Year 2: Blog items
Year 2 Blog Friday 6th October 2023
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 3:38pm
Year 2 have had a brilliant week of learning. Thank you so much to everyone who has brought something in for the harvest collection – our box is overflowing!
Few reminders this week
– Please send wellies in for forest school, it is getting very wet and muddy.
- Please sign up for parents evening, the sheets are at the office to secure your time slot.
In Maths, we have started our topic of measuring. We have looked at length and mass using rulers and balance scales. We have continued our novel ‘Paddington’ by Michael Bond. The children have retold the story of Paddington and wrote a set of instructions for making a marmalade sandwich. The children have also been writing in past and present tense. In RE this week the children have written lovely psalms about God’s Love. In Computing we learnt about the different rules for using I.T. In Art this week we have used metallic wax crayons and water colours to create autumn leaves.
Forest School
In our first session we made roll up pizzas. We talked about how to be safe around the fire. In the nature area we made our own pizzas using a wrap, tomato sauce, ham, garlic, onions, basil and cheese. We rolled our pizza up and wrapped it in foil. The first groups pizzas got a bit well done as they were cooked on the grill. We cooked all the other pizzas in the Dutch oven so that we could move the pizzas away from the direct flames.
The pizzas were delicious! We also had plenty of time for child-initiated learning in the nature area.
In our second session some of us were outside making dens, climbing trees, cooking with mud and finding all kinds of creatures. Our sessions on Thursday were in the lodge where great imagination and creativity were shown.
Home Practice
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found.
Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.
Reading books are changed every MONDAY. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Wednesday (11.10.23). A sheet will go home every Wednesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
Here are the spellings for this week:
one love
once where
ask friend
come school
some house
At home, can you count to 100 from 0 forwards and backwards?
Can you have a go at counting in 10s to 100? Try and challenge yourself to go backwards in tens too.
You will have a compare/order measurements challenge and a spellings challenge to be completed by next week.
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Our PE day is FRIDAY.
Our BOOK change is MONDAY.
You will get SPELLINGS on WEDNESDAYS and a quiz will be the following WEDNESDAY.
SumDog challenges will be set every FRIDAY.
Have a lovely weekend
Year 2 Blog Friday 29th September 2023
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 3:45pm
Well done Year 2 – what a great week we have had. Thank you for all your harvest food collections, our box is almost full. The harvest festival is in church Friday 6th October at 2.30pm. Just a small reminder to please label all clothes including coats – thank you.
In Maths, we have continued our learning of Place Value. We have looked at one more and one less, ten more and ten less. The children have also rounded to the nearest 10. In English our novel has been ‘Paddington’ by Michael Bond. The children have written bear descriptions, sequenced the story and focussed on using conjunctions in sentences and stories. In RE this week the children have written a lovely prayer thanking God for the new day. In Computing we looked at I.T in the world around us. It’s used for traffic lights, speed cameras and many other things. In P.E this week the children are playing games which involve throwing, catching and moving. In Art this week we have collected leaves from outside and carefully drawn them with handwriting pens including all the small details we could see. In Geography, the children have learnt the months of the year and seasons. We looked at which months were in each of the 4 seasons.
Forest School
In our first session we went into the nature area to find animals which have been woven out of willow. These animals were kindly bought by the parents of the Year 6 leavers. We looked carefully to see how the willow had been woven to make different patterns and shapes.
We then had a go at making our own. The first thing to master was how to twist the willow to make a circle as they can be joined together to make the body and head of different animals. We talked about how the younger, green willow is easier to work with as it contains more water than the brown willow.
Some of us made crowns, necklaces, fish and glasses. We really persevered.
For our second session we investigated spinning jennies, also known as helicopter seeds. We talked about how the seeds are dispersed by the wind. We went out to look for them and found plenty on our field. We then made dragonflies with the spinning jennies, pipe cleaners and beads. We made lots of other things as well-bracelets, worry dolls, forest eyes and butterflies.
Home Practice
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found.
Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.
Reading books are changed every MONDAY. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Wednesday (04.10.23). A sheet will go home every Wednesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
Here are the spellings for this week:
me so
we by
she my
no here
go there
At home, can you count forwards and backwards in tens from any given number? Here are few you could start with; 22, 35, 71, 44.
You will have a more/less than number challenge and a spellings challenge to be completed by next week.
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Our PE day is going to be FRIDAY.
Our BOOK change will be MONDAY.
You will get SPELLINGS on WEDNESDAYS and a quiz will be the following WEDNESDAY.
SumDog challenges will be set every FRIDAY.
Have a great weekend.
Year 2 Blog Friday 22nd September 2023
Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 4:24pm
We have had a brilliant week of learning in Year 2 this week. Thank you to everyone who came to ‘Meet the Teachers’ on Tuesday evening, it was great to see so many of you. Our harvest box has arrived in class, thank you if you have already brought something in for the harvest festival. You still have a few weeks – Harvest festival is Friday 6th October.
In Maths, we have continued our learning of Place Value. We have looked at partitioning one and two digit numbers. We have also learnt how to exchange using tens and ones. In English the children have written super poems all about autumn. The children came up with great ideas about what autumn is like, used talk partners to share their ideas and focused on beautiful handwriting in their presentation. In RE this week the children have written lovely Psalms and created a beautiful picture to go with them. In History the children have compared London today and London in 1666. They looked at the similarities and differences and wrote what they found. In Computing we discussed what we thought about the use of I.T around our school. The topic for Science this half term is Living things and their Habitats. For Science this week, the children have compared things that are alive, not alive and never been alive.
Forest School
In our first session we read a story about Firey Fox which explained how we need to behave around a fire. We watched the fire being lit then collected apples which had fallen off the trees in the nature area. We cored them and cut them into segments. We dipped them in sugar and cinnamon and then toasted them of the fire. Yummy! We were sheltered from the rain in our new fire pit area.
Some of us had a go at starting a fire using a flint and steel.
The weather was beautiful for our second session. We went on a leaf hunt and found as many different leaves as we could. We used shape cutters to make holes in the leaves. We had many ideas about how to develop our learning by glueing, colouring, sewing and investigating pattern.
Home Practice
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found.
Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.
Reading books are changed every MONDAY. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Wednesday (27.09.23). A sheet will go home every Wednesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
Here are the spellings for this week:
I has
is was
be you
he your
his they
At home, can you count forwards and backwards in twos? Start at 0 and count up to 24. Challenge yourself and go to 36!
You will have a place value and spellings challenge to be completed by next week.
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Our PE day is going to be FRIDAY.
Our BOOK change will be MONDAY.
You will get SPELLINGS on WEDNESDAYS and a quiz will be the following WEDNESDAY.
SumDog challenges will be set every FRIDAY.
If you haven't already brought wellies in for Forest School, please bring them in next week.
Have a good weekend.
Year 2 Team
Year 2 Blog Friday 15th September
Date: 14th Sep 2023 @ 4:08pm
We have had a great week of learning in Year 2 this week. We are becoming more confident in our new routines and becoming part of Year 2. Our focus this week has been ‘Super Listening’.
In Maths, we have continued our learning of Place Value. We have looked at tens and ones, both with the equipment and drawing lines and dots.
In English we have read ‘The Bear and the Piano’. The children have also written sentences about different WOW pictures from Pobble. The children are continuing their focus on sentence structure.
In RE this week the children have listened to the creative story. The children have drawn what they ‘Wonder’ about the beauty around them.
In Art, our topic is Draw and Explore. We have explored the outdoor environment to create our very own pictures of nature. The children created brilliant nature pictures including; butterflies, boats, faces and fire-pits.
In computing this week the children have explored ‘what I.T is’ and what we use computers for.
Forest School
In our first session we played a game around the log circle and talked about we are looking foward to.
We went for a walk to see what is growing. We also heard bird song. We sat around our new fire pit - we can't wait to use it!
It was all about team-work in our second session. We worked together to build an obstacle course using logs and branches.We tested the courses to make sure they were safe and we had a go on each others. Some of them had quite challenging balancing and jumping elements.
Thanks for sending in wellies.
Home Practice
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found.
Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.
Reading books are changed every MONDAY. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Wednesday (20.09.23). A sheet will go home every Wednesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
Here are the spellings for this week:
a are
do said
to says
of were
the today
At home, can you count forwards and backwards in ones? Start at 0 and count up to 30. Challenge yourself and go to 50!
Can you notice numbers around your home and outside on a walk?
You will have a place value and 2x table challenge to be completed by next week.
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Next week we will send home Sumdog codes in case the children have forgotten these from last year.
Our PE day is going to be FRIDAY.
Our BOOK change will be MONDAY.
You will get SPELLINGS on WEDNESDAYS and a quiz will be the following WEDNESDAY.
SumDog challenges will be set every FRIDAY.
We have our harvest festival in a couple of weeks. Please send in any spare tins and packets for our class collection. Thank you.
Have a great weekend.
Year 2 Team :)
Year 2 Blog Friday 8th September 2023
Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 1:16pm
Welcome to our first blog in Year 2!
We hope you all had a lovely summer holiday. We have had a great first week back in Year 2. The children have all settled really well and are enjoying their new routines.
Our PE day is going to be FRIDAY.
Our BOOK change will be MONDAY.
You will get SPELLINGS on WEDNESDAYS and a quiz will be the following WEDNESDAY.
SumDog challenges will be set every FRIDAY.
This week we have started our Maths with Place Value. We have looked at tens and ones, used lots of equipment and compared the values of numbers.
In English we have read ‘Find your Happy’ by Emily Coxhead. The children have created pictures of things that make them happy and written sentences to match their drawings. Our focus will be sentence structure for the first few weeks of Year 2.
We have started our PE for the Autumn Term with our topic of ‘Games and Fundamental Skills’.
Father Michael has visited each class this morning and shared prayers for the new term. Our topic for RE this half term is Beginnings. The children have created hearts and drawn who they love.
In Art, our topic is Draw and Explore. We have looked at different types of artists and explored how they use the world around them to create their art.
Forest School
Your child will be starting Forest School sessions next week with Mrs Corbett, who is a Level 3 qualified Forest School leader. The groups will be made up of around 17 Year 1 and 2 children.
We are blessed with amazing outside spaces and facilities and it is a privilege to be able to use them in this way.
Your child will develop many skills such as communication, team-building, problem-solving and risk-taking.
They will also learn about nature in a holistic way and the approach encourages child-initiated learning. There will be opportunities to experience fires and to learn how to use tools in a safe way.
They will have 2 sessions per week lasting an hour each, for the whole year. Please ensure your child has a pair of named wellies in school at all times.
Home Practice will start next Friday 15th September.
Hope you all have a weekend.
Thanks Year 2 Team
Back to School Online Safety Tips for Children
Date: 30th Aug 2023 @ 11:55am
With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas.
Self image and identitiy
Online relationships
Online bulllying
Health, Well-being and lifestyle
Online reputation
Managing online information
Copyright and ownership
We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.
To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.
Click to View
Date: 20th Jul 2023 @ 3:57pm
It's been a pleasure teaching each and every one of you this year. The hard work and progress you have all made has been fantastic. Thank you for being such an amazing class, we will miss you.
Have a great summer with family and friends and get plenty of rest ready for September when you will be big juniors!!
Year 2 Blog Friday 14th July 2023
Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 4:02pm
Super Learning Day was a fantastic success this year and the children had so much fun learning about new and different things, such as pebble painting, football golf, arts and crafts, scarecrow making, festivals/dance and bowling – to name a few. We had the opportunity to see the Year 6 play, Oliver, which was amazing. The acting and singing was incredible. It was like being at a real theatre! We also had a drumming showcase and sang along to popular songs. In English, the children wrote about the play ‘Oliver’. In Maths, we played games to sharpen up our number skills ready for Year 3. In Music, the children played their ocarinas really well. They are learning London’s Burning. In P.E, we went outside and did football skills. In Art, we completed our leaf paintings and signed them like real artists! In French, we learnt some vocabulary related to the beach and looked at whether the words are masculine or feminine. Then the children made a beach picture and used a bilingual dictionary for the first time to add their own nouns to the picture. They did really well in a short time. Mrs Quillium would like to thank the children for being such brilliant language learners. It’s has been a pleasure for her to introduce them to French and just think how good they will be if they keep it up!
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
We will be collecting the book bags, reading books and diaries next week. You will be issued with new ones in Year 3.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
There will be no more spelling quizzes this year.
There will be no more times tables/division fact quizzes this year.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
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Have a lovely weekend. Hopefully see you at the Summer Fair.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 7th July 2023
Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 4:10pm
Year 2 have had a creative and fun packed Art Week. The children were collectors and explorers, finding pieces of nature that they could use for their art. They had a go at doing continuous line drawings using pencils and pens in their sketch books. They also explored using touch, to draw pictures of how objects felt rather than what they looked like. In English, we started to read a bonus book, Jemima The Pig And The 127 Acorns, by Michel Morpurgo. We drew pictures of Jemima and wrote about what has happened in the story so far. In Maths, we learnt about thirds of a shape. It was the last Yoga session and the children were fantastic at listening and performing the poses. In Music, the children can perform a string of notes on their ocarinas and their singing voices are super. Year 2 also enjoyed two mornings with Mr Campbell in the junior building. They thoroughly enjoyed the activities and came back to class very happy and looking forward to Year 3 in September.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Year 2 have done so well at learning all their spellings this year. The children’s progress has been amazing, well done for working so hard at home and at school. There will be no more spelling quizzes this year.
Also, the children have been fantastic at learning their times tables and division facts. This will really help them when they move up to Year 3. There will be no more times tables/division fact quizzes this year.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 30th June 2023
Date: 30th Jun 2023 @ 11:46am
Year 2 have had a lovely week, the highlight was our trip to Skipton Castle. The children thoroughly enjoyed the tour around the castle and found the dungeons and long drop very interesting. They were all really well-mannered and a credit to the school. We also had a visiting poet in school (Ian Bland) who inspired the children to write some fantastic animal poems using alliteration. He did amazing performance poetry, which was incredibly entertaining. In English, we started the Magic finger by Roald Dahl. It was interesting to read about what the children would do if they had a magic finger themselves. They used exciting adjectives, paragraphs and beautifully joined handwriting. In Maths, we worked on addition and subtraction word problems, it was important to remember to circle the key bits in the question and decide if we had to add or subtract. In P.E we did racket skills and played mini-tennis games. Year 2 are really improving in Music and playing the ocarinas. In French, we practised saying ice cream flavours and played a game to reinforce the vocabulary. Then we talked about the Tour de France which starts this Saturday.
Outdoor Learning and Forest School
This week we used hammered nails into tree stumps to make a shape. We then wrapped wool around the nails to make a piece of art. We had to persevere as the wool came undone if we didn't secure it well enough. We all had our own ideas about what to make. We know how to use a hammer safely.
In our other session we made friendship bracelets. We used our knot-tying skills and made some colourful bracelets.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for our last quiz on Friday (07.07.23). A sheet will go home with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 07.07.23.
This week’s spellings:
Year 1/2 spelling list.
Mrs money
half clothes
busy parents
water people
again everybody
Next week for our last times tables quiz (Friday 07.07.23) we will be learning the division facts for the 3x table in a random order.
Count in 3’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Chant/sing the division facts for the x3 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in a random order. Try playing ‘Hit The Button’ game from the maths games listed below.
You will have a multiplication and division by 3 challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 07.07.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 11:54am
Wow, year 2 had so much fun at the ‘Tough Kidda’ event this afternoon. Thank you to everyone who brought sponsorship money into school. Don’t worry if you forgot, it is still possible to bring it in next week. In English, the children wrote some amazing adventure stories, using paragraphs. Their handwriting was also extremely neat and well presented. Mrs Wood loved reading them and seeing how much everyone has progressed since the beginning of the year. In Maths, we did addition and subtraction with exchange using lines and dots as tens and ones. In Re, we learnt about Islam and how Muslims pray. The children drew some beautiful prayer mats. During History, we labelled the parts of a castle. This will help when we go on our trip to Skipton Castle next Thursday. In Computing, we worked on coding and had the opportunity to play some of the games the Year 3 class made themselves. In French, we continued our French phonics by looking at the numbers 6 to 10. Then we learnt how to say some ice cream flavours. We will reinforce this new vocabulary next week. Music was especially exciting as the children have been given their own ocarina to learn to play.
Outdoor Learning and Forest School
For our first session we used lots of techniques, skills and knowledge which we have learned over the year to make a butterfly. We joined sticks or lolly sticks together using pipe cleaners, wire or tape. We then attached pipe cleaners and beads to create the antenna and body of the butterfly. Then we chose our wool to make the wings. Great perseverance was shown. Some of us also made different animals, forest eyes and bracelets-lovely creativity and imagination.
For our second session we went into the nature area. We built dens, always trying hard to improve on our previous attempts. There was more equipment in the mud kitchen so some of us used that. We also played on the rope swings from last week.
Thanks for the questionairres which have been returned this week.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (30.06.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 30.06.23.
This week’s spellings:
Words ending ‘– tion’. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
nation section
motion fraction
lotion position
action any
fiction many
Next week for our times tables quiz (Friday 30.06.23) we will be learning the division facts for the 3x table in order.
Count in 3’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Chant/sing the division facts for the x3 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in order. Try playing ‘Hit The Button’ game from the maths games listed below.
You will have a multiplication and division by 3 challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 30.06.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 16th June 2023
Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 2:00pm
A very hot week, but it didn’t stop Year 2 from working hard and doing lots of learning. We enjoyed our second session of Yoga and the children’s focus, stretching and poses were very much improved.
The highlight of the week was the ‘Dance from the Heart’ extravaganza. The children danced so well and remembered a very tricky dance routine. They also enjoyed the Disney theme and songs. In English, we started and completed our novel, The Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine. We loved reading it so much that we just couldn’t put it down! The children wrote some fantastic newspaper reports about what happened to Thumper the rabbit. In Maths, we worked on placing numbers on an empty number line and the greater than and less than signs. In Science, we did some scientific enquiry and the children went outside and carried out a daisy sampling investigation. In French, we used our French phonics to help us spell numbers from 0 to 5. Everyone had a really good go at their first writing from memory - I was very impressed! Then we learnt some words for summer things and listened out for the new vocabulary in a song. In PSHE, we thought about why sleep and a healthy diet is important for us to grow and stay healthy. Next week in Music, the children are going to be learning how to play the ocarina. In D.T, they have been sewing patterns on their material bookmarks which look very impressive and should be useful for all the books they will read over the summer and in Year 3.
Forest School and Outdoor Learning
In our Forest School session we did some hapa-zome printing which means ‘leaf dye’.Hapa-zome is the Japanese technique of smashing flowers and leaves into fabric. We found that fresh, juicy plants leave the best imprint.
Hapa-zome printing is one of the easiest and quickest natural dyeing techniques. We collected leaves and flowers then we used hammers safely to smash them through calico fabric.
It was like magic when the colours came through!
In our other session we assembled polystyrene birds which became gliders. We investigated putting the weight in different places on the beak to see how this affected the flight.
We also explored and played on a brand new delivery of logs, kindly supplied by a parent. If you have access to any free materials or resources which you think would be useful for our sessions please get in touch via the school office.
Thank you to everyone who has completed the questionnaire. It came home on Thursday 8th June and it's on a green sheet. Please fill it in and send it into school if you haven't already done so. They will help us to evaluate our offering and help us to plan for next year.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (23.06.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 23.06.23.
This week’s spellings:
Contractions. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
I’ll hasn’t
I’m can’t
it’s they’re
didn’t who
don’t whole
Next week for our times tables quiz (Friday 23.06.23) we will be learning the 3x table in a random order.
Count in 3’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Play the ‘follow me game’ – one person says ‘3’ the next person says ‘6’ and so on. Chant/sing the x3 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in a random order. Try playing ‘Hit The Button’ game from the maths games listed below.
You will have a 3x table and Greater Than/Less Than challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 23.06.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 9th June 2023
Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 3:45pm
A great week in Year 2, made all the better with the sun shining and more opportunities to be outside. The children are working so hard and are very positive and happy about their learning. They are beginning to look ready for Year3!! On Monday morning, we were very lucky to take part in a story Yoga session. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and did good stretching and poses. We have been doing a lot of dancing in preparation for ‘Dance from the Heart’ which will be taking place next Thursday. Come along and join in, the children would love to show you their great moves. In English, we have been focusing on poetry, suffixes and joined handwriting. In Maths, we have finished our 2-D/3-D shape topic and will be moving on to place value. I have seen a great improvement in everyone’s arithmetic work, a huge well done. During PE, the children spent time learning to strike the ball with a bat and played mini rounders games. In French, we began to put our new phonics learning to use by trying to read and write some colour words, thinking about the sounds in the words. Then we learnt some words for means of transport. We repeated a sentence about how we come to school. For example, Je vais a l'ecole en voiture. Then we tried to join in with the wheels on the bus in French! It was lovely to watch and cheer on the Year 5’s at their Sports Day.
Forest School and Outdoor Learning
We learnt how to safely use a new tool to make a hole in a wood disc. We also did some threading and tied knots to make a decoration. Mrs Corbett showed us how she had made a mobile but we had our own great ideas as well. The wood was quite hard so we had to really persevere to make the hole.
In our other session we used the logs and branches to make dens,obstacle courses, ladders and even some rope swings! Some of us climbed trees. Our teamwork is really good and our imaginations know no bounds!We found spiders and slugs too.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (16.06.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 16.06.23.
This week’s spellings:
Adding the suffix ‘ly’. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
softly loudly
firstly happily
wisely lazily
nicely could
slowly should
Next week for our times tables quiz (Friday 16.06.23) we will be learning the 3x table in order. A x3 tables sheet has been sent home to help with this.
Count in 3’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Play the ‘follow me game’ – one person says ‘3’ the next person says ‘6’ and so on. Chant/sing the x3 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in order. Try playing ‘Hit The Button’ game from the maths games listed below.
You will have a 3x table and place value challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 16.06.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 26th May 2023
Date: 26th May 2023 @ 1:33pm
Summer is definitely here and the children have enjoyed spending a lot of time outdoors doing PE, Forest School, gardening, painting and we even took a trip up to the pond. Make sure you have a look at the gallery. Year 2 deserve a well-earned break for working so hard and giving one hundred percent effort in their quizzes. Have a happy holiday with your family and friends and I look forward to hearing all about it when we get back to school.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
These are the spellings you will be learning after Half Term - Friday (09.06.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 09.06.23.
Adding the suffix ‘less’. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
spotless careless
mindless helpless
homeless colourless
thankless sure
painless sugar
After Half Term, for our times tables quiz (Friday 09.06.23) we will be learning a mixture of x2, x5, x10 and x3 tables.
Count in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s and 3’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Try playing ‘Hit The Button’ game from the maths games listed below.
You will have a x2, x5, x10 and x3 tables challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 09.06.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely Half Term Holiday.
Year 2 Team.
Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:10pm
We have noticed a growing number of children from all classes accessing this platform and so here is a guide on how to use the platform, including what potential risks come with allowing your children on Roblox.
Below you will find a link to join the National Online Safety platform and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support, incuding filtering and the best ways to monitor your child's online activity.
Year 2 Blog Friday 19th May 2023
Date: 19th May 2023 @ 4:35pm
Another extremely busy week of learning in Year 2, but the children rose to the challenge and made me very proud of all their efforts, behaviour and hard work, well done everyone. In English, we worked on how to spell tricky words and also looked at two poems. The children read, Tell it to the Dog and The Magic Pebble. They wrote down things they would moan to their pets about and planned a poem about a pebble that granted any wishes. In Maths, we moved on to telling the time. We learnt five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five and thirty minutes past the hour. Please practise telling the time at home with your child. During Art, the children painted their Tiddalik the frog clay models which looked amazing. Hopefully not too many of them broke when they took them home today! The children did so well in their Sports Day, the video will be available to watch soon. In PE, we practised overarm throws and played mini-rounders games.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
There will be no spellings/times tables or Sumdog to learn next week as we will be busy doing the rest of the Year 2 Quizzes in Reading and Maths. Please continue to read with your child and make sure they are well rested and ready for our busy week ahead.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 12th May 2023
Date: 12th May 2023 @ 4:53pm
Year 2 have had a very busy week of learning and fun activities. In English, the children worked on their spellings with the suffix - ful and also wrote a diary entry from Princess Jasmin’s point of view, using great openers, conjunctions and adjectives that end – ful, like colourful, beautiful and thoughtful. They also had a mini-debate (should Jasmin trust Aladdin, yes or no?) and created freeze frames from the story, with interview questions about how the characters would have felt at that moment. In Maths, we have continued our work on fractions but linked it to position and direction so the children made full turns, half turns, one/three quarter turns. We discussed right angles and compared these to the quarter turns we made. In Science, the children drew diagrams and labelled the crocus bulbs we grew earlier in the year. During Art, the children made Tiddalik the frog clay models. They learnt to use the tools and techniques necessary for making clay creations. Have a look at the Tiddalik art in the Gallery section. We will be painting them next week. In French, we continued our French phonics learning with some new sounds and actions, focussing on the sounds in the numbers 0 to 5. We then recapped the vocabulary for clothes with a story (Je m'habille et je te croque) and game. Our new History topic is King, Queens and Castles. Year 2 did a fun activity gathering information from around the classroom about different Kings and Queens. In PE, we practised for Sports Day. It’s on Tuesday 16th May – looking forward to a lovely sunny afternoon of running, throwing, obstacle races and more.
Outdoor Learning
This week four groups cooked on a fire. We used wood and charcoal this time and cooked in the embers of the fire . We rolled bread dough into balls and cooked it in the fire-it was delicious!
We also cut a slit in the skin of bananas and put chocolate buttons in the slits. We then wrapped the bananas in foil and baked them in the embers of the fire. They were so yummy, the chocolate melted and the bananas went soft.
The last group will do this on Monday.
We also chose to build shelters and our own play fires which we could pretend to cook on. Some of us were still very interested in making mouse traps !
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
There will be no spellings/times tables or Sumdog to learn next week as we will be busy doing the Year 2 Quizzes in Reading and Maths.
Please continue to read with your child and make sure they are well rested and ready for our busy week ahead.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 5th May 2023
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 2:40pm
Year 2 have had such a fun packed week and it was topped off with a mini picnic to celebrate the Kings Coronation this afternoon. The children made their own crowns, did some singing and dancing and waved their flags proudly. Have a look at the photos in the Gallery section. In English, the children worked on reading comprehension and also wrote their opinions of Aladdin’s character, giving reasons and using conjunctions (because). In Maths, we have been learning about fractions, especially quarters. The children have been finding one, two or three quarters of a shape or amount. In Science, we carried out a survey to see what materials were on our tables, in our classroom and outside. We also planted our radishes and lettuces. Looking forward to sampling them when they grow! In French, we recapped the phonic sounds and actions that we started last week, thinking about the sounds in the colour words. Then we recapped the weather phrases with some games. Well done everyone. The didgeridoos (Art) were amazing, Mrs Robinson was so pleased! The children used the patterns and ideas from last week to create beautiful designs on their own didgeridoo. We had a great time playing along to some traditional Aboriginal music. In PE, we spent time practising for Sports Day - so excited about that on Tuesday 16th May 2.15pm. Have a lovely long weekend and enjoy being part of a historic event Year 2.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (12.05.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 12.05.23.
This week’s spellings:
Adding the suffix ‘ful’. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
joyful careful
useful thankful
helpful wonderful
playful bath
mindful hour
Next week for our times tables quiz (Friday 12.05.23) we will be learning the 3x table in a random order.
Count in 3’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Chant/sing the x3 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in a random order. Try playing ‘Hit The Button’ game from the maths games listed below.
You will have a 3x table challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 12.05.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely Coronation Day and Bank Holiday Weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 4:13pm
It was great to see everyone back in school, looking lovely in their summer uniforms and ready to learn. Year 2 have worked so hard this week and it is really showing in the work they are producing. In English, we have worked on reading comprehension and started our Aladdin topic by describing the market place using noun phrases. For example, bustling market, ornate lanterns, and silk robes with golden trims. In Maths, we are working on addition and subtraction with exchange. The children know to represent tens and ones as lines and dots and how to exchange one ten for ten ones. In RE, we have started our topic - Spread the Word which focuses on Pentecost. In Science, we were observing the signs of Spring by drawing and labelling what we saw on our nature walk. We spent time in PE getting ready for Sports Day. In French, the children began to learn some French phonics by adding actions to sounds to help them remember. They segmented the colour words and thought about the sounds in the words. Getting ready for beginning to write French in year 3 - well done Year 2! We learnt some weather phrases too. In Geography, we learnt about simple human and physical geographical features. This term, we are very lucky to have Mrs Robinson (Art Lead) come into class on Thursday afternoons to teach Australian Art and Textiles. The children thoroughly enjoyed printing and painting with different tools and their art work was amazing! Have a look in the Gallery section.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (05.05.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 05.05.23.
This week’s spellings:
Add –es to verbs and nouns ending in ‘y’ (Rule – take off the y and add -ies). Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
fly parties
flies lady
copy ladies
copies plant
party path
Next week for our times tables quiz (Friday 05.05.23) we will be learning the 3x table in order.
Count in 3’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Chant/sing the x3 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in order. Write them down in different colours to help you remember them.
You will have a 3x table challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 05.05.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
The Summer Term Overviews are now on the class page to have a look at.
We would really appreciate some kitchen roll tubes for our Art lesson. Many thanks.
Have a lovely Bank Holiday Weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Thursday 6th April 2023
Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 1:50pm
Year 2 have had a truly excellent Spring Term, they have worked so hard and have made so much progress in their learning. A huge well done to everyone in class and you definitely deserve a good rest over the Easter Holiday. I hope you have lots of fun with family and friends and enjoy your Easter eggs!
In D.T, we designed, made and evaluated our vehicles which were really good and extremely creative. All the vehicles worked well and hopefully you will be able to play with them at home. Look at the vehicles gallery to see your cars!
In R.E, we read the Easter story and the children retold it in their own words with beautiful illustrations. We also went to Church and enjoyed a lovely service prepared by Year 6.
During Easter, read and enjoy as many books as you can. Try to keep reading daily!
I will issue new spellings and times tables in the Summer Term on Friday 28th April.
There are two Sumdog challenges on 3x tables and comparing and ordering numbers.
Outdoor Learning
We have all made our hedgehog now using hammers and screwdrivers.
We did some more planting- carrots and foxgloves.
We went in the nature area and found new types of flowers growing, snails,woodlice, spiders ,ants and worms.
Have a great holiday and see you in the Summer Term - remember it's summer uniform!
Year 2 Team
Year 2 Blog Friday 31st March 2023
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 1:01pm
A very exciting week in Year 2, the children looked amazing in their World Book Day costumes. Have a look at the photo gallery! We did a lot of reading and listened to a selection of stories being read by the authors. In English, the children wrote about their favourite books and characters, remembering to use capital letters and full stops, also interesting adjectives. We started reading one of our new books, Fox by Margaret Wild and Ron Brooks. It was about the Australian outback, with lots of new vocabulary to learn. We will also be reading the Tin Forest by Helen Ward and Wayne Anderson and The Whales’ Song by Dyan Sheldon and Gary Blyth. These are all stories with a wild theme. In Maths, we have moved on to measuring length in cm with a ruler. The children took care to measure lines and shapes accurately with their rulers. In RE, we learnt about Palm Sunday. In Science, we sorted different materials on a Venn diagram. In P.E, we did ball skills and small games outside. The children learnt more about French phonics this week, looking at the sound 'un'. They enjoyed a song and dance with lots of 'un' words in, then practised reading and writing words in French containing this grapheme. Well done, year 2. Great understanding!
Outdoor Learning
Some of us used our skills of using tools safely to make a hedgehog using a wood slice, nails and screws.
We chose some of own learning in the lodge and the nature area. Some of us planted seeds including dill, coriander and basil. We hope that we are going to have plenty of plants growing when we return after the Easter holiday.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Thursday (01.04.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Thursday 01.04.23.
This week’s spellings:
Words ending – er/est. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
nicer fastest
later oldest
rider cleanest
writer father
bravest class
Great effort learning your division facts for the 2x tables in order.
Next week for our quiz (Thursday 01.04.23) we will be learning the division facts for the 2x table in a random order.
Count in 2’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Challenge yourself and go past 100. Chant/sing the division facts for the x2 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in a random order.
You will have a 2x table and division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete by Thursday 01.04.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
For our D.T project next week, we will be making vehicles. Please could you send in any small boxes (no bigger than a shoe box) for your child to use. I do have some spares but not enough for everyone!
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
We have attached a new online safety guide 'What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Age-Inappropriate Content'. Please Read.
Year 2 Blog Friday 24th March 2023
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 3:59pm
A great week Year 2, everyone has been working so hard. In English, we have finished our novel, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. The children described Plop using alliteration. They also planned and wrote some lovely spring poems, using their senses to gather more creative ideas. In Maths, we have continued our work on measure by ordering the mass of objects and weighing classroom items. Our new topic in Science is Everyday Materials, we thought about what we already know about materials and asked questions about what we would like to find out. We learnt about the countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom in Geography. The children worked in groups during PE and put together small dances using the elements of fire, water, earth and air. The children began their learning journey into French phonics this week, looking at the sound 'un'. They enjoyed a song and dance with lots of 'un' words in, then practised reading and writing words in French containing this grapheme. Well done, year 2. Great understanding! This week's highlight was a visit from the firefighters. They talked to the children about fire safety at home. We were so impressed with the children's questions and they even got to dress up in some fire gear.
Outdoor Learning
This week we did a variety of learning. One of our sessions was learning how to use the hammers and screwdrivers safely. We are then applying these new skills to make a hedgehog. We also made Spring wreaths out of willow. This week was the Spring or Vernal Equinox when there is about the same amount of hours of light and dark.
We took advantage of the sunnier weather on Friday to make shadow faces.
If we didn't do one of the sessions we will catch up next week.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (31.03.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 31.03.23.
This week’s spellings:
Words ending - ed. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
turned chopped
played tried
jumped cried
walked last
stopped past
Great effort learning your 2x tables in a random order. Keep up the fantastic work!
Next week for our quiz (31.02.23) we will be learning the division facts for the 2x table in order. You will have a 2x division facts poster to help you learn them.
Count in 2’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Challenge yourself and go past 100. Chant/sing the division facts for the x2 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in order.
You will have a 2x table and division facts challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 31.03.23. There will also be a challenge on measure.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
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Remember we will be dressing up on Thursday 30th March for St Oswald’s World Book Day.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 17th March 2023
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 3:57pm
Another great week of learning in Year 2. The children had a super time at ‘Bring Yer Wellies’ and learnt so much about plants and planting. They also had an amazing time den building, boat racing and playing racing games in teams. The weather did not spoil our day! Year 2 were also highly praised for their listening skills and lovely manners. I’m very proud of everyone. Freddy Fit visited school and the children enjoyed a PE session with him, which always includes load music, high energy and big smiles. In English, the children planned and wrote fabulous recounts about their trip, including time connectives. In Maths, we have nearly finished the multiplication and division topic. The children have been solving word problems where they need to share group or multiply to find answers. They have been drawing simple pictures to help them do this. In Art, we have painted tulips and used forks to give texture. In Music, the children played the ukuleles. In French, we recapped the vocabulary for family members then we made a card for Mother's Day. We wrote a sentence inside about how wonderful our mothers are - I hope the children can tell you what it means and maybe read it!
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (24.03.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 24.03.23.
This week’s spellings:
Words ending - ing. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
reading taking
talking swimmimg
being running
singing after
coming fast
Great effort learning your 2x tables in order.
Next week for our quiz (24.02.23) we will be learning the 2x table in a random order.
Count in 2’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Challenge yourself and go past 100. Chant/sing the x2 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in a random order.
You will have a 2x table challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 24.03.23. There will also be a doubling and odd/even challenge to complete.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
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Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 10th March 2023
Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 4:03pm
A very busy week in Year 2, the children have thoroughly enjoyed their learning. In English, we are continuing our work on instructions but we have also started a new novel, The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson. We thought about and planned a poem about the dark which we will write next week. In Maths, we looked at division as grouping and sharing and solved tricky problems that sometimes had remainders. In French, we recapped the vocabulary for family members and drew and labelled our families. We saw that some letters have accents on and that these change the sound of the letter. We have started our dance topic in PE. The children moved so well as the elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air. In RE, we discussed the different parts of Mass and labelled pictures with sentences, using religious words and phrases. The children looked at what happens to our bodies when we exercise for Science. The highlight of the week was when the Japanese students came to teach a lesson about stories in Japan. The children made ogre faces with card and coloured paper. They also learnt a Japanese dance that the whole school performed in Golden Assembly. A new author, Stuart Rowland came to talk to the children this afternoon. He used to work on Cbeebies and CBBC. He was very interesting and good fun to listen to.
Forest School
This week we have done a variety of learning, some outside and some in the lodge . All of us planted a range of seeds which we are going to look after. We practised tying knots in strawberry laces which we could then eat!
Some of us did some den building and some of us listened to the legend of Guatemalen worry dolls and had a go at making our own using sticks, wool and fabric.
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (17.03.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 17.03.23.
This week’s spellings:
/l/ sound spelt ‘le’ at the end of words, following a consonant. Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
table muddle
apple people
little bottle
kettle pretty
middle beautiful
Great effort learning your division facts for the 5x tables in a random order. It was tricky but everyone tried so hard.
Next week for our quiz (17.02.23) we will be learning the 2x table in order. The children have brought home a 2x table poster to learn.
Count in 2’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Challenge yourself and go past 100. Chant/sing the x2 table. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in order.
You will have a 2x table challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 17.03.23. There will also be a challenge including multiplication, repeated addition and arrays.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Remember it’s our trip to ‘Bring Yer wellies’ on Tuesday 14th March. Packed lunches are provided. The children should wear tracksuit bottoms and suitable footwear and their usual shirt/tie/jumper/cardigan. Remember a warm coat as it could be very cold!
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.
Year 2 Blog Friday 3rd March 2023
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 2:47pm
The children did so well in their Lent Class Assembly and felt such a great sense of achievement performing it to all the parents, thank you for coming along. We spent quite a bit of time this week rehearsing and learning the songs – all good skills for school life. In English, we have moved onto non-fiction. We read Instructions by Neil Gaiman and looked at the key features of Instructions. The children spotted bossy verbs and wrote some of their own instruction sentences, remembering capital letters and full stops. In Maths, we continued our Money topic. The children did a lot of problem solving – adding, subtracting and finding the difference/change. In French this week, we finished our first piece of writing to describe the Arcimboldo picture we drew using fruit and vegetables. Everyone has done brilliantly to write in French! The display looks great! Fantastique Y2.
Forest School
In one of our sessions this week we talked about Japanese folklore. We have a professor from Japan and four of his students visiting us for two weeks.There are stories about tree spirits which protect the trees. We made our own creations out of clay, leaves, sticks, moss and stones. We could use our imagination as no-one has ever seen them!
Two more groups learnt how to use the screwdrivers and hammers safely. There is just one more group to learn how to do this. Then we will be making something by using our new skills!
In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -
In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.
Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (10.03.23). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.
You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 10.03.23.
This week’s spellings:
Including two words from the Year 1/2 spelling list.
It would be useful to show the children that it’s is short for it is/ I’ll - I will/ hasn’t - has not/ didn’t – did not. We will do more on this in class next week.
it’s don’t
I’ll won’t
hasn’t couldn’t
didn’t break
can’t steak
Great effort learning your division facts for the 5x tables in order. Everyone is doing so well with this, keep up the super work!
Next week for our quiz (10.02.23) we will be learning the division facts for the 5 x table in a random order. The children have brought home a worksheet to do, this can be kept at home.
Count in 5’s forwards and backwards, see how quickly you can go, but it must still be accurate. Challenge yourself and go past 100. Chant/sing the division facts x5 tables. Ask an adult to quiz you on them in a random order.
You will have a multiplication/division (5x table) and a money challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 10.03.23.
Here are some links to other maths games/apps the children can play to help them learn their number facts. also have and English section for phonics/spellings games. If you explore the site you will find lots of different games that are relevant to Year 2.
(I believe this app is free to download.)
Log in at
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 Team.