated learning.


Parents' Evening

It was lovely to speak to you if you had an appointment on Thursday this week

We are looking forward to our appointments next Tuesday.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - ow words OR wh words OR th words

Maths - subtraction

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers,




Year 1 Blog - Friday 6th October 2023

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 5:09pm

October Stock Illustrations – 507,717 October Stock ...

Welcome to your first Friday blog of October.

Shirley Hughes Reading Dogger - YouTube


We continued our learning through the story of Dogger. We read to the end of the story and were relieved it had a happy ending. We wrote instructions about how to look after our toys, we wrote shopping lists and set up our own toy stall. We also wrote sentences about our favourite part of the story and wrote in role as Dave saying thanks to Bella for rescuing Dogger. This story really helped us to think about how we treat each other and our belongings.


Phonics Phase 4 games - Teaching resources


Some of us have been learning words in Phase 4 such as slap and swim - we need to say each sound individually before blending them together.

Some of us have been learning wh in whizz, ph in phonics and ew in chew.


Addition and subtraction using part-whole models - Maths - Learning with  BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize


We have been learning about addition. We have been using part whole models to support our learning. Looking at the above model, one part is 5, the whole is 12, the other part is 7.

In our counting we have practised counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. 

We have also been learning all the number bonds which make 10, 0+10, 1+9, 2+8 and so on. We investigated the patterns in these number bonds and sang some songs which help us to remember them.

Friends of 10 song. Click here.


Pin on Projects to Try


We finished our families topic by writing our own prayers to God and Jesus. We also thought about the people in our families that are special to us. We drew pictures of them and labelled them.

Bad Smell Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download


We had so much fun in science this week! We used our sense of smell to guess what was in the cups. We pulled some funny faces when we smelt the cup with vinegar in!


Online Safety | Hollymount School


We learnt about the word 'privacy' in our online safety lesson this week and how it is not always safe to share our private information. We talked about being safe on the internet and what to do if we are unsure how to act online.


Kandinsky Concentric Circles - Art P.R.E.P.


We used to create our own Kandinsky circles. We learnt how to use the shape tool to form the circles and then we filled them in.

Have a go at making a picture on Paintz here.


City Road Map Play mat illustration by Olga Davydova on Dribbble


We learnt a new word this week - route. We talked about how we all take different routes to school, some of us live far away and some live close to school. We also found that a car is the most popular form of transport when getting to school. We then drew our own map routes in our books.


Premium Vector | Happy little girl playing hopscotch drawn with chalk  outside on playground street at the park


We put our hopping and jumping skills into practise and played hopscotch on the playground. We also practised running fast and underarm throwing.

See our pictures here.

Page 2 | Harvest Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik


We practised the Harvest songs ready for Church. We love joining in with the actions!


Love French… How to say hello and goodbye in French – French Blog – houses,  renovations & croissants


This week we reviewed the greetings we have learned so far. We did this with our favourite game with the pirates, with the song ‘Deux Petite Oiseaux’ and with the song ‘Comment tu t’appelles?’ from Basho and Friends. These helped us practise how to say ‘bonjour, au revoir and je m’appelle’. We then learned to say how we are feeling using ‘ҫa va bien’ for I am well, ‘comme ci, comme ҫa’ for I am ok and ‘ҫa va mal’ for I am not well.


Pizza Slice PNG Clip Art - Best WEB ClipartPizza Slice PNG Clip Art - Best WEB Clipart

Forest School

In our first session we made roll up pizzas. We talked about how to be safe around the fire. In the nature area we made our own pizzas using a wrap, tomato sauce, ham, garlic, onions, basil and cheese. We rolled our pizza up and wrapped it in foil.  The first groups pizzas got a bit well done as they were cooked on the grill. We cooked all the other pizzas in the Dutch oven so that we could move the pizzas away from the direct flames.

The pizzas were delicious! We also had plenty of time for child-initiated learning in the nature area.

In our second session some of us were outside making dens, climbing trees, cooking with mud and finding all kinds of creatures. Our sessions on Thursday were in the lodge where great imagination and creativity were shown.

Click here for photos.


Virtual Harvest Festival Assembly 9.15am Thursday 21st October 2021 |  Wallace Fields Junior School


Thank you so much for all your kind donations for the harvest. We had a lovely celebration in church and enjoyed singing all the songs.

Harvest Samba song. Click here.


Don't forget to book your Parents' Evening appointment (in the folder outside of the office) if you haven't already.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Maths - Number bonds to 20

Phonics - ew words OR er words OR sh words

Counting - Count in 1s and 10s forwards and backwards from different starting numbers. 

The log in for Sumdog is on a white laminated card in the reading book bag.

Please try to read every night, even just for five minutes!


Year 1 Blog - Friday 29th September 2023

Date: 26th Sep 2023 @ 11:10am

69,800+ Autumn Clipart Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector ...

Welcome to your Friday blog.


Dogger - Hughes, Shirley: 9780099267096 - AbeBooks


We started to read the story Dogger, up until the point where Dave has realised that his toy dog Dogger is missing! We are so excited to finish the story next week. I wonder what will happen?

We predicted what was going to happen to Dogger, we wrote about how the characters were feeling, we made lost posters of Dogger and drew amazing pictures of the story so far.


Kids reading clipart transparent background 24043913 PNG


Some of us have been learning the trigraphs ure as in cure and air as in chair. Some of us have been learning the phase 5 digraph ue in both blue and argue, ir in girl and aw in claw.


One More! (song for kids about identifying the # that is "ONE MORE") -  YouTube


This week we have been learning about representing numbers using tens and ones. We used practical equipment to make the numbers. We also learnt about one more .We have been singing many counting songs and practised starting at a number and counting forwards and backwards in 1s,2s,5s and 10s. We use the displays around our classroom to check our learning.


17,010 Gods Creation Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock


We have focused on God in our RE lessons. We watched some lovely videos showing the beautiful world that God created and wrote sentences about how we can look after God's world.

Bouncing Ball Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock | Child bouncing ball, Bouncing ball motion blur, Bouncing ball  vector


This week, we focused on bouncing a ball. We learnt how to hold the ball correctly and how to bounce a ball with two hands. We then practised bouncing whilst moving in a straight line and bouncing to each other.


Five Senses Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download


This week, we learnt all about the five senses that humans have - sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. We matched up the senses to the body part that we use for it. We then took it in turns to put our hand in Miss Fisher's feely bag. We weren't allowed to look but we used our touch to describe what we felt. Everyone else was able to guess what they were.


What is fieldwork? - BBC Bitesize


We used our knowledge of senses to go on a fieldwork walk around school. We went in the outdoor area, on the playground and in the nature area to see what we could hear, smell, touch and see.


Spiral Symbol Hand Painted With Chalk Stock Illustration - Download Image  Now - Abstract, Abstract Backgrounds, Backgrounds - iStock


Since the weather was great on Friday, we went outside and drew spirals with chalk. We made a tripod out of sticks to see if we could make an even better circle!


European Day of Languages 2018


 We celebrated ‘European Day of Languages’. We discussed what the day was about, who can participate, why we have the celebration and what ways we can celebrate other languages and why this is important. The class shared any languages which they know, any which they have been learning or any which they would like to learn. We then learned how to say hello and goodbye in French, German, Italian and Spanish.


Asking for Permission preschool poster | Free Printable Papercraft Templates


We started our online safety learning by learning about the word 'permission'. We talked about what it meant to give permission and how we need to ask to access online content when at home.


Matisse's cutouts reassembled for the first time | art | Agenda | Phaidon


We learnt about the artist Henri Matisse and how he used shapes in his artwork. We used to recreate his artwork.


Hovering Willow Dragonfly Sculpture house plant decorations set of 3 small

Forest School

In our first session we went into the nature area to find animals which have been woven out of willow. These animals were kindly bought by the parents of the Year 6 leavers. We looked carefully to see how the willow had been woven to make different patterns and shapes.

We then had a go at making our own. The first thing to master was how to twist the willow to make a circle as they can be joined together to make the body and head of different animals. We talked about how the younger, green willow is easier to work with as it contains more water than the brown willow.

Some of us made crowns, necklaces, fish and glasses. We really persevered.

For our second session we investigated spinning jennies, also known as helicopter seeds. We talked about how the seeds are dispersed by the wind. We went out to look for them and found plenty on our field. We then made dragonflies with the spinning jennies, pipe cleaners and beads. We made lots of other things as well-bracelets, worry dolls, forest eyes and butterflies.


Thank you for all of your Harvest donations, our box will be in class until Friday the 6th of October.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

We have only set a maths sumdog challenge this week. Please watch the phonics to practise your sounds.

Maths - One more and one less

Counting - Count in 1s and 10s forwards and backwards from different starting numbers. 

The log in for Sumdog is on a white laminated card in the reading book bag.

Please try to read every night, even just for five minutes!


Year 1 Blog Friday 22nd September 2023

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 3:35pm

Children's Centre Service | Nottinghamshire County Council

Welcome to your Friday blog.

A Piece of Cake - Scholastic Shop


We continued to learn about the Large Family through the story 'A Piece of Cake'.

The Large Family were struggling to stay healthy as they were tempted by a cake given to them by Granny! We drew our own cakes, sorted healthy and unhealthy food, wrote about what the characters were saying, read the Large Family books and wrote sentences about how they were being healthy.

Click here to watch some Large Family videos.


Reading and Phonics -


Some of us have been recapping phase 3 oi in coin and ear in dear and some of us have learnt phase 5 ea in leaf and oy in toy.

Click here to sing the oi song.

Click here to sing the oy song.


What Is Place Value? - Grade 1 - ArgoPrep


We learnt about how numbers are made up of tens and ones. We made numbers using bundles of straws, base ten and ten frames. we had a go at marking our own work as this helps us to understand the learning.

We practised counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s.


Family of God - YouTube


We learnt all about being a part of God's family. We wrote about how God takes care of us and drew some lovely pictures of Him watching over us.


PE - Airy Hill Primary School


We practised running fast and skipping. This was quite tricky but we persevered. We learnt that it isn't always the girls who are better at skipping, the boys are too.


Boy Body Parts School Stock Illustrations – 165 Boy Body Parts School Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We learnt all about the human body and our different body parts, such as leg, arm, foot, knee and elbow. We drew around our bodies and labelled each body part. We even played a game of 'Miss Fisher says' (SImon says!) and sang head, shoulders, knees and toes.


100,000 Spiral art Vector Images | Depositphotos


We continued learning about the spiral pattern and focused on snails. We drew our own snail shell and used oil pastels to emphasise the colour. They looked great!


Clipart Kids Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download


We have been celebrating our similarities and differences this week! We read a lovely story together called 'The same but different too'. Listen to the story here.

We played a game, similar to 'Guess Who' where we had to describe someone in our class using 'This person has...' sentences. It was a lot of fun!


map clipart - Clip Art Library


We learnt all about school's address this week and what an address tells us. We found school on Google Maps and answered some questions such as 'how do you get to school?'


The Lost Sock : Mondrian Name Design


We used the iPads to practise digital painting on Paintz. This time, we made our own version of Piet Mondrian's abstract art. We used the straight line and fill tools to do this.


Camp Fire Illustration Images | Free Photos, PNG Stickers, Wallpapers &  Backgrounds - rawpixel

Forest School

In our first session we read a story about Firey Fox which explained how we need to behave around a fire.  We watched the fire being lit then collected apples which had fallen off the trees in the nature area. We cored them and cut them into segments. We dipped them in sugar and cinnamon and then toasted them of the fire. Yummy! We were sheltered from the rain in our new fire pit area.

Some of us had a go at starting a fire using a flint and steel.

The weather was beautiful for our second session. We went on a leaf hunt and found as many different leaves as we could. We used shape cutters to make holes in the leaves. We had many ideas about how to develop our learning by glueing, colouring, sewing and investigating pattern.


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - ff, ll, ss, zz sounds OR oi words OR oy words

Maths - Count blocks and objects (within 10)

Counting - Count in 1s forwards and backwards from different starting numbers. Try to go beyond 20.

The log in for Sumdog is on a white laminated card in the reading book bag.

Please try to read every night, even just for five minutes!


Thank you to everyone who came to the meet the teacher. Our PowerPoint presentation is below.


Year 1 Blog - Friday 15th September 2023

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 5:15pm

Kids playing Vectors & Illustrations for Free Download | Freepik

Welcome to your Friday blog. We were all more comfortable in the cooler weather.


Five Minutes' Peace (Large Family) : Murphy, Jill, Murphy, Jill: Books


This week, we have been reading '5 Minutes Peace' by Jill Murphy. We learnt all about a mum who just wants some peace and quiet from her children! We learnt the names of the characters and labelled pictures of them, we have ordered the story, made puppets, wrote our own independent sentences about the story and wrote about how the characters are feeling. (Furious was one word that was mentioned!)

If you have any of the Large Family books at home, please read them together!


Some of us have been recapping phase 3 igh in sigh and ear and dear and some of us have started phase 5 and learnt ay in day and ou in shout.

Click here to sing the igh song.

Click here to sing the ay song.


Identify the missing numbers.35 = Tens + Ones


We learnt about making numbers from 10 to 20 using a 10 and some 1s, "one 10 and 6 ones is 16'. We used ten frames and counters, straws and blocks to represent the numbers. 

In our counting we sang songs which practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. 


Three Generation Family clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla


We started our 'families' topic this week and learnt all about different families. We found that lots of people can be in a family! We drew a picture of our family and labelled them.



Jumping Child Clip Art - Hop On One Foot Clipart, HD Png Download ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitem


We focused on our hopping and jumping skills this week. We are so good at this already!


Spiral Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art -  iStock | Spiral vector, Spiral abstract, Vortex


We had an amazing art lesson! We started our 'spirals' topic. We watched a video on how to draw a spiral and then made two of our own - one on a big piece of paper and one in our sketchbook.


Free Cliparts Unique Characteristics, Download Free Cliparts Unique  Characteristics png images, Free ClipArts on Clipart Library


This week, we talked about likes, dislikes and how we are all unique. We learnt what unique means and put our finger print into our class PSHE because, we have unique finger prints!


Classroom Furniture Sydney, Tables, Chairs, and Storage Furniture


We continued to learn about Longton, focusing on our school and our classroom. We learnt about aerial plans and photographs, and drew our own birds eye view map of our classroom.


Animal Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik


We started our animals including humans learning this week. We compared different animals by how they look. We learnt that humans are mammals and how we are similar/different to other animals.


Nature Walk to Nine Wells Saturday 20th August - 2G3S

Forest School

In our first session we played a game around the log circle and talked about we are looking foward to.

We went for a walk to see what is growing. We also heard bird song. We sat around our new fire pit - we can't wait to use it!

It was all about team-work in our second session. We worked together to build an obstacle course using logs and branches.We tested the courses to make sure they were safe and we had a go on each others. Some of them had quite challenging balancing and jumping elements.

Thanks for sending in wellies.


Home Practice (Sumdog)


Phonics - ay (day) OR ear (dear) OR revision words

Maths - Numbers to 20

Counting- Count in 1s forwards and backwards from different starting numbers. Try to go beyond 20.

The log in for Sumdog is on a white laminated card in the reading book bag.

Please try to read every night, even just for five minutes!


Year 1 Blog-Friday 8th September 2023

Date: 6th Sep 2023 @ 5:26pm

Sunshine sun clip art clipartandscrap jpg - Clipartix

Welcome to your first blog of the new school year.

All the children have come in so smart and ready to learn - one child was overheard saying, "I can't believe we've turned into Year 1s".

We had a lovely whole school assembly on Tuesday to celebrate the new school year.



Ch digraph spelling rule educational poster for kids with words. Learning  phonics for school and preschool. Phonetic worksheet. Vector illustration  Stock Vector | Adobe StockSh digraph with words educational poster for kids. Learning phonics for  school and preschool Stock Vector Image & Art - Alamy


We got straight into the learning with our morning task as soon as we arrived in class. This week we have been looking at ch as in chip and sh as in ship.We use our phonic knowledge and skills to have a go at writing the words. We might say the words in a sentence. We do this every morning.

Click here to sing the sh song. Click here to sing the ch song.

Our Class is a Family (Our Class is a Family & Our School is a Family) :  Olsen, Shannon, Sonke, Sandie: Books


We have read two books this week - 'A Letter from Your Teacher On the First Day of School' and 'Our Class is a Family'. These stories helped us settle into our new classroom and get to know our new teachers. We drew our class family, wrote about what we are looking forward to doing and set ourselves goals to achieve!


Numbers 0-20 numerals and words | Display – Primary Stars Education


We learnt how to recognise numbers up to 20, both in pictures and words. We practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s using our counting songs. We also checked that we are writing our numbers correctly.


Microsoft Paint is dead - here are the 6 best alternative drawing apps for  Windows | Stuff


We are so proud of the class this week. In Computing, we learnt how to turn the laptops on and log in. This was quite tricky but we tried our best! We also went on Paint and practised drawing digital pictures.


friends clipart - Clip Art Library


We worked together to create our classroom promises. We made a lovely sun with all of our names, which shows that we will keep the promises.


Longton Post Office given green light to move into shop next door


We talked about where our school is (and where some of us live) - Longton. We looked at some past pictures of Longton and spotted anything that has changed or is still here today.


Summer Holidays – Doddinghurst Infant School

We have loved looking at all the summer holiday books, those puppets have had a very exciting time! The children have shared them with each other as well as the teachers.


Year 4 Hull Class Assembly | Ark Swift Primary Academy

We will post photographs of the children on Seesaw. This is for you to see the children engaged in their learning and we don't require you to comment. If you need a new log-in for Seesaw just let us know via the reading diary.

Firfield Primary School - Reading


Your child has brought home their reading books today. Please read for at least 10 minutes every night- it really is the key to success. Sign the diary so that we know your child has read and then we can change the books, usually on a Friday. 

How To Draw Forests, Forest Backgrounds, Step by Step, Drawing Guide, by  Dawn - DragoArt

Forest School

Your child will be starting Forest School sessions next week with Mrs Corbett, who is a Level 3 qualified Forest School leader. The groups will be made up of around 17 Year 1 and 2 children.

We are blessed with amazing outside spaces and facilities and it is a privilege to be able to use them in this way.

Your child will develop many skills such as communication, team-building, problem-solving and risk-taking.

They will also learn about nature in a holistic way and the approach encourages child-initiated learning. There will be opportunities to experience fires and to learn how to use tools in a safe way.

They will have 2 sessions per week lasting an hour each, for the whole year. Please ensure your child has a pair of named wellies in school at all times.


Thank you all for your amazing support already. We are looking forward to a great year of learning with your children.

The Year 1 team-Mrs Corbett, Miss Fisher, Mrs Anderson & Mrs Tiley

Back to School Online Safety Tips for Children

Date: 30th Aug 2023 @ 11:55am

With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership

We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.

To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.

Back to school Tips Online Safety.png

Click to View

Year 1 Blog Thursday 20th July 2023

Date: 18th Jul 2023 @ 11:43am


Summer Holidays Clipart – Presentation Primary School Waterford

Welcome to your final blog of the school year!

Thank you so much for all of your hard work.

We wish you all a happy and safe holiday. We have loved teaching you this year.

Mrs Gravili and Mrs Sheen have given you all a summer pack to complete, have fun doing it!

Keep reading as much as you can, especially at the library, and we will see you in September. 

Best wishes

Mrs Corbett, Miss Fisher & Mrs Anderson.

Year 1 Blog- Friday 14th July 2023

Date: 12th Jul 2023 @ 8:56pm

Happy Kids Playing Children Illustration Boys And Girls Stock Illustration  - Download Image Now - iStock

Welcome to your Friday blog.

We loved watching Year 6 perform Oliver! - so much talent!

Inspire Learning with Book School Cliparts


This week we learnt to how to make a mini book out of a sheet of A4 paper. We then wrote all kinds of things in our books - we have great imaginations!


Fun Phonics Activities | Learning Phonics | Fun Phonics


We have been revisiting all the sounds we have learnt this year.


quarter clipart - Clip Art Library


We have recapped halves and quarters - what they mean and how to find a half/quarter of shapes and an amount. We have used the maths resources to physically see the process.


Play-Benchball-Step-8-Version-2 - Writhlington School


We endured the rain and practised throwing and catching to each other. We used tactics to pretend to throw one way and then throw another.

We also had a very quick game of benchball to practise our throwing and catching.


Jesus and Zacchaeus clip art – Stushie Art


We learnt about another man who needed to say sorry for his actions - Zacchaeus. We found that that he was also a tax collector, just like Levi. We compared the two stories, focusing on the similarities between them both.


Weather Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik


We observed the weather and spoke about how we expect certain weather with each season. For example, we expect to see more sun in summer but this is not always the case! 


Ella and the Ocean by Lian Tanner | Goodreads


We learnt some new information about differing climates in the world. We read a lovely story about a girl called Ella who dreams about being nearer to the ocean as she does not like her hot climate.

We then chose a picture and answered questions regarding it, such as 'would you want to live here?' and 'what animals could live here?'

Kids Programming Images - Free Download on Freepik


We made the most of the brief warm weather and went outside for our computing lesson! We put all of our skills together and attempted the final coding activity. This lesson allowed us to have some free play, creating conversations and stories using the coded instructions. It was tricky but fun!


27 Classic and Easy Party Games for Kids (with Pictures)


We played some typical French playground games. It was lovely to watch the children engage in these new games - they particularly enjoyed 1,2,3 soleil which is a version of Grandma's footsteps. Mrs Quilliam would like to thank the children for being such brilliant language learners. It has been a pleasure to introduce them to French. Just think how good they will be if they keep it up! 


Outdoor Learning and Forest School

We have been making hammocks. We have also been using fixed frames to learn about weaving. We used elastic bands and then weaved in leaves, flowers and grasses.

Super Learning Day

We had a great day on Friday and took part in lots of different activities.

Summer Fair

We hope to see you all at the Summer Fair on Saturday 15th July from 12 Noon.


Home Practice

Phonics - common exception words

Maths - halves



Year 1 Blog - Friday 7th July 2023

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 11:07am

Premium Vector | Kids jumping grass. happy children having fun on nature,  joyful boys and girls outdoor activity, little friends playing funny  cheerful team vector concept

Welcome to your Friday blog!

We really enjoyed visiting out new classroom and meeting our new teachers. We shared our favourite books with Miss Gravili.

We are looking forward to Year 6 performing Oliver! for us next week and also Super Learning Day on Friday.



We have been learning through a new book this week. It's about a girl called Matilda and her dad as they go on a journey and discover all kinds of treasure. We drew and labelled what they found and we then wrote descriptions of the treasure. We took great care with our letter formation, spelling and punctuation.

Coming Soon – First Minister's Reading Challenge – Smithton Primary School


We have been revising some of the sounds we have learnt this year.


Maths | Hillview School Tonbridge Kent UK


We have been learning about addition and subtraction strategies. We have been using the number facts we already know to partition number.We have been trying really hard to explain our thinking using correct mathematical vocabulary.

Vetores de Jesus Cristo Encontra Matthew e mais imagens de Evangelho -  Evangelho, Amizade, Jesus Cristo - iStock


We read a story that was all about a man called Levi. We found out that he was a tax collector who made some wrong choices. We talked about how he changed and wrote a postcard to Jesus, pretending to be Levi, saying sorry for his actions.


Change Clip Art at - vector clip art online, royalty free &  public domain


Since we have spent some time in year 2, we talked about change and the transition into a new classroom. We discussed our worries and set ourselves targets for the new year.


Clipart of sewing - Clipartix


We used the plans we made to finish making clothes for a teddy. First, we cut the fabric. Then, we carefully sewed the pieces of fabric together. We learnt how to fasten off the sewing so it didn't come undone. We evaluated how well we achieved our plan. We showed great perseverance.


What is a Minibeast? - Twinkl

Art Week

It's Art Week for everyone in our school this week. We have produced different pieces through the week and these have culminated in a final piece which will be displayed in a gallery at the summer fair on Saturday 15th July.

Yoga Australia – The new Yoga Australia website & membership site


We had our final Yoga session with Katie. We have really enjoyed these sessions and learnt a lot.

Free Hammock Cliparts, Download Free Hammock Cliparts png images, Free  ClipArts on Clipart Library

Forest School and Outdoor Learning

We had another go at nail art using the hammers safely. We used what we have already learned and made more complicated designs.

Some of us made hammocks which we loved swinging in! We will make them again next week and try to improve the design.


Home Practice

Phonics - kn words OR ai/ay

Maths - addition and subtraction


Year 1 Blog - Friday 30th June 2023

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 10:16am

summertime-clipart-summer-clip-art-the-word-summer-clip-art[1] - Sierra  View Junior Academy - SVJA

Welcome to your Friday blog, the final one for June!

We are looking forward to visiting Year 2 next week.




We started our week in a very special way. We had a visitor in school all day. He is called Ian Bland and he's a poet. He performed some of his poems for us all in a whole school assembly. We then had a workshop with him and we all came back together at the end of the day to perform the poems we had written. Mr Bland had such amazing energy and we all laughed so much. We learnt a lot too!

Click here to go to his website.

We read some more stories about Mr and Mrs Grinling and Hamish, their cat. As we were so inspired by Mr Bland we wrote our own call and response poem called, "Hamish is a Cat". We performed them to each other.

We also planned and wrote our own story-we had really imaginative ideas about what might happen!


Some of us have been learning about split sounds, o-e as in stone, a-e in cake, e-e in concrete, u-e as in cube and rude, i-e as in pike.  Some of us have been learning about s in treasure and si in vision.


Place Value (2) - Partitioning Numbers into Tens and Ones beyond 20 -  Teleskola


We have been learning about partitioning numbers in order to solve addition number sentence questions. We know that the number 12 is made up of one ten and two ones and used this knowledge to solve problems, for example 12 + 5 = ?


Sorry Clipart | Free Images at - vector clip art online, royalty  free & public domain


We started a new topic - 'being sorry'. We talked about what it means to be sorry and why we should be sorry if we made a wrong choice. We then drew a picture of a time that we have been sorry.


Learn to Code Archives - Apple Tech Talk


We learnt how to use two new blocks - draw and jump. We had a lot of freeplay levels this week, which allowed us to draw whatever we liked using coded instructions. It was so much fun!


Weather forecast for today |


We started learning about the weather. We focused on the UK and how we have different types of weather depending on the season we are in. We also touched upon climate change and how our weather is drastically changing! We then drew pictures of the typical weather that we see in each season, for example we associate winter with snow.


Lost and Found: Oliver Jeffers: Jeffers, Oliver, Jeffers,  Oliver: 9780007150366: Books


We read the story 'Lost and Found' by Oliver Jeffers and talked about how the penguin lives in a cold climate. We discussed the term 'climate' and how we have hot, cold and warm climates in the world. We then coloured these in on a world map.

We also discussed the difference between 'weather' and 'climate' as our learning linked perfectly to our science lesson!


Teaching a sense of responsibility to children - Gooroo Blog


This week, we learnt about the word 'responsibility'. We watched a clip from Rugrats where Angelica mentions that she has more "sponsibilities" now that she is older. We talked about our responsibilities in school and at home and how they change as we grow up.


The best French ice cream in Paris? - My French Life™ - Ma Vie Française®


We practised saying ice cream flavours and played a game to reinforce the vocabulary. Then we talked about the Tour de France which starts this Saturday.


MADE TO ORDER String Art Heart Sign  Symmetrical 5.25 image 1

Outdoor Learning and Forest School

This week we used hammered nails into tree stumps to make a shape. We then wrapped wool around the nails to make a piece of art. We had to persevere as the wool came undone if we didn't secure it well enough. We all had our own ideas about what to make. We know how to use a hammer safely.

In our other session we made friendship bracelets.  We used our knot-tying skills and made some colourful bracelets.


Home Practice

Phonics - s and si words OR u_e

Maths - Number bonds


Year 1 Blog - Friday 23rd June 2023

Date: 21st Jun 2023 @ 5:11pm

Sun Behind Rain Cloud | Travel Places - Sky Weather

Welcome to your Friday blog.


We have really enjoyed having two Year 10 sudents from All Hallows in our class this week, Miss Lee and Mr Rickson.They have been really enthusiastic helpers and they have enjoyed visiting their primary school again afer 4 years away!


We read two of the stories about the lighthouse keeper, Mr Grinling. We learnt about his job and his family. We designed our own contraption for getting his lunch from his cottage to the lighthouse - it kept being eaten by seagulls on the way! We then designed our own menu for the Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.


Some of us have been learning alternative spellings of the same sound as in these words, toad, stone, toe. Some of us have been learning le in apple and al in metal.


Free Hundred Square/Grid Printables and Teaching Resources - SparkleBox


We have been learning about ten more and ten fewer. We used 100 squares and learnt that we only need to look at the number above or below. Then we learnt how to decode tricky problem questions and write either addition or subtraction number sentences about them.

Islam Symbol Clip Art Image - ClipSafari


This week was other faiths week and we focused on Islam. We learnt all about the Prophet Muhammad and used adjectives to describe him.

Roll Ball Picture for Classroom / Therapy Use - Great Roll Ball Clipart


This week, we focused on our rolling skills. We started with big balls, then tennis balls and even rolled quoits! We also continued to underarm throw throw hoops and at targets.


Bee: Loops #13 | Course 1 -


We found the learning to be quite tricky this week! We had to use loops (repeats) to finish the code. We also had to collect gems along the way. We persevered and worked hard!


Spring Into Summer Png Vector Free Stock - Spring Into Summer Clipart PNG  Image | Transparent PNG Free Download on SeekPNG


We continued to learn about seasons and focused on the changes that we see as we go from spring to summer. We talked about the June Soltice and identified the signs of summer that we could see, hear, smell and feel.


Geography Clipart-seven continents of the world geography clipart


We learnt all about the continents and oceans of the world. We listens to the continents song and used atlases to find the continents of different countries.


unkind ASL - YouTube


This week, we talked about kindess and how we have different choices to make in scenarios. We watched a video about a young boy who had two choices - be kind or unkind. We then identified kind choices.


3,468 Ice cream clipart Vector Images | Depositphotos


We recapped the summer vocabulary that we learnt last week and then learnt how to say some ice cream flavours. We played a game to reinforce this new vocabulary. Then the children were able to say whether they liked or didn't like various ice cream flavours. We finished with some summer stories and songs. 

Monarch Butterfly Vector Illustration Isolated On White Background Stok  Vektör Sanat? & Monark Kelebe?i'nin Daha Fazla Görseli - iStock

Outdoor Learning and Forest School

For our first session we used lots of techniques, skills and knowledge which we have learned over the year to make a butterfly. We joined sticks or lolly sticks together using pipe cleaners, wire or tape. We then attached pipe cleaners and beads to create the antenna and body of the butterfly. Then we chose our wool to make the wings. Great perseverance was shown. Some of us also made different animals, forest eyes and bracelets-lovely creativity and imagination.

For our second session we went into the nature area. We built dens, always trying hard to improve on our previous attempts. There was more equipment in the mud kitchen so some of us used that. We also played on the rope swings from last week.

Thanks for the questionairres which have been returned this week.


Tough Kidder

We had a really fun time doing tough kidder!


Home Practice

Phonics - oa words OR homophones

Maths - problem questions


Year 1 Blog - Friday 16th June 2023

Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 5:46pm

Sun Paint Pinselstriche Auf Weißem Hintergrund Vektorillustration Stock  Vektor Art und mehr Bilder von Sonne - iStock

Welcome to your Friday blog. We are loving the sunny weather.


Katie Morag and the Big Boy Cousins eBook : Hedderwick, Mairi: Kindle Store


This week we listened to another story about Katie Morag. She loves it when her cousins visit but they cause a bit of trouble! We compared pictures of the houses on the island, before and after the cousins had visited. We planned our own story and wrote our own books. We read these to the children in Reception. 


This week we have completed the phonic screen assessment.


Learn about number lines and their everyday use – KS3 Maths - BBC Bitesize


We have been learning about the place value of numbers. We have been working out the missing numbers on a number line and explaining how we know. We have also been looking at the value of the 2 and the 4 in 24,the 3 and the 7 in 37 and so on.

Keep practising your counting. Can you count forwards in 2s from 23 to 47 ? Can you count backwards in 10s from 77 to 27?


Tree at four seasons stock vector. Illustration of yellow - 118470170


We have been learning about the seasons and how they change. We talked about  how we are into the summer months and related this to our learning from last week, we can see lots of green leaves on the deciduous trees. We then chose our favourite and least favourite season, drew a picture of a deciduous tree from that season and wrote a sentence explaining why we chose it as our favourite/least favourite.


Tree Spring Blossom Clip Art, PNG, 3520x3972px, Tree, Blossom, Branch, Cherry  Blossom, Color Download Free


We made our next whole class handprint tree for the season on spring. We had lots of light green and pink colours to represent the blossoms. We will make a summer version before we finish!

We also made Miss Forshaw a thank you card using our fingerprint and picture so that she will always remember us!


Fabrics and garments Royalty Free Vector Clip Art illustration


This week, we thought about the material that we would like to use for our clothes for Patch the teddy. We evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of different types of materials and chose the most suitable one.

We then had another running stitch practise. logo.svg - Wikimedia Commons


We helped Scrat with some trickier code! We learnt to use loops to simplify our code and make it easier to read.


Hazard Sign Icon Vector Triangle Stock Illustration - Download Image Now -  Alarm, Alertness, Backgrounds - iStock


We have been learning about hazards and emergencies. We talked about what a hazard is and spotted any potential hazards in the classroom. We made sure that we quickly fixed them!

We then talked about how to deal with an emergency and how to ring 999 when needed.

2,995 Noughts Crosses Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock


On Monday morning we had our second yoga session with Katie. We loved it - especially the banana song! Great fun and we learned a lot.

We then practised some more of our fundamental skills in PE. We jumped for distance, balanced bean bags and practised underarm throwing in a game of beanbag noughts and crosses.


FRENCH SCHOOL POSTER Summer Words Kids for French / Language - Etsy


We learnt some words for summer things and then made sentences using the new words. Next, we listened out for the new vocabulary in a summer song. We practised the words with a game and listened to a new story, Le Petit Poisson, about a fish who had no one to play with. 


Hapa Zome - with children! - how we montessori

Forest School and Outdoor Learning

In our Forest School session we did some hapa-zome printing which means ‘leaf dye’.Hapa-zome is the Japanese technique of smashing flowers and leaves into fabric. We found that fresh, juicy plants leave the best imprint.

Hapa-zome printing is one of the easiest and quickest natural dyeing techniques. We collected leaves and flowers then we used hammers safely to smash them through calico fabric.

 It was like magic when the colours came through!


Click here for photos

In our other session we assembled polystyrene birds which became gliders. We investigated putting the weight in different places on the beak to see how this affected the flight. 

We also explored and played on a brand new delivery of logs, kindly supplied by a parent. If you have access to any free materials or resources which you think would be useful for our sessions please get in touch via the school office.

Thank you to everyone who has completed the questionnaire. It came home on Thursday 8th June and it's on a green sheet. Please fill it in and send it into school if you haven't already done so. They will help us to evaluate our offering and help us to plan for next year.


Dance From the Heart

We had a super time on Thursday performing the dance. Thank you to everyone who came to watch.


Miss Forshaw

On Friday, we said goodbye to Miss Forshaw, our teaching student who has been working with us for the last 7 weeks. We have loved all her lessons and we know she's enjoyed being at St Oswald's.


Home Practice

Phonics - ear (air sound) OR common exception words

Maths -  Representing numbers

Year 1 Blog-Friday 9th June 2023

Date: 7th Jun 2023 @ 6:11pm

How to Draw a Smiling Sun - Really Easy Drawing Guides

Welcome to your Friday blog!

It has been lovely welcoming the children back from their half term break and finding out what they've been up to.


Katie Morag - Wikipedia


We started learning through the stories of Katie Morag who lives on the Isle of Strury. She sent us a postcard and some clues about the adventures she gets up to in her stories. We looked at her books to find out facts about her. We also did some role playing. We pretended to be different characters and acted out something that happened in the story. We will continue with Katie Morag next week.

Posters: ie and ae split digraphs | Teaching Resources


We have also been practising reading nonsense words ready for our phonics screen. 


Half Past the Hour Clock Clip Art - Half Past the Hour Clock Image


We continued to learn about o'clock and half past times. We know now that if the minute hand is pointing to the 12, it is an o'clock and if it is pointing to the 6, it is a half past.

We also completed some arithmetic and reasoning questions.



We focused on how the disciples started to speak in different languages after encountering the Holy Spirit. We wrote the word 'hello' in as many languages as we could around a picture of the disciples.


Stranger Danger Stock Illustrations – 388 Stranger Danger Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We focused on strangers and who can be identified as a 'safe stranger'. We wrote what we should do if we come across a stranger and what we should not do.

Glossary Details – French Guianan E-Flora Project


This week, we focused on trees and how we have evergreen trees and deciduous trees. We went on a tree hunt around the KS1 building and ticked off any that we could see.


Free World Clip Art Pictures - Clipartix


We started to learn about the world. We recapped our UK learning from last term and then we used the atlases to find different geographical features (such as land, oceans and the poles).

1,499 Kids Yoga Clipart Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock


This week Miss Forshaw taught our P.E. lesson. We focused on running and changing direction. We did a beanbag shuttle run, played domes and dishes and improved our throwing and catching.

We also had a Yoga session with Katie, one of the South Ribble sports coaches. We learnt some positions and put them together in a sequence. We will be having 5 more sessions over the coming weeks.

We are looking forward to performing the Dance From the Heart next week. Please join us next Thursday 10.30 to 11.00 on the playground if you can.


BB-8 Clip Art | Star wars drawings, Star wars cartoon, Star wars bb8


We had a new character to help this week - BB8! We used sequenced code to help BB8 pick up the scrap metal. The code instructions are beginning to get trickier and longer now!


Transportation in French | Teaching Resources


We learnt some words for means of transport.  We repeated a sentence about how we come to school eg Je vais a l'ecole en voiture. Then we tried to join in with the wheels on the bus in French and a song about a boat. 


Colorful Natural Tree clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla

Forest School and Outdoor Learning

We learnt how to safely use a new tool to make a hole in a wood disc. We also did some threading and tied knots to make a decoration. Mrs Corbett showed us how she had made a mobile but we had our own great ideas as well. The wood was quite hard so we had to really persevere to make the hole.

In our other session we used the logs and branches to make dens,obstacle courses, ladders and even some rope swings! Some of us climbed trees. Our teamwork is really good and our imaginations know no bounds!We found spiders and slugs too.


Home Practice

Phonics - Split digraph i_e

Maths -  Addition

Year 1 Blog - Friday 26th May

Date: 24th May 2023 @ 5:34pm

Sun illustrations | A complete guide | AdobeWelcome to your final Friday blog of this half term. We have really enjoyed the lovely weather this week. We also enjoyed having our class photo taken - we showed great listening.

Roald Dahl Enormous Crocodile - One Child Isn't Enough


We continued our learning through the story of The Enormous Crocodile. We discussed the story and expressed our opinions about the story. We wrote a book review, taking care with our spelling, handwriting, full stops and capital letters.

We made a card to say thank you to all the staff at Martin Mere for our fabulous trip last week. We wrote some lovely messages and produced some beautiful pictures.

We planned and wrote our own version of The Enormous Crocodile using some of our own very imaginative ideas.

144 Superhero Phonics Themed Teacher Reward Stickers - Large - Sticker  Stocker


Some of us learned ere as in hemisphere. Some of us continued to learn about split digraphs, such as a-e in cake.

Split a-e song Split e-e song More phonics songs


O Clock Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download


This week Miss Forshaw taught us our last lesson learning about positional language. Then we started some new learning about telling the time, starting with o'clock . Practise telling the time with your child.

We also practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  Ask your child questions such as, what's 5 more/less than 45?, 10 more/less than 40?, 2 more/less than 48? to see if they can apply what they have been learning. If your child seems confident ask 10 more/less than 47?and so on. Keep to numbers less than 100.

Roll Ball Picture for Classroom / Therapy Use - Great Roll Ball Clipart


We practised our throwing, hopping, running and rolling of a ball. 


Free Emotions Smiley Clipart - EPS, Illustrator, JPG, PNG, SVG |


We had a fun lesson learning about how the Disciples felt when Jesus ascended and the Holy Spirit came to them. We decorated paper plates with different emotions,


Pin on Learn It


We learnt about the different parts of a leaf and went on a hunt to find our own in the nature area. Then, we sketched our favourite leaf and identified the different parts that we could see.


Trust Me; I'm Right About This


We talked about people that we trust and how certain people have special jobs. This could mean that we are supposed to trust them more than others (for example a policeman). Then we identified the people that we trust in our lives, such as our parents and teachers.


App Lab -


We continued helping Scrat get to his acorn on the website. We learnt about 'debugging' and how to fix our mistakes when coding.


Clipart Beach Beach Image Summer Holiday Clipart - Etsy UK


We painted our final seaside picture in our sketchbooks. We copied pictures from the iPad and really took our time!


Top French Flag Stock Vectors, Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock | Union  jack, Italian flag, Flag


We we continued to try and memorise clothes vocabulary with a song, story and games.


35 Easy Dutch Oven Camping Recipes That Will Take Your Cookout To The Next  Level - Beyond The Tent

Forest School and Outdoor Learning

This week some groups made pancakes. Some groups used a new method of cooking, a Dutch Oven, to make soup. Some of us tried to use a flint and steel to start a fire. This was 1 to 1 with Mrs Corbett. The children found out it was more difficult than it looked! Some children succeeded in starting a fire but all the children who tried showed great determination and perseverance. They will keep on trying hard!


Home Practice

Phonics - split a_e OR suffixes

Maths - time


Please wash your child's P.E. kit over half term and return it to school on the first day back.

Keep reading every day - we are seeing how much of a difference it makes.

Have a great week off and we will see you all on Monday 5th June.





Online Safety Update - Roblox

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:10pm

Image result for roblox logo

We have noticed a growing number of children from all classes accessing this platform and so here is a guide on how to use the platform, including what potential risks come with allowing your children on Roblox.


Roblox Guide 2.jpg


Below you will find a link to join the National Online Safety platform and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support, incuding filtering and the best ways to monitor your child's online activity.

Year 1 Blog-Friday 19th May 2023

Date: 18th May 2023 @ 10:10am

Spring Clipart Images – Browse 209,378 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock

Welcome to your Friday blog!

We are enjoying Miss Forshaw being in our class. She is learning how to become a teacher and we are all helping her.


The Enormous Crocodile by Roald Dahl, Quentin Blake | Waterstones


This week, we have been reading the story of 'The Enormous Crocodile' by Roald Dahl. We have absolutely loved learning about the crocodile's clever tricks (that did not work) and how the jungle animals saved the children each time. We read most of the book and predicted how it might end. We focused on adjectives this week. We highlighted the many adjectives in the story, wrote a beware poster to warn children and identified the crocodile's clever tricks.

We then wrote a recount of our school trip to Martin Mere, describing what we did during the day.


Some of us have been learning about the spilt digraph e-e as in Steve and complete.Some of us have been learning about ear in earth and or in work.

Click here to sing some phonics songs.


Fun Positional Language Activities, Games and Songs for Kids - Empowered  Parents



We have been learning about positional language. The learning included the words above, below, between, on top of,in front of.

We have also been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Try counting from different starting numbers. Count in 5s starting at 2. Count in 10s starting at 12.


Premium Vector | The ascension of jesus christ between clouds


We focused on the words that Jesus spoke to His disciples as He ascended up to Heaven. We spoke about His promise to send the Holy Spirit and we wrote what was said in speech bubbles.


Punch & Judy


We learnt about the various forms of entertainment that were seen at the seaside in the past and in the present day. We examined some real life photographs of the seaside in the past and identified any entertainment that we could see. We spotted Punch and Judy shows, people seabathing, swimming and making sandcastles on the beach. We drew and described two examples of past activities in our books.


Premium Vector | Diagram showing parts of a plant


We have learnt about the different parts of the plant and the very important jobs that they have. We made our own collage pictures identifying each part and then pretended to be a plant with our bodies - we stretched out tall like the stem and opened our hands wide like the leaves!


BEACH HUTS - Clip Art Library | Beach huts art, Seaside art, Painting


We made our final digital seaside picture using They were absolutely amazing! So much so, that Mrs Robinson came in to see them.


Ice Age Squirrel Png Image - Age De Glace Scrat Transparent PNG - 1200x707  - Free Download on NicePNG


We had our next lesson using We learnt to drag and drop instructions so that Scrat could eat the acorn. We did some amazing learning and sharing!


French Clothes


We began to learn the vocabulary for clothes with the story Je m'habille et je te croque followed by some games to reinforce the new words. 


Pancake Clip Art Images – Browse 2,728 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock

Outdoor Learning

This week our fire session was making pancakes. We made the batter and watched as it changed from a liquid into a solid. We noticed the change in the colour of the pancakes as they cooked. We ate them with lemon,sugar, cinnamon or apple sauce.

Our other session was making obstacle courses. We used logs and came up with really imaginative ways to use them.


WWT Martin Mere Wetland Centre | Ormskirk

Martin Mere

We had an amazing trip to Martin Mere. There was so much learning! We saw so many different plants and creatures. Have a look at the photos in the gallery section.


Home Practice

Phonics - split digraph o_e OR ear in dear

Maths - turns


Even more children are changing their reading books more often and it's having a great impact on their progress.

Don't forget to keep reading the Tricky words and if your child recognises them on sight they could learn how to write them.


Year 1 Blog 12th May 2023

Date: 11th May 2023 @ 10:29am

Gelukkige Jonge Geitjes Spelen Illustratie Van De Kinderen Jongens En  Meisjes Stockvectorkunst en meer beelden van Kind - iStock

Welcome to your Friday blog!

We are enjoying Miss Forshaw being in our class. She is learning how to become a teacher and we are all helping her.


There's a Tiger in the Garden: 1 : Stewart, Lizzy: Books


This week, we have been reading the story ' There's a tiger in the garden'. We had some great discussions about whether the tiger was real and also about what we could infer from the story. We created our own story map of the main events in the story.

Phonics Workshop: ER, IR, UR



Some of us have been learning about ir in girl and er in her. Some of us have been learning to read words such as shrink, plank, frost.

Click here to sing some phonics songs.


Doubles, Halves & Quarters - 5 RESOURCES | Teaching Resources



We have been learning about finding halves and quarters of shapes and amounts.

We have been counting in 2s,5s,and 10s. Start on different numbers and count forwards as well as backwards.

Free Vector | Christian event abstract concept illustration. christian holy  day, religious dates calendar, baptist event, church gathering, sunday  mass, music festival, pilgrimage


We focused on the term 'Holy Day' and how they are special days that are celebrated. We recapped all the days that we have learnt about, focusing on the Easter story, and then chose one to draw and write about in our books.


Sports Day clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla


We had our final sports day practise on Wednesday. 

Thank you to everyone who came to watch us take part in our sports day. The children we absolutely amazing, showing great determination, resilience and physical skills.


Police Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download


We started to think about safety and who keeps us safe. We explored different job roles involving safety (police, fire fighters) and other people like parents and teachers who want to keep us safe. We then drew pictures of them and talked about what they do to help us.


The Sea Archives - Old Design Shop Blog


We had such a fun lesson learning about past and present seaside clothing. We looked at what is the same and what is different and then we got to try some clothes on from the museum loan box!


Lolly Stick Tiger Craft - Tiger Craft (teacher made)


We made a great tiger craft each in choosing time using lolly sticks.

Then in our learning, we planned our perfect seaside picture in our sketchbooks ready to paint our final digital seaside picture next week.


French Lesson 17 - NUMBERS 1-10 - Learn French - The French Minute - YouTube


We practised numbers to 15 and adding two numbers with a game. We recapped weather phrases, then moved on to begin to learn some clothes vocabulary with a story - Je m'habille et je te croque. 

G362030 - Diatonic Boomwhackers | GLS Educational Supplies



We played the boomwhackers. We really had to concentrate so that we played our note at the right time.


Campfire png images | PNGEgg


Outdoor Learning

This week four groups cooked on a fire. We used wood and charcoal this time and cooked in the embers of the fire . We rolled bread dough into balls and cooked it in the fire-it was delicious!

We also cut a slit in the skin of bananas and put chocolate buttons in the slits. We then wrapped the bananas in foil and baked them in the embers of the fire. They were so yummy, the chocolate melted and the bananas went soft.

The last group will do this on Monday.

We also chose to build shelters and our own play fires which we could pretend to cook on. Some of us were still very interested in making mouse traps !

Cooking on a Fire

Home Practice

Phonics - ear words OR split e_e

Maths -  quarters


Even more children are changing their reading books more often and it's having a great impact on their progress.

Don't forget to keep reading the Tricky words and if your child recognises them on sight they could learn how to write them.


Please return your trip slip on Monday if you haven't already!

Year 1 Blog 5th May 2023

Date: 4th May 2023 @ 10:25am


MAY Month Vector With Flowers And Leaves. Floral Decoration Text. Hand  Drawn Lettering. Illustration May Calendar Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts,  Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 135080549.

Welcome to your Friday blog!

We are enjoying Miss Forshaw being in our class. She is learning how to become a teacher and we are all helping her.


We're Going on a Lion Hunt : Axtell, David: Books


This week, we have been reading the story "We are Going on a Lion Hunt". The story follows the pattern of the Bear Hunt story which we learnt about in Reception. We went on our own animal hunt in our school grounds. Some of use role played being the lion and answered questions.


Alphington Primary School | Phonics


Some of us have been learning about words where we have to be really careful to sound out all the vowels and consonants, for example smell,grass,smug. We also learnt to read words such as print

Some of us have been learning about ough in bought and augh in taught. We couldn't believe how many 'or' spellings there were!

Click here to sing some phonics songs.


Halving Numbers | Half Fractions | DK Find Out



We have been learning about finding halves of shapes and amounts. We used practical equipment to work out and check our answers.

We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards. Practise counting in odd numbers, 1,3,5... Practise counting in 5s from different numbers, 2,7,12,17,22,.......what's the pattern?

Practise counting in 10s from different numbers, 3,13,23,33,.....what do you notice ?

Click here to play a fact families game.

Premium Vector | Yellow suitcase with stickers for use in clipart


We started to learn about our new topic of 'Holidays and Holydays'. We first discussed the meaning of each and then we focused on our holidays. This tied in well with our history learning! We drew what we need to take on a holiday with us and then we watched a video of Barnaby Bear going on holiday.

Click here to watch more Barnaby videos.

Sack Race Stock Clipart | Royalty-Free | FreeImages


We started practising for our sports day, which is on Thursday 11th of May at 2:15pm

We practised all of our races and talked about competing in a fair way and celebrating everyone's achievements.


167,900+ Using Laptop Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock | Laptop on desk, Computer, Laptop isolated


We have used a brand new website this week called By the end of the summer term, we are all going to be amazing coders! This week, we learnt to drag and drop objects. We challenged ourselves by using the trackpads to drag each time.

If you would like to access at home, our class code is ZQTKZD. Each person has their own password icon to click to access the learning.


Seed Bean Plant Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock  Illustration. Image 34592106.


We went in our outdoor area to see our bean plants that have been planted by the gardening club. We compared them from when they were in the bags in the classroom to now. Some had grown, some unfortunetly hadn't! We then wrote about how they had changed.

Premium Vector | Poster for king charles iii coronation with british flag  vector illustration


We learnt about King Charles' upcoming coronation. We read 'The King's Pants' together and drew our own pants. We hope that he comes to school one day so we can question him!


King Charles III Coloring Page - Enchanted Learning


We have been doing lots of art work this week! We have been sketching the King in our sketchbooks and then we continued with our digital media lesson. We used to digitally draw a seaside picture. It was fun to see how much we could remember from our computing lessons.


French Clothes Vocabulary Flashcards - learn French,vocabulary ,flashcards,wardrobe,clothes,french


We recapped the weather phrases and practised them with some games. Then we read a story from the Berthe series about a witch who always has the wrong clothes on for the weather. This introduced the vocabulary for clothes which we will work on next week. Well done everyone. 


Animated Fire Clip Art - Fire Wood Clip Art - Free Transparent PNG Clipart  Images Download

Outdoor Learning

This week the last group learnt about fire safety and toasted marshmallows.

In our other session we got out all the shetler building equipment and worked together to make shelters. It was quite windy on some of the days which provided extra challenge! It's great to see such resilience, imagination, teamwork and resilience.


King's Coronation

Coronation of King Charles 

We all enjoyed our celebration school lunch on Thursday.

Everyone looked fabulous in their red,white and blue outfits.

Our Golden Assembly on Friday was a lovely celebration - we loved singing our special song. The picnic was great and we are all excited to watch the event tomorrow.

To The Sound Of Trumpets. Click here to sing the song.

Don't forget that it is Bank Holiday on Monday. We will see you on Tuesday.


Home Practice

Phonics - common exception words/compound words

Maths -  halving


Even more children are changing their reading books more often and it's having a great impact on their progress.

Year 1 Blog 28th April 2023

Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 10:11am

204,636 Summer Clipart Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock

Welcome to your first Summer Term blog!


Perfect Picture Book Friday: I Want My Hat Back – Renee LaTulippe – No  Water River


This week, we have been reading the story 'I want my hat back' by Jon Klassen. We met a bear who had lost his hat who then used his detective skills to realise that actually, he had seen his hat! We predicted what was going to happen in the story, we drew our own hats, we made missing posters for the hat and used speech bubbles to write what was being said by each character.

Then, we read 'We found a hat' and compared it to the first story.


We have been learning about oar and our is roar and pour.

Click here to sing some phonics songs.


Math Clip Art--Number Models--Ten Frame--Modeling Sums within Twenty-40 |  Media4Math


We focused on parts and wholes in number sentences. We learnt that the parts add together to make a whole. Then we looked at the inverse, making the subtraction number sentences using same numbers. We had to remember that the whole comes first!

Click here to play a fact families game.


Peter Preaches to the People of Jerusalem | News for Gospel Kids


We recapped the Easter story and talked about how Easter Sunday, and Jesus' ascension, is not the end. We read about Peter telling everyone to spread the Good News and wrote about how we can continue to change for the better.


Muney – Needs & Wants | myn's desk


We recapped different forms of money before learning about distinguishing between needs and wants. We defined both of them and sorted objects into each category.


Cartoon Relay Race Stock Illustrations – 179 Cartoon Relay Race Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We started practising for our sports day, which is on the 11th of May at 2:15.

We practised the relay race and the egg and spoon race together.


Vector Conceptual Illustration Of Kids With Computers Sharing Multimedia  Information On Internet Media Icons On Background Stock Illustration -  Download Image Now - iStock


We had an online safety session regarding the internet. We looked at some rules to follow and practised being safe on the internet. We used the NatGeo website to learn about a country of our choice.


Flowers Names Stock Illustrations – 459 Flowers Names Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We went outside for a lovely nature walk! We spotted lots of different plants and flowers and sketched them in our science books. We learnt a lot of new plant names!


Discover the Beauty of the Seaside with Seaside Cliparts


We started to learn about seaside holidays, both in the past and the present. We compared the two and stuck pictures into our books under each column.


Seaside Resort Clip Art, PNG, 1608x1081px, Seaside Resort, Art, Beach,  Blog, Caribbean Download Free


We had two separate art lessons this week. Our first was a lovely lesson drawing Earth pictures for World Earth Day. Then in our second lesson, we started our Digital Media topic. This is where you create art online. We Googled images of the seaside and sketched what we could see in our sketchbooks.


French - Animals | Teaching Resources


We recapped animals words and began to learn some phrases for the weather through games and a story. 


Kids Planting Tree Theme Image 2 Stock Clipart | Royalty-Free | FreeImages

Outdoor Learning

This week four of the groups leant about fire safety. We watched a fire being started by Mrs Corbett using a flint and steel. We toasted marshmallows-they were yummy!

The last group will do this session next week.

We also checked how our plants are growing and put some of them in bigger pots.


Our summer term class and subject overviews are live on the school website. Please look on the year 1 page and the separate curriculum pages to see what we are learning about.

Don't forget that it is Bank Holiday on Monday. We will see you on Tuesday.


Home Practice

Phonics -  au and aw words

Maths -  counting practise


Year 1 Blog-Thursday 6th April

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 5:29pm

Sun Drawing - How To Draw The Sun Step By Step

Welcome to your final Friday blog of the Spring term. We had a great Easter assembly with some lucky children winning an Easter egg in the raffle.

Paperback The Tiny Seed Book


This week we read our Scaredy Squirrel books to the children in Year 3 and Reception. Everyone loved our stories and we got some really good feedback.

We had a few days learning from a story called The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The seed has a journey starting in Autumn and ending up in Summer as an enormous flower.

We learnt about life cycles. We also wrote instructions to tell someone how to plant a seed.


Some of us have been learning about al as in walk, talk, chalk and some of us have been learning more tricky words.


We have been doing lots of assessments this week.


We learned more about the Easter story. We went to church on Tuesday to watch Year 6 perform their Easter presentation. We loved joining in with the singing and the prayers.


We practised our fundamental skills outside.


We all made an Easter card by collaging an egg shape.


We listened to La legende des Cloches de Paques - the story of the Easter Bells. In France, they say that the bells fall silent at Easter because they have gone to Rome to be blessed. They return on Easter Sunday, dropping chocolate eggs in gardens for children to find.  We practised some vocabulary related to Easter with a hunt the word game. 

Outdoor Learning

We have all made our hedgehog now using hammers and screwdrivers.

We did some more planting- carrots and foxgloves.

We went in the nature area and found new types of flowers growing, snails,woodlice, spiders ,ants and worms.


Premium Vector | Happy easter. religious design with a wooden cross on  calvary in rays of divine light and blue sky.

We wish you all a happy, holy and peaceful Easter.

Year 1 Blog - Friday 31st March

Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 5:44pm

Spring promises: things to look forward to, from chocolate bunnies to  flower-filled walks | Life and style | The Guardian

Welcome to your final Friday blog of March.

Scaredy Squirrel Has a Birthday Party

This week we have also attached a new online safety guide 'What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Age-Inappropriate Content'. Please Read.


This we we started to write our own version of the story, Scaredy Squirrel Has A Birthday Party. We had so many decisions to make...where to hold the party, things which might spoil the party, ideas for small talk, extra items which might be needed in an emergency! Scaredy Squirrel thinks of everything!

We role played being Scaredy Squirrel talking about his party.

We will read our books to other classes when we have finished them.


Some of us were learning about or as in fork and oi as in coin. Some of us were learning or as in door, walk, roar and core.

Click here to sing some phonics songs.


Main Focus: Doubling and halving numbers to 20 • Halve even numbers to 20 •  Double all numbers to 20 This is a key area of m


We started looking at division problem questions that required us to share objects equally. We started with halving numbers and then built up to sharing into more groups (e.g. share 10 apples between 5 children). We quickly realised that we can easily halve even numbers but it isn't easy to halve odd numbers.

We made sure that we did lots of counting together to check our answers!

Click here to play Hit the Button - click halves to 10.

Good Friday Stock Illustrations – 7,793 Good Friday Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We focused on Palm Sunday and learnt about Jesus being welcomed by people with palm leaves. We made our own welcome banner for Jesus and role played welcoming Him. Then, we learnt the Easter story, focusing on the lead up to Jesus' crucifixion.


Bank clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla


After recapping how we can earn money, we learnt about how we can save money. We thought about where our money can be kept safely - a piggy bank, a purse, with adults, and then we learnt about bank accounts and how we can keep large amounts of money safe. We then made a poster about how, and where, we can save our money.

6,800+ Throwing Ball Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art  - iStock | Kid throwing ball, Man throwing ball, Woman throwing ball


This week, we tried throwing and catching with larger, lighter balls. This was quite tricky outside but we quickly learnt to come closer to our partners to stop the ball from being dropped. We then played a game of throwing and catching rounders to improve our teamwork skills.


trackpad - How to properly use drag and drop with MacBook Pro on OS X 10.7?  - Ask Different


We did some tricky learning this week on the laptops! We learnt how to drag and drop objects into sorting groups using the trackpad. We learnt that we had to click with one finger and move another finger - at the same time.


Brothers Wright Stock Illustrations – 118 Brothers Wright Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


We learnt about two very significant inventors - The Wright Brothers. We learnt that they invented the first aeroplane and made the first flight possible. We compared past aeroplanes to present day planes and then wrote about why the brothers are significant. We even tried to make our own paper aeroplanes!


Pin on Traditional tales


We sketched a story map of our favourite stories on World Book Day.




We listened to La legende des Cloches de Paques - the story of the Easter Bells. In France, they say that the bells fall silent at Easter because they have gone to Rome to be blessed. They return on Easter Sunday, dropping chocolate eggs in gardens for children to find. We practised some vocabulary related to Easter with a hunt the word game. 


Kids Planting Tree Theme Image 2 Stock Clipart | Royalty-Free | FreeImages

Outdoor Learning

Some of us used our skills of using tools safely to make a hedgehog using a wood slice, nails and screws.

We chose some of own learning in the lodge and the nature area. Some of us planted seeds including dill, coriander and basil. We hope that we are going to have plenty of plants growing when we return after the Easter holiday.


World Book Day

All of your outfits were absolutely amazing! The children looked incredible. Thank you also to the two mums who came in to read to the children, the children loved it!


Home Practice

Phonics -  or words/ore words

Maths -  Addition and subtraction






Year 1 Blog - Friday 24th March 2023

Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:13pm

Sun Art Hd Transparent, Sun Flower Spring Clip Art, Spring ...

Welcome to your Friday blog!



This week we have been learning through the stories of Scaredy Squirrel. He is scared of everything! He rarely leaves his house in the nut tree.

We discussed and wrote about our fears. We made a list of disdvantages of never leaving our house. We wrote a fact file about Scaredy Squirrel and we also planned a timetable of our perfect day-Scaredy Squirrel likes to know exactly what's going to happen.

We are going to write our own Scaredy Squirrel books next week.


Ai Digraph with Words Educational Poster for Kids. Learning Phonics Stock  Vector - Illustration of phonetic, preschool: 208036144


Some of us have been revisiting or as in horn and ai as in rain. Some of us have been learning ar in rather and half, plus u in wood and could.


Thinking Cap Clip Art


We have been answering even trickier problem questions about multiplication. This required us to count in 2s, 5s and 10s whilst also reading the writing!

We also practised our times tables on Topmarks.

Click here to play the game.


Rediscover Lent | St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church - Ojai, CA


We continued to learn about how we can change. We focused on Ash Wednesday and how it is the beginning of Lent. We revisted our Lenten promises to check that we are keeping them and then wrote about how we can make good changes to our lives.

Throwing & Catching In Reception Class


We practised throwing at targets this week. It was very tricky due to the wind knocking our targets over. We also practised throwing and catching in bigger groups, which meant that we had to concentrate more. 

2,211 Beam Torch Stock Vector Illustration and Royalty Free Beam Torch  Clipart


We conducted a transparency experiment to see how many household objects were transparent. We used the torches to test this and we found that actually, many objects are either opaque or translucent.


.Edith Cavell - Christianity


After recapping our learning about Florence Nightingale, we learnt about another significant nurse - Edith Cavell. We quickly realised that she was very similar to Florence as she also helped soldiers during the war (WW1) and trained other women to be nurses. We then wrote our own ideas as to why Edith is a significant person.


Free Smoothie Cliparts, Download Free Smoothie Cliparts png images, Free  ClipArts on Clipart Library


We made our healthy smoothies. We had so much fun. We learnt to cut safely and use the blender. Some of us liked our smoothies, some did not!


children saying thank you - Clip Art Library

Outdoor Learning

This week we did a variety of learning. One of our sessions was learning how to use the hammers and screwdrivers safely. We are then applying these new skills to make a hedgehog.

We also made Spring wreaths out of willow. This week was the Spring or Vernal Equinox when there is about the same amount of hours of light and dark.

We took advantage of the sunnier weather on Friday to make shadow faces. 

If we didn't do one of the sessions we will catch up next week.


Ipad Kid Stock Illustrations – 80 Ipad Kid Stock Illustrations, Vectors &  Clipart - Dreamstime



We practised our Sumdog learning on the laptops and iPads.


Green Beans Royalty Free Vector Clip Art Illustration - Green Beans Clip Art  PNG Image | Transparent PNG Free Download on SeekPNG



 We checked up on our French beans to see how they are growing - some are almost ready for giants at the top!  We listened to a poem about the life cycle of plants and added actions to show our understanding. We finished with a song and a story. 


Home Practice

Phonics -  or and ai words

Maths -  days of the week and months of the year




Year 1 Blog Friday 17th March 2023

Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 10:24am

Free Mother's Day Clipart - Gifs

Welcome to your Friday blog!



We practised our readings for the special assembly. We tried very hard to lift the writing off the page by speaking slowly, clearly and so that our voice could be heard by our audience. 

We read a new story called Farmer Duck which featured a very lazy farmer. We pretended to be the farmer and wrote a letter of apology to the animals.


We have been learning the oi sound as in coin and and as in toy.

Click here to sing a song.


Figure Balances Questions | 3D Animated Clipart for PowerPoint -


We have started to learn about multiplication. We've been focusing on doubles to 10 and some of us to 20! We then moved onto solving word problems. It was a lot of reading but we loved it!


18,366 Changing Seasons Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock | Changing seasons  city, Forest changing seasons, Tree changing seasons


We started to learn about our new topic of Change. We looked at how seasons change and then how much we have changed since September. We had a giggle at the blog pictures from September and wrote about a skill that we have learnt since being in year 1.


13,987 Careers Clipart Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | Shutterstock


We learnt about where money can come from, focusing on the most common source - a job! We looked at different jobs and talked about what those people might spend their money on.

We even role played pretending to be a baker, a teacher, a dentist and even a builder!


Premium Vector | Red color objects set learning colors for kids cute  elements collection educational background


We focused on grouping objects by their properties (for example - by size, shape and colour). We then went on a colour hunt and found 3 objects that were the same colour.

We also enjoyed practising our learning on Sumdog.


Cute Fruits Digital Clip Art Grapes Apple Bananas Pear - Etsy UK


We started to think about the smoothies that we would like to make. We chose the fruit that we wanted and then planned how we were going to make the smoothie.

We then tasted lots of different fruits that we wouldn't normally eat, such as grapefruit and tomatoes.


Pin on Mes enregistrements

Outdoor Learning

This week we either made a worry doll, a forest eye or had some free choice in the nature area.


Free Bean Cliparts, Download Free Bean Cliparts png images, Free ClipArts  on Clipart Library


We  we learnt the vocabulary for family members then we made a card for Mother's Day.  We also enjoyed the story of Jacques et les haricots magiques (Jack and the Beanstalk) in French, joining in with the repetitive parts. We checked up on how our French beans are growing. No giants to see yet!



Home Practice

Phonics -  oi and oy words

Maths -  one step problems



Thank you to everyone who came to our Mother's Day assembly. We hope you have a lovely Mother's Day!

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
