Our blogs
Year 5 Blog Friday 26th April 2024
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 8:20am
Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Try to find as many adjectives as you can in your reading. Remember an adjective describes or adds information to a noun.
Here are your spellings this week.
peculiar opposite particular possession height separate imagination surprise occasion centre uncovering enjoyable sentence befriender address
Practise every day using a range of strategies, for example:
Dot to dot
Look, cover, say, write, check
Trace, copy and replicate
Words without vowels
Pyramid words
Count out loud in:
50s from 0 to 500 and back again 50, 100, 150, …
30s from 0 to 300 and back again 30, 60, 90, …
40s from 0 to 400 and back again 40, 80, 120, …
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables every day. Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.
Maths Competition – Traffords v Whitworths
Spelling Challenge
We have had a lovely week this week.
In English we wrote poems all about Earth Day. We used this poem as an example.
Our planet Earth.
Our planet Earth – so beautiful,
A planet of land and water,
How will it look for your children?
Or your great grandson or daughter?
Ask yourself, “Am I bothered?”
Ask yourself, “Do I care?”
Ask yourself, “Can I make a change?”
It’s a responsibility we all share.
Are you prepared to make a change?
Instead of driving, will you walk?
Or catch a bus or cycle?
Or is this just all talk?
We can all do our bit to help.
We can use less plastic each day.
We only have one planet Earth.
Let’s make a change, what do you say?
In maths we have been learning about prime numbers. A prime number only has two factors, one and itself. We have also been practising multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. Everybody did such an amazing job.
In RE we have been learning about the Holy Spirit and Pentecost. We spoke about why Jesus died for us and how the disciples felt at the time.
We started our new topic in science all about animals including humans. We revised some features of mammals and their life cycles. We also looked at the life cycle of some insects including butterflies.
Have a super weekend!
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 8:09am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have started our new novel, The Deathwood letters by Hazel Townson and enjoyed creating some animated drawings.
Home Practice
Continue to read regularly, 10-15 minutes every day.
Practise you number facts regularly too. Knowing these inside out will help your children succeed in their future maths learning. We have been using the White Rose Maths - 1 minute maths app in class this week. You can download this from the Appstore or the Google Playstore.
Please also practise counting in 10's from 10 to 120 and back again.
This week we have been learning about spelling patterns that sound the same but look different. Wh/w is a pattern that is still proving difficult. Here are your spellings for this week.
wheels everywhere wheelchair whirlwind meanwhile whack whistled somewhere whispered whenever
On Sumdog you will find 3 challenges. Times tables, Fractions and Wh spellings. Good luck!
This week in Year 3
We are really enjoying The Deathwood Letters. The story is written entirely in letter format, following the correspondence between Damien Drake and Frankie, We explored these characters and found lots of differences between them.
In maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions and how to spot them. We will be learning about fractions all next week, so make sure to refresh your memory by completing the Sumdog challenge.
In Art we created some brilliant moving pictures. We will be creating puppets and other animations in the coming weeks.
In PE we have been working on throwing and catching as part of our striking and fielding topic. We have also been learning to play cricket and rounders to apply our skills.
Check out our galleries.
Miss Whiting was very impressed with our Science learning this week. We planned an investigation on how to find out what plants need to grow. We also went outside to see the changes in our wild areas and what plants are growing on our school grounds.
Have a fantastic weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 6 Blog Friday 26th April 2024
Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 4:22pm
A great week, well done Year 6.
Home Practice
Please read for up to 30 minutes every night, this will improve the speed at which you read and your understanding of the text. If you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look it up in the dictionary. Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial.
Please practise these spellings (Y3/4 Word List) for your test on Friday A sheet will go home every Thursday/Friday with the spelling list on.
Spellings (26.04.24 – 03.05.24):
mention occasion
minute occasionally
natural often
naughty opposite
notice ordinary
Counting/Number Games
Have a go at this game!
You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 03.05.24.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.
Follow this link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
We have just recently received passwords for Times Table Rock Stars which is another great way to practise your times tables.
Follow this link: https://ttrockstars.com/
Cricket Festival Monday 29th April. Please have your PE kit in school!
Bank Holiday Monday 6th May.
Year 6 Sports Day Friday 21st June.
In English this week, we have mainly focused on grammar and reading comprehension. We are getting better at answering inference questions, with clear and detailed answers.
In Maths, we worked on ratio and proportion in lessons and revised roman numerals, factors, prime numbers, squared/cubed numbers and measurements.
In Science, we planned an investigation on how shadows change during the day.
In PE, we practised our tag rugby skills and played mini games, including hand ball.
In French, our new topic is food and drinks at the cafe. We learnt and named food items in french.
Year 6 Team.
Year 4 Blog Friday 26th April 2024
Date: 25th Apr 2024 @ 2:51pm
Welcome to your Friday blog
Home practice
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
See if you can spot any noun phrases. A noun phrase is a group of words which will include a noun along with words which describe the noun eg a determiner and adjectives. For example: The hungry children
These are your spellings for next week:
address decide answer describe believe
perhaps disappear continue suppose though
height different important February thought
This week, please practise counting in 8’s
For example, start at 0 and count to 96 and back again
0 8 16 etc 96 88 80 etc
Now try counting in 0.8’s. Start at 0 and count to 9.6 and back again
0 0.8 1.6 etc 9.6 8.8 8.0 etc
Times tables and Number facts
Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week.
You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk
Please also practise your number facts.
You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button
It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.
Sumdog challenges
- A spelling challenge based on the words above
- A mental addition COMPETITION - Boys v Girls
TTRockstars challenge
- A ‘garage’ session
In English, we used both physical and online dictionaries to look up the meaning of new words. The majority of the words related to fire. We then wrote a powerful description about the fire-fiend (Razvani) and his grotto. We tried our best to include different sentence openers, exciting vocabulary and noun phrases.
In Maths, we learnt how to divide numbers mentally. In addition, we revised the written method of division – chunking. We practised chunking when there was a remained and when there wasn’t. We need to keep practising our tables, as knowing our tables quickly and fluently will help with chunking.
In RE, we read a passage from Acts 4:1-26. The passage explained how the Holy Spirit confirmed Peter and John’s faith in Jesus and gave them the courage they needed to speak out about the Good New of Jesus, even when they were threatened. After reading the passage, we ‘hot seated’ the characters.
In Science, we revised the basic parts of the digestive system and their functions. Following this, we made our own ‘digestive system’ using different foods and liquids. You can see us enjoying this experiment in our gallery.
In History, we learnt about Athens and Sparta and the difference between the 2 city states. We then decided which city we would prefer to live in and explained why in a written argument.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 4 team
Year 1 Blog - Friday 26th April 2024
Date: 24th Apr 2024 @ 5:27pm
Welcome to your Friday blog.
Home Practice
Phonics - al (or sound) words OR ue words OR e_e words
Maths - Number bonds practise
Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.
Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!
We thoroughly enjoyed learning through the story of 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt' this week. We quickly realised that it is similar to We're Going on a Bear Hunt!
We wrote sentences describing Africa, wrote past tense verbs describing the girls' actions and some of us even wrote our own versions of the story.
Some of us have been revising split digraphs, a-e as in cake, i-e as in nine, e-e as in even, u-e as in rule and cute, o-e as in rope.
Some of us have continued to learn the 10 different or spellings. We looked at al in walk, our in pour, oar in board, augh in taught and ough in thought.
We have been learning how to share amounts equally. We solved problems by making jottings on our whiteboard, for example- share 15 apples between 3 children, share 12 pens into 4 pots.
We continued to learn through 'The Road to Emmaus'. We created some Jesus artwork and used the iPads to track the journey that we think Jesus went on from Jerusalem to Emmaus.
We started our plants topic this week. We went on a spring walk around school and identified any plants that we could see.
We sketched some amazing pictures of birds in preparation for our 'Making Birds' art topic.
Forest School
We discussed how to be safe around a fire. We made campfire doughnuts. We showed great teamwork, patience, co-operation and we also listened really well.They were delicious!
We also celebrated Earth Day which was on Monday of this week. We played our bee game again but this time we added in a waggle dance which is how the bees communicate with each other when they are looking for nectar.
We scattered some wildflower seeds because we know that they provide bees, butterflies and other pollinators with food. We also took a wild flower seed bomb home to see if we could grow some wild flowers at home.
We also picked up all the litter we could find in our nature area.
Year 2 Blog - Friday 19th April
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 5:05pm
Hope you all had a lovely Easter Break
Reading - Please try to read for 10 minutes every night.
Spellings – No spellings this week - assessment of key words.
Times Tables – A times tables sheet will be sent home every Wednesday/Thursday.
Counting - Practise counting your 5 times tables out loud.
Sumdog Challenges Maths – arrays
Sumdog Challenge Spellings – common exeption words
Sumdog Competition for Year 2 – punctuation
This week in Year 2
This week the children have finished their books about the Big Bad Owl and shared their stories with Reception and Year 1. We have started our new novel today called 'Dear Earth' by Isabel Clara Anganuzzi. The children made a prediction about what the story may be about using the front cover and illustrations.
This week the children have been learning about multiplication and using arrays.
The children explored a map of Israel looking at the key places where Jesus travelled. We have started a new branch called ' to the ends of the Earth'. We looked at the scripture from Luke's Gospel about the resurrection and ascension.
Forest School
We played a game to help us to learn about bees. Some of us were flowers and some of us were the bees.
Year 2 trip Thursday 25th April - please wear a warm waterproof coat and suitable footwear. School uniform on the top half and leggings, tracksuit bottoms or warm trousers.
Have a lovely weekend.
Reception Blog - Friday 19th April 2024
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 1:28pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the sounds or and ar. Mrs Robinson's group learnt the ur and ow sounds.
Drawing Club
This week we started our new topic about animals.
We have been reading the story of Tiddler. We thought about ways for Tiddler to escape from the net and how he can escape from a shark.
This week we have been learning the doubles of numbers 1 to 10.
We revisited the events of Holy week. We then discussed Pentecost and Jesus promising the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Understanding the World
This week was very exciting. We came back and found our caterpillars in cocoons. Throughout the week we have seen two butterflies hatch from the cocoons. We talked about what they were doing. On Friday we opened the net for them to fly away.
We have also been on a mini beast hunt this week.
Physical Development
This week we started to practice for sports day. Date in newsletter - Thursday 2nd May.
Expressive Arts and Design
We made minibeasts out of clay and we have been using natural equipment to make our own minibeasts.
Forest School
We watched Mrs Corbett light a fire and then we cooked some popcorn!
What a fantastic first week back!
Year 5 Blog Friday 19th April 2024
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 12:52pm
Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Look at different ways the author has started sentences. Which is your favourite? Write it down and bring it into school.
Here are your spellings this week. They are some of the spellings you need to know by the end of Year 5.
twelfth rhyme rhythm explanation pronunciation convenience criticise interrupt guarantee committee community thorough
Practise every day using a range of strategies, for example:
Dot to dot
Look, cover, say, write, check
Trace, copy and replicate
Words without vowels
Pyramid words
Count out loud in:
20s from 0 to 400 and back again 0, 20, 40, …
25s from o to 500 and back again 0, 25, 50, …
9s from 0 to 108 and back again 0, 9, 18, …
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables every day. Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.
Maths Competition – boys v girls
Spelling Challenge
Times Tables Rockstars
Complete the session and take part in the different games. You are all doing so well so far!
Below are some links for the website and for a video for parents and carers.
Video for parents and carers about Times Tables Rockstars
Link for Times Tables Rockstars
It has been a great week back after the Easter holidays.
In English, we started our new class novel – Varjak Paw by S.F.Said. We are loving it! We have spent the week writing a non-chronological report all about Mesopotamian Blues which are the cats in the story. The purpose of our non-chronological reports is to teach the Year 4 children about the cats to help them understand the novel when they read it next year.
In maths we have been learning about factors and common factors.
The factors of 21 are 1, 21, 3, 7
The factors of 9 are 1, 9, 3
The common factors of 21 and 9 are 1 and 3.
In Art we started our new topic all about architecture. We are going to be looking at different architectural designs, making our own, and discussing if we think architects should fill the world with big and beautiful buildings or build more modest, eco friendly buildings.
We also started our new topic in PSHE. It is called: How can drugs common to everyday life affect health? We discussed drugs that are legal and illegal and spoke about different drugs which are used as medicines.
Have a happy weekend!
Well done for an amazing week this week!
Year 4 Blog Friday 19th April 2024
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 9:41am
Welcome to the first blog of the Summer term
Home practice
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
See if you can spot any determiners when you are reading. Determiners are words which come before a noun / an adjective and a noun.
These are your spellings for next week:
invention action digestion creation calculation
direction completion expression confession admission
progression discussion possession procession permission
This week, please practise counting in 20’s (similar to your 2 times table but 10 times larger)
For example, start at 20 and count to 240 and back again
20 40 60 etc 240 220 200 etc
Now try counting in 25’s. Start at 25 and count to 350 and back again
25 50 75 etc 350 325 300 etc
Times tables and Number facts
Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week.
You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk
Please also practise your number facts.
You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button
It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.
Sumdog challenges
- A spelling challenge based on the words above
- A doubling / halving and related facts challenge
This week we have introduced TTRockstars. Please practise your tables on the app at home and play some different games so that you understand how to play them and what they entail. Next week, a challenge will be set.
In English, we learnt what a determiner is and how using different determiners can change the meaning of a sentence. We also learnt how to write noun phrases / expanded noun phrases. We will be trying to use this learning in a piece of descriptive writing next week.
In Maths, we revised the grid method of multiplication. We used known facts and our knowledge of multiplying by 10 and 100 to help us. In addition, we learnt how to halve whole and decimal numbers with both even and odd digits.
In RE, we started our new topic – New Life. We listened to a story and considered what made the main character feel unhappy and subsequently alive again. In addition, we decided what the character had learnt from the experience and any changes they would make. We also discussed a religious painting depicting Pentecost, focusing on the people, actions, symbols and colours.
In Computing, we finished our photo editing topic. We thought about the feelings and emotions we wanted to express in a picture, took a photograph in the school grounds, and then altered it digitally in an attempt to elicit these feelings.
In Geography, we shared what we already know about rainforests. Then we located the world’s rainforests. We discovered that they are near or on the equator.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 4 team
Year 3 Friday Blog 19th April 2024
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 8:20am
Welcome back to the Summer Term
It has been lovely to see everyone back from their Easter Holidays looking smart in their Summer uniforms!
Home Practice
Continue with the good regular reading practice at home. It has been lovely to see the children bringing in their own books to school and sharing them with their friends this week.
This week we have been learning how to use apostrophes for possession and how to use plural apostrophes. Your home spellings are all plural apostrophes.
boys' girls' kids' teachers' cats' children's men's mice's women's parents'
For your maths practice this week, we have set a challenge to practice the x3,x4 and x8 times tables. We have been very impressed in the improvement in speed and accuracy in your times tables over the year. Keep it up!
Practice your counting in 3, 4 and 8, forwards and back. This will help with understanding your times tables and help you to remember them. We've added your songs below.
There is also a short column addition and subtraction challenge to complete.
This week in Year 3
This week in Year 3 has been filled with exciting learning adventures!
In English, we finished our captivating journey through "Toro! Toro!" by Michael Morpurgo. We wrote some insightful book reviews that showcased our writing skills. Check out on our gallery where you can read some of our thoughts on the story!
In Maths, we delved into the fascinating world of lines, mastering the art of identifying parallel and perpendicular lines within 2D shapes. Plus, we revisited our trusty written column method, practising this important skill so we can add it to our mathematical toolkit.
Art took us on a dynamic exploration of moving pictures, igniting our creativity as we watched mesmerizing natural world videos for inspiration. Our artistry flourished as we honed our skills, ready to bring motion to our creations this half term.
In RE, we read the story of the Ascension of Jesus, delving into its significance and relevance with some thoughtful responses.
In History, our journey through ancient Egypt began with enthusiasm as we visited websites, and pooled our collective knowledge and curiosity to unearth the mysteries of this captivating civilization. Find your knowledge map below which cover some of the learning we will be meeting in the coming weeks.
In Computing, we have started our learning all about loops and how we can use these to write more efficient algorithms.
Have a super weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 1 Blog - Friday 19th April 2024
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 6:10pm
Welcome to the first blog of the Summer Term.
Home Practice
Phonics - a_e words, OR au words OR ay words.
Maths - Identifying odd and even numbers.
Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.
Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!
This week we have been learning through the story of 'I Want My Hat Back' by Jon Klassen. The bear kept asking: "Have you seen my hat?" to all the characters!
We have had some interesting discussions about the book and written some great sentences.
We have learnt to use different conjunctions (such as 'and' and 'because') and focused on using adjectives to describe the characters and the hat.
Some of us have been revising the split digraphs a-e as in cake, o-e as in mole and e-e as in concrete.
Some of us have been learning the different u spellings - u in sun, oo in wood and oul in could. We have also started to look at the different or spellings - aw in paw, au in haunt, oor in door and ore in more.
We have been learning how to halve shapes and amounts. We know that each part must be equal for it to be a half. We have found halves of amounts by sharing.
Our new piece of scripture is 'The Road to Emmaus'. We role played the story and talked about how the men were feeling when they found out that they were in Jesus' presence.
We have started to get ready for sports day. We practised running fast, jumping and rolling a ball to each other.
We made our own rain gauges to measure how much rain is falling. We will check on them on Monday and use jugs to measure the volume.
Forest School
We played a game, some of us were bees and some of us were flowers. The bees had to collect the pollen from the flowers. We also discussed how the nectar attracts the bees to the flowers.
We also took part in a stone challenge. We showed excellent team-work and perseverance when trying to balance the stones on each other.
We also took part in some child-initiated learning which involved cooking with the blossom that has been blown off the trees, building dens and inventing our own games.
We also spotted changes in the nature area, bluebells have grown, there are leaves on the trees and it's a bit less muddy!
Year 6 Blog Friday 19th April 2024
Date: 18th Apr 2024 @ 3:38pm
A great first week back, well done Year 6.
Home Practice
Please read for up to 30 minutes every night, this will improve the speed at which you read and your understanding of the text. If you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look it up in the dictionary. Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial.
Please practise these spellings (Y3/4 Word List) for your test on Friday A sheet will go home every Thursday/Friday with the spelling list on.
Spellings (19.04.24 – 26.04.24):
important learn
increase length
interest library
island material
knowledge medicine
Counting/Number Games
Have a go at working out the distances/counting with negative numbers!
You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete by Thursday 26.04.24.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.
Follow this link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
We have just recently received passwords for Times Table Rock Stars which is another great way to practise your times tables.
Follow this link: https://ttrockstars.com/
Cricket Festival Monday 29th April.
Bank Holiday Monday 6th May.
Year 6 Sports Day Friday 21st June.
In English, we wrote fantastic arguments for and against homework for children at Primary School. We gave our own good opinions and reasons for these.
In Maths, we worked on multiplying and dividing fractions.
In RE, we started the topic - Serving (this includes Pentecost). We listened to a story about a witness. Following this, we had mini-debates on the subject: Is it better not to be a witness or to be one?
In PE, we practised our cricket skills - we played mini games and put into practice some new skills we'd learnt.
In French, we completed our end of topic assessment. We demonstrated our listening, writing and reading skills linked to items of clothing/colour/description.
Year 6 Team.
Year 2 Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 29th Mar 2024 @ 12:44pm
Welcome to your Easter Blog
Reading - try and read your school books every day over the holidays.
Thank you!
Year 5 Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 4:32pm
Welcome to your Easter Blog
We have had a brilliant last week of the Spring Term
We retold some chapters of our novel in our own words and as characters from the story. Everyone has tried to improve their presentation this week, well done Year 5!
In maths we have been revisiting the formal written method for addition and subtraction. We have been working with 4 digit numbers and remembering our place holders.
In In Science we researched the planets in our solar system and created fact files for each planet.
In DT we completed our straw house designs. They all stood up on their own and resisted some rigorous testing!
In French we learned how to ask for help at the doctors and how to describe our condition. Tres bien!
Have a fantastic Easter break and keep up the regular home reading!
The Year 5 Team
Year 6 Blog Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 3:38pm
A fantastic week, well done Year 6.
The Easter Liturgy in Church was wonderful this afternoon, you all did so well with the readings, singing and performing.
Have a great holiday and a good rest, but it's important to keep doing some home practice each day!
Home Practice:
A pack has been issued for you to work on over the Easter Holiday.
See you in the Summer Term in your summer uniform.
Year 6 Team.
Reception Blog - Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 12:51pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the long and short oo sounds. Mrs Robinson's group learnt the or and ar sounds.
Maths and Drawing Club
This week we have been completing our end of term assessments.
We revisited the events of Holy week, including Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
We also learnt about Easter Sunday.
Understanding the World
We learnt about the life cycle of a caterpillar.
Physical Development
This week we started to learn the dance for the Dance from the Heart show in June.
Expressive Arts and Design
This week we made our own Easter cards.
We hope you all have a fantastic Easter holiday and we will see you all on Monday 15th April in your Summer uniforms.
The Reception Team
Year 4 Blog Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 8:51am
Welcome to the last blog of the Spring term
As it is the Easter holiday, we have not set any Home Practice / Sumdog challenges. However, please keep reading every day – this really is the key to unlocking your learning.
In English, we learnt what a pronoun is and its purpose in a sentence (pronouns are words which are used instead of a noun). We then used pronouns in our own work - replacing nouns with appropriate pronouns ensuring that the sentence still made sense.
In Maths, we learnt how to double a number with ones and tenths. This was trickier when we needed to exchange ten tenths for a one!
In RE, we used words and pictures to describe Holy Week and produced a beautiful piece of work in our books which we are very proud of.
As it is Holy Week, we were also lucky enough to have a visit from Father Michael. He reminded us about some of the events of Holy Week and told us about the Mass of Chrism he was attending during the week. We also went to church on Thursday afternoon for an Easter Liturgy beautifully led by Year 6.
Well done for a brilliant term Year 4!
We look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 15th April in your Summer uniforms.
Make sure you relax and enjoy spending time with your family and friends over the Easter holiday.
Have a fabulous Easter
The Year 4 team
Year 3 Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 8:13am
Welcome to your Year 3 blog!
This week we continued reading our novel Toro, Toro, written by Michael Morpurgo. We wrote some brilliant recounts of the bullfight and tried to use emotional vocabulary to describe how Anonito was feeling. We also read Ferdinand the Bull, a classic story from Spain about a reluctant bullfighting bull. We watched the film and talked about the similarities and differences in the stories.
In Maths we learnt how to find and measure right angles in 2D shapes. It was tricky in parts, but we remembered our statistics learning from Autumn really well.
We have had lovely week remembering Holy Week in school. We had a visit from Father Michael and had a beautiful celebration in church on Thursday. Year 6 led a very thoughtful Easter liturgy and Year 3 joined in brilliantly with their singing.
Check our our galleries showing some of the brilliant learning we have been doing this week.
On Thursday we finished out fabric and thread pieces. The children have shown great skill and resilience in completing these and they look amazing!.
In French, we finished our colours learning. Everyone has joined in brilliantly in our french lessons this term. Miss Whiting has been very impressed!
We have had a lovely Spring term and seen lots of progress in all areas of our curriculum.
We are looking forward to seeing you all next term!
Have a lovely Easter break and keep reading!
The Year 3 team.
Year 1 Blog - Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 4:36pm
Home Practise
Your child has brought home some tricky words which they need to learn to read on sight. This will really help with their reading progress.
We have set an addition and subtraction maths challenge on Sumdog, have a go over Easter!
We read the story of The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. We re-told the story and read our stories to the children in Year 2.
Some of us have been revising all the sounds which make the /ee/ sound.
Some of us have been learning the different /ar/ spellings - ar in park, al in half and a in rather and revising the two /oi/ digraph spellings: oi and oy.
We have been learning how to double amounts.
We have been using our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to solve problems, for example 6 vases contain 5 flowers each, how many flowers are there altogether?
We learnt about Jesus' crucifixion and the angel's message. We made some amazing Easter slider cards and wrote our own version of how Jesus died.
We played benchball in the hall. We worked well as a team and had fun practising our throwing and catching skills.
Forest School
We have been flying bird gliders. We also paprticipated in some great child- initaited learning in the nature area.
We noticed forget-me-knots, buttercups and daisies growing in there.
Have a happy and holy Easter.
Year 5 Blog Friday 22nd March 2024
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 3:39pm
Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Look out for speech, discuss how it is punctuated.
Here are your spellings this week.
favourite |
temperature |
opportunity |
opportunities |
identity |
identities |
cemetery |
cemeteries |
community |
communities |
curiosity |
curiosities |
dictionary |
dictionaries |
Count out loud in:
7s from 0 to 84 and back again 0, 7, 14, ...
8s from 0 to 96 and back again 0, 8, 16, ...
12s from 0 to 144 and back again 0, 12, 24, ...
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables every day. You either have your own tables target or please practise dividing by 12.
The winner of last week’s maths competition was …
Freya - well done :)
Times Tables Challenge
Maths Competition – individual
Spelling Challenge
Reception Blog - Friday 22nd March 2024
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 12:52pm
This week we have recapped all of our sounds so far.
We have been learning about length and time.
Drawing Club
This week we have been reading the story; Tad.
We have drawn our own 'big blub' character who lurks at the bottom of the pond.
We have been revisiting the events of Holy week, including Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
We also discussed Spring and growth.
Understanding the World
We learnt about the lifecycle of a frog.
We went for a walk to our school pond to see which mini beasts were there.
Physical Development
This week we have been balancing beanbags on rackets, focussing on our hand eye coordination.
We all had our final session of Yoga with Hannah today. We all revisited everything we have learnt so far this year and it was fantastic. A big thank you to Hannah.
Forest School
We played a hide and seek game with soft toys.
We also built shelters using ropes, tarps and mats. We all showed great team-work, communication and resilience.
Easter Egg Raffle
Next week we will have our Easter Egg raffle. If you want to buy a ticket for your child, just send the money in an envelope and we will sort it. It is 50p a ticket.
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 7:58am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Continue with all your brilliant home reading. Everyone has made excellent progress with their reading this year and this is down to reading regularly at home. Keep it up!
Please count in 8's from 0 to 96 and back again.
For example 0 8 16 etc 96 88 80 etc
Your Sumdog challenges are on all your times tables, addition and subtraction and your home spellings. This week we have been remembering to use syllables to spell independently in our writing.
Here are your spellings for this week. They are all compund words.
sunshine goldfish anymore raindrop myself skateboard
seaside gentleman earring jigsaw overflow eyeball
This week in Year 3
We have had a fab week in Year 3!
In English we read Toro Toro and learnt how to write newspaper reports. Everyone worked hard on their sentence structures this week. Well Done Year 3!
In maths we revisited the formal written methods for addition and subtraction. We have set a challenge for you to practise these. We also used estimating to check our answers. Super maths this week!
On Wednesday, in our art lesson, we created the background for our final piece. Check out our gallery. We have made some beautiful landscapes.
We also finished our dance topic this week. We really enjoyed learning our routines and using gesture, stillness and travelling to create our own performances.
In computing this week we explored branching databases. We used seesaw to create some simple databases and tried them out on each other.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 2 Blog - Friday 22nd March
Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 4:22pm
Reading - Please try to read for 10 minutes every night.
Spellings –Spelling quiz will be on MONDAY 25th March.
enjoyment payment achievement agreement punishment government treatment placement statement movement
Times Tables – A times tables sheet will be sent home every Wednesday/Thursday.
Counting - Practise counting in 10s from any given number. Challenge – count in tens from 0 to 150.
Sumdog Challenges Maths – x5 times tables practice and money
Sumdog Challenge Spellings – suffix -ment
Sumdog Competition for Year 2 – apostrophes
This week in Year 2
This week the children started a new novel 'The Big Bad Owl'. The children made predictions using the front cover and title, wrote a description of 'Cupcake Wood' and described what all the animals were doing and how friendly they were. The children have started to use verbs, adverbs, adjectives and superlatives to make their writing better.
This week the children have been learning about money.
The children re-told the Easter Story and explored all the events which happen before Easter.
In PSHE this week the children have discussed self-belief and values, The children have also started to use thier feelings books.
Year 2 Assembly - thank you to everyone who came to watch our class assembly.
Easter Egg Raffle tickets - Available to buy from class - 50p per ticket.
Year 2 trip - Please return the orange slip from the trip letter before the Easter holidays - thank you.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 4 Blog Friday 22nd March 2024
Date: 21st Mar 2024 @ 4:19pm
Welcome to your Friday blog
Home practice
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
Can you summarise what has already happened in the book so far? Can you make a prediction about what you think will happen and explain why you think this?
These are your spellings for next week:
physician optician magician politician mathematician
electrician musician extension collision confusion
explosion division exclusion conclusion invasion
This week, please practise counting in 0.2’s (similar to your 2 times table but 10 times smaller)
For example, start at 0.2 and count to 2.6 and back again
0.2 0.4 0.6 etc 2.6 2.4 2.2 etc
Now try starting at 0.1 and count to 2.7 and back again
0.1 0.3 0.5 etc 2.7 2.5 2.3 etc
Times tables and Number facts
Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week.
You can practise your tables on Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk
Please also practise your number facts.
You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button
It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.
Sumdog challenges
- A spelling challenge based on the words above
- A times tables competition based on all the times tables
- A missing number times table challenge
In English, we wrote a conversation between Lila and Rambashi ensuring that our words for said reflected the characters, and our punctuation was correct. We then acted this out with a partner.
In Maths, we continued learning how to accurately place hundredths on a blank numberline. We also found the effect of dividing a one or two-digit number by 100, and started to learn how to solve number sequences when we needed to add or subtract to find the difference.
In RE, we learnt about the events of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Sunday. We then started to produce a beautiful piece of work in our books which explained our learning. We will continue this next week.
We also made our DT projects this week. First, we stitched a button or a pattern on the ‘front’ of the product, then we sewed the two pieces of felt together. You can see some pictures of us busy at work and of our finished products in the gallery.
This week, we also took part in a retirement assembly for Mr Bedford who taught us how to swim when we were in Year 3. We wish Mr Bedford all the very best for his retirement.
In addition, we had our last dance session provided by Beth from South Ribble Sports Coaches, and attended the Parish Mass and Stations of the Cross on Friday morning.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 4 team
Year 6 Blog Friday 22nd March 2024
Date: 19th Mar 2024 @ 2:50pm
A great week, well done Year 6.
Home Practice
Please read for up to 30 minutes every night, this will improve the speed at which you read and your understanding of the text. If you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look it up in the dictionary. Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial.
Please practise these thirteen spellings (Y5/6 Word List) for your test on Friday. A sheet will go home every Thursday/Friday with the spelling list on.
Spellings (22.03.24 – 28.03.24):
soldier system vegetable
stomach temperature vehicle
sufficient thorough yacht
suggest twelfth
symbol variety
Counting/Number Games
Have a go at this factors and multiples game!
You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete by Thursday 28.03.24.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.
Follow this link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Easter Egg Raffle - you can still buy tickets for 50p in class.
In English, the children wrote draft reports about Hurricane Michael, including cohesive devices. We will proof-read and edit these next week and write a final version.
In Maths, we worked on division and the chunking method.
Year 6 led a lovely Retirement Assembly for Steve, the swimming instructor at Penwortham pool, who has taught swimming lessons for nearly 30 years.
Year 6 Team.