Foundation Stage- Reception: Blog items

Reception Blog - Friday 1st December 2023

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 12:59pm

We started our week with our new story, Supertato. We made our own Supertato's using potatoes and playdough. Later in the week, we made our own stories with these. During drawing club this week, we have created our own plan to catch the evil pea. The children have had lots of fabulous ideas!

This week, we have also looked at different kinds of vegetables, we have talked about what they are liked and we peeled and chopped them to help with our fine motor skills. We then used the ingredients to make our own soup. It was delicious and warmed us up after our frosty winter walk!

In phonics this week, we have been learning the digraphs ff, ss and ll.

In maths, we have been looking at number bonds to 5. We have used the numicon to help us explore the different ways.

This week in French, we recapped and practised numbers 1-6. We used the KidsTV123 Numbers Song in French to sing along and introduced the numbers up to 10! We made the song slower and faster to join in. We also counted the pirate’s treasure and identified the numbers on the flashcards.

In Music, we have continued to learn the songs for our Christmas Nativity. Now we can sing all of them.

We were lucky this week to have two visitors to come in school. A big thank you to Mrs Webb for coming in and talking to the children all about being a detective, and to Farmer John, for coming in with his tractor and talking to us all about being a farmer.

On Friday we had Yoga and Forest school. During yoga with Hannah, we went into a snowy forest and learnt mountain breathing. In Forest School with Mrs Corbett, we made bird feeders using apples and bird seeds.

Lastly, during RE this week, we have looked at the Nativity story, specifically the part where the Angel visits the shepherds and the shepherds visiting Jesus. The children did some beautiful pictures of this.

Reception Blog - Friday 24th November 2023

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 11:15am

We started our week using our bodies to make art, using our hands. We had to paint our hands and print them onto the paper. Later in the week, when the paper was dry, we drew flowers over them in black pen. Our pictures look fantastic and we have stuck them up in the butterfly room.

For the Drawing Club this week, we have done the story Farmer Duck. We talked about what we might see on a farm, learnt about what a farmers job is and designed our own tractor.

In phonics this week, we have been learning the new sounds f and l.

In maths, we have been looking at one more and one less than a number. To do this we have played a game, moving our tokens down the line, talking about which we could see that was one more than a number and one les than a number.

This week in French, we recapped the colours. Rouge = red, bleu = blue, jaune = yellow, orange = orange, vert = green, and rose = pink. We could say all of the colours and point to the right ones!

We continued to learn the songs for our Christmas Nativity. We sang the first five songs again and started to learn the next two, then played the rhythms on the maracas. Please see the school newsletter about all information regarding the nativity. There will be two performances in Church and we provide the costumes.

In PSHE this week, we have continued to talk about healthy foods after the visit from Freddy Fit. We looked at the green rainbow drop eating his fruits and vegetables to make him big and strong and how to have a balanced meal. Having sweets and sugar as a special treat.

We were lucky this week to have Mr Brown come and visit us with an ambulance. The children learnt all about his job and how he helps people. We also got to go into the ambulance and see all of the equipment he uses.

For PE this week we have done some throwing and catching and jumping and balancing. Then we continued with Tots on Tyres with Mrs Cookson.

On Friday we had Yoga and Forest school. During yoga with Hannah, we went back over the colour monster, using our feelings to help us. 

In Forest School with Mrs Corbett, we made bird feeders using apples and bird seeds.

Lastly, during RE this week, we have looked at the whole Nativity story, talking about who came to see Jesus when he was in the stable. The children enjoyed ordering the pictures from the story.

Reception Blog - Friday 17th November 2023

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 10:51am

We started our week doing Art. This week it was using string to make the art. We had to put the strong into the paint and put it onto paper, we repeated this with different coloured paint and pieces of string, then we had to use another piece of paper to print the pattern.

For the Drawing Club this week, we have done the story Superworm. We learnt our new key words, zooming, couragous and indestrucable. We have talked about the setting and characters in the story, then we had to design our own superhero bug and describe its superpower. In phonics this week, we have been recapping our sounds so far and having a go at writing them in words.

In maths, we have been looking at capacity and weight. We have been doing lots of measuring using the vocabulary; full, half full, empty, lighter and heavier.

In this week’s French lesson, we learned how to say some colours in French. Rouge = red, bleu = blue, jaune = yellow, orange = orange, vert = green and rose = pink. We pointed to different things in the classroom when we heard the French colour being said and then played a few rounds of Splat, where we had to point to the right word and colour on the board.

In Music this week, we continued to learn the songs for our Christmas Nativity. We sang the first three songs again and started to learn the next two, then played the rhythms on the sand blocks, smooth blocks and bells

In PSHE this week, we have had a whole school focus for anti bullying week. Our topic has been kindness. The children have talked about what it means to be kind. We have also read the story 'Have you filled your Bucket today?' and each day we have tried to fill our pom pom bucket. This can be for manners, playing nicely with friends etc

For our understanding the world topic this week, we have taken a trip to the library and heard all about firemen and what they do to help us. We have also learnt about Vets and how important their jobs are. The children loved using this in their roleplay too, making all the animals better!

For PE this week we have enjoyed a session with Freddy Fit, we we did lots of exercises, games and even talked about healthy eating. Then we continued with Tots on Tyres with Mrs Cookson.

On Friday we had Yoga and Forest school. During yoga with Hannah, we did a new style of breathing for children in need, Pudsey Bear breathing! 

In Forest School with Mrs Corbett, we listened to the story of "Robin's Winter Song" and discussed the seasons. We  used strawberry laces to practise tying a simple knot.

We also started to talk about the Nativity story. We focussed on the first part of the story, the annunciation. We read from the bible all about how the Angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her she was going to have a baby. We then made our own puppets to act out the story.

And finally, Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter are sleeping by the football pitch at PNE’s Deepdale Stadium this Friday 17th November. This is to raise money for a day centre called The Foxton Centre who provide food and warmth to the homeless people of Preston. Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter will sleep on cardboard and will only have with them what they can carry. This will give them an insight into how difficult it is for people sleeping on the streets, particularly as the nights are getting colder. We are all fortunate that we have food and somewhere warm to go to sleep every night, this is not the case for some people in Preston. Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter are asking for sponsorship, any donation would go a long way to help Preston’s vulnerable homeless community.  

You can read more and donate here:


Reception Blog - Friday 10th November 2023

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 11:38am

We started our week doing the story, The Hundred Decker bus during Drawing Club time. We learnt our new key words, layer and extend and talked about the setting and characters in the story. Then we planned a new route for the bus to take, all coming up with our own ideas based on what we do with our grown ups. In our drawing club books, we designed our own layer for the bus, making it 101 decks tall! We even used our phonics to describe our picture, brilliant! In phonics this week, we have been learning the r, h and b sounds. We have used lots of games to help us with this. 

In maths, we have been looking at length and height. We have been looking at who was taller and shorter in class and building towers taller than another. For length we have been ordering snakes from longest to shortest and describing them using the vocabulary.

This week in French, we recapped how to respond to ‘Comment ҫa va?’. We practised saying ‘ҫa va bien’, ‘comme ci, comme ҫa’ and ‘ҫa va mal’. We listened to the ‘Bonjour Mes Amis’ song and responded to say how different characters were feeling. In Music, we started to learn the songs for our Christmas Nativity. We sang the first three songs, then played the rhythms on the thunder eggs and stick tambourines. Please see the newsletter for any information regarding the school nativity.

In PSHE this week, we have been learning about people who wear glasses, why they need them and how it helps them.

This week we have continued learning about people who help us and have focussed on Doctors and Nurses. We have been lucky to have two nurses visit us; a critical care nurse and a dialysis sister. We listened to them tell us all about their job and how they help people get better. The children had brilliant questions to ask the nurses about their jobs, so a big well done. We now have a hospital roleplay area in class, with some items and our own hospital set gifted by the nurses, a big thank you to them for these items.

This week we started our Tots on Tyres programme during PE, for the remainder  of this half term, we will focus on balancing and developing that core strength to help us ride the balance bikes.

On Friday we had Yoga and Forest school. During yoga with Hannah, we practices our buzzy bee and dragon breathing.

In Forest School with Mrs Corbett we learnt how to tie a simple knot with strawberry laces! We also listened to a story called "Robin's Winter Song". We had time for some child-initiated play and we were helped in our learning by our Year 3 Forest School Ambassadors.

We have also been using our bodies to make art. This weeks challenge was to listen to different pieces of music and to use our hands to move to the music. We listened to a fast piece of music and a slow piece of music to do this. We have also learnt about Remembrance day and the meaning behind the poppy. Each child has collaged their own poppy.

A big highlight this week for Reception, was our first walk to the park. All of the children did amazing at following our instructions to keep safe walking to and returning from the park. We talked about lots of different things on the way, like how to cross the road, listening for cars and we even spotted numbers on different houses. It was lovely to hear lots of people walking past commenting on the childrens behaviour, so a big well done to Reception!

Reception Blog - Friday 3rd November 2023

Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 10:38am

This week in Reception, we started our week learning all about Bonfire Night and doing some Bonfire art pictures!

Our story this week has been What's in the Witch's Kitchen. The children have loved taking the story into their learning, going into the Witch's lair to make their own potions. During drawing club time the children have drawn their own witch and drawn their own witch's kitchen.

In maths, we have been looking at 2D shapes (circle, square, rectangle and triangle) We have been spotting them in our classroom and around school and we have been finding them in games and repeating patterns.

In phonics this week, we have been learning the ck, e and u sounds. We have used lots of games to help us with this. A big thank you to everyone that attended our phonics night. We hope that you have found this useful. Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

This week in French, we recapped and practised some French greetings. We did this by saying bonjour or au revoir to the appearing and disappearing pirates, by listening to a French greetings song, and by using finger puppets to talk to greet each other as new characters.

In PSHE this week, we have been learning about germs and how they spread. We have talked about covering our noses and mouths when sneezing and coughing and washing our hands regulary.

This week we have started our new topic all about people who help us. We have talked about all of the different people who help us, and we were fortunate enough to have the Police come and visit this week. The children loved seeing the cars and equipment that they use. We even got to go in the cars and set the sirens off and finished our session seeing three police dogs!

On Friday we had Yoga and Forest school.We created a home for an animal. We discussed what a home needs; to provide shelter from the weather, warmth, protection from predators, space, food and water. We had our own soft toy to make a home for. We used natural materials to make our animal home and worked in small groups and had some brilliant discussions. 

We also talked about living in Longton and went on google earth to see all of the different things we see on our way to school, for example; zebra crossings, traffic lights and bus stops.



Reception Blog - Friday 19th October 2023

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 4:57pm

This week in Reception, we started our week with some spooky Halloween crafts; painting pumpkins and making spider hats. 

Our story this week has been The Magic Porridge Pot. We have looked at the characters in the story, the setting and different versions of it. Then throughout the week, we have been making our own magic porridge, potions and designing our own wizard's shop! We even wrote our sounds next to our drawings.

In maths, we have been looking at the numbers 8, 9 and 10. We have also been recognising numbers, putting them in order and finding different ways to make 5 with the numicon.

In phonics this week, we have been learning the o, c and k sounds. We have used lots of games to help us with this.

In music, we started the lesson with the Hello song and This is music time. Then we played a guessing game. After that we played some copying games with our bells, using the song Love Somebody. 

This week in our French lesson we recapped the numbers 1-6 again. The children counted out loud and joined in with the Number Song in French, which got faster each time. We then used some counting cards to count up to 6 and then mixed up. Each group did really well with this. Reception have worked really hard this half term, recapping and learning French greetings and numbers 1-6. Next half term, they will be ready to have some new sessions about classroom instructions, colours and Christmas.

We did some running races and throwing and catching in PE.

We were also invited to the Year 6 Art Gallery this week. They have been doing some Art around scaling up and made their own dog park. The children loved going to each piece of artwork, telling the Year 6 children what they liked best about their art.

This week we have also been learning about poetry. The children made up their own group poem about the sea. Every day we have practiced it and then we performed it as a class infront of the whole school in Golden Assembly. It was amazing!!

We just want to say a big well done to all of the children for this half term. They have settled extremely well and we cannot wait to get started with more learning after our half term break.

Have a great holiday everyone!

Please note that we have two phonics sessions for parents from 3.30-4.30 on the 1st and 2nd of November. If you would like to sign up to these, just see Mrs Rothwell in the School Office.

Reception Blog - Friday 13th October 2023

Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 8:46am

This week in Reception, we started our week learning all about the primary colours. We looked at the three primary colours, red, yellow and blue and learnt a song about them. During our choosing time we explored mixing colours with paint and food colouring to see what they made.

Our story this week has been Jack and the Beanstalk. We have looked at the characters in the story, what new treasure the Giant might have and what we would buy if we had all those golden eggs like Jack. We have also been exploring our outdoor area to look for clues as we had had a visitor from the story.

In maths, we have been looking at the numbers 6 and 7. We have also been recognising numicon and making numbers with them.

In Phonics this week, we have been recapping the sounds we have learnt so far; s, a, t, p, i ,n, m, d, g. We have been recognising them in games, blending them in words and looking at them in a sentence too.

We have continued to learn about our senses this week, using our sense of taste. We tasted different foods that we could not see and talked about what they tasted like.

On fab Friday, we had Forest School with Mrs Corbett. We created a home for an animal. We discussed what a home needs; to provide shelter from the weather, warmth, protection from predators, space, food and water. We had our own soft toy to make a home for. We used natural materials to make our animal home and worked in small groups and had some brilliant discussions.

Then in the afternoon we continued with our RE and the creation story. We each made our own pictures of what God created.

Another great week Reception!

Please note that we have the final parents evening session on Tuesday 17th October. If you have not booked an appointment, just go to the school office.

Reception Blog - Friday 6th October 2023

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 12:58pm

This week in Reception, we started our week doing Art. This week we have focussed on still art. We have to draw and colour a display that was in class. All of our work has been hung up in our classroom for you to see on Parents Evening.

Our story this week has been The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have looked at the characters and setting. Then we drew new animals that could cross the bridge. When we have been outside choosing, the children then had a challenge to build their own bridges using our construction cupboard. We had lots of fantastic sturdy bridges and the children loved testing them out, to see if the bridges were strong enough to hold people.

In maths, we have been looking at the numbers one to five, making them in different ways and recognising them. However this week we have discussed taking amounts away.

In Phonics this week, we have learnt three new sounds; m, d and g. We have sent some words in your child's bag to have a go at blending to read. Please use the video sent via seesaw last week an an example for blending to read.

We have continued to learn about our senses this week, using our sense of touch. For this, an item was in a bag and we had to touch it without looking, saying what we could feel. We got alot of brilliant vocabulary from this; spikey, hard, wet, soft being a few.

This week in our French lesson we practised saying bonjour and au revoir to each other. We did this with our favourite game, the pirates, with the song ‘Deux Petite Oiseaux’ and with Pierre the teddy. We then learned how to say how we are feeling… ‘ҫa va bien’ for I am well, ‘comme ci, comme ҫa’ for I am ok and ‘ҫa va mal’ for I am not well. 

On fab Friday, we had yoga with Hannah or Forest School with Mrs Corbett. In Forest School we were in the lodge doing stick wrapping and in yoga, we were climbing a rainbow and continuing with our breathing exercises. We talked about how people are different in PSHE, from our skin, hair colour and even the clothes we wear.

Then in the afternoon we looked at the Harvest Fesitval and what we do it for. We then went to Church to celebrate the Harvest Festival with the whole school.

Another great week Reception!

Please note that we have parents evening coming up next week and the following week, if you have not booked an appointment, just go to the school office.


Reception Blog - Friday 29th September 2023

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 10:35am

This week in Reception, we started our week doing Art. We collected a specific set of coloured items (Red, blue or yellow) we had to place them in a tray and then draw the items, afterwards we had to colour the items in the correct colours.

Our story this week has been The Three Little Pigs. We have focussed on the setting of the story, creating bad characters, sturdy houses and thinking of a new ending for the story. These were all fantastic!

In maths, we have been looking at the numbers one to five, making them in different ways, recognising them and putting two amounts together and counting how many how we have then.

In Phonics this week, we have learnt three new sounds; p, i and n. We have sent some words in your child's bag to have a go at reading. A video has been sent on seesaw for how you can help your child.

We have also been learning all about our senses this week. We have been smelling different things and saying what we thought they were. We have also been on a senses walk around the school to see what we can hear and see.

This week in our French lesson, we practised saying bonjour and au revoir to each other. We did this with our favourite game, with the pirates and with the ‘Deux Petite Oiseaux’ song from last week. We also used a teddy, Pierre to pass around the circle and saying bonjour to him and each other.

On fab Friday, we had yoga with Hannah or Forest School with Mrs Corbett. In Forest School we went on a leaf hunt and found leaves of different colours, shapes and sizes. We then used shape cutters to make shapes in the leaves. We stuck the shapes on lolly sticks so they didn't blow away.

We talked about what we could do if we felt worried about something and who we could tell, in PSHE. After this we all got to look at our baby photos that were sent in. We talked about how we are different now. We also had a little visit from Mrs Brown who brought in her little boy, Teddy, We all talked about how he was different to us.

Then in the afternoon we looked at the Creation Story for RE and how God created the Earth. We looked at how God created night and day, the sky, sea and land.

We are still collecting items for the Harvest Festival all next week.

Reception Blog - Friday 22nd September 2023

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:54pm

We started our week doing drawings of some autumn treasures the children have been bringing in to class, for our Art topic; 'what can we see?' Whilst doing these drawings we talked about how the conkers felt and how different the shells were.

In phonics this week, we have been doing the s, a and t sounds. We have been learning the songs that go with the sounds, the rhymes to write them and having a go at writing them ourselves.

The Drawing Club has been lots of fun this week. We have been doing the story of the Little Red Hen. One of our challenges was to design our own disgusting bread and the other was to create a bad character to come and steal the bread. The children loved creating these and did some fantastic codes to go with their drawings.

In Maths we have focussed on a different number each day, from 1-5. What that number looks like and how to make it. Together we made posters for each number, for our wall in class.

Miss Whiting came in for French this week and we recapped bonjour and learnt our new word, au revior for goodbye. The children have loved saying this to each other every day. In Music with Mrs Winter we were using the maracas to find a beat. The children loved finding the beat whilst singing the name song. They even performed it to each other at the end, fantastic!

We have also had PE and did lots of throwing and catching.

In RE we have been talking about how special we are. We used a treasure box to see our reflection, talk about how God loves us and how we are special. We then made our own faces out of material for our worship table.

To finish our week it was Fab Friday. Each child took part in either Yoga or Forest School. We also had PSHE where we talked about missing people when we are at school. The children had lots of ideas on how to make themselves feel better about this. These included playing with our friends and painting. We then looked at our Understanding the World past and present topic, Ourselves. We shared the book 'Once There Were Giants.' The children loved seeing the young girl growing up throughout the story, relating some of the scenarios to themselves. We then watched a video of Mrs Robinson's and Mrs Stone's children and how they have grown since they were babies.

Another fantastic week Reception, well done!

Reception Blog - Friday 15th September 2023

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 8:16am

Our first full week in School has been fantastic!

All of the children have remembered our school routines for the new week; coming through the gate by themselves, finding their peg and their carpet places, fantastic!

This week this children have continued to learn everyones names, how to choose in our classroom nicely and how to tidy our choosing areas the correct way.

We have done a drawing of who is in our family, started the Drawing Club, which is all about the Story of the colour Monster, had our first PE lesson and learnt all about circles in Art.

On Friday (we will call this Fab Friday) we had our first Yoga and Forest school sessions with Hannah and Mrs Corbett, whilst Mrs Robinson was in class and we learnt all about how families grow and change, we also talked about how God loves us.

To finish our fantastic week, we all went to our very first Golden Assembly with the rest of the school. We were so good that all of the staff throughout the school have said how fantastic we did!

Big well done to Reception!

Reception Blog - Friday 8th September 2023

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 3:35pm

What a brilliant first week in School we have had in Reception!

We have been getting to know our new classroom and our Golden Rules very well. We have started to learn our routines and know where our pegs and carpet places are.

We have all been playing together in the areas in class, getting to know our new friends and doing lots of name games.

Throughout the week we have drawn and painted a picture of ourselves and had a go at writing our names.

We can't wait to see you for week 2 Reception! Have a lovely restful weekend!


Just a little note, we will be doing PE on Thursdays and Forest School on a Friday. Please send in a labelled PE kit and labelled wellies for your child to use :)

Reception First Day 2023

Date: 5th Sep 2023 @ 4:45pm

All the children have had an amazing first day of school. Well Done Reception :) 

Back to School Online Safety Tips for Children

Date: 30th Aug 2023 @ 11:55am

With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership

We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.

To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.

Back to school Tips Online Safety.png

Click to View

Reception Blog - Friday 20th July 2023

Date: 20th Jul 2023 @ 11:48am

What a fantastic last week we have had in Reception!

We have been on a trip to the library and had our final stay and play.

We hope that you all have a brilliant summer holidays and wish you all the best!

The Reception Team

Reception Blog - Friday 14th July 2023

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 8:31am

This week we have taken part in Super Learning Day. This is when all the teaching staff plan a range of activities that are different to our day to day learning. Reception have enjoyed doing seven different activities throughout the day which have included: building scarecrows, making worry dolls, doing summer circuits, bowling, tower building, natural art and games.

Reception Blog - Friday 7th July 2023

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 12:52pm

This week we have had a whole week doing lots of Art and DT.

In Art we have been using our imaginations to make our own collage using paint and pens. To start we had to make our own patterned paper using paint, glue and mark making equipment. Once this was dry we then tore it and cut it to make our own imaginary scene. We then added more detail to our pictures using pens, before signing it like an Artist would. These will be framed and sold at the Summer Fayre in our very own Art Gallery!

In DT we have used the story of the King's Pants. We found the story very funny. All about a King who had different pattered pants for every occasion. We all designed our own pants, choosing the colours and what we would like to stick to them. Afterwards we all got to speak about what we liked about our pants to evaluate them.

In French this week, we played some traditional French playground games. We played one called Pecheurs et poissons - Fishermen and fish - which involved half the class being the net in a big circle and the other half weaving in and out of the linked hands, being the fish. At the end of the little rhyme, the arms come down and trap some fish in the net. They then join the net until a winner is left, still not caught by the net. On s'est bien amuse!

We have also had Year 5 come and visit us this week to do an investigation on their DT project. They had to design a house for the Three Little pigs and Reception had to try and blow them down using fans, hairdryers and blowing them. Reception loved this investigation as they already knew the story.

The Reception Team would also like to say how amazing Reception did in their first ever School assembly. The children worked so hard and we are very proud of each and every one of them!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you all on Monday.

Reception Blog - Friday 30th June 2023

Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 1:42pm

We have had a fanastic week learning all about the Queen's Handbag.

We have been retelling the story using story maps and actions. We have been learning all about London and the different buildings and places to visit. Together we made a collage of the London skyline using different paper, we then drew our favourite London landmark and added it to the collage.

In French, we practised saying ice cream flavours and played a game to reinforce the vocabulary. Then we talked about the Tour de France which starts this Saturday. 
In Science, we talked about different materials feeling warm or cool and predicted which material would melt an ice cube fastest. The metal felt the coldest so we thought the ice would stay solid in the pan for longest and the plastic felt warmest so we thought the ice would melt quickest on the plastic chopping board.  However, the opposite happened! This led on to a discussion about thermal conductors and insulators!! We talked then about how salt melts ice. The children added a pinch of salt to an ice cube and tried to freeze a piece of wool to it and pick it up. Great perseverance and discussion about the best way to do it. Well done everyone! 
In PE we did lots of activities to practice our funamental skills; throwing, catching, rolling, skipping, jumping.
In RE we looked at Islam for other faiths week. Miss Patel spoke with us about the Islamic Faith and Eid after she celebrated it this week with her family.

Reception Blog - 23rd June 2023

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 3:28pm

What an end to our school week! We had a fantastic time taking part in our first Tough Kidder!

A big well done to Reception!

Reception Blog - Friday 16th June 2023

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 1:01pm

We have had another great week learning about our story, The Journey.

We have been doing story maps about the journey the boat took and writing sentences. In maths we have been doing number bonds to 5. Exploring using equipment, singing songs and writing number sentences.

We have had Dance from the Heart this week. It was lovely to see the children perform to parents after trying so hard to learn the dance for the past few weeks.

In French we learnt some words for summer things and listened out for the new vocabulary in a summer song. We practised the words with a game and listened to a new story, Le Petit Poisson, about a fish who had no one to play with. It's lovely to hear the children using their French around school - fantastique, Reception!

In RE and Art we have made friendship candles out of clay and we have painted them.

In PE we have been doing ball skills, throwing and catching and using a tennis racket to hit to a target.

Our new topic for computing was sequencing and following instuctions. The children had lots of fun making instructions for their friends.

To end the week it was story and snack in the shade. 

Have a great weekend in the sun everyone!

Reception Blog - Friday 9th June 2023

Date: 8th Jun 2023 @ 1:32pm

All of the children have come back from their half term break very grown up.

This week we have started our new topic of journeys. We have been talking about the different transportation there are and we have been writing lists of them. On Tuesday we went onto our school car park and looked for different transport, making tally charts of how many we could see.

In maths we have been doing about 3D shapes. We have been on a 3D shape hunt and we have made our own playdough 3D models.

In French, we recapped the compass points and learnt some words for means of transport. We repeated a sentence about how we come to school eg Je vais a l'ecole en voiture. Then we tried to join in with the wheels on the bus in French! 
In Science, we began to understand what the term 'Materials' means in science - what an object is made from. We discussed adjectives that could be used to describe materials eg strong, soft, hard, bendy, rigid etc Then we investigated how to make a strong bridge just using paper. 
In RE, we continued with our topic of Friendship, thinking of different words to show friendship, inlcuding love, kindness, caring etc. The children all made their own hand with all of the different words on.
In Understanding the World we looked at the different holidays that you can go on. Each child made their own suitcase and a list of what they would take on their holiday.

Reception Blog - Friday 26th May 2023

Date: 26th May 2023 @ 1:20pm

We have had a fantastic week learning all about animals. The children have really loved this topic. For Writing we have been writing lists of animals we saw at the zoo and writing Who Am I? clues for everyone to guess the animal, we had lots of fun doing this.

In Maths we have been sharing amounts, using money in our own little shop and we have been recapping 2D shapes that we could see in our classroom.

In French this week, we talked about the points of the compass and why they are useful. Then we played games to reinforce the vocabulary in French. 

Our Understanding the World has been a lovely topic as we have looked at habitats. The children have all done a collaborative collage of different habitats, including; jungle, desert, arctic and oceans. We all talked about what we would expect to hear, feel, see and touch in those habitats before we made our collage. Then we made our own animal pictures to go within those habitats. We have also looked at animals from the past that are not here anymore, specifically a woolly mammoth and a sabre toothed tiger! The children loved learning about these extinct animals and used great vocabulary.

For Come and See we started our new topic of Friendship. We all spoke about what makes a good friend and how we can help each other.

Finally, we have been doing outdoor learning, creating our own obstacle course. The children worked very well together and took part in each others courses!

We hope that everyone has a great half term. We can't wait to come back for the final half term with our new topic, journeys!

The Reception Team

Online Safety Update - Roblox

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:10pm

Image result for roblox logo

We have noticed a growing number of children from all classes accessing this platform and so here is a guide on how to use the platform, including what potential risks come with allowing your children on Roblox.


Roblox Guide 2.jpg


Below you will find a link to join the National Online Safety platform and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support, incuding filtering and the best ways to monitor your child's online activity.

Reception Blog - Friday 19th May 2023

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 11:51am

This week we have visited Blackpool Zoo for our school trip. The children loved seeing all of the animals and learning all of the facts of what the different animals eat and where they live. Every child had beautiful manners and were spotted by lots of people. Big well done Reception!

Reception Blog - Friday 12th May 2023

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 12:54pm

We have had another great week learning all about dinosaurs!

This week we have continued to look after the eggs that we had delivered last week. When they hatched, they were dinosaurs! We have written letters explaining how to look after the eggs and the baby dinosaurs.

In maths we have been looking at more/less and playing an interactive game to find the missing numbers. We have also looked at the numbers from 11-20 and how many tens and units make that number.

In French this week, we practised counting to 10 with a game and recapped body parts with song. We reread the story of La chenille qui fait des trous. There is lots of vocabulary in this story that is becoming more familiar to the children now - they are such good listeners! Fantastique!
In Science, we looked at the fossil model we made last week. We saw the creatures had left moulds in the shape of their bodies that over millions of years, could become fossils. We then made some imprint fossils with shells and garden finds, and talked about whether different dinosaurs were carnivores or herbivores and how we could tell by their teeth. We wrote some suitable shopping lists.
We have also looked at volcanoes and where you can find them. We made our own clay volcanoes and when they were dry we did a science experiment making our volcanoes explode!
In RE we have continued to look at Good News and how we share it. We each made our own disciple and drew how happy they were with the news that the Holy Spirit had arrived.
To finish the week we talked about the Eurosvision song contest. We looked at what it is and why it is done. We watched some singers who have competed in previous contests and sang some songs ourselves. Then we used the Atlas' and maps to find some of the countries that are taking part.

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
