Our blogs

Reception Blog - Friday 14th June 2024

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 12:45pm

70+ The Good Shepherd Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | Jesus the good shepherd, Church of the good shepherd


This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the ear, air and ure sounds.

Mrs Robinson's group have been revisiting all phase 3 sounds, ready for phase 4 to start next week.

Mrs Cliffe's group have revisited the ai and ee sounds.

Drawing Club

This week we have been writing all about a place that is special to us.

We have all written it beautifully, ready for it to be displayed in school for everyone to see.


This week we have been learning about money and counting out the correct amounts. 


This week continued to learn about being a good neighbour. We listened to the story of the Good Samaritan and discussed what happened in the story.


This week, as part of transition to Year 1, we discussed what we are looking forward to learning when we move to our next class.

Physical Development

We had a theatre company visit school this week.

We all learnt a dance related to the Olympics.

Understanding the World

We sorted pictures of different vehicles that are on land, the sea, in the air and on tracks.

Expressive Art and Design

We started a new project, making our own landscapes. We decided to make an under the sea landscape. We looked at different pictures on the computer and made our own.

Forest School

In our session we learnt how to use a spade, a hoe and a rake safely. Then we decided on our own learning. We made some delicious food in the mud kitchen, played hide and seek and climbed trees. We showed superb co-operation, teamwork, imagination and creativity.

#30 Days Wild

This week we all took part in our 30 days wild activity. We explored our outdoors and collected items to make our own bookmark.

Year 1 Blog- Friday 14th June 2024

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 11:36am

Children Enjoy the Summer Rain Stock Vector - Illustration of light,  little: 155981282

Welcome to your Friday blog.

Home Practice

Phonics - aw words OR kn words (n sound) OR u_e words

Counting - See if you can measure different objects around your house, count in 2s, 5s and 10s on the ruler/measuring tape whilst doing so!

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



We continued our learning through the stories of Katie Morag. We wrote sentences about what mischief she got up to wth her big boy cousins.

Some of us also predicted the games that Katie Morag and her cousins could play next.

We are really trying hard to learn to spell more words correctly.



This week some of us have been revising aw as in prawn and or as in thorn. We have also been revising all the split digraphs.

Some of us have been learning the different zh spellings: s in treasure and si in vision. We have also learnt the n spellings: kn in knew and gn in gnome.

We all completed our phonic screen.


We have been learning how to measure with rulers and metre sticks. 

We have been completing assessments this week.


We have been learning how to be a good neighbour to everyone in the world. We learnt about a little girl called Marie-Doriane who lives in Rwanda. We compared our lives to hers and talked about how we could help poorer countries.

We also were lucky to have Mrs Wilson come into class to teach us about the special jobs that she has in our Church. We quickly realised that she is a very good neighbour as she helps so many people (especially Father Michael!)


Some of us compared different famous explorers. We read about Neil Armstrong, Ibn Battuta, Charles Darwin, Sir Edmund Hillary and Sylvia Earle. We talked about how they all explored different places (some quite dangerous) and explained why they might have wanted to explore that place.


We have been learning how to look after our environment. We made a whole class poster teaching others how to look after our world and then we talked about how we can make a difference, focusing on recycling. We sorted objects into recycling bins on Seesaw.

Forest School

We started our session with a colour hunt. We had to find something in the nature area which most closely matched the colour of our card. We found logs, leaves, bark and petals. Then we decided on our own learning. We made some delicious food in the mud kitchen, practised tying knots and climbed trees. We showed superb co-operation, teamwork, imagination and creativity.

In our session we learnt how to use gardening tools safely. Mrs Corbett made a fire and we were so excited to see and hear the popcorn pop! Some of us had a go at lighting a fire with the flint and steel.


Lois from West End in schools theatre company came to teach us a dance all about the Olympics. We learnt it so quickly! Lois was impressed with all our sporty dance moves.

Year 4 Blog Friday 14th June 2024

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 8:43am

Welcome to your Friday blog


Home practice


Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Try and look carefully at the beginning of each sentence. What words do the sentences start with? Can you spot any subordinating conjunctions?



These are your spellings for next week:

weather       whether       who’s           whose          medal           meddle

missed         mist             there           their           they’re

aloud            allowed         groan           grown          



This week, please practise counting in 10’s  

For example, start at 54 and count to 234 and back again

54   64   74    etc                      234   224   214 etc

Now try counting in 0.1’s

For example, start at 2.5 and count to 4.2 and back again

2.5   2.6   2.7   etc                     4.2   4.1   4.0  etc



Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


Sumdog challenges

  • A spelling challenge based on the words above
  • A maths challenge to plot coordinates on a grid


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘studio’ session


In English, we continued reading our class novel, King of the Cloud Forests. We read about the interesting events at the beginning of Ashley’s journey and the one incident which was to change his life forever. We then planned and wrote a letter from Ashley to his father.


In Maths, we consolidated our learning about co-ordinates and extended it by completing 2 dimensional shapes on a grid. This week, we also learnt how to describe movements as 'translations' using the words left, right, up and down.


In RE, we discussed what ‘examine your conscience’ means. We also considered how we feel when we’ve done something wrong, what we might do next and why contrition is so important.


In Geography, we learnt about the Congo Rainforest, which is the second largest rainforest. We then continued working on our double page spread by adding more information and pictures to it.


In Music, we compared a ukulele to a banjo – although we thought they were quite similar, there were plenty of differences. We also practised playing the ukulele in time with each other.


This week we also had another super yoga session with Katie from South Ribble Sports Coaches. During this session, Katie taught us a variety of different balances and how to practise ‘rectangular breathing’.  We also took part in an ‘Olympic’ themed dance on Thursday afternoon which we thoroughly enjoyed.


Next week, we will be completing a piece of writing called "My Special Place". We have already talked about this in class.  Whilst at home, please also think about your special place in preparation for your writing in school. Remember, it could be anywhere - your bedroom, another room in your house, a place you have been on holiday, or somewhere you feel totally relaxed and can be yourself. Share some ideas with people at home if this helps. 

500+ Free Weekend & Nature Images - Pixabay

Enjoy your weekend

The Year 4 team

Year 3 Friday 14th June 2024

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 8:08am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Sunny Day GIFs | Tenor

This week we have danced, explored our grounds for colour and relaxed with another great yoga session with Katie!

Home Practice

We have been very impressed with all the book changing that has been happening again this week. We have seen lots of progress in everyone's reading. Keep it up!

On Sumdog this week we have set 3 challenges. If you finish or find them too tricky, you can access Sumdog Training which will set questions to practice weaker skills.

Your spellings this week are the next 20 statutory Year 3 spellings. Have a go and do lots of practise!

Summer2.1 Spellings.png

For your counting practice keep practising your 8s, forwards and backwards! Why not teach your family how to play 1,2,3?

This week in Year 3

This week we have really enjoyed the beginning of our novel, Finding Alfie by Michael Morpurgo. We have a lot of questions! We met Michael who has gone off to find out more about his Auntie Iris' long lost love Alfie. We wrote some amazing descriptions of the abandoned church and what we think Alfie might be like.

Finding Alfie: Live Illustration with Michael Foreman | National Army Museum

In Maths we have been learing how to use our number facts to help us add and take away using the column addition and subtraction method. We also revisited bridging through 10 when adding and taking away. 

File:Math - Idil Keysan - Wikimedia Giphy stickers 2019.gif - Wikimedia  Commons

In RE we finished our Choices topic, revisiting some of our lessons and responding with our own Choices booklets. Everyone has had some very thoughtful ideas when exploring this topic. Well done Year 3!


In Art, we met Frances Hatch and explored some of her natural art.  We also explored our grounds to find the colour palatte of our school. We created some natural paint and had a go at using these to paint our grounds.

Kevis House Gallery — Frances Hatch - Looking Up into The Wind, Loch Damh.  NW Highlands of Scotland

We also had a brilliant session learning an Olympic dance. Check out our gallery!

Olympics GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

Have a brilliant weekend!

The Year 3 Team


Year 5 Blog Friday 14th June 2024

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 7:37am

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice

Next week we will be writing about My Special Place. If you haven’t already, please have a think about your special place at home in preparation for our writing in school. Your special place could be a room in your house, a place you have been on holiday, etc. You could share ideas with people at home and draw or look for pictures.



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.



Here are your spellings this week.

definitely          mischief          veil          protein          receive          achieve          ascent          photograph          peace          alter          telephone          piece          assent          altar          weigh



Count out loud in:

Square numbers from 1 to 144 and back again          1, 4, 9, …

7s from 0 to 84 and back again                                   0, 7, 14, …

12s from o to 144 and back again                               0, 12, 24, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Elliott who was our rockstar last week.



Maths Competition – boys v girls  

Spelling Challenge  


We have had a wonderful week in Year 5.

In English we have done lots of exciting writing. We wrote a descriptive piece about D Day, we planned our own sequel to Varjak Paw, and we wrote a performance poem about nature.  We also learnt about D Day in our history lesson.  We looked at some documents from the National Archive and then used them to solve clues and figure out the planning that took place for D Day.

In maths, we have been finding equivalent fractions and then adding and comparing fractions. This is tricky but everybody has done a fantastic job.

In RE, we continued with our learning about the Ten Commandments. We shared our ideas about which Commandment we think is the most important. We then read God’s People from the book of Isaiah. This scripture describes things that please God. We used the ideas to write own our instructions about living in God’s way. Here is the scripture we examined:

God says:

Be clear about what is right and what pleases me! Giving up things and putting on a miserable face does not impress me. What brings me joy is everything that brings freedom: a kindly word for someone who is worried; a helping hand for someone in trouble. When people share food with the hungry and help the homeless find shelter; if they give clothes to those in need and work at bringing happiness to their family and friends, I see my love growing in them. This is what pleases me, and they will become signs of hope for everyone, like a bright sunrise after a long dark night. (Isaiah 58: 3-8)

In music we practised singing the songs for Bugsy Malone. The lyrics to the song can be found on this blog.

Year 6 Blog Friday 14th June 2024

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 1:34pm

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School: Our blogs

A great week, well done Year 6.

Home Practice


Please enjoy reading a good book for up to 30 minutes every evening.


When reading, if you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look them up in the dictionary.

Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial, so make a list of good words that you could use in your own writing.


Counting/Number Games

Have a go at this game!



You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete.

Log in at www.sumdog.com

If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.

Follow this link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Times Table Rock Stars is another great way to practise your times tables.

Follow this link: https://ttrockstars.com/ 



Friday 21st June - Year 6 Sports Day.

Tuesday 25th June - Open Morning.

Thursday 27th June - Super Learning Day and Talent Show evening.

Wednesday 3rd July - All Hallows Transition Day (more info to follow).

Saturday 6th July - Summer Fair.

Thursday 9th July - Bugsy Malone Perfomances at 10am, 2pm and 6.30pm.

Thursday 11th July - Y6 Bikeability.

Tuesday 16th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly (9.15), Mass (6.00pm) and Party (6.45-8.30pm).

Wednesday 17th July - Liverpool Retreat Day. 

Thursday 18th July - Y6 Bikeability.

Friday 19th July - School closes at 1.30pm for the Summer Holidays!!

The 1,000-year-old Boy : Welford, Ross: Amazon.co.uk: Books

We are still enjoying our novel The 1000 year old Boy by Ross Welford. 

We have written some great non-fiction, including an explanation of what climate change is and a persuasive piece encouraging people to act now to reverse the effects of climate change.

In PE, we practised for Sports Day, developed our tennis skills and played mini games.

In French, we created menus for the French cafe.

In Music, we are learning the songs for our Bugsy Malone production. You will find them in the documents at the bottom of the blog dated 24th May (paper copies were also given out this week). Please learn the words as soon as possible! 

Drama - We have spent more time rehearsing and singing the songs. Next week the acting will really begin!!

Forest School - another great session. One group built obstacle courses and demonstrated them to the rest of the class.

The other group, learnt how to use hammers safely. Their activity was to hammer nails into a piece of wood then wrap wool around them to make a piece of art. The children were very inventive and creative, well done Year 6.

We enjoyed a great session all about transition to High School.

We also had a visiting dance teacher who helped us to create and perform a dance for the upcoming Olympics.

  #30 Days Wild

As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.

Have A Good Weekend Images – Browse 12,062 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video  | Adobe Stock

Year 6 Team.



Little Owls Week 2

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 12:39pm

This png image - Cute Owl PNG Clipart, is available for free download

This week we explored our outdoor area in small groups. The children enjoyed jumping, climbing, balancing and digging and so much more.

All the little owls remembered how to sit beautifully on the carpet and had great listening ears for the register and storytime.

We read the story 'The Gingerbread Man' and sang lots of different nursery ryhmes. 

The Gingerbread Man (Picture Books): Amazon.co.uk: Lesley Sims:  9781409531661: Books

The children had oranges for snack today. 


Next week: We will be taking the children on a walk around to school to explore where they will be eating their dinner and playing at playtimes.

Year 3 Friday Blog 7th June 2024

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 1:00pm

Welcome back to our final half term in Year 3

run running GIF

This term we will be preparing the children for Year 4 and covering some fantastic final topics in Geography, RE, Art and DT. 

Home Practice
Keep up with the great reading! Grab a book and sit in the garden!
We have set 2 Maths challenges on Sumdog. One on your times tables and one on addition and subtraction.
Continue to practise counting forwards and backwards. For a challenge, try counting up in 3s, 4s and 5s but choose different starting points!
Your spellings are as follows. 
Yellow, green, blue, red, white, orange, purple, eighty, turquoise, two, three, four, eight, twelve, eleven, thirteen, thirty, nineteen
This week in Year 3
We finished our novel, Cliffhanger this week and loved it. We wrote some brilliant book reviews and recounts using speech and different sentence structures. Next week, we will be starting an exciting, brand new novel by Michael Morpurgo!!
Finding Alfie: A D-Day Story : Morpurgo, Michael, Foreman, Michael:  Amazon.co.uk: Books
In maths we have been revisiting the column method for addition and subtraction. We have really improved our number facts to 20 which is really helping us to solve our problems quickly.
In RE we have been learning about the sacrament of Reconciliation. The children created a fact sheet about how we celebrate the sacrament and asked lots of thoughtful questions.
Sacrament of Reconciliation | 1catholicsalmon
On Tuesday we started Yoga with Katie from the Lancashire Sports team. We learned how to do a sun salutation and began to create a yoga sequence. This links brilliantly to our gymnastics work from earlier in the year.
Yoga Animation by Sibin K Devassia on Dribbble
Next week we will finish our History topic about the Ancient Egyptians. We have really enjoyed this topic and learned lots. We will be exploring the reign of Ramses II and how he strengthened the Egyptian Empire. We will also learn about how the Egyptian Empire came to an end with the invasions by Alexander the Great and later, the Romans. 
Everyone was amazing (even the mums and dads) in our Year 3 sports day. Everyone crossed the line and gave their best. Check out our video here.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team

Year 6 Blog Friday 7th June 2024

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 12:30pm

St Thomas' Leesfield C of E Primary School - Year 6 - 2023-24

A very busy week but lovely to be back, well done Year 6.

Home Practice


Please enjoy reading a good book for up to 30 minutes every evening.


When reading, if you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look them up in the dictionary.

Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial, so make a list of good words that you could use in your own writing.


Counting/Number Games

Have a go at this game!



You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete.

Log in at www.sumdog.com

If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.

Follow this link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Times Table Rock Stars is another great way to practise your times tables.

Follow this link: https://ttrockstars.com/ 



Team photos next week, so please have PE kits in school every day!

Friday 21st June - Year 6 Sports Day.

Tuesday 25th June - Open Morning.

Thursday 27th June - Super Learning Day and Talent Show evening.

Wednesday 3rd July - All Hallows Transition Day (more info to follow).

Saturday 6th July - Summer Fair.

Thursday 9th July - Bugsy Malone Perfomances at 10am, 2pm and 6.30pm.

Thursday 11th July - Y6 Bikeability.

Tuesday 16th July - Y6 Leavers Assembly (9.15), Mass (6.00pm) and Party (6.45-8.30pm).

Wednesday 17th July - Liverpool Retreat Day. 

Thursday 18th July - Y6 Bikeability.

Friday 19th July - School closes at 1.30pm for the Summer Holidays!!

The 1,000-year-old Boy : Welford, Ross: Amazon.co.uk: Books

In English this week, we have been enjoying our novel The 1000 year old Boy by Ross Welford. We have focused a lot on our writing in preparation for High School. The children have written some great pieces about their passions, challenges they have faced and special anecdotes.

In our Maths lesson, we did some applied Maths. Game Show Maths - Goldenballs and Countdown.

In RE, we re-wrote our information texts about Deacons and how they serve in the Catholic Church for a display in class.

In PE, we practised for Sports Day, worked on our tennis skills and played mini games.

In French, the children used the key phrases they had learned to write a script for the French Cafe session.

In Art, we sketched oak and silver birch trees, focusing on shading techniques.

In Music, the children are learning the songs for our Bugsy Malone production. You will find them in the documents at the bottom of last week's blog, please learn the words!

Drama - Year 6 will be spending a lot more time rehearsing for Bugsy Malone. They did so well in the auditions and with script reading.

Forest School -We had our first session. We learnt how to be safe around a fire. We learnt how to start a fire. Then, we made our campfire pizzas. We chose our favourite ingredients taking care that there was enough  left for everyone. We watched them being fried on the fire. We had time for some exploring and then went back around the fire to make popcorn. We played some hide and seek games and then had a quiet reflection about what we had learnt, discovered or been surprised about.

We all thought the food was delicious!

  #30 Days Wild

As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.

Callie Danielle | 🫶🏼 have a great weekend! #calliedanielle #happyweekend # weekend #smile #haveagreatweekend | Instagram

Year 6 Team.



Year 2 Blog - Friday 7th June

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 9:22am

Reading - Please try to read for 10 minutes every night. Children will get 10 house points for every book they read at home this week!

Spellings – Common Exception Words reviewed in class so no spelling quiz next week

Times Tables/Number Facts –  A times tables sheet will be sent home every Wednesday/Thursday. 

Counting - Practise saying your 5 times tables out loud forwards and backwards.

Sumdog Challenges Maths – 2D shapes

Sumdog Challenge Spellings –  Common Exception words



This week in Year 2


We  enjoyed a lovely yoga session on Tuesday with Katie from South Ribble.


This week we started our new novel 'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Roald Dahl. We wrote descriptions about the main characters and used dictionaries to explore new vocabulary  will come across in the books. We also wrote a lovely piece of writing about the anniversary of the D-Day landings.


This week we started learning about 2D shapes and lines of symmetry.


This week we started our new branch of learning called 'Dialogue and Scripture'. We read scripture from Luke (10: 25-37) The The Parable of the Good Samaritan. We explored the statement ' Love your neighbour as you love yourself' and wrote a reflection about 'who is my neighbour' in my own life. 

Forest School

This week we went for a walk to spot all the growing that has been happening over the past few weeks. We remembered the story about the Boggarts and we looked out for them.
On our walk, we collected different flowers and grasses. We then used elastic bands or wool to make a weaving frame and made a piece of art. We really concentrated and encouraged each other.
We also had time for some child-initiated learning and a game.


In Geography this week we learnt about human and physical features in Africa. We learnt some of the countries names from Africa and the flags associated with them.


#30 Days Wild

Please could you send a plastic yoghurt/milk tub in with your child - we are going to make some recycled bird feeders for 30 days wild. 


Year 5 Blog Friday 7th June 2024

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 8:40am

Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog


As part of a whole school project, we are going to be completing a piece of writing called – My Special Place. Please have a think about your special place at home in preparation for our writing in school. Your special place could be a room in your house, a place you have been on holiday, etc. You could share ideas with people at home and draw or look for pictures.

Please also bring your favourite fiction book into school next week to have a look at in our English lessons. 



Read out loud every day for 20 minutes.

Please bring your favourite book into school on Monday – we are going to spend next week looking at how to write a good first chapter.   



Here are your spellings this week.

necessary          prejudice          environment          competition          changeable          dependable          herd          guessed          aisle          guest          heard          isle          island          compliment

Try to use the strategy of writing the words without vowels and then rewriting with the vowels.

necessary          n_c_ss_ry



Count out loud in:

Quarters from 0 to 2 and back again          one quarter, two quarters, three quarters, one whole, …

Fifths from 0 to 2 and back again                one fifth, two fifths, three fifths, four fifths, one whole, …

Thirds from 0 to 2 and back again               one third, two thirds, one whole, …


Times Tables

Please practise your times tables every day.

Remember, you can now compete and have lots of fun on Times Tables Rockstars.

Well done to Elliott who was our rockstar last week.



Maths Competition – individual

Spelling Competition – individual


It has been a great week in school this week. It is clear that everybody is now getting ready for Year 6 – excellent role models at all times.

In English we finished reading our class novel Varjak Paw. We started to think about a sequel to the novel and are looking forward to writing the first chapter of our very own sequel.

In maths we have been using a protractor to measure and calculate angles. We recapped the names of different angles including acute, right angle, obtuse, and reflex.

In RE we have been looking at the Ten Commandments. We spoke about reasons why Christian’s still follow God’s Law so many years later. We also compared which of the commandments we all consider to be the most important.

In geography we examined different maps of Europe to learn about different countries. One map told us which countries have the highest annual income. We spoke about what it would be like to live in a country which has a high income in comparison to a country with a low income.

In PE we had a practice of the relay race ready for Sports Day next week. We also practised some tennis skills and played a really fun game. Everybody was so kind encouraging others.

Have a happy weekend.

Reception Blog - Friday 7th June 2024

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 4:18pm

5,200+ London Street Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free ...


This week Mrs Stone's group have been revisiting the oi and ow sounds. Mrs Robinson's groups have been revisiting the tri-graphs air, ur and ear. Mrs Cliffe's group have been revisiting our phase 3 digraphs and tricky words.

Drawing Club

We have been watching clips from the TV show Wacky Races. We have loved this!

We have designed our own wacky car and refilling station and we have written about them.


This week we have been investigating the numbers 18 and 19 in more detail. 


This week we have been learning about being a good neighbour, which is one of the ten commandments.

We talked about what a good neighbour is and how we can be one.

We also sorted some pictures of how we can be a good neighbour with others.


This half term we will be focussing on transition from the end of Reception to Year 1.

This week we talked about our time in Reception. We  talked about what we remembered and looked at pictures and videos on seesaw.

Physical Development

We  started our PE unit of dance.

We have all been moving as different animals, exploring the bottom, middle and top space and travelling to music.

Understanding the World

To start our new topic, we discussed what vehicles are. We then went onto our school car park and made a tally chart of the different vehicles that we saw coming past school.

We also started a new topic about London. We looked at a map of the UK and found where London is. We shared what we know about London now.

*If you have anything London related at home or you have been to London, please feel free to send them in with your child for our interests table.

Expressive Art and Design

We made a special card for next weekend, but it is a secret, we will bring it home next week!

Forest School

We went for a walk to look at all the different types of grasses and flowers growing. We picked a few and made a piece of natural art by weaving through card. We were so focused on our weaving and we concentrated really hard. 

Year 4 Blog Friday 7th June 2024

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 3:59pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

Home practice



Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Can you spot any co-ordinating conjunctions in sentences?



These are your spellings for next week:

centre         probably      separate      library         occasionally

peculiar       straight       remember    possible       question

famous         difficult       increase       interest       ordinary                



This week, please practise counting in 7’s  

For example, start at 7 and count to 84 and back again

7   14   21    etc                         84   77   70 etc

Now try counting in 0.7’s

For example, start at 0.7 and count to 8.4 and back again

0.7   1.4   2.1    etc                     8.4   7.7   7.0  etc


Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week. 

You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk

Please also practise your number facts. 

You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button

It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.


Sumdog challenges

  • A spelling challenge based on the words above
  • A maths challenge to identify quadrilaterals and triangles


TTRockstars challenge

  • A ‘garage’ session


Over the next couple of weeks, we will be completing a piece of writing called "My Special Place". Please have a think about your special place in preparation for your writing in school. Your special place may be your bedroom, another room in your house, a place you have been on holiday, or somewhere you feel totally relaxed and can be yourself. It could be anywhere! Try and share some ideas with people at home. If you wish you could draw a picture to help. 


In English, we started our new class novel, King of the Cloud Forests by Michael Morpurgo. We were introduced to the main character, Ashley, and found out how he came to be living in China. This week, we consolidated our understanding of co-ordinating conjunctions and then tried to use these in our writing. We are getting more proficient at using these words to extend our sentences.


In Maths, we learnt the names of some quadrilaterals and how to recognise these shapes according to their properties. We also learnt what a diagonal is (a straight line which joins vertices of a polygon that are not next to each other) and how to draw them onto shapes. Our learning this week has also involved describing and plotting coordinates on a grid.


In RE, we started our new topic, Reconciliation – Building Bridges. We started by asking questions about our own and others’ experiences and feelings about what breaks and mends friendships. We decided that a friendship is like a bridge between people which needs to be strengthened, maintained and repaired.


In History, we discovered how Alexander the Great built his empire. We acted this out in groups and made a recording which showed what we had learnt.


In Science, we started our new topic, Sound. We completed a pre-assessment to see what we already knew. Then we listened for sounds in the classroom and outside. Following this, we discovered that vibrations cause sound and these vibrations can travel through solids, liquids and gasses.  Have a look at us experimenting outside.


In PSHE, we continued our topic about ‘plastic pollution’. We learnt about the uses of plastic and how it has changed our lives. However, we also learnt that plastic finds its way into the sea and can pose a threat to marine life. Following this, we created our own poster to encourage readers to stop or limit their use of plastic. 


This week we also had a super yoga session provided by Katie from South Ribble Sports Coaches. During this session, she taught us how to practise ‘candle breathing’. This helped us to relax and is something which we can continue practising at home.

We had a fantastic sports day on Friday! Many thanks for being such supportive spectators. Watch out for the video - coming soon to St Oswald's TV.


Happy Weekend word and cute smile sun pencil color painting illustration  Stock Illustration | Adobe Stock

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 4 team

Year 1 Blog - Friday 7th June 2024

Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 12:23pm


Hello June Watercolor Textured Simple Vector Sun Icon Vector Illustration  Greeting Card For Beginning Of Summer Welcoming Poster Design Stock  Illustration - Download Image Now - iStock

Welcome to your Friday blog!

Home Practice

Phonics - le words OR a_e words OR o_e words

Maths - comparing measurements

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



This week we have been learning through the stories of katie Morag. We found out lots of facts about her. We wrote a letter apologising to her mum when the parcel delivery went wrong. We also role-played being Katie Morag.


Some of us have been revising all the split digraphs.

Some of us have been learning the different l spellings: l in like, ll in grill, le in table and al in medal. Also we've been learning the different z spellings: z in Eliza, zz in buzz, se in noise and ze in freeze.


We have been measuring using cubes. We have worked extremely well together and recorded our results accurately.

We then measured different shapes using a ruler.


We have been learning how to be a good Christian by following the Ten Commandments. We focused on 'Love Thy Neighbour' and read the story of The Good Samaritan. We then identified who our neighbours are and made a whole class doll paper chain to show that we are all each other's neighbour.


Some of us started to learn about the different seasons. We identified each one and drew pictures of what we can see in each season.


Some of us started to learn about what an 'explorer' is. We were history detectives and used evidence to work out the answers to some questions.

Forest School

In our first session we went for a walk and noticed many changes. We collected different flowers and grasses. We used elastic bands to make a weaving frame and explored how we could make a piece of natural art.

Our other session was all about butterflies. We described butterflies and noticed different patterns, colours and shapes. We then made a butterfly using lolly sticks, pipe cleaners, wool and beads. We learnt the names of the parts of a butterfly. We tried to drink from flowers without touching the flower- it was impossible until we used the straw. The straw represented the part of a butterfly called the proboscis. This enables the butterfly to drink water and collect nectar.

Little Owls Week 1

Date: 5th Jun 2024 @ 12:59pm

This png image - Cute Owl PNG Clipart, is available for free download


WOW! We are amazed at how well every single one of you came into school this morning.

Everyone had a great time exploring the classroom and having a go at the different activities.

We read the story 'Owl Babies' and sang lots of different nursery ryhmes. 

Owl Babies: 1: Amazon.co.uk: Waddell, Martin, Benson, Patrick:  8601404204227: Books


The children had banana for snack today. 


Reminders: If you have not returned your 'All About Me' poster please send it in next week, along with your permission slips for photos on the website and the pond. 


We can't wait to see everyone again next week :) 



Reception Blog - Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 2:03pm

390+ Zoo Enclosure Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | Zoo enclosure glass, Empty zoo enclosure


This week Mrs Stone's and Mrs Robinson's groups have been revisiting all the phonics taught so far. Mrs Cliffe's group have been learning the new tricky words little,what and out.

Drawing Club

We have been reading the story Dear Zoo this week.

We made our own page for the story, with a flap hiding the animal.

We also designed our own scary animal.


This week we have learnt about sharing amounts. 


This week we have been discussing the word fellowship and its meaning. We all know that it means together, we talked about how we are together as a class, as one big team. 

Physical Development

We have been continuing to practise our bat and ball skills. We have also been practising our Dance From the Heart.

Understanding the World

We had a fantastic visit to Blackpool Zoo, finishing our topic of animals. We explored the enclosures and animals, recapping our learning about extinct animals, fossils, habitats and  maps! A fantastic trip and the children were totally golden, showing their excellent listening skills and beautiful manners.

Forest School

This week we read the story of Firey Fox again and discussed the ways we keep safe around the fire. We worked in pairs to prepare our campfire quesadillas. We organised ourselves to spread the tomato sauce and cheese on the tortillas. We watched Mrs Corbett light the fire and discussed how the fire is started. The quesadillas were fried in a pan on the fire. They were delicious!

We also had time for our own play and showed great communication, teamwork and imagination.

#30 Days Wild

As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.



Year 2 Blog Friday 24th May

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:04pm

Over half term there will be Sumdog challenges to complete but no spellings or time tables.

Please try to read your books over half term.

This week in Year 2


This week we finished our novel 'Greta and the Giants' by Zoe Tucker. We learned more about non-fiction writing  and wrote about Greta Thunberg. We researched all about her using I-pads, created a fact file about her and her work and discussed the importance of her actions. We also re-told the story of 'Greta and the Giants'.


This week we have used the skill of exchanging for addition and subtraction.


This week we learnt all about Mary, the Mother of Jesus and her importance to us. May is the month we remember Mary.


We created a beautiful art canvas using acrylic paint during our topic of expressive painting. We all enjoyed painting a meadow and mixing the paint to create new colours. 


#30 Days Wild
As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.



The children who are attending football club with Mrs Sheen on Monday (starting after half term) are to wear their PE kits. Please bring trainers if they are not already in PE bags.


Have a lovely half term - ready for our final half term in Year 2!


Year 2 Team 

Year 5 Blog Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 12:57pm

Happy Friday, happy Half Term and welcome to your Friday Blog

We have had a fantastic half term in Year 5. 

Everybody has worked so hard. 

Have a look at our galleries to see some of our learning.

Have an amazing week off, try to spend some time outdoors enjoying the nature. 

There are some Sumdog and Times Tables Rockstars competitions and challenges if you would like to have a go, and try to keep up with some reading. 

#30 Days Wild

As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.

Attached to this blog are the lyrics to the songs you need to know for Bugsy Malone. Please practise them at home. 

Year 3 Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 11:09am

Welcome to the final blog of the Summer 1 Half term!

Rainbow GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY | Rainbow png, Rainbow stickers,  Rainbow bubbles

We have had a lovely half term and met lots of new learning along the way. We are loving our Egyptian learning and our animated art.

In English, we have been learning how to write speech sentences, including all the correct punctuation. We started out with some script writing and even did our own table reads. We then retold a chapter from our Cliffhanger story using speech and action.


In Maths we revisited some of the trickiest learning we met this half term. We found fractions of numbers and revisited our division strategies.

Fractions | Blog

On Thursday, we had a visit from Lancashire cricket who put us through our paces. They were very impressed with our striking and fielding skills.

We also completed our final animated art projects. Have a look in our galleries at our final videos. We used stop animation to animate our art and then added sound effects in iMovie.


#30 Days Wild

As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.


Have a lovely half term holiday

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School: Year 3 Blog Friday 17th May 2024

The Year 3 Team

Year 4 Blog Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 8:52am

Welcome to your last blog of this half term



Please keep reading over the half term holiday. Reading is the key to unlocking your learning.

Please try and read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home.  Try and use lots of expression in your reading and different voices for the different characters.



Times tables and Number facts

Please practise your tables using TT Rockstars, Hit the Button or timestables.co.uk

Remember you have your Multiplication Tables Check coming up after half term.



In English, we read ‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ by Drew Daywalt. We wrote an argument between the yellow and the orange crayon using speech bubbles. Following this, we wrote what the crayons said to each other using inverted commas (speech marks). We also thought of lots of different word to describe how the crayons spoke to each other (eg bawled, roared, questioned etc). We then recorded ourselves performing our speeches with our partner.


In Maths, we consolidated our learning about horizontal and vertical symmetry. We then used this knowledge to help us complete symmetrical figures. This week we have also learnt the names of triangles according to their properties – these were equilateral triangles, scalene triangles and isosceles triangles.     


In RE, we finished our ‘New Life’ topic with a thoughtful collective worship led by some of Year 4.  During this worship, we thought about ways in which we can spread the Good News – either in words or in actions.


As part of our outdoor learning, we consolidated our knowledge of the layers of the rainforest and recreated a rainforest outside using natural items. Have a look at our finished pictures in our gallery.   


In Art, we used our perseverance, determination and inventiveness to create a ‘nest’ out of different materials. We worked hard to create a nest shape and then our instinct and intuition to create the sculpture. Take a look at our pictures in our gallery.


This week we were also lucky enough to have a cricket session provided by Lancashire Cricket. First, we practised throwing and catching a ball, and then bowling to a partner. Following this, we played mini games of cricket. We all had great fun and enjoyed honing our cricket skills.


#30 Days Wild

As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.


Happy Half Term – St Christopher's C of E Primary School

Have a super half term

The Year 4 team

Year 6 Blog Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 3:41pm

Year 6 – Lickey Hills Primary School and Nursery


A great week, well done Year 6.

Half Term Home Practice


Please enjoy reading a good book for up to 30 minutes every day.



When reading, if you come across any new words that you don’t understand, ask an adult or look them up in the dictionary.

Building up your vocabulary knowledge is really beneficial, so make a list of good words that you could use in your own writing.



Counting/Number Games

Have a go at this game!




You have a mixed times table/division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete.

Log in at www.sumdog.com

If you would like to do a bit more work on your times tables, Hit the Button is a great game to play.

Follow this link: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Times Table Rock Stars is another great way to practise your times tables.

Follow this link: https://ttrockstars.com/ 



Year 6 Sports Day Friday 21st June.


The 1,000-year-old Boy : Welford, Ross: Amazon.co.uk: Books

In English this week, we have been enjoying our new novel The 1000 year old Boy by Ross welford. We have focused a lot on our writing in preparation for High School. 

In Maths, we spent time doing Nrich problem solving activities, these required a lot of thought and patience.

In RE, we wrote information texts about Deacons and how they serve in the Catholic Church.

In PE, we worked on our cricket skills and played mini-games. We thoroughly enjoyed the extra cricket session on Thursday - amazing batting, bowling and catching skills!

In French, we learnt and practised the vocabulary necessary to order food and drinks. For example, voici le menu, vous avez choisi? Je voudrais, l'addition, s'il vous plais.

In Art, we created imaginary landscapes using sketching, painting and collage skills.

In History, we wrote diary entries from the perspective of the witches in the Pendle Witch Trials. It might be worth a visit to Pendle Hill!

In Music, time was spent learning the songs for our Bugsy Malone production. You will find them in the documents below, please learn the words!

Outdoor Learning -  last week we spent time in the nature area and made beautiful nature sticks.


#30 Days Wild
As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.

Happy half term everyone! – Hayes Music blog

Enjoy your Half Term Holiday.

Year 6 Team.



Year 1 Blog - Friday 24th May 2024

Date: 21st May 2024 @ 5:20pm


Half Term Stock Illustrations – 102 Half Term Stock Illustrations, Vectors  & Clipart - Dreamstime

Welcome to your Friday blog.

Home Practice

Phonics - are (air sound) words OR i_e words OR ay words

Maths - telling the time

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s starting at different numbers, 12,22,32 and so on.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



Some of us have been learning how to use different suffixes and prefixes in our writing.

Some of us have been finishing our Enormous Crocodile stories.

We also made a card for all the staff at Martin Mere.


Some of us have been revising a as in space, ay as in tray, ai as in chain and a-e as in cake.

Some of us have continued to learn the air spellings:are in spare, eir in their and ere in where.


We started to learn how to tell the time. We made o'clock and half past times on our own clocks.


We continued to read the story of Pentecost but delved deeper into how the disciples might have felt as the Holy Spirit came. We made paper plate faces to show how they felt and then identified the different symbols that represent the Holy Spirit (a dove, wind and flames).


We learnt about how to identify different trees, especially the ones that we have on our school grounds. We started by understanding the difference between evergreen trees and deciduous trees, then we focused on using their leaves to identify which tree it is in particular. We went outside into the nature area and made our own tree bark rubbings to celebrate the varying types of trees that we have.


We made our own maps of Martin Mere. We learnt how to draw our own key to make our maps more simple and easy to read.

Forest School

We remembered all the rules about how to be safe around a fire. We made s'mores. They were so good!


As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.

Martin Mere

We had a very enjoyable day at Martin Mere. We impressed our leader with our knowledge of mammals. We looked at some real otter teeth and learned why they are so sharp. We learned how moles and otters have adapted to their habitats. The otters came out to see us when the rain eased off-they are brilliant swimmers and we learnt this is due to their body shape and the way their fur lies.

We played some games, in one of the games we had to rely on our other senses because we were blind-folded. In another game we found our animal families and made the noises those animals make, some of us were amazingly good at animal noises!

We went for a walk in the Eco Garden. We spotted many different plants- we knew the names of some of them.

We observed flamingos, ducks, moor hens, storks, swans and spoonbills as we walked around.

Then it was time for the pond dipping. We listened carefully to the instructions and then we started dipping. We found pond snails, water boatmen, leeches, pond skaters and a newt!

We closely observed what we'd caught and identified many of the creatures. 

After lunch we had time in the play area.

We went into an hide and observed the birds. We also enjoyed spending time in the aviary where we saw different species of birds.

The Martin Mere staff commented on our fantastic golden listening and our manners. We showed resilience and a positive attitide in the rain-It didn't dampen our experience !

Year 3 Blog Friday 17th May 2024

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 3:54pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Flower Sticker by Kew Gardens for iOS & Android | GIPHY | Cool animated gifs,  Flower art, Flowers gif

We have had a great week of new learning in Year 3!

Home Practice

We have been very impressed with all the book changing that has been happening this term. We have seen lots of progress in everyone's reading. Keep it up!

On Sumdog this week we have set 3 challenges. If you finish or find them too tricky, you can access Sumdog Training which will set questions to practice weaker skills.

Your spellings this week are the first 20 statutory Year 3 spellings. Have a go and do lots of practise!

accident(ally) actual(ly) address   answer   appear   arrive   believe   bicycle   breath   breathe 

 build   busy   business    calendar   caught   centre   century    certain


For your counting practise this week, go back and practise counting in 4s forwards and backwards! Have a sing along at home to practice counting in 4s.

x4 .png

This week in Year 3

In English, we have started Cliffhanger by Jacqueline Wilson. It's an exciting story that's keeping us all on the edge of our seats! We have been acting out parts of the story and writing our own play scripts.

Cliffhanger (Biscuit Barrel, 2)

In Maths, we have been solving time problems, honing our skills in reading clocks and calculating durations. We have also been solving problems with the calendar and learning the months of the year.

In History, we have been learning about hieroglyphics, exploring the fascinating writing system of ancient Egypt.

File:Ashkelon - jsqAr(w)ny.gif - Wikipedia

Our Art lessons have been equally exciting as we evaluated our animated drawings and planned our final projects, which will be ready to show next week.

In PE, we have continued with our cricket practice and have also been gearing up for Sports Day, working hard to improve our skills and teamwork.

In RE, we started our new topic on choices and how our beliefs can influence the way people feel.

It’s been a busy and productive week, and we’re looking forward to more learning and fun next week!

Have a lovely weekend

Sunny Day Sun Sticker

The Year 3 team

Year 6 Blog Friday 17th May 2024

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 2:24pm

Year 6 | St. Kentigern's Catholic Primary School

Fantastic effort during SATS Week Year 6.

You did so well this week and have worked incredibly hard all year.

Enjoy a lovely weekend with family and friends. Make sure you do all the things you love to do and have a good rest.

See you next week.

21 Great Ways to Wish Someone for the Upcoming Weekend

Year 6 Team.

Year 2 Blog - Friday 17th May

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 10:54am

 Sports Day – Reception - Kensington Avenue Primary School

Well done to Year 2 on their Sports Day today!


Reading - Please try to read for 10 minutes every night. Children will get 10 house points for every book they read at home this week!

Spellings – Spelling Quiz Monday 19th May

children's      animal's      car's     computer's     people's

even      everybody      Christmas      because    again

Times Tables/Number Facts –  A times tables sheet will be sent home every Wednesday/Thursday. 

Counting - Practise saying your 10 times tables out loud forwards and backwards.

Sumdog Challenges Maths – addition place value

Sumdog Challenge Spellings –  apostrophes



This week in Year 2


This week we started our new novel 'Greta and the Giants' by Zoe Tucker. We have written setting descriptions for the forest using great vocabulary, written a WANTED poster for the Giants and speech bubbles for their feelings. 


This week we finished our measuring unit and started place value.


This week we discussed all the scripture we have read and explored so far and created a story map.

Forest School

We went on a circular walk around our top field and noticed lots of changes. If you are on a walk and you trip over a root or something falls from a tree near you it might be the woodland Boggards, very mischievous creatures from folklore.We collected natural materials which we used to make a Boggart. We used clay on a stick to make the head of the Boggart.



We planted seeds in different environments. We have our own bean diaries where we are writing the changes each day.



Year 1 and 2 Football club with Mrs Sheen after half term. Monday's at 3.15-4.15 for 4 weeks. Slips on Newsletter.



Have a lovely weekend.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk