Year 1: Blog items
Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021
Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 9:15am
Good morning Year 1 and welcome to your Wednesday learning. The writing you have been posting on Seesaw is fantastic and we can see you are trying hard to remember your Think Pinks. We are liking the photos of you outside in the sunshine doing some gardening and investigating plants.
Keep reading every day. For your challenge today choose one of your reading books and talk about what happens in the story. Use these question starters.
Who did...? Where did...? When did...? What happened when...? Why did _______ happen?
Remember you can also find a huge library of eBooks at the Oxford Owl (link in the Home Learning button at the top of out class page).
Today we will be revisiting the long E sounds and practising reading our words as well as writing them. To begin, watch the videos attached below to remind yourselves of all the E sounds.
Then tune into Seesaw for this morning's sounds learning.
Today we are going to help Scaredy Squirrel with a new Exit Plan. Now he isn't afraid of the unknown anymore, lets have a think about how he will use his emergency kit to go into The Unknown.
Tune into Seesaw to listen to the rest of the story and your learning introduction.
Tune into Seesaw for your handwriting practice today. You will need a pencil and some lined paper.
Writing books are available from the school office.
Counting.Play a game of Saucer Spotter .Click here. Choose different numbers to start counting from. Count in 1s,2s and 5s.
Number Facts. See how quickly you can recall your number facts for 5.Write the numbers from 0 to 5 on pieces of paper. Turn them over .Pick one piece of paper, turn it over and say the corresponding number to make 5.
Main Focus. Measuring length Click here for the video.
Take care when recording your answers on the sheets that your numbers are formed correctly.
Here’s a song to welcome you back to French learning. Click here.
Now we’re going to recap the names of some fruits with this song.Click here.
Here are the fruit words (pronunciation in brackets):
une pomme (oon pom) – an apple; Une banane (oon banan) – a banana; un orange ( un oronj) – an orange; une poire (oon pwar) – a pear; une fraise (oon frez) – a strawberry; un ananas (un anana) – a pineapple.
Here’s a game to practise the fruit words. Collect some pieces of fruit or draw some on bits of paper.
One of you puts a hat on and the other balances a piece of fruit or a picture on the hat without the hat wearer seeing what it is. The one wearing the hat has to guess what kind of fruit it is – in French of course!
See if you can ask for your fruit in French this week. Une pomme, s’il te plait. (oon pom seel tuh play).
Merci beaucoup. A bientot. See you soon!
Today you are exploring different ways to use your voice. Click here.
Fairtrade Fortnight.
This week and next week we are thinking about Fairtrade.Fairtrade is a way of buying and selling products that allows the farmers to be paid a fair price for their produce.
Your Fairtrade challenge for this week
Cocoa trees grow in countries with
tropical climates.
Find out what fruit trees grow in the UK.
With an adult, make a plan to grow your own!
Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021
Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 9:20am
Hello everyone! Welcome to your Tuesday learning. We have loved seeing all the new learning you have posted on Seesaw already. We loved reading your Scaredy Squirrel sentences and seeing all your counting in 5s learning! Keep it up.
Read every single day.
For your challenge today we would like you to find as many Tricky words as you can. Can you spell these words from memory? Practise writing them. Remember you can request a new set of Tricky words from the school office.
Today we are revisiting our long O vowel sounds. Watch the videos below to remind yourself of the sounds and visit Seesaw for your lesson. You will need a pencil and paper.
Well done on all your ideas from yesterday. Our favourite sentence was...
Scaredy Squirrel was afraid of the green Martians because they talk funny.
Today we will be exploring Scaredy Squirrel's Emergency Kit and creating one of our own. Watch the video lesson on Seesaw, where we will read a little more of the story and introduce your learning.
When creating your emergency kit, think about why you need your equipment.
Scaredy squirrel needs a huge net to catch the killer bees.
He needs a whistle to distract the sharks.
Visit Seesaw for your handwriting learning today. All you need is a pencil and some paper.
Counting.Yesterday we did some counting in 5s. Pick a number from 0 to 50 which ends in 5 or 0. Count on or back from that number in 5s .Take it in turns with your grown up.
Number Facts Number facts of 5 song. Click here.
Main Focus- Measurement: Length and Height.This is a new block of learning.Today we are comparing lengths and heights.
The Our Father Prayer - Preparation for Communion
After the priest has said the words that Jesus used at the Last Supper, the parish family prepares to receive Jesus in Holy Communion. As part of preparing to receive Jesus everyone prays the family prayer that Jesus gave us, the Our Father. Explain that this is a family prayer because God is a Father to everyone and loves and cares for everyone.
Who gave us this prayer?
Why is this a family prayer?
Who says this prayer at Mass?
Say the Our Father together.
Today we are going to practise our underarm throws with a game of Battleships.
Watch the video here and follow the intructions on the activity card below.
Year 1 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021
Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:04pm
Good morning, Year 1. We hope you had a lovely half term and you managed to relax and get some fresh air. We are looking forward to seeing all your new learning on Seesaw.
Read every day. Talk about one your reading books. Explain what you think about the story. Is there anything you would change about this story? Do you like this story? What do you like about it?If you need some new books just get in touch and we will change them.
This week we will be revisiting our long vowel sounds including our split sounds. Revisit our end, middle and split A sounds by watching the videos below. Read the words along with Geraldine and write them out using your sounds and sound buttons.
Visit Seesaw for your learning this morning.
This week we will be meeting Scaredy Squirrrel. Tune in to Seesaw for the story and your writing challenge this morning. You can download the challenge sheet below or complete your learning on a lined page. We will also revisit our Think Pinks today to help you improve your writing over the next few weeks.
Tune into Seesaw this afternoon to practise your Handwritng. All you will need is some lined paper and a sharp pencil.
Counting. Practise counting in 2s. Use a ruler or make a number line so that you can see the pattern. Start on different numbers. Count back in 2s from different numbers.
Number Facts. These need to be practised every day to improve fluency and commit the facts to long term memory. Use counters in two colours to explore all the ways to make 5. How quickly can you recall the ways? Try asking the question in a different way..... I have 3 blue many red ones do I need to make 5?
Main Focus Counting in 5s
Read the story about Clare and Tom going to Mass.
Look at the picture.
Answer the questions.
Think about our lunch time prayer and then compose your own thank you prayer for God’s gift of food. Draw pictures around your prayer.
This half term we will be looking at Plants and Growing. Today will be looking at different plants and their features.
You can use the pictures below or find some plants around the house or in the garden to compare. We'd love to see what you found out on Seesaw.
Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 3:52pm
Year 1 Home Learning Friday 12th February 2021
Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 11:25am
Fabulous Friday!
Wow Year 1, you've made it to the end of another week of great learning! It's now time for another Fabulous Friday!
Fridays are a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!
Today you just need to...
Read.Pick a favourite book to read again. Talk about why you like it so much.
Finish off any learning from earlier in the week.
You could perform your own show of Little Red Riding Hood. All the songs are here.
Let's make a cake for grandma song.
What big eyes you've got song.
The big bad wolf has gone song.
For your number game today, we are playing Make 31.
In the instructions it asks you to place counters on the board but you can easily play by circling or crossing out the numbers. Use drawings or objects to add your numbers together. Good luck.
Have a lovely half term holiday!
Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021
Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 11:58am
Welcome to your Wednesday learning, Year 1. You all continue to impress us with your learning at home. This week so far we have seen brilliant writing, accurate number learning, great gymnastics and expressive reading.
Read every day. We all love seeing the videos of you reading your books and Mrs Anderson says a big "well done" to you!
For your challenge today find some words which are written in bold or CAPITALS. Talk about why the author has done this? Is the character shouting? Is the word very important? Are there other reasons?
To start our phonics learning today we will be playing a game of Buried treasure with the OU sound. Read the words and decide if they are real words or silly words.
Remember your questions. Have you heard the word before? Can you use it in a sentence?
Below you will find a word list for words containing OU. Can you find these words woin your wordsearch? Try and spell these words withour looking at your list and write one super sentence.
What big eyes you've got song. Click here.
Today you are going to start writing your version of Little Red Riding Hood. Think about the different versions of the story you have listened to. What has been the same? What has been different? What is going to happen in your story? Draw your ideas on the story map.Tell your story to someone in your family.
Think about how you are going to start your story.
Cut the sheet in half and use as many as you need to tell your story. Remember to use your sounds, form your letters correctly, use finger spaces between words, full stops at the end of a sentence and capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. Take your time-there's a lot to think about! Use your word bank as well. You are going to make your story into a book. You do not have to finish your story today.
For our counting practice today we will play Counting cars. Drive your car around the carpark to find your numbers. Use the numbers you can see to help you. Remember the numbers never move! They are always in the same place on a number line.
Today we are looking at comparing numbers to 50 using base 10 and drawings. Watch Comparing numbers to 50 here and complete the worksheet below.
Once you have finished your worksheet, play a game of Play Your Cards RIght. Can you compre the numbers on the cards and guess higher or lower?
Today you are going to listen to the story of Little Red Hen in French. First, let’s recap the words for the animal characters with this song. Click here.
It’s about animals who have big noses! Avec un gros nez! You don’t see that very often, says the song.
The animals you will need to know for the story are:
Le chat (luh sha) = the cat
Le cochon (luh coshon) = the pig
Le canard (luh canar) = the duck
La poule (la pool) = the hen
Say them a few times, adding an action to help you remember each one.
Here’s the story of Little Red Hen en francais. I hope you remember it from reading it in Reception. Try to get the gist of it from what you know of the story in English. You don’t need to understand every word.
Listen to it first, trying to pick out the names of the animals.Click here.
Now draw a quick cat, pig, duck and hen on four pieces of paper. Play the story video again and hold the right one up as the characters speak. Can you join in with the “Pas moi!” sentence? Not me!
Here’s a song to finish about a miller whose windmill is going too fast. Join in with the actions! Click here.
Merci beaucoup! A la semaine prochaine. See you next week.
In your music learning today you will be identifying tempo.
Click here to watch your video lesson.
Well done on completing your home learning today!
Year 1 Home Learning Thursday 11th February 2021
Date: 5th Feb 2021 @ 11:22am
Welcome to your Thursday learning, Year 1. Don't forget to practise the dance - it's the big performance tomorrow!
Remember to post your dance clips to seesaw before 12 today to appear on our Dance Week video.
It is great that so many of you are changing your books regularly. Just let us know when you need some more. We have loved seeing the videos of your reading.
Your reading challenge today is to talk about your book. Who is your favourite character? Why? Would you like to live in this setting? Why/why not?
Remember you can also find a huge library of eBooks at the Oxford Owl (link in the Home Learning button at the top of out class page).
To warm up today, play a game of buried treasure with OU sounds. Read your words carefully making sure to read every sound in the word.
Today we are spotting OW and OU words in a game of sounds spotter. Visit Seesaw to listen to the start of the story (How Silly) and complete the activity attached below.
The big bad wolf has gone song. Click Here
Today you are continuing to write your story. Read what you have written so far.Use your story map to plan what you are going to write next,say it before you write it.
Watch the counting videos below and sing along. Mute the video and keep counting. Can you keep in time with the song?
We are looking at counting in 2s today. Below are two videos to watch.
The first is a little introduction to counting in 2s. We have attached a 50 chart to print off and colour in.
The second is your maths lesson. Watch the Count in 2s video here and complete the worksheet below.
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday are during our half term holiday. Shrove Tuesday, also known as Pancake Day, is celebrated on the last day before Lent. It precedes Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. During Lent we think about Jesus and try to live our lives a little bit more like him. Lent is the time when we get ready for Easter. We make a Lenten promise. This is something you will try to do every day.Think about what your promise will be.It could be to help someone in your family, say an extra prayer, make sure you always use your manners-what other ideas have you got?
Draw a picture of you doing your Lenten promise on the leaf. Cut it out and stick it somewhere you will see it every day.
DT / Engineering
Today we are going to challenge you to some Rapunzel problem solving. Below you will find a video telling the story of Rapunzel with a little twist. This is an engineering fairy tale.
Attached is the activity brief for the challenge and an example of how you could complete the challenge. Good luck. Post your solutions to Seesaw!
Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 11:51am
Hello everyone, here is your Tuesday learning. We are seeing videos of some great dancing to Dua Lipa for our Dance Week! Keep fine tuning those moves!
Read every day. It has such a massive impact on all your learning. For your reading challenge today pick five words from one of your books. What do the words mean? Can you think of other words which mean the same?
Watch the two videos below before visiting your lesson on Seesaw.
For your sounds learning today, we will be reading our OW/OU words and spotting some new words with these sounds.
Wolfie went a-walking song. Click here.
Today you are going to sequence the story and re-tell it in your own words. Cut up the pictures on the sheet, have a good look at them and talk about what is happening in each picture. Put them in order and use them to re-tell the story. Make a video for Seesaw.
Tomorrow and Thursday you are going to be writing your story of Little Red Riding Hood. Have a look at the word bank sheet and think about any other words you might need to write. Add them to the word bank. Remember you have your Tricky Words too.
Watch the videos on number bonds below. Sing along to the songs to remember your number facts. Write down some of your number bonds to 10 to help you remember them.
Play a game of Number Fact Bingo (games 1 or 2) by choosing 6 numbers between 0-20 and cross them off when the matching question comes up.
Today we are looking at comparing objects to 50. Watch the video on Comparing Objects to 50 here and complete the worksheet below.
The Last Supper
This was the last meal Jesus had with his disciples before he died. After Jesus died, his friends would meet together and celebrate as he had asked them to.
Today, people still celebrate this special meal when they gather for Mass. The priest repeats the words Jesus said at the Last Supper; “This is my body and this is my blood.” This is Jesus giving himself to us.
Read the story of the Last Supper. Answer the questions.
To finish off our Gymnastics learning this half-term we will be creating a basic sequence using balances and travels (Including rolls). Watch the video lesson here and join in. Remember to give yourself plenty of space to perform your routine.
Well done on completing your Tuesday learning.
Year 1 Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 11:14am
Good morning Year 1 and welcome to a new week of learning. We loved seeing what you all wore to express yourselves on Friday. There were some very imaginative outfits! We are already looking forward to performing our special dance on Fabulous Friday.
Read every day. You can ask for new books by ringing the office anytime. You can also re-read your books. For your challenge today after you have read your book have a look for any words you can find which have our recent phonic sounds in them. You could also spot Tricky Words.
This week we will be learning our ow and ou words. Watch the videos below and write anywords that you spot.
Once you have watched the videos, visit Seesaw for today's sounds learning.
Your spelling list has been added to Sumdog. We have added 15 words containing the ow/ou sounds. You have to spell each word 3 times to complete the challenge! Good Luck!
This week we are continuing to learn through the story of Little Red Riding Hood.
Stay on the path song. Click here.
Listen to the story again here.Click here.
The wolf had a very rumbly, grumbly tummy as he was so hungry. Talk about what the wolf might like to eat.Talk about your favourite food. Today you are going to plan a menu. The menu could be for yourself or for the wolf. Include a starter, main course and a pudding. Draw your food on the sheet and label it. Remember to form your letters correctly and listen for the sounds when you are writing words.
Practise your counting everyday! We start every lesson by counting in lots of different ways. At home you can watch the videos below and join in or you can play a game of counting tennis. Start at a number and take turns with saying the next one in the sequence. Practise counting in 2s. 5s and 10s.
Today In our maths learning we are continuing to look at numbers to 50 and our tens and ones. We will be looking at one more and one less and ten more and ten less. Watch the video on one more and one less here and Part 2 here. Complete the worksheet attached.
We have also started a new maths challenge on Sumdog. This week we are looking at place value to 100!
Well done to everyone who completed last week's challenge. Amazing effort!
Today we are talking about all the things that happen when we go to Mass. Read Gary's story. Talk about the pictures at the bottom of the story and answer the questions.
On the sheet draw a story board to include some of the things that happen during Mass.
The welcome, listening to stories about Jesus, receiving Holy Communion or a blessing and taking Jesus’ love to everyone.
Science- Basket challenge
Today we are going to explore materials and their properties and suitability. We will be exploring what materials are best for making a basket for Red Riding Hood. Design your own basket on the worksheet below.
Have a go at completing the Mystery Material challenge too. It might help you when designing your basket!
Year 1 Home Learning Fabulous Friday 5th February 2021
Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 2:30pm
It’s Fabulous Friday!
Wow Year 1, you've made it to the end of another week of great learning! It's now time for another Fabulous Friday!
Fridays are a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!
Today you just need to...
Read for at least 10 minutes.
Maybe re-read one of your favourite stories or share the reading with a grown up, one page each.
We are enjoying everything you've posted to Seesaw.
Dont forget, it is Dress to Express today! Dress up in your favourite clothes!
Look through your journal.
Guided yoga relaxation. Click here.
Today's game is called An Odd Puzzle. The instructions and gameboard are attached below.
(Use coins if you don't have counters)
Remember all our odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9
Let's make a cake for grandma song. Click here.
Red Riding Hood took some delicious cakes, biscuits and pies to her grandma.Have a go at making some salt dough food. You will need plain flour, salt and water
Salt dough food video. Click here.
Next week is Dance Week at St Oswald's. Visit the video here and have a go at learning the dance.
Look out for your weekly catch up video on Seesaw.
Have a lovely weekend!
Year 1 Home Learning Thursday 4th February 2021
Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 11:25am
Hello Year 1. We are loving all the super learning you are posting to Seesaw.
Read every single day. Choose one of your reading books and talk about what happens in the story. Use these question starters.
Who did...? Where did...? When did...? What happened when...? Why did _______ happen?
Visit Seesaw for your sounds learning today. We will be introducing the al sound (walk, chalk. ball).
Be ready with a pencil and paper before starting the video.
Today you are learning about what the characters say. Listen to the story again here. Use your story box to re-tell the story. Pretend to be one of the characters. Act out some of the story. What do you say? Who are you saying it to? On the sheet draw one of the characters and write in the speech bubbles. Remember to use a capital letter at the beginning of your writing in the speech bubble, finger spaces and to form your letters correctly.
Yesterday we learned how to count forwards and backwards within 50. Practise counting with our whack-a-mole game here. Choose starting numbers within 50 and practise both counting on and back.
Look back over our counting videos from this week and sing along.
Today we are investigating numbers to 50 and looking at different ways to represent them. Watch the video lesson on representing numbers to 50 and complete the worksheet attached below.
Not many of us completed our Dance Party lesson last week. It did get tricky but remember to stick at it, read the instructions carefully and have an explore of the game. Don't worry if you don't progress past challenge 5. You can remain on this challenge and try out different moves, backgrounds and characters.
If you have completed Dance party, can you create a dance of your own using the moves from Dance Party? Write or draw your instructions for somebody else to learn your dance. Turn up the music and boogie!
Today think about all the people who help you at home and in school. Who can you talk to? Draw all the people on the sheet.
Make the front cover of your special journal. Think of some positive words you could write in the speech bubbles. In the box draw a picture of anything that makes you smile.Make it look beautiful. Fasten the sheets from the other days together to complete your journal
Guided meditation. Click here.
Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd February 2021
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 5:17pm
Hello Year 1 and welcome to your Wednesday Home Learning.
Your story boxes look great, we hope you enjoyed acting out the story. Well done on all your rolling, travelling and balancing yesterday. You are all super gymnasts!
Read every day. Talk about one of your reading books. Explain what you think about the story. Is there anything you would change about this story? Do you like this story? What do you like about it?
Remember, you can visit our eLibrary at Oxford Owl. We have hundreds of eBooks for all our readers.
Today will be looking at the long OR / AW / AU sounds.
Watch the videos below and write all the words you find. Sort them into the different sound families. Create a word bank with all your words so far. Can you draw your own picture clues? Share your sounds learning to Seesaw.
Have a go at the spelling challenge set on Sumdog. Try and spell 5 words! You have a choice of or/aw words or Tricky words this week.
Sing the wolf's song today. Click Here
Today you are going to make a poster to find the wolf.
Watch another version of Little Red Riding Hood here.
Use your story box to retell the story to someone in your family.
Draw a picture of the wolf on the sheet.
How can you describe the wolf? Where was he last seen? Is there a reward for his capture?
Why do you want to capture the wolf? What should you do if you see the wolf?
Write sentences on your poster. You could stick it up in your house!
Watch the videos linked below to practise your counting and number facts to 10. Sing along. Can you write down some of the number sentences from the songs?
Today we are looking at tens and ones and place value. Watch the video here and complete the worksheet below.
The theme for our learning this week is la Fête de Chandeleur – the feast of Candlemas on the 2nd of February. Below is a powerpoint which describes French traditions on this feast day and an idea for a treat! You will be able to say what kind of pancakes you like and don’t like by the end.
Here’s a song to listen to while you are waiting! Can you catch some words you know? We don’t need to understand all the words to begin to understand when we learn a new language!
Bon appétit! Bonne fête
We have really enjoyed our music learning so far this term.
Today we are exploring pulse and rhythm. Watch the video here and follow along.
Have a think and a talk about all the things you are good at. Draw three things on the sheet to make page 3 of your journal.
Rainbow Waterfall guided meditation. Click here.
Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 11:28am
Good morning Year 1 and welcome to your Tuesday learning.
We loved seeing your pictures of the characters from Little Red Riding Hood and listening to you reading all your brilliant words. We were impressed with your Science investigations and your amazing ideas.
Continue to read for at least 10 minutes everyday. Little and often is the key. Remember, you can request new books at the school office at any time.
You can also post a short video of your child reading. We'd love to hear some stories and give some feedback and support.
Visit Seesaw for your Phonics lesson today
Start the day with a song from Little Red Riding Hood I Love Red song
Today you are going to make a story box. Look at the sheet to get some ideas. You will need to think about the characters, the setting of the story. Where does it take place? Who are the main characters? Use paper and card to make your characters, decorate the inside of your box and then use the characters to tell the story.
Upload photos to Seesaw.
Sing along with the counting videos below. Can you sing without the music?
Play a game of Whack a Mole here, Practise counting forwards and backwards
Today we wil be exploring numbers to 50 and counting forward and back. Watch the Counting forwards and backwards within 50 video and complete the worksheet attached.
We have opened a new Number and Place Value challenge on Sumdog. Only 100 questions this week!
Think about the special meals you talked about yesterday. Today you are going to make a place mat which you can use when you have a special meal. Decorate your place mat with words and pictures. Some of the words you could include are share, family, love. together, special, meal, care. Can you think of any more?
Today we are learning some rolling movements and exploring linking rolls and balances. Watch the video and follow along. Remember to give yourself lots of room to do your gymnastics and be safe, using controlled movements.
Day 2 of your journal.Think about all the ways you can keep active. On the sheet draw three ways you keep active at home.
Year 1 Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021
Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 11:56am
Welcome to a new month and a new week of home learning ,Year 1.
We hope you all had a great pirate day and a restful weekend.
Read every day. It is so important. For your reading challenge today we would like you to do some predicting before you read a new book. Look at the book cover and the blurb on the back of the book – What do you think this book will be about? What do you think will happen next? What makes you think this? Record some of your ideas to Seesaw.
This week we are learning all our different or sounds. OR, AW, AU.
Watch Geraldine's videos below and write out your words in 3 lists.
Then visit Seesaw for today's sounds challenge.
Our new story is Little Red Riding Hood. Listen to and watch the story here. Little Red Riding Hood
Talk about the story.
- Who are the characters ?
- Why is Little Red Riding Hood going to see her grandma?
- How does the wolf trick Little Red Riding Hood?
- If you were Little Red Riding Hood what would you have done when you met the wolf?
- How does the story end?
- Can you think of a different ending?
Draw one of the characters on the sheet and think about words to describe them. Write the words around your picture. Talk about your picture and words. Upload to Seesaw.
Sing this Little Red Riding Hood song.
Watch the counting videos below and sing along. Mute the video and keep counting. Can you keep in time with the song?
This week we are looking at numbers to 50 and place value. Watch our Numbers to 50 lesson here and complete the worksheet attached.
66% of you had a go at our Maths challenge on Sumdog. Well Done! Keep practising your number facts regularly to maintain the progress made in your number learning.
Our new topic in R.E. is Meals. Think about a special meal you have had and answer these questions. Draw a picture of the meal on the sheet.
- When might you have a special meal?
- What makes a meal special?
- Who was there?
- Who prepared the meal?
- What did you share?
- How did you help?
- What did you like best about it?
- How did it make you feel?
Today we are exploring how some materials are waterproof and some are absorbent. Below you will find a video of an experiment investigating materials and how waterproof or absorbent they are.
Materials experiment - How waterproof are different materials?
Watch the video and follow the instructions. Can you create your own investigation with materilas around your home? Record your findings on the sheet attached.
We are supporting Children's Mental Health Week.
You are going to make a special book called a journal.Have a talk about all the things that make you happy. On the sheet draw a picture of yourself in the box and draw things that make you happy around your picture.
This video has two parts which are both about 6 minutes long.The first one is about developing a positive mindset and the second one is to help to calm your mind. Do one or both.Relaxation and meditation video. Click Here
Year 1 Home Learning Friday 29th January
Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 11:10am
It’s Fabulous Friday!
Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!
Today you just need to...
Read for at least 10 minutes.
There is a great selection of Pirate Stories in Oxford Owl. Search for 'Pirates' and you will find some great stories and Non-Fiction books all about pirates.
Yo ho ho me hearties today is our pirate day!
Dress up as a pirate and share your costumes on Seesaw. We will look at these in class.
(You could wear a stripy top wrap and cloth or scarf around your head)
Let's start the day with some pirate yoga.
Pirate Maths
Below you will find a Maths Treasure Map.
Answer the questions to move through the island.
You can take turns, colour them in or write out your number sentences. Maybe roll a dice and jump along the number trail. If you get an answer right you can stay, if not, go back to where you started from. Try and count on and count back to solve your number sentences. You can even make your own for someone else in your house to do.
Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for us to see
The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!
ADVANCE NOTICE You will need a cardboard box for your learning on Tuesday. A cereal box or a shoe box will be great. Thanks.
Have a lovely weekend
Year 1 Home Learning Thursday 28th January 2021
Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 11:31am
Happy Thursday Year 1 and welcome to your home learning for today. We are looking forward to Golden Assembly tomorrow as we are going to include some super learners from home as well as in school to celebrate all your great learning.
Please keep reading everyday, it really is the key to all your learning. We changed lots of your reading books last week - just pop in if you need some new ones.
For your reading challenge today think about some of the vocabulary in your reading book. Pick out some words and explain them, think of some other words which mean the same.
Today we are looking at the long U in uniform. Open the Acorn adventures game here (Login - Jan21, Password - Home) and listen for the long and short U sounds. Split your page in half, Long/Short vowel sounds, and write the words on each side, just like in the game.
Can you use the long U words you have found to write 3 sentences? Try not to start your sentence with I.
eg. Instead of I wore my school uniform, try, Yesterday, The little girl put on her school uniform.
Today we are thinking about a treasure island. Have a look at some examples on the sheet.Talk about all the features of an island.What will be on your island?
You are going to draw a map of a treasure island showing where the treasure is buried. X marks the spot. Draw your map on the sheet and label all the features.
Upload your island to Seesaw.
Today we are ordering numbers. To begin, play the Counting Catepillars - Ordering Numbers game here. How do you know how some numbers are more than others? Remember to look at your 10s and 1s.
Watch the video on Ordering numbers here and complete the sheet attached below.
Well done to everyone who has started our Related Facts Sumdog challenge. REMEMBER, you can continue your practise by clicking on the Maths Traning area. All number practice will improve fluency and accuracy. Keep it up!
We are getting ready for our pirate day by making a pirate hat.Watch the video to find out how to make a pirate hat.Click here
Today in code we are going to have a dance party. Visit Seesaw for a short introduction to your lesson. Login to our class page and you should be directed straight to dance party. Instead of giving directions, today we will be giving dance instructions. We can't wait to see your creations.
Well done for completing your Thursday home learning.
Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday 27th January 2021
Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 11:39am
Good morning Year 1 and a big welcome to all your Wednesday learning. We are loving all your pirate stories and we are impressed with all your ideas and pirate vocabulary. It is lovely seeing you all having a good go at your home learning, keep it up.
It's brilliant that so many of you are collecting new reading books from school. Keep reading every single day. Today, after reading one of your books have a think and a talk about what happened in the story and when it happened. What happened after …….? What was the first thing that happened in the story? Can you say in a sentence the opening/middle/end of the story?
To warm up, play a game of buried treasure here. Username - Jan21 and Password - Home
Choose Phase 3 (+oo sound) and Phase 5 (ew or ue sounds)
Visit Seesaw for your Phonics learning today. We will be looking at our split u_e sound and looking carefully to build our words. Watch the video below to remind yourselves of the u_e sound.
Sometimes when pirates get stranded on an island the only way they can communicate is by writing a message in a bottle, throw it into the sea and hope that someone finds it.
Watch this video Message in a Bottle
Imagine you are stranded on an island.
- Who are you going to write your message to?
- What will you tell them?
- Describe where you are, what can you see?
- How are you feeling?
- What are you eating and drinking?
- Is there anyone else there ?
Talk about what you are going to write then write your message. Remember your Think Pinks.
Have a look back at the counting videos we've shared (you can find these on view all blogs)
Yesterday we found our comparing number sentences a little tricky so today we are going to look back at comparing numbers and using our maths vocabulary.
More than, Fewer than, Greater than, Less than, Greatest and Smallest.
Watch the video on comparing numbers here and complete the worksheet attached.
Play our Counting caterpillars - Ordering numbers game here to get ready for our learning tomorrow. Start with numbers up to 20, then 50 and 100)
This week we are moving on to FARM ANIMALS. Can I name some farm animals in French?
Here’s a song to sing along to start: On the Farm
Here is a video with farm animal words. Repeat the words with the speaker.
Attached is a sheet with 7 farm animals. Print out the sheet (or do 7 drawings). Hide the pictures round the room. When your child finds one, s/he should give the word in French. Then it’s their turn to hide them!
Here is a song to finish – Old MacDonald had a farm in French. It’s a bit fast so may be better played on 0.75 speed. See if you can pick up the sounds the animals make in French. They’re not all the same! The word used for sheep is une brebis (oon brubee) – a ewe.
Merci beaucoup. A bientot!
Last week we really enjoyed exploring pulse and creating our own rhythm patterns. Today we are looking at creating movements to physicalise pulse. Watch the video below and join in with Miss Glover at the Oak Academy.
Click here for your Music lesson
Well done on completing all your Wednesday home learning.
Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 26th January 2021
Date: 24th Jan 2021 @ 5:40pm
Hello Year 1 and welcome to your Tuesday Home Learning.
This week we are continuing with our Pirate learning. We will be reading some new stories and sailing the seven seas with Blackbeard and his crew. In our sounds learning this week we are revisiting all our long U sounds and practising word reading and spelling. In our maths we are continuing with our addition and subtraction learning, revisiting all our strategies and practising our number facts.
Continue to read for at least 10 mintues everyday. Reading is the most important part of your home learning. If you need more books, please contact the school office and we will send home some more. Also, our Oxford Owl eLibrary is available at the Home Learning button of the Year 1 page.
Watch the video below and have a go at the following task.
We are looking at the ue and ew sounds. Spilt your page in half and write the words that appear in the video.(One half for the ue words and the other for the ew words.)
Can you use any of these words in a sentence of your own?
You are going to write your pirate story today. Look at your story map from yesterday and practise speaking your story. Use your word bank to help you with your spelling and to get some great pirate vocabulary in your story.
Write your story on the sheet and remember your Think Pinks. Draw pictures from your story in the boxes.
Upload your stories to Seesaw.
Watch the videos below to practise your counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Can you sing the song counting backwards?
Today we are looking at the relationship between addition and subtraction by comparing number sentences. Watch the video linked here and have a go at the worksheet attached.
Keep up with the practice on Sumdog. Daily practise will improve understanding of the relationship between addition and subtraction as the more questions the children answer, the more patterns they will spot.
We are celebrating all our learning about special people. Look at what you drew in your stars from yesterday and pray this litany. You could light a candle.
Our Litany
Thank you God for Mary who cared for Jesus
Thank you God for Joseph who looked after Jesus
Thank you God for Simeon who gave thanks for Jesus
Thank you God for Anna who was happy to see him
Thank you God for our parish family of St Oswald's
Thank you God for the special people in our lives
Thank you God for Jesus who loves us all
Sing This Little Light of Mine
Today we are going to explore travelling skills with the Oak Academy. Visit the below link and follow along with the video.
Exploring travelling movements
Well done on completing your learning for today.
Year 1 Home Learning Monday January 25th 2021
Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 11:14am
Happy Monday morning everyone! We hope you had a restful weekend. Please keep sending us all your fabulous learning on Seesaw. We are really enjoying it all. We will be uploading our own message to Seesaw every Friday.
It is great that so many of you are changing your books regularly. Just let us know when you need some more. We have loved seeing the videos of your reading.
Your reading challenge today is to talk about your book. Who is your favourite character? Why? Would you like to live in this setting? Why/why not?
Remember you can also find a huge library of eBooks at the Oxford Owl (link in the Home Learning button at the top of out class page).
Contact the school office if you need new books sent home.
Visit Seesaw for your Phonics learning this morning. We will be looking at the long U sound this week.
Keep having a go at your Sumdog spellings. Word building/spelling practice is key to understanding phonics and spelling patterns. Do what you can. Our new word list is on the long U sound and we have also created a key words list to have a go on.
Start your day with a pirate dance!
We are continuing with our pirate learning this week. You have all done really well to remember your Think Pinks in your writing.
You are planning your pirate story today. Listen to Sayeeda's story again. Think about all the pirate learning you have already done. What is going to happen in your pirate story? Think about who the characters are in your story. Is your story about Sayeeda or are you going to be in the story? Are there other characters in the story? Talk about your ideas before your draw your pictures on the story map. Use your story map to tell your pirate story to someone in your family. Are you using the pirate words you collected in your word bank last week?
Watch the videos on number bonds below. Sing along to the songs to remember your number facts. Play a game of Number Fact Bingo (games 1 or 2) by choosing 6 numbers between 0-20 and cross them off when the matching question comes up.
Today we are going to look at the relationship between addition and subtraction and related facts. Watch the video on Related facts here. Work through the worksheet linked below.
We have also started a new addition and subtraction challenge on sumdog on related facts. Answer as many questions as you can. 10 minutes a day makes a huge difference to number fluency.
As this is the last week in the Special People topic you are going to think about all the learning you have done.Talk about who is special to you, who does special jobs in church and the stories you have listened to about Jesus. In each star on the sheet write or draw something that you could do to say ‘Thank you’ to the special people you know at home, in school and the parish family.
Today we are looking again at everyday materials. Open the file below and have a go at the challenges. Have a go at the Venn diagram activity revisiting any properties / materials you used last week. Take some photos of what you've found and record how you have sorted your materials.
Well done on completing your learning for today.
Year 1 Home Learning Friday 22nd January 2021
Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 11:10am
Welcome to your Friday learning Year 1. We continue to be impressed with all your learning on Seesaw. We love watching the videos of you reading, doing gymnastics, performing puppet shows and role playing stories. We are seeing the progress you are all making.
Try to read every day. It is so important. For your reading challenge today we would like you to do some predicting before you read a new book. Look at the book cover and the blurb on the back of the book – What do you think this book will be about? What do you think will happen next? What makes you think this? Record some of your ideas to Seesaw.
This week we have looked at all the long I sounds. Well done to everyone who completed the challenges set and had a go at the spelling and words challenge on Sumdog.
Daily practise of word building will help with fluency in reading as well as with spelling.
Today we'd like you to have a go at spotting all the long I sounds you can find in your sounds spotter challenge. Use a different colour for each sound. Can you then write out your words and choose three to write a super sounds sentence? Remember to use you neatest handwriting and stay on the lines.
We have also added all the phonics videos from this week to watch below.
Every night Sayeeda writes a diary about her day. She writes about what she has in her treasure chest, where she's been on her galleon, the jobs she has to do and many other things pirates get up to.Imagine you are Sayeeda and you are writing in your diary.
Talk to your grown up about what you've done today as Sayeeda. Write your diary entry on the sheet. You could use some of the words you collected on Wednesday.
Remember your Think Pinks and upload a photo of your diary entry to Seesaw.
Here's another pirate song to get you in the mood!
Keep counting. Have a look back at all our counting songs. Can you make up a counting song of your own? Maybe you could count down in 2s? Start at a different number?
Today we are continuing our learning on subtraction and counting back through 10. Watch the video on Crossing 10 (1) here and complete the work sheet attached.
If you would like to do a little bit extra here is an extra lesson on subtraction - crossing 10 (2) (Worksheet attached below)
Well done to everyone who has completed our Sumdog challenge. We are sure you are impressing everyone with how quick you are getting at remembering your number facts! Keep it up!
Follow the instructions to make your pirate ship collage. Use whatever materials you have at home or get in touch if you need some from school.
Have a look on Seesaw for a message from us, your weekly Friday catch up!
Next Friday to celebrate the end of all our pirate learning we are going to have a pirate day. We would like the children to dress up in a simple pirate costume to get in the mood. On Thursday we will be making a pirate hat to wear. Post your photos to Seesaw and we will share them with the children in class.
Year 1 Home learning Thursday January 21st
Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 10:56am
Good morning everyone. Yesterday we enjoyed making our word banks. We learned some new pirate words such as cutlass, crow's nest and gangplank.We had great fun singing the song too!
Please keep reading everyday, it really is the key to learning. We have changed lots of your reading books. Just pop in if you need some new ones. For your reading challenge today think about the ending of one of your stories. Can you think of a different ending?
We have really enjoyed listening to some of you read on Seesaw. It is lovely to see so many of you enjoying your reading.
Today we are looking at ie and i_e. Watch the videos attached to remind yourself of these sounds and write the words that come up. Have a go at the two Spelling Shed activities attached and write some sentences on the lines.
Sayeeda and her family like to sing this song. Click here
Think about your treasure chest. Have a look at the picture of a treasure chest and describe what you can see. What could you put in your treasure chest? Write a list of everything in your treasure chest on the sheet. Write one item on the line and then write the next item on the line below.
Start your maths learning by singing our counting and number fact songs attached below and play the whack a mole game here. Remember to practise counting up and counting down in lots of different ways.
Today we are looking at counting back on a number line and crossing through 10. Watch the video on Subtraction Counting back and complete the worksheet attached.
Over half of you have started your Addition and Subtraction challenge on Sumdog. We are seeing huge improvements in accuracy and fluency on Sumdog. Keep up the Amazing practise.
We are learning about the United Kingdom and the capital cities of each country. Watch the video.
The United Kingdom. Click here
Click here to have a go at labelling the countries in the U.K.
The flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack. Draw your own. The Union Jack drawing video. Click here
Today we will be investigating loops again and writing code using a new activity called Artist. Login using the link below and if you need a password, look back at past Thursday blogs for the picture password page.
Visit Seesaw to watch a short video lesson.
Well done on completing your learning today. We have loved watching the videos of your reading, gymnastics and acting on Seesaw. They put a smile on our faces. Well done, Everybody!
Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday January 20th 2021
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 4:03pm
Good morning everyone. Welcome to your Wednesday Home Learning. Yesterday we really enjoyed our science learning. We came up with some fantastic vocabulary and wrote some super sentences. Our favourite words were, flexible, squishy, smooth and absorbent. We are enjoying seeing all your super learning on Seesaw. Keep posting for feedback and support.
Continue to read for at least 10 minutes everyday. Little and often is the key. Remember, you can request new books at the school office at any time.
You can also post a short video of your child reading. We'd love to hear some stories and give some feedback and support.
In our sounds learning today we are looking at the split i_e sounds and making sure we use the right sound when we build/spell our words. Watch the video below to remind yourself of the split i_e sound and have a go at the activity attached. Remember to look carefully when spelling your words. Ask yourself...
Do they look right?
Have I seen that word before?
Today we would like you collect some pirate words to make a word bank. In her story Sayeeda uses the word 'galleon', what does she mean? Draw a picture for all the words you think of and write the word next to it.You will be using this wordbank in your pirate writing later on.
Listen to this song to start you off with some words.
Have a go at making your own treasure chest. You could make it out of an old box or use the template attached.
Counting - Watch the videos below and sing along and practise your counting on the whack-a-mole game here.
Today we are looking at jumping back on a number line to take away. Watch the video on Subtraction - Not Crossing 10 and complete the worksheet attached below.
In our maths today, we are also going to have a look back at making 10 to help us add. On Monday we found this learning a little tricky so today we are going to revisit it with a short video lesson on Seesaw.
This week we will recap the pet animal vocabulary we learnt last week and try to learn some more words. Listen to the video and repeat the words. Can you remember the actions you made up last week for each word? Do them again as you say the words. Make up an action for the new animals.
Try this lesson which reinforces the vocabulary:
Click on full tutorial. The introduction goes through the words again, then there are 3 further activities in order of difficulty – yes or no? Either/or, then What is it? A song to finish -
Amusez-vous bien et merci beaucoup!
Here is today's music leanirng frm Oak Academy
You will need a teddy, a pencil and paper.
Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 19th January
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 9:15am
Good morning Year 1 and welcome to your Tuesday Home Learning.
Yesterday, we all enjoyed our new story about Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess. We came up with some fantastic ideas and shared some brilliant pirate facts. In our Science, we found lots of objects to match our properties and materials and we also found some objects that had more than one property. Super science everyone!
Continue to read for at least 10 mintues everyday. Reading is the most important part of your home learning. If you need more books, please contact the school office and we will send home some more. Also, our Oxford Owl eLibrary is available at the Home Learning button of the Year 1 page.
Today we will be looking at the y letter shape making the I sound. Do you notice anything about the sounds before the y? Watch the video below and write out the words you spot. Can you think of any more?
Here are some we found.
Cry Dry Fly My Fry Why Try
Now use these words in some sentences.
I always try my best in my learning.
Listen to or read the story again.
Talk about and answer these questions.
1. How did Sayeeda like to spend her days?
2. What did she like to do best?
3. Why did Sayeeda’s father tell her not to open her treasure box on the galleon’s deck?
4. What do you think Sayeeda’s father said to her when the jewelled key slid away?
5. Why did Sayeeda weep?
6. What happened to the jewelled key when it slid from Sayeeda’s hands?
7. What lesson did Sayeeda learn by the end of the story?
You could record yourself answering the questions.Post on Seesaw
Sing another pirate song . Click here.
Today we are looking at subtraction by counting back (not passing through 10). Watch the video linked and complete the worksheet attached below.
We have also created a new Sumdog challenge on Addition and Subraction within 20. Remember to try out your strategies of counting on and back and using what you know.
Look at your picture from yesterday when Jesus was in the Temple. Talk about who everyone is in the picture.Have a go at acting out the story. Take photos or a video.
This week we are going to look at creating a sequence using your jumps, balances and travels. Watch the video lesson attached below and join in. Use the activity card to create your own sequence and film your routine on Seesaw.
Well done on completing your home learning today.
If you'd like to do some more home learning, visit our home learning resource area in the Parent tab of the website.
Year 1 Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021
Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 2:30pm
Good morning everyone. We hope you had a lovely weekend. We are enjoying seeing all your great learning on Seesaw, keep posting what you can.
Today we are learning...
The long I sounds (igh, ie, i_e and i.) in our Phonics
A new pirate story in our English
Addition and Subtraction within 20 in our Maths.
About The Presentation in the Temple in our RE
All about Everyday Materials in our Science
Please keep reading everyday, it really is the key to learning. We changed lots of your reading books last week-just pop in if you need some new ones. For your reading challenge today think about some of the vocabulary in your reading book. Pick out some words and explain them, think of some other words which mean the same.
This week we are looking at the long i sound.
Watch Geraldine learn the split i sound here and the i sound as in pie here. Write out the words and think of some more using these sounds.
Practise your blending by playing this game
We are starting a new text today. Its from the Talk for Writing resources. It's called Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess. We will be doing lots of learning about pirates. Please read the story or listen to it on the link.
Listen to the story of Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess here
Talk about these questions
- Which character did you like best? Why?
- Did anything surprise you about the story?
- What did Sayeeda learn by the end of the story?
You could write your answers on a post-it or record them and upload it to Seesaw.
Sing a pirate song! click here
Watch the videos linked below to practise your counting and number facts to 10.
This week we are reviewing addition and Subtraction strategies and bridging through 10. Watch the video on Adding by Making 10 and complete the worksheet attached.
We have also started a new challenge on Sumdog. Well done to everyone who completed their challenge last week. Practice makes all the difference!
Read the story of Jesus in the Temple when he was older.
Talk about these questions
- How did you feel when you were listening to the story?
- Who went on the journey to Jerusalem?
- Where was Jesus and what was he doing when Mary and Joseph found him?
- How do you think the people listening to Jesus felt?
Draw a picture of the story. Upload it to Seesaw.
Today we are looking at materials and their properties. Use the sheet below to help you find materials around your home and write some super sentences in your book. Watch the videos linked below to help you.
Year 1 Home Learning Friday 15th January
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 10:01am
Good Morning, Everyone. Welcome to your Friday Home Learning.
Well done on all your home learning this week. You have put in a lot of effort and done your best. 33 of you have had a go at your Sumdog Challenges! Amazing! Yesterday, we enjoyed our Geography and Computing. Collecting the gems proved quite tricky so well done for having a go.
Continue to read for at least 10 mintues everyday. Reading is the most important part of your home learning. If you need more books, please contact the school office and we will send home some more. Also, our Oxford Owl eLibrary is available at the Home Learning button of the Year 1 page.
Can you spot any sounds in your book? Are there any long O sounds?
We have attached the reading VIPERS questions to promote comprehension in reading. Use a few of these when reading with your child to promote reading skills.
Today we are spotting the long O sound in the text below (Long O sound spotter). Print off the sheet and colour all the words that contain any of our long O sounds.OW, OA, OE, O_E and O. Remind yourself with the videos below.
You can use different colours for different sounds and write out all the words you can find in your book.
Using these words, write a super sentence remembering your capital letters, finger spaces and full Stops.
Today you are ging to write your spider story. Tell someone in your family your story using the pictures from yesterday's story map.Make a word bank of the words you will need. Remember to write on the line, form your letters correctly, use the sounds you know to write words, use full stops, finger spaces and capital letters. Have fun!
This week we will start every maths lesson by practising our counting. Watch the counting videos below and count along.
Today we are looking at Subtracting by finding the difference. Have a look at the videos on Finding the difference 1 and Finding the difference 2 complete the worksheet attached.
When you've done this, spend 10 minutes practising your subtraction questions on Sumdog. Can you remember any subtraction facts?
Here is a link to a maths games website the children are familiar with. Visit ictgames and have a play.
Think about the places in the U.K. you talked about and drew yesterday. Today you are going to make a collage showing two contrasting places, town and countryside. Use any materials you have at home to make your collage.
Have a look at this video for ideas.
Well done on completing your home learning this week! Have a lovely weekend and keep safe.
The Year 1 team