Year 2: Blog items
Date: 29th Apr 2022 @ 4:49pm
Year 2 have had a great week of learning. We have enjoyed the lovely weather and getting outside for some of our learning.
In English the children have continued the novel Journey and written a brilliant story about their own adventure using paragraphs and great adjectives. In Maths we have learnt about multiplication and division. In Science this week the children have had a great lesson about plants and growing. They used their ‘Working Scientifically Skills’ to carry out an investigation into how well seeds grow in different light conditions. The children have planted some lettuce and radishes and are keeping a close eye to see how they are getting on in our polytunnel. The beans on their table are showing slight differences from last week. We will keep you updated on these! In French the children have continued learning the actions to match the French phonic sounds and also practised the weather phrases through games, songs and a story. The children acted out the story of the Resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit in RE this week. They loved acting out the story on our outdoor stage.
Online Safety Update – This week’s Online Safety Update is all about age-appropriate content online. Children can chance upon inappropriate content in various ways, from pop up ads to TikTok or YouTube Videos. In this guide you will find tips on a number of potential risks such as social media, gaming and adverts.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words. VIPERS are available on the school wesite to help with questioning.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. Please remind your child to put their book bag in the box on Monday morning. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
There will be a spelling quiz on Friday 6th May.
You will have a Sumdog challenge with next week’s spellings to complete by next Friday.
At home, count in 2s from a number other than O. These become more tricky when you get higher up and then try going backwards for an extra challenge.
You will have a multiplication challenge and times table challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
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Have a lovely bank holiday weekend - See you all Tuesday.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 22nd April 2022
Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 9:55am
We hope you all had a lovey Easter Break and are ready for the next 6 weeks of term. We cannot believe it is the Summer term already! The children have had a great first week back and it’s lovely to see them again.
In English the children have started a new novel called 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. The children have explored the beginning of the story and looked at what the pictures are showing us, using inference to detect what is happening. In Maths we have finished our unit on Money and started looking at Multiplication and using arrays. In Art this week we have explored the Blossom trees and drawn them in our sketch books whilst looking at all the details from the tree. In PE the children have started practising for sports day - they are all very excited for this. In Science the children have started a new topic all about Plants. They have planted a bean and are waiting to see what happens to it. In French the children are learning letters through phonics with actions.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. Please remind your child to put their book bag in the box on Monday morning. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
There will be a spelling quiz on Friday 29th April.
You will have a Sumdog challenge with this week’s spellings to complete by next Friday.
At home, count forwards and backwards in 4s to 48. Start at different numbers each time. For example, start counting forwards from a number other than 4. What patterns do you see? What numbers do you say each time?
Practise 2-, 5-, 10- and 3-times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have a money and times table challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
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Online Safety Update – Please read our guide for TikTok below. In this guide you will find tips on a number of potential risks such as age appropriate content, addiction and in app sending.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Easter Blog Friday 1st April 2022
Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:32pm
Spring Term has been really good in Year 2, the children have been working so hard and making a lot of progress. They looked amazing in their World Book Day costumes today and shared their love of books and reading. In Maths, we have been working on adding and subtracting money, finding change and problem solving. The investigation in Science was great, the children looked at what materials were waterproof or not, and decided which would be the best material to make a raincoat for teddy. They enjoyed ball skills and tennis outside during PE and in RE, we read all about what happened to Jesus during Holy Week.
Over the holidays please try to read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This should be enjoyable, and help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Practise 2-, 5-, 10- and 3-times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
There are no challenges set, however if you would like to play some games, you can continue to access the Maths and Spelling Training sections.
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Have a lovely Easter Holiday.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 25th March 2022
Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 3:49pm
Year 2 have thoroughly enjoyed the sunny, warm weather and it has been wonderful to be outside more. In English, the children have started the novel Mr Skip by Michael Morpurgo and looked at sentence structure and punctuation. We have continued our work on addition and subtraction in Maths. In RE, we read the story of Palm Sunday and the children retold it so well, with lovely illustrations. They have done a lot of Art this week in preparation for Mother’s Day. Forest School has started up again, much to the children’s delight, they made shelters and worked really well together. We are visiting the Library next Thursday, it will include a tour and book related activities. Year 2 are very excited about it because they love books so much. It will be St Oswald’s World Book Day next Friday and the children may dress up as their favourite book character.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
There will be no spelling quiz on Friday 1st April.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on tricky words to complete by next Friday.
At home, count forwards and backwards in 3s to 60. Start at different numbers each time. For example, start counting forwards from 12 or backwards from 30. What patterns do you see? What numbers do you say each time?
The children looked at number facts to 20 in class. Write down a number, for example, 8 put a circle around it and ask your child to write all the addition and subtraction number sentences they know that equal 8. They may even be able to have a go at some multiplication or division number sentences that equal 8. This can be repeated for other numbers.
Practise 2-, 5-, 10- and 3-times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have a subtraction challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
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Happy Mother’s Day!
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 3:44pm
Another great week for Year 2, Freddy Fit came to school and the children did exercises to upbeat/loud music. They learnt about team work and being healthy, there was a lot of fun and laughter. We also voted for our favourite books in the Lancashire Brilliant Book Awards. The winner was… Nappy The Pirate Baby. Well done to all the children who have been reading and enjoying these books, if you have not read one of the books yet, you will still get a chance to bring one home. In English, the children have completed/edited their newspaper reports and we will be ready to start our new novel very soon. They have also written some fantastic dragon stories and poems. We are learning about addition and subtraction in Maths, thinking about using lines and dots (tens and ones) and partitioning numbers to add/subtract them. For Science, we did a live lesson on minibeasts. The children enjoyed looking at the different habitats and learning new things about predatory beetles and pollinators. The tulips that the children drew and painted during our art lesson were extremely good. Keep up the great work year 2.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practice only and can be kept with you.
It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Learn them in a different order, not just how they appear on the list below.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings: adding ‘ies’ to words ending in ‘y’.
flies carries
tries cries
replies dries
copies marries
babies families
At home, count forwards and backwards in halves. For example, 0, ½, 1, 1 ½, 2, 2 ½, 3 and so on. You can play the ‘follow me’ game that we played in class, taking turns to say each whole number and fraction.
Practise 2-, 5-, 10- and 3-times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have a true or false addition challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
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Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 11th March 2022
Date: 11th Mar 2022 @ 12:54pm
This week’s highlight was our trip to ‘Bring Yer wellies’. The children had a fantastic time and learnt so much. The day was packed with activities like planting herbs, den building, playing on the sand beach and watching our model Tudor Houses burn, as though it was the real Great Fire of London! Year 2 had lovely manners and listened so well, a real credit to the school. In Maths, we have been focusing on arithmetic. In English, the children have written letters to Grandad about the pet dragon and looked at commas. They have also written a crime report about one of the villains in a traditional tale of their choice. Our D.T. day was busy but very productive. The Tudor Houses looked amazing, the children did so well designing and building them. What an exciting week!!
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Other ideas include breaking the words up and writing them down in different colours (multiply) or think of your own ways to remember the word for example, spell it aloud using a tune or song.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings are, the sound ‘igh’ spelt with a ‘-y’:
cry sly
fly shy
dry terrify
try sky
reply multiply
At home, count forwards and backwards in 10s. Start at different numbers each time. For example, start counting forwards from 24 or backwards from 39. See if you can count past 100!
Practise 2-, 5-, 10- and 3-times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have an addition challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
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Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 4th March
Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 10:44am
A busy week in Year 2, the children are enjoying their learning, listening well and asking lots of good questions. They enjoyed colouring Ukrainian flags for our window display. Thank you to everyone who brought in donations for the people of Ukraine, the children felt so happy to help. In English, we have read, The True Story Of The 3 Little Pigs! By Jon Scieszka. The children had to decide if Mr. A. Wolf was innocent or guilty and justify their opinion in a character profile. They also wrote some great Wanted Posters, using interesting vocabulary.
We have continued our work on place value and number in Maths. The children placed numbers on partially filled number lines, worked on adding and taking 10 from two-digit numbers and rounded numbers to the nearest multiple of 10.
In RE we learnt all about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday and went to Church to receive the ashes. It was lovely for the whole school to spend time together in Church again. In PSHE the children have learnt about healthy eating, it generated a great class discussion.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Other ideas include breaking the words up and writing them down in different colours (pedal). You could look for words within words (metal)or think of your own ways to remember the word for example, spell it aloud using a tune or song.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings are, the sound ‘l’ spelt ‘-il’ and ‘-al’:
pencil pedal
fossil capital
nostril hospital
pupil animal
metal oval
At home, count forwards and backwards in 3s to 36. Start at different numbers each time. For example, start counting forwards from 12 or backwards from 30. What patterns do you see? What numbers do you say each time?
Practise 2-, 5-, 10- and 3-times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have a number challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
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We are looking forward to our class trip next week on Thursday 10th March.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Friday 25th February 2022
Date: 25th Feb 2022 @ 8:35am
Year 2 have had a great first week back after half term. They have been working really hard and have produced some fantastic pieces of work, a big well done to everyone. The book award books have been a success and the children have enjoyed talking about them and taking them home to read. I wonder which one will be their favourite! In English, we have become journalists and done some interviewing, recount writing and learnt about the third person, past and present tense. We have continued reading the novel, The Boy Who Grew Dragons and done some great descriptipns using interesting adjectives. Our new topic in Maths is place value and the children also looked at time, please ask your children to tell the time now and then at home, especially o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. In RE we read the story about The Last Supper and thought about our Lenten promises. The children did a survey in Science and looked for different materials around their tables, in class and outside. In Geography, we have started our new topic all about Australia. We began to learn the words for some vegetables in French through games and a song. We practised our colour and number words too.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Other ideas include breaking the words up and writing them down in different colours (camel). You could look for words within words (tinsel)or think of your own ways to remember the word for example, spell it aloud using a tune or song.
You have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
camel tinsel
tunnel bagel
squirrel hazel
travel vowel
towel jewel
At home, count forwards and backwards in 5s to 60. Start at different numbers each time. For example, start counting forwards from 20 or backwards from 50. Look at how this relates to the clock and telling the time.
Practise 2, 5, 10 and 3-times tables on a game called Hit the Button.
Follow this link:
You have a time challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
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Thank you to all those who have brought in cardboard boxes for our D.T project. We will be making houses from 1666 and taking them with us on our trip (Thursday 10th March).
Have a great weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Thursday 10th February 2022
Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 3:46pm
Well done Year 2. You have all had a brilliant half term of learning.
This week we have celebrated Children’s Mental Health Week with the theme of ‘Growing Together’. We have looked at keeping our bodies and mind healthy and how we can look after ourselves. The children have enjoyed coming into school today in their own clothes to ‘Express themselves’.
Over half term please read with your child.
Spellings – Please continue with this week’s spellings.
We will do our spelling quiz on the first Friday after half term.
After half term we are doing our D.T (design and technology) unit. This year we are making houses for the ‘Great Fire of London’. For the first week back, please send your child into school with 2 different sized cardboard boxes. Below are some examples of the types of houses we will be attempting to make.
Please make sure you return your trip slip if you haven’t done already.
Thank you.
Have a lovely half term.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 4th February 2022
Date: 4th Feb 2022 @ 1:30pm
Year 2 have had a brilliant week of learning. We have continued reading our novels of ‘The boy who grew dragons’ and ‘The Fox, Tin Forest and the Whale Song‘. The children have written a fantastic dragon description using great and interesting vocabulary, edited their work to make their sentences better and wrote facts about African animals.
In Maths, we have started learning about Capacity and Volume. This week we have looked at what capacity and volume is and measured liquid using a variety of containers to see the amount using millilitres and litres.
In French, the children have learnt the names of some fruits and began to understand that some nouns are masculine and some are feminine in French. We enjoyed doing the conga to the song J'aime les fruits! You can find the song on YouTube by Alain le Lait if you'd like to hear it!
In Geography, the children have learnt about the United Kingdom and the countries within it. We have looked at the Atlas and used it to find and label these countries on the map.
In RE, the children have continued their learning on the Gospels. The children have described how the Gospels are used by the parish family and written how they can do what Jesus wants them to do at school and at home.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
At home, spend some time counting in tens from these numbers – 3, 6, 8 and 11. Which number can you reach? Can you count backwards from this number?
Next week we are learning about money. Can you explore coins with an adult? Which coins have they got? What are the amounts of the coins?
Please have a go at the spelling and maths training if you haven’t already. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise.
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Sumdog challenges:
Maths – Capacity
x3 x5 tables
Spellings – ‘le’ words.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 28th January
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 3:58pm
This week in Year 2 our novels include ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ and ‘The Fox, Tin Forest and Whale Song‘. The children have compared the stories and written which is their favourite ready to edit themselves next week. The children have also written a diary in first person, provided a list of positives and negatives for owning a dragon as a pet and taken part in reading the novel together as a class. Today we were lucky enough to explore dragon fruits which was very exciting! (Luckily no dragons were hiding inside!).
In maths, we have started our learning on fractions. This week we have looked at halves, quarters and fifths of numbers and shapes. We have learnt about all the important vocabulary we need to know about fractions.
In computing, the children have learnt a brilliant song all about how they can stay safe online at home. This week the children learnt about green, amber and red games on tablets and understanding why they can go on specific ones.
In geography this week the children recapped all about the oceans. We then looked at the continents and what they are. The children used maps and a digital atlas to find all the continents and the oceans which surrounds them.
In RE, the children have looked at Gospel readings and explored what happens in Church when the Priest reads these out.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
At home, spend some time counting in 3s and 4s. Can you count on from any number and see which number you can reach. You could time yourself to see how long it takes you to get to 100, then see if you can beat your time.
Please have a go at the spelling and maths training if you haven’t already. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise.
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Sumdog challenges:
Maths – Fractions
x4 x10 tables
Spellings – ‘j’ words.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 21st January 2022
Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 1:24pm
Year 2 have had a great week. We have read many different stories this week including; The Birthday Duck, The Selfish Giant and the Giraffe, Peli and Me. From this the children have worked on character descriptions, predictions, WANTED and advert posters.
In Maths, we have continued our learning on statistics – we have learnt about using and reading tally charts, pictograms and bar charts.
In French, the children have continued to learn about how to say types of pets alongside a song about pets.
In computing, the children have learnt about online safety and explored the different emotions and feelings we and others may feel when we are online.
In Science this week, the children have learnt lots of vocabulary for different types of materials and looked for materials in the outdoor environment.
The children have enjoyed taking part in outdoor learning this week and have each planted their own hedgerow on the field.
In RE, the children have loved learning all about different religions – Sikhism, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism. The children have looked at the similarities and differences between world religions and Christianity.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
At home, spend some time counting in 5s and 10s. Can you count on from any number and see which number you can reach. You could time yourself to see how long it takes you to get to 100, then see if you can beat your time.
Please have a go at the spelling and maths training if you haven’t already. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Maths – Tally Charts
x2, x3, x4 tables
Spellings – ‘ge’ words.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 14th January 2022
Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 1:04pm
Year 2 have had a fantastic week and we continue to work hard to follow all of our golden rules every day. In English, we have continued with Leaf and Non-Fiction writing. The children wrote a brilliant diary in first person (as Leaf) all about how he was feeling. In Maths, we have learnt about statistics – we have learnt about bar charts and interpreting them. In PE this week the children have performed a sequence of travelling and balances. The children enjoyed using low levelled equipment to perform different ways of travelling. In French, the children have learnt how to say types of pets.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
At home, spend some time counting in 3s and 4s. Can you count on from any number and see which number you can reach.
Please have a go at the spelling and maths training if you haven’t already. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Maths – Charts
X2 x5 x10 x3 tables
Spellings – ‘c’ words.
Please could your child bring in a pair of wellies for next week – we are taking part in some exciting planting out on the field.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 7th January 2022
Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 3:42pm
Happy New Year! We hope you had a lovely Christmas break. Year 2 have had a brilliant first week back in school, it has been great to see their smiles and happy faces again. Our novels this week in English are Leaf and non-fiction. The children have looked at features of non-fiction texts and have written some great questions to Leaf the polar bear. In Maths, we have started multiplication, finding arrays as repeated addition. We have explored shapes in the environment in Art this week. In Science, the children have really enjoyed taking part in an investigation all about which ball will bounce the highest. The children came up with brilliant questions all about different ball types including colours, materials and sizes. In French, the children have learnt about how French people celebrate La fete des Rois – the Feast of Epiphany. The children are also beginning to write some sentences in French – tres bien!
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
At home, spend some time counting in 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s. Practise these times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have a number fact challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Please have a go at the spelling and maths training if you haven’t already. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in school. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your challenges have been completed, use this feature for challenge in both spelling and maths.
Spend some time training so the program can learn the skills your child needs to work on and practise.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Maths – Arrays as repeated addition
X2 x5 x10 x3 tables
Spellings – ‘wr’ words.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Date: 5th Jan 2022 @ 11:44am
Too often, children can run rings around their parents when it comes to online safety, but guardians must stay clued up, warns Elizabeth Kitto (prevent education officer for Barking and Dagenham)
While there are a number of important areas of Online Safety, these are the big four.
Filters are amazing and can set healthy, age-appropriate boundaries for free on any device connected to the home WiFi. These can be set through a phone call to any internet provider and updated as children grow. Updates are incredibly important to gradually increase exposure and allow young people to build resilience as they mature.
Make sure that you are aware that any devices with their own data sets, like phones, will need their filters set separately. And remember that you can set passwords to override the filter system so you don't miss out on any of the film releases that would be less suitable for your 10-year-old.
Safe search engines
For under 10s, setting the homepage to a safe search engine is an excellent way to overcome mishaps. We have all had a seemingly innocent image search go awry, and by using child-friendly sites like Smiggle, YouTube Kids and KidRex, we can reduce that risk substantially. Some large web search providers do have safe search options but, be aware, these are very easy to switch off.
As for older children (year 6), it's all about reinforcing the importance of responsibility. Leaning over a child's shoulder at all times or attempting to monitor their screens using apps is less likely to create a healthy relationship and more likely to teach them how to creatively sneak past you.
Have you ever bought a pair of jeans and then been bombarded with ads for jeans for the next three months? That's an algorithm. They collect information and send us materials that will make us tick. While this may be great for our wardrobe, it can create problems regarding echo chambers and fake news.
Reinforce the importance of learning about the world from mainstream media channels rather than stories from social media or news suggestions from their phones. This can build a more balanced knowledge of the world within the home and help you recognise when you or your children are straying into conspiracy theories and bias debates, and instead form healthy informational environments.
Social media
Social media is often the centre of a young person's world and while many parents may have a Facebook account, they may be less au fait with the newer, young models.
For younger children, play around on social media sites alongside your child, learn together how to block and apply appropriate privacy settings to form a positive online space.
For older children, reinforce the message of accountability. What happens on the internet can be difficult to erase. Many young people have no interest in "friending" their parents, and respect of space can build trust, but if you have any concerns, ensure that the parents feel they can have an open a supportive dialogue to air out any worries.
National Online Safety Training Hub
Continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.
We have set up a watchlist which includes some videos and training we think you will find beneficial.
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 4:28pm
Welcome to our final blog of 2021!
We have had a fantastic term in Year 2 - well done for all your hard work!
Merry Christmas!
We hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas with your family and friends.
We will look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Thank you for all your support.
Miss Gravili, Miss Bennison and Mrs Whitworth.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 10th December 2021
Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 3:34pm
The children were fantastic in The Nativity, well done to everyone. I am sure you all enjoyed watching it at home together. Year 2’s Christmas jumpers were fabulous today, we all looked very festive and it was great to enjoy a Christmas dinner with crackers. Thank you for all the lovely cards, the children loved to give them out to one another. In English, they wrote their own animal stories, completed their non-chronological reports on owls and wrote Christmas acrostic poems. We have done some quizzes in Maths to see how much the children have learnt so far. They were great at naming 2-D and 3-D shapes and very quick with their addition and subtraction facts. In RE, we learnt about the Angel Gabriel visiting Mary and talked about what they said to each other. We have done a lot of Art and the children designed some excellent repeating Christmas patterns and used different materials to print with.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
There will be no spelling quiz next Friday. Please have a go at the Spelling Training on Sumdog (mentioned below).
At home, practise number bonds up to 10 and 20 on Hit the Button.
Follow this link:
You have a Time challenge this week on Sumdog. We have not done this in class yet, it is to recap previous learning from Year 1 and focuses on o’clock and half past on digital and analogue clocks.
Times Table challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
We have introduced Maths and Spelling Training. As you know, we set weekly challenges that are linked to the learning that takes place in class. As an extra feature, the maths and spelling training sections will provide a tailored challenge for your child to practise skills, facts and words that they find difficult. Once your class challenges have been completed, use this feature for additional spelling and maths practice.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Time Challenge (recap o’clock and half past)
Times Table Challenge – 2, 5, 10 and 3
Spellings Training
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Home Practice 3rd December 2021
Date: 2nd Dec 2021 @ 2:57pm
We have had a great week of learning in Year 2. We have all been busy getting ready for our Nativity next week – lots of singing and super acting! In English, the children have looked at non-fiction writing about owls and are in the process of completing a non-chronological report. In Maths, we have continued looking at shapes and this week we have learnt about 3D shapes and their properties. The Big Draw for Art this week is drawing about our class story – the children drew some brilliant pictures of the night. In Science we have finished our topic on Habitats and the children drew a very detailed food chain.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
Due to Nativity rehersals we have not managed to do this weeks spelling quiz. So please keep learning last weeks spellings for next Friday and these will be the last quiz before Christmas.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you. You will have a Sumdog challenge to complete by next Friday.
At home, spend some time counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Practise these times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have a number fact challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Maths –
Properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes.
Problems using number facts.
Spellings – high frequency words.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Home Practice 26th November 2021
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 4:20pm
A very busy week for Year 2, time is passing so quickly and the children are doing really well in all their learning. We lit the first Advent candle and spent some time preparing for our Nativity Play. It’s beginning to feel like Christmas, hopefully the children will be singing the songs at home and sharing all the excitement about what characters they are. In English, we read The Owl who was afraid of the Dark and answered comprehension questions. We also used library books to look for past and present tense verbs. We have started to work on shape in Maths, the children are very good at naming 2-D shapes and their properties. The Big Draw started this week, so we’ve been doing a lot of Art work. The children learnt about Miranda Lloyd and will be using her work to inspire their own. During PSHE, the children realised that it’s important to talk about our worries. They drew some super habitats and wrote facts about them in Science. In RE, we decorated boxes with all the things we do to prepare for Christmas. Well done everyone, keep up the great work!
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
Your child will know which group they are in for phonics. Please learn the correct set of spellings below.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you. You will have a Sumdog challenge to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
Miss Gravili’s Phonics Group ‘High frequency words’
Miss Bennison’s Phonics Group ‘High frequency words’
At home, spend some time counting in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Practise these times tables on a game called Hit the Button. Follow this link:
You will have a number fact challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Maths –
Properties of 2-D shapes.
Problems using number facts.
Spellings – high frequency words.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 19th November
Date: 18th Nov 2021 @ 5:10pm
Year 2 have had a great week of learning. In English, we have read The Tale of Peter Rabbit and The Flat Rabbit. We have explored great vocabulary and interesting words which we can then use in our own writing. In Maths we have continued learning about subtraction and addition. In History, we started our topic on ‘The Great Fire of London’ and explored the timeline of events that took place. Science was very interesting; the children explored microhabitats. In PSHE we had a lovely circle time talking about Anti-Bullying and the focus this year is ‘One kind Word’. The children have worked hard this week to say lots of kind things to each other. In French, the children have recited a poem ‘Petit Escargot’ and made some cards to show their understanding. Bon Effort!
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
Your child will know which group they are in for phonics. Please learn the correct set of spellings below.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you. You will have a Sumdog challenge to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
Miss Gravili’s Phonics Group ‘High frequency words’
Miss Bennison’s Phonics Group ‘High frequency words’
At home play the ‘follow me’ game. One person starts by saying one, the other person says two, and so on. You could start at any number and count forwards or backwards. You could count in twos, threes, fives or tens. As you get better you could speed up.
You will have a times table and 10 more/10 less challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Multiplication – x3, x5 and x10 tables mixed.
Maths – 10 more and 10 less.
Spellings – high frequency words
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 12th November 2021
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 4:27pm
Year 2 have been working so hard this week and it really shows in the excellent pieces of work they have produced. In English, we have read Hansel and Gretel and The Little Story That Didn’t Want to Be Told. The focus has been on using great adjectives and conjunctions to make sentences longer and more interesting. Our new topic in Maths is addition and subtraction. The children have been looking at partitioning a number into tens and ones to help with calculations. In History, we learnt about Remembrance Day and made poppies. Science was very interesting; the children explored microhabitats. We learnt all about Judaism in RE, with a focus on Shabbat. Keep up the great work everyone.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
Your child will know which group they are in for phonics. Please learn the correct set of spellings below.
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘ow’ and ‘or’ sounds.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you. You will have a Sumdog challenge to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
Miss Gravili’s Phonics Group ‘ow’
Miss Bennison’s Phonics Group ‘or’
At home play the ‘follow me’ game. One person starts by saying one, the other person says two, and so on. You could start at any number and count forwards or backwards. You could count in twos, fives or tens. As you get better you could speed up.
You will have a times table and addition/subtraction challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables mixed.
Maths – Addition and Subtraction.
Spellings – words with the ‘ow’ and ‘or’ sounds.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Home Practice 5th November 2021
Date: 5th Nov 2021 @ 1:11pm
We hope you all had a lovely half term. We have had a great first week back of learning. In English this week the children have read The Bear and the Piano and Five Little Fiends. They have done lots of writing, including character descriptions and sequencing the story. The children are working really hard to use their lead-ins in all their English lessons. In Maths, they have been learning all about measure. Our PSHE lesson was introducing this terms topic of ‘Managing our feelings’. In Computing, the children worked on coding and Sumdog. In French the children have made a wreath of hands as a symbol of peace and friendship. Keep up the great work everyone.
In Year 2 children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent out on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
Your child will know which group they are in for phonics. Please learn the correct set of spellings below.
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘oa and ee’ sound.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Thursday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you. You will have a Sumdog challenge to complete by next Thursday.
This week’s spellings are:
Miss Gravili’s Phonics Group
Miss Bennison’s Phonics Group
At home count to 100 forwards and backwards. Count in twos, fives and tens from 0. Make it trickier by counting from any number in twos, fives and tens. What patterns can you see?
You will have a times table challenge and a measuring challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables mixed.
Maths – Measurement.
Spellings – words with the ‘ee and oa’ sounds.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 12:31pm
Keeping our children safe in the online space is of ever growing importance. From phones to consoles, our children are exposed to more online risk than ever and it is important that we adults keep up to date to ensure our children are prepared for all they meet online.
This term our classes have been learning about privacy and security as part of their Online Safety lessons. Below we have attached a guide for settting up new devices that your children may use. This incluses tips for security and password protection.
Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 15th October 2021
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 4:15pm
Well done Year 2, we have had another great week of learning. The story Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown was fun to read and the children responded well during class discussion. They have done lots of writing, including a poem about Flat Stanley using interesting adjectives and a description of themselves, as if they had become flat! Some of their illustrations were fabulous! In Maths, they have been comparing numbers and rounding to the nearest ten. We will be moving on to measuring length and mass next week. Our PSHE lesson (circle time) was spent discussing friendship and kindness. In Computing, the children worked on coding and Sumdog. The paintings they did in Art are going to look creative and colourful on our display. Keep up the great work everyone.
In Year 2 children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent out on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
Your child will know which group they are in for phonics. Please learn the correct set of spellings below.
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘igh’ sound.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Thursday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you. You will have a Sumdog challenge to complete by next Thursday.
This week’s spellings are:
Miss Gravili’s Phonics Group
Miss Bennison’s Phonics Group
Mrs Whitworth’s Phonics Group
At home count to 100 forwards and backwards. Count in twos, fives and tens from 0. Make it trickier by counting from any number in twos, fives and tens. What patterns can you see?
You will have a times table challenge and a comparing numbers challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables mixed.
Maths – Read and write numbers to 100 and compare and order numbers.
Spellings – words with the ‘igh’ sounds.
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.
Year 2 Home Practice Friday 8th October 2021
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 3:38pm
Another fantastic week in Year 2, the children are really enjoying their learning and trying so hard to follow the Golden Rules. Some of the work that has been produced this week has been amazing and a few children have been doing extra writing at home! We enjoyed reading their stories and looking at their illustrations, a big well done. The story, Burglar Bill is very popular, the children have role-played parts of the story with burglar masks and their Wanted Posters were excellent. In Maths, we have used a lot of maths equipment to solve problems, and class discussion shows the children are gaining a deeper knowledge of place value. In RE, they wrote beautiful poems about all the things they wonder about God and the illustrations were lovely. It was good to go outside for Geography and look at the human and physical features around the school grounds. The children missed Forest School last week due to the bad weather, so it was great to have another session making wands from sticks and leaves, it is always Year 2’s favourite thing to do.
In Year 2 children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.
Reading books are changed every Monday and sent out on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
Your child will know which group they are in for phonics. Please learn the correct set of spellings below.
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘ai’ sound.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday. A sheet will go home every Tuesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you. You will have a Sumdog challenge to complete by next Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
Miss Gravili’s Phonics Group
Miss Bennison’s Phonics Group
Mrs Whitworth’s Phonics Group
At home count to 100 forwards and backwards. The children always find counting backwards trickier! Stop on a number and ask your child, what is one more/greater than___? What is one less/fewer than ___? You could do the same for 10 more or 10 less.
You will have a times table challenge and a place value challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.
Log in at
Sumdog challenges:
Multiplication – x2 tables
Maths – Place value, partitioning numbers and one more/less than.
Spellings – ai, ay, ey, eigh, a-e
Thank you for all your support. Have a lovely weekend.
The Year 2 team.