Foundation Stage- Reception: Blog items

Friday 11th June

Date: 11th Jun 2021 @ 3:49pm

We have had a great week back in school and the sun has been shining!

Our story this week has been We're going on a Bear Hunt. We have sequenced the story, written sentences about the adventures and retold it to a song.

In maths we have been ordering random numbers to 20, careful counting and matching the amounts to the number.

We have been building homes for bears, been on a bear hunt finding a hidden sentence, done self portraits, started sports day races and in French we found France on a map and travelled there on different transports.


Online Safety - June 2021

Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 2:25pm


Internet Safety

Keeping our children safe in the online space is of ever growing importance. From phones to consoles, our children are exposed to more online risk than ever and it is important that we adults keep up to date to ensure our children are prepared for all they meet online. Here is an interesting article on Internet Security professionals teach their children about internet safety.

How do I keep my children safe online? What the security experts tell their kids

Below we have attached two guides on how to set up your child's phone for privacy. We teach the children not to share their information when online, however social platforms and games will take data from users unknowingly.

"If its free, you're paying with your information."

National Online Safety | Keeping Children Safe Online in Education

Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.




Friday 28th May 2021

Date: 28th May 2021 @ 3:35pm

What a fabulous week we have had!

We have been doing about the story sharing a shell and have been writing letters to the characters telling them how to be a good friend.

In maths we have done all about shape, we looked at the propertoes of 2d shapes, sorted them and made our own 3d shapes out of playdough.

We have also learnt about hermit crabs and went fact hunting around our classroom. After this made some beautiful under the sea rockpool art.

We have enjoyed some outdoor learning this week and went pond dipping and orienterring!

Friday 21st May 2021

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 12:57pm

This week we have been doing the story of the Hungry Caterpillar. We have written a diary about what he ate and made our own fruit kebabs, which we enjoyed for our snack.

In art, we made our own caterpillars with repeating patterns and had a look at making symmetrical butterflies by painting one side and folding it in half.

We have also been looking at sharing different amounts, playing bingo and making our own butterfly lifecycles.

We started our new topic in RE, which is all about friends. We have spoken about what makes a good friend, made friendship cards and friendship bracelets. 

Such a busy week! well done everyone!

Reception 14th May 2021

Date: 17th May 2021 @ 3:46pm

We continued looking at Superworm this week. 

In literacy, we made our own plans to save superworm and wrote a letter to the minibeasts thanking them for helping. 

In Maths, we were practising our subtraction, using practical equipment. 

During our topic learning, we made nature pictures to celebrate mental health week and we made wormerys to explore what worms get up to underground. In RE, we did a postcard about our good news.

Online Safety - 13th May 2021

Date: 13th May 2021 @ 9:28pm

This week is Mental Health Awareness week and a great opportunity to remind us to be kind to ourselves as well as others.

Below you will find two guides from National Online Safety on how to promote wellbeing both online and offline and how to be kind when using the internet.


Join us at our Online Safety Hub at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

Reception 7th May 2021

Date: 6th May 2021 @ 3:43pm

This week we have been reading

Reception 30th April 2021

Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 12:48pm

This week we have been continuing our learning for

Friday 23rd April 2021

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 3:47pm

What a great first week back!

We have been doing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have done some fantastic writing and art work to go with this.

In maths we have made a garden shop and we are doing lots of work with money.

We are thinking about growing this half term and have planted sunflower seeds. Also, we have decided to do an experiment with a bean in a bag. We want to see what changes we notice each day. We are curious to see if a beanstalk will grow!

Here are some pictures from our week.


Online Safety - 21st April 2021

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 1:29pm

5 little-known social media mark... - News - What Mobile

Using social media websites is among the most common activity of today's children and adolescents. Any website that allows social interaction is considered a social media site, including social networking sites such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; video sites such as YouTube; and blogs. Such sites offer today's youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason, it is important that parents become aware of the nature of social media sites, given that not all of them are healthy environments for children and adolescents. - From the American Academy of Pediatrics

Below you will find two guides. One for Snapchat and one for Sadfishing. 

For more guides and explainer videos, join us at National Online Safety and explore the range of resources to keep updated with developments in social media and much more.

Thursday 1st April 2021

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 3:52pm

A fabulous end to our spring term!

We have watched frogspawn all week for any changes, made our Easter cards, baskets and cakes.

Silly hair day was a hit too.

Have a great Easter break and here are some photos for you to look at.

From the Reception Team

Online Safety - 31st March 2021

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 1:11pm

Internet Safety

This week we are having a look back at our wellbeing week and how we express ourselves online. Below you will find a guide on Expressing yourself safely online and a guide to using Youtube. 

We have also included the #wakeupwednesday guide from on RecRoom. This is a new online platform with an age rating of 9+. We haven't yet seen any of our children use this platform but it is always good to be informed on new developments.

Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.


Friday 26th March 2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 4:11pm

We have had a great week in Reception. 

Painting daffodils,learning about the Easter story, writing about dragons and castles, matching our teen numbers and lots of super choosing. 

Here are some pictures from the week. 

Online Safety - 24th March

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 12:22pm

Thank you to all who joined our Online Safety platform last week. To join, simply follow the link below and follow the instructions provided. 

We all have an important role in keeping our children safe in an ever growing online world.

Below you will find three new guides on WhatsApp, Fortnite and a Share a Smile online, linked to last week's Comic Relief theme.



Friday 19th March 2021

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 4:02pm

We have had a super week in Reception, learning all about 'The Magic Porridge Pot' in our story, Cook, Pot, Cook. 

Have a look at some pictures :)

Friday 12th March 2021

Date: 12th Mar 2021 @ 3:47pm

We have had a wonderful first week back. 

Have a look at some of the things we have been up to :) 

Online Safety

Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 2:44pm

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at St Oswald's.

Here you will find a range of resources to keep your child safe online.

We have teamed up with National Online Safety to provide resoures, guides and training for all our staff and parents.

Below you will find a link to enrol to at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

We will also regularly post guides for social media and gaming platforms as they become more commonly used by your children.

This week you will find guides on Children's Mental Health, TikTok and Gaming Streamers and Influencers

Fabulous Friday 5th March 2021

Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 6:42pm

It's Fabulous Friday


WELL DONE RECPETION, You have completed your last week of home learning! We cannot wait to have you all back in school next week!

We loved seeing your World Book Day outfits yesterday and we hope you enjoyed reading lots of different books throughout the day.

We would like to say a huge thank you to all your parents and carers, that have supported you during lockdown, you have all worked incredibly hard and it has been lovely to see your learning uploaded each day.


Have a fabulous weekend with your families, get outside in the fresh air and enjoy yourselves.


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

•          Read – if you have not looked at the stories on oxford owl yet, choose one which looks the most interesting to you 😊

•          Complete the number activity attached

•          Revisit all your humpty words and phonics sounds so they are all fresh in your mind for Monday morning 😊

The rest of the day is yours; you have earned it!

Reception 4th March Home Learning

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 1:10pm

Thursday 4th March 2021


It is World Book Day!

Post a picture of yourself to Seessaw, dressed up as your favourite story character ! J

Have a go at the World Book Day scavenger hunt attached.



Reading – Can I choose your favourite story to read today?  

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – 

Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or, oi, ow, ur, er'

Please revisit any of the sounds which you might have found tricky!

Can I write all my digraph sounds without copying them?

Can I think of a word for all of my sounds?

Can I have a go at the activity mats attached?

Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – Fine motor development

Watch these fine motor activities, can I choose a different activity to have a go at?

All these activities will help to develop your child’s finger strength. 

This week we are practising writing our numbers from 0 – 9.

Watch these number rhymes to help you form them correctly. 


High Frequency words – knowing these words just by looking at them will help improve fluency in your reading –

‘it, is, in, am, an, of, on, up, so, and’

See if you can read these words without sounding them out?


Today we are going to make up our own poems using the letters in the word STAR.

Before you write your poem, check the following!

Can I make a mind map of ideas to help me to describe a star?

Can I write my own star acrostic poem using the letters STAR?

For example,



Above the world

Relaxing night time

Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – 

Can I practise counting from different starting numbers?

 E.g. 3 to 16, 7-22, 12 - 30

  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 13? (See attached.)

Can I colour in the rainbow strands and use it to help me work out my number bonds to 10? (See attached.) 

  • Spring Term 1 Consolidation

Watch the White Rose Maths Bean Bag Throw Game Video. 

Can I complete the activity attached?  


Topic Time

EAD – This afternoon we are going to learn about the artist Van Gogh.

Watch this video together to learn a little bit more about him

See if you can create your own version of his picture ‘Starry night’

(See attached for some ideas.)


DT - Can I follow the instructions to make some star biscuits? (See attached.)


Reception Story Time 

Winne the Witch, See below !

What a great day of learning, Reception 😊

Reception 3rd March Home Learning

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 6:29pm

Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Here is the learning for today.

Remember to have a go at as much of the learning as you can.



Reading – See if you can read for 10 minutes today. I wonder how many words you will have read by the end of 10 minutes?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – 

Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or, oi, ow, ur'

Today’s new sound is ‘er’ - watch Polly’s video to tell you all about the sound.

Please revisit any of the sounds which you might have find tricky !😊

Can I write all my digraph sounds without copying them?

Can I play 'Read and Race' ? (revisiting ai, ee, er, oa, oo)

Can I write the words and colour the ones with the sound ‘er’?

Can I read the sentence and write in the missing word?

See activities attached.

Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – Fine motor development

Watch these fine motor activities, see if you can choose one to have a go at, all these activities will help to help develop your child’s finger strength. 

This week we are practising writing our numbers from 0 – 9.

Watch these number rhymes to help you form them correctly. 



High Frequency words – knowing these words just by looking at them will help improve fluency in your reading –

‘it, is, in, am, an, of, on, up, so, and’

See if you can read these words without sounding them out?


Turn the lights off and watch this video - Imagine you are underneath the stars yourself. Look at all the different colours and patterns the stars make in the night sky. 

Whilst you are watching the video - Imagine if you had your own star.

What adventure would you plan for you both?

Can I write a list of everything I would do if I had a star? (See attached.)


Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – 

Can I count in 10s? – Using objects from around my house, can I group them into piles of 10? How many piles of 10 do I have? Can I count them in 10s?

Can you use the splat square to spot the pattern of counting in 10? Can you count to 100 in 10s? 

  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 12? (See attached.)

Can I write the teen numbers and carefully count the amounts in the ten frames to match to numerals? (See attached.)


  • Spring Term 1 Consolidation

Watch the White Rose Maths Ten Frame Fill Game Video. 

Can I complete the activity attached?  


Topic Time

Science – You are going to make a mouse and a pretend rocket and see how far you can make your mouse fly.

Watch this video to see how to do it.

For the ‘mouse’, cut out a semi-circle of paper and bend it round to make a cone shape and secure with sellotape.


How far can you make him fly?

Does it go further if you have a bigger bottle?

Can you measure how far it flies using building bricks or toy cars or other items?

What is the science? (Adult explanation)

The bottle used as the rocket launcher is not really empty: there is air inside it. Air is elastic (squashy), and when you compress it, it pushes back and the pressure inside increases. In the activity, the sudden increase in air pressure inside the bottle pushes hard on the bottom of the rocket, sending it flying high into the air. There are also two other forces acting on the rocket: air resistance and gravity. Air resistance always pushes in the opposite direction to the rocket’s movement, and its strength depends on the rocket’s shape and its speed. Gravity always pulls downwards, slowing the rocket’s climb but speeding up its descent.

Reception Story Time

‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy



Well done Reception, you have nearly got to the end of home learning 😊


Reception 2nd March Home Learning

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 4:46pm

Tuesday 2nd March 2021


What a difference the sunshine makes. It is great to see so many of you taking your learning outdoors.



Reading – What is your favourite part of your stories? Can you draw a picture and say why you like it the best?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – 

Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or, oi, ow'

Today’s new sound is ‘ur’ - watch Polly’s video to tell you all about the sound.

Please revisit any of the sounds which you might have find tricky !😊

Can I write all my digraph sounds without copying them?

Can I play read and race? (revisiting ch, th, sh, ng, qu)

Can I write the ‘ur’ words?

See activities attached.

Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – Fine motor development

Can you join in with the ‘Twinkle Twinkle’ song? 

This week we are practising writing our numbers from 0 – 9.

Watch these number rhymes to help you form them correctly. 



The Humpty words of the day are – 'little, there, have, like'

 Can you spot these words in a reading book?

Can you write the words?

Can you think of a sentence for these words? Can you say the sentences out loud?

Can you write your sentence?



Can I retell the story using the pictures from yesterday?

Discuss the different ways the boy tried to catch the star.

Can I design my own star catching contraption? (See the activity attached.)


Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – 

Join in the 5 little men, flying saucer song

Can I count in 10s? 


  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 11? (See attached.)

Can I order my numbers from 1 – 20 independently? (See sheet attached – or use your number cards.)


  • Spring Term 1 Consolidation

Watch the White Rose Maths Video Snap Numeral and Picture Cards (0 – 9).

Can I complete the activity attached?  


Topic Time

Music –  Session two – Growing in the Garden


PE –

Cosmic Yoga – Space 

Have a go at practising your catching skills this week.

Watch this video and have a go yourself 😊 


Have a great day of learning 😊

Reception 1st March Home Learning

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 4:02pm

Monday 1st March 2021


We hope you all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

This is your last week of home learning, you can do it ! πŸ˜Š

Take this week to revisit anything you might have found tricky over the last half term.



Reading – How many Humpty words can you find in your books?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – 

Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or, oi'

Today’s new sound is ‘ow’ - Watch Polly’s video to tell you all about the sound.

Please revisit any of the sounds which you might have find tricky. πŸ˜Š

Can I sort the ‘long and short oo’ and ‘ar’ pictures?

Can I read and find the matching words?

Can I write the 'oi' and 'ow' words?

See activities attached.

Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – Fine motor development.

Can you join in with the ‘Crocodile Snap’ song? 

This week we are practising writing our numbers from 0 - 9.

Watch these number rhymes to help you form them correctly. 

Have a go using your whiteboard or paper. 


The Humpty words of the day are – be, were, was, said

 Can you spot these words in a reading book?

Can you write the words?

Can you think of a sentence for these words? Can you say the sentences out loud?

Can you write your sentence?



Can I listen to the story, pausing it throughout to discuss what is happening in the story?

Using the images in the activity attached. Can I talk through the story? (You might want to get props to help you retell the story too, e.g. a little boy, tree, star, rocket.)

Can I read the first sentence of the story?

Can I write it out, chop it up into words, mix them up and order it again independently?


Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – 

Can I count to 100? 

Can I match my teen number cards to the amount cards by using my careful counting?

  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 10? (See attached.)

Can I find the matching numbers to the amounts? (See attached - use your number cards.)

Can I watch this number blocks episode and help to spot the different patterns?

  • Spring Term 1 Consolidation

Watch the White Rose Maths Video Hopscotch Number Recognition.

Can I complete the activity attached? (Try with the hopscotch with numbers to 10, then try with the teen numbers too.)



Topic Time

RE – We are thinking about our topic of gathering in RE.

Have a look at the pictures attached and see if you can discuss the questions together. They are all about people coming together at church to listen to God’s word and learn all about his teachings.


EAD - Follow these instructions to make a water colour night sky picture.


Reception Story Time

Make your own reading den and watch the story.  It will be uploaded to Seesaw.

Have a great day of learning 😊

Fabulous Friday 26th February Home Learning 2021

Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 3:37pm

It’s Fabulous Friday Reception!


It has been wonderful to see all of your learning again this week. Only one more week to go of home learning. You can do it!


Today you just need to:


  • Read a story in the sunshine


  • Play a board game of your choice


  • Do something active.

Maybe playing in your garden or a park, riding your bike, throwing and catching, skipping, jumping or making an obstacle course! J



The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
