Foundation Stage- Reception: Blog items

Reception Blog - Friday 5th May 2023

Date: 5th May 2023 @ 1:01pm

This week we have started our topic all about Dinosaurs. We have been learning all about how long ago they lived and the different names of them. We have written sentences and labelled pictures of them. We have also been left two eggs in our outside area, with a note telling us to look after them. The children were very excited, we have cared for them all week and one is starting to crack open - let's see what happens when we are back in on Tuesday!
In maths we have been learning about halving and sharing amounts between two people, making sure that it is same amount.
In French, we recapped numbers to 10,  the days of the week and fruit words to help us understand the story of the Hungry Caterpillar - La chenille qui fait des trous. Well done for joining in everyone!
In science, we talked about fossils and how they help us understand life on earth millions of years ago. We made a model of how fossils are made which we can look at next week. Then the children observed some real fossils. There was lots of great discussion - super scientists in the making!
In RE we have started our new topic all about Good News, during a circle time each child has told the class their good news. During PSHE this week we have looked at different foods from all over the world and talked about which was our favourite.
On Friday we learnt all about the Coronation of King Charles III, we then decorated our own crowns. In the afternoon we all had a picnic on the field, we sang songs and had a dance to celebrate.
We just want to say a big big well done to every child in Reception for their super sports day, they all tried so hard and we are very proud of them all!
Have a lovely bank holiday weekend and we will see you Tuesday!

Reception Blog - Friday 28th April 2023

Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 1:04pm

We have had a fantastic first week back this week. Our topic this half term is about animals. To start, this week we have done about animals under the sea. We have watched David Attenborough's Blue Planet to see them in their natual habitat. Then we made fact sheets about different animals, doing super sentences!
In Maths we have been doubling numbers from 0 to 10, We all know that doubling is adding the same number to itself. We even investigated this in our maths area.
In French, we began to learn the days of the week and we recapped the fruit vocabulary with games. We finished with an animal song. Fantastique!
In Science, we thought about which animals we thought we might see in the school grounds, then went for a walk  to see if we were right. We compared them by thinking about similarities and differences. We talked about why we would not see a polar bear or a bat, for example. 
In PE we have been getting ready for sports day next week, learning all of our different races!
We ended the week doing Earth Day Art. We decided to do this about under the sea animals.

Reception Blog - Thursday 6th April 2023

Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 12:56pm

What a wonderful week we have had this week. Mrs Stone has returned from maternity leave and has enjoyed getting to know all of the children.

Throughout the week we have been learning about the Easter story and drawing pictures of what happened. We have recapped the numbers from 11-20, ordering them and matching them to eggs.

We have enjoyed using our outside area much more this week as the weather has been warmer. We have been watching our frog spawn change and we even went on a little walk to our school pond to have a go at pond dipping!

Towards the end of the week we had our stay and play, with lots of Easter/spring crafts and activities - a big thank you to everyone who came. The children really enjoyed sharing their learning with you.

We hope that everyone has a lovely Easter break and we will see you in 2 weeks!

Reception Blog - Friday 31st March 2023

Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 1:04pm

This week we have continued our learning all about minibeasts as we have been adding mini beasts to our bug hotel, it is very full now!

In science and writing we have been learning all about frog lifecycles, making our own, writing about them and even watching our frog spawn change over the past two weeks. We have also been to check on our bean plants to see how they have been growing in the different areas we left them. The ones in class have grown the most so far.

In maths we have been looking at one more and one less than a number - we have been doing this practically outdoors, jumping along numberlines to solve the questions.

In French, we listened to La legende des Cloches de Paques - the story of the Easter Bells. In France, they say that the bells fall silent at Easter because they have gone to Rome to be blessed. They return on Easter Sunday, dropping chocolate eggs in gardens for children to find. We also learnt a traditional French nursery rhyme about a rabbit - Mon petit lapin a bien du chagrin. 

In music we have continued with the story Handa's surprise and made our own African music.

In come and see we learnt all about the Easter story, the children asked some brilliant questions and could retell parts of the story. We used the Easter story as our art this week, making pictures of what happened.

And on Friday afternoon, we had our last Tots on Tyres session with Mrs Cookson.

Next week our learning will be all about Easter and Spring. We will also welcome Mrs Stone back from her maternity leave!

Reception Blog - Friday 24th March 2023

Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 3:30pm

Our favourite part of this week was our school trip!

We talked about growing plants and keeping them healthy. We planted our own plants and worked together to help each other. After lunch we recycled our packaging and left over food and we even put some in the wormery!

Then it was time for games; a boat race and den building.


Reception Blog - Friday 17th March 2023

Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 12:54pm

This week we have finished our story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We have done great sequencing of the story pictures and retold the whole story using actions.

In Maths we have continued with more addition, looking at one more and less than a number and looking at the part, part, whole model, were you can split a number up and investigate what it makes.

In French this week, we began to learn the vocabulary for family members then we made a card for Mother's Day. We also enjoyed the story of Jacques et les haricots magiques (Jack and the Beanstalk) in French, joining in with the repetitive parts. 

We had PE with Freddy Fit, at first we talked about healthy eating and how to keep our bodies healthy. Then we did dancing, exercises and a game.

We also looked at how the chicks have changed since we saw them last week. They now have feathers!! After this we made our own chick lifecycles and talked about what happens.

Reception Blog - Friday 10th March 2023

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:55pm

On Monday we came into school with clues about our story, after some investigations we discovered that it was for the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Again, we have been using pictures to retell the story which we are half way through and we have talked about speech bubbles and what they are for, writing our own for the characters from thestory.

In Science, we talked about seeds and plants - what are they, where do they come from, what do we need to do to help a seed grow? The children gathered seeds from fruits and chose some to plant. They also decided where to put them to see what difference it makes if they are in a cold/warm place, light/dark, soil/no soil. We'll wait patiently to see if they grow! We have also built our own minibeast hotel together. We searched for minibeasts and where they live and what they like to live near and made our own. Next week will will go on a minibeast hunt and put some in ours.

In Maths we have been looking at addition. We have done lots of talking about what addition means and what happens. The children know to get the amounts, push them together and count how many there are.

In French this week, we read the story of La Petite Poule Rousse (Little Red Hen) to bring together our learning of animal words. The children joined in with the repetitive parts and some were able to give the words for the animals without prompting - super remembering!

In Come and See we have started our topic of growing, which fits perfectly with our topic at the moment. Together we have looked at Spring and what we can see in spring, we have also been painting and drawing pictures of daffodils. We have also been to look in Year 1 at their chick eggs, we talked about how to care for chick eggs, then on Friday once they had hatched we got to see the chicks. Over the next week we will see how they change as they grow.

In Art, we have continued with the story of the Hungry Caterpillar, this week looking at the butterfly and its colours. we have made our own collage butterflies.

We also had a lesson aboout the Japanese festival of Tanabata, which is all about dreams and wishes. Together we made our own dreams and wishes and put them on a bamboo tree.

On Friday, it was time to say goodbye to our Japanese student who has been with us the past two weeks. In the hall during Golden assembly we all performed 'The Swallow' dance which we have been learning with them. 

Reception Blog - Friday 3rd March 2023

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 10:43am

We have loved continuing our story of Oliver's Vegetables this week. We have continued to use talk for writing to retell the story and performed it on our outdoor stage, with Year 1 and Year 6 coming to watch. We did very well! We have also made pea soup, just like Oliver's Grandpa did in the story. From this we have written our own instructions. This week we have also looked at Handa's Surprise and learnt all about fruit. We have done sketches, made our own fruit kebabs to have for snack.

In maths we have looked at 3D shapes this week, learning what they are, their names and their properties. We have sorted shapes in class and we have been on a shape hunt around our school to see what more we can find.

In music this week we did some singing. We split into different groups and had to listen to each group to know when our turn was.

In French this week, we recapped the words for farm animals through songs and games. In science we have been looking at seeds and how they are all different in all of the different fruits.

For art we have been looking at the story of the Hungry Caterpillar, we talked about the different colours we could see on him and made our own.


Reception Blog - Friday 24th February 2023

Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 10:54am

What a fabulous first week back! Big thank you for all of the cress diaries. The children have loved sharing them with us.

We have started our new topic of 'growing' and the children have really enjoyed our story of Oliver's Vegetables. We had a special delivery at the beginning of the week and it has inspired all of the children to write letters and lists all about the food we have received. Throughout the week we have retold the story so far using actions, we have sent this through on seesaw then you can all see how fabulous it is :)

In maths we have been looking at weight and capacity, using lots of vocabulary to talk about what we have found out.

Tuesday was pancake day, so we talked about how to ake them, we all mixed the ingredients, then cooked and ate them.

In Music we have used instruments to explore loud and soft sounds.

In the afternoons we have been exploring different fruits and vegetables, sorting them, looking at their seeds, what they look like and how they grow! We have even done drawings of the patterns we can see in different vegetables.

In RE we all talked about Lenten promises, what they were and what we could do. Each child has done their own and stuck it on our wall for everyone to see.

In French this week we began to learn the words for some farm animals through a song, game and story. The children are gaining confidence with greetings, answering simple questions about themselves in French - fantastique!

The Friday afternoon was time for PE and tots on tyres!

Reception Blog - Friday 20th January 2023

Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 11:29am

We have had another great week doing about the story of Zog. We have been labelling pictures of Zog using describing words and putting them into sentences!

In phonics we have played cross the river, we have done this reading or writing words with our new digraphs in. These are sh, ch and qu.

In maths we have been subitising - saying what the amount is without counting. We have also been sorting random amounts from 6-10 and counting to and from 20.

On Tuesday afternoon we had snow and ice on our school grounds, so we got our wellies on and went for a walk all the way to our pond, which we discovered was frozen!! On our way we talked about what we could see and hear. We saw frost on the trees, but we could also hear it melting, as it was dripping on the ground.

In Come and See we did the story of Jesus meeting Simeon and Anna at the temple, we made our own candles to show Jesus being the light of the world.

We have really enjoyed celebrating Chinese new year too! We looked at how it is celebrated and planned our own celebration. We had dragon dancing, food tasting and we even made our own flags and chinese lanterns. We even looked at the Atlas's and talked about what we could see on the maps, we saw rivers, mountains, the sea and much more!

In PE we have started our Tots on Tyres progamme and we have also done yoga.

A big well done to everyone on another super week!


Reception Blog - Friday 13th January 2023

Date: 13th Jan 2023 @ 12:48pm

We have had a great week starting our new topic of Julia Donaldson and the story of Zog. This week we have been retelling the story using story props, it was lots of fun! We have also been using our sounds to write short words on our own in Phonics.

In maths, we have been subitising when looking at different amounts. Then we have put these amounts in order, creating our own numberlines.

In Phonics we have done the sounds: x, y, z and zz and we have learnt new games to help us with our learning, called 'read, read, run' and 'phonic detectives.'

In French this week, we began to learn the words for different fruit. We enjoyed doing the conga to a fruity song - J'aime les fruits!
In Science, we looked at our teeth and how to keep them healthy. We put some eggs in different liquids such as coke, milk, orange juice to see how the liquid will affect the egg shell after a week. The same thing might happen to our teeth if we don't clean them properly. We also looked at some sheep skulls and compared sheep teeth to ours.
We have started our new topic of Celebrations for Come and See, if you have any photos of celebrations that the children have taken part in please send them to us over Seesaw.
In Art this week we have created our initials in Braille. We looked at the artist Clarke Reynolds, who is the UK's first Braille artist to inspire our work.
What a busy week!
Next week we will continue with the story of Zog, see you Monday, Reception.

Reception Blog - Friday 6th January 2023

Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 12:47pm

We have had a great first week back in school.

All of the children have remembered all of our routines and have enjoyed telling us all about their Christmas holidays.

This week we have started our new mini topic of Winter. We have been making snow villages and winter scenes. We have done the j, v and w sounds in phonics and learnt the tricky words 'he' and 'she', doing lots of games to help us remember them.

We have also been making a junk model castle for our small world area, all taking turns in helping each other, ready for our Julia Donaldson topic starting next week and the story Zog.

For this term, we will collect reading book bags in on a Monday, change them and hand them back out on a Tuesday.


Reception Blog - Friday 16th December 2022

Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 11:55am

We have had a fantastic last week in Reception, from Christmas crafts to Christmas jumper day, carol singing, Christmas lunch and much more!

A big well done to every child for all of their hardwork this term! 

Lots of rest and family time and we will see you in 2023!

The Reception Team


Here is the new edition of our Learning Times.

Learning times Front Cover.png

Reception Blog - Friday 9th December 2022

Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 11:46am

A big well done to all of Reception for their first school Nativity this week. The children did amazing and sang their hearts out. 

This week we have been making presents out of numicon, writing letters to Father Christmas, singing carols, looking at the change in the weather and making all of our Christmas crafts to bring home next week!

In French this week, we sang and danced to some snowy songs to warm ourselves up. We loved la danse des pingouins! In Science we learnt about the importance of washing our hands to stop the spread of germs. We talked about when and how to wash them properly.
See you next week for lots more Christmas fun!

Reception Blog - Friday 2nd December 2022

Date: 2nd Dec 2022 @ 2:18pm

We have had a great week this week!

We have been on a trip to Longton Library. We lisened to a story about the Fire service, then we made our own Fireman or Firewoman bookmark. We had great manners, listening to the story so well.

We also had a visit from a Paramedic this week. Mr Brown came into speak to us about his job. We got to hear all of the stories about his job and what his equipment is for - even trying some of it out ourselves. We all know to call 999 if someone is poorly.

We finished this week with our sponsored Santa Dash! the whole school took part together on the playgroud!

Next week we start the Jolly Christmas Postman and our Christmas crafts. Don't forget our Nativity on Tuesday!

Reception Blog - Friday 25th November 2022

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 12:38pm

This week we have been having lots of fun going to the Circus with Ninja Nan.

As this has been our story of the week we have talked about all the different acts that Ninja Nan saw at the circus and had a fabulous go at writing about them. We have drawn some lovely pictures.

In Maths we have been learning about repeating patterns and enjoyed using interactive games for this. Also we have been measuring different objects with cubes and discussing which is longer and shorter. 

We have looked at toys from the past and how they are different from the ones we have today and even that some toys we have today have been around for a very long time! From this we are going to make our own toys, therefore we have planned what we want to make and what we will use. If you have any junk modelling things at home please bring them in next week. For example: boxes, tubes, egg boxes, lids etc. 

in French we practised counting, getting faster and faster! Then we recapped body parts by singing tete, epaules, genoux, pieds and reading a story about Grand Monstre Vert. 
In Science, we talked about the effects of exercise on our body and why it is good for building strong muscles and bones and keeping a healthy weight. We had lots of fun trying the different exercises.
Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you all on Monday 

Reception Blog - Friday 18th November 2022

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 1:05pm

We have had another fabulous week doing Supertato this week!

On Monday we got a video message from the police asking for our help to catch the evil pea. All this week he has been causing mischief in our classroom, from trapping vegetables under things, to sticking them to the table. We have been detectives going round the classroom looking for clues to capture him and we have made wanted posters, desribing what evil pea looks like. On Friday we found him in the school kitchen! Trapped in a block of ice! We have also made our own Supertato's and made up our own stories!

On Tuesday we had a visit from Freddy Fit, he talked to us about keeping healthy and we did a PE lesson with him.

In Maths this week we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have been sorting them and making pictures with them. We also went around school looking for different objects that are like 2D shapes.

We have started our new topic on Birthdays and celebrations in RE. If you have some photos of celebrations the children have been too recently, please could you send them in for us to show to one another.

Continuing our topic of people who help us, we have been learning about the Police and what they do and we have made our own England flag, getting us ready for the World Cup starting on Sunday!

Next week our story is based around the circus!

Have a lovely weekend Reception and we will see you next week. 

Reception Blog - Friday 11th November 2022

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 12:34pm

We have had another great week this week!

Our story has been Supertato! we have had hidden evil pea's around the classroom and have used positional language to find out their location. We have done lots of superhero writing. Also, we talked about healthy food. We peeled and chopped vegetables to make our own soup that we even got to try! It was delicious!

This week has been Judaism week. We have learnt about the Jewish Religion and made our own Menorah Candles!

In French this week, we recapped numbers and colours, then we joined in with a fireworks poem. We added actions to show we understood. We also talked about French traditions for Remembrance Day - French people add cornflowers to their wreaths as well as poppies because the blue reminds them of the soldier's uniforms. From this we made our own collaged flowers, either a poppy or a cornflower. You will be able to see them in our classroom window!

In maths this week we have been doing alot more counting forwards and backwards within 10, we have also used the language more and less to describe where numbers are on a numberline. 

During our afternoons we have been talking about all of the different people who can help us, in school, at home and in the community. We have opened a Vets roleplay area this week and all of the children have loved going into it to look after the animals. This week we also looked at animals who can help us and we were lucky enough to meet Mr Maloney's schhol dog called Poppy, who came into class. Poppy goes into Mr Maloney's school to work with children when they have different feelings.

Next week it is more Supertato adventures!

Reception Blog - Friday 4th November 2022

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 3:36pm

We have had a great week of spooky learning in Reception this week!

We have been doing the story of Funnybones, we have all retold the story and had a go at writing some words from the story. 

In maths we have been doing lots of counting to 10 and back. We also looked at different ways to make 5, it was even more fun doing it with spooky shapes!

We have enjoyed being very creative, making skeleton pictures, firework paintings, spider hats and learning a song dance all about the bones in the body.

We had a fantastic stay and play on Thursday. A big thank you for coming and joining in with your child's learning.

Have a lovely and safe weekend with the bonfire celebrations and we will see you on Monday!


Reception Blog - Thursday 20th October 2022

Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 4:01pm

We have had the most fantastic week this week!

We have been learning all about the story Kipper's Birthday. We have made our own party invitations, birthday cards, party hats and we have we have done our own shopping list for our own party.

In maths we have been looking at ordering numbers, lots of counting and finding missing numbers on a numberlne.

We went for our first trip to Longton Park. The children were very well behaved and had big smiles on their faces the whole time.

We went into Church and joined in with the Harvest Celebration.

We finished our half term looking at the Artist Wassily Kandinsky, the children loved making their own circle art drawings!

Have a lovely half term with lots of rest and we will see you on Monday 31st October for our spooky learning!

Reception Blog Friday 14th October

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 12:32pm

This week we have been doing the story The Three Little Pigs. We have listened to different versions of the story and talked about how they have been different, we have retold the story using puppets, drawn story maps, made pig biscuits, written instructions and made our own roleplay masks. Whilst we have been choosing in our areas we have been building lots of different houses.

In maths we have been looking at the numbers 5,6 and 7. We have counted and made the numbers in different ways using numicon.

In PE we have been doing lots of throwing and catching. 

In PSHE we made our own friendship bracelets and chose to give them to our friends in class. We also have started looking at Baptisms in our RE.

When we have been looking at Autumn we have been sorting the different coloured leaves and talking about how they have changed even more.

What a busy week! Next week our story is Kipper's Birthday!


Reception Friday 7th October 2022

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 12:18pm

This week we have been doing the story of Elmer. We have retold the story, made our own Elmer puppets and have been talking about what Elmer said. We loved looking at his patchwork colours.

In Maths we have been looking at the numbers 3,4 and 5. we have counted and drawn pictures to respresent the numbers.

Mrs Stone came in to visit us with her baby, which was lovely. All of the children sat so beautifully and quiet and even sang 'twinkl twinkl little star to her!' We have been learning about growing from a baby to a grown up the last few weeks, so seeing how it starts was great!

In PE we did climbing, balancing and moving in different ways.

With Mrs Winter in Music, we all had a go playing the claves and in French we learnt a new song with the numbers 1 to 10, then we did our colour words with a song, game and a story. Tres bon effort, tous! Well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend and we will see you Monday!

Reception Blog Friday 30th September

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 3:42pm

We have had a fantastic week in Reception!

For Literacy this week we have done the book My Family. We have drawn who lives with us and we have hunted for our name and practiced writing it. We also made faces using different materials.

We had Music with Mrs Winter singing the song 'Crunching through the leaves.' In French with Mrs Quilliam we began to learn colours as well as recapping all the language we have learnt so far. Mrs Quilliam loves that all the children say ‘Bonjour’ when they see her around school – well done everyone! A big thank you to Mrs Nowak who came in to read a story in Polish for European Day of Languages Dzi?kuj?!

We have also done lots of smelling this week, as we've been focussing on the sense of smell. The garlic was very strong, but we recognised the ginger as gingerbread men!

On Friday afternoon we did lots of learning about the primary colours. We also experimented about what happens when you mix them up! we used paint and food colouring.

Have a look at the pictures to see all the fun we have had this week!

If you can, please send a pair of wellies in next week with your child (labelled) as the weather has changed we will need them for going outdoors.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you on Monday!


Reception - Friday 23rd September 2022

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 4:06pm

We have all had another amazing week in Reception. We are all remembering our routines and showing great concentration doing our morning activities. (Which was a new addition for our routine this week)

We started learning Phonics this week. We have all learnt the sounds s, a, t and thought of our own words that begin with these sounds. Next week we will be learning the sounds p, i, n.

In French this week, we recapped the words and songs we have already learnt then we practised counting to 5 in French. We began to say how old we are. We also looked at how French people greet each other - lots of kissing! 
In Science we went outside to look for signs of autumn and did lots of talking about what/where/when /why the leaves change colour, trees bear fruit and what the animals do as it begins to get colder. We had lots of good ideas and used our finding to make different pictures. 

Thank you everyone for coming to our 'Meet the Teacher' last night. Enjoy retelling stories using the books and please still bring in your book bags everyday so we can read with the children too. We're giving you a little longer to complete the tasks, therefore the next time they will be changed is Monday 3rd October. 

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Reception Blog Friday 16th September

Date: 16th Sep 2022 @ 3:54pm

We have a great week in Reception!

We have all come in and remembered our routines from last week. We have done lots of name games to learn all of our friends names. In Art we have have painted a picture of ourselves. During our first PE lesson, we focussed on getting changed and did very well.

We had our first Music Lesson with Mrs Winter, we sang nursery rhymes and clapped to the beat of songs.

We also had our first French lesson with Mrs Quilliam. We looked at the globe to see where we live and where France is. We all managed a whole sentence in French - Je m'appelle..... I am called ..... and listened and joined in with the songs Frere Jacques and Meunier tu dors. We also learnt au revoir - goodbye. 

On Friday we went to Golden Assembly with the whole school and had our first Phonics lesson about the sounds.

See you next week!

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
