Year 1: Blog items

Year 1 Blog- 21st January 2022

Date: 20th Jan 2022 @ 10:20am

Welcome to your Friday blog.

We have really enjoyed our learning again this week.  We all planted a sapling for the Queen's Jubilee. Thank you for sending wellies in.

Arbor Day Tree Planting Character Boys And Girls Planting Trees, Character  Clipart, Boy, Arbor Day PNG Transparent Clipart Image and PSD File for Free  Download | Trees to plant, Drawing for kids,


Fairytale Characters - Shoemaker's Elves



In English, we have been reading the story of The Elves and the Shoemaker. Many of us hadn't read it before and we really enjoyed it! We started off by finding the features within the story, then we wrote a thank you letter to the elves and even made up our own stories by changing the elves to another traditional tale animal/character. We couldn't believe how good the new stories were!

Phonics- We looked at 'ee' as in tree and 'ea' as in beach. We also looked at 'oy' as in toy and 'oi' as in coin.


halves fractions - Clip Art LibraryPin on Maths


This week we have been learning about parts of shapes. We can call these 'fractions'. We looked at halves and quarters. We have also been looking at the 'friends of 10'.These are all the ways to make 10 by adding 2 numbers together,0+10, 1 + 9, 9+1,2+8 and so on. Please encourage your child learn these number facts so that they can recall them quickly.


 We continued to learn the words for pets in French and we really enjoyed the song about the animals who had escaped from the zoo! We also listened to the official song for AFCON - the African Cup of Nations football tournament which is taking place in Cameroon at the moment. Lots of African countries speak French!


We played 'You are my Sunshine' on the boomwhackers. We are getting really good!


Everyday materials and their properties posters in 2022 | Science topics,  Materials science, Properties of materials


We started a new topic looking at everyday materials. We discussed what materials are and what objects are made from different materials. We picked one material and drew all the objects we could see in class made from that material. We also discussed why certain materials are used for different objects. We investigated what we coud do with different materials. Could we stretch,twist,bend or squash them?


Color Background clipart - Color, Red, Blue, transparent clip art


We focused on mixing in art this week and how primary colours can mix together to make secondary colours. We conducted two experiments - one with skittles (which worked!) and one with food colouring (which took a long time to work!!) We then used the paint to have a go at mixing the colours. We will continue with this next week as not everyone got a chance to have a go today.


crab walk y6 Striking and fielding cricket pe ks2 Illustration - Twinkl


In our gymnastics lesson, we learnt how to bear walk and crab walk. It was tricky but fun! We then learnt a new roll - the rock and roll. We put all three into a sequence and took it in turns on the apparatus.


Festival Wish Wallpaper Desktop Holi Hinduism Clipart - Play And Learn  Clipart, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem


On Monday, it was World Religion Day and we learnt about the Hindu festival of Holi. We used water, paints and straws to make our own Holi picture. Then we continued with our Special People topic and learnt about who can help us in church. We made our own churches out of Lego and worked as a team.


Label a UK map | Teaching Resources


In Geography, we recapped the four countries that make up the UK and labelled them on the map. We then took our learning one step further and learnt the capital cities for each country. We will continue to recap this as it was new learning for a lot of us.



Tips for healthy teeth and a healthy mouth : VC Dental

This week we have been discussing how to keep our teeth healthy. We drew pictures about how to brush our teeth correctly. We also investigated how much sugar is in different foods.


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.

We have also been doing lots of counting. We have mainly been focusing on counting in 10s up to 100 (0, 5, 10, 15...) Please practise these at home. If you want a challenge, start from a different number that is not in the 5x table (e.g. 2, 6, 8...) We use a number square in class to help us with this, feel free to search '100 square' in Google to find one online.

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - ea and ee words

Maths - recognise half of an object

Please continue to access the training section of Sumdog, we have shown the class how to access it! The maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths. To access the training feature click "task" and then the training will come up as an option.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise. 



Year 1 Blog 14th January

Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 12:33pm

Welcome to your Friday blog!

postcards – reflective exercise | Kids clipart, Clip art, Mini books

We have had a super week of learning again and started to notice a bit more daylight.



61 Hansel And Gretel Cliparts, Stock Vector and Royalty Free Hansel And  Gretel Illustrations

In English we have finished our Hansel and Gretel story. We've been so busy with our learning! We have thought about how Hansel and Gretel were feeling, explored our senses whilst in the forest setting and compared the original story to a different version - Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel are Sweet!

In phonics, we are still learning phase 5 sounds. Miss Fisher's group have been recapping ou, ie and ea words. Mrs Corbett's group have recapped split digraphs u_e and e_e.




We have been counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We have been looking at the patterns in the numbers on a 100 square.

We have also been looking at repeating patterns. We made our own repeating patterns. We are also trying really hard to write our numbers correctly.



Private Investigator Detective Fraud Clip Art, PNG, 700x689px, Private  Investigator, Alimony, Criminal Investigation, Detective, Espionage Download

This week we carried out an investigation to answer a question. Our question was-do children always have bigger feet than their hands ?

We measured our hands and feet and then collected all our data together. We found a pattern and this gave us the conclusion that most children in Year 1 have bigger feet than their hands.



Free exercise clip art pictures clipartix -

We talked about all the different ways we can keep our body healthy with exercise. We talked about what we do at school and at home to exercise. We found out what happens to our bodies when we exercise.



KS1 Gymnastics KO

In P.E. we have continued with our gymnastics lessons. We learnt to egg roll, frog jump and how to move like a caterpillar. It was so much fun. Please see the pictures below!



5 Creative DIY Paint Splatter Projects to Try | Skillshare Blog

In Art, we finished experimenting with paint. We dabbed, splatted and mixed our paint to see what will happen. Next week, we will be looking at primary and secondary colours.



50 French Flag Clipart Vector Images Transparent Png - Transparent Uk Flag  Png Emoji,British Flag Emoji - free transparent emoji -

In Geography, we have started to learn about the countries that make up the UK. We seemed really confident when learning about England and learnt some new information about Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We talked about the different places that we have been to in the UK such as the Lake District, Centre Parcs and London. We then drew pictures of our trips!



Isambard Kingdom Brunel Holding A Lamp - Cartoon, HD Png Download ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

We learned some facts about Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We talked about and drew some of the things he designed and made.



Dirt Planting Stock Illustrations – 1,670 Dirt Planting Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


As part of our outdoor learning every child in the school will be planting a sapling in our school grounds next week. Please send in a pair of wellies with your child in a named carrier bag on Monday.Your child will bring them home next Friday.


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.

We have also been doing lots of counting. We have mainly been focusing on counting in 10s up to 100 (0, 5, 10, 15...) Please practise these at home. If you want a challenge, start from a different number that is not in the 5x table (e.g. 2, 6, 8...) We use a number square in class to help us with this, feel free to search '100 square' in Google to find one online.

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - oi and oy words

Maths - counting in 10s to 100

Please continue to access the training section of Sumdog, we have shown the class how to access it! The maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths. To access the training feature click "task" and then the training will come up as an option.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise. 

Year 1 Blog 7th January 2022

Date: 6th Jan 2022 @ 10:21am

Welcome to the first Year 1 Friday blog of the new year!

Happy New Year 2022 Clipart - Clipart.World



In our Phonics this week we have been recapping the phase 5 sounds. In particular, we have compared the phase 3 ow (cow) sound to the phase 5 ou (shout) sound. Keep practising these sounds at home!



151,973 Fairy Tales Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock     71 Hansel Gretel Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

In English we have started to learn about traditional tales (fairy tales). We talked about our favourite tale, explored the features that they have in them and then read the story of Hansel and Gretel. We then sang the Little Red Riding Hood songs on the BBC website, we loved them!


Counting by 5's hands to 150 - editable PPT and PDF | TpT

In Maths we have been looking at number patterns and counting in fives in particular. We spotted that the numbers end in either a 5 or a 0. We have been starting from different numbers and using our knowledge to solve challenges.


1,151 Kids Waiting In Line Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

 In R.E. we finished our waiting topic and recapped why waiting is very important. We listened to 'Be still for the presence of the Lord' and took spent a few minutes thinking about making time for God.


Healthy Food Free Health Cliparts Clip Art On Transparent - Healthy Diet  Clip Art, HD Png Download , Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

In P.S.H.E, we started to explore healthy eating and how we can have a balanced diet - we know that we can have more of certain foods and have others for a treat.


 In French we learnt about how French people celebrate La fete des Rois - the Feast of the Epiphany. A special cake which contains a lucky charm is shared. Whoever gets the lucky charm in their slice becomes the King or Queen for the day. We chose some Kings and Queens in class by drawing cubes from a bag. Whoever got the lucky cube became le Roi or la Reine and was allowed to tell the rest of the class what to do for a short time! We also read a story and listened to a song about the feast day.


Five Senses Stock Illustrations – 762 Five Senses Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

In Science we looked at our five senses and how we use them. We labelled which parts of our body are associated with each sense.


We've had a lovely first week back together, it has been great to see everyone working so hard!


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.


We have also been doing lots of counting. We have mainly been focusing on counting in 5s up to 100 (0, 5, 10, 15...) Please practise these at home. If you want a challenge, start from a different number that is not in the 5x table (e.g. 2, 6, 8...) We use a number square in class to help us with this, feel free to search '100 square' in Google to find one online.

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - ow and ou words

Maths - counting in 5s to 100

Please continue to access the training section of Sumdog, I have shown the class how to access it! The maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths. To access the training feature click "task" and then the training will come up as an option.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise. 


Online Safety Update

Date: 5th Jan 2022 @ 11:44am

Too often, children can run rings around their parents when it comes to online safety, but guardians must stay clued up, warns Elizabeth Kitto (prevent education officer for Barking and Dagenham)

While there are a number of important areas of Online Safety, these are the big four.


Filters are amazing and can set healthy, age-appropriate boundaries for free on any device connected to the home WiFi. These can be set through a phone call to any internet provider and updated as children grow. Updates are incredibly important to gradually increase exposure and allow young people to build resilience as they mature. 

Make sure that you are aware that any devices with their own data sets, like phones, will need their filters set separately. And remember that you can set passwords to override the filter system so you don't miss out on any of the film releases that would be less suitable for your 10-year-old.

Safe search engines

For under 10s, setting the homepage to a safe search engine is an excellent way to overcome mishaps. We have all had a seemingly innocent image search go awry, and by using child-friendly sites like Smiggle, YouTube Kids and KidRex, we can reduce that risk substantially. Some large web search providers do have safe search options but, be aware, these are very easy to switch off.

As for older children (year 6), it's all about reinforcing the importance of responsibility. Leaning over a child's shoulder at all times or attempting to monitor their screens using apps is less likely to create a healthy relationship and more likely to teach them how to creatively sneak past you. 


Have you ever bought a pair of jeans and then been bombarded with ads for jeans for the next three months? That's an algorithm. They collect information and send us materials that will make us tick. While this may be great for our wardrobe, it can create problems regarding echo chambers and fake news.

Reinforce the importance of learning about the world from mainstream media channels rather than stories from social media or news suggestions from their phones. This can build a more balanced knowledge of the world within the home and help you recognise when you or your children are straying into conspiracy theories and bias debates, and instead form healthy informational environments.

Social media

Social media is often the centre of a young person's world and while many parents may have a Facebook account, they may be less au fait with the newer, young models.

For younger children, play around on social media sites alongside your child, learn together how to block and apply appropriate privacy settings to form a positive online space.

For older children, reinforce the message of accountability. What happens on the internet can be difficult to erase. Many young people have no interest in "friending" their parents, and respect of space can build trust, but if you have any concerns, ensure that the parents feel they can have an open a supportive dialogue to air out any worries. 


National Online Safety Training Hub

Continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.

We have set up a watchlist which includes some videos and training we think you will find beneficial.





Year 1 Christmas Blog

Date: 15th Dec 2021 @ 2:38pm

Christmas Tree SVG Cricut  Download Digital Christmas Pine image 1


Welcome the the final blog of 2021!

We have been doing lots of learning in this final week of the Autumn term. Have a look at our photos!

We would like to wish you a happy, holy and peaceful Christmas. We really appreciate all your generous Christmas presents, cards and good wishes. Thank you for all your wonderful support. See you in January!

Year 1 Friday Blog 10th December

Date: 9th Dec 2021 @ 12:48pm

Welcome to the Year 1 Friday blog!

Christmas cards - Nativity Silhouette - Stella Maris

We have had a really exciting week rehearsing and performing our Nativity. All the children were amazing and we hope you enjoy watching it. Access the video from the school website.


Wednesday Phonics | Year 1.

In our Phonics this week we have been looking at the i-e split digraph as in lime,shine and time. 


Harvey Slumfenberger's Christmas Present by John Burningham Analysis – SLAP  HAPPY LARRY

In English we wrote a letter to Father Christmas. We tried to remember our finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and using our sounds to spell words. We have listened to the story of Harvey Slumfenburger's Christmas Present and we are going to be doing some writing from that next week.

How Common Core Subtraction Works


In Maths we have been learning about subtraction. We have been using part whole models and 10 frames to help us too. We have been investigating number fact families. We have been counting in 2s and 10s forwards and backwards from different starting numbers.



 In R.E. we talked about The Annunciation and The Visitiation. We loved being able to pretend to be Mary and Angel Gabriel! We then challenged ourselves and wrote speech bubbles about what Mary would say to Elizabeth and vice versa. We had some lovely ideas - "Mary, you are going to have a special baby" and even simply "I love you, Elizabeth".


Joyeux Noel Script Wood Word Cutout French Christmas Laser | Etsy

In Music we got the boomwhackers out and played along with some Christmas songs. In French we learnt some Christmas vocabulary by playing games and sang some French Christmas songs. Joyeux Noel et bonne annee tout le monde!


We did week 3 of The Big Draw. We looked outside at the weather and then made a collage showing the weather.

Best Christmas jumpers for kids including favourites from Asda, Sainsburys  and Amazon - Mirror Online

We all looked brilliant in our Christmas jumpers today-don't forget to dress up on Monday for our Santa Dash!


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.


We have also been doing lots of counting. We have mainly been focusing on counting in 10s up to 100 (0, 10, 20, 30...) Please practise these at home. If you want a challenge, start from a different number that is not in the 10x table (e.g. 5, 15, 25, 35...) We use a number square in class to help us with this, feel free to search '100 square' in Google to find one online.

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - split digraph i_e words

Maths - adding on 10 more up to 100

Please continue to access the training section of Sumdog, I have shown the class how to access it! The maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths. To access the training feature click "task" and then the training will come up as an option.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise. 


Year 1 Friday Blog 3rd December 2021

Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 10:07am

Welcome to your Friday blog!

Advent Wreath & Candles - The Meaning, History and Tradition



Traction Man Meets Turbodog (Traction Man, 2): Grey, Mini:  9780099484028: Books

This week in English, we have read the sequel to Traction Man - Traction Man meets Turbo Dog. We found out that Traction Man was really missing his friend Scrubbing Brush, he was worrying about him throughout the story. Scrubbing Brush was taken away by mum and dad because he was too dirty and was replaced by Turbo Dog! We wrote about our favourite part of the story, drew all of the characters in the dirty dustbin, created our own version of the story, practised our tricky words and our phase 5 split a_e digraph. 


Subtraction Number Sentences - Maths with Mum

In maths, we have moved onto subtraction. We have learnt different strategies to find the answer, but the most effective has been counting backwards from the greatest number. We have used lots of equipment too so that we could check our answers were correct. Some of us even put our subtraction number sentence into a part-whole model! 


What is the Liturgical Calendar? - El Santuario Nacional de San Judas

We have been very busy in R.E. too. This week, we have learnt about the Liturgical Calendar and the Advent wreath. We talked about why it is important to wait in the build up to Christmas and how we show that we are waiting. Our two main examples of this were opening a door each day on our Advent calendar and lighting the candles each Sunday on the Advent wreath.


Dancing Robots Clipart | +1,566,198 clip arts

Our P.E. lesson was very exciting this week! Half of the class managed to practise and film their final robot dance. The other half are nearly there, we are hoping to be ready to film next week. All of year 1 have shown that they are super robots and they have fully understood how a robot moves.


In French, we learnt the vocabulary for parts of the face in French and enjoyed the story of Grand Monstre Vert. We're very good at head, shoulders, knees and toes in French!


We have also been very busy practising for our production. We have had a lot of songs to learn but we are now so confident and ready for next week.


Also on Thursday, we were really lucky to watch Dick Whittington in the hall. It was so much fun! We laughed a lot and ended up having poorly throats from shouting "he's behind you!"


Lastly, we completed our next Big Draw artwork today. We took 15 minutes out of our day to draw our favourite stories. It was lovely to be able to sit quietly and be free to draw whatever we like.


Have a look at the gallery to see all of our brilliant learning this week.

Have a great weekend!


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.


We have also been doing lots of counting. Please continue to do this at home too. Challenge yourself with bigger numbers. Then, try and work out some addition and subtraction problem questions (up to 20). Ask your adults to quiz you with some questions (e.g. what is 10 - 5?)

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - split digraph a_e words

Maths - subtraction within 20

Please continue to access the training section of Sumdog, I have shown the class how to access it! The maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths. To access the training feature click "task" and then the training will come up.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise. 

Year 1 Friday Blog 26th November 2021

Date: 25th Nov 2021 @ 9:50am

Welcome to your Friday blog!





Traction Man Is Here (Traction Man, 1): Grey, Mini:  9780099451099: Books

In English, we have started our new book - Traction Man! Everyone has loved learning about Traction Man's exciting adventures and how he wears different outfits depending on what he is doing. For example, he wore a scuba suit to dive into the sink! We also have been writing thank you letters from the spoons, creating story maps, filling in speech bubbles, drawing all of Traction Man's outfits and predicting what would happen next in the story. We've been very busy.


Find a part using a part-whole model - Year 2 - P3 - Maths - Home Learning  with BBC Bitesize - BBC Bitesize

We have done some super learning in maths - we have learnt how to use part whole models! These have helped us to understand addition as the two parts add together to make the whole. We then challenged ourselves to write the corresponding number sentences and even chose our own bigger numbers in blank part whole models.



15,893 Waiting For Christmas Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images -  iStock

In R.E. we have started our new topic of Waiting. Especially, in relation to Advent. We had a special box waiting for us in class, we waited to open it and inside was a cross to represent waiting for Jesus' birthday. We then drew our own pictures of us waiting. There were some brilliant pictures of waiting for a bus, to be chosen in class, for our birthdays and waiting for Christmas Day.


Dancing Robots Clipart | +1,566,198 clip arts

In P.E. we created and practiced our ideas for the paired section of our robot dance. We are nearly finished now! Next week we hope to be finished and ready to film...


In French, we learnt the French words for some body parts and for the parts of our face. We enjoyed singing tete, epaules, genoux, pieds (head, shoulders, knees and toes).


In P.S.H.E we have talked about our families and who is special to us. We quickly realised that our families are all different and that it is okay to choose different people to spend our time with.


Lastly, we started our Big Draw art event on Tuesday. We played some mindfulness music and drew whatever we wanted in our sketch books. It was lovely to see all of the children fully engaged in their learning and having fun.


Have a look at the gallery to see all of our brilliant learning this week.

Have a great weekend!


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Everyone has got a new set of words. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.


We have also been doing lots of counting. Count on and back in 10s. Choose different numbers to start at. We have used a number square (to 100) to help with our counting as it allowed us to see the patterns visually.

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - Tricky words

Maths - Adding within 20

This week we would like to introduce Maths and Spelling Training. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths. To access the training feature click "task" and then the training will come up.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise. 


Year 1 Friday Blog 19th November 2021

Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 10:00am

Welcome to your Friday blog!

Autumn-Clipart-Stylish-Autumn-Tree - DryServ




Bob's Best Ever Friend (Bartram, Simon Series): Bartram,  Simon: 9781840119398: Books

In English, we read our new book called Bob's Best Ever Friend. Bob was very lonely and wanted to find someone to spend his time with. He eventually found Barry - an alien dog! We wrote about our own best friends, drew some funny alien pets, learnt all about space, and made some puppets of the characters in the story. We then acted out the story with our friends.


Ten Frame Combinations and Number Sentences by Tots with Tempo | TpT

In Maths, we have started our Addition and Subtraction topic and have reintroduced using a tens frame to add two numbers together. We then took it one step further and created 2 addition numbers sentences, as we learnt that we can swap the numbers around! For example, 6 + 4 = 10 but 4 + 6 also equals 10. We have worked well with each other to add bigger numbers together, using our superb mathematical reasoning skills!


Baptism Jesus Stock Illustrations – 8,081 Baptism Jesus Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

In R.E. we have learnt all about Jesus' baptism in the River Jordan. We talked about why Jesus wanted to be baptised and how The Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove. We talked about our own baptisms and how our experiences differed from Jesus'.


Dancing Robots Clipart | +1,566,198 clip arts

We loved our P.E. lesson again this week! We learnt a group dance to our 'I am a robot' song and began thinking about our paired dance. We were so proud of all the children's creative ideas and robot movements.


In French, we have recited a new poem called Petit Escargot and added some actions to it. We then drew pictures about the poem to show that we understood the French.


In History, we began learning about Neil Armstrong and how he was the first man on the moon. This linked perfectly to our Bob story in English and we were so excited to find out more! We drew some pictures of Neil in our books and watched the historic moment together.


In P.S.H.E we have been focusing on being a good friend and how one kind word can make a big difference. We loved acting out different scenarios in groups, we definitely have some potential actors in the making!

Everyone looked great in their spotty outfits to support Children in need.


Have a look at the gallery section to see all of our brilliant learning this week.


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Everyone has got a new set of words. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.

Practice writing simple number sentences (for example 5 + 5 = 10) so that we can be confident when using the addition and equals symbols. Make sure they are in the correct place and the number sentence makes sense.

We have also been doing lots of counting. We have used a number square (to 100) to help with our counting as it allowed us to see the patterns visually.

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - Ew and oo words

Maths - Add within 20



Year 1 Friday Blog 12th November 2021

Date: 11th Nov 2021 @ 9:53am

Welcome to your Friday blog!


Set Of Different Types Of Trees Stock Illustration - Download Image Now -  iStock




Man on the Moon: a day in the life of Bob (Bartram, Simon Series): Bartram, Simon, Bartram, Simon: 9781840114911: Books

We have started our brand new book in English: Man on the Moon: A Day in the Life of Bob. We have been looking really carefully at the pictures-Bob never sees the aliens! We have been drawing and labelling picnic lunches for Bob and his friends. We drew our own aliens and described them. We wrote some questions for Bob and interviwed him about his work on the Moon.


Balancing Scales Clipart | Free Images at - vector clip art  online, royalty free & public domain

In Maths, we have moved on from measuring length and onto measuring mass (weight). We have experimented using balance scales and found out that we can compare the mass of different objects in the classroom. We have been using cubes in the scales as we learnt that we could easily count them in order to see how heavy/light an object is.


Jewish man - Abraham from the biblical stories Clipart Image1,030 Moses Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

In R.E. we have spent the week exploring Judaism, focusing on Abraham and Moses in particular. We have learnt that they both made promises to God and showed a great deal of faith in Him. We drew our own pictures of Abraham and Moses and talked about how important it is to trust and believe in God.


We learnt and recited a poem in French about Autumn leaves falling and Winter creeping in. We coloured some Autumn pictures.


3d Illustration of Little Robot Dance Fun Move Stock Illustration -  Illustration of robot, mechanical: 176026725

We loved our P.E. lesson this week! We explored how a robot can travel using different levels (travelling low on the floor, high in the air and across the room).

In Science we went outside to look at the trees. We found deciduous and evergreen ones. We talked about the Seasons.



We have been very busy this week! Have a look at some of our pictures below.


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Everyone has got a new set of words. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.

Practise measuring different items in your house. This could be by using a ruler, measuring scales or your body parts like last week.

We have also been counting.Have a go at counting forwards and backwards in 10s.

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - oi and oy

Maths - Count 10 more

Online Safety Update

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 12:31pm

Petition · Incognito: Online Safety and Security Campaign ·

Keeping our children safe in the online space is of ever growing importance. From phones to consoles, our children are exposed to more online risk than ever and it is important that we adults keep up to date to ensure our children are prepared for all they meet online. 

This term our classes have been learning about privacy and security as part of their Online Safety lessons. Below we have attached a guide for settting up new devices that your children may use. This incluses tips for security and password protection.

National Online Safety | Keeping Children Safe Online in Education

Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.


Year 1 Friday Blog 5th November 2021

Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 9:55am

Welcome to your Friday blog!

Illustration Of Kids Playing With Autumn Leaves Stock Photo, Picture And  Royalty Free Image. Image 11378389.

It has been lovely to see the children settle straight back into school after the week off, we have had lots of fun this week!


Aliens Love Underpants! : Freedman, Claire, Cort, Ben: Books

We have been reading 'Aliens Love Underpants' in English, we have been laughing at how silly the aliens are! We have figured out why the aliens love underpants and have started to learn about the different planets in our solar system. It was lovely to see how excited the class were about the book and we have even read the additional stories that come with it: Dinosaurs Love Underpants and Pirates Love Underpants.

Illustration Of A Kid Boy Showing Hand Span, An Arbitrary Non Standard Unit  Of Measurement Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration.  Image 157028868.

In Maths, we have started our new Measurement topic. We have been using our fingers, hands and feet to measure different objects in our classroom and learning new words such as tall, long, short, height, width and length. We have loved being able to work together with our friends to measure big objects!

228 Family With Three Children Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

In R.E. we have learnt about how our families love us. We have talked about how to show someone that you love them and we have written a thank you note to someone special in our life. In our Collective Worships, we have started to learn about Remembrance Day and how to look after our friends. This also linked to our French lesson where we looked at the similarities and differences between the ways in which England and France celebrate Remembrance Day. We even made our own poppy!

robot clipart - Clip Art Library

We have started our new dance topic in P.E. this week. We loved learning about how robots move and how we could travel across the room like a robot. In a few weeks, we will be creating our own robot dances with our friends.

We enjoyed getting the instruments out in Music and singing about Little Red Riding Hood with Mrs Winter. 


We have been very busy this week! Have a look at some of our pictures below.

Our Golden Stars this week are: Joni, Alfie, Caleb, Evelyn, Trudy, Spencer and Jenson.


Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight.

Practise using parts of your body to measure objects around your home. Can you use your finger width, your finger length and your hand span?

We have also been counting in 2s to 20 and 10s to 100. Count forwards and backwards from different starting numbers. 

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - ow and ou words

Maths - counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This is a bit trickier this week so have a go!

Year 1 Friday Blog 15th October 2021

Date: 14th Oct 2021 @ 10:00am

Welcome to your Friday blog!

Three Happy Kids Plying Amongst Autumn Leaves by mentalmind1 | GraphicRiver

We have had another great week of learning. We are constantly amazed by the children's positive attitide towards everything they do!

Percy the Park Keeper at Belton House | National Trust

We have been learning through the story of Percy the Park Keeper. We talked about how he helps his animals and takes care of the park. We did some writing and drawing about what jobs we might like to do when we are older. We have been practicing our letter formation and trying hard to learn to write some Tricky Words. We talk about how these words try to trick us! when, what, was, went, said, have, come, some, like, of.

In Phonics we have been looking at igh as in night and fight and ie as in tie and lie.

Winnie the Witch Story – St Michael's Church of England Primary Academy,  Handsworth

Next week our story is about a witch! Do you know her name? Don't forget to get your costume ready for Thursday!

Math Clip Art - Math Equations Clipart - Free Transparent PNG Clipart  Images Download

In Maths we have been looking at how to make numbers from 20 to 29. We have used straws, Base 10, ten frames and cubes. We make groups of 10 and some 1s. We have been doing some great number challenges which really make us think and explain. We have been trying to write our numbers correctly and we are getting really good at checking. We have been counting in 1s, 10s and also 5s when someone suggested this as a way of working out a challenge!



279,006 People Talking Cliparts, Stock Vector and Royalty Free People  Talking Illustrations

All our collective worships this week have been about Mental Health Awareness. We read a book called The Huge Bag of Worries and talked about anything that might be worrying us. In R.E. we have been talking about our families.

We had French with Mrs Quilliam. In Music with Mrs Winter we got the instruments out! In P.E we have been jumping and rolling in the hall. We got the benches out and had a great time practising our skills!

Look at the Year 1 gallery to see our Golden Stars this week

Home Practice

Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight.

Practise counting in 1s. Take particular care when crossing the ten boundary, 29 to 30, 39 to 40 and so on. Ensure that your child is saying the numbers correctly too, twenTY not tweNY!

Start at different numbers, count forwards and backwards. Miss a number out, can your child tell you which number you have missed? How do they know?

We have also been counting in 10s to 100. Use 2 hands to show 10 fingers. Count forwards and backwards from different starting numbers. How many hands would you need for 30? How do you know?

Sumdog challenges

Phonics-ee and ea

Maths-Reading and writing numbers to 20.


Year 1 Friday Blog 8th October 2021

Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 10:01am

Welcome to the Year 1 Friday blog!

Kids Children Cartoon drawing free image



Dogger (book) - Wikipedia

In English this week, we have finished Dogger and linked the story to our PSHE lessons. We have explored how the characters (especially Bella) have been kind and why they chose to be kind. We loved writing a special thank you note to Bella from Dave thanking her for getting Dogger back. The class have produced some super sentences!

In Phonics, we have been making comparisons between phase 3 and phase 5 sounds, in particular ai and ay. We are now more able to question which sound to use in our writing.

Large Ten Frame 11-20 (With Numbers) Printables & Template for Pre-K - 2nd  Grade | Lesson Planet

In Maths, we have been making the numbers 11-20 using tens frames, straws and cubes. We have learnt to make a group of ten and then count on to our specified number. We have used our mathematical reasoning to solve problems and make number sentences.


Meet The Animals – Love the Last

In Science, we have been comparing different animals and spotting their similarities and differences. In P.E. we have been developing our running and bouncing skills in the hall and worked together as a team to pass the ball to each other. 

We have done some French with Mrs Quilliam and Music with Mrs Winter. 

Belonging at Benevity | Benevity

In R.E. we have started our new topic of Belonging. We have talked about the groups that we belong to and how we can work together as a team!

What is a Harvest Festival? - WorldAtlas

Thank you for all your Harvest donations, we have filled two boxes in our class! All our collective worships this week have been about Harvest. We had a lovely Harvest Celebration in golden assembly.

Lost items

We seem to have children losing their jumpers and cardigans each day. Please can you make sure each piece of clothing is named.


Motivational | Education & Learning | Products | YPO

Look on the class gallery to see our golden stars for this week.


For your Home Practice,

Please read for at least 10 minutes every day. It really does make all the difference. We change the books on a Friday, please sign the diary.

There are also tricky words on green card which your child needs to be able to read on sight. Play games with these words, match them, find them when you are out and about.

Sumdog challenges this week...

Phonics-ay and ai

Maths- 1 more, 1 less


Please do lots of counting in 1s.Start at different numbers, count forwards and backwards. When you stop at a number what number is 1 more? 1 less?How do you know?

Have a go at counting in 10s. Start at 20 and stop at 80, start at 50 and count back in 10s to 30 and so on. Write the numbers on pieces of paper, order then then remove one. What number has been removed? How do you know?


Have a lovely weekend!


Year 1 Friday Blog 1st October 2021

Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 2:21pm

W/C 27/09/21 Year 1 blog

Black and white rainbow outline free clipart images clipartix -

We've had another super week of learning in Year 1! The children have been so busy and we are so proud of them all.


Dogger (book) - Wikipedia

We continued to read our 'Dogger' story and we learnt that Dave's favourite toy Dogger was found on a toy stall at the fair! We wrote about our favourite toy and Miss Fisher even brought in some of her favourite toys. 

In Phonics, we have practiced using the 'ee' and 'ea' sounds in our sentences. We had some brilliant sentences in our morning work which made us giggle, such as 'The bee had teeth and went to the beach.'

Finger Counting Images, Finger Counting Transparent PNG, Free download

In Maths, we have started to use the mastery approach in our learning. We have been looking at ways to make 10 and how teen numbers are made up of  1 group of 10s and some 1s. We have also been learning about  1 more and 1 less. All of the children have responded really well and have been doing lots of problem solving and they have also enjoyed being responsible for their own resource packs.


Animals - Facts, Pictures and Resources - AZ Animals

In Science we have been grouping animals by their features. We have been continuing our Geography learning by talking about the changes in our locality over time by comparing photos of Longton to seeing what has changed and what has stayed the same. We had P.E. in the hall this week and we did really well with our fundamental skills. In French we learned how to say colours. We also celebrated European Languages Day by singing a song with ways to say hello in different languages.

Fly High 3 Look after our world - Blog In2English

In our collective worships we have been thinking about how we can look after God's world. We have talked about practical choices we can make every day. In R.E. we have been listening to psalms and we wrote a thank you prayer.

Harvest Thanksgiving png images | PNGEgg

Thank you for all the donations you have sent in for the Harvest.


Motivational | Education & Learning | Products | YPO

Look on the class gallery to see our golden stars for this week.


For your Home Practice,

Please read for at least 10 minutes every day. It really does make all the difference. We change the books on a Friday, please sign the diary.

There are also tricky words on green card which your child needs to be able to read on sight. Play games with these words, match them, find them when you are out and about.

Sumdog challenges this week...

Read and write numbers to 20

Please do lots of counting.Start at different numbers, count forwards and backwards. When you stop at a number what number is 1 more?,1 less? Ask your child how they know.

Reading challenge sh,th and ch.

2,000+ Free Autumn & Fall Illustrations

Have a great weekend!





Year 1 Meet the Teacher

Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 12:42pm

Here is the presentation from the meeting.

Year 1 Friday Blog 24th September 2021

Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 10:12am

Welcome to your first Year 1 blog!

Black and white rainbow outline free clipart images clipartix -

All the children have settled in so brilliantly. Well done, everyone! Thank you for sending  the Summer Scrap Book in with your child- we will look at every single one of them.


Dogger (book) - Wikipedia

This week we have been listening to the story of Dogger by Shirley Hughes.We have been writing sentences about the story and making posters to find Dogger. In our Phonics we have been learning the long oo sound as in roof and the short oo sound as in look. We have been reading as well.

Finger Counting Images, Finger Counting Transparent PNG, Free download


In Maths we have been doing lots of counting up to 20, forwards,backwards and from different starting numbers. We have also been investigating ways to make 10 and writing our numbers correctly. We have been ordering numbers to 20.

Press Release: International Day of Peace - IFMSA

This week we celebrated the International Day of Peace in our collective worships. We talked about how we can be peaceful. In R.E. we have been learning about how we care for our families and how God cares for us. In P.S.H.E. we have been discussing how we belong to different groups.

64,579 Compass Map Stock Illustrations, Cliparts and Royalty Free Compass  Map Vectors

We looked at photographs of buildings in Longton and talked about all the different things in our locality. We are going to have a good look around when we are outside. PE - The Mill Primary Academy :The Mill Primary Academy

We have really enjoyed our P.E. outside practising our fundamental skills, hopping,skipping and jumping. We had a great time learning French with Mrs Quilliam and Music with Mrs Winter.

We had a lovely Golden Assembly with Mrs Wood where we celebrated another super week of learning. We will take a photo the children who receive an award and post it in the Year 1 gallery each week.

Thank you for attending the Meet the Teacher meeting. If you couldn't attend, the presentation is attached to the Year 1 blog.


Please read for at least 10 minutes every night and sign the diary. We will change the books on a Friday.

Practise counting forwards and backwards from 0 to 20. Start at different numbers, count fast and slow, make it into a game.

Sumdog Challenges this week are...

Maths - 1 more and 1 less

English - Recognising and having a go at writing Tricky Words.




Back to School Online Safety

Date: 14th Sep 2021 @ 11:55am

With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership

We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.

To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.

Year 1 Final Blog

Date: 15th Jul 2021 @ 12:50pm

Summer Holidays - Back to School on 7th September | Walmsley C.E. Primary  School

Welcome to the final blog of the year!

First of all we'd thank you all so much for your amazing support throughout the year. We also wish to pass on our appreciation for your very generous gifts.

Four children playing football in the park 413395 Vector Art at Vecteezy

This week we have had a mini football tournament and a karaoke party in the marquee. We really enjoyed the final Golden Assembly altogther as a school for the first time this year.

It's been an amazing year of learning and also challenge. Your children have been a delight to teach and their amazing attitudes have made us smile daily.

Over the Summer...

Continue to read and access the home learning on our school website and Sumdog.

The Seesaw link on the reports will continue to work over the weekend and will be deactivated at 12noon on Monday.

If you wish to download any pictures you can by using the 3 dots icon in the bottom left of all posts and selecting the share or save option. Your child's account will continue next year in school and their learning posts will be shared through our school website.

Thank You Card w/ Splatter Paint Background - N-3732 - IdeaStage  Promotional Products

We wish you a very happy and safe summer holiday and look forward to seeing everyone again in September.

SCHOOLS OUT - Gateways School

Year 1 Home Practice 9th July

Date: 9th Jul 2021 @ 12:39pm


Easter Sunshine! - Family Holiday Association

Welcome to your weekly blog!


We have had a brilliant week of learning again!

Find me “Where The Wild Things Are” – Globally Happy

We have continued with our writing about "Where the Wild Things Are". We described the island and we wrote about how to look after a Wild Thing. Some great ideas and discussions. We can tell everyone is trying hard to improve their writing.

Thinking Of A Number

We have been applying our maths skills and knowledge all week with our maths games. Super explaining everybody!


We watched some more sports days and were really impressed with how everyone took part.


On Thursday we had a real treat when we watched the Year 6 children perform Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We were blown away by their singing and acting. It was an amazing show! Look out for the video on our website.


We have enjoyed making cards for the members of staff who are leaving. Evryone took care with their pictures and shared some kind messages.

Book Reading Writing Clip Art - Reading Writing Clip Art, HD Png Download ,  Transparent Png Image - PNGitem

Please make sure all the reading books are in by Wednesday as we are collecting them in for the Summer break. 


Well done to everyone who is continuing to practise their spelling and maths learning on Sumdog. The training features will ensure your children are practising skills they need to work on and this will help prepare them for the Year 2 curriculum.

This week your maths challenge will be on simple multiplication and your spellings are compund words we have met in class this week.

Next week, the children will spend a morning in Year 2 with their new teachers. Miss Bennison and Miss Gravili would like children to bring in their favourite book for an activity. Thanks!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all next week!


Year 1 Home Practice July 2nd

Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 12:44pm

Welcome to your Friday blog!

We have had a super exciting week!

Our Imaginations Need to Dwell Where the Wild Things Are ‹ Literary Hub

We started a new story called 'Where the Wild Things Are'. We looked hearing about their wild rumpus! We wrote our own stories using our own ideas.

Here is a link to the story.

Where the Wild Things Are

In Maths we have been using what we know to solve problems. We have been playing games which test our number facts and our strategic play!

Sports Day 2018 – Farnborough Primary School

On Tuesday we had a great time at our sports day. Our positive attitude and determination shone out. The photos and the video are on our class page. We have also watched the Year 3 and Reception's sports day. We waved our French posters to encourage everyone.


We have been taking great care when painting our under the sea clay models. They look great! We will send them home on Monday.

Pin on Funky Food Allergies

We all had great fun taking part in the Tough Kidder event. Thank you for supporting this by sending in your sponsor money. The video will be on the Year class page this evening.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Activity Sheet - Chatterbooks in Lockdown  - Children and Teenagers Pages - The Virtual Library

Next week we are looking forward to watching Year 6 perform Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Seesaw icon and logo – Seesaw Help Center

And finally, Next Monday we will send out your child's report. This year we have included a QR code which will link you to your child's school Seesaw. On this you will see lots of pictures and videos of all the learning we have done this year.

Scan the code using your Seesaw Family App (from lockdown) by clicking the icon in the top left and select +Add child's account. This will be available until the end of term (16th July).


Have a lovely weekend!

Year 1 Sports Day 2021

Date: 29th Jun 2021 @ 6:55pm

Today it was our Year 1 Sports day. Everyone had a great time and took part in every race with a huge smile. Enjoy watching everyone giving it their all in our  video below. Amazing effort everyone!

Year 1 Home Practice Friday 25th June 2021

Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 2:27pm

Summer clip art borders free clipart images -

Welcome to your Friday blog!

We have missed everyone who has not been able to be in school this week but look forward to being back together next week.

Roald Dahl The Enormous Crocodile Fairground Greeting Card – Danilo  Promotions

This week we further explored the story of The Enormous Crocodile and we did some great writing. We have been taking great care with our handwriting so that our writing looks beautiful on the page. We have also recorded our own version of the story which we will post next week.

Mathematics - South African College Junior School — South African College  Junior School

In Maths we have been using our number facts to solve challenges. 

The Best Resources for Royalty Free Music to Use for YouTube Videos

On Monday it was World Music Day. Everyone in the whole school went out on to the field to play their instruments and sing the celebration song. Watch the video by clicking on the link in our class page. The energy was amazing!

Mindfulness in the Classroom - Momentous Institute

On Tuesday we had a Mindfulness Workshop with Miss Rebecca. We learned about different breathing techniques. Miss Rebecca was really impressed with our listening.

We have been shopping in French with Mrs Quilliam and playing instruments with Mrs Winter.

On Friday we dug up our potatoes and washed them to take home. We hope you enjoy your tea tonight!

Please keep reading every single day and keep having a go at the Sumdog challenges.

Next week we will have our Sports day and post the video to our website. 

Have a lovely weekend

From the Year 1 Team



The Enormous Crocodile

Date: 21st Jun 2021 @ 10:13pm

One of Roald Dahl's masterpieces, Year 1 are currently learning from The Enormous Crocodile. Find the story below and some video clips and read-a-longs.

The Enormous Crocodile

The Enormous Crocodile Animation

Year 1 Home Practice Friday 18th June

Date: 16th Jun 2021 @ 12:45pm


postcards – reflective exercise | Kids clipart, Mini books, Clip art

Welcome to your Friday blog. We have had another fabulous week of learning.


Pearson English Kids Readers

We continued with The Enormous Crocodile. We found out about his secret plans and clever tricks. 

Teaching Clocking | Learning to Tell the Time – Jaques of London


In Maths we have been learning about telling the time and what happens at different times of the day. 


Transparent Shell Clip Art - Clip Art Seashells And Starfish | Transparent  PNG Download #5486476 - Vippng

On Tuesday we had a clay workshop. We all learned about different techniques to make an under the sea piece of art.

Thrapston Primary School - Y1 Home Learning 8.6.20 Minibeasts.

As part of our outdoor learning we went to the pond on a Minibeast hunt. We looked really carefully and saw many creatures which we drew.

In R.E. we finished off our learning about "Being Sorry". We made a speech bubble with 'thank you' on one side and 'sorry' on the other. We put this under our pillow so at bedtime we can thing about what we can say thank you for and what we may be sorry about.

Your Ultimate Guide To The UEFA Euro 2021 Championship - Top Soccer Blog

We have been learning about the countries taking part in the Euros. We have been using an atlas to find information.

We made some signs in French for our Sports Day!

We enjoyed going to the Father's Day pop-up shop and making a special card!

Have a lovely weekend. Keep reading and doing your Sumdog challenges!

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
