Year 2: Blog items

Year 2 Blog Friday 25th November 2022

Date: 25th Nov 2022 @ 4:05pm


A Happy, and Inclusive, Nativity. – Mr Finch

Another great week in Year 2, the time is going by so quickly! We have started to prepare for our Nativity Play already. The children have been amazing, learning the songs/actions and acting out their parts so confidently. In English, we read The Sand Horse by Ann Turnbull and the stories about sand creature adventures that Year 2 wrote were really fantastic. Everyone has been trying to use more exciting adjectives to describe things in more detail. We have finished our topic on multiplication and we are moving on to tables and graphs in Maths. In RE, we learnt about the Advent Wreath and what the different parts symbolise. In Computing, the children are learning about digital photography and they took careful photos of objects/people around the classroom. In French, they focussed on the words for parts of our face and even began to read in French too - managing to read the correct colours and body parts for the worksheet. Tres bien!

Click here to see some Outdoor learning photos


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.11.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (02.12.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 02.12.22.

It has been brought to my attention that occasionally the spellings game can cut off. This is a minor tech issue, if this happens and you have completed your work, there is no need to do it again. 

This week’s spellings:

relax              thief

record            only    

dream              she

speed               key

swede               great


At home, count forwards and backwards in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Play the ‘follow me’ game. Start at different numbers and speed up for more of a challenge.

You will have a 2x, 5x and 10x tables and an array/repeated addition challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 02.12.22.


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Remember coats and wellies for Forest School!

Please sing Nativity songs at home and do the actions that you can remember!

Sponsored Santa Dash next Friday 2nd December.

Library visit on Tuesday 29th November.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Friday 18th November 2022

Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 4:09pm

Children in Need 2022 - Branston Community Academy

Year 2 looked great wearing spots for Children in Need Day. We did some Pudsey Bear themed arts, crafts and movement activities (PE). In English, we have done a lot of writing, we retold a story called Wing and wrote our own version of Whatever Next! By Jill Murphy. In Maths, we started our new topic on counting, multiplication and sorting. The children have been doubling numbers and looking at repeated addition. We have completed the Signs and Symbols topic in R.E by designing a Baptism candle. In History, we compared jobs now, with jobs back in 1666. We looked specifically at how different the firefighter’s equipment was. The children are starting to learn their Christmas songs in Music, they have been singing beautifully! In French, they recapped numbers to 15 with a game then recapped parts of the body by singing tete, epaules, genoux, pieds (head, shoulders, knees and toes). Year 2 also labelled a skeleton in French, noticing that French words don't always look like they sound and that some words have accents that change the sound of the letter. The Freddie Fit session was the highlight of the week and the children thoroughly enjoyed the music and exercise.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (25.11.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 25.11.22.

This week’s spellings:

leader              brief

cleaner             penny    

even                  donkey

delete                I’m

shriek                I’ll


At home, count forwards and backwards in 2’s to 24. Write the numbers down to see the pattern. Notice how the answers are the same as the 2x table. When you multiply by 2 you are also doubling the number. For example 2x6=12 and double 6 is 12.

You will have a 2x, 5x and 10x tables and doubling challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 25.11.22.


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Remember coats and wellies for Forest School!

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Friday 11th November 2022

Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:41pm

Remembrance Sunday Service Brixham - Ceremony in Brixham, Brixham - English  Riviera

Year 2 have done so much learning this week and thoroughly enjoyed the more practical activities we have done. In Maths, they have continued their work on shape looking at 2-D and 3-D shapes and their properties. The children did well making 3-D shapes, such as cubes, cuboids, pyramids and triangular prisms, from art straws and blue-tac today. In Art, they designed firework paintings and made lovely poppies for Remembrance Day. In English, we have worked on using joining words (conjunctions) more in our sentences and always using a describing word (adjective) with a noun. They also did some fantastic writing about fireworks. In R.E they learnt about Shabbat and Havdalah Candles for Judaism week. In French, Year 2 looked at French customs for Remembrance Day. French people add cornflowers to their wreaths as well as poppies because the blue reminds them of the soldier's uniforms. We made a wreath by drawing round our hands and joining them together as a sign of peace. We listened to a song in French about being a child of peace. 


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

In a few weeks, we are hoping to visit the library in Longton. It would be great if you could practise the alphabet with your children and talk about alphabetical order. This will prepare them for finding books in the library.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (18.11.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 18.11.22.

This week’s spellings:

belong              hairy

begin                tough    

sky                    you

July                   soup

baby                  once


At home, count forwards and backwards to 100. Pick any number between 1 and 100, say what one more/less than that number is. For example 25, one more than 25 is 26 and one less than 25 is 24. You could write them down or call them out. Then have a go at 10 more/less than a number. For example 67, ten more than 67 is 77 and 10 less than 67 is 57.

You will have a 2x, 5x and 10x tables and 2-D/3-D shape challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 18.11.22.


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Remember coats and wellies for Forest School!

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Friday 4th November 2022

Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 4:18pm

Why we are attracted to fireworks | Bonfire Night | The Guardian

Year 2 have had a fantastic week back after the half term holiday. They are all enthusiastic and enjoying their learning. In English, we have read three books already, Not Now, Bernard by David McKee, The Lion In The Meadow by Margaret Mahy and There’s NO Such Thing as a Dragon by Jack Kent. The children compared these stories and wrote a detailed book review. They also wrote conversations between the characters and did some super comprehension work. We have finished the addition and subtraction unit in Maths and have moved on to Shape. The children named 2-D shapes and talked about their properties. They were introduced to the word quadrilateral (4 sided shapes) and reminded that corners are called vertices. In RE (Journey in Love - RSHE), the children learnt about communities and how we can contribute in a positive way to the community we live in. We also talked about staying safe and meeting God in our community through school and Church. The Great Fire of London is our History topic this half term. We looked at London now and in the past. The skeleton pictures using art straws looked fantastic and the weather has been quite good for Forest School. Please could children keep wellies in school all week and remember warm/waterproof coats for when they are doing out-door learning.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (11.11.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 11.11.22.

This week’s spellings:

after                chute

never                want    

Chris                 wash

school                paper

chef                  friends


At home, count in fives forwards and backwards to 60 or 100. Notice how we count in fives when telling the time on a clock, it’s just like a circular number line. Talk about time, focusing on O’clock, half past, quarter past, 5 past, 10 past, 20 past and 25 past.

You will have a 2x, 5x and 10x tables and shape challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 11.11.22.


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Have a lovely weekend. Enjoy the fireworks!

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Thursday 20th October 2022

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 1:59pm

303,740 Halloween Cartoon Cliparts, Stock Vector and Royalty Free Halloween  Cartoon Illustrations

Year 2 have had a really fantastic first half term, I am very pleased with how hard everyone has worked and how much progress has been made already. In English, the children researched facts and wrote their own Pet Information Sheet. They also focused on sentence structure and handwriting. In Maths, we continued our work on addition and subtraction with a focus on number bonds and their related facts and we added two, two-digit numbers. In R.E we looked at what happens at a Baptism. Celebrating Harvest in Church was a real highlight this week. The children produced colourful line art and sang beautifully during Music. I hope you all enjoy the Halloween Disco and have a lovely half term holiday. I’ll look forward to seeing you when we get back to school.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (04.11.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It will really help your children’s writing if they can spell the common words they use frequently in class. Attached are the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Knowing sounds (phonics) will not help with these words, they just need to know them by memory/sight. Learning five or six of these words at a time will really help. Write them down and pin them up on the fridge or wall. We work on these in class as well and the children are tested (quiz) on them before Christmas.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by Friday 04.11.22.

This week’s spellings:

music                shield

human               head    

snow                  bread

grow                  laughed

field                  because


At home, play the ‘follow me’ counting game. We have played this in class! Count to a hundred forwards or backwards taking it in turns to say each number. As you get better try to go faster. You could play the game counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s or 3’s.

You will have a 2x, 5x and 10x tables and a subtraction challenge on Sumdog to complete by Friday 04.11.22.


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Thanks for bringing wellies in for Forest School. After Half Term, It would be great if they can be left in school as the children will be doing it at different times in the week come rain or shine!!

Have a lovely Half Term break.

Year 2 Team.


Online Safety Update

Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 1:52pm

Welcome to your latest Online Safety Update

At St Oswald's, we regularly discuss online safety with the children to find out what they are experiencing in their online spaces. We find out what new games and platforms are trending and if any of our children have worries or concerns about what they experience online. A lot of children continue to access YouTube so we have added a refresher guide on the platform. 

In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as connecting with strangers, inappropriate content and high visibility.

We have also spotted that some children have the new FIFA 23 football game for the PlayStation and XBox. Gaming has changed massively in the past few years with social connection now becoming an integral part of the gaming experience. We have added the latest guide for this game also. 

Below you will find a link to join the National Online Safety platform and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.



Year 2 Blog Friday 14th October 2022

Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 4:13pm

Assembly Songs Autumn Term a 1. Autumn Days 2. Thank you Lord - ppt video  online download

A fantastic week in Year 2, well done to everyone for working so hard and enjoying their learning. In English, we looked at the key features of information texts. We are almost ready to plan and write our own pet information sheets. The children are enjoying our new topic in Maths, addition and subtraction. They were working out missing numbers and we had a chance to play some maths games. In Science, we carried out a survey on how many creatures we found under a log/rock and coloured in a bar chart to show our findings. We learnt about the five oceans of the world in Geography. See how many you can remember! Year 2 have been singing their harvest songs so well in preparation for Tuesday’s celebration in Church. The words to one of them is above. I’m sure you could sing it to someone at home!


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found while reading.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Thursday (20.10.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It will really help your children’s writing if they can spell the common words they use frequently in class. Attached are the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Knowing sounds (phonics) will not help with these words, they just need to know them by memory/sight. Learning five or six of these words at a time will really help. Write them down and pin them up on the fridge or wall. We work on these in class as well and the children are tested (quiz) on them before Christmas.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday 20.10.22.

This week’s spellings:

mind                front

find                 rice    

only                 face

open                many

other               work


At home, count forwards in threes. Start at 0 and count up to 36. Write them down and spot any patterns.

You will have a 2x, 5x and 10x tables and an addition/subtraction challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Thursday 20.10.22.


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Thank you for all the harvest donations.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Friday 7th October 2022

Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 3:59pm

Prophecy: It's Harvest Time - JOY! News

Year 2 have been great this week, full of enthusiasm and joy for learning. They really are becoming super learners! In English, we have moved on to non-fiction writing. We are looking at information texts and letters. The children wrote sentences that were made-up (fiction) and fact (non-fiction). They are trying hard to always sit their letters on the line and do neat handwriting with lead-ins. We will be writing our own letters and information texts about pets. In Maths, the children have been measuring length and weight (mass). They learnt about metres and centimetres, measuring objects/lines with rulers, some of them even got the trundle wheels out to measure the playground. Everyone enjoyed using the balance scales to measure objects around the classroom. In Art, we used collage to create Pablo Picasso style portraits. In Geography the children located the seven continents on a map and learned facts about each one. We love to sing the continents song! We looked at microhabitats during our Science lesson. Outdoor learning has been very popular. Year 2 will be doing this every week so please could your child always have a coat and a pair of wellies that can be kept in school.



In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could find the meaning of new words by looking them up in a dictionary. A great skill for your child to learn. We will be doing this in class soon.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (14.10.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It will really help your children’s writing if they can spell the common words they use frequently in class. Attached are the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Knowing sounds (phonics) will not help with these words, they just need to know them by memory/sight. Learning five or six of these words at a time will really help. Write them down and pin them up on the fridge or wall. We work on these in class as well and the children are tested (quiz) on them before Christmas.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday 14.10.22.

This week’s spellings:

ride                flute

white              cube   

stone              cute

home               again

rule                 thought


At home, count to 100 forwards and backwards. Ask questions like, what is one/two/five or ten more/less than_? The blank _ could be any number up to 50 or 100. This will help with next week’s learning on addition and subtraction.

You will have a 5x and 10x tables, and another measure challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday 14.10.22.


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It's our Harvest celebration next week and we would appreciate some tins or packets of food for our collection, which will be donated to the Penwortham foodbank.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Friday 30th September 2022

Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 12:25pm

Premium Vector | Cute baby boy cartoon

Another great week in Year 2, a huge well done to everyone for working so hard and always trying their best. During English, we learnt about the past tense and joining words. The children wrote a diary about visiting Animal Town. We had some very imaginative experiences with the animals. In Maths, we have moved on to measure, focusing on length (metres and centimetres). There posters in PSHE were great and informed us on how to be a good friend. The children gave Mrs Sheen a lovely send off during our Golden Assembly. The card they made was fantastic and we all wished Mrs Sheen the best for the arrival of her baby boy. The children are looking forward to meeting the baby when it’s born and old enough to visit us in school. On Monday, Mrs Singleton will be joining us and we are going to do our best to help her settle into our class.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (07.10.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Learn them in a different order, not just how they appear on the list below.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday 07.10.22.

This week’s spellings:

goes               came

toe                 swede   

launch             theme

author             where

made                who


At home, count forwards and backwards in fives, starting from 5 or 50. Write them down as you say them and see what patterns you can spot. Are they odd or even numbers? For a challenge count past 50, see how far you can go!

You will have a 5x tables, and a measure challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday 07.10.22.


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Next week, Year 2 will be starting outdoor learning with Mrs Corbett. Please could your child bring a pair of wellies, in a plastic bag, clearly marked with  their name. Many thanks.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Friday 23rd September 2022

Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 1:04pm

What Autumn Tells Us About Life and Work: There's a Time to Bring Something  Good to an End | Sheridan Voysey

We have had a very busy week of learning in Year 2. A huge well done to everyone for listening so well and working so hard. In English, the children have worked on using joining words (conjunctions) to extend their sentences. They have written some great sentences using and, but, or, because, when, that and if. They have also written super stories based on our book, Flat Rabbit by Bardur Oskarsson. In Maths, they have been finding 1 or 10 more/less than a given number and comparing numbers. The children have thought about what God’s dream for them might be and decorated a star in RE. They made birthday cards and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ in French. Mrs Whitworth played her saxophone to the children during Music time and they thoroughly enjoyed it. The children learnt about habitats during our Science lesson and drew a picture of their favourite animal in it's habitat. They thought about why it was a good place for the animal to live.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (30.09.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Learn them in a different order, not just how they appear on the list below.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday 30.09.22.

This week’s spellings:

wheel               graph

whizz               flew   

whirl                screw

when                their

phew                could


At home, count forwards and backwards in twos, starting from 2 or 40. Write them down as you say them and see what patterns you can spot. Are they odd or even numbers? For a challenge count past 40, see how far you can go!

You will have a 2x tables, and 1 or 10 more/less than challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday 30.09.22.


Log in at


Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Blog Friday 16th September 2022

Date: 15th Sep 2022 @ 4:20pm


Warm weather this year means autumn leaves could be extra special - CBBC  Newsround

Year 2 have done so well over the last couple of weeks. They have settled in quickly, understanding all the rules and routines so well. We are really impressed with how much they love to learn and how hard they work during lesson time. We have had so many people on gold, double gold and even triple gold!

In English, the children have retold the story of The Bear and the Piano and written some of their own character descriptions. They have sequenced the Five Little Fiends story and focused on sentence structure. In Maths, they have worked with base ten, counters, arrow cards and straws to help them with their understanding of place value. We have started our new topic in RE – Beginnings. We read the creation story and thought about how wonderful our world is. In PSHE we are looking at – what makes a good friend? The children thoroughly enjoy PE and are showing strong fundamental skills.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because or finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every Wednesday. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (23.09.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Learn them in a different order, not just how they appear on the list below.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday 23.09.22.

This week’s spellings:

boy                value

bird               draw   

third              saw

blue               looked

true                called


At home, count forwards and backwards in tens. Write them down as you say them and see what patterns you can spot. For a challenge count past 100, see how far you can go!

You will have a 10x tables, and place value challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday 23.09.22.


Log in at


Have a lovely weekend and remember school is closed on Monday 19th September - The Queen's Funeral. See you all on Tuesday 20th September.

The Queen Has Tested Positive For Covid | British Vogue

Year 2 Team.


Online Safety Update

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 5:42pm

With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership

We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.

To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.

Year 2 Blog Friday 9th September

Date: 9th Sep 2022 @ 12:49pm


Welcome Back" Images – Browse 3,048 Stock Photos, Vectors ...


Welcome back to a new school year. We hope you all had a lovely summer.


What a great first week back in Year 2! Everyone has settled in really well, the children are so enthusiastic about their learning and we have seen some great work.

Today we had a very special Golden Assembly in school as we took some time to pay tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We had a minute silence and said some prayers for the Royal Family at this difficult time. 


Next week we will be sending home the reading books, spellings and you will find the home practice tasks on this blog.

We look forward to seeing you at 'Meet the Teacher' next Thursday 15th September at 6.30pm.

Have a lovely weekend

Year 2 Team











Year 2 Final Blog - Thursday 21st July 2022

Date: 21st Jul 2022 @ 9:08am

Sunshine GIFs | Tenor

A massive well done to everyone in Year 2. You have all worked so hard and made great progress this year. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching you learn and grow. You are definitely ready for the juniors and the new exciting learning that will come in Year 3. Please read, read, read as much as you can and enjoy it. If you want to do some maths, there's always Sumdog training for you to do.

Have a fun, happy and safe summer holiday. 

Miss Gravili, Mrs Sheen and Mrs Whitworth.


Year 2 Home Practice Friday 15th July 2022

Date: 15th Jul 2022 @ 2:38pm

18 Simple Movement Activities for Preschoolers | Kids obstacle course,  Preschool activities, Obstacle course

Another great week in Year 2, the children had so much fun at the Tough Kidder event. Thank you for sending in sponsorship money for that. The firepit will be a fantastic addition to our Forest School resources. We made fruit faces in D.T and the children were so creative. The best part was eating all the delicious fruit, pomegranate was a real favourite!


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about what they have just read. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Please try to continue to read throughout the holiday. There are some great reading challenges at the local library, so plenty of opportunities to borrow books, or try some of the books on the Oxford Owl link below.

Reading books will be collected in on Monday.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

Please access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


There will be no spelling test next Friday.


You will have a times table challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.


Log in at

Please could you remember to send a small cardboard box into school for our D.T project next week. 

Also, the children will be bringing their school exercise books home next Thursday. Please could you send a bag for life (carrier bag) for them to bring them home in.

Have a great weekend.

Year 2 Team.

Year 2 Home Practice Friday 8th July 2022

Date: 8th Jul 2022 @ 9:55am

Skipton Castle Grounds - Picture of Skipton Castle - Tripadvisor

A very exciting week in Year 2, the children had a fantastic time on our school trip to Skipton Castle. They really enjoyed exploring and seeing what daily life in a castle was like. Well done to everyone for listening so carefully and using lovely manners. Moving up morning was also a lot of fun and really good for the children to experience time as juniors. They are definitely ready for the new, challenging and interesting learning Year 3 will offer.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about what they have just read. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

Please access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (15.07.22). A sheet will go home on Friday with the spelling list on. This is to do at home and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Other ideas include breaking the words up and writing them down in different colours (pleasure). You could look for words within words (division)or think of your own ways to remember the word for example, spell it aloud using a tune or song.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.

This week’s spellings are:

television                pleasure

treasure                 measure

usual                       occasion 

division                   usually

vision                     leisure


At home, play the ‘follow me’ counting game that we play in school. Take turns to count to 100 forwards or backwards. You could start and finish at any number. Try counting faster to make it more challenging.

You will have a times table and number challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.


Log in at


Big Circus Tent Factory Sale, 70% OFF |

Have a great weekend and enjoy the circus if you are going.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Home Practice Friday 1st July 2022

Date: 30th Jun 2022 @ 7:39pm

Disco Parties » Froggle Parties

A great week of learning Year 2, well done to everyone for their lovely manners, fantastic listening and hard work. There were so many people on gold and there are lots of house points on the chart! In English, we have done plenty of writing, some super diaries and a dragon story. The children used excellent vocabulary and punctuation, there handwriting is so neat now! We have moved to addition and subtraction again in Maths. Year 2 are getting very good at using lines and dots (tens and ones) to add/subtract two 2-digit numbers with an exchange. The children did an investigation on hand size in Science. They came to good conclusions and really enjoyed comparing hand sizes. In RE, we started our new topic – Treasures. The children talked about their own special treasures and made/decorated a treasure box. Everyone has now completed their wild weaving, they were beautiful.  In French, the children listened to a song to see if they could understand the animal words, looking at the -on sound in the words. Then they learned some words to do with the beach and practised them in a game. It was lovely to see the children having fun and dancing at the disco.



In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!

Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (08.07.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet and learn them by calling them out loud.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.

This week’s spellings:

word                 worst

work                 war   

worm                warm

world                towards

worth                ward


At home, work on your number facts to 20 (16 + 4 = 20, 11 + 9 = 20). These can also be number facts for numbers within 20. For example, 7 + 9 = 16, 8 + 8 = 16 or 5 + 11 = 16. Try writing then in a systematic order. We have done this in class.  

You will have a 2x, 5x, 10x, 3x and 4x tables and addition/subtraction to 100 challenges to complete by next Friday on Sumdog.


Log in at

Well done to these children in Golden Assembly:

Star – Zachary Mc

Bookworm – Willow

Writer – Florence and Dominic

Mathematician - Darcey

Super Learner – Bella

Special Mentions – Ebba and Leo H

Daily Miler – Eliza

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Home Practice Friday 24th June 2022

Date: 24th Jun 2022 @ 8:28am

Daisy Footprints | Creative STAR Learning | I'm a teacher, get me OUTSIDE  here!

Another busy and fun week in Year 2, well done to everyone for dancing so well in this years ‘Dance from the Heart’. In English, the children wrote their reports carefully using conjunctions, good sentence openers and vocabulary. We also wrote a story about a giant gummy bear, what great imaginations Year 2 have! We are working on place value and number in Maths, placing numbers on a number line, ordering and sequencing numbers to 100 and lots of work on times tables. In RE, we learnt about the Sacrament of Reconciliation and made lovely promise cards. The children designed their own castles in History. They did a daisy investigation in Science, we got some good predictions. In French, the children answered a question about their favourite animal, then finished their Eiffel Tower pictures by adding some facts. These are so good they'll go on the French display! 

Online Saftey Update - Live Streaming

Many of our children access YouTube and TikTok as their primary source of online content. Live streamers are becoming ever more popular with children and young people.

Live streaming is the term used to describe the broadcast of a real time video from a mobile device, tablet or games console. Many live streaming apps have functionality for interactions from viewers, such as commenting, live chats and sending reactions during the broadcast. 

In this guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as online grooming, privacy & security and online reputation. Also, be aware of age ratings on any platforms you allow your children to use.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!

Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (01.07.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet and learning them by calling them out loud. You might also want to try writing them down in different colours for example quality. Learn them in a different order, not just how they appear on the list below.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.

This week’s spellings:

want                   quality

wander               squabble 

watch                 squad

quantity              quad

squash                 quarrel


At home, count forwards and backwards in fours. Write them down as you say them and see what patterns you can spot.

You will have a 2x, 5x, 10x and 3x tables challenge, and an ordering/sequencing and placing numbers on a number line challenge to complete by next Friday on Sumdog.


Log in at


Well done to these children in Golden Assembly:

Star – Theo

Bookworm – Leo. W.

Writer – Xabier

Mathematician - Agatha

Super Learner – Eddie

Special Mentions – London and New York tables.

Daily Miler – Cian

We are sorry, it was a busy afternoon and the children did not bring their spelling sheets home. We will send them home on Monday.

We did send PE bags home because the grass was a bit wet and their trainers got a little soggy! Please send them back in on Monday. Many thanks.

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Home Practice Friday 17th June 2022

Date: 17th Jun 2022 @ 8:34am

Using Nature Craft to introduce Bushcraft Skills to Children | OS GetOutside

A great week in Year 2, well done to everyone for working so hard and having such an enthusiastic and positive attitude towards learning. In English, the children did some fantastic writing using different sentence starters and planned a recount about our trip to the library. We can see a big improvement in the children’s handwriting and presentation. They should be very proud of themselves and keep working hard. They also learnt about speech, prepositions, the prefix -un and the suffixes –er and –est. We have moved on to place value and number in Maths, partitioning numbers using base 10 and part-whole diagrams. In Art, year 2 produced some lovely Father’s Day cards. In RE, we wrote sorry prayers and decorated them with beautiful pictures. Half the class did some fabulous wild weaving during our outdoor learning session. The rest of the class can look forward to doing it next week. The trip to the library was a great success, the children had a wonderful time doing various activities like making book marks, reading stories and going on a hunt around the library. Hopefully, this will inspire them to read more and visit the local library more. There are some good clubs and reading challenges that are layed on over the summer holiday.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!

Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (24.06.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Learn them in a different order, not just how they appear on the list below.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.

This week’s spellings:

key                      trolley

donkey                 turkey 

monkey                 hockey

chimney                parsley

valley                    journey


At home, count forwards and backwards in threes. Write them down as you say them and see what patterns you can spot.

You will have a 2x, 5x and 10x tables, and partitioning/greater than and less than challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.


Log in at


Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Year 2 Home Practice Friday 10th June 2022

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 2:32pm

The Sun with Green Meadow Watercolor Hand Painting Background. Stock Image  - Image of festival, garden: 223582287

Year 2 have had a great week back after half term, it was lovely to see everyone fresh and ready for learning. In English, the children did some great writing about their holiday and all the fun things they did with family and friends. We have started Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and looked at the great vocabulary he uses for his characters. We also read Last Stop on Market Street by Matt De La Pena. The children wrote about a bus journey they had been on using very neat handwriting and good punctuation. We are continuing our work on fractions in Maths, finding quarters of shapes and numbers. In Art, year 2 produced some lovely collages and experimented with shape. In RE, our topic is Rules, the children recognised the importance of following God’s rules. They also talked about times we need to forgive and make friends. One of the highlights this week was harvesting and tasting the radish and lettuce seeds we planted during our Science lesson. The other highlight was starting our Castles topic in History. We learnt about the parts of a castle and parts of a knight’s armour. Well done to everyone, we are very pleased with how hard you have been working.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could write down these new words in a word book and find out what they mean. It is amazing to see the list grow, something to be very proud of, especially when children realise how many more words they understand and can use!

Please sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234

Resources for questioning your child while they are reading -

In addition to this, reading a good bed time story to your child is so worthwhile and really helps towards a lifelong love of reading.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (17.06.22). A sheet will go home every Friday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

It is useful to write the words down on the spelling sheet, but also to call the words out and spell them out loud using the letter sounds or names. Learn them in a different order, not just how they appear on the list below.

You will have a Sumdog challenge on these words to complete by next Friday.

This week’s spellings:

other                      money

mother                    cover 

brother                   honey

nothing                   discover

Monday                   wonder


At home, count forwards and backwards in quarters. For example, 0, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 1, 1 and 1/4, 1 and 2/4, 1 and 3/4, 2 and so on. You can play the ‘follow me’ game that we played in class, taking turns to say each whole number and fraction.

You will have a 3x table and fraction challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.


Log in at


Online Safety Update

This week, our update is focused on how to set up devices for children. Read our short guide below for some useful tips to safeguard young people against online risk.


Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.


Dance From the Heart

Date: 7th Jun 2022 @ 3:03pm

Here is the Dance From the Heart video to practise before the roadshow on Tuesday 21st June 2022.

Year 2 Blog Friday 27th May 2022

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 12:32pm

What a great week of learning in Year 2 this week. The children were brilliant in the Queens Jubilee Celebration – the video is on St Oswald’s Tv (YouTube).


In English this week the children have been celebrating the Queen. They have wrote a letter to the Queen congratulating her on her 70 years on the throne, designed and described a cake fit for the Queen and a poem about the Queen.


We have consolidated some of our previous learning in Maths this week including Money, Shape and Time. We have started our new unit Fractions and the children have been finding quarters of shapes and numbers.


This week, we practised our French phonic sounds then we learnt the words for the compass points and vocabulary associated with travel to France and other Francophone countries around the world. Je vais en train, en bateau, en avion, en voiture, en velo, a pied. We made these words into a song to help us remember them.


This week in RE the children have started a new topic all about Rules. We have looked at types of rules in our everyday life.


We have had a brilliant day celebrating Year 2 Sports Day today. All the children were great and it was lovely to have all their parents here today. Thank you for coming to support.



In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. Please remind your child to put their book bag in the box on Monday morning. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.


There will be a no spelling quiz next week due to half term.


At home, count in 5s from a number other than O. These become trickier when you get higher up and then try going backwards for an extra challenge. Try interactive games for your times tables on:


Well done to the following children who were all up in Golden Assembly today.

Star – Casper

Bookworm – Luiza

Writer – Zachary McLeod

Mathematician – Holly Parkinson

Super Learner – Imogen

Special Mentions – For great manners – Darcey, Maisie, Tommy and Oscar.



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Online Safety Update

This week, our update is focused on keeping children safe when accessing online content. A lot of platforms that our children use are dependent on uploaded content. Due to the sheer number of videos added to these sites, moderators find it almost impossible to stop all harmful or distressing content from reaching your phone or tablet screens. The guide below outlines ways in which you as parents and carers can limit the risk.


Have a lovely half term.

Year 2 Team.

Year 2 Blog Friday 20th May

Date: 20th May 2022 @ 12:55pm

We have had a fantastic week of learning in Year 2 this week. The children have shown a brilliant attitude for their Maths and Reading quizzes this week. We are proud of you.


This week, we designed and described a cake fit for the Queen’s Jubilee. We used colours, numbers and cake flavours in our descriptions. They all looked delicious.


This week in RE the children have been learning about the Holy Spirit. They created a beautiful picture to go with the Holy Spirit prayer. We also looked at


We have been practising our races for sports day next week. Don’t forget Year 2s Sports Day is Friday 27th May at 2.15pm. Please ensure your child brings a pair of trainers into school for sports day if they don’t already have them in their PE kit bag.

Reminders for next week

Class photos – Tuesday 24th May

Queen’s Jubilee Celebration Day – Wear red, white and blue – Wednesday 25th May.

Sports Day – Friday 27th May


Online Safety Update – Below you will find this week's online safety guides on YouTube and YouTube Kids. In the guides you will find tips on a number of potential risks such as connecting with strangers and inappropriate content.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. Please remind your child to put their book bag in the box on Monday morning. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.


There will be a spelling quiz on Friday 27th May.

You will have a Sumdog challenge with next week’s spellings to complete by next Friday.

all               ball             call           walk          talk

always       small          wall           fall          altogether


At home, count in 4s from a number other than O. These become trickier when you get higher up and then try going backwards for an extra challenge.

You will have a subtraction and addition challenge and a times table challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.

Well done to the following children who were all up in Golden Assembly today.

Star – Theo

Bookworm – Oliver

Writer – Henry

Mathematician - William

Super Learner – Libby

Special Mentions – All of Year 2 for this week’s Quizzes.

Daily Miler – Leo H



Log in at

Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.

Year 2 Blog Friday 13th May

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 10:13am

We have had a brilliant week of learning in Year 2 this week.

The children have created brilliant portraits of the Queen for her Platinum Jubilee in Art using sketching pencils and toning techniques. In Geography the children have compared an Aboriginal family to their own, looking at similarities and differences between the two families.

In French this week, we continued to learn the actions to match French phonics which will help when we start writing some more French in year 3. The children are really good at associating the sound with the action and listening for sounds in words. We continued to learn clothes words through the story Je m'habille et je te croque. They were able to listen to the story and draw the clothes as they heard them - tres bien, year 2!

We have had a big focus this week in English on our presentation and editing of work to make it better. The children are looking forward to typing up their best edited piece. In Maths the children have been learning subtraction and addition with exchanging 10. It has been quite tricky, but the children have done exceptionally well and shown brilliant resilience to try their best and use the steps to complete the number sentences.

Online Safety Update – This week’s Online Safety Update is all about age ratings. Age ratings can be used by adults to make an informed choice as to whether a game or platform is suitable for their child. Below you will find our guide with tips on a number of potential risks including inappropriate content, peer pressure and online spending.



In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. Please remind your child to put their book bag in the box on Monday morning. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.

Reading resources:

Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read and really enjoy it.

If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’. You could also explore the rest of the site and read books from the Oxford Owl eBook library or listen to audio books.

Username: sto2

Password: 1234


There will be a spelling quiz on Friday 20th May.

You will have a Sumdog challenge with next week’s spellings to complete by next Friday.

patting          humming         dropping           sadder            runner             

patted           hummed          dropped            saddest           runny


At home, count in 5s from a number other than O. These become trickier when you get higher up and then try going backwards for an extra challenge. Try Hit The Button for times table practise. 

You will have a division challenge and times table challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.

Well done to the following children who were all up in Golden Assembly today.

Star – Freddie

Bookworm – Florence

Writer – Agatha

Mathematician - Tommy

Super Learner – Cian

Special Mentions – Maisie and Leo H



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Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.

Year 2 Blog Friday 6th May

Date: 6th May 2022 @ 1:10pm

Year 2 have had a fantastic week of learning. The children are working hard to use their manners throughout the day and follow our Golden Rules.

In English the children have continued the novel Journey and looked at expanded noun phrases to make their writing exciting to read. The children have also read the Visitor and started The Night Gardener where they have written descriptions for Topiary. In Maths we have continued learning about multiplication and division including using arrays to share and group. In Geography the children have completed their fact files about Australian animals. In Art we are focussing on the Queens Jubilee and the children have been learning toning skills ready for the Queen portraits next week.  

Online Safety UpdateThis week’s Online Safety Update is all about a rise in children accessing Roblox gaming platform. This includes children in our infant classes. This week’s guide dives into what to expect your children to find when they use Roblox including any potential risks they may meet. These risks include in-app purchases and chatting to strangers online.


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an adult or older sibling. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

Reading books are changed every Monday and sent home on Tuesday. Please remind your child to put their book bag in the box on Monday morning. However, if you need to change a book another time, we will change it as needed.


There will be a spelling quiz on Friday 13th May.












You will have a Sumdog challenge with next week’s spellings to complete by next Friday.


At home, count in 3s from a number other than O. These become trickier when you get higher up and then try going backwards for an extra challenge.

You will have a division challenge and times table challenge on Sumdog to complete by next Friday.

Well done to the following children who were all up in Golden Assembly today.

Star – Leo Worrall

Bookworm – William

Writer – Imogen

Mathematician - Bella

Super Learner – Zachary Olorenshaw

Special Mentions – Maisie and Willow



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Have a lovely weekend.

Year 2 Team.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
