Foundation Stage- Reception: Blog items
Reception Blog - Friday 28th June 2024
Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 12:43pm
Welcome to Reception's Friday Blog!
This week Mrs Stone's group have revisited all phase 3 Phonics.
Mrs Robinson's group have learnt consonant clusters, focussing on the second consonant, for example fr (from), gr (green), pl (plan).
Mrs Cliffe's group have been revisiting igh and oa and all our tricky words too.
Drawing Club
This week we have discussed what our favourite stories and clips have been from Drawing Club, this year. We each drew and wrote about the beginning, middle and end of the one we chose.
This week we have been learning about weight and capacity.
This week we have been investigating what Jesus looked like, the clothes he wore and where he lived.
Physical Development
This week we completed different games and took part in a team game called rat and cat.
We also took part in the whole school performance of Dance from the Heart.
Expressive Art and Design
We finished our whole class collage of the London skyline. We then chose our own landmark to draw and add to the collage. We focussed on getting the correct shapes. Click here to see our gallery!
We also finished our Under the Sea Matchbox Art! - Click here to see our gallery!
Super Learning Day
We had an amazing first Super Learning Day. We took part in lots of different activities; a beetle drive, a classroom festival, drawing Disney characters, bowling and bracelet making to name a few! We were taken around by the Year 6 group leaders and had a picnic lunch on the playground.
Forest School
This week we chose our own learning- there was mud kitchen cooking, shelter building, digging and game playing.
We went to look at the beans which have been growing in our school garden. We opened a pod to discover the beans inside. We also opened some pea pods and ate a pea!
Reception Blog - Friday 21st June 2024
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 2:33pm
This week Mrs Stone's group have revisited all phase 3 Phonics sounds.
Mrs Robinson's group have started to learn Phase 4. We have been tuning into the penultimate consonant in words, for example must (st), went (nt) and chimp (mp).
Mrs Cliffe's group have been revisiting igh and tricky words.
Drawing Club
This week we have been watching clips from Roadrunner.
We designed our own super-fast friend for roadrunner, and thought of a new way to capture the coyote.
This week we continued to make different amounts with money.
This week we continued to learn about being a good neighbour.
We discussed what we remembered from the story of the Good Samaritan and we drew our own pictures of us being kind to others.
This week, as part of transition to Year 1, we thought about different questions to ask the teachers.
Physical Development
This week we completed obstacle courses and team games.
Expressive Art and Design
We continued with our matchbox art this week, adding the different parts, like sand, the sea and sea animals.
We started a whole class collage of a London cityscape.
Forest School
We learnt about the summer solstice. This means that in the northern hemisphere, where we live, the sun is at its highest point in the sky. It's also the longest day of the year - and the shortest night.This day falls on Saturday 22nd June. We made sun decorations using wool.
Reception Blog - Friday 14th June 2024
Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 12:45pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the ear, air and ure sounds.
Mrs Robinson's group have been revisiting all phase 3 sounds, ready for phase 4 to start next week.
Mrs Cliffe's group have revisited the ai and ee sounds.
Drawing Club
This week we have been writing all about a place that is special to us.
We have all written it beautifully, ready for it to be displayed in school for everyone to see.
This week we have been learning about money and counting out the correct amounts.
This week continued to learn about being a good neighbour. We listened to the story of the Good Samaritan and discussed what happened in the story.
This week, as part of transition to Year 1, we discussed what we are looking forward to learning when we move to our next class.
Physical Development
We had a theatre company visit school this week.
We all learnt a dance related to the Olympics.
Understanding the World
We sorted pictures of different vehicles that are on land, the sea, in the air and on tracks.
Expressive Art and Design
We started a new project, making our own landscapes. We decided to make an under the sea landscape. We looked at different pictures on the computer and made our own.
Forest School
In our session we learnt how to use a spade, a hoe and a rake safely. Then we decided on our own learning. We made some delicious food in the mud kitchen, played hide and seek and climbed trees. We showed superb co-operation, teamwork, imagination and creativity.
#30 Days Wild
This week we all took part in our 30 days wild activity. We explored our outdoors and collected items to make our own bookmark.
Reception Blog - Friday 7th June 2024
Date: 6th Jun 2024 @ 4:18pm
This week Mrs Stone's group have been revisiting the oi and ow sounds. Mrs Robinson's groups have been revisiting the tri-graphs air, ur and ear. Mrs Cliffe's group have been revisiting our phase 3 digraphs and tricky words.
Drawing Club
We have been watching clips from the TV show Wacky Races. We have loved this!
We have designed our own wacky car and refilling station and we have written about them.
This week we have been investigating the numbers 18 and 19 in more detail.
This week we have been learning about being a good neighbour, which is one of the ten commandments.
We talked about what a good neighbour is and how we can be one.
We also sorted some pictures of how we can be a good neighbour with others.
This half term we will be focussing on transition from the end of Reception to Year 1.
This week we talked about our time in Reception. We talked about what we remembered and looked at pictures and videos on seesaw.
Physical Development
We started our PE unit of dance.
We have all been moving as different animals, exploring the bottom, middle and top space and travelling to music.
Understanding the World
To start our new topic, we discussed what vehicles are. We then went onto our school car park and made a tally chart of the different vehicles that we saw coming past school.
We also started a new topic about London. We looked at a map of the UK and found where London is. We shared what we know about London now.
*If you have anything London related at home or you have been to London, please feel free to send them in with your child for our interests table.
Expressive Art and Design
We made a special card for next weekend, but it is a secret, we will bring it home next week!
Forest School
We went for a walk to look at all the different types of grasses and flowers growing. We picked a few and made a piece of natural art by weaving through card. We were so focused on our weaving and we concentrated really hard.
Reception Blog - Friday 24th May 2024
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 2:03pm
This week Mrs Stone's and Mrs Robinson's groups have been revisiting all the phonics taught so far. Mrs Cliffe's group have been learning the new tricky words little,what and out.
Drawing Club
We have been reading the story Dear Zoo this week.
We made our own page for the story, with a flap hiding the animal.
We also designed our own scary animal.
This week we have learnt about sharing amounts.
This week we have been discussing the word fellowship and its meaning. We all know that it means together, we talked about how we are together as a class, as one big team.
Physical Development
We have been continuing to practise our bat and ball skills. We have also been practising our Dance From the Heart.
Understanding the World
We had a fantastic visit to Blackpool Zoo, finishing our topic of animals. We explored the enclosures and animals, recapping our learning about extinct animals, fossils, habitats and maps! A fantastic trip and the children were totally golden, showing their excellent listening skills and beautiful manners.
Forest School
This week we read the story of Firey Fox again and discussed the ways we keep safe around the fire. We worked in pairs to prepare our campfire quesadillas. We organised ourselves to spread the tomato sauce and cheese on the tortillas. We watched Mrs Corbett light the fire and discussed how the fire is started. The quesadillas were fried in a pan on the fire. They were delicious!
We also had time for our own play and showed great communication, teamwork and imagination.
#30 Days Wild
As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.
Reception Blog - Friday 17th May 2024
Date: 16th May 2024 @ 8:25am
This week Mrs Stone's and Mrs Robinson's groups learnt the new sound er. Mrs Cliffe's group have been revisiting sounds already taught.
Drawing Club
We have been watching and discussing clips from the TV programme Mr Benn.
We have been thinking how to make the zoo animals happy in their enclosures and creating new zoo animals.
This week we have continued to revisit addition and subtraction using different games. We have also revisited 3D shapes and repeating patterns.
This week we learnt about Pentecost being the birthday of the Church and we discussed how the Holy Spirit helps us.
Physical Development
We learnt bat and ball skills. We also played our first team game.
Expressive Arts and Design
We have been investigating and describing animal patterns, trying to finish the patterns ourselves.
Understanding the World
This week we continued to learn about maps. We have been exploring Blackpool Zoo's map, ready for our class trip next week!
Forest School
We went for a circular walk around our top field and noticed many changes. We saw some butterflies and listened to all the different bird songs.
We used clay and natural materials to make forest faces. We all showed great imagination and creativity.
Reception Blog - Friday 10th May 2024
Date: 10th May 2024 @ 2:24pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the new sound oi. Mrs Robinson's and Mrs Cliffe's groups have been revisiting sounds already taught.
Drawing Club
We have been reading the story Dinosaur Department store.
We drew our own dinosaur department store and we drew what our dinosaurs would do if they escaped.
This week we have been learning about addition and subtraction.
We continued to learn about Pentecost.
We talked about the coming of the Holy Spirit and it feeling like the wind again, finishing our poster together.
Physical Development
We have been balancing, jumping, developing our racket skills and playing cricket.
Expressive Arts and Design
We have started an art project about landscapes.
This week we painted pieces of paper, we then tore them to make our landscapes and dinosaur land.
Understanding the World
This week we continued to learn about maps. We made a map of last week's trip to the library.
Forest School
We remembered how to use the hammers safely. We used them to make patterns on cardboard by hammering nails and screws on their side.
We also had a great time playing behing the hedge, making up stories, climbing trees and running free!
Reception Blog - Friday 3rd May 2024
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 12:48pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the sounds ow and ur. Mrs Robinson's and Mrs Cliffe's groups have been revisiting sounds already taught.
Drawing Club
We have been reading the story 'Am I yours?'
We drew the journey the egg went on and wrote about our drawings.
This week we have been learning about addition and subtraction.
We continued to learn about Pentecost.
We talked about the coming of the Holy Spirit. What it was and what it might have felt like.
Physical Development
A big well done to all of the children on their first sports day!
Expressive Arts and Design
We made fossil pictures using sand, glue and pasta.
Understanding the World
This week we have been extending our vocabulary by learning the word extinct. We have been learning what this means and looking at animals from the past that are extinct, like; a sabre toothed tiger and a wooly mammoth.
We also had a fabulous walk to Longton Library this week. Nick read two stories to us about under the sea animals and we made our own crab!
Reception Blog - Friday 26th April 2024
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 12:38pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the sounds or and ar. Mrs Robinson's group learnt the oi and ear sounds.
Drawing Club and Understanding the World
We have been watching video clips of Blue Planet. We have been writing facts about the different sea animals we watched and then thought of an adventure for one to go on.
We have also been drawing maps of our School.
This week we have been learning about pattern spotting, subitising and looking at our teen numbers again.
We discussed Pentecost and the story from last week, where Jesus promised the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Then we read the story from the bible about Jesus going back to his Father in Heaven.
Physical Development
We continued to practice for sports day.
Expressive Arts and Design
This week we painted our clay minibeasts.
Forest School
We learnt how to use hammers safely. We then used the hammers, tracing paper, fabric and wild flowers to learn about hapa zome printing. This means 'leaf dye'. It is a Japanese technique of smashing flowers and leaves into fabric. We made some bunting for our classroom.
Reception Blog - Friday 19th April 2024
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 1:28pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the sounds or and ar. Mrs Robinson's group learnt the ur and ow sounds.
Drawing Club
This week we started our new topic about animals.
We have been reading the story of Tiddler. We thought about ways for Tiddler to escape from the net and how he can escape from a shark.
This week we have been learning the doubles of numbers 1 to 10.
We revisited the events of Holy week. We then discussed Pentecost and Jesus promising the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Understanding the World
This week was very exciting. We came back and found our caterpillars in cocoons. Throughout the week we have seen two butterflies hatch from the cocoons. We talked about what they were doing. On Friday we opened the net for them to fly away.
We have also been on a mini beast hunt this week.
Physical Development
This week we started to practice for sports day. Date in newsletter - Thursday 2nd May.
Expressive Arts and Design
We made minibeasts out of clay and we have been using natural equipment to make our own minibeasts.
Forest School
We watched Mrs Corbett light a fire and then we cooked some popcorn!
What a fantastic first week back!
Reception Blog - Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 12:51pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the long and short oo sounds. Mrs Robinson's group learnt the or and ar sounds.
Maths and Drawing Club
This week we have been completing our end of term assessments.
We revisited the events of Holy week, including Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
We also learnt about Easter Sunday.
Understanding the World
We learnt about the life cycle of a caterpillar.
Physical Development
This week we started to learn the dance for the Dance from the Heart show in June.
Expressive Arts and Design
This week we made our own Easter cards.
We hope you all have a fantastic Easter holiday and we will see you all on Monday 15th April in your Summer uniforms.
The Reception Team
Reception Blog - Friday 22nd March 2024
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 12:52pm
This week we have recapped all of our sounds so far.
We have been learning about length and time.
Drawing Club
This week we have been reading the story; Tad.
We have drawn our own 'big blub' character who lurks at the bottom of the pond.
We have been revisiting the events of Holy week, including Palm Sunday and Good Friday.
We also discussed Spring and growth.
Understanding the World
We learnt about the lifecycle of a frog.
We went for a walk to our school pond to see which mini beasts were there.
Physical Development
This week we have been balancing beanbags on rackets, focussing on our hand eye coordination.
We all had our final session of Yoga with Hannah today. We all revisited everything we have learnt so far this year and it was fantastic. A big thank you to Hannah.
Forest School
We played a hide and seek game with soft toys.
We also built shelters using ropes, tarps and mats. We all showed great team-work, communication and resilience.
Easter Egg Raffle
Next week we will have our Easter Egg raffle. If you want to buy a ticket for your child, just send the money in an envelope and we will sort it. It is 50p a ticket.
Reception Blog - Friday 15th March 2024
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 12:44pm
This week Mrs Stone's group have been learning the igh and oa sounds. Mrs Robinson's group have been learning the long oo and short oo sounds.
We have been learning about number bonds to 5 and 10.
Drawing Club
This week we have been reading the story; Jasper's Beanstalk. We had a beanstalk appear in class! At the end of the week it even got chopped down!
We have been writing the beginning,middle and end of the story and we even thought of our own ending.
We have been learning about the events of Holy week, specifically Palm Sunday. We listened to a story about Jesus arriving in Jerusalem. We learnt the word Hosanna, which is what the people shouted to him. We each made our own palm leaves and acted out the story together.
Understanding the World
We learnt how a plant grows.
Expressive Arts and Design
This week we have had a lesson with the Japanese students all about oragami. We each made our own oragami art.
We wish the best of luck to them as they travel back to Japan this weekend. The children have loved having them in class.
Stay and Play
A big thank you to everyone who came to our stay and play.
Reception Blog - Friday 8th March 2024
Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 12:52pm
This week we have been learning the igh and oa sounds.
We have been learning about subtraction and 3D shapes.
Drawing Club
We have been learning about non-fiction writing. We have been writing labels and facts about chicks.
We have been learning about the events of Holy week, specifically Good Friday. We talked about Jesus dying on Good Friday.
Understanding the World
We went on our first trip to Bring Yer Wellies. This has enhanced our learning about growing. We learnt what plants need to grow and planted our own lemon thyme. We also looked at a wormery and what foods worms eat. We then did team building acitvities; den building and boatracing.
Expressive Arts and Design
On Friday we had a whole school yoga day.
Reception Blog - Friday 1st March 2024
Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 3:29pm
This week we have been learning the ai and ee sounds.
We have been learning about one less than a number. We have been looking at number sentences and using beanbags to help us take an amount away.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story; The Odd Egg.
We predicted what would be in the duck's egg. Then we designed our own machine to open the egg and drew how we would care for a baby crocodile.
We continued talking about Lent and revisited our Lenten promises. We listened to a story all about being sorry and talked about what we can do to make people feel better.
Understanding the World
We continued our new topic about Africa. This week we looked at atlas', maps and globes to help us find Africa. We talked about what the different colours meant and what they could be. The children were fascinated with the animals that lived in certain parts of Africa. We then created our own maps of Africa.
Expressive Arts and Design
In Art, we have been painting pictures of daffodils.
We learnt how to brush our teeth. We also watched a story song called The Pantosaurus by the NSPCC, which tells us how important it is to keep what is in our underpants private and to ourselves.
Reception Blog - Friday 23rd February 2024
Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 10:43am
This week we have been revisiting all of the sounds we have learnt so far.
We have been learning about one more than a number and playing bingo to find one more.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story; Oliver's Vegetables.
We discussed what happens in the beginning, middle and end of the story. Then we designed our own character to come and steal some vegetables in the night.
We started our week learning all about Lent. We listened to the bible story about Jesus in the desert. We then talked about what we would promise to do in Lent.
We learnt about the Great Commandment, Loving God. We discussed how we show love to one another.
Understanding the World
We have explored different fruits and vegetables.
We started our new topic about Africa. To begin this we listened to the story Handa's Surprise. We looked at a map to find Africa and talked about its size compared to England.
Expressive Arts and Design
In Art, we have been using foods to make face pictures.
Forest School
We went into our very muddy nature area. Our learning was brilliant, we cooked, mixed up the mud, investigated the puddles, looked at the flowers and played games.
We also enjoyed exploring our new shelters.
Reception Blog - Thursday 8th February 2024
Date: 7th Feb 2024 @ 1:00pm
This week Mrs Stone's group have been learning the ng and th sounds. Mrs Robinson's group have revised all of the digraphs we have learned this half term.
We have been learning about weight, using the vocabulary heavy and light.
We have also been learning about teen numbers using tens and ones.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story; The Paper Dolls.
We designed our own paper dolls and created an adventure for them to go on.
We continued our discussions about people around the world not having enough food and drink and how they might feel. We talked about what others can do to help them.
Understanding the World
We finished our topic about China. This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year. Then we celebrated with our own China themed afternoon!
Expressive Arts and Design
In Art, we have been making lots of crafts for valentines day!
We also made our own chinese lanterns.
Reception Blog - Friday 2nd February 2024
Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 8:36am
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the qu, ch and sh sounds. Mrs Robinson's group learnt the ng and th sounds.
We learnt about 3D shapes, we found them in class and sorted them into groups.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story; The Smeds and the Smoos.
We drew the setting of the story and designed our own adventure.
We revisited the story of Jesus feeding the 5000.
We had a discussion about people around the world not having food and drink and how they might feel.
Understanding the World
We learnt more about space. This week we focussed on rockets. We investigated our ideas through an experiment with paper mice and bottles, seeing how far they travel.
We continued our topic about China. We learnt about their schools and about the language they speak.
Expressive Arts and Design
In Art, we made our own planets using pipettes, watered down paint and food colouring. We watched how the colours mixed together and soaked into the paper.
In PE we practised throwing and catching in pairs.
Reception Blog - Friday 26th January 2024
Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 3:59pm
This week Mrs Stone's group learnt the x, y, z and zz sounds. Mrs Robinson's group learnt the qu, ch and sh sounds.
We learnt numbers from 11-20, specifically 11, 12 and 13. We then made these with numicon.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story; Zog
We designed our own dragon and we drew what we would do to save the princess locked in the tower.
We read the story of Jesus feeding the 5000. We then role played the story and made our own baskets of food.
Understanding the World
We learnt more about space. This week we focussed on astronauts.
We continued our topic about China. We learnt what a map was and then explored different maps of China.
Expressive Arts and Design
In PE we practised balancing and rolling. We used large balls and attempted to roll them through a target.
Reception Blog - Friday 19th January 2024
Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 12:54pm
This week Mrs Stone's group have been learning the j,v and w sounds. Mrs Robinson's group have been learning the x, y, z and zz sounds.
We have been learning about partitioning numbers and all the different ways a number can be made. For example, the number 7 can be made with 3+4, 6+1, 5+2.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story; The Night Pirates.
We designed our own pirate ships and described the treasure found on the desert island.
We learned about the story of Jesus blessing the children. We lit a candle and said a prayer.
Understanding the World
We had the surprise of snow this week, this has been brilliant to help us learn more about Winter!
We have continued learning about space. This week we have focussed on the diffferent planets.
We continued our topic about China. We compared buildings in China to buildings in England. We also learnt about the Great Wall of China, which the children found fascinating.
Expressive Arts and Design
In PE we continued to practise our under arm throwing, balancing and rolling. We used large balls to roll to our partner.
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:14pm
With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review Online Safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be continuing with their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas.
Self image and identitiy
Online relationships
Online bulllying
Health, Well-being and lifestyle
Online reputation
Managing online information
Copyright and ownership
To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.
Reception Blog - Friday 12th January 2024
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 12:48pm
We have had a great start to the New Year, in Reception.
This week we have been recapping our sounds from Autumn Term and we have learned the j,v and w sounds.
We have been counting out different amounts from 0-10, we then sorted these amounts into more and less.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story; Charlie Cook's Favourite Book.
We created our own characters and used our imaginations to create adventures for them. We had a go at using our sounds to write words.
We learned all about the Three Kings who visited Jesus after he was born. We learned their names, the gifts they brought and how long it took them to travel to Bethlehem. We read The Glory Be prayer together.
Understanding the World
We have been learning all about space and what it is. We learned about the size difference between the sun, earth and the moon.
We started our new topic, all about China. We looked at a globe to see where China is and looked at a map to see what is in China.
Expressive Arts and Design
In music, with Mrs Winter, we have been learning about beat and rhythm.
In PE we focussed on our under arm throwing and balancing, using different parts of our bodies.
Forest School
We learned all about fire safety and collected dry materials to make a fire. We then boiled water in the Kelly Kettle to make a delicious hot chocolate drink.
Reception Blog - Thursday 21st December 2023
Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 12:37pm
We have had a great week!
On Monday, we watched the All Hallows Roadshow in Church. We saw lots of performances, including singing, dancing and playing instruments. On Monday afternoon we enjoyed our stay and play. Please see the photos here
On Tuesday, we watched the Year 6 children lead the Christingle service.
On Wednesday, we had a special assembly for Mr Mears before he leaves for Australia and then Year 5 came to read their poems to us.
On Thursday, we had our last golden assembly of the term.
We just want to say a big well done to every child in Reception for a brilliant first term in school.
They have all been amazing learners every day.
We hope that you all have a great Christmas with your loved ones and we will see you in January!
The Reception Team
Reception Blog - Friday 15th December 2023
Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 12:44pm
Thank you for coming to see our Nativity. The children were fantastic and we are very proud!
Phonics - We revisited the sounds and tricky words we learnt this term.
Maths - We practised counting to and from 10, and we made 10 using different practical equipment.
Drawing Club- We learnt about the Christmas Story. We then drew our favourite picture from it.
We learnt about the Three Kings and how they heard of Jesus' birth. We then made our own gifts for baby Jesus.
Understanding the World
We had a visit from the Dogs Trust. Sam taught us how to be safe around dogs and how to treat them well so that they have a happy life.
We had a great assembly on Friday. Jacob came from Rock Steady and we joined in as he played the drums, bass guitar and a keyboard. If you would like your child to join up please see the letter your child has brought home today for more details.
Expressive Art and Design
We made our junk model toys and evaluated them by saying what we liked about them.
Forest School
We made a story stick by knotting and tying ribbon. We attached a bell onto the stick by using a wire. We used our imagination to say what out stick could do!
Finally, as part of the Co-op campaign, each child in Reception has come home with a reflective arm band tonight. This is for safe walking in the dark.
Reception Blog - Friday 8th December 2023
Date: 7th Dec 2023 @ 12:49pm
Drawing Club, Phonics and Maths
This week has been assessment week.
We have been learning about the importance of the manger after listening to a different version of the Nativity story. We used the manger to role play the Nativity story.
Understanding the World
We discussed toys from the past and toys which we have now. We compared toys and recognised how they are similar and different.
Expressive Arts and Design
We had a whole school dance festival on Friday.
We had yoga with Hannah, we went up the snowy mountain and met the colour monster! Then we all learnt how to do Christmas tree breathing.
We designed our own toys, ready to make next week!
Forest School
We made a story stick by knotting and tying ribbon. We attached a bell onto the stick by using a pipe cleaner. We used our imagination to say what out stick could do!