Foundation Stage- Reception: Blog items
Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 5:42pm
With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas.
Self image and identitiy
Online relationships
Online bulllying
Health, Well-being and lifestyle
Online reputation
Managing online information
Copyright and ownership
We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.
To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.
Reception Blog Friday 9th September
Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 3:46pm
Wow! We have all settled into school extremely well and completed our first week of school.
A big well done to everyone in Reception for coming in by themselves, making new friends and joining in all the new routines.
Have a look at some of the things we have been up to.
Date: 20th Jul 2022 @ 4:23pm
Wow what a year we have had. We've had the best time in Reception this year and have throughly enjoying teaching you all.
We hope you all have an amazing summer holidays and enjoy lots of family time.
Take lots of pictures with your finger puppets for your scrapbook for Year 1. Keep reading all your favourite stories and have a go at writing a little diary with something fun you have done.
Here are a few pictures of our final week in Reception 2022.
Thank you for all your support this year !!
Mrs Stone, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Cliffe :)
Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 3:33pm
This week we have been learning all about going on a Safari.
The children have written their own Safari Dairies about what animals they have seen and how the felt when they saw them.
We have also really enjoyed joining in tough kidder, all the children completed the course and were very wet!
We had a go at orienteering, we had to follow the maps to the different colour cones and work out the pattern. We did this really well in teams.
Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 10:43am
This week we have been looking at the story 'We all went on Sarfari by Laurie Krebs'
We have been discussing the differences we can spot between our county and Tanzania.
Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 3:37pm
This week we have been making our own hot air balloon adventure stories. The children have loved making up their own stories to share with the rest of the class.
In Maths, we have been making our teen numbers using 10 and some more in lots of different ways.
During our afternoons, we have been exploring different types of transport and making our own vehicles. We also used junk model materials to make our own boats, we thought about the best material that would be waterproof and we tested them out to see which would sink and which would float.
Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 3:50pm
This week we habe been thinking about 'Journeys' in literacy.
We have been reading the story 'The Journey by Neil Griffiths' and ' The Train Ride by June Crebbin' - We thought about the two different journeys and discussed the similarities and differences.
In Maths this week we have been making amounts using pennies.
Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 12:43pm
This week we have been reading 'The Queens Handbag' and looking at the different landmarks that she visits in the story, across the UK.
We have been writing facts about them and labelling the different countries on the map.
We have made some lovely fathers day cards for our Daddys in Art too!
Date: 10th Jun 2022 @ 3:48pm
We have had a lovely a first week back, the children have settled into their final half term of Reception really well.
We have been learning all about 'The Queens Hat' - we have done lots learning all about Landmarks of London, The Queen and spoke about what countries make up the UK.
We have been very creative drawing and painting. Have a look at some of our Art work.
Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 3:03pm
Here is the Dance From the Heart video to practise before the roadshow on Tuesday 21st June 2022.
Date: 27th May 2022 @ 3:34pm
This week have have had a great time celebrating the Platinum Jubilee. We sang our Bruno song infront of the whole school and had a picnic outside.
Have a lovely half term break and we will see you on Tuesday 7th June!
Date: 20th May 2022 @ 3:55pm
This week we have been very busy practising our jubilee song, ready to perform it next week for the whole school. We have chosen 'We don't talk about Bruno'.
We have been exploring the key events which have happened over the past ten years. The children really enjoyed watching the Royal Wedding clips.
We have started our new learning all about different animal habitats and sorting the animals into jungle, ocean, rainforest and the dessert.
We were all amazing on our school trip to Blackpool Zoo, the children really loved seeing all the different animals and we were praised by the Zoo Keepers for our wonderful behaviour.
In Maths this week we have been exploring money and looking at making different amouts with pennies.
Date: 13th May 2022 @ 3:44pm
This week we have really enjoyed learning about sharks. We have looked at the great white shark and the hamme head shark. We made our own shark posters with all the facts we have learned.
In Maths we have been exploring length and height of different objects, looking at comparing lengths and measuring items with cubes.
In Science, this week we talked about the fact that most animals hatch from eggs - birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects and even dinosaurs. We looked at some unusual places where animals lay their eggs and how some have hard shells and some have soft shells. The children used brilliant vocabulary - definitely some super scientists here!
We have made under the sea clay models in art using our fingers and tools to create our designs.
Date: 6th May 2022 @ 3:36pm
This week we have been exploring under the sea. We have started our book 'Commotion in the Ocean'
We have really enjoyed looking at different sea animals and watching real life clips of them in their enviroments.
In Maths, we have been practising doubling and halving numbers.
We have done lots of practising for our first sports day, we are really good at cheering on our friends as they race.
Date: 29th Apr 2022 @ 12:40pm
This week we have been reading 'The Dinosaur Department Store', we have loved finding out about different types of dinosaurs and writing our own descriptions for them.
In Maths, we have been practising our addition and making teen numbers.
We had really enjoyed our learning about dinosaurs! Next week, we will be going under the sea.
Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 11:36am
What a week we have had!
We found some giant eggs in our outdoor area, with a message asking us to look after them. We then had phone call from a dinosaur to help them crack the code by writing a sentence for them and we checked our cameras and we had some dinosaurs visit school early in the morning to see how the eggs were doing.
In French, We started to learn the words for the days of the week and revised some fruit words, ready for reading La Chenille qui fait des trous (The Hungry Caterpillar) soon. We also had time to read a book about France and learn a new song!
In Science: we observed some fossils and talked about what the animal or plant might have been like millions of years ago. We talked about how fossils are made and made a model to illustrate this process using different layers of bread and foam shrimps all squashed down with big rocks! We’ll see how our ‘fossils’ are doing next week.
In art, we made our own volcanos out of clay and we made them explode. It was really good fun.
We also learnt all about St Georges Day and Earth day too!
Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 11:15am
We have had an amazing Spring term, all the children have made great progress and really grown up this term.
Our last week at school has been a busy one, writing all about how our caterpillars have changed. Learning about the life cycle of a frog and making some lovely Easter cards for our families.
Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 4:57pm
We had a fabulous time on our first school trip this week!
We went to 'Bring Yer Wellies'
When we first arrived we loved buliding sandcastles and playing on the beach. Then it was time to listen and learn all about plants and what they need to keep them alive. We then all planted our own herbs. Chives and Oregano.
After planting it was dinner time, we enjoyed our first picnic of the year in the sunshine.
In the afternoon we looked at a wormery and learnt all about what worms like to eat and how they make compost. We then walked down to river and raced our boats in teams of 4. (We had to shout really loud to make our boats win)
Finally we finished our day with some team games, we had to make dens big enough for our whole team to fit inside and we had a race to ring the bell and get inside the den.
All the children we amazing all day ad really enjoyed themselves!
Reception Friday 18th March 2022
Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 3:51pm
This week we have continued with the story Jack and the Beanstalk. We have retold the story this week by using picture clues. We did some fantastic writing.
In maths we have been practising halving of items and numbers.
In French this week we have looked at the story La Petite Rouge (The Little Red Hen), we learnt the French words for some animals through a song.
In Art, we have been painting and drawing daffodils.
We also had another visit with the chicks from Year 3 and we got to hold them. They had changed a lot in a few days.
We have also had a visit from Freddie Fit and we have been doing den building.
Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 12:58pm
This week we have started our new story, Jack and the Beanstalk. At the beginning of the week we found a lot of items that had fallen from the sky, we were detectives finding out how they had arrived.
In maths we have been practising doubling of numbers.
In French this week we have practised our vegetable words again by building a pizza in time with the song Je suis une pizza! It's quite fast so we really had to listen to and understand the French words!
In Science we have observed dried and soaked pea seeds to see how they had changed. We left them sitting on plates of wet towels so we can observe when they start to germinate. We also made friends with a fruit tree in our school orchard so we can watch how it changes through the seasons.
In Art, we have beem drawing different fruits and vegetables focussing closely on what we could see and drawing the shapes.
We have also had the chicks come and visit, which was really special.
Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 12:31pm
This week we have continued our learning about Oliver's Vegetables. We have been learning the story and have enjoyed sharing our own versions with Year 2.
In maths we have been practising taking away within 10 and finding less than a number.
In French this week we have practised a few questions and answers about ourselves and looked at the names for vegetables in French too.
We made our own butterflies and caterpillars in art, using lots of different colours and materials.
We read the story of Handa's Suprise and talked about the similarities and differences between our country and Africa. We also discussed all the different fruit in the story.
Date: 24th Feb 2022 @ 3:47pm
Welcome Back!
We have had a great first week back at school after half term. We have started our new topic, Growing.
We have been investigating this week. On Monday, a basket of vegetables arrived in our class, we had to explore what they felt like and what they looked like on the inside and learn all the different names.
In Science, we have been looking at different types of plants and talking about the similarities and differences betwen them. We also went outside to look for things that are alive/not alive and thought about how we know the difference. We had a great discussion about what things need to be able to grow.
In Maths, we have been finding one/two more than a given number and looking at the addition symbol. practising adding together two parts to find the whole amount.
We are beginning to spot the signs of Spring, we drew pictures of the thing we are most looking forward too.
Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 3:31pm
We have had a great last week in school.
We have enjoyed reading 'The Smeds and the Smoos' and learning all about Space.
Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 3:39pm
We have had a super week this week!
In Maths, we have been investigating weight and capacity, seeing how much different objects weigh and how much rice and water containers can hold.
We have been climbing the castles in PE, some of us challenged ourselves to go up really high.
This week in French we learnt the names of four fruits - une pomme, une banane, une poire et une orange. We enjoyed doing the conga to the song J'aime les fruits!
You can find the song on YouTube by Alain le Lait if you'd like to hear it!
We learnt all about Chinese New Year too, we found China on the world map. we explored different Chinese food and we also made lots of different crafts. We also enjoyed doing some Chinese Dragon dancing!
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 1:55pm
We had a special zoom call this week from a real author. Holly Ryan - She read us her story 'Don't Mess with a Pirate Princess' - we asked her lots of questions and really enjoyed listening to it.
In Maths, we have been learning how to take away. We played the numberline game to see who was the first one to get back down to 0. This was great fun.
In RE this week we have been learning about Jesus returning to the temple and looking at the story of Anna and Simeon. The children made finger puppets of the characters and enjoyed retelling the story.