Our blogs

Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 3:37pm

Tuesday 2nd February 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to Tuesday. I hope you are keeping well and enjoying the tasks that have been set. Remember to set yourself a target for today – something small to achieve by the end of today (helping the family with tea, cleaning/tidying a room, completing all the work).

Here are today’s tasks:



Watch this video, A Journey Through Musical Emotion and think about the different ways that music can change how we feel and express ourselves. Research shows that people feel more positive after singing to music so either use one of these songs If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out - Cat Stevens and Express yourself - Labrinth.  

Or simply find a favourite song and have a good sing out loud (just ask the adult in the house first).



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that stamina. It is so important that you keep this your number one priority.  

Reading activity for today:

  • Look at the apostrophes in the text. Write down 10 words which has an apostrophe, and explain why it is there.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on puns and wordplay. Make sure you slow down each of your letters to make them form correctly. This week focus on having all your letters the same size (so each ‘a’ is the same as every other ‘a’)


Spin pins into nips.

Snap pans into naps.

Mix spit into tips.

Turn parts into traps.

Switch post into stop.

Whisk dear into dare.

Carve hops into shop.

Rip rate into tear.



There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week, -gue / -que

  • Write out two lists, one for all the gue words and one for the que words. Say each word out loud – can you hear why it has a gue or a que spelling?


Writing task

Can I write a diary entry as Hatty?

Read chapter 21.

I have sent the lesson introduction on Seesaw which explains today’s task.


Maths – Calculating with Fractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting back in 15s from:

725, 950, 1620, 700, 237

  1. Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 answer targets):
    1. Mix of 2, 4, 8 times tables
    2. Multiply by powers of 10 and fractions (the more you practise with multiplying by fractions, the easier Thursday’s lesson will be)
  2.  Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I add fractions with different denominators?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, Adding fractions questions and answers

  1. Maths challenge – More adding fractions (explained in the video)




Firstly, have a go at this Odd One Out activity from Explorify. How many similarities can you see between these blackbirds? How are they different? Which one would you say is the odd one out? There is no right or wrong answer here as long as you can justify your choice.

Unusual blackbirds - Explorify (wellcome.ac.uk)

When you have looked closely and discussed the points above, scroll down and read the Background Science section. We have touched on variation within a species in lessons 1 and 2 but will come back to it later in this topic of Evolution and Inheritance.

Last week, we looked at plant adaptations that help them survive. This week we are going to look at how some animals are adapted to their environment. In your book, write today’s date and the learning objective:

Can I explain how animals are adapted to their environment?

Choose 2 of these animals that you would like to research. Find out how each is adapted to its environment.

Otter,       Camel,       Elephant,    Desert Scorpion,   Arctic Fox.

In your book, for one animal, draw (in pencil!) a large picture of the animal and label it, explaining its adaptations. For your second choice, write a factfile explaining your research.


The headings you should use in your factfile are:

Name of animal: This is your heading so make it bigger and bolder than the rest of your text.

Picture (draw or print one):

Habitat (where it lives):

Diet (what it eats):

Life span (how long it lives):

Adaptations:  This section must be the most detailed!


Try to use all the words given below for your chosen animals. You need to put the words into sentences and may not necessarily need the words in the order I have given them.


Otter - webbed feet, propeller tail, whiskers, nostrils, ears, oily skin, quick, feet pads,


Elephant- trunk, tusks, tail, ears, slow, big, rough skin, teeth,


Camel -  hump,  water,  fat,  desert,  arid,  food,  feet,  nostrils, eye lashes,  temperature , store (They do not store water in their humps!)


Desert Scorpion – nocturnal, burrow, heat, control their metabolism, exoskeleton, sharp claws, venomous.


Arctic fox – fur, insulation, seasonal camouflage, foot pads, sense of smell, teeth, claws, body shape.


Finally, please reread your work to check it makes sense and that your spelling, punctuation and handwriting are of the same high standard that we would expect in school. I’d love to see your work on Seesaw.

Well done!



Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 3:25pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you enjoyed your Monday, especially focussing on positive things :)

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Write down your working out.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your arithmetic questions and any working out that you do.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 4 of you have been on the spelling challenge, one of you has already completed it, wow. 5 of you have been on the number challenge and 3 of you have already completed it. Well done.


Things that made me smile on Monday (you could write your own list too)

  • Wiggle and dance at the end of the day.
  • Thinking about the good things in our lives.
  • It wasn’t pitch black when I arrived at school which was amazing!


Tuesday 2nd February 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.

Each day you will be doing some activities related to Children’s Mental Health Week and hopefully it will help you to feel happy and positive.

Start your day with this song:





Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody at home everything you know about one of the characters.



Here are your spellings for this week. They all end in –tion.

station, fiction, motion, nation, education, action, injection, caption, fraction, competition.


Write the long date: Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Write the title: Words ending in –tion

Read the spelling words out loud.

Write out your spelling words using two different colours. Write the suffix –tion in the same colour for each word, like this:






Follow the video on Seesaw to practise your handwriting.




Read pages 226 – 238 of Mr Stink attached to this blog.


Long date: Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Title – Can I write the next part of the story?

I would like you to imagine that Chloe does go wandering with Mr Stink instead of going home. Write the next part of the story, talking about an adventure they go on together. Use your imagination, they could go anywhere in the world. Maybe you could write about an adventure you have been on or would love to go on.

Split your writing into two paragraphs:

Chloe and Mr Stink’s first epic adventure together was …

Despite having a thrilling time, Chloe did miss some things about her life before. She missed…



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops (places and names need capital letters)

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Adding a simile

Adding a question

Adding an exclamation mark

Starting a sentence with a conjunction

Using exciting words


Times tables

Play on Hit The Button three times.

Practise the 8x tables.

Try to improve your score each time – my record is 36/36.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Spelling Challenge – tion – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February

Number Challenge – Addition and Subtraction – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February




Count out loud in 4s:

From 0 to 48.

From 48 to 0.



Today you are going to answer some arithmetic questions.

There is a video on Seesaw which will help you with question 23, you can also watch previous videos if you need a reminder.

Don’t forget to use a number line to help with question 22.

Don’t forget to use a grid to help with questions 20 and 21.

After watching the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete the questions.

After 20 minutes, check your answers yourself and then use the answer sheet to check.


Children’s Mental Health Week activities

  • Complete today’s Wellbeing Journal.
  • Complete Relax and breathing activity – attached to this blog.




Complete the Science lesson attached to this blog, it is all about light and reflection.

Year 1 Home Learning Fabulous Friday 5th February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 2:30pm

It’s Fabulous Friday!

happy days fun GIF by Matthew Butler

Wow Year 1, you've made it to the end of another week of great learning! It's now time for another Fabulous Friday!

Fridays are a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to...

Read for at least 10 minutes.

 Maybe re-read one of your favourite stories or share the reading with a grown up, one page each.

We are enjoying everything you've posted to Seesaw.

Image result for books clipart


Dont forget, it is Dress to Express today! Dress up in your favourite clothes!

Look through your journal.

Guided yoga relaxation. Click here.

Image result for yoga clipart kids white backgroud


Today's game is called An Odd Puzzle. The instructions and gameboard are attached below.

(Use coins if you don't have counters)

Remember all our odd numbers end with 1, 3, 5, 7 or 9

Image result for odd numbers clipart

Let's make a cake for grandma song. Click here.

Red Riding Hood took some delicious cakes, biscuits and pies to her grandma.Have a go at making some salt dough food. You will need plain flour, salt and water

                                                                   Salt dough food video. Click here.


Next week is Dance Week at St Oswald's. Visit the video here and have a go at learning the dance.


Look out for your weekly catch up video on Seesaw.

Have a lovely weekend!

Animation Rainbow GIF by itsallmine


Year 2 Home Learning - 2nd February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 1:10pm

Good morning Year 2,


We hope yesterday went well. Keep doing your best, having a go at tasks independently, asking for support only when required.  It is important that you continue to work hard, recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things. We have loved seeing all your wonderful work on Seesaw so keep posting.


Try some of these at home ideas:

  1. Play indoor hide and seek.
  2. Make decorations, create a playlist, and throw a family dance party.
  3. Try a new cookie or cake recipe. Bonus idea: Set up a camera or smart phone and film a cooking show!


If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.


Joke of the day

Why can't Elsa have a balloon?

Because she will let it go.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Write, or draw pictures, from anything you’ve read! Big writing and pictures are even more fun. For example, use an old roll of wallpaper to make a treasure map with clues from the stories you’ve read together.

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Corner stones have released some free reading resources

Corner Stones

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading



Counting and Times Tables

Counting in 2’s – Can you count forwards starting at 1? Challenge – Can you count backwards from 31? What do you notice about the numbers?

2 Times Tables – Listen to this 2 times table song: 2 times table song

Play hit the button and select 2 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 2 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 2 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal?


This week we will looking at statistics and data handling. From pictograms to line graphs, children learn a lot about collecting, organising and presenting data in primary school maths. This week we will look at how you can help your child get to grips with basic statistics at home. Data handling at primary school means gathering and recording information and then presenting it in a way that is meaningful to others. It is now referred to as ‘statistics’ under the 2014 curriculum.


Can I draw pictograms?

Today we are going to look at identifying and drawing pictograms.

We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough.

Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.

Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.


1.            Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).

2.            Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.

3.            Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.

Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.



Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.

Log in at www.sumdog.com

Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.

Sumdog challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Statistics

Spellings – Adjectives with the suffix -er and -est



Please see the attached PowerPoint and document with the text for today's English lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be looking at adjectives with the suffix -er and -est.

Adding -er/-est

We make the comparative or superlative forms of short adjectives by adding -er or -est, for example: hard, harder, hardest

Spelling Rule
Just add -er or -est to the end of the adjective, for example:

  • quick, quicker, quickest
  • great, greater, greatest
  • full, fuller, fullest

(note: C=consonant; V=vowel)

If adj. ends in

do this

and add


C + y

change y to i







C + e

remove e


C + V + C

double last letter


Note: adjectives ending in -l are regular, except:
cruel, crueller, cruellest


Go through today’s PowerPoint presentation. Look at the Activity Sheet Adding er and est. Can you complete the table by writing the adjectives with the suffixes er and est?



When the word ends in an e, we knock the e off before adding er or est.

If the adjective ends in a y, we need to change it to an i, then add er or est.

When an adjective ends in a vowel and one consonant, double the last consonant to keep the vowel short.



Mrs Winter has kindly sent us a music lesson that we can try our at home.

In this lesson, we will be exploring how to make different sounds with our bodies and make up our own body percussion pattern.

Please click on the link for this week’s music lesson.

Exploring different ways to use your body



We were doing really well with our French phonics so here’s a video to watch first to practise some sounds.


Now we are going to move on to learning the names of some farm animals. Watch this video and repeat the words.


Attached is a sheet with 7 farm animals. Print out the sheet (or do 7 drawings). Hide the pictures round the room. When your child finds one, s/he should give the word in French. Then it’s their turn to hide them!

Here is a song to finish – Old MacDonald had a farm in French. It’s a bit fast so may be better played on 0.75 speed. See if you can pick up the sounds the animals make in French. They’re not all the same! The word used for sheep is une brebis (oon brubee) – a ewe.


Merci beaucoup. A bientot!



Today, please fill in Tuesday on your wellbeing Journal and have a go at creating a ‘things to look forward to jar’.

The documents are attached to the blog.


We hope you have a brilliant Tuesday,


Year 2 team.

HOME LEARNING Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 12:55pm

Year 4

Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  I hope you enjoyed finding out which places Michael and his family visited whilst sailing around the world.  Perhaps you have been to some of these places too!  Please remember to try your best with your work, if you’re struggling to get it all done, remember just to do what you can to the best of your ability.


Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Tell someone at home everything you can about one of the characters.  What do they look like? What is their personality like? How do you know? Can you describe them in detail?



These are your spellings which will be tested on Monday 8th February 2021. They are all homophones.  Homophones are words which sound the same but are spelt differently. 

tide     tied      knight       night          break       brake         fought           fort

waist   waste    guest        guessed     feet         feat                  

Write the long date Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Practise each of the words using look, cover, write, check.

Then choose 3 pairs of words and write your own sentences using them correctly.

For example, knight and night (this is 1 pair of words)

The knight in shining armour saved the princess from the dragon.

In the middle of the night, the pirates pounced.



Today, please read / listen to Chapter 4 of Kensuke’s Kingdom. A copy of the book is attached to the blog and here is a link to the audio.  


Make sure you look up any words if you are unsure about their meaning.

Once you have read the chapter:

  1. Carefully re-read the description of the island Michael is living on (pg 53).

Write the long date Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I draw and label a setting using description from the text?

Draw the island from the description which is given on page 53 and label the map with as much detail as you can.


  1. Answer the questions about Chapter 4.  They are in the document attached to the blog called ‘Chapter 4 questions’.

Write the learning objective Can I answer questions about a text in full sentences?

Write your answers in full sentences, using correct spelling and punctuation.  Take care with capital letters and make sure your handwriting is correctly joined.


Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 3, 6 and 9 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 4th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷11.




Count in 25’s from 50 to 400 and back again.  Count in 25’s from 775 to 1050 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice?

Please count in 9’s from 0 to 108 and back again – can you go any further? (if you get stuck, add 10 then subtract 1 from your last number if counting up, or subtract 10 then add 1 back on if counting down). Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Eg 9  18  27         27 + 10 = 37 – 1 = 36       45      etc



Use the link below – to play Daily 10.


Click on play game. Choose level 3, Doubles/halves, Upto 250 Multiples of 10.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.  You will need to write the answers down and check them at the end.

Remember make jottings to help yourself

Eg double 160                  Partition into 100 and 60

            Double 100 = 200          Double 60 = 120             200 + 120 = 320

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and accurately each time.


Today, we are going to practise our mental maths strategies and complete an arithmetic test.

Make sure you have everything you need before you start:

  • A pencil and a ruler
  • Your Home Learning book OR a printed copy of the arithmetic test (attached to the blog)
  • A 20 minute timer
  • The arithmetic answers (to check your answers afterwards. These are attached to the blog)

Please make sure that you make jottings / show your working out – this is important as it helps to find any errors (if you make them!).  Try and complete the test independently and CHECK EACH OF YOUR ANSWERS CAREFULLY before you look at the answer sheet.  Remember, it doesn’t matter if you get an answer wrong, the most important thing is to find your mistake.

Before you start, please watch the video on Seesaw which will explain a couple of strategies.  This will be uploaded on Tuesday morning.

Good luck!


Please post your work on Seesaw so that I can see how you got on!



Today we are starting our new RE topic, ‘Giving and receiving.’

Today’s work will help you to think about your own and other people’s experiences and feelings about giving and receiving. You should also develop your understanding of how giving and receiving affects your own behaviour and the behaviour of others.

Open the document called ‘Giving and receiving’ which is attached to the blog.

Read the story carefully. Look at the questions at the bottom of the story and think about the answers.

Listen to Jack Johnson’s The Sharing Song about giving, receiving and sharing with others, by clicking on the link below.  It is always fun to share with everyone.  Analyse the lyrics carefully, they are on the second page of the document attached to the blog.


Please write out the lyrics of the song in your BEST handwriting, making sure you copy spellings correctly.  Then, draw pictures on the same page which show the joys and demands of giving and receiving. (There are lots of ideas in the song and you should be able to think of some ideas of your own).

Write the long date Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I show an understanding of the joys and demands of giving and receiving?

Write the title The Sharing Song and then copy the words carefully underneath.



Please click on the link below for lesson 5



Mental Health Week

As this week is Children’s Mental Health Week, we are thinking each day about our feelings, emotions and moods. 

Today, please:

  • Complete the Well-being journal attached to the blog
  • Have a go at the ‘5 4 3 2 1 Noticing’ activity on the second page of the journal
  • Make an obstacle course for someone at home or ask them to make one for you.  You could do this with a brother or sister if you wanted. Can you help each other to overcome the obstacles?


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
  • A maths challenge to practise subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from numbers within 1000 (a lot of you find this tricky)
  • A spelling challenge based on this week’s homophone spellings

Please make sure you log on and have a go!

New challenges will start on Monday 8th February 2021


Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Year 1 Home Learning Thursday 4th February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 11:25am

Hello Year 1. We are loving all the super learning you are posting to Seesaw.



Read every single day. Choose one of your reading books and talk about what happens in the story. Use these question starters.

Who did...?  Where did...?  When did...? What happened when...?  Why did _______ happen?

Stickman Illustration of Kids Reading Books Growing Off a Tree | Kids reading  books, Kids reading, School murals


Visit Seesaw for your sounds learning today. We will be introducing the al sound (walk, chalk. ball).

Be ready with a pencil and paper before starting the video. 


Sing a song. Click here.

Today you are learning about what the characters say. Listen to the story again here. Use your story box to re-tell the story. Pretend to be one of the characters. Act out some of the story. What do you say? Who are you saying it to? On the sheet draw one of the characters and write in the speech bubbles. Remember to use a capital letter at the beginning of your writing in the speech bubble, finger spaces and to form your letters correctly.

Little Red Riding Hood Png Transparent Image - Little Red Riding Hood Clip  Art, Png Download - kindpng


Yesterday we learned how to count forwards and backwards within 50. Practise counting with our whack-a-mole game here. Choose starting numbers within 50 and practise both counting on and back.

Look back over our counting videos from this week and sing along. 

Today we are investigating numbers to 50 and looking at different ways to represent them. Watch the video lesson on representing numbers to 50 and complete the worksheet attached below.

Colourful numbers clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla


Not many of us completed our Dance Party lesson last week. It did get tricky but remember to stick at it, read the instructions carefully and have an explore of the game. Don't worry if you don't progress past challenge 5. You can remain on this challenge and try out different moves, backgrounds and characters.

If you have completed Dance party, can you create a dance of your own using the moves from Dance Party? Write or draw your instructions for somebody else to learn your dance. Turn up the music and boogie!

100 new Hour of Code tutorials are here! | by Code.org | Medium



Today think about all the people who help you at home and in school. Who can you talk to? Draw all the people on the sheet.

Make the front cover of your special journal. Think of some positive words you could write in the speech bubbles. In the box draw a picture of anything that makes you smile.Make it look beautiful. Fasten the sheets from the other days together to complete your journal

Guided meditation. Click here.

Free Mindfulness Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart  Library

Reception 2nd February Home Learning

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 10:39am

Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Yesterday’s sunshine really made me smile, I hope you got outside and had a lovely day J


This week we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week'. There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.

Today I have attached a pack of different activities relating to feelings and emotions, please feel free to have a look through them and choose a couple to have a go at throughout the week :) 


Online Resources

  1. Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.


The log in is Username: jan21

Password: home

You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. 😊


  1. Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you. 


  1. Topmarks have some good online maths games if you want to have a go at any of these.


Phonics – 

Please revisit all our new digraph & trigraph sounds. 😊 

ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh

Can I remember all my new sounds? 

Can I think of a word for each sound? 

Can I practise reading a word from each sound?


Today we are going to learn a new sound ‘oo’ – this digraph can make two different sounds. (See the seesaw video for an explanation)  

We are going to focus on the ‘long oo’ sound today. Have a watch of Polly’s video to find out more.

Can I write the words and colour in all the pictures that have the ‘long oo’ sound? (See attached)


Handwriting Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Qq

The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said

Can you find these words in your stories at home?

Can you think of a sentence for these words?

(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)


Literacy –

This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’

There are lots of different versions to this story, have a listen to the story on Seesaw. You might want to listen to yesterday’s song again too J

Today we are going to have a look at some of the vocabulary in the story (see the activities attached)


Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. 😊

See the reading question prompts attached to help your discussion about your stories. 



Maths – Can I count in 5’s?

When we count in 5’s, we group items together into lots of different groups of 5.

Have a look around your house, can you group your items into groups of 5?


Today’s learning is all about 9 and 10.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (Session 2 – Representing and sorting 9 and 10)

Can I have a go at today’s sorting activity? (See attached - Remember to use your careful counting)


Topic Time

French – 

The theme for our learning this week is la Fête de Chandeleur – The Feast of Candlemas on the 2nd February.

Have a look through the attached PowerPoint which describes French traditions on this feast day and an idea for a treat!

You will be able to say what kind of pancakes you like and don’t like by the end.

Here’s a song to listen to while you are waiting! 

Can you catch some words you know?

We don’t need to understand all the words to begin to understand when we learn a new language!

Bon appétit! Bonne fête!


Reception Story Time

Today’s story is ‘Angry Arthur’ J

Year 1 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 5:17pm

Hello Year 1 and welcome to your Wednesday Home Learning.

Your story boxes look great, we hope you enjoyed acting out the story. Well done on all your rolling, travelling and balancing yesterday. You are all super gymnasts!


          Read every day. Talk about one of your reading books. Explain what you think about the story. Is there anything you would change about this story? Do you like this story? What do you like about it?

Remember, you can visit our eLibrary at Oxford Owl. We have hundreds of eBooks for all our readers.

Oxford Owl for School and Home


Today will be looking at the long OR / AW / AU sounds.

Watch the videos below and write all the words you find. Sort them into the different sound families. Create a word bank with all your words so far. Can you draw your own picture clues? Share your sounds learning to Seesaw.

Have a go at the spelling challenge set on Sumdog. Try and spell 5 words! You have a choice of or/aw words or Tricky words this week.
Primary resources for literacy from Discovery Education Espresso |  Discovery Education UK


Sing the wolf's song today. Click Here

Today you are going to make a poster to find the wolf.

Watch another version of Little Red Riding Hood here.

Use your story box to retell the story to someone in your family.

Draw a picture of the wolf on the sheet.

How can you describe the wolf? Where was he last seen? Is there a reward for his capture?

Why do you want to capture the wolf? What should you do if you see the wolf?

Write sentences on your poster. You could stick it up in your house!

Wolves clipart grandma, Wolves grandma Transparent FREE for download on  WebStockReview 2021


Watch the videos linked below to practise your counting and number facts to 10. Sing along. Can you write down some of the number sentences from the songs?

Today we are looking at tens and ones and place value. Watch the video here and complete the worksheet below.

33 Sticks | ClipArt ETC


The theme for our learning this week is la Fête de Chandeleur – the feast of Candlemas on the 2nd of February. Below is a powerpoint which describes French traditions on this feast day and an idea for a treat! You will be able to say what kind of pancakes you like and don’t like by the end.

Here’s a song to listen to while you are waiting! Can you catch some words you know? We don’t need to understand all the words to begin to understand when we learn a new language!

Bon appétit! Bonne fête

Chandeleur 2016 Page 1 | GIFS Gratuits PJC


We have really enjoyed our music learning so far this term.  

Today we are exploring pulse and rhythm. Watch the video here and follow along.

Silhouette Musical Note - Free vector graphic on Pixabay


Have a think and a talk about all the things you are good at. Draw three things on the sheet to make page 3 of your journal.

Rainbow Waterfall guided meditation. Click here.

A5 A4 A3 Radiate Positivity Rainbow Print || Print, Wall Art, Poster ||  Bedroom, Living Room, Nursery, Playroom, NHS: Amazon.co.uk: Handmade


Year 3 Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 4:21pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed your learning on Fun Friday, it was nice to hear about your day on Seesaw – I know a lot of you spent a lot of time reading which is fantastic.

Well done for the work you have done so far, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing and Geography.

The Sumdog challenges start on Monday – make sure you log on and have a go.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect. Reading every day is key.


Things that made me smile over the weekend (you could write your own list too)

  • I went for a run on Sunday morning and beat my record time woohoo – practice makes perfect J
  • I spent a lot of time relaxing and recovering from a busy week – reading, listening to music, doing puzzles, etc.
  • I spoke to Ms Hodson on the phone about what a great week we had at school – we were both feeling really happy. It is the children in school and at home that made us happy – you are all amazing.


Monday 1st February 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week.

This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.

Each day you will be doing some activities related to Children’s Mental Health Week and hopefully it will help you to feel happy and positive.

Start your day with this music:




Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody what has happened in your own words.




Write the long date: Monday 1st February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test   


Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice, ask them to read out these sentences so you can choose which homophone to use for each question. You don’t need to write the sentence, just the word.


  1. Quiet. It was nice and quiet in the library.
  2. Quite. I was quite tired.
  3. Bare. The trees were bare in winter.
  4. Bear. A polar bear is white.
  5. Sun. The sun is shining brightly.
  6. Son. Her son is called Tom.
  7. New. I like to try new things.
  8. Knew. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher.
  9. Night. It was a dark and cold night.
  10. Knight. The knight fought the dragon.

The bonus question (a spelling from another week) is: television  

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Long date: Monday 1st February 2021

Title – Can I use different sentence structures?


Please complete the writing activity on the PowerPoint attached.

You will need to download and then view slideshow with sound on as I have recorded the instructions over the top.

The writing has been broken down into stages so you can do a little bit at a time.



Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.


Times tables

Write the short date: 01.02.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your 8x tables in a mixed up order.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 47 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Count out loud in 100s.

From 30 to 1030.

From 57 to 1057.

From 78 to 1078.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Spelling Challenge – tion – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February

Number Challenge – Addition and Subtraction – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February




Play on Hit the Button –

Click on number bonds, addition within 10.



Today you are going to be looking at adding and subtracting multiples of 100.

Watch the video, pause where you need to:


Complete the worksheet attached to this blog and then used the answer sheet to check.

REMEMBER - with subtraction, the highest number goes at the beginning.


Children’s Mental Health Week activities

  • Complete today’s Wellbeing Journal – attached to this blog.
  • Complete the Wiggle and Dance and breathing activity – attached to this blog.



Before you start, think about what you already know about the Amazon Rainforest – tell somebody at home if you can. Do you know which continent it is on? Which country it is in? Any rivers that flow through it? Any animals that live there? What the weather is like?


Watch the video about the Amazon Rainforest:



Write the date: Monday 1st February 2021

Write the title: Can I recognise key features of the rainforest?

Choose your 5 favourite facts from the video and draw a picture next to each one, you could pause the video and copy what you can see.


Please send me a photo of your Geography work on Seesaw – you know how much I love to learn about places around the world.

Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 1st February 2021

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 3:42pm

Monday 1st February 2021


Good morning Year 6. I hope you had a super relaxing weekend and are well rested to begin this week's learning. Our Fabulous Friday will continue this week meaning that you do not have to feel pressured into completing everything on the day that it is set: you can either spread it out into Friday or complete everything before Friday; it is your choice. 

Here are the tasks for the day:


Children’s Mental Health Week – ‘Express Yourself’

This is a special week where you can take part in activities to explore different ways to express yourself and the creative ways you can share your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Each day’s activity will be under the heading PSHE.


Set yourself a target just for today (finish all the work by a certain time / complete the extra Maths challenge / help around the house, etc) and when you complete it, think about how that makes you feel and reward yourself with something (TV, a good book, favourite game).

I have attached mindfulness sheets if you wish to colour them in during a quiet time at home.

At 9am there is an assembly hosted by Blue Peter’s Lindsey Russell and CBBC Presenter and Place2Be Champion Rhys Stephenson for you to watch which is available to all children, schools and families. The link for it can be found here, Children’s Mental Health Assembly.



Read for 30 minutes. Building up your reading stamina and speed will help for when you return.

Reading activity for today:

  • Do you like the title of the story? Do you think it is appropriate for the plot? Think of 5 better titles.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on puns and wordplay. Make sure you slow down each of your letters to make them form correctly. This week focus on having all your letters the same size (so each ‘a’ is the same as every other ‘a’)

Sunday in the Yarm Fard

The mat keowed

The mow cooed

The bog darked

The kigeon pooed

The squicken chaked

The surds bang

The kwuck dacked

The burch rells chang

And then, after all the dacking and changing

The chalking and the banging

The darking and the pooing

The keowing and the kooing

There was a mewtiful beaumont

Of queace and pie-ate.



There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week, -gue / -que

  • All the spellings are on Sumdog (deadline is Friday for this so you can have your own spelling quiz at home).


Writing task

Monday 1st February 2021

Can I analyse the author’s description of a scene and write my own?


Read chapter 19 and chapter 20 and watch the video sent through Seesaw. I will be referring to the BBC website on personification so click the link here, Personification , to learn more about it.

I have attached a picture of the scene I refer to in the video at the bottom of this blog, English - describing a scene.



Maths – Calculating with Fractions Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting backwards in 25s.

725, 950, 1620, 700, 237

  1. Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 answer targets):
    1. Mix of 2, 4, 8 times tables
    2. Multiply by powers of 10 and fractions (the more you practise with multiplying by fractions, the easier Thursday’s lesson will be)
  2. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I add mixed numbers together?

See the video sent on Seesaw which explains the activities for today’s Maths lesson and the main sheet is named, ‘Adding Mixed numbers with same denominator’

  1. Maths mixed numbers challenge – is the White Rose Maths. Watch this video Adding mixed numbers video as well which will give you extra information on how to solve mixed numbers with different denominators.



Once again, I cannot stress enough how important it is to be active every day, whether you follow Joe Wicks, go for a walk, head out on your bike, scoot, hop, dance, just make sure you move.

For our PE learning, we still have it split into two: gymnastics and games.

  • Warm up – let’s continue to up the warm up time with:
    • 40 star jumps, 10 second rest
    • 40 squats, 10 second rest
    • 40 seconds running on the spot, 10 seconds rest
    • Rest for a whole minute before repeating a second time
  • For this week’s gymnastics, have a look at Ship Shape, which asks you to create different shapes (wide, curled and narrow).
  • There are a few challenges on there, such as using small and larger body parts, creating a sequence on your own or with a partner.
  • Can you add your shapes to the rolls from last week to create one final sequence? The video for Ship Shape is here, Video for Ship Shape.


  • Click on the link here, Circuit - Feeling Flexible , with the video here, Video for Feeling Flexible
  • Don’t forget to be warm for any PE activity you do. Copy the same as gymnastics if you are not warm already.
  • Click on the link to see the 5 stations to follow. This type of training might get you a bit sweaty but not too much. The purpose of these exercises is to help you become flexible which help to prevent any future injuries. I actually do these every day, sometimes morning and night.
  • Let me know how you get on through Seesaw.


Reception 1st February Home Learning

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 3:29pm

Monday 1st February 2021

We hope you have had a lovely weekend with your families.

Here is your learning for today.😊

Remember to do as much as you can with lots of little breaks in between jobs, if it gets too much, then just read, read, READ! 😊


This week we are celebrating 'Children's Mental Health Week' . There will be activities throughout the week to have a go at.

First of all, can you draw three things that you are good at?

What do you enjoy doing the most of all?  

How do these things make you feel?

Online Resources

  1. Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials.


The log in is Username: jan21

Password: home

You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonics games, try some of the Phase 3 games for our new digraph sounds. 😊


  1. Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

Library – Age 4-7 – Change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you. 


  1. Topmarks have some good online maths games if you want to have a go at any of these.


Phonics – 

Please revisit all our new digraph & trigraph sounds. 😊 

ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, eeoa, igh

Can I remember all my new sounds? 

Can I think of a word for each sound? 

Can I read the words attached? (ai, ee, igh, oa words)

Can I sort the words into piles of the same sounds?


Encourage your child to use sound buttons to read the words.

Encourage your child to stretch out the words to hear the sounds needed to spell the words.


Please feel free to print these words and chop them up into flashcards.

(We will revisit these quite a lot, as with everything in Reception, it is all about revisiting and practising over and over again.)


Handwriting Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Pp

The Humpty Words of the week are - be, were, was, said

Amazing to see some of you making humpty words with magnetic letters, writing outside with water, writing in chalk, writing on the back of wallpaper rolls. Keep it creative and fun. 😊

(Use paper or the whiteboard from your pack.)


Literacy –

This week we are reading ‘The Little Red Hen.’

There are lots of different versions to this story, have a listen to the story on Seesaw.

Can I join in and learn the ‘Little Red Hen’ song and have a go at drawing my own story map? (Click on the writing.)


Reading – Try to read for 10 minutes each day. 😊

See the reading question prompts attached to help your discussion about your stories. 

Maths – Using the number cards in my pack,

Can I count out different objects to match the amounts? (From 1 to 20 – see the examples on the maths activity.)

Can I count backwards out loud from 10 to 0?, then 20 to 0?


Today’s learning is all about Measuring Time.

Watch the White Rose Maths video and have a go at the activity attached below. (Measuring time – The fifth video)

For today's activity you will need a 1-minute timer. (See activity attached.)


Topic Time

RE – Our new topic is ‘GATHERING’

Talk about the activities that are better done together. (Eating tea together, going for a walk together, people coming to a party together, playing with our friends, going to church together, celebrating Christmas and birthdays.)

What sort of things do we do together?

What makes it better?

Choose one or two of the activities below to have a go at.

  1. Make a chart of all the things that you have done together as a family for the last week or so and talk about the activities that are better done together. What makes them better?
  2. Look through family photos of family gatherings. Talk about the times you shared and how you all felt and what you did.
  3. Make a card for your friend at school to tell them you are missing them and are looking forward to seeing them again soon.


PE – Have a go at the second lesson – Footwork Patterns 😊


Cosmic Kids Yoga – Handwashing


HOME LEARNING Monday 1st February 2021

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 1:42pm

Year 4

Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021

Good morning Year 4.  I hope you had a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend.  Welcome to another week of Home Learning - keep doing your best and trying to work as independently as you can.  Remember to post your learning on Seesaw – I have been so impressed with the learning I have seen so far and have enjoyed seeing your videos and pictures too!


Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

How would you describe this story or text? What genre is it (this means the type of story, for example, adventure, horror, mystery, fantasy, science fiction etc) and how do you know?



These are your new spellings which will be tested on Monday 8th February 2021. They are all homophones.  Homophones are words which sound the same but are spelt differently. 

tide     tied      knight       night          break       brake         fought           fort

waist   waste    guest        guessed     feet         feat                  

Write the long date Monday 1st February 2021

Copy the homophones carefully into your book.  Find out the meanings of any words you don’t know.  Can you add any pictures or symbols to some of the words to help you remember what the different spellings mean?



Today, please read / listen to Chapter 3 of Kensuke’s Kingdom. A copy of the book is attached to the blog and a link to the audio is below.  


Make sure you look up any words if you are unsure about their meaning.

  1. As you are reading, write down the date and names of places the family sailed to. See the document ‘Dates and places’ attached to the blog – print this out and complete it as you are reading or copy the table into your book.  Extend your retrieval skills by adding some details about the sea conditions (was it stormy, gale force winds, no wind at all etc). The date and learning objective are on the ‘Dates and places’ document.


  1. After you have read the chapter, use an atlas to find the places in your table and label them on the map of the world (see page 2 of the ‘Dates and places’ document.) If you click on the link below it will take you to an interactive map of the world and you can zoom in on different areas / countries.  Alternatively, you could use an atlas if you have one at home.



  1. In your own words, write a paragraph to describe one of the incidents with Stella Artois. You can write about the first incident on February 7th OR the second incident on pages 42-44.

Write the long date Monday 8th February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I explain part of the text in my own words?


Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

A times tables challenge has been set on Sumdog. This is to consolidate and practise your 3, 6 and 9 times tables.

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 4th February 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷11.




Count in 25’s from 0 to 350 and back again.  Count in 25’s from 500 to 775 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky?  Write the numbers down as you say them – what do you notice?

Please count in 12’s from 12 to 144 and back again – can you go any further? (if you get stuck, add 10 then 2 onto your last number if counting up, or subtract 10 then 2 if counting down). Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Eg 12 24 36       36 + 10 = 46 + 2 = 48       60     etc



Use the link below – to play Daily 10.


Click on play game. Choose level 3, Doubles/halves, Upto 100.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.  You will need to write the answers down and check them at the end.

Remember make jottings to help!

Eg double 57                  Partition into 50 and 7

            Double 50 = 100          Double 7 = 14             100 + 14 = 114

Repeat this game a couple of times and see if you can calculate more quickly and more accurately each time.


Today, we are going to learn what factors and factor pairs are.

Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Factor pairs’ attached to the blog.

Please click on the link below for the video.


Write the short date 01.02.21

Write the learning objective Can I show an understanding of factors and factor pairs?

Complete the worksheet and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.


Check your answers in the document ‘Answers Factor pairs’.  Look carefully at any questions you got wrong.



Write the long date Monday 1st February 2021

Write the learning objective Can I explain what the Romans believed?

Follow the link below to take you to “What did the Romans believe?”


Watch the video and answers the questions in full sentences in your book, when prompted.


You can find more information by clicking on the link below.  Look on the left-hand side of the page and click on Roman Gods


You should either:

  • write down the names of some of the different gods and provide some information about them


  • choose two of the gods listed. Draw a picture of them and research them in more detail.


Please share your work on Seesaw.



Use the link below to log into code.org. Carry on where you left off.



PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education)

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week - the theme is 'Express Yourself'.

Mental health is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions, and our moods.  Looking after our mental health is important. We have small feelings every day – they may be happy or sad, but they go away before too long.  Sometimes we experience big feelings, these may feel strong or overwhelming for a longer time.

Each day you will be asked to write a ‘Well-being journal’ which will be attached to the blog.  In addition, there will be 2 other activities to have a go at.

Today, please:

  • Complete the Well-being journal attached to the blog
  • Have a go at the ‘rectangular breathing’ activity on the second page of the journal
  • Choose one of the mindfulness activities on the third page of the journal to have a go at


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
  • A maths challenge to practise subtracting 1’s, 10’s and 100’s from numbers within 1000 (a lot of you find this tricky)
  • A spelling challenge based on this week’s homophone spellings

Please make sure you log on and have a go!

New challenges will start on Monday 8th February 2021

Year 2 Home Learning - 1st February 2021

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 10:01am

We hope you had a lovely, relaxing weekend.


This week we are celebrating ‘Children’s Mental Health week’. There will be activities daily, throughout the week so please take a look under the PSHE section at the end of the blog.


Why not give yourself a target to achieve by the end of the week? Maybe use lead-ins to every letter, have a go at a Maths challenge or do 60 minutes of physical activity every day.  Let us know on Friday if you achieved your target.


Remember, some work will be set on Seesaw this week so please read this post carefully. This can be accessed by logging in and navigating to the family announcements section. We know home learning is very different to school but try your best to stick with it. Try to remain resilient and persevere with all the tasks set. Little and often is always the best policy.


Why not try a more relaxing start to your morning. 50 minute compilation of yoga adventures, mindfulness and guided relaxations - with themes around courage, thinking positive and staying peaceful. 🌈 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JI01thiHYI

Or you could carry on doing the Joe Wicks daily session 😊 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.


Joke of the day

Why did the teddy bear say no to dessert?

Because she was stuffed.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.

Write, or draw pictures, from anything you’ve read! Big writing and pictures are even more fun. For example, use an old roll of wallpaper to make a treasure map with clues from the stories you’ve read together.

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Corner stones have released some free reading resources

Corner Stones

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading



Counting and Times Tables

Counting in 2’s – Can you count forwards to 30? Challenge – Can you count backwards from 30?

2 Times Tables – Listen to this 2 times table song: 2 times table song

Play hit the button and select 2 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 2 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 2 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal?


This week we will looking at statistics and data handling. From pictograms to line graphs, children learn a lot about collecting, organising and presenting data in primary school maths. This week we will look at how you can help your child get to grips with basic statistics at home. Data handling at primary school means gathering and recording information and then presenting it in a way that is meaningful to others. It is now referred to as ‘statistics’ under the 2014 curriculum.


In Year 2, children are shown pictogramstally chartsblock diagrams and tables

For example, they might be shown this pictogram which shows the favourite fruits of a group of children:


They might be shown a tally chart like the following, used to record the favourite parts of Christmas:
This block diagram or graph shows what kinds of vehicles were seen on a road by one child in the course of half an hour:

They may be shown a table like the following which shows the favourite sports of 50 children across a year group:















Can I use a tally chart?

Today’s maths lesson can be found on Seesaw. Please watch the video carefully pausing to attempt certain tasks when prompted by the teacher.


Worksheet – Go on a shape hunt around your house and see what different shapes you can find. Make a note of this in a tally chart.

Once you have completed this, have a go at the answering the following questions.

How many different shapes did you try to find?

How many objects did you find altogether?

Which is the most popular shape?

Which is the least popular shape?


Optional activities – Help the RSPB keep track of what birds are around during Big Schools' Birdwatch with the attached survey sheet. Go for a walk in your local area or look around your garden. How many birds can you spot? Make a tally chart on the survey sheet.


Tally chart game - https://www.softschools.com/math/data_analysis/tally_chart/



Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.

Log in at www.sumdog.com

Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.

Sumdog challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Statistics

Spellings – adjectives with the suffix -er and -est



Please see the attached English lesson for more details.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be looking at adjectives with the suffix -er and -est.

Adding -er/-est

We make the comparative or superlative forms of short adjectives by adding -er or -est, for example: hard, harder, hardest

Spelling Rule
Just add -er or -est to the end of the adjective, for example:

  • quick, quicker, quickest
  • great, greater, greatest
  • full, fuller, fullest

(note: C=consonant; V=vowel)

If adj. ends in

do this

and add


C + y

change y to i







C + e

remove e


C + V + C

double last letter


Note: adjectives ending in -l are regular, except:
cruel, crueller, cruellest


Please view today’s PowerPoint presentation and complete the comparative adjectives worksheet attached to this post.




Watercolour paint or thinned poster paint

Paint brushes

Pieces of card

Wax crayons

Variation of experiment




Cast you minds back to lesson 3 and the effect of rubbing wax on a piece of paper.

Can you make a list of reasons why some materials need to be waterproof?


We now know that wax is waterproof and so it doesn't absorb water. When the paint touches the wax, it rolls off and gets absorbed by the surrounding paper. So the lines of your painting will be waxy with no paint, because the paint can't be absorbed there.


Practise on a scrap of card or paper to explore the resisting and absorbing qualities of the wax crayon and paint. You will need to draw lines with the wax crayon and then paint over and around those lines, watching the paint being absorbed into the paper but not where the crayon lines are.


Then give use a larger sheet of card or paper to do your design. There are many variations of wax resist painting, some more complex than others.


Useful website - Create an Easy Watercolor Wax Resist Painting (craftsy.com)


Another variation of this experiment

Have a go at resist printing by spreading a layer of Vaseline onto a sheet of tin foil (as if to make an ink pad), carefully pressing a small object (leaf, for example) into the Vaseline and then printing it onto the paper. The Vaseline on the paper should act like wax when paint is applied. This is more advanced than the printing with paint because it requires care when applying both the Vaseline to the object, and then the paint around the Vaseline.


PSHE – ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’

Please find attached documents each day all about promoting children’s mental health and wellbeing.


Today’s activity includes looking through the Assembly powerpoint introducing the week. Then start your Wellbeing journal and have a go at the colouring sheet.



We hope you have a fantastic week of home learning,


Year 2 team.

Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 29th Jan 2021 @ 11:28am

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to your Tuesday learning.

We loved seeing your pictures of the characters from Little Red Riding Hood and listening to you reading all your brilliant words. We were impressed with your Science investigations and your amazing ideas. 

Free Red Riding Hood Clipart, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on  Clipart Library


Continue to read for at least 10 minutes everyday. Little and often is the key. Remember, you can request new books at the school office at any time. 

You can also post a short video of your child reading. We'd love to hear some stories and give some feedback and support. 

Free Cartoon Book, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art on Clipart Library


Visit Seesaw for your Phonics lesson today


Start the day with a song from Little Red Riding Hood I Love Red song

Today you are going to make a story box. Look at the sheet to get some ideas. You will need to think about the characters, the setting of the story. Where does it take place? Who are the main characters? Use paper and card to make your characters, decorate the inside of your box and then use the characters to tell the story.

Upload photos to Seesaw.

Wolf From Little Red Riding Hood Clip Art, HD Png Download - kindpng


Sing along with the counting videos below. Can you sing without the music? 

Play a game of Whack a Mole here, Practise counting forwards and backwards

Today we wil be exploring numbers to 50 and counting forward and back. Watch the Counting forwards and backwards within 50 video and complete the worksheet attached. 

We have opened a new Number and Place Value challenge on Sumdog. Only 100 questions this week! 

Adaptive learning games for maths and spelling to support home learning.


Think about the special meals you talked about yesterday. Today you are going to make a place mat which you can use when you have a special meal. Decorate your place mat with words and pictures. Some of the words you could include are share, family, love. together, special, meal, care. Can you think of any more?


Today we are learning some rolling movements and exploring linking rolls and balances. Watch the video and follow along. Remember to give yourself lots of room to do your gymnastics and be safe, using controlled movements. 

Cartoon Gymnastics Stock Illustrations – 7,888 Cartoon Gymnastics Stock  Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime


Day 2 of your journal.Think about all the ways you can keep active. On the sheet draw three ways you keep active at home.

Guided meditation.

Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 29th January 2021

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 4:07pm

It’s Fabulous Friday!


Good morning Year 6. I hope you have had a great week so far.

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read a minimum of 30 minutes.

  • This could be great opportunity to finish that book you love or begin a new exciting story


Complete the number activitySpeed Shooting

  • Speed Shooting – in this game you need another player
  • Turn your hands into ‘shooters’ and holster them (we have played this in class before)
  • Your partner gives you times tables questions (you pick the tables and they pick the questions)
  • How many can you answer in 30 seconds / 1 minute?
  • ‘Shoot them’ with the answer (can you beat your score?)
  • Challenge – Shout Out – where each person asks one question alternatively


Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see (like the spellings quiz).


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!


Do not forget to see my Friday Catch Up video.

Have a super weekend!



HOME LEARNING Friday 29th January 2021

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 3:29pm

Year 4

Fabulous Friday 29th January 2021

It’s fabulous Friday!

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to :

  • Read

Snuggle up in your favourite place and enjoying reading for pleasure

  • Complete the number activity, Nice and Nasty (see attached document)
  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see

The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!

Have a fabulous Friday and wonderful weekend.

Reception 29th January Home Learning

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 3:23pm

It’s Fabulous Friday!


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your family the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to :

· Make a comfy space and read a lovely story to your grown up or sibling. 


· Practise your doubles and counting in 2s.


· Finish anything off that you want to from the week and upload to Seesaw :)


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it! 


You have all worked so incredibly hard over the past few weeks. We are so impressed with the amount of work you are completing each day, it makes us smile seeing all of your learning. Well done Reception! 

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and feel refreshed for another super week of trying your best :) 




Year 3 Home Learning 29th January 2021- Fun Friday

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 2:34pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day, the children in school really enjoyed writing similes. Here are my favourite examples:

Mother’s bouffant danced around her head like a jaguar running around in circles after eating the world’s hottest chilli, the Carolina Reaper.

The postal districts were packed below her like an unsolved Rubik Cube.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your families and find lots of reasons to smile. I am looking forward to getting a curry on Friday, with lots of chillies mmm. Ms Hodson is excited to bake some cookies. 


Friday 29th January 2021


It’s Fabulous Friday!


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

  • Read

      Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.


  • Complete the number activity.

There is a video on Seesaw.


  • Listen to the 8x tables rap.

Do silly dances and call out the numbers in silly voices.




  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see.


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it! 

Why don’t you put on something that makes you feel happy? A bright top, your comfiest jumper, something fancy, or whatever makes you happy.

Fabulous Friday - 29th January 2021

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 11:39am

It’s Fabulous Friday!


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

•          Read

•          Complete the number activity

•          Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for your teacher to see

The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it! 

Hiccup and Toothless - How to Train Your Dragon - SoD

Well done for completing another week of home learning. Time is flying by! You have all been so amazing over the past 5 weeks and we couldn’t wish for a more enthusiastic group of children with supportive parents. You are all doing an incredible job and we are extremely proud of you.


We will post our ‘Friday catch up’ on Seesaw after school, where we discuss all of your amazing achievements throughout the week. 


Riddle of the day

Thursday’s riddle answer - There are 18 letters in ‘the English alphabet’.

The =  3, English = 7, alphabet = 8.     3 + 7 + 8 = 18 😊



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Write, or draw pictures, from anything you’ve read! Big writing and pictures are even more fun. For example, use an old roll of wallpaper to make a treasure map with clues from the stories you’ve read together.


Maths game

Multiplication Bingo


12 sided dice – please see link to online 12 sided dice – 12 sided dice

Bingo sheets


• Each child has a different bingo sheet with answers to the multiplication table being practised on (2, 5 or 10.

• The dice is rolled and whoever has the answer to the number on the dice multiplied by the table being practised can cross it off their bingo sheet.

For example:

  • Multiplication table is 2.
  • Number rolled is 6.
  • Any child with the number 12 on their sheet can cross it off.


We hope you all have a relaxing and restful weekend.


Year 2 team.

Fabulous Friday 29th January 2021

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 8:53am

Fabulous Friday 29th January 2021

It’s Fabulous Friday!

agnes from despicable me good morning quote morning good morning morning  quotes good morning quotes morning… | Morning quotes, Good morning funny,  Cute good morning

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

Read – grab a drink and a biscuit/fruit and curl up with a good book.

Complete this number activity Odds and Evens Game (documents below).

Finish off - anything that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see. I always thoroughly enjoy seeing the work you are proud of.

The rest of the day is yours; you’ve earned it! 

Have a ‘Fabulous Friday’ and even more ‘Fabulous Weekend’.

Miss Gravili smiley

Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 28th January 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 4:57pm

Thursday 28th January 2021


Good morning Year 6. Welcome to Thursday. I hope you have had a fun and productive week.

Thank you to all who have started or completed the Sumdog challenges so far – you have no idea how this regular practice will make a huge difference week on week.

Also, I would like to say a huge thank you to all your Seesaw messages, whether they are questions, comments or work, keep them coming.

Today’s tasks are:



Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that speed and stamina.

Reading activity for today:

  • Write a memory or experience of your own that is similar to something you have read in your book.


English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)


The handwriting poems this week are based on chants. Make sure you slow down each of your letters to make them form correctly. This week focus on having all your descenders below the line and formed correctly (f, g, j, p, q, y).

Round and Round

Round and round the playground,

Marching in a line,

I’ll hold your hand.

You hold mine.

Round and round the playground,

Skipping in a ring

Everybody loves it

When we all sing.

Round and round the playground,

That’s what we like:

Climbing on the climbing frame,

Riding on the bike.

Round and round the playground,

All together friends.

We’re sad, sad, sad

When the school day ends.



This week’s spellings is homophones (words with the same sound but different spelling).

  • Create a poem, either an acrostic one with a few of the spellings or one that includes them all.

e.g.       On the isle, I walk down the aisle,

            Allowed, but not aloud

            Passed the sea, but not venturing into the past

            On a coarse road, but not on any course

            Will I reign upon this land whilst it rains on me?

            On my voyage as a knight, during the night.


Writing task

Can I write the next chapter in third person using a mixture of writing techniques?

Do not read chapter 18 (143 – 152) yet. Please wait to watch the video where I explain how you have two writing choices.

Once the video is over, I have a success criteria for you. Now this success criteria has 6 bullet points. Your challenge is to complete as many as you can:

  • Third person
  • Dialogue between the characters (which we have practised in a previous lesson)
  • Description of the action (think about choice of verbs)
  • Description of the scene (think adjectives)
  • Paragraphs
  • Verb / Adjective openers


One important note:

If you do too much of any of these (apart from third person) it will become boring for the reader. You are the writer so you decide how much of each you want – that will define your writing style.


MathsAddition Week

  1. Warm up your brain: Counting forward in 90s.

125, 750, 1420, 500, 335

  1. Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 answer targets for this week):
    1. Mix of 6 and 8 times tables
    2. Add / subtract within 10 000 (this will show quite a few column addition and subtraction questions which will help you throughout the week’s learning).
  2. Main lesson. The objective for today is:
    1. Can I solve addition reasoning questions?

Watch today’s video to see the tasks and how to solve the challenges.

  1. Maths Reasoning questions
  2. Arithmetic quiz (19 - 36 questions). Attached at the bottom is a picture of the sheet (so you can print it or simply write the answers – with workings out – in your HOME LEARNING BOOK). I have also attached the answers (for after the quiz so no peeking!)



Can I identify key facts about the Maya writing system?

From the first week of research into the Mayans, we have learnt that they developed their own writing system. This was an amazing find by historians as at the same time, across the world, the Celts were living in Britain with no writing ability. Open the Mayan Writing PowerPoint.

  1. Attached at the bottom of this blog are Mayan Writing Fact cards. Use these and this video, Maya Writing to try to complete the Maya Writing Fact Hunt Activity Sheet.
  2. Write down which are your favourite facts.
  3. Look through the PowerPoint at slides 3 – 6 where codices and hieroglyphs are explained. The final task is to copy any of the hieroglyphs form slide 6 into your Home Learning book.

(Once completed, send it me via Seesaw.)



Following on from the History lesson into the Mayan writing system, we learnt that the Maya people wrote syllables and words with one or a mixture of hieroglyphs. Look at the same attached PowerPoint for pictures of the hieroglyphs.

Today’s lesson will be split into 2 parts:

  1. Watch this video, How Maya Hieroglyphs are written, which shows an expert calligrapher Dr Mark Van Stone drawing hieroglyphs of someone he knows. You will notice that the Mayan sounds are not the same as in English. He then combines the sounds of the name together, just like in the PowerPoint slide 3.
  2. This is where you will become a calligrapher and design your own hieroglyphs by using the Mayan alphabet, attached at the bottom of this blog. Just like the video of the calligrapher, you will have to convert your name into Mayan phonetics (sounds) which is quite tricky as we are not fluent with the Mayan language. Therefore, I want you to find what you think is the nearest possible sounds to your name and then piece them together.

E.g. For my name, Mr Mears, I found:

For MR, I decided to change it to Mister and picked MI-TZI as there wasn’t the sound ‘is’ or ‘er’


For MEARS, I picked ME-A-TZE, which I think is the nearest I can find (plus there are four ‘A’ options so I picked my favourite).


For DANIEL, we struggled as there is no D or N sound so we chose K’A-MI-LE


(If this was too much work for today then you could move this activity to Friday)

Year 2 Home Learning - 28th January 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 4:04pm

Good morning Year 2.

We hope you have a brilliant day of home learning today. 

Why not have try a more relaxing start to your morning with some Yoga. Watch cosmic yoga on YouTube (see link below).  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JI01thiHYI

If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.


Winnie-the-Pooh & Eeyore | Winnie the pooh quotes, Winnie the pooh, Eeyore  quotes


Riddle of the day

How many letters are there in ‘the English alphabet’?

Talk to an adult and send us your answers on Seesaw.

Wednesday’s riddle answer - Congratulations to those children who said A map. We will also accept Sat Nav and model village



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Write, or draw pictures, from anything you’ve read! Big writing and pictures are even more fun. For example, use an old roll of wallpaper to make a treasure map with clues from the stories you’ve read together.

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Corner stones have released some free reading resources

Corner Stones

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading




Counting and Times Tables

Counting in 10’s – Can you start at 100 and count forwards in 10’s? Challenge – Can you count backwards from 200?

10 Times Tables – Listen to this 10 times table song: 10 times table song

Play hit the button and select 10 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 10 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 10 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal?


Today’s Maths lesson can be found under the family notifications section on Seesaw.

We would like you to have a go at the arithmetic quiz. Watch the video first to remind yourself about all the different strategies we use when completing missing number questions.

You will need:


Exercise book or scrap piece of paper to show your working

A quiet space

Arithmetic questions

Arithmetic answers to check your work


Be careful not to view the answers before you start the quiz. Try to complete this activity independently and once you have completed the quiz, go through the questions with an older sibling or adult (if they are available).


Let us know how you did by posting your score on Seesaw.



Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.

Log in at www.sumdog.com

Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.

Sumdog challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths –  Multiplication and division  

Spellings – Adjectives with the suffix -ful and -less




Your English Lesson today will be a recorded Power Point attachment.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be looking at adjectives with the suffix -full and -less.


Adjectives are describing words. Adjectives describe nouns.

You can make your own adjectives, by adding suffixes onto nouns or verbs.

A suffix is a group of letters that we can add onto the end of another word.

The suffix then changes the meaning of the word.

In this worksheet, you are going to add the suffix -ful and the suffix -less.


-ful means full of.

Tom's thumb gave him a lot of pain

Tom had a painful thumb.


-less means without.

The painter didn't care.

The painter was careless.



Use the adjectives below and have a go at writing you own sentences.








Readings during Mass are read from a lectern. There are readings from the Old Testament and from parts of the New Testament. These are read by people from a book called the Lectionary.


The Gospel readings for each Sunday are on a 3 Year cycle. (A, B, C). The Book of the Gospels is

honoured in a special way because Jesus is God’s Son bringing the Good News of God’s love to

everyone (Gospel means Good News. The priest or deacon reads a gospel story from the Book of



During the rest of Mass, the priest will read from the Altar Missal. This book contains the prayers the priest uses during Mass. Other books used in church at Mass are hymn books, Mass books and prayer books. These are all used by the congregation to help them to take part. Talk about these books which are used in church.


How is the Book of the Gospels is treated?

How do people at Mass greet the Gospel?

Why do you think people make the sign of the Cross three times on themselves before they listen to the Gospel?

What does the priest say before and after he reads the Gospel?


Activities to choose from:

  • Design a simple information leaflet about the books we use at church and describe how and why these books are used.
  • Make a bookmark to keep in a prayer book. Decorate it with the names of all the books you have learned about.


Additional activities – Calm Art Project

This project offers space to notice and explore these feelings. The four creative activities encourage children to spot, settle, soothe and share their worries so these feelings do not become overwhelming. By doing this children can be helped to feel calm. Please see the attached document and send us any work on Seesaw.


We can’t wait to see what you get up to today.


Year 2 team

HOME LEARNING Thursday 28th January 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 2:54pm

Year 4

Home Learning Thursday 28th January 2021

Good morning Year 4.  I hope you are well and keeping positive.  Well done for all the work you have completed at home so far – I am always impressed by what I see on Seesaw. 


Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Can you predict what you think will happen next? Make sure you use reasons from the text to back up why you think this will happen.



This week’s spellings all have the prefix ‘inter’. Children in school will be tested on these words today, therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on them. Write the date in your book - Thursday 28th January 2021 and the title Spelling test and complete the test underneath.  Once you’ve completed the test, check any words that you got wrong.  Good luck! The words are:

interact         international          intercity      interlink

interview       intermediate         internet       interface

intercept       interchange           intercom      interfere    

New spellings will be given tomorrow.



Last week we started our novel Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.

If you wish, either re-read or listen again to Chapter 2 and part of Chapter 3, upto page 29. A copy of the book is attached to the blog and a link to the audio for Chapter 2 is below.  Please see yesterday’s Seesaw for an audio of Chapter 3.


Write the long date Thursday 28th January 2021

Write the learning objective Can I write an informal letter?

Today you are going to be writing your letter from Michael to Eddie.  Please read over the document attached to the blog called ‘Example formal letter’ again. This shows how to set out your letter and explains the features of an informal letter.

Use the date and address on at the bottom of the page for your letter.

Read over your planning from yesterday to refresh your memory.

In your writing today, please focus on:

  • Capital letters
  • Correct spellings
  • Beautiful handwriting
  • Using paragraphs
  • Correct punctuation
  • Ambitious vocabulary
  • Using subordinating conjunctions (see ‘Conjunctions’ sheet attached to the blog)


Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

Children in school will be tested on their tables today, therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on your individual target or ÷9 if you are on ‘free’ tables.  Ask them to call out your tables in a mixed up order.  This is how I do it in school - ask the question twice, count to 8, then ask the next question.

Write the short date 28.01.21

Write the title Times table test

Check your answers carefully.

Please share your ‘test’ on Seesaw.



Count in 100’s from 800 to 2200 and back again.  Count in 100’s from 50 to 1250 and back again.  Write the numbers down if this helps! Think about what you found tricky. What patterns did you notice?

Please count in 12’s from 12 to 144 and back again – can you go any further? (if you get stuck, add 10 then 2 onto your last number if counting up, or subtract 10 then 2 if counting down). Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Eg 12 24 36       36 + 10 = 46 + 2 = 48       60     etc



Use the link below to play ‘Fruit splat group counting’


Choose a number eg 5. Choose whether to play in relaxed mode (without being timed) or timed mode. You will be shown arrays, all connected to the multiple 5. See how quickly you can work out what the array represents and click on the answer.  Play the game various times, using different multiples (choosing different numbers).


Watch the video which will be sent on Seesaw on Thursday morning.  This video will explain a mental multiplication strategy to use when multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number.

After watching the video, complete the worksheet attached to the blog called ‘Mental multiplication – partitioning’.


Then, use the answer sheet to check your answers.

Please upload your work to seesaw.


Please remember to log onto Sumdog to consolidate your learning about arrays.



Write the long date Thursday 28th January 2021

Write the learning objective Can I investigate how quickly water evaporates from different containers?

Read through the slides, paying careful attention to the scientific vocabulary. Please make sure you understand the words on slide 9 so that you can use them when you write about your investigation.

Click on the link to find today’s lesson.


You can choose either Can I investigate how quickly water evaporates from different containers? using the powerpoint resource to help….

Or a different investigation you could do involves wetting tea towels and timing how long they take to dry.  This one is quicker than waiting for bowls of water to evaporate.

You could use 3 tea towels made from different fabrics, or you could use 3 of the same tea towel and change a different variable. Think about what you will need to keep the same to make sure it is a fair test. For example, would it be fair if you screwed one up in a ball and spread another one out flat? Remember you should only change one variable and keep all the other variables the same.

  1. Write the title of your investigation as a question in this format:

How does ……………………………………..affect the time a tea towel takes to dry?

The one thing you are changing goes in the gap eg How does the type of fabric affect the time a tea towel takes to dry?  Or How does the amount of water on the tea towel affect the time it takes to dry? Or How does the place affect the time a tea towel takes to dry?

  1. Draw your results table. You can use the same table as on slide 6 but change the headings to match the variable you are changing
  2. Set up your investigation.
  3. Record the time you start. Check them every say 30 minutes and record the amount of water left. Is it still soaking or beginning to dry or almost dry? Then complete the final time for tea towels to dry table.
  4. Draw a bar chart of the 3 total times to display your results.
  5. After your table and graph, put a heading:   What I found out and answer these questions:

Which tea towel dried first? Why do you think this was? Could your investigation be improved?

Good words to use: evaporated, temperature, surface area, wind, material.

An example of good work is given on slide 10.

Whilst you are waiting for your tea towels to dry, can you design a machine to speed up evaporation? Be creative! We know we use hair dryers to speed up drying our hair and tumble driers for our clothes and hand driers for our hands. What they all have in common is that they use warm air to speed up evaporation. Can you invent a machine to dry a wet dog or to dry wet wellies after a walk? What other machine can you think of that maybe hasn’t been invented yet? I’m sure you’ll have some great ideas. Draw a large, labelled diagram of your machine, showing where the warm air comes from to speed up evaporation. You could make this diagram part of an advertisement to sell your machine if you like!

Please post your pictures on Seesaw. I look forward to seeing your work!


Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 11 and 12 times tables)
  • A maths challenge based on ‘arrays’ and the 3, 4 and 8 times tables
  • A grammar challenge ‘capital letters’ (this is something which I am having to correct in writing every day, therefore I am setting it as a challenge this week)

Please make sure you log on and have a go!

New challenges will start on Monday 1st February 2021


Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Year 3 Home Learning 28th January 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 2:02pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you have had a nice day today. The maths work you have sent me on Seesaw is super!

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Write down your working out.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing, I will be looking out for some funny and imaginative ideas.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 25 of you have been on the grammar and spelling challenge, and still just 1 person has completed it. 19 of you have been on the related facts challenge and 3 of you have already completed it. Well done.


Things that made me smile on Wednesday (you could write your own list too)

  • The thought of Mr Stink wearing makeup and a butterfly clip.
  • Your great maths work on Seesaw.
  • A loud singalong in my car.


Thursday 28th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Choose 3 words that you don’t know the meaning of. Try to figure out their meaning from the sentence and then use a dictionary to check if you were correct.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings. Some are near homophones which means they have slightly different pronunciation.

quiet, quite, bare, bear, sun, son, new, knew, night, knight


Write the long date: Thursday 28th January 2021

Write the title: Homophone Pairs

Write out the homophone pairs next to each other.

quiet            quite

bare            bear

sun              son

new              knew

night           knight


Add pictures or decorations to some of the words to help you remember what the different spellings mean. For example, you might turn the k in knight into a sword, or you might turn the t at the end of quiet into a finger over lips to show sssh.



Read pages 216 – 226 of Mr Stink attached to this blog. I wonder if you notice a change in Chloe in this chapter.

This chapter uses a lot of similes, similes compare things to other things to help describe them. Here are the similes from this chapter.

Mother’s bouffant danced around her head like candyfloss on a windy day at the seafront as she attempted to hold it down.

She shot across the garden like a furry cannonball and into the pond.

The postal districts were packed below her like squares on a chessboard.

Gosh, he does smell like a toilet.


Long date: Thursday 28th January 2021

Title – Can I write similes?

Write your own similes about:

Mother’s hair

The cat being blown across the garden

What the town looked like from up above in the helicopter

Mr Stink’s smell


You can start your sentences like this if you want to, or some of you might come up with your own ideas:

Mother’s bouffant danced around her head like…

She shot across the garden like…

The postal districts were packed below her like…

Gosh, he does smell like…


For an extra challenge, you could also make up some more similes about:

The Prime Minister

Ten Downing Street

Chloe sticking up for Mr Stink

Anything you like



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Please send me your similes on Seesaw – I will be looking out for great handwriting, perfect spelling, capital letters and good ideas.



Times tables

Listen to the 8x tables rap – dance and sing along.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Related Facts Challenge: 25th January – 31st January
  • Grammar and Spelling Challenge: 25th January – 31st January



Count out loud in 10s:

From 32 to 142.

From 705 to 815.

From 988 to 1018.



Today you are going to do some arithmetic questions. Please watch two videos on Seesaw before starting. 

Remember the number line method we looked at last week, use this to help you with question 19. Watch the video on Seesaw again if you need a reminder.

I have also posted two new videos on Seesaw to help you with questions 20 and 25.

After you have watched the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes.

Before using the answer sheet, read through your answers to make sure you haven’t made any silly mistakes – we had lots of these last week in class!

After 20 minutes and after you have checked yourself, use the answer sheet to check your answers.



Watch the video:


Complete the activity called – Feeling Flexible



We were doing really well with our French phonics so here’s a video to watch first to practise some sounds.


Now click this link and download Lesson 10 with audio.


 First, it recaps the pencil case items that you should be quite familiar with by now.  On slide 5, you are going to use a negative sentence – Example,  there is no ruler = il n’y a pas de règle. Slide 7 – 9 are spot the difference slides. Again you need a negative – il n’y a pas de … there is no ….Notice you need the word de (duh) after a negative.

On slide 11, you are going to have a conversation with someone else if possible, or with your teddy if not! Tu as un …..? Do you have a ….? The reply is either Oui, j’ai un ….. Yes I have a ….. or Non, je n’ai pas de …… No, I don’t have a  …..

In your book, write the date en francais – mardi vingt-six fevrier and the title

Can I write a conversation including a negative sentence?

Using slide 11 as a model, can you write a conversation like this using one ‘Yes I have’ reply and one ‘No I don’t have’ reply?

Here’s my favourite song to finish!


Très bien! I’d really like to see your work on Seesaw! A la semaine prochaine.

Year 1 Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 11:56am

Welcome to a new month and a new week of home learning ,Year 1.

We hope you all had a great pirate day and a restful weekend.


 Read every day. It is so important. For your reading challenge today we would like you to do some predicting before you read a new book. Look at the book cover and the blurb on the back of the book – What do you think this book will be about? What do you think will happen next? What makes you think this? Record some of your ideas to Seesaw.


This week we are learning all our different or sounds. OR, AW, AU.

Watch Geraldine's videos below and write out your words in 3 lists.

Then visit Seesaw for today's sounds challenge.


Our new story is Little Red Riding Hood. Listen to and watch the story here. Little Red Riding Hood

Talk about the story. 

  • Who are the characters ?
  • Why is Little Red Riding Hood going to see her grandma?
  • How does the wolf trick Little Red Riding Hood?
  • If you were Little Red Riding Hood what would you have done when you met the wolf?
  • How does the story end?
  • Can you think of a different ending?

Draw one of the characters on the sheet and think about words to describe them. Write the words around your picture. Talk about your picture and words. Upload to Seesaw.

Sing this Little Red Riding Hood song.


Watch the counting videos below and sing along. Mute the video and keep counting. Can you keep in time with the song?

This week we are looking at numbers to 50 and place value. Watch our Numbers to 50 lesson here and complete the worksheet attached.

66% of you had a go at our Maths challenge on Sumdog. Well Done! Keep practising your number facts regularly to maintain the progress made in your number learning.


Our new topic in R.E. is Meals. Think about a special meal you have had and answer these questions. Draw a picture of the meal on the sheet.

  • When might you have a special meal?
  • What makes a meal special?
  • Who was there?
  • Who prepared the meal?
  • What did you share?
  • How did you help?
  • What did you like best about it?
  • How did it make you feel?


Today we are exploring how some materials are waterproof and some are absorbent. Below you will find a video of an experiment investigating materials and how waterproof or absorbent they are. 

Materials experiment - How waterproof are different materials?

Watch the video and follow  the instructions. Can you create your own investigation with materilas around your home? Record your findings on the sheet attached.


We are supporting Children's Mental Health Week.

You are going to make a special book called a journal.Have a talk about all the things that make you happy. On the sheet draw a picture of yourself in the box and draw things that make you happy around your picture.

This video has two parts which are  both about 6 minutes long.The first one is about developing a positive mindset and the second one is to help to calm your mind. Do one or both.Relaxation and meditation video. Click Here

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk