Foundation Stage- Reception: Blog items
Reception 25th February Home Learning
Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 10:38am
Thursday 25th February 2021
There are some super reading videos on Seesaw Reception. It is lovely to hear how far you have come during lockdown.
Reading – Choose one of your reading books and talk about the story.
See if you can discuss what happened in the story?
Who are the characters? Discuss their feelings? Could you add any speech to your characters?
Was there a problem to solve? How was it solved?
Could you think of a different ending to the story?
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics –
Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or'
Today’s new sound is ‘oi’ - Watch Polly’s video to tell you all about the sound.
Can I read all the ‘oi’ words on the PowerPoint?
Can I write the words to match the pictures?
Can I read the sentences on the PowerPoint? (View as a slideshow.)
See Activities Attached.
Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
- Handwriting – Fine motor development
Can you join in with the ‘Twinkle Twinkle Funky Finger’ song?
See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all this week’s letters.
The Humpty Words of the day are – my, her, are, me
Can you spot these words in a reading book?
Can you write the words?
Can you think of a sentence for these words? (See if you can get a couple of the words in one sentence.)
Can you write your sentence?
- Story this week – Our story this week is ‘Goodnight Spaceman’.
At the beginning of the story, Tim Peake (the astronaut) has written a letter.
See the copy of the letter attached and watch the Seesaw video for our literacy activity today. J
Maths –
- Counting Practice –
Can I count in 2’s to 20?
Can I count in 5’s to 20?
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 9? (See Attached.)
Can I have a go at the one more and less activity? (See maths activities.)
Can I try the number facts activity attached? (Use practical equipment to help you work out how to make the amounts – Revisit the part-whole seesaw video if you need a reminder how to use it.)
- Main Focus – Missing Numbers
Can I help the children with the missing numbers? (Watch the video below.)
Topic Time
Music – Here is the link for this week’s music session
Fairtrade Fortnight – It is Fairtrade fortnight (22nd February to 7th March 2021)
Have a watch of the Fairtrade video below.
Can you find the Fairtrade logo on any of your food?
Reception Story Time
Today our story is on Seesaw.
We hope to see you all soon! π
Reception 24th February Home Learning
Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 11:18am
Wednesday 24th February 2021
Here is your learning for today! J
- Reading – Remember to read 10 minutes each day - We would love to hear you all read this week, if you could upload a little video to Seesaw, that would be super!π
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics –
Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or'
Can I spread the words with sound buttons out and see if I can match the words to the correct sounds? (These are the purple words from before half term.)
Can I sort the ‘or’ and ‘ar’ pictures?
Can I write the words for the pictures?
Can I play the woodland trail game?
See Activities Attached.
Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
- Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements).
All of this helps to develop co-ordination and shoulder movements, working towards better pencil control.
- How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute?
- Can you join in with the ‘Grandma's Glasses’ song?
Handwriting, this week the letters are 'Yy,Zz,Aa and Bb’– Remember to start at the top.
See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters. If you have finished your handwriting booklet – please practise your handwriting on lined paper. π
The Humpty Words of the day are – they, we, all, she
Can you spot these words in a reading book?
Can you write the words?
Can you think of a sentence for these words? (See if you can get a couple of the words in one sentence.)
Can you write your sentence?
- Story this week – Our story this week is ‘Goodnight Spaceman’.
Today we are thinking about what do astronauts wear?
There is some more information here.
Can I try wearing a pair of gardening gloves and do a fiddly job such as a jigsaw whilst wearing them? (That’s how astronauts feel!)
Can I cut out and stick together my astronaut? (Or draw one – thinking about their special space suits.)
Can I use the labels to correctly label my astronaut?
See activity Attached.
Maths –
- Counting Practice – Can I count to 20?
Can I count back from 20 to 0?
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 8? (See the sheet attached.)
Can I choose 2 of the home learning pattern activities to have a go at? (See attached.)
- Main Focus – Teen Numbers
Can I watch the ordering numbers video below?
Can I complete the missing teen number activity? (See attached - You could make the given number lines with your number cards and see if your child can find the missing numbers.)
Can I use my number lines to find one more and one less than a given number? (Find the given number together, then either jump forwards or backwards along together.)
Topic Time
Science – Today we are going to think about how astronauts get to space.
Can I make a balloon rocket?
You will need some string, a straw, a balloon and some sticky tape.
Watch this video to show you. (Watch the video from 4minutes 30 secs.)
Can you make it go further? Uphill? Downhill? Round a corner? What works best?
Reception Story Time
Today our story is ‘Hey Ho to Mars We’ll Go’ .
We hope to see you all soon! π
Reception 23rd February Home Learning
Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 11:55am
Tuesday 23rd February 2021
A fabulous start to your home learning Reception! It is lovely to see you all posting what you got up to in half term.
- Reading – Remember to read 10 minutes each day - We would love to hear you all read this week, if you could upload a little video to Seesaw.π
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics –
Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar'
Today we are going to look at the sound 'or'. Have a watch of Polly’s video below to find out about the sound.
Can I play the read and roll ‘or’ sound?
Can I write the oo and ar words?
Can I read and match the sentences to the pictures?
See activities attached.
Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
- Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements).
All of this helps to develop co-ordination and shoulder movements, working towards better pencil control.
- How many reaches to sky can you do in 1 minute? (Using one arm then the other.)
- Can you join in with the ‘If your happy and you know it’ song? (You will need some playdough.)
Handwriting, this week the letters are 'Yy,Zz,Aa and Bb’– Remember to start at the top.
See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all this week’s letters. If you have finished your handwriting booklet – please practise your handwriting on lined paper. π
The Humpty Words of the day are – go, into, you, he
Can you spot these words in a reading book?
Can you write the words?
Can you think of a sentence for these words? (See if you can get a couple of the words in one sentence.)
Can you write your sentence?
- Story this week – Our story this week is ‘Goodnight Spaceman’
Listen to our story first.
Can I draw all the things an astronaut needs to take with them to space? (Use the story to help you.)
Can I label some of the things I have drawn?
Maths –
- Counting Practice – Can I count to 20?
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 7? (See the sheet attached.)
Can I count the dots and work out the missing numbers for my number bonds to 10? (See attached) - Remember a number bond is two numbers that add together to make 10.
- Main Focus – Teen Numbers
Can I order my teen numbers, using my number cards?
Watch the video below – See if you can make all the teen numbers by having a group of 10 objects and adding one more each time, just like the video.
Topic Time
- KUW –
Can I find out some information about one of our planets?
Can I draw a picture and write about a fact I have found?
Have a watch of the ‘What is Space’ video below the attachments.
To find out more information on your chosen planet, you might have to look through a space book or have a look online.
Here are a couple of other videos you might want to watch. - Planets and Space for Kids – Storybots
- You might want to find out more about the rover that landed on Mars on 18th February 2021 – Here is a link to find out more.
Reception Story Time
Today our story is ‘UFO Diary’ – By Satoshi Kitamura – See below.
We hope to see you all soon! π
Reception 22nd February Home Learning
Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:56pm
Monday 22nd February 2021
Welcome back Reception, we hope you have had the most wonderful half term and really relaxed! This half term will we be learning all about Space, Dragons and Wizards! π
- Reading – Remember to read 10 minutes each day - We would love to hear you all read this week, if you could upload a little video to Seesaw.π
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics – Please recap all the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs.
Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo
Today we are going to look at the sound “ar” – Have a watch of Polly’s video below to find out about the sound.
Can I read and find the matching pictures? (I Spy Phonics)
Can I sort the pictures into real and silly words?
Can I write a sentence for the picture?
(See the phonics activities attached.)
Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
- Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements).
All of this helps to develop co-ordination and shoulder movements, working towards better pencil control.
- Join in the Crocodile Snap song
- How many big circle arm movements can you do in 1 minute?
Handwriting, this week the letters are 'Yy,Zz,Aa and Bb’– Remember to start at the top.
See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all this week’s letters. If you have finished your handwriting booklet – please practise your handwriting on lined paper. π
The Humpty Words of the week are – the, I, no, to
Can you spot these words in a reading book?
Can you write the words?
Can you think of a sentence for these words? (See if you can get a couple of the words in one sentence e.g. I went to the shop.)
Can you write your sentence?
- Writing Activity –
Can I draw a picture and write a sentence about my favourite thing I have done during half term?
See if you can copy and finish the sentence below.
My favourite thing I have done this half term is ____________________________.
(if you are feeling extra clever you could say why it was your favourite thing too!)
Remember when you are writing to use your sound mat to find the sounds you can hear without asking your grown up. Use your finger spaces, capital letters and full stops. There is so much to remember Reception! π
Maths –
- Counting Practice – Can I count from a different starting point than 1 to a given number, see examples below. Using your numberline to help if needed.
Can I count out loud from 5 until 30?
Can I count out loud from 7 to 23?
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 6? (See the sheet attached.)
Can I revisit my number facts to 3 using the PowerPoint? (View in slideshow.)
- Main Focus – This half term we are beginning to recognise our teen numbers and understand that our teen numbers are 10 and some more.
Can I watch the number blocks video?
Can I use the numicon flash cards attached to help me recognise the amounts?
Can I match my own number cards from my resource pack to the numicon numbers?
Topic Time
- RE – We are now in the period of Lent, which started on Ash Wednesday.
What is Lent? - BBC Bitesize – Have a watch of the video to explain what Lent is π
Lent is the period of six weeks (40 days not including Sundays) leading up to Easter, the most important festival in the Christian calendar.
Lent starts on Ash Wednesday. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week.
What is the story of Lent?
Jesus went into the desert to fast and pray before beginning his work for God. Jesus was tempted several times by Satan, but was able to resist.
Lent allows Christians to remember Jesus' fasting in the desert. It is a time of giving things up and a test of self-discipline. Some Christians just give up something they really enjoy, such as cakes or chocolate.
Activity - During Lent we make promises either to show kindness everyday to help others, to do something extra or to give up something like sweets and chocolate.
What is your promise for Lent this year?
Can I draw a picture on the leaf attached and ask my grown up to scribe on my promise?
Miss Collinson’s promise this year is to give up eating crisps and to walk 10 thousand steps everyday! π
Reception Story Time
See the video on Seesaw for today’s story time.
We hope to see you all soon! π
Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 3:52pm
Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 9:47am
It’s Fabulous Friday Reception!
We have loved seeing all of your dancing videos this week Reception, they have really made us smile. We hope you enjoy the final video ! J
You have all worked incredibly hard this half term and we are so proud of you for keeping going! We miss you all so much and hope to see you soon!
Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your family the chance to catch up and switch off!
Today you just need to:
· I have attached a reading challenge for you to have a go at over the holidays!
· Can you make up some more simple addition questions using your part-whole model?
Can you find a way to make a number bigger than 15?
· It's Chinese New Year today.
The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!
We hope you have a lovely half term with all your family, make sure you get lots of rest and do things you enjoy together. J
Reception 11th February Home Learning
Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 11:37am
Thursday 11th February 2021
Today is the last day to send in your video of the dance if you would like to be a part of our school montage! J
- Reading – We can tell that so many of you are becoming more confident with your reading. Well done Reception π
Can I use expressions in my voice when I am reading?
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs.
Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo (if you want to watch anymore videos for these sounds – search Geraldine the giraffe and the sound on YouTube)
Have a look at the CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) word PowerPoint and see if you know the sounds needed to spell the words.
Can I have a go at writing the Phase 3 Phoneme frame words? (Remember only one sound goes into a box)
Can I read the captions and draw a picture to match?
(See the phonic activities attached.)
Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.
Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!
- Handwriting – As well as improving our fine motor skills, we also need to be practising lots of gross motor skills (bigger movements). All of this helps to develop co-ordination and shoulder movements, to help towards a better pencil control.
Can I have a go at the fitness bingo? (See attached.)
Handwriting this week will be the letters 'Uu' ‘Vv’ ‘Ww’ ‘Xx’. – Remember to start at the top.
See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters.
The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like
Can I check I can spell these words, without help from the grown up?
- Story Activity -
Revisit your new story from yesterday, practise reading it out loud using your story map.
Can I write my new version of the story? (Use the template attached if needed – you can finish writing this tomorrow if it gets too much.)
See the Seesaw video modelling this J
Maths –
- Counting Practice –
Choose one of your favourite things to play with, can I count out loud how many I have?
(Teddies, cars, balls)
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 5? (See the sheet attached.)
Can I solve the double problems? (Draw the problem out to help you work out the answers.)
Can I colour the numbers in correctly? (See the sheet attached.)
- Main Focus – Watch the Ten Pin Bowling video below.
Can you make your own bowling game? (You could use bottles, cube towers, toilet/kitchen rolls.)
Can you record how many you knock down?
Topic Time
- KUW – Tomorrow it is Chinese New Year – It is the year of the Ox this year.
Watch the video below.
Can I try writing some Chinese numbers?
Can I make my own Chinese lantern?
Can I make my own dragon craft? (See ideas attached.)
Reception Story Time
See the video on Seesaw for today’s story time.
Some great number work this week too Reception. Well done to all of you uploading your work daily.
Reception 10th February Home Learning
Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 2:55pm
Wednesday 10th February 2021
We would love to see your videos of the dance, don’t forget to send them to us before Thursday dinner time. J
- Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
Can I talk about the characters in my story?
Is it a fiction or non-fiction story book?
Can I act out the story?
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading book.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. (It is important for Reception to consolidate their sound recognition for all of the sounds - therefore this week we will not be learning any new sounds.)
Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo
Can I remember all my new sounds?
Can I think of a word for each sound?
Can I have a go at the phonics activities? (See attached.)
Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.
Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!
- Handwriting – Join in with ‘In the Garden’.
These hand exercises will help to strengthen your fingers and will help with your handwriting.
Handwriting this week will be the letters 'Uu' ‘Vv’ ‘Ww’ ‘Xx’. – Remember to start at the top.
See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters.
The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like
Can I say the words, copy the words and then write them without copying?
- Story Activity - Today, we are going to use all of our ideas from yesterday to make our own version of the story.
Watch this video and draw out your new story map.
Can I retell out loud my new version of the story using my story map?
Maths –
- Counting Practice – Can I count in 2’s?
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 4? (See sheet attached.)
Can I continue the patterns? (Print page 1.)
Can I remember my doubles?
- Main Focus – Watch the addition to 5 video attached below.
Can I complete the number bonds to 5 activity by drawing the amount that is missing? (See attached.)
Watch the video on Seesaw and use the part-whole model to make up your own addition questions.
Topic Time
Science - This week, we are going to look at eggs in more detail.
You’ll need 3 eggs and some vinegar to do all these activities.
First, take an egg and talk about it.
Here are some ideas for your discussion
Feel the shell. What is it like? Is it heavy or light? Rough or smooth? What colour is it? Are all eggs brown? Where did it come from? Do only chickens lay eggs or do other birds lay eggs too? Can we eat them? Which bird lays the biggest egg? Which bird lays the smallest egg? There are some pictures attached. Amazing!
Now break the egg into a dish and look at the yolk and the white. The yolk is the nutrition for the baby chick and the white provides water and cushioning to protect the developing chick. Can you see a thin membrane inside the shell? (This is to stop the white drying up. The shell is porous so the water would evaporate without it.) We’re going to look at this membrane again later on!
Here are some activities you can try with eggs.
Boil one for 5 minutes and another for 10 minutes. What is the same and what’s different about them? Which do you prefer to eat? How has the white and the yolk changed now they’re cooked?
Click this link to make a bouncy egg! You’ll need one egg and enough vinegar to cover the egg. It takes at least 24 hours to work but you can watch the reaction taking place while you wait.
Further Discussion
What has happened to the egg shell? How does the egg feel now?
Have a cloth at the ready when you play with the bouncy egg!
Well done! You’ve done some egg-siting eggsperiments today!
Reception Story Time
Get yourself a blanket and enjoy today’s story after working so hard all day.
Today our story is ‘The Little Red Hen’ By Michael Foreman.
There has been some amazing phonics work this week. Keep up the hard work! J
Reception 9th February Home Learning
Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 11:17am
Tuesday 9th February 2021
Here is your learning for today.
It is Dance Week – Remember to learn the dance on the Reception Class Gallery and send the video to us before Thursday dinner time. π
- Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
Can you play 'Humpty Word Pairs' or 'Snap' this week?
Can you use your finger, or a lollipop stick to follow the words in your story?
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading book.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. (It is important for Reception to consolidate their sound recognition for all of the sounds - therefore this week we will not be learning any new sounds.)
Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo
Can you hear the sounds in the words and sort them?
Can you write the words?
Can you read the sentence and draw a picture to match?
See the Phonics PowerPoint for all of these activities.
Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.
Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!
- Handwriting – Join in with, ‘Down in the jungle – Finger gym song’.
These hand exercises will help to strengthen your fingers and will help with your handwriting.
Handwriting this week will be the letters 'Uu' ‘Vv’ ‘Ww’ ‘Xx’. – Remember to start at the top.
See the Seesaw video for the correct formations for all of this week’s letters.
The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like
Can I write these words in different colours?
Can I put my humpty words into a sentence?
See how quickly you can write all your Humpty words that you have been practising at home. Check the words. How did you do? Try really hard with any that may be tripping you up!
'The, to, no, I, go, into, you, he, we, she, all, they, my, her, are, me, said, was, were, be'
Do not forget to spot these words in your reading books too!
- Story Activity - This week we are staying with the ‘The Little Red Hen'.
It is important for your child to know the story inside out, to help them with their writing.
Can I change part of the story of the little red hen?
(See the Seesaw video for an example of this.)
Maths –
- Counting Practice – Can I count out loud from 0 to 50? (In 1’s, 2’s and 5’s)
Can I count back from 25 to 0? (In 1’s)
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 3? (See sheet attached.)
Can I talk through the number stories PowerPoint with my grown up? (View as a slideshow – Revisiting addition and subtraction questions.)
- Main Focus – Can I listen to the ‘Pattern Fish’ story again? Can I talk about all the different patterns I can see?
Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached. (Session 5 – Pattern.)
Topic Time
- French – Today you are going to listen to the story of the 'Little Red Hen' in French.
First, let’s try and learn the words of the animal characters with this song.
It’s about animals who have big noses! Avec un gros nez!
The animals you will need to know for the story are:
Le chat (luh sha) = the cat
Le cochon (luh coshon) = the pig
Le canard (luh canar) = the duck
La poule (la pool) = the hen
Say them a few times, adding an action to help you remember each one.
Here’s the story of Little Red Hen en Francais. Try to follow the story from what you already know. You don’t need to understand every word.
Listen to it first, trying to pick out the names of the animals.
Now draw a cat, pig, duck and hen on four pieces of paper.
Play the story video again and ask your child to hold the right one up as the characters speak.
Can you join in with the “Pas moi!” sentence? Not me!
Merci beaucoup! A la semane prochaine. See you next week.
Reception Story Time
Get yourself a blanket and enjoy today’s story after working so hard all day.
The story will be posted to Seesaw.
Have a lovely day Reception, we cannot wait to see your learning on Seesaw. J
Reception 8th February Home Learning
Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 4:20pm
Monday 8th February 2021
We hope you have had a lovely weekend with your family.
One more week to go until half term!
We will be ringing everyone this week to see how you are getting on and catch up with any queries you may have.
It is Dance Week – remember to learn the dance on the Reception Class Gallery and send the video to us before Thursday dinner time. π
- Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
Can you play 'Humpty word pairs' or 'Snap' this week?
Can you use your finger, or a lollipop stick to follow the words in your story?
Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading book.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. (It is important for Reception to consolidate their sound recognition for all of the sounds - therefore this week we will not be learning any new sounds.)
Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long and short oo
Can I hear the initial sounds in the words and sort them under the correct sound? (Revisiting j,v,w,y)
Can I write a sentence about the picture? (Remember to use finger spaces, full stops, and capital letters)
Can I read the words attached? (qu, long oo and short oo words)
See the phonics powerpoint for all of these activities.
Have a go at any of the games on Phonics Play – Phase 2 or 3 to practise reading some different words.
Phonics Play – Login - Jan21 Password - home
Remember to use these sounds to help you with any new or trickier words in your reading book!
- Handwriting – Join in with, ‘If you’re your happy and you know it – playdough song’ to help strengthen your hands. Practising these fine motor skills, will help with your handwriting.
Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter 'Tt'. – Remember to start at the top. (We say 'Down the tower, across the tower' for the lower case t.)
The Humpty Words of the week are – little, there, have, like
Can I write these words in different colours?
Can I revisit all the Humpty words so far?
See how quickly you can write all your Humpty words that you have been practising at home. Check the words. How did you do? Try really hard with any that may be tripping you up!
'the, to, no, I, go, into, you, he, we, she, all, they, my, her, are, me, said, was, were, be'
Do not forget to spot these words in your reading books too!
- Story Activity - This week we are staying with the ‘The Little Red Hen'.
Let’s recap the story with our song & recapping of the story (from Thursday) - It is important for your child to know the story inside out, to help them with their writing.
Can I read the captions?
Can I order the pictures for the story?
Can I retell the story using my pictures and actions to help?
See the attached sheet.
Maths –
- Counting Practice – Can I count out from 0 to 30? (in 1’s, 2’s and 5’s)
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 2? (See sheet attached.)
Can I remember my number bonds to 5? (See sheet attached.)
- Main Focus – Can I listen to the ‘Pattern Fish’ story? Can I talk about all the different patterns I can see?
Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached. (Session 4 – Pattern.)
Topic Time
- RE – This topic is all about gathering. We thought about lots of different ways we can gather last week and why is it better when we have lots of people coming together. This week we are thinking about gathering at church.
Can I have a look at the picture attached and discuss the questions?
- PE – This week we are practising our jumping and hopping. Have a go at the following game Lilypad jumping.
Remember to bend your knees before you jump and when you land.
*You can say bend, stretch, bend – to help you*
Reception Story Time
Get yourself a blanket and enjoy today’s story after working so hard all day.
The story will be posted to Seesaw.
Well done to all the grown-ups who are helping you at home, they are also doing an amazing job!
Thank you to you all!
Fabulous Friday 5th February Home Learning
Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 11:56am
It’s Fabulous Friday Reception!
It is also ‘Dress to Express’ day - To finish off our wonderful 'Children’s Mental Health Week,' we would love to see a picture of what you choose to wear today, either something very colourful or your favourite thing to dress up in.
This has been an amazing week for your home learning Reception. So many of you are uploading your work daily to seesaw. It makes us all smile when we see and hear you enjoying all of your learning!
Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your family the chance to catch up and switch off!
Today you just need to:
· Choose your favourite story book to read. We would love to see what it is on Seesaw.
· Practise ordering your numbers from 0 to 20. I wonder if you can do it without any support!
· Revisit any of the resources from ‘Children’s Mental Health Week.'
The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!
Over the weekend and throughout next week, everyone across the whole school will be learning this dance routine. Click on this link to find the routine.
See if you can learn it too!
Send a video of yourselves performing the dance, via Seesaw, by Thursday dinner time.
We are hoping to make a wonderful montage of everyone, so we can end the half term together. J
One more week to go before a well-deserved half term break everyone!
Reception 4th February Home Learning
Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 11:13am
Thursday 4th February 2021
Good morning Reception.
We have been blown away by all of your work this week so far. It is wonderful to see so many of you keeping your learning practical and fun!
This week, we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week.' There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.
Today, have a watch of this video.
- Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
See the reading question prompts attached on Monday's Blog to help you talk about your stories.
Reminders – Please contact the school office if you would like to change your reading book.
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
- Phonics – Please recap all of the sounds we have learnt so far and the new digraphs & trigraphs. (It is important for Reception to consolidate their sound recognition for all of the sounds.)
Our new sounds - ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, oo
I have attached some different ideas to make it more practical and keep it interesting for you. (You can use these more than once.)
Please see Seesaw for today’s phonics writing activity.
- Handwriting – Join in the 'Crocodile Snap Song' to help strengthen your fine motor skills, this will help with the correct pencil grip.
(See Seesaw for the video explaining the correct pencil grip.)
Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter 'Ss.'
The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said
Can you have a mini spellings check?
See if you can write all your humpty words that we have been practising at home.
'the, to, no, I, go, into, you, he, we, she, all, they, my, her, are, me'
Don’t forget to spot these words in your reading books too!
- Acting Activity - This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’
Let’s warm up with our story & song - Join in with the story telling today as this will be your main activity. (It is important for your child to know the story inside out, to help with their writing next week.)
Today, we are going to be story tellers –
Can I act out the full story of 'The little red hen' ?
Can I use actions to help me?
Can I change my voice for the different characters?
Can I use some of the new vocabulary we have been looking at this week?
If you feel confident enough to record this, it would be lovely to hear you all acting out the story at home.
Maths –
- Counting Practice – Can I count back from 20 to 0 in 1’s? (Using my number line to point to the numbers as I count.)
Can I count from 0 to 50 using my 5’s?
- Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.
Can I revisit the number 1?
Can I use the picture to talk about the number 5?
(See the sheets attached.)
Can I complete and discuss the different shape patterns? (Try level 1 to begin with.)
- Main Focus - Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached. (Session 5 – numbers to 10 bingo.)
Topic Time
- KUW – Can I look at and talk about different types of bread? Can I make my own salt dough bread? (This is not for eating – see attached for instructions.)
- EAD – Can I make my own little red hen? (See the attached for ideas.)
Reception Story Time
Get yourself a comfy space, with your favourite toy and enjoy today’s story after working so hard all day. J
The story is ‘Owl Babies’ by Martin Waddell.
Have a great day of learning Reception, we miss you all A LOT!
Reception 3rd February Home Learning
Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 10:35am
Wednesday 3rd February 2021
The mornings are getting a little bit lighter, which means spring is on the way.J
This week we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week.' There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.
Today, I have attached some mindfulness focus worksheets to have a little go at and a ‘Things to look forward to jar’ activity.
Why don’t you put on your favourite song and dance around your house?
That always makes Miss Collinson smile!J
Online Resources
- Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. π
- . Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
- Topmarks have some good online maths games if you want to have a go at any of these.
Phonics –
Please revisit all our new digraph & trigraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh
Can I remember all my new sounds?
Can I think of a word for each sound?
Can I practise reading a word from each sound?
Today we are going to learn a new sound ‘oo’ – this digraph can make two different sounds. (See the seesaw video from yesterday for an explanation)
We are going to focus on the short ‘oo’ sound today. Have a watch of Polly’s video to find out more.
Can I write the words and colour in all the pictures that have the short ' oo’ sound? (See attached.)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Rr.
The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said
Can you revisit all your humpty words?
Can you write them without copying them?
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’
Let’s warm up our story- Can I join in with the song again to help you remember the story and have a go at stepping the story? - It would be great to see you stepping the story yourself on Seesaw. J
Writing activity
Using the vocabulary from yesterday and the pattern which the story follows –
Can I have a go at writing one of my sentences to describe a character in the story?
(Or you can make up your own character.)
For example,
‘Not I’ said the greedy, plump pig.
‘Not I’ said the gleeful, grinning horse.
‘Not I’ said the sneaky, small mouse.
You might want to draw a picture for your characters.
Remember to use your sounds and sound mat, stretch the words out slowly and write all the sounds you can hear. You can copy the vocab words given to you yesterday when writing them.
Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
See the reading question prompts attached on Monday's Blog to help you talk about your stories.
Maths – Can I count in 5’s?
What did you notice when you were counting in 5’s? (All the numbers end in either a 5 or 0.)
Have a go at splatting your 5’s them on the splat square? Can you see the pattern? (5 or 0)
Have you got any 5p’s in your house? See how many 5p’s you have by counting in 5’s?
Today’s learning is all about 9 and 10.
Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (Session 4 – composition of 9 and 10)
Can I have a go at the activity – making 9 and 10? (See attached - Remember to use your careful counting.)
Topic Time
Music – EYFS Teddy – Session 5
Science -
Following on from the story of Little Red Hen who makes flour with her wheat, this week we will first learn how flour is made.
Watch these two video clips and talk about what you see and hear. The first one shows a windmill in action – how flour was ground from wheat in the old days.
The second one shows a modern factory making flour.
The process is the same - wheat grains are ground into flour, it’s just the machinery and quantities that are different. They are both noisy places!
What foods did you see that are made from flour?
Did you hear that the grains and flour have to be cleaned to remove any thing that shouldn’t be there such as sticks or metal?
You can have a go at this. Put some flour in a bowl and add something that shouldn’t be there such as some small stones. Can you get them out using a sieve?
Now try adding some paperclips (or similar) to some flour.
If you have a magnet, you could try getting them back out with this. Otherwise you can use the sieve again.
Reception Story Time
Today’s story is ‘Share’ J
Reception 2nd February Home Learning
Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 10:39am
Tuesday 2nd February 2021
Yesterday’s sunshine really made me smile, I hope you got outside and had a lovely day J
This week we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week'. There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.
Today I have attached a pack of different activities relating to feelings and emotions, please feel free to have a look through them and choose a couple to have a go at throughout the week :)
Online Resources
- Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. π
- . Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
- Topmarks have some good online maths games if you want to have a go at any of these.
Phonics –
Please revisit all our new digraph & trigraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh
Can I remember all my new sounds?
Can I think of a word for each sound?
Can I practise reading a word from each sound?
Today we are going to learn a new sound ‘oo’ – this digraph can make two different sounds. (See the seesaw video for an explanation)
We are going to focus on the ‘long oo’ sound today. Have a watch of Polly’s video to find out more.
Can I write the words and colour in all the pictures that have the ‘long oo’ sound? (See attached)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Qq.
The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said
Can you find these words in your stories at home?
Can you think of a sentence for these words?
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’
There are lots of different versions to this story, have a listen to the story on Seesaw. You might want to listen to yesterday’s song again too J
Today we are going to have a look at some of the vocabulary in the story (see the activities attached)
Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
See the reading question prompts attached to help your discussion about your stories.
Maths – Can I count in 5’s?
When we count in 5’s, we group items together into lots of different groups of 5.
Have a look around your house, can you group your items into groups of 5?
Today’s learning is all about 9 and 10.
Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (Session 2 – Representing and sorting 9 and 10)
Can I have a go at today’s sorting activity? (See attached - Remember to use your careful counting)
Topic Time
French –
The theme for our learning this week is la Fête de Chandeleur – The Feast of Candlemas on the 2nd February.
Have a look through the attached PowerPoint which describes French traditions on this feast day and an idea for a treat!
You will be able to say what kind of pancakes you like and don’t like by the end.
Here’s a song to listen to while you are waiting!
Can you catch some words you know?
We don’t need to understand all the words to begin to understand when we learn a new language!
Bon appétit! Bonne fête!
Reception Story Time
Today’s story is ‘Angry Arthur’ J
Reception 1st February Home Learning
Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 3:29pm
Monday 1st February 2021
We hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families.
Here is your learning for today.π
Remember to do as much as you can with lots of little breaks in between jobs, if it gets too much, then just read, read, READ! π
This week we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week' . There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.
First of all, can you draw three things that you are good at?
What do you enjoy doing the most of all?
How do these things make you feel?
Online Resources
- Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. π
- . Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
- Topmarks have some good online maths games if you want to have a go at any of these.
Phonics –
Please revisit all our new digraph & trigraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh
Can I remember all my new sounds?
Can I think of a word for each sound?
Can I read the words attached? (ai, ee, igh, oa words)
Can I sort the words into piles of the same sounds?
Encourage your child to use sound buttons to read the words.
Encourage your child to stretch out the words to hear the sounds needed to spell the words.
Please feel free to print these words and chop them up into flashcards.
(We will revisit these quite a lot, as with everything in Reception, it is all about revisiting and practising over and over again.)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Pp.
The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said
Amazing to see some of you making humpty words with magnetic letters, writing outside with water, writing in chalk, writing on the back of wallpaper rolls. Keep it creative and fun. π
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’
There are lots of different versions to this story, have a listen to the story on Seesaw.
Can I join in and learn the ‘Little Red Hen’ song and have a go at drawing my own story map? (Click on the writing.)
Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
See the reading question prompts attached to help your discussion about your stories.
Maths – Using the number cards in my pack,
Can I count out different objects to match the amounts? (From 1 to 20 – see the examples on the maths activity.)
Can I count backwards out loud from 10 to 0?, then 20 to 0?
Today’s learning is all about Measuring Time.
Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (Measuring time – The fifth video)
For today's activity you will need a 1-minute timer. (See activity attached.)
Topic Time
RE – Our new topic is ‘GATHERING’
Talk about the activities that are better done together. (Eating tea together, going for a walk together, people coming to a party together, playing with our friends, going to church together, celebrating Christmas and birthdays.)
What sort of things do we do together?
What makes it better?
Choose one or two of the activities below to have a go at.
- Make a chart of all the things that you have done together as a family for the last week or so and talk about the activities that are better done together. What makes them better?
- Look through family photos of family gatherings. Talk about the times you shared and how you all felt and what you did.
- Make a card for your friend at school to tell them you are missing them and are looking forward to seeing them again soon.
PE – Have a go at the second lesson – Footwork Patterns π
Cosmic Kids Yoga – Handwashing
Reception 29th January Home Learning
Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 3:23pm
It’s Fabulous Friday!
Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your family the chance to catch up and switch off!
Today you just need to :
· Make a comfy space and read a lovely story to your grown up or sibling.
· Practise your doubles and counting in 2s.
· Finish anything off that you want to from the week and upload to Seesaw :)
The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!
You have all worked so incredibly hard over the past few weeks. We are so impressed with the amount of work you are completing each day, it makes us smile seeing all of your learning. Well done Reception!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and feel refreshed for another super week of trying your best :)
Reception 28th January Home Learning
Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 11:01am
Thursday 28th January 2021
Have a lovely day reception. Remember, have a go at the different activities, 10mins then have a little break and repeat this throughout the day. Little and often is best way for Reception to learn.
Online Resources
- Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. π
- . Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
- Topmarks have some good online maths games if you wanted to have a go at any of these.
Phonics –
Please revisit all our new digraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh
Can I read the words attached? (ch, sh, th, ng words)
Can I sort the words into piles of the same sounds?
Encourage your child to use sound buttons to read the words.
Encourage your child to stretch out the words to hear the sounds needed to spell the words.
Please feel free to print these words and chop them into flashcards.
(We will revisit these quite a lot, as with everything in Reception, it is all about revisiting and practising over and over again.)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Oo.
The Humpty Words of the week are: my, her, are, me –
Can I say them?
Can I write them?
Can I write them without looking?
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
Our story this week is Supertato! Have a watch of the story here.
We need to stop Evil pea from trapping anymore vegetables.
Let’s make a wanted a poster and stick it up in your windows, so people know who to look out for! (You can use the template attached or make your own.)
See Seesaw video for an example.
Reading – Can I write out one of the sentences from any of my story books at home?
Chop it up and try to put it back in the right order. (See the seesaw video from yesterday for an example of this.)
Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional).
Maths – Can I practise my counting to 20? (click writing)
Have a look at the doubling machine PowerPoint attached (view it as a slideshow).
When we double it has to be the SAME number we are adding together.
Can I complete the doubling dominoes sheet attached, by drawing on the same amount of spots and adding them together?
Today’s learning is all about days of the week.
- You will need to watch the story of Jasper's Beanstalk – See the seesaw video of the story.J
- Then you can watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below.
Topic Time
Understanding the World – How humans react to hot and cold weather. Have a watch of lesson 2 of the Oak National Academy lesson.
- Do you prefer a hot or cold holiday?
- Have a think about the differences between the two?
Music – Me and My family – Lesson 4
Reception Story Time
Today's story is ‘Jasper and the beanstalk’ By Nick Butterworth (see Seesaw).
Reception 27th January Home Learning
Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 10:51am
Wednesday 27th January 2021
Here is your learning for today !
Online Resources
- Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. π
- . Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
- Topmarks have some good online maths games if you wanted to have a go at any of these.
Phonics –
Please revisit all our new digraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh
Using the sounds on paper – Turn them all over in the middle of the carpet/table – write the numbers 1 – 6 on the back of them.
Then roll a dice, find the number and have a go at saying the sound.
Can I sort the pictures to match the ai, ee, igh, oa sounds? (See sheet attached.)
Can I play the read and roll ‘igh’ game? (The sheet is attached.)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Ll.
The Humpty Words of the week are: my, her, are, me
Amazing to see some of you writing in the snow yesterday
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
Our story this week is Supertato! Have a watch of the story here.
Can I design my own superhero character that is based on a different type of fruit or vegetable?
What would your superhero look like?
Can I draw a picture?
What would my super powers be?
Can I write a sentence about my super powers?
Remember to say your sentence out loud, say it and tap your knees, head, cheeks, count how many words are in the sentence. Stretch each word to help you hear the sounds you need.
Try to use your sound mat. π
You might want to make your superhero a fruit or a vegetable. (Optional)
Reading – Can I write out one of the sentences from any of my story books at home?
Chop it up and try to put it back in the right order. (See the seesaw video for an example of this)
Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional).
Maths – Can I count in 2s?
Can I have a go at doubling my numbers?
When we double something, we add together the same amounts
Using any practical equipment have a go at finding out the answers to these doubles.
Double 1 (1 + 1) =
Double 2 (2 + 2) =
Double 3 (3 + 3) =
Double 4 (4 + 4) =
Double 5 (5 + 5) =
Today’s learning is all about comparing lengths.
Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (You will need some playdough to make snakes.)
Topic Time
Understanding the World – Understanding the difference between hot and cold.
Have a watch of lesson 1 of the Oak National Academy lesson. Try out the experiment with a grown up. What did you notice?
French - Can I name some vegetables in French?
These are the actions to help you.
The vegetables are having fun in the fields at night! The potato is jumping up and down (so we jump!), the salsify is making himself small (crouch down), a gherkin is spinning round (turn round) and the cauliflowers are having a good shimmy (give it your best!)
Can I remember the vegetable words? - Please repeat the words as they are given.
French Game
Attached are 6 vegetable pictures. Print and cut them up (or draw them) and hide them round the room.
When your child finds one, they should try to give the word in French.
Then hide them for you!
The idea is just to keep saying the words over and over again.
Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine! See you next week.
Reception Story Time (see the video below attachments)
Today's story is ‘The Train Ride' By June Crebbin.
Reception 26th January Home Learning
Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 11:40am
Tuesday 26th January 2021
It is amazing how many of you are sending your work on seesaw, we would like to say a big WELL DONE. You and your grown ups are doing amazing!
Online Resources
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. π
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Phonics –
Please revisit all our new digraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa
Using the sounds on paper – Can I put them on the floor, close my eyes and tell my grown up which one they have taken away?
Can I think of a word for each of these digraphs?
Can I practise writing the sounds?
Revisit the sound ‘igh’
Can I play buried treasure on Phonics Play, Phase 3, focusing on the ‘igh’ sound?
Can I have a go at writing the words attached?
Can I read these captions? Can I make up my own caption?
It is night.
The coat is big.
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Nn.
The Humpty Words of the week are: my, her, are, me
Can I write them with chalks outside?
Can I paint them?
Can I use different colours to write them?
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
Our story this week is Supertato! Have a watch of the story here.
After thinking about the characters yesterday,
Choose your favourite character either Supertato or Evil Pea. (see seesaw for Miss Collinson's Example)
Can I draw the character in my book?
Can I write a sentence describing what my character is like?
Remember to say your sentence out loud, say it and tap your knees, head, cheeks, count how many words are in the sentence. Stretch each word to help you hear the sounds you need.
Try to use your sound mat and have a go at writing without your grown ups help this week. π
Reading – It is great that so many of you are ringing the office to collect new books weekly.
It has been lovely to hear some of your reading on seesaw, well done.
Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional).
Maths – Can I count out loud backwards from 20 to 0?
Can I remember my number bonds to 10? (see seesaw video for example)
Can I use my ten frames to colour in different ways of making 10? (see maths activity attached for ten frames)
Today’s learning is all about comparing heights.
Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below, if you do not have any cubes at home, you can use Lego.
Topic Time
Technology – Can I make my own Supertato adventure, using your Supertato you made yesterday?
Watch this video for inspiration. Have a go at recording your own.
Reception Story Time (see video below attachments)
Today's story is ‘Jolly Snow‘ by Jane Hissey
Reception 25th January Home Learning 2021
Date: 22nd Jan 2021 @ 2:18pm
Monday 25th January 2021
Hello Reception, we hope you have had a fabulous weekend and are ready for your home learning this week. Remember if you need anything, contact the school office, we are here to help as much as we can.
Before you start any of your home learning this week have a listen to our 'I Have A Go' song. I hope it makes you smile as much as it does when we are in class :)
Online Resources
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games π
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Phonics –
Please revisit all of our new digraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa
Can I write the sounds on a whiteboard?
Can I put the sounds onto a bit of paper and hide them around the house, then can I run to find the sound that my grown up asks for?
Today’s new sound is ‘igh’ – this is a trigraph, meaning that three letters that make one sound.
Have a watch of Polly’s Video to help you with the sound.
Can I read these ‘igh’ words?
night sight sigh
right fright
Can I write the words on a whiteboard?
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Nn.
The Humpty Words of the week are: my, her, are, me
Can I write them with chalks outside?
Can I paint them?
Can I use different colours to write them?
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
Our story this week is Supertato! Have a watch of the story here.
After listening to the story, have a think about the main characters.
Supertato and Evil Pea
Can I describe the characters?
Things to think about:
How do they act, think and move?
How do they think and feel?
Can you think of some interesting describing words?
Are they similar or different? How?
What do they look like?
Can I record myself talking about one of the characters?
Reading – It is great that so many of you are ringing the office to collect new books weekly.
It has been lovely to hear some of your reading on seesaw, well done.
Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional).
Maths –
Recap - Can I count in twos?
Use this splat square to help you. Do you notice any patterns?
Today we are going to revisit our 3D shapes.
Watch the video below the attachments to remember the names of the 3D shapes.
Can I discuss what 3D shapes I can see in the robot pictures? (See attachment)
Can I find 3D shapes around my house and make a model with them?
It would be great if you could upload a little video to seesaw, to show us your model and tell us the shapes you have used.
Topic Time
EAD - Can I make my own Supertato? (Have a look at the instructions attached)
RE – The story of the Presentation
Activity - Read the passage below whilst looking at the picture attached and discuss the questions about the story.
Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple. He was their baby boy and they wanted to thank God for him. At the Temple they met Simeon and Anna who were both old and had been going to the Temple to pray for many years. They were very happy to see Jesus and to thank God for him.
Can you answer these questions?
• What do you see in the picture?
• Why did Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple?
• Who were the people that they met?
• Why did Simeon and Anna go to the Temple?
Reception Story Time (see video below attachments)
Today's story is ‘Ruff‘ by Jane Hissey.
We hope you have a great week of learning!
Reception 22nd January Home Learning
Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 9:56am
Friday 22nd January 2021
Good morning everyone, it is Friday already. What a great week of learning you have all had. I hope the phonics video was helpful yesterday.
Online Resources
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games π
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Phonics –
Please revisit all of our new digraph sounds. π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa
Can I write the sounds on a whiteboard?
Can I have a go at the writing sheet attached?
Please see the Seesaw video for the 'Writing a sentence' activity.
Can I write a sentence? (see attached sheet for pictures)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Mm.
The Humpty Words of the week are: she, they, all, was
Today is spelling check day, can you write the words all by yourself?
Can you remember the other words we have been practising?
The, go, no, I, to, into, he, you
(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)
Literacy –
Our story this week is - The Tiger who came to Tea.
Today we are going to finish writing our stories, using the ideas you made up in your story maps.
Can I read the beginning of my story that I wrote yesterday?
Can I write the middle of the story?
Can I write the end of the story?
Keep it very simple. (One sentence for each)
Here is Miss Collinson’s Story
The Monkey Who Came To Tea
Beginning - A cheeky monkey came round for tea. He ate all the bananas in my house.
Middle – The monkey jumped on the bed.
End – The monkey was swinging in the trees.
Remember before you start your writing, to say your sentence, count how many words are in your sentence and say each word slowly. What sounds are in your head? Write the sounds you can hear.
Try to use your finger spaces and full stops too.
(You can use the template attached or your exercise books.)
You can watch the story on demand on Channel 4
Reading – It is great that so many of you are ringing the office to collect new books weekly.
We would love to hear some of your reading this week – I wonder if you could record a little bit and put it on Seesaw?
Try to read for 10 minutes each day. π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional).
Maths – Can I count in twos?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20
How far can you go counting in twos?
Use this splat square to help you. do you notice any patterns?
Today we are going to recap 2D shape –
Watch the video attached below.
Can I have a go at the cutting and sorting activity attached?
Topic Time
PE – Co-ordination with Ball Skills
Have a go at lesson one – co-ordination with ball skills.
These videos are delivered by PE teachers and will help your child to continue their skill development in PE.
Cosmic yoga – Yoga in the jungle
Reception Story Time
Today's story is 'Elmer and the lost Teddy' by David Mckee.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and well done for trying your best every single day!
Reception 21st January Home Learning
Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 10:38am
Thursday 21st January 2021
Good morning everyone. There was some amazing art on Seesaw yesterday, it was so lovely to see.
Online Resources
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games π
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Phonics –
Please revisit all of our new digraph sounds π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee.
Today’s new sound is oa, have a watch of Polly’s video.
Can I write the sound on a whiteboard?
Can I think of a word with the new sound in?
Can I have a go at the read and roll game?
Please see the Seesaw Video for our phonics writing activity.
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Ll.
The Humpty Words of the week are: she, they, all, was
Can I write the words without looking?
(Using paper or the whiteboard from your pack)
Literacy –
Our story this week is - The Tiger who came to Tea.
Today we are going to write our stories, using the ideas you made up yesterday.
What is your title?
Can I write the beginning of the story? (We will do the middle and ending tomorrow)
Can I draw an illustration for my writing?
Here is Miss Collinson’s Story
The Monkey Who Came To Tea
A cheeky monkey came round for tea. He ate all the bananas in my house.
Remember when you are writing to say your sentence, count how many words are in your sentence and say each word slowly. What sounds are in your head? Write the sounds you can hear.
Try to use your finger spaces and full stops too J
(You can use the template attached or your exercise books)
You can watch the story on demand on Channel 4
Reading –
We would love to hear some of your reading this week – I wonder if you could record a little bit and put it on seesaw ? J
Try to read 10 minutes each day π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Maths – Can I count in twos?
Have another go at counting in 2s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20
Can I practise finding one more and one less with the chopper game?
(Choose one more and one less from 1-20, or try the bigger numbers to 20, if you feel confident )
Carrying on with our addition – Watch the White Rose Maths Video to help you complete the activity attached. (Adding more)
Topic Time
EAD – This is the ‘Hey Tiger’ song for the children to enjoy and have a go at learning.
Science – This week we are exploring Milk -
Have a watch of this video explaining where milk comes from and other foods made from milk.
Why not try and make some milkshake yourself?
Rainbow milk Experiment
This lesson will demonstrate the property of surface tension and the effect that soap, a surfactant, has on the surface tension of milk.
(Please see the attached sheet to explain how to do the experiment)
Reception Story Time
Today's story is ‘Tiger Child’ by Joanna Troughton J
Reception 20th January Home Learning
Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 11:15am
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Good morning! It is lovely to see so many of your meals for the tigers in your Home Learning on Seesaw!
Phonics –
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games π
Please revisit all of our new diagraph sounds π
ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee.
Can I write the sounds on a whiteboard?
Can I think of a word for each sound?
Practise reading ch sh th ng in words in this video
Can I have a go at the phonics activity attached? (Circle the correct word)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Kk.
The Humpty Words of the week are: she, they, all, was –
Can I look at them, say the words and write the words?
(Using paper or your whiteboards from your pack)
Literacy –
Our story this week is - The Tiger who came to Tea.
Imagine if a different animal came for tea, how might they behave?
What animal would you choose?
What might they get up to?
Can I draw my own version of the story?
Can I label my pictures?
Here is Miss Collinson’s Story
The Monkey Who Came To Tea
Miss Collinson would choose to have a monkey around for tea, but the monkey was busy pinching all my bananas, he started to jump on the bed and swing from the trees.
(See my story map attached)
You can watch the story on demand on Channel 4 -
Reading – try to read 10 minutes each day π
We would love to hear some of your reading this week – I wonder if you could record a little bit and put it on seesaw J
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Maths – Can I count in twos?
Have another go at counting in 2s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Can you have at using 2ps to help you count in 2s? (Have a go practically if you have some at home, or have a go at the attached sheet)
This week we are looking at addition – Have a watch of the White Rose Maths to help you complete the activity attached. (Combining two groups – it’s the fourth video)
If you have some dominoes at home this will help you with today’s learning
Topic Time
Music – Here is the third week of our music sessions – Teddy Stick
French - Lets start with our fruit conga song -
We have learnt the names of some fruits over the last couple of weeks. This week we’ll move on to vegetables.
Can I say the names of some vegetables in French?
Watch this video and copy the pronunciation. (10 new words if they get tricky, just do your best. We will stick to the same vocabulary next week too.)
Then you can have a go at this game
Please see below the attachments for story time -
Today's story is 'Luna Loves Library Day' by Joseph Coelho and Fiona Lumbersπ
Reception 19th January Home Learning
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 10:47am
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Hello Reception! Here is your learning for today J
Phonics –
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games π
Revisit all our new diagraph daily π - ch, sh, th, ng, qu and ai.
Our new sound today is ee, have a watch of Polly’s video to show you how to make the sound.
Can I write the sound on a whiteboard?
Can I think of some words with the sound?
Can I read these words?
Sheep beep queen feet
Can I read this caption?
The rain is wet.
A bee is in the tree.
Can I have a go at matching the pictures to the correct sound? (See the attached sheet - there are three blank boxes for you to think of your own)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Jj.
The Humpty Words of the week are she, they, all, was –
Can I look at them, say the words and write the words?
(using paper or your whiteboards from your pack)
Literacy –
Our story this week is - The Tiger who came to Tea.
Have another listen to the story.
Can you add some speech / thought bubbles to the illustrations in the story?
What do you think the characters might be thinking or saying in the attached images? (Just choose one to have a go at)
Remember when you are writing a sentence to say it out loud a few times, count how many words are in the sentence, say each word slowly and use your sound mat to help you write the sounds you need.
It has been great to see so many of you using your finger spaces to help you remember the spaces in-between words!
You can watch the story on demand on Channel 4 -
Reading – try to read 10 minutes each day π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Maths – Can I count in twos?
Thinking back to yesterday’s video – when we count in twos, we are grouping two items together, we only say every other number out loud.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Have a go at using items in your house to group objects into piles of two & practise counting out loud in twos.
This week we are looking at addition – Have a watch of the White Rose Maths to help you complete the activity attached. (Combining two groups – it’s the third video)
Topic Time
EAD – Can I have a go at sketching a Tiger?
Have a look at the attached images to give you some inspiration.
Think about the patterns of their fur.
What colours might you need? (You might not want to use the traditional colours)
What will be around your tiger? (Trees, grass, sky, jungle)
Will you use crayons, felt tips, pencil crayons?
Lovely to see some of you having a go at the science experiment, your fruit boats looked amazing π
Reception 18th January Home Learning
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 4:43pm
Monday 18th January 2021
Hello Reception! I hope you had an amazing weekend π
I went on lots of lovely walks with my dog, did some yoga and I watched some good films. I also read some more of my book, which is called Happy. What did you do?
Phonics –
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials
The login is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games π
Revisit all our new diagraphs daily π - ch, sh, th, ng and qu.
Our new sound today is ai. We are now up to Polly's videos.
Watch the video below to learn all about the ai sound.
Can I write the sound on a whiteboard?
Can I think of some words with the ai sound?
Can I read these words?
Rain sail chain plain
Can I have a go at one of the phonics play games?
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter i.
The Humpty Words of the week are she, they, all, was – Can I find these humpty words in my reading books?
Can I write these words?
(using paper or the whiteboards from your pack)
Literacy – We will be continuing with our theme on food.
Our story this week is The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr, watch the story here -
Discuss with your grown up –
What would you do if a tiger turned up at your house?
How would your family react if a tiger wanted to come to tea?
What does the tiger eat in the story?
Can you draw and label what you would make the tiger for his tea? (Use your booklet to do this activity)
You can watch the story on demand on Channel 4 -
Reading – try to read for 10 minutes each day π
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Maths – Can I count backwards from 20?
Can I draw a big number line outside with chalk or mud?
Can you jump on a number that your grown up chooses?
Can you jump forwards and backwards to find one more and one less?
This week in maths we are thinking about making pairs – watch this white rose maths video to help explain what a pair is (it is the second video on the page)
Can I have a go at the making pairs activity attached? – we would love to see your pairs activity on seesaw
Topic Time
RE - How the parish family celebrate.
Talk about the church, the school and all the families you know. We all are part of a parish.
Talk about how we can celebrate in church. Have you have been to a Baptism, Christmas Mass or a Wedding?
Sometimes the parish family celebrates in church and sometimes outside church. Have a look at the pictures attached. Talk about how the parish family celebrates. Who are the people in the pictures? What are the people doing?
Draw a picture of everyone in our school family.
Have a super week everyone π