Foundation Stage- Reception: Blog items
Reception 7th January Home Learning
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 9:03am
Thursday 7th January 2021
Here are your jobs for today :)
Phonics - Today we are learning ch. It is a diagraph (2 letters that make one sound).
Watch the video of Scrap attached below.
Can I practise writing the sound ch?
Can I think of any words that begin with ch?
Can I write the sh & ch words on the sheet attached below?
Handwriting - Have a go at the second page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Bb.
The Humpty Words of the week are the, to, no, I - Can I spell them without looking at them? (using paper or your whiteboards from you pack)
Literacy - Here is our story of the week, click on this link to watch the video - Oliver's Vegetables
In the Story Oliver loves to eat chips! But we can use potatoes to make lots of different types of food.
What can you make? Can you help your grown up? – We would love to see what you make on seesaw 😊
Can I write some instructions of the food I have made? (Let you child write the sounds they can hear for themselves and use the sound mat to find them. Use the finger space in your pack to put in between your words. Keep it simple, used the attached sheet if needed)
For example, if you were making chips
- Wash them
- Peel them
- Chop them up
- Put them in the oven
Maths - Can I count forwards out loud to 30?
Can I have a go at the ladybird counting game? (Click the writing)
Watch the White Rose Maths video - (Session 3)
Have a go at the activity in the maths attachment – Can you record your score?
Topic Time
Science – We are sorting fruit and vegetables.
Firstly, gather whatever fruit and vegetables you have in your home.
Can I sort them into 2 or more groups?
How have they sorted them? (Ideas might be green/not green. Smooth/rough.) How many ways can I find?
Once you have sorted them, you could cut them open and see if you can see any seeds inside. If it contains seeds, scientifically speaking it is a fruit eg tomato is a fruit. Can you now sort them into fruit and vegetables (seeds/no seeds)? Then you can taste them!
French -We are learning the names of some fruit and vegetables in French.
Here is a song to listen to and join in with. It's called J'aime les fruits (jayme lay froo ee). If you listen a few times you might be able to join and do the conga!
If you have any questions, please message us on seesaw.
Thank you for your continued support :)
Reception 6th January Home Learning 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 11:16am
Good Morning Children - We hope you are all excited for your home learning.
Here are your jobs for today :)
Phonics - Today we are learning sh. It is a diagraph (2 letters that make one sound).
Watch the video of Scrap attached below.
Can I practise writing the sound sh?
Can I think of any words that begin with sh?
Can I write the word or draw a picture?
Handwriting - Have a go at the first page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Aa.
The Humpty Words of the week are the, to, no, I - Can I spell them?
Literacy - Here is our story of the week, click on this link to watch the video - Oliver's Vegetables
Can I write a list of Oliver's vegetables? (Use your sound mat to help you sound out the words)
(There is a template attached below, please feel free to use it or paper)
Maths - Can I count out loud to 20, forwards and backwards?
Watch this counting video - Alive in 5 (Session 1)
Using any objects such as Lego, can you make different amounts to show more or fewer than 5?
(Talk about or discuss the differences between the amounts with your child)
Topic Time
Can I talk about keeping myself healthy? What food would I eat? What activities would I do?
Can I draw a healthy meal? (template is attatched below, if needed)
We would love to see some of your work on seesaw :)
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:37pm
What a wonderful last week to our very first term in school !
All the Reception team wish everyone an amazing christmas and new year, stay safe and thank you for all your support this year :)
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:57pm
Online Safety over the Christmas Holidays
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:11pm
Here you will find some help and advice for keeping your family safe online over Christmas.
Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 4:44pm
This week we have been looking at toys!! We have a toy shop role play and everyone has been busy buying things ready for christmas!! We have looked at toys from the past and toys today. We thought about the different materials.
In literacy we have been reading Stickman this week. We learnt that sticks float, so we explored what other things float and sink. We have been whittling sticks and making worry dolls from sticks too.
In Maths we have been doing a lot of taking away this week using practical objects.
We have learnt all about the christmas nativity story this week. We have loved learning all about the birth of Jesus.
What a fabulous week :)
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:10pm
We have had a lovely week learning all about jungle animals! We have read the stories Monkey Puzzle and Rumble in the Jungle. We have been great at describing the different animals and even better at acting like animals too!
In Maths this week we have been focusing on adding together numbers to make a bigger number. We are amazing at getting ready for PE now - this week we have been doing a lots of races and team games!
We have also started learning all about advent and what we need to do to get ready for christmas!
Well Done Reception for a super week!
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 5:00pm
What a week we have had! Everyone has loved learning all about the 'Snail and the Whale'.
We discovered lots of different under water animals, searched for snails outside and we even had a little visit from a hedgehog! We have made some fabulous ocean art work and some of us made snail collages too!
In maths we have been writing our numbers to 10 and finding one more and one less than a given number.
Well done to everyone in Reception and here are the Golden Stars this week.
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 5:47pm
We managed to solve our egg mystery this week and it turns out there was a dinosaur and a unicorn, so that surprised us all !!
The children have been very busy with their morning jobs this week, it's great to see how settled they have all become :) In maths, we made we have been measuring dinosaur bones with cubes and finding one more and less than a given number. In literacy, we have focused on describing the changes we could see happening to our eggs each day! All the children looked great in our special spotty day for children in need! Thank you for supporting that :)
Unfortunately, we didn't manage to get a photo of the golden stars today but they should of come home with a certificate tonight to show off :)!
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 4:28pm
This week has been very eventful in Reception!
Someone had frozen our dinosaurs overnight, we had to work out how to free them, without hurting them, We tried using salt, hammers, we chizzled them, but the thing that worked best was warm water!
We then came up with a plan to turn on the camera overnight and see what happens at school when we go home. We found out that real DINOSAURS had been on our playground !!! They have left us some eggs to look after, so we followed the instructions and have left them in water to see what happens on Monday morning ! What a week!
Well done Reception on a fabulous return to school after half term!
Our Golden Stars this week are well deserved and have worked hard every single day :)
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 3:28pm
A new film version of The Sectret Garden has been released. To celebrate this a competition is being run by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and Sky. You can draw, paint, create a collage or model or even plant up a minature garden. If you would like your child to be in the competition the entry needs to be on a single sheet of A4 paper. The entry needs to include the design elements and why they have chosen them.
Please send your child's entry into school by Monday 16th November and we will send them off.
Good luck!
Click here to find out more.
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 5:08pm
This week our story has been funny bones!
We have learnt a lot about our body and all our different bones. In Maths, we have been finding the missing numbers from the numberlines and making Halloween Patterns. In Literacy, we have been using our phonics to help us label the skeletons.
We had a special Halloween Day on Friday! We got to dress up in our spooky costumes, we made potions and scooped out pumpkins. Mrs Wood came for our special Golden Assmebly and read us 'A Dark Dark Tale'!
What an amazing end to our first half term of school!
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 4:04pm
This week we have been reading the story 'Kippers Birthday by Mick Inkpen'
We have been thinking about what we might need for a party, we have made cupcakes, we been busy writing lots of invitations and birthday cards. We discussed what we do for our own birthday partys and looked at birthdays in the 1930s.
We have done lots of counting this week, especially getting the right amount of candles for our playdough cakes!
Reception are really trying hard to follow the Golden Rules every single day, so choosing the Golden Stars this week was a tricky job, but here they are :)
Reception 9th October - Hello Yellow
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 4:14pm
We have had the best day celebrating 'Hello Yellow', thinking about happiness, hopes and wishes all day !
The Children have loved dancing to happy music, playing well-being bingo, telling funny jokes, making others smile and going to the photobooth!
Have a look at some of our fab pictures. :)
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 4:03pm
This week in Reception we have been learning all about Autumn. We brought in our Autumn Treasures from home and we have been reading Autumn Stories. In literacy, we have read the story 'You & Me, Little Bear and Home after Dark'. We have been busy mixing colours, counting amounts to 10, sequencing what we do in a day, learning about nurses and making a collage of ourselves in RE and so much more! Well done Reception :)
Our Golden Stars this week, we have really been trying to follow the Golden Rules are,
Joni - Star of the Week
Madelaina - Super Writer
Sidney - Bookworm
Evangeline - Mathematician
Joseph - Super Learner
Evelyn & Trudy - Special Mentions for being lovely friends to others
Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 4:04pm
We have had a wonderful week learning all about Elmer. We have spoken about all the things that make us special and learning it is ok to be different. We have made our own patterns and experimented with colour mixing.
We have began to learn our phonics sounds - s, a, t and our humpty words too!
It was very tricky to choose our superstars this week for golden assesmbly because everyone is trying so hard all the time. But have a look at the picture to find out who has been spotted.
The home challenge this week is to go on an Autumn walk and find lots of treasures to share with us next week :)
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:52pm
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:10pm
We have completed our first full week in school!
We would like to say a huge WELL DONE to all of the Reception children for really trying their best, every single day. They have all been amazing and we can't wait for next week already :)
We had a lovely Golden Assembly this morning with Mrs Wood and would like to share our Golden Stars of the week! Have a look in the picture below :)
Online Content - 10 tips to keep your children safe online
Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 6:22pm
"In light of recent distressing content circulating on several popular social media platforms, we're reminding parents how important it is to monitor, support and talk to children about their online activities." - National Online Safety
Here are some top tips from National Online Safety on keeping children safe online when viewing content online.