Year 1: Blog items
Date: 27th Apr 2023 @ 10:11am
Welcome to your first Summer Term blog!
This week, we have been reading the story 'I want my hat back' by Jon Klassen. We met a bear who had lost his hat who then used his detective skills to realise that actually, he had seen his hat! We predicted what was going to happen in the story, we drew our own hats, we made missing posters for the hat and used speech bubbles to write what was being said by each character.
Then, we read 'We found a hat' and compared it to the first story.
We have been learning about oar and our is roar and pour.
Click here to sing some phonics songs.
We focused on parts and wholes in number sentences. We learnt that the parts add together to make a whole. Then we looked at the inverse, making the subtraction number sentences using same numbers. We had to remember that the whole comes first!
Click here to play a fact families game.
We recapped the Easter story and talked about how Easter Sunday, and Jesus' ascension, is not the end. We read about Peter telling everyone to spread the Good News and wrote about how we can continue to change for the better.
We recapped different forms of money before learning about distinguishing between needs and wants. We defined both of them and sorted objects into each category.
We started practising for our sports day, which is on the 11th of May at 2:15.
We practised the relay race and the egg and spoon race together.
We had an online safety session regarding the internet. We looked at some rules to follow and practised being safe on the internet. We used the NatGeo website to learn about a country of our choice.
We went outside for a lovely nature walk! We spotted lots of different plants and flowers and sketched them in our science books. We learnt a lot of new plant names!
We started to learn about seaside holidays, both in the past and the present. We compared the two and stuck pictures into our books under each column.
We had two separate art lessons this week. Our first was a lovely lesson drawing Earth pictures for World Earth Day. Then in our second lesson, we started our Digital Media topic. This is where you create art online. We Googled images of the seaside and sketched what we could see in our sketchbooks.
We recapped animals words and began to learn some phrases for the weather through games and a story.
Outdoor Learning
This week four of the groups leant about fire safety. We watched a fire being started by Mrs Corbett using a flint and steel. We toasted marshmallows-they were yummy!
The last group will do this session next week.
We also checked how our plants are growing and put some of them in bigger pots.
Our summer term class and subject overviews are live on the school website. Please look on the year 1 page and the separate curriculum pages to see what we are learning about.
Don't forget that it is Bank Holiday on Monday. We will see you on Tuesday.
Home Practice
Phonics - au and aw words
Maths - counting practise
Year 1 Blog-Thursday 6th April
Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 5:29pm
Welcome to your final Friday blog of the Spring term. We had a great Easter assembly with some lucky children winning an Easter egg in the raffle.
This week we read our Scaredy Squirrel books to the children in Year 3 and Reception. Everyone loved our stories and we got some really good feedback.
We had a few days learning from a story called The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. The seed has a journey starting in Autumn and ending up in Summer as an enormous flower.
We learnt about life cycles. We also wrote instructions to tell someone how to plant a seed.
Some of us have been learning about al as in walk, talk, chalk and some of us have been learning more tricky words.
We have been doing lots of assessments this week.
We learned more about the Easter story. We went to church on Tuesday to watch Year 6 perform their Easter presentation. We loved joining in with the singing and the prayers.
We practised our fundamental skills outside.
We all made an Easter card by collaging an egg shape.
We listened to La legende des Cloches de Paques - the story of the Easter Bells. In France, they say that the bells fall silent at Easter because they have gone to Rome to be blessed. They return on Easter Sunday, dropping chocolate eggs in gardens for children to find. We practised some vocabulary related to Easter with a hunt the word game.
Outdoor Learning
We have all made our hedgehog now using hammers and screwdrivers.
We did some more planting- carrots and foxgloves.
We went in the nature area and found new types of flowers growing, snails,woodlice, spiders ,ants and worms.
We wish you all a happy, holy and peaceful Easter.
Year 1 Blog - Friday 31st March
Date: 29th Mar 2023 @ 5:44pm
Welcome to your final Friday blog of March.
This week we have also attached a new online safety guide 'What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Age-Inappropriate Content'. Please Read.
This we we started to write our own version of the story, Scaredy Squirrel Has A Birthday Party. We had so many decisions to make...where to hold the party, things which might spoil the party, ideas for small talk, extra items which might be needed in an emergency! Scaredy Squirrel thinks of everything!
We role played being Scaredy Squirrel talking about his party.
We will read our books to other classes when we have finished them.
Some of us were learning about or as in fork and oi as in coin. Some of us were learning or as in door, walk, roar and core.
Click here to sing some phonics songs.
We started looking at division problem questions that required us to share objects equally. We started with halving numbers and then built up to sharing into more groups (e.g. share 10 apples between 5 children). We quickly realised that we can easily halve even numbers but it isn't easy to halve odd numbers.
We made sure that we did lots of counting together to check our answers!
Click here to play Hit the Button - click halves to 10.
We focused on Palm Sunday and learnt about Jesus being welcomed by people with palm leaves. We made our own welcome banner for Jesus and role played welcoming Him. Then, we learnt the Easter story, focusing on the lead up to Jesus' crucifixion.
After recapping how we can earn money, we learnt about how we can save money. We thought about where our money can be kept safely - a piggy bank, a purse, with adults, and then we learnt about bank accounts and how we can keep large amounts of money safe. We then made a poster about how, and where, we can save our money.
This week, we tried throwing and catching with larger, lighter balls. This was quite tricky outside but we quickly learnt to come closer to our partners to stop the ball from being dropped. We then played a game of throwing and catching rounders to improve our teamwork skills.
We did some tricky learning this week on the laptops! We learnt how to drag and drop objects into sorting groups using the trackpad. We learnt that we had to click with one finger and move another finger - at the same time.
We learnt about two very significant inventors - The Wright Brothers. We learnt that they invented the first aeroplane and made the first flight possible. We compared past aeroplanes to present day planes and then wrote about why the brothers are significant. We even tried to make our own paper aeroplanes!
We sketched a story map of our favourite stories on World Book Day.
We listened to La legende des Cloches de Paques - the story of the Easter Bells. In France, they say that the bells fall silent at Easter because they have gone to Rome to be blessed. They return on Easter Sunday, dropping chocolate eggs in gardens for children to find. We practised some vocabulary related to Easter with a hunt the word game.
Outdoor Learning
Some of us used our skills of using tools safely to make a hedgehog using a wood slice, nails and screws.
We chose some of own learning in the lodge and the nature area. Some of us planted seeds including dill, coriander and basil. We hope that we are going to have plenty of plants growing when we return after the Easter holiday.
World Book Day
All of your outfits were absolutely amazing! The children looked incredible. Thank you also to the two mums who came in to read to the children, the children loved it!
Home Practice
Phonics - or words/ore words
Maths - Addition and subtraction
Year 1 Blog - Friday 24th March 2023
Date: 23rd Mar 2023 @ 8:13pm
Welcome to your Friday blog!
This week we have been learning through the stories of Scaredy Squirrel. He is scared of everything! He rarely leaves his house in the nut tree.
We discussed and wrote about our fears. We made a list of disdvantages of never leaving our house. We wrote a fact file about Scaredy Squirrel and we also planned a timetable of our perfect day-Scaredy Squirrel likes to know exactly what's going to happen.
We are going to write our own Scaredy Squirrel books next week.
Some of us have been revisiting or as in horn and ai as in rain. Some of us have been learning ar in rather and half, plus u in wood and could.
We have been answering even trickier problem questions about multiplication. This required us to count in 2s, 5s and 10s whilst also reading the writing!
We also practised our times tables on Topmarks.
We continued to learn about how we can change. We focused on Ash Wednesday and how it is the beginning of Lent. We revisted our Lenten promises to check that we are keeping them and then wrote about how we can make good changes to our lives.
We practised throwing at targets this week. It was very tricky due to the wind knocking our targets over. We also practised throwing and catching in bigger groups, which meant that we had to concentrate more.
We conducted a transparency experiment to see how many household objects were transparent. We used the torches to test this and we found that actually, many objects are either opaque or translucent.
After recapping our learning about Florence Nightingale, we learnt about another significant nurse - Edith Cavell. We quickly realised that she was very similar to Florence as she also helped soldiers during the war (WW1) and trained other women to be nurses. We then wrote our own ideas as to why Edith is a significant person.
We made our healthy smoothies. We had so much fun. We learnt to cut safely and use the blender. Some of us liked our smoothies, some did not!
Outdoor Learning
This week we did a variety of learning. One of our sessions was learning how to use the hammers and screwdrivers safely. We are then applying these new skills to make a hedgehog.
We also made Spring wreaths out of willow. This week was the Spring or Vernal Equinox when there is about the same amount of hours of light and dark.
We took advantage of the sunnier weather on Friday to make shadow faces.
If we didn't do one of the sessions we will catch up next week.
We practised our Sumdog learning on the laptops and iPads.
We checked up on our French beans to see how they are growing - some are almost ready for giants at the top! We listened to a poem about the life cycle of plants and added actions to show our understanding. We finished with a song and a story.
Home Practice
Phonics - or and ai words
Maths - days of the week and months of the year
Year 1 Blog Friday 17th March 2023
Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 10:24am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
We practised our readings for the special assembly. We tried very hard to lift the writing off the page by speaking slowly, clearly and so that our voice could be heard by our audience.
We read a new story called Farmer Duck which featured a very lazy farmer. We pretended to be the farmer and wrote a letter of apology to the animals.
We have been learning the oi sound as in coin and and as in toy.
We have started to learn about multiplication. We've been focusing on doubles to 10 and some of us to 20! We then moved onto solving word problems. It was a lot of reading but we loved it!
We started to learn about our new topic of Change. We looked at how seasons change and then how much we have changed since September. We had a giggle at the blog pictures from September and wrote about a skill that we have learnt since being in year 1.
We learnt about where money can come from, focusing on the most common source - a job! We looked at different jobs and talked about what those people might spend their money on.
We even role played pretending to be a baker, a teacher, a dentist and even a builder!
We focused on grouping objects by their properties (for example - by size, shape and colour). We then went on a colour hunt and found 3 objects that were the same colour.
We also enjoyed practising our learning on Sumdog.
We started to think about the smoothies that we would like to make. We chose the fruit that we wanted and then planned how we were going to make the smoothie.
We then tasted lots of different fruits that we wouldn't normally eat, such as grapefruit and tomatoes.
Outdoor Learning
This week we either made a worry doll, a forest eye or had some free choice in the nature area.
We we learnt the vocabulary for family members then we made a card for Mother's Day. We also enjoyed the story of Jacques et les haricots magiques (Jack and the Beanstalk) in French, joining in with the repetitive parts. We checked up on how our French beans are growing. No giants to see yet!
Home Practice
Phonics - oi and oy words
Maths - one step problems
Thank you to everyone who came to our Mother's Day assembly. We hope you have a lovely Mother's Day!
Year 1 Blog-Friday 10th March 2023
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:46pm
Welcome to your Friday blog!
We don't want to give away any spoilers but this week we have been learning through the book, My Mum. We have been trying super hard to make our writing look beautiful on the page. We have made a picture of our mums and written prayers-all will be revealed at the assembly next week!
We have been learning the ow sound as in drought and and as in underground.
We have continued to learn about money. We can now recognise all the coins and the notes. We used the coins to make different amounts by having a cafe set up in the classroom.
We had a lovely final lesson all about special meals. We had a pretend Holy Communion with juice and bread and spoke about how Holy Communion and The Last Supper relate to each other.
We started to learn about money - what it is, what it is used for and how we can pay for items. This linked perfectly to our maths lessons! We talked about deciding how to pay - whether to pay for items using coins, notes, a contactless card or a chip and pin card.
We sketched roses and the copied our sketch onto card. We then coloured in the sketch by painting really carefully.
We learnt about flow diagrams and how food gets to our plate. We learnt that some food is hardly changed (e.g. fruit) and how some are changed a lot! (e.g. cereal and crisps).
We were so excited on Monday when the eggs were delivered to our classroom. They were in an incubator and we waited very patiently until Thursday when the chicks started hatching out! By the time we arrived in school on Friday morning we had nine chicks hatched out of nine eggs!
We then transferred the chicks into a large container with a heater and we will have them in our class until next Thursday.
We wrote about what the chicks need so they can grow well.
Japanese Lesson
Yuitchi and his students taught a really exciting lesson about ogres. We made masks like the ones used in the story.
We have loved having Akane in our classroom for the last 2 weeks, she will be missed!
Outdoor Learning
This week we have done a variety of learning, some outside and some in the lodge . All of us planted a range of seeds which we are going to look after. We practised tying knots in strawberry laces which we could then eat!
Some of us did some den building and some of us listened to the legend of Guatemalen worry dolls and had a go at making our own using sticks, wool and fabric.
We learnt how to name the parts of a plant in French and checked to see if our French beans had begun to germinate. We also began to learn the vocabulary for family members through songs and a story.
Stuart Rowson
We were extremely lucky to hear from Stuart Rowson who worked for the BBC, particularly Cbeebies. He told us all about his new book, that we can borrow from the school library!
Home Practice
Phonics - ow and ou words
Maths - sequencing events
We look forward to seeing you all at our Mother's Day assembly on Thursday 16th March at 2.40 pm.
Year 1 Blog - Friday 3rd March 2023
Date: 2nd Mar 2023 @ 10:10am
Welcome to your Friday blog.
We have been very busy this week! We have planned and written our own stories based on Where the Wild Things Are. Some of us have written up to 7 pages! We are becoming such good authors and illustrators. We then read our stories to years 3 and 4.
We have been learning about all the igh sounds, focusing on split digraph o_e in stone and o in go.
This week we have been learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s. We searched for the patterns on a hundred square and counted groups of objects. Then, we used this knowledge to recap all the coins that we use. We realised that we do a lot of counting when paying with money.
We have been learning to write The Our Father prayer this week. We know this off by heart now so found it really easy to write it down. We then wrote our Lenten Promises down and took them into Golden Assembly.
We recapped the underarm throwing technique and practised aiming at a hoop. This was quite tricky! Then we practised throwing and catching a beanbag in the air. Some of us needed a challenge and tried throwing and catching with one hand!
We started our new topic this week - Significant People. We talked about what it means to be significant and how we remember people who have made a difference to our world. This week, we focused on Florence Nightingale and how she changed the world of medicine and nursing.
We went on Sumdog to practise our phonics and maths.
We each made a month of February piece of art surrounding love. We used different object to print with - cotton buds, paint brushes, even our fingers!
Outdoor Learning
In one of our sessions this week we talked about Japanese folklore. We have a professor from Japan and four of his students visiting us for two weeks.There are stories about tree spirits which protect the trees. We made our own creations out of clay, leaves, sticks, moss and stones. We could use our imagination as no-one has ever seen them!
Two more groups learnt how to use the screwdrivers and hammers safely. There is just one more group to learn how to do this. Then we will be making something by using our new skills!
We listened to the story of Jaques et le haricot magique (Jack and the Beanstalk) and joined in with the repetitive parts. Then we set up some French beans to germinate to grow our own beanstalks. We chose where to put them to grow - I wonder whose will germinate first!
We continued to learn The Little Red Riding Hood song with Mrs Wood.
Home Practice
Phonics - oe (toe) and ow (grow)
Maths - coin recognition
Please continue to read for at least 10 minutes every night with your child, it really will make all the difference to your child's progress.
Year 1 Blog - Friday 24th February 2023
Date: 22nd Feb 2023 @ 4:34pm
Welcome to your first blog of this half term.
We have started reading a new book - Where the Wild Things Are. We have listened to the story and watched animations of the story- we love the wild rumpus part! We described the settings in the story and listened for the language which is repeated. We looked closely at the wild things and discussed what human and animal parts they had. The puppets we made to re-tell the story were amazing-some of us also came up with our own characters. We are going to plan and write our own version of the story next week.
We have been learning about all the igh sounds, focusing on split digraph i_e in slime and i in wild (just like our new story!)
Click here for a phonics song.
This week we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes in more detail. We have compared the shapes and sorted them into groups.
We have continued to practise counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s from different starting numbers.
We have started our new topic - Special Meals. We talked about a special meal that we have had, ordered the events of Mass and then focused on The Last Supper. We used speech bubbles to learn what Jesus said to his disciples.
We have finished gymnastics and started throwing and catching. This week, we recapped how to underarm throw to a partner safely and then played a game to see which group could throw and catch the quickest!
We recapped the UK capital cities and sorted pictures of landmarks into each one. We found that London was the easiest as it is our capital city and some of us have been there!
Listen to the Big Ben song here.
We used our maths knowledge to start our new topic of grouping data. We are so good at sorting and grouping objects now! We were given lots of different objects and asked to sort them in different ways. Then, we went on Sumdog on the laptops.
We learnt about personal hygiene and all the different ways that we can remain healthy. We listened to a very funny story called 'Dirty Bertie' and talked about making the opposite choices that Bertie does!
We began our food topic this week. We learnt about the differences between fruit and vegetables and wrote down as many as we could think of.
Outdoor Learning
In one of our sessions this week we found a letter in our lodge from the forest fairy. She told us she had left some magic stones in our nature area and we could find them, decorate them and keep them. We had a great time helping each other to find the stones, then we decorated them with acrylic pens.
In another session we chose our own learning, we built dens, played in the mud kitchen, made up games, looked for mini-beasts or climbed trees. We showed great teamwork, imagination and perseverance.
Two groups learnt how to use hammers and screwdrivers safely. We have a volunteer helping in our sessions on a Monday so two more groups will use the tools next Monday.
We wore safety goggles and a glove on our helping hand. We learnt the difference between screws and nails.
We recapped the words for some farm animals and added some new vocabulary through a song, game and story. It's lovely to watch the children joining in with enthusiasm - excellent Y1!
We continued to learn The Little Red Riding Hood song wiht Mrs Wood.
Home Practice
Phonics - ie and i_e words
Maths - 10 more and 10 less
Please continue to read for at least 10 minutes every night with your child, it really will make all the difference to your child's progress.
Thank you for coming in to the parents' evenings -we value all your support.
Year 1 Blog - Friday 20th January
Date: 18th Jan 2023 @ 5:42pm
Welcome to your Friday blog!
We have continued to learn through the story of Hansel and Gretel. We wrote some sentences about how the characters might be thinking and feeling. We described the setting of the story in terms of our senses... I can see, I can hear... We listened to a different version of the story - 'Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel Are Sweet' and compared the two.
We have been learning about all the ee sounds again.We also revised oo as in zoo and moon and learnt ew as in screw.
This week we have been learning about measuring time. We have learnt about seconds, minutes and hours, days of the week and months of the year.The vocabulary we have also been using is before and after.
We have continued to practise counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s from different starting numbers.
We learnt about the special people that work and volunteer in Church. We identified them in pictures and built our own Churches our of lego!
We learnt two new gymnastic movements (crab walk and bear walk) and learnt to star jump effectively. Our confidence is growing each week!
Girls - please try to wear long socks on Wednesdays so that they can be taken off for gymnastics.
We learnt about the four countries that make up the UK in more detail. We labelled each country on a map and added on their capital cities. This was quite tricky for us, especially the spelling!
We are becoming whizzes on the laptops! We remembered how to open up a Word document and we typed our own lost poster for the teddy. We've learnt how to use the space bar, enter key, backspace, caps lock and even the arrows to navigate around the document.
We learnt about medicines and how they help our bodies. We talked about moderation, different types of medicine and who can give us medicine.
We continued to learn about materials. This week, we described their properties - are the materials opaque? Transparent? Strong? Light?
Each night, Patch the class teddy will be sent home as a part of our Science lessons. This is to test seasonal change. If you are chosen to take the teddy, please write the time that the sun goes down (Patch needs to go to bed then!). Hopefully we will see a pattern and a change in the times.
Outdoor Learning
One of our sessions this week was to make a spotter. These help us to really focus on what we are looking at. We looked at the buds on the trees and we used the picture on our spotter to identify the trees. We realised that we have a great number of different trees in our grounds.
Our other session was to investigate bubbles. We made a bubble mixture and tried to blow bubbles through a shape made from string. The first group realised this wasn't working and started using willow.... this worked brilliantly! We also tried blowing bubbles by making shapes with our hands.We showed great perseverance!
Click here to see some photos.
We also had some free play in the Nature Area. We noticed there is a lot of new growth and we found ice!
We played games and sang songs to reinforce the vocabulary of fruit.
We have been learning about another traditiional tale called Little Red Riding Hood.
Click here to listen to the story and sing the songs.
Home Practice
Phonics - oo words and ew words
Maths - Sequencing events
Please continue to read for at least 10 minutes every night with your child, it really will make all the difference to your child's progress.
Year 1 Blog- Friday 13th January 2023
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 10:12am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
This week we stared learning all about traditional tales. We talked about the features of these stores - there might be magic, talking animals, good characters, bad characters.
We listened to the story of Hansel and Gretel. We used great vocabulary to describe the witch. We illustrated and wrote a description of the witch on a poster.
We have been learning about all the different sounds which make ee as in tree, y as in Bobby, ey as in turkey, ie as in field, e as in behave, e-e as in Steve.
We have been learning about coins and their value. We have been finding out how many 1ps are the same value as each coin up to 20p. We have been finding out the total when we buy two or more items. We have been explaining how we found the totals.Let your child have a look at any coins you have at home.
We have also been counting forwards and backwards in2s, 5s and 10s. This knowledge has helped us when working out the values of a group of coins, how many 2ps are the same value as 10p? how many 5ps are the same value as 20p?
We have started our new topic of 'Special People'. We explored what makes someone special and we identified our special people. We learnt that it doesn't have to be someone in our family.
We had our second gymnastics lesson and we built upon the learning from last week. We learnt how to do a tuck jump, egg roll, frog jump and bunny hop.
We started to learn about how we can stay healthy. We looked at food, medicines and exercise and how we need to choose to live healthily. We identified things that are good for our bodies and things that are not so good for our bodies.
We focused on typing this week and the term 'digital writing' - how we can write digitally. We learnt about Word and how to type our names in a Word document.
We learnt about mixing primary colours together. We experimented as a table and found out which secondary colours can be made.
We loved learning about the U.K. this week! We starting learning about the 4 countries that make up the UK and then we drew pictures of different places that we have been to. We had examples such as The Lake District and Blackpool.
We also used the atlases to find China ready for Chinese New Year! See our pictures here.
We started our topic of materials. We learnt what a material was and how to identify them. We focused on 6 main materials - wood, water, plastic, rock, metal and glass.
We began to learn the words for some fruit. We enjoyed doing the conga to a fruity song - J'aime les fruits!
Outdoor Learning
One of our sessions this week was making forest faces with clay and natural materials. We worked in the nature area and we were careful to avoid standing on the new plants which are starting to grow. We found stones, tiny twigs, moss, spinning jennies and different types of leaves to make the features on our faces. We gave them a name as well. We also had some free play and decided what we wanted to do.
Our other session was making a magic wand. We used wire for the first time-we threaded it though the bells, as wool or ribbon would not go through the tiny hole. We then practised tying knots in ribbon and wool- we showed great perseverance until we were successful!
Click here to see some of our Outdoor Learning
We had a visit from Mrs Greenlees. She came to talk to us about what Fairtrade is and how we can help the farmers by supporting Fairtrade.
Home Practice
Phonics - common exception words
Maths - money challenges
Please continue to read for at least 10 minutes every night with your child, it really will make all the difference to your child's progress.
Year 1 Blog- Friday 6th January 2023
Date: 5th Jan 2023 @ 9:56am
Happy New Year to everyone!
We hope you all had a lovely Christmas. We would like to thank you for your thoughtful cards and presents- we really appreciate all your support.
In English we will be learning through traditional tales- our stories will include Hansel and Gretel and The Elves and the Shoemaker.
We will continue our Red Rose Mastery Maths learning, starting with money.
In Science we will be learning about everyday materials and their properties.
Our first topic in R.E. is Special People.
We are looking forward to all our learning in all our subjects.
This week we learnt about Braille. We are going to look out for Braille when we are out and about.
Please continue to read with your child every night for at least 10 minutes.
Year 1 Blog Friday 16th December 2022
Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 2:17pm
What an amazing term we've had together. We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the children grow and achieve their goals!
We've been very busy this week - Christmas jumper day fun, singing carols, finishing our Harvey Slumfenburger story, making a Christmas snowflake and making our DT Christmas cards. We're ready for a rest!
Thank you for all of your hard work and we will see you in 2023.
We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a very happy new year.
The Year One team.
Year 1 Blog-Friday 9th December
Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 7:40am
Welcome to your Friday blog. We hope you enjoyed our Nativity. All the children did so well. You can watch it again on St Oswald's TV.
This week we have been learning through a story about a little boy who lives in a hut on top of the Roly Poly Mountain which is far, far away. Father Christmas has forgotten to deliver Harvey's present so he goes on a treacherous journey involving planes, scooters, jeeps and other modes of transport! We planned our own story and we are going to be finishing it next week. We have been been very careful with our writing.
We have been learning about one half of a shape and that they are equal parts of a whole.
We have also been counting in 2s,5s and 10s.
We learnt about the Advent wreath and which candles are lit on which week. We coloured in our own version and labeled each candle.
DT and Art
We painted our Christmas cards ready for next week where we will add on our mechanism - either a slider or a lever. We used a printing technique to apply our paint.
We learnt about timelines - what they teach us and how we read them. Then, we predicted what we think future toys will look like. There were some great ideas!
We learnt about what animals need to survive. We then compared this to what they want and the difference between the two. We delved deeper into the 4 main needs - food, air, water and shelter and wrote about each one.
Outdoor Learning
This week it has been so cold but we don't mind! We started our session by looking at our shadows and we also talked out the full moon we'd seen. We played some running games to keep warm.
We made some Christmas decorations using braches of willow. We used willow because it is so flexible and we could easily make it into a shape.We tied knots in the wool to decorate our willow. We showed great perseverance and imagination.
We continued with our robot dance. One group has completely finished! We will show each other our dances next week.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - ea/e_e words OR oi words
Maths - 2D and 3D shape recap
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.
Please read for at least 10 minutes every night.
Year 1 Blog - Friday 2nd December 2022
Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 3:47pm
Welcome to your Friday blog!
This week we have been learning through the story of Bob and his best ever friend. His friend is an alien dog called Barry. We drew and described some alien pets-we got ideas from a fabulous picture of the pet shop Bob visits. We wrote captions about all the things Bob and his pet could do together. We also made posters advertising Bob's trips to the moon.
We have started to learn about fractions and used our existing knowledge of part-whole models to understand them. We learnt that fractions are made up of parts and whole and that these parts are usually of equal size. We starting exploring halves in shapes.
We have been learning alternative pronunciations, a as in alien and a as in was. We already know a as in act.
We started our 'waiting' topic and explored the meaning of waiting - is it hard or easy? Then we wrote about a time that we have had to wait and then learnt about the liturgical calendar in relation to Advent.
We read an interesting story about about some billy goats who used their phones to intimidate a troll. We learnt that it was a twist on the Three Billy Goats story. We talked about how it was not a good choice to be mean and how our actions have consequences. We wrote our own postitive texts, that included messages such as "you are amazing" and "I am sorry, please could I be your friend?".
We finished planning our Christmas card by writing the instructions that we will need to follow. We then wrote the messages to go inside our cards. We thought really carefully about the message and who we would like to give our card to!
We built upon our knowledge from the past few weeks and learnt about how certain animals grow and change. We learnt about life cycles, especially that of a butterfly, and compared it to a human's life. We then drew our own examples of life cycles.
Our next artist focus was Georges Seurat. We learnt that his artwork was wholly made up of dots. We had a go at creating our own digital sunflower using just the paintbrush and adding dots. It was hard not to use the fill button on our paintings!
We painted our own Christmas trees using the style used by Helen Frankenthaler. We learnt that our painting didn't have to be perfect - it will always be a work of art.
Outdoor learning
Our first session this week started with some active games to keep us warm! We then went on a Winter scavenger hunt. We looked for lichen on a tree, a hole in a tree, a leaf skeleton, a tree stump and shadows amongst other things-we are getting really good at spotting changes.
Our second session started with some free play in the nature area. Everyone had amazing ideas for games and we showed great imagination and co-operation.
We then revisited an activity we have tried before- making obstacle courses! We used what learnt last time and made really challlenging courses which involved balancing, jumping, running and throwing. Great team work was shown and medals were awarded-made of sticks and leaves of course!
Santa Dash
We had great fun doing our santa dash. The children all looked amazing. Please send in your sponsor money.
We are looking forward to performing our nativity in church next Tuesday. We have been trying so hard to learn the songs and actions.
Home Practice
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - high frequency words OR ow words
Maths - halves
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.
Please read every night for at least 10 minutes.
Year 1 Blog- Friday 25th November 2022
Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 10:16am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
This week we have been learning through the story of Bob. He is an astronaut but he doesn't believe in aliens - they don't they?
We have been writing in sentences. We have tried really hard to use finger spaces, our own ideas and to make sure our writing is on the line. We have also been really careful with our handwriting so that our writing looks beautiful on the page.
We also visited Year 3 to read our Traction Man books. The children and Mr Campbell were really impressed. The Year 3 children gave useful and thoughtful feedback.
We have been learning about alternative pronunciations, ch as in Christmas, ch as in chef. We already know ch as in chunk.
We have been learning about repeating patterns. We have been describing the patterns and finding the part that is repeated. We have also been sorting objects using different criteria.
We learnt about Jesus' baptism in the River Jordan. We answered some tricky questions about it and some of us even acted it out during choosing time!
We are now half way through our robot dance. We split off into groups and began thinking of ideas for our dances. We worked so well together!
We compared two families and wrote about how they are the same and different.
We looked at the DT Christmas cards from last year and talked about how they were made. We then planned our own cards - how they were going to move, what they will look like and what we need to make it.
Our next artist focus was Kandinsky. We made our own circles on the iPads, it was a bit trickier than using the laptops!
We read lots of fact files about animals and their diets. We then sorted them into whether they were a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. We were so impressed with their knowledge!
We sorted toys into 'new' and 'old'. We drew our own pictures in our books.
Outdoor Learning
Nearly every time we go out for our learning we see a robin on the fence. This lead us to a discussion about birds around school and where they find food in Winter. We made bird feeders using lard, meal worms, bird seed, raisins and oats. We had fun mixing it together!. We also practised tying knots in string so that we could hang the feeders on a tree.
In our second session we went for a walk to find places to hang our bird feeders. We also noticed some more changes-some of the trees have hardly any leaves left so we could see the nests. We also saw a few trees with unusual bark on them so we are going to try to identify them. For the last part of this session we all got a special listening stone out of a velvet bag. The stone helps us to listen as we feel its smoothness. We lay on a tarp to just listen and look at the clouds as they changed shape.
We have continued to learn the songs for the nativity. This will be in church on Tuesday 6th December. All costumes will be provided by school.
We began to learn the words for pet animals. We sang songs, played games using these words and listened to our favourite story, Aboie Georges about a dog who has lost his bark because he has swallowed all sorts of different animals!
Home Practice
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - Split digraph u_e OR oo (book) words
Maths - True or false questions
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.
Year 1 Blog-Friday 18th November 2022
Date: 17th Nov 2022 @ 9:55am
Welcome to your Friday blog. Everyone looked brilliant dressed in their spots- thanks for supporting this cause.
We listened and discussed a new Traction Man story. In this story he got a new pet but it wasn't as good as Scrubbing Brush! We planned our own story and wrote a book! We are authors and illustrators! We will read the books to children in other classes when they are finished.
Traction Man meets Turbo Dog. Click here.
This week we continued to learn about alternative pronunciations, ea as in head and ie as in cookie.
We have been counting in 2s and 5s. We have been counting groups of objects in 2s and 5s. Please practise this at home, start at different numbers and go forwards as well as backwards.
We have also been checking that we are forming our numbers correctly.
We learnt about the symbols used in a baptism. We learnt about the Holy water, oil, white gown, candle and the cross.
We read the story - Giraffes can't dance. We learnt that the giraffe wanted to dance, even though his friends told him that he couldn't. He was special and chose to dance anyway! The moral of the story is - be you!
We made our own world cup flags using collage and cutting skills. We concentrated so well!
We sorted animals into different groups using the toy animals that we have in the classroom. Some of our ideas were - fur/no fur, tail/no tail and legs/no legs.
We were amazing in PE! We started to plan our robot dance. We worked so well in our groups that we managed to create half of the dance. We will continue to practise next week.
If you want to listen to the music at home, click here.
We made our own prototype of either a slider or lever. The Gingerbread Man was being chased by the character!
We learnt about another artist this week - Henri Matisse. We focused on his 'The Snail' artwork and recreated it on the laptops. There were some great pictures.
We learnt about 'new' toys this week and compared them to the old toys from last week. We wrote about our favourite toy and shared them with each other.
Yellow table did not have chance to play with their toy, so please bring it back in on Monday!
Outdoor Learning
The first session this week was about making shelters for small woodland creatures. Each team had a soft toy animal which we made a cosy and safe shelter for. We used all the available natural materials and found a way of getting moss of the paths to create a soft surface. We described our shelters to the rest of the group. Excellent team work, communication, imagination, resilience and creativity was shown.
Our second session was all about mini beasts and worms. We had a go at worm charming to see if we could get worms to come to the surface by vibrating the ground. We also looked under the logs to see what other creatures we could find. We talked about how we find different creatures at different times of the year.
Thank you
We recapped numbers to 12 with a game then we recapped parts of the body by singing tete, epaules, genoux, pieds (head, shoulders, knees and toes) and a game. We finished with the story of Grand Monstre Vert - Big Green Monster.
We have been practising the songs for our Nativity!
We also got out the boomwhackers and played them. We are getting really good at playing when it's our turn.
Freddy Fit
We had a brilliant session with Freddy. He put us all through our paces and we all had great fun! We all showed him our fabulous golden listening.
Freddy also talked to us about the importance of eating healthily, drinking enough water and getting plenty of sleep.
Home Practice
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - split digraph o_e OR oo words
Maths - doubling
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.
Please read every night for at least 10 minutes- it really makes all the difference!
Year 1 Blog- Friday 11th November
Date: 10th Nov 2022 @ 9:58am
Welcome to your Friday blog. This morning we had a minute silence for Remembrance Day.
This week we have been learning through the story of Traction Man. He changes his outfits depending on his mission! Some of us even became Traction Man.....or Traction Girl! The pictures in the story are very detailed and we described the one where Traction man is diving in the sink.
We have been learning about alternative pronunciations, o as in mother,
We have been doing some checks to show our skills and knowlege about all the learning we have been doing.
We continued to learn about the sacrament of baptism. We watched a video of a baptism and drew our own version in our books.
We learnt about mirroring in PE. This is where you copy a partner. We made up our own robot dance moves and copied each other.
We looked at French customs for Remembrance Day. French people add cornflowers to their wreaths as well as poppies because the blue reminds them of the soldier's uniforms. We made a wreath with red poppies and blue cornflowers to remember.
We learnt about the artist Pier Mondrain and copied his artwork on the laptops. We learnt to use the line tool on and made our own versions.
We began our toys topic in history this week. We focused on old-fashioned toys, such as yo-yos, dominoes, tiddlywinks and kaleidoscopes. We had the chance to play with them and choose our favourite.
Next Friday, the children will be allowed to bring one of their toys into school to represent 'new' toys. A letter will come home on Monday regarding this.
We continued to look at animals and how to group them. We learnt about mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians. We then compared the animals with questions such as: can all birds fly? Do all mammals have 4 legs?
We read the story - All about families. We compared families and spotted the differences.
Outdoor Learning
This week we have been building shelters. We used ropes, tarps, pegs and clips. We showed great determination, resilience and team work. We used our knowledge of knots to secure the ropes. We built shelters in both our sessions this week to see if we could improve on our first attempt. The shelters kept us dry when there was a bit of rain!
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - split digraph i_e OR oa words
Maths - one-step word problems
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.
Please read every night for at least 10 minutes- it really makes all the difference!
Year 1 Blog- Friday 4th November 2022
Date: 3rd Nov 2022 @ 10:01am
Welcome to your Friday blog.
It has been lovely to see the children back in school this week after half term.
We have been learning through the story of Aliens Love Underpants. It is a rhyming story and we enjoyed spotting all the rhyming words. We designed our own pants and read some fiction and non-fiction books about Space. We drew our own alien and wrote about it. We tried really hard to make our writing look beautiful on the page.
We have been learning about split digraphs, o-e as in mole and u-e as in cube.
We have been learning about 2D and 3 D shapes. we have been using vocabulary such as vertices, sides and faces to describe them.
We have been focusing on our 'Journey in Love' topic. We talked about how our families love us and how it is important to say 'please' and 'thank you' to them for looking after us. We wrote a lovely thank you prayer to a special person in our lives.
We started our dance P.E. lessons this week! We are going to be performing a dance in small groups, pretending to be a robot. We did some robot dances together and heard the music that we are going to use for our final dance.
We started learning about digital painting in computing - how we can paint, on a laptop. We used the website again to paint portraits of ourselves.
We started learning about animals and went outside to see if we could find any around school. We managed to find lots of worms, woodlice and birds. Some of us even used our imagination and found our plastic animals and identified them!
We learnt all about Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot. We talked about his reason why he made the plot and started learning the 'Remember, Remember the fifth of November' song.
We made some amazing fireworks based on the Gunpowder Plot. We chose the medium that we wanted to use, either paint, pastels, pencil crayons or tissue paper.
Outdoor Learning
We go outside whatever the weather and we had to dodge a bit of rain this week! We don't mind though- it just makes us more resilient!
We went for a walk to look at the changes,much of the fungi we have spotted previously has gone. We collected leaves, berries and sticks on our walk. We used these to make a picture. Our pictures showed great imagination-there were flowers ,trees, faces, even a football shirt!
We also had a competition to see who could make the biggest leaf pile.
We went in the nature area. We chose to do different things. There was tree wrapping, bridge building, leaf threading and even zip wire making. We are showing that we can apply skills which we have learned in previous sessions.
We listened to a Halloween song. Then we did head, shoulders, knees and toes in French to revise words for parts of the body. We played some games involving skeletons to help us remember the words!
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - split digraph a_e OR th words
Maths - 2D and 3D shape
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.
Please read every night for at least 10 minutes- it really makes all the difference!
Year 1 Blog - Thursday 20th October
Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 10:03am
Welcome to the final blog of this half term. All the children have settled in so well and have definitely earned a rest!
This week our learning has been through a story about a witch called Winnie and her cat Wilbur. Winnie puts a few spells on Wilbur - some are more successful than others!
We wrote potion recipes, drew our own haunted houses, matched rhyming words together, wrote Halloween stories and read the other Winnie stories.
We will have one more day on this learning when we come back to school on Monday 31st October!
This week we have been learning about oe as in toe,au as in launch and the split digraph a-e as in cake.
Sing Jake the Snake. Click here.
We have been learning about how to solve problem questions using addition and subtraction. There has been a lot of reading to do but we worked really hard!
We have also been singing lots of maths songs.
We started to learn about the sacrament of baptism. We looked at who is present at a baptism and labelled them in a picture.
We went outside for PE this week! We had 3 different activities - dribbling a football, throwing beanbags into hoops and jumping over hurdles. We ended the lesson with a relay race around the daily mile track!
Outdoor Learning
We have enjoyed the beautiful Autumn weather this week when we've been outside. We did some stick wrapping. We practised tying knots and carefully wrapping our wool around a stick. We are still finding different fungi and noticing changes every time we go for a walk.
All the children get involved so well. They show great team working skills as well as great communication and resilience.
We were practising for our Harvest festival in music. We practised the songs ready for church and then played the glocks altogether.
We learnt about a scientist called Linda Brown Buck who taught others about how we smell. We did our own smell tests and guessed what was in the pots. We had a lot of correct answers!
We learnt about being safe when using the laptops and iPads. We talked about how we look after them and then made our own 'how to be safe' posters.
We had a lovely circle time talking about two separate topics - personal space and positive affirmations. We talked about when to give each other space and when we need to be close together (e.g. carpet time). We ended the lesson go round saying a positive 'I am...' sentence about ourselves. We had 'I am a good friend', 'I am a good listener' and 'I am a great tidier'. It was lovely!
We all sat really golden in church for our harvest celebration. We listened to the prayers which the Year 6 children read and joined in with all the singing. Thank you for all your kind donations.
Home Practice
We would like you to read, read and then read a bit more !
Have a great half term break! Thank you for all your brilliant support.
Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 1:52pm
Welcome to your latest Online Safety Update
At St Oswald's, we regularly discuss online safety with the children to find out what they are experiencing in their online spaces. We find out what new games and platforms are trending and if any of our children have worries or concerns about what they experience online. A lot of children continue to access YouTube so we have added a refresher guide on the platform.
In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as connecting with strangers, inappropriate content and high visibility.
We have also spotted that some children have the new FIFA 23 football game for the PlayStation and XBox. Gaming has changed massively in the past few years with social connection now becoming an integral part of the gaming experience. We have added the latest guide for this game also.
Below you will find a link to join the National Online Safety platform and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.
Year 1 Blog- Friday 14th October 2022
Date: 13th Oct 2022 @ 9:56am
Welcome to your Friday blog.
It was lovely to see all of you at parents' evening. Thank you for coming.
This week we have been learning through the story of Percy the Park Keeper. He had a big job to do when all the animals lost their homes after the storm.
We designed parks, wrote about what jobs we'd like to do when we grow up and imagined what we'd be able to see, smell, touch and feel during a storm. We are getting really good at sharing our learning and talking about it.
We have been learning ph as in phew, wh as in whistle and ew as in stew.
We have been learning about subtraction using the part whole model. We have been writing the number sentences in different ways. We have also been singing some number songs. We have also looked at all the ways to make 10.
Play a subtraction game. Click here.
We talked about Jesus and how he shows love to other people.
We looked at pictures of Longton in the past and we wrote about how it has changed.
We compared ourselves to our friends in terms of what we look like, what we like to do and what we like to eat.
Everyone made either a green leaf or an orange leaf and used it to join in with a leaf poem.
We practised our songs for our Harvest celebration. We played some of the instruments.
We sketched half a leaf and then did a handprint which formed the leaves on a tree.
We were running fast between cones.
We did some rolling in gymnastics
Outdoor Learning
This week we have been building obstacle courses. Our ideas were really imaginative and our team work was superb. We had to test our course to make sure it was safe and we demonstrated our couse to everyone-then we all had a go! There was balancing, jumping, and even some limbo! Some of the courses even had a name!
Our other session was about making a stick person. We talked about finding forked sticks and we went into our nature area to see what we could find. We used elastic bands, string and pipe cleaners to attach the sticks together. Some of us leart a technique called lashing to securely fasten the sticks.
Home Practice
Sumdog Challenges
Phonics-ph words
Maths- Number bonds to 20
Please read for at least 10 minutes every night.
Next week we will change the reading books on Thursday so please make sure they are in school.
Please use your new Sumdog password to log in.
Year 1 Blog - Friday 7th October 2022
Date: 6th Oct 2022 @ 10:05am
Welcome to your first October blog!
We have had a super week of learning with all the children putting in so much effort to produce their best work!
We continued with the story of Dogger - fortunately it had a happy ending and Dogger was found!
Ask your child to talk about what's happening in each of these pictures from the story.
We have been learning ue as in glue, ir as in girl and oy as in boy.
This week we have been learning about addition using a part whole model. We have also used 10 frames and been counting on from 10 to find a teen number.
We have also been learning all the pairs of numbers which make 10. We need to be able to recall these quickly.
Friends of 10 song. Click here.
We wrote some super sentences about people who care and love for us. It was lovely to see how lucky we are to have so many people in our lives.
We did an investigation to find out if children who have bigger hands have bigger feet. We drew some interesting conclusions!
We used our Computing skills to research facts about our school on the laptops and iPads. We answered some very tricky what, when, how and where questions.
We focused on hitting targets this week. We practised rolling a ball through a target and kicking a ball to knock a target over.
We looked at leaves this week ready to learn about our new artist - Miranda Lloyd. We felt the texture of the leaves and created leaf rubbings. They turned out really well!
We focused on sorting ourselves into groups. We looked at how we might have a different hair colour, eye colour, gender and even interests to other people in our class. We then put our name in the group that applied to us.
Outdoor Learning
We have now joined with Year 2 to do our outdoor learning in small groups. We always start our sessions with a game- one of our favourites is called IF......If you have a pet hamster swap places now........the children now come up with their own statements!
We have been looking for fungi in our meadow, making log paths and mazes and also making fairy /elf houses using natural materials.Some of us harvested beans which we will save to plant next year. We showed great resilience, teamwork, problem solving and communication skills as well as super imaginations! We persevered when it was raining and just carried on!
Please make sure your child has a pair of named wellies in school.
We had a very special visitor! Mrs Stone came to see us with baby Matilda-she's so lovely and we asked some great questions.
We are looking forward to meeting you all next week on either Wednesday or Thursday.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - oi and oy words
Maths - add within 20
We will soon be introducing counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This week, please focus on counting in 10s from 0 to 100. If this is too easy, start at a different number, such as 22, and count in 10s - 22, 32, 42, 52...
Please read every night for at least 10 minutes- it really makes all the difference!
Year 1 Blog - Friday 30th September
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:07am
Welcome to your Friday blog! We have had a great week of learning with many children on triple gold!
We read the first part of the story, up to where Dave realises that Dogger is lost! We talked about what might happen next in the story. We did some great independent writing and we made some posters.
We have been learning ea as in meat, ay as in tray and ou as in shout.
Click here for a phonics song.
We have been measuring objects using non standard measures such as cubes and paper clips. We have been comparing objects. We have also being using balances to measure weight. We have used the vocabulary heavier, lighter and equal.
We have been counting in 1s forwards and backwards when looking at a 100 square. We know to look at the next line when we get to 10, 20 30 and so on. We start and finish on different numbers
We wrote a thank you prayer to God for making our wonderful world and families. Then, we compared our family to Jesus'. We made a zig-zag book to show all of our learning.
This week, we continued to develop our throwing and catching skills within a team. So many of us were put on gold for listening carfeully and working together!
We recapped the word 'unique' and talked about how it is okay to be different to our friends. We wrote facts about ourselves and shared them with each other.
We continued to practise typing on the laptops this week. We typed our names and drew a picture of ourselves on the app. We are now becoming more familiar with the keyboard and trackpad!
Outdoor Learning
This week it's all been about mud-we are awaiting a delivery of all in one suits so thanks for bearing with us!
We did some mud cooking-we added lots of natural ingredients. We made mud paint and painted the nature area! Great imagination, discussion and teamwork.
On Friday afternoon we went into out lodge and practised tying simple knots. We then found a stick in our nature area and decorated it-some of the sticks had magical powers!
Languages Day
Thank you to Mrs Nowak who came in to share a story in Polish with us.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - igh (phase 3) and ie (phase 5)
Maths - measurement questions
Continue to count on and back from 0 to 20. Start at different numbers, for example 4, 5, 6, 7. Then 11, 12, 13, 14.
If you have any weighing scales, please have a go at weighing different objects around your house. Use the language used in our maths lessons of heavier, lighter and equal.
Year 1 Blog- Friday 23rd September
Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 9:56am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
Thank you to everyone who came to our Meet the Teacher meeting. Please find the PowerPoint attached at the bottom of this blog.
This week our story was all about the Large family trying to be a bit more healthy. We had discussions about healthy food and exercise. We wrote our own recipe for a cake and did some lovely independent writing about how the family tried to get fit. We tried really hard to write on the lines and put finger spaces inbetween our words.
We have been revising our Phase 3 sounds, sh,ch,th,ee,or. Next week we are starting our Red Rose Phonics sessions.
This week we have been comparing amounts and using our Maths vocabulary of equal, fewer and more. We have been using the practical equipment again to make numbers up to 29 with 10s and 1s. We have also been looking at one more and less then counting in 1s forwards and backwards from different starting numbers.
Play Place Value basketball. Click here. Choose numbers up to 29.
We talked our senses and how they help us to make sense of the world around us. We also learnt about which part of our body is associated with each sense.
We went outside on a senses walk then recorded what we had found by drawing and writing.
We have been learning about the wonderful world that God created and how we can do our part to look after it. We learnt that we could recycle, plants trees or even just put our rubbish in the bin when we've finished!
This week, we focused on our bouncing and catching skills. We loved seeing which team could pass to each other the fastest!
We learnt about the word 'unique' in PSHE and how every single one of us is different in our own way. We played a game to see what we like and dislike and then sorted pictures into 'I like' and 'I don't like'.
We continued to practise using the sketching pencils. We focused on pattern making and copying patterns. It look a lot of resilience and patience!
We have been looking at the different parts of our school and grounds. We remembered our learning from a couple of weeks ago when we talked about human and physical features. We took photos and used these to make a plan of our school and grounds.
Outdoor Learning
This week we have had some fantastic sessions. We have been building dens, finding slugs, snails, worms, beetles, caterpillars and even a frog!
Our teamwork and communication was amazing!
Thanks if you have sent in a pair of named wellies for your child.
We practised asking and answering questions in French then played some games to practise numbers and colours. We learnt a French nursery rhyme and joined in with the actions.
We did some singing and then we got out the Boomwhackers to play "You Are My Sunshine ".
We couldn't finish the week without imagining we were in the Large family. We had a lovely time sharing a story and of course...........a piece of cake!
We remembered The Queen and her family in our prayers this week.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - phase 3 ee and or
Maths - one more and one less
Continue to count on and back from 0 to 20. Start at different numbers, for example 4, 5, 6, 7. Then 11, 12, 13, 14.
Please practise number formation too. We are working hard to make sure all of of our numbers to 20 are correct!
Year 1 Blog - Friday 16th September 2022
Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 10:35am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
All the children have settled in so brilliantly - we can't believe it's only been 2 weeks!
We have been extremely busy this week!
We have been learning through the stories of The Large Family. We have described the characters, made puppets, talked about the stories and written some sentences.
We will continue these stories next week. We are really enjoying the books - they are very funny!
We have been looking at where all the children are up to with their phonics . They have all been trying really hard with their morning jobs as as soon as they enter the classroom. We have been looking at sh, ch, ee and ea, ay and ai.
We have started our Red Rose Mastery lessons and the children have been so engaged with their learning. They have been using practical equipment to make numbers up to 29 using 10s and 1s. they have used 10 frames with counters, bundles of straws and Base 10. We have also been counting in 1s up to 100 - making sure we pronounce the teen numbers correctly and 20, 30 and so on, twenty not twenny!
This week we have learnt about our families and how each family is different. We listened to some music about being a part of God's family and drew a picture describing how God looks after us.
We made our class rules together this week. We talked about how we should be looking after our classroom, and each other! Finally, we talked about how to be good listeners on the carpet.
We continued to improve our fundamental skills. We focused on running fast, skipping and underarm throwing into hoops. We all worked very hard!
We talked about our journey from home to school. We drew our own map of our route.
Last week, we learnt about the different sketching pencils that we can use. So this week, we practised using them to shade on a piece of paper. We saw the differences between the pencils and how some are darker than others.
We talked about what is the same and what is different about humans and animals. There were some great contributions to the discussion.
We had so much fun in Computing! We learnt how to turn a laptop on and how to type using the keyboard. This was the first time that some of us had used a laptop too, so it was great to see the high levels of enthusiasm! See the pictures here.
In French, we recapped numbers and colours and how to say our name and how old we are. We listened to a story in French about a birthday party and sang some familiar songs.
Outdoor Learning
We have loved our learning outside. We collected leaves and other natural materials to make pictures. We also went on a walk to collect leaves and we matched them to colour cards. Finally this week we collected leaves and looked at a simple identification sheet to see if we could name the trees the leaves were from.
We did some singing outside and played some games together.
Your child may come home and say they have been on 'Triple Gold'. This means they have been spotted 3 times in the same day following our golden rules. They then go to sign their name on Mrs Wood's door !
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - ch and sh words
Maths - Read and write numbers to 20
Count on and back from 0 to 20. Start at different numbers, for example 4, 5, 6, 7. Then 11, 12, 13, 14.
Practise quickly recalling number facts, for example 6 is 0+6, 1+5, 2+4, 3+3 ,4+2, 5+1, 0+6. practise for other numbers.