Year 2: Blog items

Year 2 Home Practice - 7th May 2021

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 3:45pm

We have had another wonderful week in Year 2. We have loved being outdoors and staying active by completing the Daily Mile every day. This week in English, we have continued with our story The Tin Forest by Helen Ward. We have created some brilliant riddles for Mr Ingram to solve. In Maths, we have looked at statistics and we have answered questions about pictograms, bar charts and tallies. Today, in science we filled out our bean diary. They are just beginning to sprout! We have now planted some cress seeds and we will monitor them over the coming weeks. In French this week, we have been using phonics to spell numbers and we have also learnt how to say weather phrases. In RE we have continued to focus on the Pentecost. We have learnt how the Holy Spirit can help Christians. We have been learning how to make safe choices in PSHE. 


Well done to the 15 children who have had a go at the SumDog challenges this week. Those children will receive dojos for going on and completing the SumDog challenges. There will be a prize for the child with the most individual dojo points this week. 



In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.

Reading books are changed every Monday so please remember to bring in your book bag.

Reading resources:

Here is a useful link for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS 



Next week

Year 2 Home Practice - 30th April 2021

Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 3:33pm

We have had another fantastic week in year 2. We have enjoyed the weather at the start of the week and we loved getting out on the field! At dinner time, we have really enjoyed taking part in sports with Mrs Cookson. This week in English, we have continued with our story, The Tin Forest by Helen Ward. In Maths, we have continued to consolidate previous learning and we looked at partitioning numbers in different ways. Today, in Science, we carried out a hydroponics experiment where we grew broad beans without using soil. We hope to investigate and find out how they grow in different environments. In French this week, we have been using phonics to spell colour words and we have also learnt how to say weather phrases. We have started a new topic in PSHE

Year 2 Home Practice - 23rd April 2021

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 3:32pm


The children returned to school this week with smiling faces and a great enthusiasm for learning. The weather has been fantastic and we have made it a priority to enjoy the outdoors whenever possible. This week we have been focusing on a new story in English called The Tin Forest by Helen Ward. This book has generated plenty of discussion and we have produced some wonderful pieces of work. We are all looking forward to continuing the story next week. In Maths we have continued to consolidate previous learning and looked at estimating where a number should be placed on a number line. In RE we have started our new topic, discussing how Jesus has risen and brings us new life. We wrote a diary about the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb. In Science we have started our new topic

Online Safety - 21st April 2021

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 1:29pm

5 little-known social media mark... - News - What Mobile

Using social media websites is among the most common activity of today's children and adolescents. Any website that allows social interaction is considered a social media site, including social networking sites such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; video sites such as YouTube; and blogs. Such sites offer today's youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason, it is important that parents become aware of the nature of social media sites, given that not all of them are healthy environments for children and adolescents. - From the American Academy of Pediatrics

Below you will find two guides. One for Snapchat and one for Sadfishing. 

For more guides and explainer videos, join us at National Online Safety and explore the range of resources to keep updated with developments in social media and much more.

Year 2 Home Practice - 1st April 2021

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 3:27pm

Discipleship Ministries | 'Selah' Devotional - Holy Week 2020

What a brilliant final week of the spring term! We have celebrated Holy Week, enjoyed an Easter egg raffle and we have had plenty of fun in the sun. This term, the effort from the children has been incredible and they have worked very hard. There will be no work set on Sumdog over the next 2 weeks but keep reading every day.

We have been thrilled to welcome everyone back to school this half term and we have enjoyed every second of being back together.

We hope you have a relaxing and peaceful Easter holiday and we look forward to seeing you when we all return. Please return in your summer uniform J

Happy Easter!

From the Year 2 team





Online Safety - 31st March 2021

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 1:11pm

Internet Safety

This week we are having a look back at our wellbeing week and how we express ourselves online. Below you will find a guide on Expressing yourself safely online and a guide to using Youtube. 

We have also included the #wakeupwednesday guide from on RecRoom. This is a new online platform with an age rating of 9+. We haven't yet seen any of our children use this platform but it is always good to be informed on new developments.

Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.


Year 2 Home Practice - 26th March 2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 1:42pm

We have had another brilliant week in Year 2. This week we have been focusing on a new story in English – Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl. We have produced character descriptions to describe the three evil farmers and we have created wanted posters to try and catch the cunning Mr Fox. We are all looking forward to continuing the story next week. In Maths we have continued to consolidate previous learning, whilst also discovering new strategies for addition and subtraction. In RE we have discussed the events of Palm Sunday. We created our own palm leaves and crosses before re-enacting the events of that special day. In Science we have looked at the strength of different pieces of paper. We made predictions, developed an experiment and recorded the results. We have had a superb week!


Online Safety

Thank you to all who joined our Online Safety platform last week. To join, simply follow the link below and follow the instructions provided.

National online Safety

We all have an important role in keeping our children safe in an ever growing online world.

Please follow the link where you will find three new guides on WhatsApp, Fortnite and a Share a Smile online, linked to last week's Comic Relief theme – Online Safety



In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.

Reading books are changed every Monday so please remember to bring in your book bag.

Reading resources:

Here is a useful link for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



This week we have been learning the /igh/ sound spelt ‘y’

A spelling list will be sent out on a Monday with book bags and the spelling list will be available to practise on Sumdog. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.

This week’s spellings are:














This week in Maths we have focused place value alongside addition and subtraction by adding 9, rounding and then compensating. We have looked at mental strategies as well as using concrete equipment like base ten, to help consolidate learning.

e.g. 23 + 9

Please have a go at the challenges set on Sumdog.


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication – x2, x5 x10 and x 3 tables

Maths – Worded Addition and Subtraction

Spelling Quiz – /igh/ sound spelt ‘y’

Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.


Have a lovely weekend.


Year 2 team


Online Safety - 24th March

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 12:22pm

Thank you to all who joined our Online Safety platform last week. To join, simply follow the link below and follow the instructions provided. 

We all have an important role in keeping our children safe in an ever growing online world.

Below you will find three new guides on WhatsApp, Fortnite and a Share a Smile online, linked to last week's Comic Relief theme.



Year 2 Home Practice - 19th March 2021

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 3:43pm


Q: How do all the oceans say hello to each other? They wave!

Q: What did one wall say to the other wall? I’ll meet you at the corner!

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!


It has been great to see smiling faces return to school over the last couple of weeks. We have been working very hard since our return and we have produced some wonderful pieces of work. This week we have been carrying on our story Journey.  This book generates lots of discussion and children have enjoyed every page. We have even managed to write our own story based on the events of the book. In Maths we have continued to consolidate previous learning, whilst also discovering new strategies for addition and subtraction. In RE we have been continuing our topic of Lent/Easter and we have looked at how Lent is such a special time for Christians. In PE we have been focusing on fundamental skills in our new topic - playground games from the 20th century. What a week! It’s great to have everyone back!


Happy Red Nose Day! We have had lots of fun in Year 2 today and more importantly, your money has helped to support people living incredibly tough lives. Thank you.

Red Nose Day - Ransom Wood



In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.

Reading books are changed every Monday so please remember to bring in your book bag.

Reading resources:

Here is a useful link for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



This week we have been learning the /r/ sound spelt ‘wr’

A spelling list will be sent out on a Monday with book bags and the spelling list will be available to practise on Sumdog. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.

This week’s spellings are:













This week in Maths we have focused place value alongside addition and subtraction strategies. We have looked at mental strategies as well as using concrete equipment like base ten, to help consolidate learning.


Have a go at counting all the way to 100 in 2s. See how far you get!

Have a go at your 3 times table – Can you time how quickly you can say them up to 12 x 3?

Please have a go at the challenges set on Sumdog.


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication – x2, x5 x10 and x 3 tables

Maths – Addition and Subtraction

Spelling Quiz – /r/ sound spelt ‘wr’

Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.


Thank you for all your continued support,


The Year 2 team

Online Safety

Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 2:44pm

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at St Oswald's.

Here you will find a range of resources to keep your child safe online.

We have teamed up with National Online Safety to provide resoures, guides and training for all our staff and parents.

Below you will find a link to enrol to at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

We will also regularly post guides for social media and gaming platforms as they become more commonly used by your children.

This week you will find guides on Children's Mental Health, TikTok and Gaming Streamers and Influencers

Fabulous Friday - 5th March 2021

Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 3:11pm

It’s Fabulous Friday!


Well done for a brilliant week of home learning. We loved seeing all your World Book Day outfits yesterday. We are very proud of all the work you have done since the beginning of lock down and we would like to say a huge thank you to all the parents and carers that have supported you while you have been working from home. We can’t wait to see you all in school next week, how exciting!


We hope you have a wonderful weekend with your families and find lots of reasons to smile. We are both looking forward to staying active this weekend and getting outside for plenty of walks.


Please view our ‘Friday Catch Up’ on Seesaw where we discuss all of your amazing achievements throughout the week.


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

•          Read

•          Complete the number activity

•          Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for your teacher to see

The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!



Enjoy your reading today. Read at home with your family, read in your favourite nook, read in an unusual location, share a story with your pet, read a book dressed as your favourite character or read however you want.


Maths activity

Play this symmetry matching game -


Play this symmetry artist game -


Folding Test

Print out the attached document.

You can find if a shape has a Line of Symmetry by folding it. Have a go at cutting out the shape and folding them on the line of symmetry.

When the folded part sits perfectly on top (all edges matching), then the fold line is a Line of Symmetry.


Here I have folded a rectangle one way, and it didn't work.

But when I try it this way, it does work (the folded part sits perfectly on top, all edges matching):



Now it is your turn ... pick a shape and find its Lines of Symmetry. In fact, try them all! See what you discover.




Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you on Monday!


We can’t wait!

Year 2 Home Learning - 4th March 2021

Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 2:20pm

Thursday 4th March 2021

How you can celebrate a very 2021 World Book Day on Thursday 4 March! |  National Literacy Trust

Well done year 2 for all your fantastic learning so far this week. Remember tomorrow is Fabulous Friday so continue working really hard today. Can you write down 5 things you have enjoyed about home learning and 5 things you are excited about when you come back to school next week?


Today is World Book Day 2021. There are lots of brilliant ways you can enjoy books and there are lots of different ways you could spend time reading today. Read at home with your family, read in your favourite nook, read in an unusual location, share a story with your pet, read a book dressed as your favourite character, and more! We hope you have a lovely World Book Day 2021 and we would love to see what you get up to on Seesaw. Please send us a picture of your outfit along with a short note telling us all about your favourite book. Why do you enjoy that particular book?


Here is Mr Ingram’s favourite book:

Fantastic Mr Fox x 30 - Scholastic Shop

Here is Miss Bennison’s favourite book:

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy - The Rocketship Bookshop

We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge – VOCABULARY. Can you find 5 words that you would like to find more information about? Where could you use those words again? could you put them into your writing today?


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



This week in Maths we are learning about lines of symmetry.

Starter – Writing numbers on a number line.

You will need a ruler (or something you can draw a line with), number line or hundred square and a pencil.


I would like you to draw a number line and place these numbers on it correctly. I will put 2 on to start you off.

Now answer these questions:

  1. How did you sort the numbers?
  2. How did you know which number came next?
  3. Which is the biggest number? How do you know?
  4. Tell an adult about the tens and ones in the numbers?

This week our lessons focus on lines of symmetry and symmetry of shapes.


What is Symmetry?

When we think about symmetry the most important thing is that on either side of the line the shape looks the same as the other. They are the same. If the shape does not look the same on each side it does not show symmetry.


For your lesson today please have a go at the worksheet attached.


Worksheet 1 – Drawing lines of symmetry on shapes.

Worksheet 2 – Drawing shapes using squares.





Today is world book day! World Book Day is a brilliant opportunity for everyone to celebrate the joy of reading. You have two options to choose from today:

Option 1 – Finish reading The Day the Crayons Came Home and create a book review (see Word document attached to the blog)

Option 2 – Choose your favourite book and create book review using the same structure outlined in the attached Word document.

We are going to share our book reviews with each other in class. We would love to see your reviews on Seesaw.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


Today we continue to look at homophones.

Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 5th March. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.












Re-cap from yesterday

Can you read the sentences and choose from the homophones to, too or two to fill in the blanks?


Can you write out the correct sentence by using the correct homophone?

1. Last knight/night I went for a walk in the moonlight.

2. Blue/blew is my favourite colour.

3. If you want to go on holiday, you’ll have to catch a plane/plain.

4. I brush my hare/hair every day.

5. The lion had huge paws/pours.

6. Thomas couldn’t wait to meat/meet the new teacher.

7. Bernard got mud on his new/knew shoes.

8. I’m over here/hear!

9. Benny’s hiding over they’re/there/their.

10. Suzanne scraped her knee and now it’s really saw/sore.

Have a go at homophones riddles PowerPoint. This PowerPoint includes lots of fun riddles for you to learn about different homophones. The riddles include clues of sentences with missing spaces, and require you to fit the right homophone in the sentence.



Today our lesson is all about managing our feelings.

Please see the attached worksheet for today’s lesson.



We are starting a new topic called ‘Thanksgiving’.

You may be able to talk about your experience of receiving and giving thanks and wonder about how others feel when they are thanked.

You may be able to discuss how you feel when you give and receive thanks and how this affects your behaviour.


Read the passage attached to the school blog with an adult – Mrs Hegarty Retires

Q Why was Mrs. Hegarty thanked?

Q How did different people say thank you to her?

Q How do you think Mrs. Hegarty felt?

Q Which way would you choose to say thank you?

Activities to choose:

  • Complete the word document attached about giving thanks
  • In the bubbles underneath, write or draw ways in which you can give thanks. Talk about why we need to give thanks for things and how it makes us feel when we do.


Fairtrade Activity



Create a poster for what you would like to make the world a better place.

What sort of changes would you put into place?

How can we make the planet better?


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Symmetry

Spellings – Homophones 


We hope you have a brilliant World Book Day. Happy reading!


Year 2 team

Year 2 Home Learning - 3rd March 2021

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 3:05pm

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Thank you for sending your work yesterday – we know you are still working really hard at home which is so great to see. I hope your Lenten Promises are going well and you are doing your best to keep your promise. 5 more days until you are back in school! The weather is lovely at the moment so try and get out into the fresh air today – being outside is great for our well-being and helps our brain become focused for your day of learning.


Tomorrow is World Book Day 2021. We would love to see you dressed as your favourite character from a book. Please send us a picture of your outfit along with a short note telling us all about your favourite book. Why do you enjoy that particular book? The best message will receive a £10 Book Voucher!


This week you will still have some Fairtrade activities and these will be posted at the bottom of the blog.


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge – RETRIEVE information. Can you tell an adult or write down what type of book is it? Who are the main characters in the story? Do they have names? What has happened so far in the story?


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



This week in Maths we are learning about lines of symmetry.


Starter – Writing numbers on a number line.

You will need a ruler (or something you can draw a line with), number line or hundred square and a pencil.


I would like you to draw a number line and place these numbers on it correctly. 

Now answer these questions:

  1. How did you sort the numbers?
  2. How did you know which number came next?
  3. Tell an adult about the tens and ones in the numbers?

This week our lessons focus on lines of symmetry and symmetry of shapes.


What is Symmetry?

When we think about symmetry the most important thing is that on either side of the line the shape looks the same as the other. They are the same. If the shape does not look the same on each side it does not show symmetry.


For your lesson today please have a go at the worksheet attached.

You will need a pencil, scissors, glue and crayons for this activity.


Worksheet 1 – Cut out homes and select the correct half to make a full house.

Worksheet 2 – Use the squares to help you colour in the same pattern on the other side of the symmetry line.


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



Today, we are going to start our new book which follows on from The Day the Crayons Quit.

Take a look at the front cover:

What do you think the story might be about?

How can you tell from the pictures?

What information does the title of the story give you?

How did the crayons get home? Do they want to come home?

Read and enjoy The Day the Crayons Came Home by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers. You can view the story on PowerPoint attached to the end of this post or you can use the following link to listen to the story.

Please read up to ‘Glow in the Dark Crayon’.

Please see the attached Word document for more details on today’s lesson.

Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


Today we will be focusing on the homophones to, too and two

Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 5th March. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.













Re-cap from yesterday

Can you read the story and choose from the homophones their, they’re or there to fill in the blanks?


Once upon a time ____ were two twin witches. ____ faces looked the same, _____ clothes were very similar, and _____ voices sounded exactly alike. _____ was no telling which witch was which. On _____ first day at magic school, _____ teacher said, “_____ like two peas in a pod! I will never know which witch is which!”

That night, the twins cast a magic spell. “_____ not going to mix us up now!” the twins said to each other. The next day the teacher couldn’t believe it. _____ they were, one with pink hair and one with blue hair! “_____ very clever witches,” the teacher told _____ parents.


To, too or two

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. To, too and two are homophones that often confuse people.


To is used to show motion, eg "I’m going to the shop."

Too means ‘also’ or ‘extremely’, eg "I would like to come too but I'm too tired."

Two means the number 2, eg "Let’s buy two apples."


Please follow the link below for a short video and some interactive games -


Work through today’s PowerPoint presentation and have a go at the worksheet attached to the blog.



Before you start today’s PE session make sure you do a warm-up activity. Warming up before a PE lesson is not only beneficial to protect the muscles and the joints, it also helps to gradually increase our heart rates and circulation, which will increase the blood flow to the muscles. 


Warm-up game – Pirate Game.







Today you will learn different ways to travel.


The Link is here for your lesson this week.


At the end of your lesson can you choose a type of travel and perform one of your balances from last week. Take a video or picture and put in on SeeSaw.


Fairtrade Activity

Bake a difference.

With an adult, bake or cook using at least one Fairtrade ingredient.

Decorate your creation with the FAIRTRADE Mark!

If you do some baking we would love to see a picture on SeeSaw.


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Symmetry

Spellings – Homophones


Make sure you stay positive and have some fun once you have completed today’s work.


Year 2 team.

Year 2 Home Learning - 2nd March 2021

Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 2:42pm

Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Well done year 2 – another brilliant day of learning yesterday. Try and think of 3 things that you are thankful for today.

We really don’t have long now until we will all be together again, so keep working hard this week. It is really important to keep persevering and completing as much work as you can.


This week you will still have some Fairtrade activities and these will be posted at the bottom of the blog.


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge – VOCABULARY. Can you find 4 words from your book that are great words? If you have a dictionary or on a tablet search for ‘Word Hippo’ can you write what this word means or any other words which mean the same?


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS




This week in Maths we are learning about lines of symmetry.


Starter – Writing numbers on a number line.


You will need a ruler (or something you can draw a line with), number line or hundred square and a pencil.


I would like you to draw a number line and place these numbers on it correctly.

Number Lines | Scholastic | Parents





1       31       11      41        21       61       51       71       


Now answer these questions:

  1. How did you sort the numbers?
  2. How did you know which number came next?
  3. What is the pattern showing for these numbers?
  4. Tell an adult about the tens and ones in the numbers?



This week our lessons focus on lines of symmetry and symmetry of shapes.


What is Symmetry?



When we think about symmetry the most important thing is that on either side of the line the shape looks the same as the other. They are the same. If the shape does not look the same on each side it does not show symmetry.


For your lesson today please click to watch the video link and complete the attached worksheet.


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



What is a persuasive writing?

Where might we see persuasive writing?

Here is a reminder of the letter we received in school yesterday:

Dear Mr Ingram and Miss Bennison,

It’s me, Glue Stick. I am writing to tell you that I have decided to quit my job as your class Glue Stick. First of all, I would like to say that I love being the class glue stick. It’s great to see all the children using me to stick in their precious work. Also, I love it when I am used in Art. Art is my favourite subject. I wish to congratulate Year 2 for a successful “glueing in career” so far, you are all doing an amazing job. However, some children in your class leave my lid off and I am DYING! I go all dry and horrible. Furthermore, there are some children who use too much of me. One child the other week used half of me on one piece of paper. Can you believe that? I need a break! Try to use me more sparingly and remember to put my lid on!

Your dry, horrible and soon-to-be ex-friend,

Glue Stick

Please see the attached Word document for more details on today’s lesson.

Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


Today we will be focusing on the homophones their, they're and there


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 5th March. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.













Start by trying to match the picture or description to the correct word.


Their, they're or there

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have different meanings. 'Their', 'they're' and 'there' are homophones that often confuse people.


Their means it belongs to them, e.g. "I ate their sweets."


They're is short for 'they are' e.g. "They are going to be cross."


There refers to a place, e.g. "I'm going to hide over there."


Although they sound the same they have entirely different meanings. They’re putting all their toys in the cupboard over there. In other words, there is a place. Their shows ownership. They’re is short for they are.


Please follow the link below for a short video and some interactive games -


Work through today’s PowerPoint presentation and have a go at the worksheet attached to the blog.



Here is the link to your music lesson this week.



Here’s our favourite fruit song to remind us of the fruit words.

Now we’re going to learn how the French say the vowels – a,e,i,o,and u. Their alphabet contains the same letters as ours but they have different names for the letters. Listen to this vowel song a few times until you can say the vowels in French. They also count y as a vowel sometimes (but so do we – sky, try, fly. All words need a vowel in them but these words only have a y!)

Now you can play a game of Battleships using fruit and your new vowel words. There is a sheet in the resources with the instructions on.

Amusez-vous bien! A la semaine prochaine. See you next week!



Fairtrade Activity


The choices that we make can affect the planet and the people that live on it in positive and negative ways. Make a choice that is positive for people and planet today!


Write a sentence and draw a picture explaining your choice.


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Symmetry

Spellings – Homophones 

We hope you have a fabulous Tuesday.


Year 2 team.


Year 2 Home Learning - 1st March 2021

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 2:24pm

Monday 1st March 2021

We hope you have all had a great weekend. We are very excited to have you back in school next week so remember to work really hard this week ready for when you return. Each day this week please try and post at least one piece of work onto SeeSaw – we really enjoy seeing what you have completed at home.


This week you will still have some Fairtrade activities and these will be posted at the bottom of the blog.


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge – making a prediction. Before you start a new book can you write down or tell an adult about what you think the story might be about. Use the clues from the front cover, any illustrations, the blurb and the title.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



This week in Maths we are learning about lines of symmetry.

Starter – Writing numbers on a number line.

You will need a ruler (or something you can draw a line with), number line or hundred square and a pencil.


I would like you to draw a number line and place these numbers on it correctly. I will put 2 on to start you off.


Now answer these questions:

  1. How did you sort the numbers?
  2. How did you know which number came next?
  3. How does the number 51 show it is the biggest number?
  4. Tell an adult about the tens and ones in the numbers?

This week our lessons focus on lines of symmetry and symmetry of shapes.


What is Symmetry?



When we think about symmetry the most important thing is that on either side of the line the shape looks the same as the other. They are the same. If the shape does not look the same on each side it does not show symmetry.


For your lesson today please click to watch the video link and complete the attached worksheet.


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



Myself and Miss Bennison walked into the classroom this morning and found a letter next to a glue stick. Take a look at the front of the letter.

Who is this for? How do you know?


Here is what the letter said:

Dear Mr Ingram and Miss Bennison,

It’s me, Glue Stick. I am writing to tell you that I have decided to quit my job as your class Glue Stick. First of all, I would like to say that I love being the class glue stick. It’s great to see all the children using me to stick in their precious work. Also, I love it when I am used in Art. Art is my favourite subject. I wish to congratulate Year 2 for a successful “glueing in career” so far, you are all doing an amazing job. However, some children in your class leave my lid off and I am DYING! I go all dry and horrible. Furthermore, there are some children who use too much of me. One child the other week used half of me on one piece of paper. Can you believe that? I need a break! Try to use me more sparingly and remember to put my lid on!

Your dry, horrible and soon-to-be ex-friend,

Glue Stick

Please see the attached Word document for more details on today’s lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be focusing on homophones. Please follow this link which introduces you to the word homophones. There are also some interactive games underneath the video -


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 5th March. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.













What are homophones?

Homophones are the words that sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings. This means that chances are high that the you will mix up some of the words at some point in your reading and writing.


Some homophones are pronounced the same way and spelled the same way but have different meanings (homonyms). For example:

rose (the flower) and rose (past tense of the verb to rise)
book (something we read) and book (to schedule something)

Some homophones are pronounced the same way but are spelled differently and have different meanings. For example:

wait (the verb) and weight (how heavy something is)
they're (they are) and their (belonging to them) and there (adverb of place)

What happens if you use homophones wrong? You could end up having sentences that don’t make any sense.

Please see today’s video on Seesaw and have a go at the worksheet attached. See if you can match the each question to the correct homophone.



Can I identify and compare the suitability of a variety of everyday materials, including wood, metal, plastic, glass, brick, rock, paper and cardboard?


A selection of materials for each group, including lengths of wood, metal, plastic and card. You could simply use any materials you can find around the house.


Has anyone ever been on a bridge like these?

Some bridges are only designed for people to cross and so they can be made out of different materials to bridges designed for cars and heavy vehicles. This bridge is a rope bridge.


The ones with the metal ropes are called suspension bridges and they are designed to move a bit. Do you know why? (So they don't break when the wind blows, or when traffic is heavy, etc.)

Some bridges, especially high ones, are built of solid material but are designed to bend and sway a bit. Why do you think this is?


Take a look at a selection of materials you have collected. Can you put them in order of rigidity? (from 'not at all bendy' to 'really bendy')

You are all now really good at doing investigations and thinking like scientists. Your challenge for today is to investigate the materials to see how bendy they are.


Tape down (or hold) your different materials onto a table edge so they lie horizontally secure a weight on the end of each strip. The weights will need to be the same. You will need to measure the bendiness of one strip of material, then remove the weight and attach it to the next strip.

How will you record the bendiness? You may want to attach the strips to the part of a table closest to a wall so you can attach paper to the wall (directly behind the horizontal strips) and draw the bend produced or you could simply observe how much it bends.

What have you discovered by doing your investigation?


Fairtrade Activity

Create a Fairtrade farm in a shoebox! What Fairtrade product is growing on your farm?

You will need:

  • shoe box or a recycling box
  • other recycling junk/materials
  • crayons and pens


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Symmetry

Spellings – Homophones


We hope you have a fantastic week of home learning,


Year 2 team

Fabulous Friday - 26th February 2021

Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 11:51am

It’s Fabulous Friday!

Animation Rainbow GIF by itsallmine

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

•          Read.

•          Complete the Maths activity.

•          Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for your teacher to see.

The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!


Well done for completing another week of home learning Year 2. We have loved reading all of your crayon letters this week and you have produced some brilliant 3D shape work.  Today, in Golden Assembly we focused on our Lenten Promises. We have really enjoyed reading all you Lenten Promises this week on ‘how you can be a better person’.


We hope you have a wonderful weekend with your families and find lots of reasons to smile. 


Please view our ‘Friday Catch Up’ on Seesaw where we discuss all of your amazing achievements throughout the week.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Can you think of another story with a similar theme?

Can you think of another character similar to the character in this book?

Have a go at drawing both characters.


Maths activity

art shapes GIF by Skip Hursh

Choose one of the following activities:


3D Shape Nets

Cut out and assemble the labelled interactive 3D shapes to help you identify and describe the properties of common 3D shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces.


3D Shape Colouring

Have a go at identifying which 3D shape matches which colour. Then colour the picture using the relevant colours.


3D Shape Hunt

This activity is great fun and encourages you to practice identifying 3D shapes while using a tally system. You could try and spot the shapes in your house or get outside to find them.


3-D Shape Skeletons

This game could be played outside with sticks and string.

  • The aim of this activity is for children to create different 3-D shape skeletons using sticks to represent the edges and the string to represent the vertices.
  • When a new shape has been created if it can be named then it should be.
  • A variation could be to give children a shape name and for them to make it, for example if asked to make a cube, they would need to get 12 sticks that are the same length.

Have a brilliant weekend.

Year 2 team :) 

Year 2 Home Learning - 25th February 2021

Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 4:51pm

Thursday 25th February 2021


Thank you so much for sending your work via SeeSaw. You have had a great week of learning so far and we can see that you are working really well and completing most of your work independently which is brilliant to see.


Before your learning today have a go at this Yoga Routine. Yoga is great for our mindfulness, becoming focused for our day and staying fit and healthy.


Image result for yoga routine



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - Why not draw a picture or make something to capture the essence of a story. Pick 3 words that you are unsure of and look them up in the dictionary.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS




To find patterns it is important to think about these things:

  • What’s happening to the numbers?
  • Can you spot the jumps between the numbers?
  • What’s happening to the tens in the number?
  • What’s happening to the ones in the number?
  • Is it a single digit number?
  • Is it a two-digit number?
  • Can you notice a change in the ones/units when you are counting?
  • Can you talk about odd and even numbers?


Today can you count in 3s from 1 to 30? Repeat this 4 times.

Write your numbers in 3s to 30 from 1. Here are some to start you off.

You can use your hundred square or number line to find the correct numbers.


1    4    7    10    13     16     19      22      25 ………..


Using the questions at the top can you write down 3 patterns that you have found?

Look at the numbers carefully to see what is happening to them.


Please watch the video on White Rose maths and complete the worksheets attached -


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



There is a lot to do in today's English lesson so please feel free to split this across two days. Please see SeeSaw for a video for today’s main lesson and a Word document with further details can be found attached to the blog.

Start off with this comprehension activity.

Remember, it is important to answer the question in a whole sentence e.g. I think the _____ crayon is the angriest because…

1. Which one does Purple Crayon not have to colour?

a) Dragons                           b) Wizards' hats                                c) Apples

2. What makes Purple Crayon feel crazy?

3. What word tells us that Purple Crayon does not like messy things?

4. What does Beige Crayon think is not fair?

5. What does Beige Crayon think is a boring thing to colour?

6. How do you think Duncan might feel after reading all those letters?


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be focusing on the phoneme /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge' at the end of words.


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 26th February. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.


badge              edge                bridge              dodge              fudge

age                  huge                change            charge             village


You could use a dice to help you practice your spellings for tomorrow:


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – 3D Shapes

Spellings – /j/ spelt -ge and -dge 



Here’s a song to welcome you back to French learning.

Now we’re going to recap the names of some fruits with this song.

Collect some fruit from the fruit bowl if you have some. You can do some drawings on bits of paper if you don’t have the fruits. Here are the fruit words (pronunciation in brackets):  Pick up the right one and say them a few times. Careful with un and une. Un is masculine and une is feminine, remember.

une pomme (oon pom) – an apple; Une banane (oon banan) – a banana; un orange ( un oronj) – an orange; une poire (oon pwar) – a pear; une fraise (oon frez) – a strawberry; un ananas (un anana) – a pineapple; un abricot (un abreeco) – an apricot; un citron (un seetron) – a lemon; une peche (oon pesh) – a peach.

Can you sort them into 2 piles – un and une?

Here’s a game to practise the fruit words.

One of you puts a hat on and the other balances a piece of fruit or a picture on the hat without the hat wearer seeing what it is. The one wearing the hat has to guess what kind of fruit it is – in French of course!

There is a sheet to practise adding colours to fruit below. Notice that the colour goes after the fruit. So we would say a green apple, but in French it is une pomme verte – an apple green! Which is your favourite? Write it at the bottom. Je préfère les fraise (juh prayfair lay frez!)

See if you can ask for your fruit in French this week. Une pomme, s’il te plait. (oon pom seel tuh play).

Merci beaucoup. A bientot! See you soon!




See attached document for today’s lesson.


Fairtrade Activity


Today we would like you to use google maps or an atlas to travel around the world!


Can you find any countries where cocoa grows?


Can you write down the name of the countries that you find?

  • The temperature of that country today.
  • What was the temperature of that country 50 years ago?
  • Has it changed?
  • Why?


Hope you have a brilliant day of learning year 2.

Year 2 Home Learning - 24th February 2021

Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 3:05pm

Wednesday 24th February 2021


Good morning Year 2. We are half way through the week – well done! Try not to feel overwhelmed by all the different tasks set in our blog. Just do what you can today – remember to look after your wellbeing! If you are feeling overwhelmed, why not try some of these non-screen activities below:



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - Why not draw a picture or make something to capture the essence of a story. Pick 3 words that you are unsure of and look them up in the dictionary.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS




To find patterns it is important to think about these things:

  • What’s happening to the numbers?
  • Can you spot the jumps between the numbers?
  • What’s happening to the tens in the number?
  • What’s happening to the ones in the number?
  • Is it a single digit number?
  • Is it a two-digit number?
  • Can you notice a change in the ones/units when you are counting?
  • Can you talk about odd and even numbers?



Today can you count in 3s from 0 to 30. Repeat this 4 times.

Write your numbers in 3s to 30 from 0. Here are some to start you off.


0    3    6    9    12     15     18      21      24 ………..


Using the questions at the top can you write down 4 patterns that you have found?

Look at the numbers carefully to see what is happening to them.


Please watch the video on White Rose maths and complete the worksheet attached -

We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



Go through the story again. You can find the story attached to the end of the blog.


What is a character? Try and discuss this questions with an adult.


Who wrote the letters? Who did they write to? Why did they write to Duncan?

What would you say or do if the crayons were writing to you?


Please see the attached Word document with details for today’s lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be focusing on the phoneme /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge' at the end of words.


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 26th February. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.


badge              edge                bridge              dodge              fudge

age                  huge                change            charge             village


Spelling rules for /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge'

The letter j is never used at the end of words.


The spelling -dge is used straight after short vowel sounds. Example: badge


Use –ge in words with all other vowel sounds and short vowel words that

have a consonant sound before the /j/ sound. Examples: cage, fringe


In other positions in the words, it is spelt g before e, i and y. Examples: giraffe, Germany, gymnastics

It is spelt j before a, o and u. Examples: January, job, jump


Take a look at the following passage:

I love to visit both joke and junk shops. The joke shop sells things like whoopee cushions, magic jumping beans and fake gems. You can find lots of strange things in the junk shops, like painted jam jars, jigsaws with missing pieces and old car parts. You can find a police badge hung on the edge of each shelf. Once I found a clock made from the hubcap of a jeep.


How many different /j/ sounds can you spot?

Now have a go at the worksheet attached to the end of the blog. Unscramble the letters to find the correct words.


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – 3D Shapes

Spellings – /j/ spelt -ge and -dge 



This half term we are going to start our Gymnastics theme.


Before you start today’s PE session make sure you do a warm-up activity. Warming up before a PE lesson is not only beneficial to protect the muscles and the joints, it also helps to gradually increase our heart rates and circulation, which will increase the blood flow to the muscles. 

Warm-up game – Beans.

Bean Warm Up – Count to 30 for each bean.


First you will need to find some space – these actions don’t require lots of space just a little will be fine.


Jelly Bean – wobble all your body like you are Jelly.


Runner Bean – Run on the spot, see if you can get your knees high.


Jumping Bean – 1. Jump up and down on the spot. 2. Jumping Jacks.


Beans on toast – On the floor stretch out on your back making a star position (legs wide, arms wide above your head).


Baked Bean – Curl up as small as you can.


String Bean – Stretch up as tall as you can on your tiptoes.


Broad Bean – Stretch out to the side as wide as you can, feet wide too.


Today you will learn all about Balancing. You will learn how to do 5 basic balances – tuck, pike, star, straight and straddle.

The Link is here for your lesson this week.

At the end of your lesson can you hold each balance for 10 seconds? See if you can travel in between each balance to make all your balances flow in a sequence. You may do a couple of steps to the side or forwards before you do your next balance, you could jump or side step too.


Fairtrade Activity

Today we would like you to have a look for food items in your house which have the Fairtrade symbol on. This is what it looks like.

FairtradeItalia fairtrade fair trade equosolidale equo solidale GIF

Fairtrade Foundation logo



Draw some of the items that you have found and label them.

Can you find out what Fairtrade means?


Well done for completing another day of home learning. How are you going to treat yourself after another successful day?


Year 2 team.

Year 2 Home Learning - 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 2:23pm

Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Good morning Year 2.  

Well done for completing some wonderful pieces of work yesterday. We hope you had a happy start to the week and are looking forward to a fun day ahead. We really enjoyed starting our new story ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ and we are looking forward to see what other brilliant pieces of work you will produce this week. You are all amazing and we are very proud.

This week it is Fairtrade week so at the end of the blog there will be a different activity all about Fairtrade so please have a go at these. Today have a think about this question:

What is a ‘choice’? Discuss with a sibling or an adult.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - Today, try and record yourself reading a book and listen back to hear if you are using expression in your voice.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



Finding patterns in your numbers. Think about these things:

  • What’s happening to the numbers?
  • Can you spot the jumps between the numbers?
  • What’s happening to the tens in the number?
  • What’s happening to the ones in the number?
  • Is it a single digit number?
  • Is it a two-digit number?
  • Can you notice a change in the ones/units when you are counting?


Use a hundred square or number line to help you look at the patterns whilst you are counting.

If you want an interactive hundred square press this link.


Count in 2s from 1 to 60. Repeat this 4 times.

Write your numbers in 2s to 60 from 1. Here are some to start you off.


1    3     5     7     9     11    13    15      17      19     21      23    25     27     29     31 …………


Using the questions at the top can you write down 5 patterns that you have found?

Look at the numbers carefully to see what is happening to them.


This week our lessons focus on 3D shapes. Please watch the video on White Rose maths and complete the worksheet attached -


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



Can you remember the story from yesterday? What did the crayons do? Why do you think the crayons wanted to quit?

Image result for the day the crayons quit grey crayon

What would the crayons do instead?

Where do you think the crayons would go?

What would they do?

Would they go together?


Please see the attached Word document with details for today’s lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be focusing on the phoneme /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge' at the end of words.


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 26th February. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.


badge              edge                bridge              dodge              fudge

age                  huge                change            charge             village


Spelling rules for /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge'

The letter j is never used at the end of words.

The spelling -dge is used straight after short vowel sounds. Example: badge

Use –ge in words with all other vowel sounds and short vowel words that

have a consonant sound before the /j/ sound. Examples: cage, fringe


In other positions in the words, it is spelt g before e, i and y. Examples: giraffe, Germany, gymnastics

It is spelt j before a, o and u. Examples: January, job, jump


Please work through today’s PowerPoint presentation which gives a talks through this weeks spelling rule.

Show You Know – Show that you know the spelling rule by completing the activity below.

Directions: Write “-ge” or “-dge” on the line to spell a word. Write the word out in full.



Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – 3D Shapes

Spellings – /j/ spelt -ge and -dge 


Last Wednesday (17th February) was Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. Lent lasts for 40 days. During Lent we prepare for Easter. We remember that Jesus died for us on the cross and rose again.

Christians prepare for lent either by praying, fasting or spreading kindness. When we take part in Lent, we grow in love of God and other people.


For your lesson today, please write your Lenten Promise on the cross which is attached to the blog. You can decorate around your promise but try not colour over your writing.


Your promise should be ‘how you can be a better person’. Here are some ideas:


I promise to play nicely with my brothers and sisters.

I promise to make my bed every morning before school.

I promise to help with jobs around the house.


Your worksheets are attached on the blog.

You have a worksheet all about Lent and a cross to write your Lenten Promise.

Please take a picture of your Lenten Promise Cross and send it on SeeSaw.



This is your music lesson this week.

Please click the link to access the lesson.


Fairtrade Activity

Cocoa trees grow in countries with tropical climates.

Find out what fruit trees grow in the UK. With an adult, make a plan to grow your own!


Can you create a poster all about the fruit trees that grow in the UK?


We hope you have a wonderful Tuesday.

Year 2 team.

Year 2 Home Learning - 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:04pm

Monday 22nd February 2021

We hope you all had a wonderful half term. We are very excited to read your Seesaw posts for this week. Remember, you have done some amazing work so far and we are very proud of everything you have achieved. Now it is time to start our home learning again and we are sure you are all ready to go. We are starting a new book in English and we will be looking at 3D shapes in Maths along with a range of different activities, so please read this post carefully. I know home learning is very different to school but you are all doing a fantastic job. Try to remain resilient and persevere with all the tasks set. Little and often is always the best policy.


Keep going, we are proud of you all!


We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.



It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - I spy - Play ‘I Spy’ games. Can you find words beginning with...? Can you find a picture of a ...? How many ... can you see?


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS



This half term for our maths starters we are focusing on spotting patterns whilst we are counting and when they are written down.

To find patterns it is important to think about these things:

-            What’s happening to the numbers?

-            Can you spot the jumps between the numbers?

-            What’s happening to the tens in the number?

-            What’s happening to the ones in the number?

-            Is it a single digit number?

-            Is it a two-digit number?

-            Can you notice a change in the ones/units when you are counting?


Use a hundred square to help you look at the patterns whilst you are counting. I have attached one to the blog.

If you want an interactive hundred square press this link.


Count in 2s up to 60. Repeat this 4 times.

Write your numbers in 2s to 60.


Using the questions at the top can you write down 5 patterns that you have found?

Look at the numbers carefully to see what is happening to the numbers.


This week our lessons focus on 3D shapes. Please watch the video on White Rose maths and complete the worksheet attached.


We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet.



We are starting a brand new book called The Day the Crayon’s Quit by Drew Daywalt.

You can find a PowerPoint version of the story attached to this blog or watch the following Youtube video.


Try to find an old box of used crayons or look at the picture below – some broken, some stubby, some whole, and some with the wrappers taken off. Talk to someone in your house. Why do the crayons look like this?

 Image result for old crayons

What has happened to the crayons to make them this way?

Why are some crayons much shorter than others?

Which crayons do the children think are the most popular?

Are there any crayons that seem never to have been used? Why might this be?


Please see the attached Word document with details for today’s lesson.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be focusing on the phoneme /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge' at the end of words.


Please see the spellings below, which we would like you to learn this week. Children in school will be given a spelling quiz on Friday 26th February. These spelling can be practiced on Sumdog by selecting the ‘Spelling Quiz’ challenge.


badge                 edge                   bridge                 dodge                 fudge

age                     huge                   change                charge                village


Spelling rules for /j/ spelt with '-dge' and '-ge'

The letter j is never used at the end of words.


The spelling -dge is used straight after short vowel sounds. Example: badge


Use –ge in words with all other vowel sounds and short vowel words that

have a consonant sound before the /j/ sound. Examples: cage, fringe


In other positions in the words, it is spelt g before e, i and y. Examples: giraffe, Germany, gymnastics

It is spelt j before a, o and u. Examples: January, job, jump


Please work through today’s PowerPoint presentation.

Once you have done this, have a go at the word search and see how many -ge and -dge words you can find.



Can I explore the properties of a variety of balls?


A variety of balls



Would you choose a ball of plasticine to play tennis or table tennis? Why not?

Do you think the squashy ball will bounce well? What sort of balls do you think will bounce best?


Why do you think balls bounce?

Balls bounce because they are elastic. When a ball hits a hard surface its shape changes – the part touching the ground flattens slightly. It gets back into its original shape quickly and bounces back up.

Watch this video of a ball bouncing in slow motion to show how the ball flattens and goes back into shape.


How are we going to test the bounciness of these balls? How will we make it fair so that we treat all the balls the same?

Try one of the following experiments:


Experiment 1 - If you have a variety of balls

Think about dropping the balls (not throwing) from the same height onto the same surface. You need to decide how to do this (two balls could be dropped together by the same person and their bounces compared, or a few people in a line drop a ball each at the same time). Then we need to think about measuring the height of the balls when they bounce back. You could stick paper to the wall and draw lines on the paper to denote the height of each bounce. Try to predict which ball will bounce the highest then test them by dropping them and recording the bounces. When you have tested the balls and marked the bounces on the paper on the wall, talk about your findings so far and see if they can explain what happened.


Experiment 2 – If you only have one ball available

In this variation you will need to find out which surface is good for bouncing.

Do you think balls bounce well on sand? Do they bounce well on wood? Take just one ball – a fairly bouncy one if possible – and drop it onto different surfaces, e.g. carpet, wood, tiles, and note the height of the bounce. Try to keep the ball and height the same but changing the surface onto which the ball is dropped.


Have you discovered anything interesting? Have you been surprised by anything today?

Record your results in your home learning journal.


Can you imagine what life would be like if we bounced like balls? What surfaces would be best to walk on? How could we decrease the bounciness?


Sumdog Challenges

Multiplication –  x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – 3D Shapes

Spellings – /j/ spelt -ge and -dge 


We hope you have a fantastic week of home learning.


Year 2 team.

Dance Week Performance 2020

Date: 12th Feb 2021 @ 3:52pm

Fabulous Friday - 12th February 2021

Date: 11th Feb 2021 @ 2:09pm

It’s Fabulous Friday!

sun GIF

Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

•          Read.

•          Complete the number activity.

•          Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for your teacher to see.


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it! 


We have had another fantastic week of learning from Year 2 and we are so proud of everything you have achieved this half term. In school, we are going to perform the school dance that we have been practising all week. We know Year 2 will be the best dancers! Mr Ingram and Miss Bennison will be joining in too.


Please view our ‘Friday catch up’ on Seesaw where we discuss all of your amazing achievements throughout the week.


We hope you have a lovely, relaxing half term with your loved ones.



Set aside a quiet time today with no distractions. Go and grab a drink and find a quiet place to enjoy your favourite book.


Reading challenge - Write down 5 words from your book which you think are great pieces of vocabulary.

You could write down a word that you do not know the meaning of. Use a dictionary to look up the word so you know what it means for next time.


Number activity

New Year Ox GIF by GIPHY Studios Originals

Today, people across the world will celebrate Lunar New Year and the start of "Year of the Ox".

The ox is a valued animal in Chinese culture because of its links with farming. People born in the year of the ox are said to be honest, hard-working and kind. They think logically and are great leaders.

Find Out!

Can you find out which year of the Chinese calendar you were born in?


Chinese code breaking

Please see attached. In this activity you need to use your knowledge of place value to work out what numbers the pictures represent.


Mandarin number bonds

Can you use the Mandarin number track below (or attached) to create number bonds to 10?

Watch out for the number ’0’, it looks very tricky!



We hope you all have a brilliant half term.


Year 2 team.

Year 2 Home Learning - 11th February 2021

Date: 10th Feb 2021 @ 2:52pm

Thursday 11th February

Good morning.

Well done on another brilliant day of learning – remember it is Fabulous Friday tomorrow so let’s work really hard and have a more relaxing day tomorrow.

Don't forget to practise our dance for our big performance. Today is the last day for you to upload the 10 second dance video to SeeSaw. Please try to post it before 12 today so we can put all the videos together – Good Luck!

You can find the video on the gallery section of the class blog or click the link here.

Have a go at this breathing exercise before you start your learning today. Breathing in different ways is a great way for us to feel calm and relaxed before we start our learning.

Here are your Thursday facts to start your day:

  • Koalas sleep for 20 hours a day.
  • Great white sharks can be found throughout the world’s oceans, mostly in cool waters close to the coast.
  • Rays protect themselves with venomous spines or barbs in their tail.




It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.


Reading challenge - Draw and label a character or a setting from a description in the book.


Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - VIPERS




Is Joseph correct or incorrect?

Explain how you know.

Give your own statement about counting in threes and ask a parent or sibling to work out if it is correct or incorrect.

Number facts – Subtraction bonds

Write out all your subtraction bonds from 10. Now write all your subtraction bonds from 100. Compare the 2 sets of numbers. Do you notice a pattern?

Times Tables

3 Times Tables – Listen to this 3 times table song: 3 times table song

Play hit the button and select 3 times tables – hit the button

Play the Daily 10. Select multiplication and then select 3 times tables. Set the timer so you get quicker each time – Daily 10

Can you write out all your 3 times tables up to 12, in your home learning journal?


Can I sort 2D shapes?

Today’s Maths lesson can be found on Seesaw. Please watch the video carefully pausing to attempt certain tasks when prompted by the teacher.


Once you have watched the video, have a go at the worksheet attached.


Sumdog challenges

Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables

Maths – Shape  

Spellings – Nouns with the suffix -ness



Please see the attached English lesson for more details.


Phonics and Spelling

Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!

You may log in with the following details:

username: jan21

password: home


This week we will be looking at changing adjectives to nouns by adding the suffix -ness.


-ness is one of a number of noun suffixes. It is used to make nouns from adjectives, although not every adjective can be modified in this way. Here are some common adjectives whose noun forms are made by adding -ness:


But remember, some are trickier!

When the word ends in a consonant and a y, we need to change the ‘y’ to an ‘i’ then add –ness



Please note - Not all adjectives can be made into nouns using "-ness." Typically, if an adjective is in its -er or -est form, "-ness" cannot be added: higher and highest cannot become higherness or highestness.


Use the nouns below to write your own sentences:







This week we are starting a new topic in RE – Sacrament.

In this lesson we are going to explore different ways to say thank you.


Share this story together:

Mrs. Hegarty had taught in St Mary’s School for thirty-seven years. Everyone loved her. She was very kind and sometimes quite strict, but no-one minded because she was very fair and really loved the children. Now she was retiring. Everyone wanted to say goodbye and thank you.

On her retirement day, there was a special thanksgiving Eucharist in the church with all the children, parents and teachers. There were special prayers for Mrs. Hegarty, and her favourite hymns. Afterwards, everyone crowded into the hall and there were lots of speeches. Father Atkins told a story about when he had been a little boy in school and Mrs. Hegarty had taught him. Everyone laughed. He said he owed her a lot and gave her a bouquet of roses, her favourite flowers. One of the mums reminded everyone how Mrs. Hegarty had made St Mary’s into a really good school. The parents gave her a camera because she was going to learn photography. Peter, from Year 6, made a speech wishing her happiness and because she likes bird-watching, the children gave her a pair of binoculars.

Mrs. Hegarty was sad to say goodbye. She thanked everyone for their kind and thoughtful gifts and explained that as she used each one, she would think of all the children, parents and staff. She said she would read through all her cards when she got home. She thanked everyone who had prepared the Mass and the party. It was a happy day. Everyone was pleased to say thank you to someone who had done so much to help other people.


Q Why was Mrs. Hegarty thanked?

Q How did different people say thank you to her?

Q How do you think Mrs. Hegarty felt?

Q Which way would you choose to say thank you?



To complete the task in the attached documents called 'Thank You' worksheet.


Additional Art Activities

Please see the attached ideas.


We are very excited for Fabulous Friday tomorrow.


Year 2 team.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
