Year 3: Blog items

Year 3 Home Practice 21st May 2021

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 12:55pm

We have had a very fun week in Year 3. We made beautiful pieces of ocean art after learning about the ocean and about how different creatures adapt to living in the deep sea. We also looked at the different oceans and seas in an atlas in Geography. We then squeezed in another Geography lesson; we couldn’t miss out on the Eurovision Song Contest. We had a lot of fun and laughter listening to the songs by some of the contestants, we rocked some of the dance moves (especially Iceland’s dance) and then we found out about the different countries by looking at maps.

In French we continued to practise reading and writing numbers and days and fruit vocabulary, ready to read The Hungry Caterpillar in French next week.

In Maths we have been focussing on multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number, we are getting very good at this. Knowing our times tables well helps a lot!

In English we have been focussing on splitting our writing into paragraphs and using good words to make our writing exciting.


Home Practice for 21st May – 28th May


The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.




Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.


Times Tables


Please practise the 8x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.




Times Tables Challenge: 21st May – 28th May

Year 3 Competition: 21st May – 28th May

Spelling Challenge: 21st May – 28th May




Your spellings this week are past tense verbs but they do not follow the same rules as the spellings from last week. They are irregular.












Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.





You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 27th May. Make sure you practise every night.


Year 3 Home Practice 14th May

Date: 14th May 2021 @ 12:46pm

We have had a very messy and fun week in Year 3.

We have made our own Ancient Egyptian mummies out of clay and tissue paper, we have experimented with celery and food colouring to find out about the function of different plant parts, and we have made gums and teeth out of salt dough in our PSHE lesson all about keeping our teeth healthy. We have worked so well as a team in all of these lessons and have been very respectful of the classroom by tidying and cleaning up after ourselves.

In Maths we have been looking at subtracting big numbers by using a written method and have been practising dividing by 5.

In English we have been focussing on using exciting words to describe – we might spot some good words to describe when we are reading at home.


Home Practice for 14th May – 21st May


The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.




Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.


Times Tables


Please practise the division facts for the 4x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.




Times Tables Challenge: 14th May – 21st May

Year 3 Competition: 14th May – 21st May

Spelling Challenge: 14th May – 21st May




Your spellings this week are past tense verbs. Pay attention to double letters, can you figure out why some have the last letter doubled before adding -ed, and others just have -ed added?


ask: asked,

answer: answered

talk: talked

jump: jumped

walk: walked

look: looked

allow: allowed

slip: slipped

skip: skipped

admit: admitted


Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.





You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 20th May. Make sure you practise every night.

Online Safety - 13th May 2021

Date: 13th May 2021 @ 9:28pm

This week is Mental Health Awareness week and a great opportunity to remind us to be kind to ourselves as well as others.

Below you will find two guides from National Online Safety on how to promote wellbeing both online and offline and how to be kind when using the internet.


Join us at our Online Safety Hub at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

Year 3 Home Practice 7th May

Date: 7th May 2021 @ 3:38pm

We have had an excellent week in Year 3. Everybody has worked hard and been a good friend. 

We have been looking at different methods to subtract and recapping on the 3x tables in Maths. In English we have been trying to include speech marks in our writing. We are getting very good at it. 

In French we have been using French phonics to spell numbers and to write sentences. 

We have been enjoying our new Science topic which is plants, we have been looking at different parts of a plant and their jobs. We have also been looking after our poppy seeds by making sure they are watered every day and are kept somewhere in the sunlight. 

In History, we looked at the different beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians. One of their beliefs was that after they died, they had an afterlife. This was why they spent so much time on mummification and building tombs. We learnt about the stages of mummification, we were disgusted by some of them

Year 3 Home Practice 30th April 2021

Date: 30th Apr 2021 @ 3:39pm

We have had a wonderful week in Year 3. 

We have been writing newspaper reports in English and in Maths we have been looking at different ways to add numbers together. 

In PSHE we talked about keeping safe in our community and online, we discussed the importance of only speaking to people we know online and to tell a trusted adult if something worries us. We also thought about keeping healthy and looking after our teeth, we all agreed that it is important to brush our teeth in the morning and at night and to eat healthy food. 

We had to dash inside in our PE lesson on Thursday due to the rain, but we loved playing bench ball and dodge ball and worked so well as a team. 



Home Practice for 30th

Year 3 Home Practice 23rd April 2021

Date: 23rd Apr 2021 @ 12:21pm

We have had a lovely week in Year 3. We all came back ready to learn and looking even more grown up than before.

This week we have made the most of the sunshine with outdoor English lessons, playing on the field, 5 minutes of running every afternoon, PE, and planting seeds. In PE we have started to practise striking and fielding skills. This week we were playing throwing a catching games with a tennis ball. If you have a tennis ball or a small ball at home, it would be great to practise with somebody.  

We celebrated Earth Day on Thursday with some geography and art work. We talked about how important it is to look after our earth every day so that future generations can enjoy it. We came up with some ideas including using less plastic, recycling, walking or cycling to school, using less electricity, and eating less meat. 



Home Practice for 23rd April

Online Safety - 21st April 2021

Date: 21st Apr 2021 @ 1:29pm

5 little-known social media mark... - News - What Mobile

Using social media websites is among the most common activity of today's children and adolescents. Any website that allows social interaction is considered a social media site, including social networking sites such as Facebook, TikTok, Snapchat and Twitter; gaming sites and virtual worlds such as Club Penguin, Second Life, and the Sims; video sites such as YouTube; and blogs. Such sites offer today's youth a portal for entertainment and communication and have grown exponentially in recent years. For this reason, it is important that parents become aware of the nature of social media sites, given that not all of them are healthy environments for children and adolescents. - From the American Academy of Pediatrics

Below you will find two guides. One for Snapchat and one for Sadfishing. 

For more guides and explainer videos, join us at National Online Safety and explore the range of resources to keep updated with developments in social media and much more.

Year 3 Half Term Message

Date: 1st Apr 2021 @ 3:30pm

What a wonderful 4 weeks we have had back together. It has been lovely to see our friends and make each other smile every day.

We have had a lovely week in Year 3. We have been thinking a lot about Jesus during Holy Week and how we can make ourselves better people.  

The sunshine has been wonderful so we have been enjoying lots of time outside.

We are very proud of all of the hard work we put into our rainforest projects, they all look amazing!

Well done Year 3 for all of your hard work and thank you for being so kind and caring all of the time. Have a lovely Easter and a wonderful Half Term. You definitely deserve a rest J



Online Safety - 31st March 2021

Date: 31st Mar 2021 @ 1:11pm

Internet Safety

This week we are having a look back at our wellbeing week and how we express ourselves online. Below you will find a guide on Expressing yourself safely online and a guide to using Youtube. 

We have also included the #wakeupwednesday guide from on RecRoom. This is a new online platform with an age rating of 9+. We haven't yet seen any of our children use this platform but it is always good to be informed on new developments.

Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.


Year 3 Home Practice 26th March 2021

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 12:30pm

We have had a lovely week in Year 3. We are all such great friends to each other. We were even given a Gold Award from Mrs Wood for being so kind to each other. 

We really enjoyed our athletics competition against Year 4. We worked so well as a team. There is a photo gallery in the class page where you can see us in action.

We have started to learn about fractions in Maths. In English we have been reading The Accidental Prime Minister.  


Home Practice for 26th March - 1st April


The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.


  1. Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.



  1. Please practise division facts for the 3x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.




  1. Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Fraction and Division Challenge: 26th March – 1st April

Times Tables Challenge: 26th March – 1st April




  1. Spellings

We did so much better with our spellings this week – it just shows that practising a little bit every day makes a huge difference.

Here are your spellings this week:

They all have the /i/ sound spelled with a y

gym, myth, Egypt, pyramid, mystery, symbol, synonym, lyrics, system, gymnastics


Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.


  1. You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 1st April. Make sure you practise every night.

Online Safety - 24th March

Date: 24th Mar 2021 @ 12:22pm

Thank you to all who joined our Online Safety platform last week. To join, simply follow the link below and follow the instructions provided. 

We all have an important role in keeping our children safe in an ever growing online world.

Below you will find three new guides on WhatsApp, Fortnite and a Share a Smile online, linked to last week's Comic Relief theme.



Year 3 Home Practice 19th March 2021

Date: 19th Mar 2021 @ 12:35pm

We have had a wonderful week in Year 3, made even better by the sunshine. Everybody looked fantastic on Friday in red for Red Nose Day. We focussed on being happy and making each other smile.

In Maths we have been practising the 8x tables and have been looking at different ways to subtract.  

We are loving our book in English at the moment – The Accidental Prime Minister. It has inspired us to think of what we would do if we were in charge of the country.

This week we have also been looking at South America in the atlas, Ancient Egypt and some artefacts, and light in Science.


Home Practice for 19th – 26th March


The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.


  1. Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.



  1. Please practise your 8x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.



  1. Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:


Times Tables Challenge: 19th March – 26th March

Fractions Challenge: 19th March – 26th March

Spelling Challenge: 19th March – 26th March


  1. Spellings

The spellings this week are words which have the /u/ sound spelled ou. We have been practising these spellings in school, but we need more practice at home as a lot of us have been finding them tricky.

Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.

courage, discourage, encourage, double, enough, rough, tough, touch, young, trouble



  1. You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 25th March. Make sure you practise every night.


Online Safety

Date: 10th Mar 2021 @ 2:44pm

Online Safety is an important part of keeping children safe at St Oswald's.

Here you will find a range of resources to keep your child safe online.

We have teamed up with National Online Safety to provide resoures, guides and training for all our staff and parents.

Below you will find a link to enrol to at National Online Safety and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.

We will also regularly post guides for social media and gaming platforms as they become more commonly used by your children.

This week you will find guides on Children's Mental Health, TikTok and Gaming Streamers and Influencers

Year 3 Home Learning Friday 5th March 2021 - FUN FRIDAY

Date: 4th Mar 2021 @ 1:46pm


Good morning Year 3.

Ms Hodson and I are extremely proud of you all for everything you have done during lockdown. You have done some amazing reading, beautiful and exciting writing, excellent maths and lots of other great things too.

As well as your super work, you have kept us smiling with your messages on Seesaw, thank you so much. You are all very special to us.

We cannot wait to see you all next week J

If you would like to show your classmates your home learning work, you can bring it into school on Monday – we know from Seesaw how amazing it all is.


Friday 5th March 2021


It’s Fabulous Friday! Woohoo.


Start your day by listening to this song, we are SO EXCITED to see you next week.


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

  • Read

Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.


  • Create your own game to practise your times tables.

There is a blank board game attached which you could use if you want to. You can choose to focus on your 4x tables or all of the times tables you need to know by the end of Year 3 (2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 8).


  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see.


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!


Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 4th March 2021

Date: 3rd Mar 2021 @ 2:38pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Wednesday and are looking forward to a fun day ahead. This is your last day of home learning, tomorrow is Fun Friday and then we are all back together next week, yay!


Thursday 4th March 2021

World Book Day

I hope you enjoy World Book Day today, if you have dressed up as a book character, I would love to see a photo. Please send a message to Seesaw telling me your favourite book and why it is your favourite. The best message will receive a £10 book voucher.

My favourite book is … because …


I have attached some maps of the UK and the world to this blog. On the maps are the names of different books and where they are set. Have a look and see if you recognise any of the places or books. Also see if you can find the place where your favourite book is set on a map. 



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody about what you have just read in your own words.



mouth, around, sprout, sound, shout, cloud, hound, round, found, proud.


Write the long date: Thursday 4th March 2021

Write the title: Wrong hand spelling

Split your page in half.

On one half, write out your spellings using the hand you usually write with.

On the other half, write out your spellings using your other hand.



Please watch the video on Seesaw which will be available in the morning.



I have attached a Pobble story to this blog called The Troll.

I would like you to read and then continue the story.



Write the long date: Thursday 4th March 2021

Write the title: Can I start my sentences in different ways?


I would like you to try to start your sentences in lots of different ways.

You could start with:

Because, when, even though, he, the troll, as you know, anyway, with a.  


Paragraph 1:

Describe the troll and how he causes a lot of damage.

Here are two example sentences you could start with -

Because of the way he was born, he was always causing damage wherever he went. His nose was long and thin like a cricket bat, whenever he sneezed the whole ground would shake causing buildings to collapse, and when he sniffed he would suck up bikes and plants through his nostrils.


Paragraph 2:

Describe why the troll ripped the roof off the holiday home. Remember, he didn’t mean any harm.

You could start with -

Anyway, there was a reason why he wrenched the roof off the holiday home.




Perfect spelling

Capital letters

Beautiful handwriting


Make it amazing by:

Using a simile

Adding an exclamation mark

Including a question

Using commas

Using exciting words

Adding extra information in brackets


Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw, it is your last chance to show off how much you have improved with your writing before we are all back in school next week J



Count out loud in 4s:

From 0 to 48.

From 48 to 0.


Count out loud in 10s:

From 993 to 1093.

From 197 to 297.


Count out loud in 2s:

From 2 to 24.

From 24 to 2.

From 1 to 23.


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button.

Click on Division Facts and then ÷4.

If you find it tricky, write out your 4x tables before you start and use them to help.


Number Facts

Play on Hit the Button.

Click on number bonds and then addition within 20.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 1st March – 7th March

Times Tables Challenge: 1st March – 7th March




I have attached a sheet which has blank number lines on. We are going to use the number lines to count in tens and then round to the nearest hundred.

There will be a video on Seesaw in the morning which will explain the activity.



Watch this video:

Complete the activity attached to this blog called Space Adventure.




Bonjour! Today we are going to learn how to say 'a' for singular nouns and 'some' for plural nouns. For example, in English, this would be: A rabbit = 1 rabbit. Some rabbits = more than one rabbit.

Then we’ll do 'the' for singular and plural nouns, using the same animal vocabulary as we learnt last week.  Eg the horse= 1 horse. The horses = more than one.  The words you’ll learn today are called articles and they change in French depending on whether the noun is masculine or feminine, singular or plural. 


Masculine singular

Feminine  singular

Plural (masculine and feminine are the same)



Un   (un)

Une   (oon)

Des (day) = some



Le   (luh)

La    (la)

Les (lay)

Download lesson 17 with audio.

Work through the Powerpoint, clicking on whether you think it is un or une or des; le or la or les. The lady will say Tant pis! Never mind! if you make a mistake.  

Once you’ve worked through, write the date in French in your book – mardi deux mars and the learning objective  Can I translate un, une,  des, le ,la, les into English?

Using slide 20, copy the French and translate it into English. Once you’ve tried the first 5, check your answers before moving on to slide 21. Check your answers again and correct them if you’ve made a mistake. If you like, there are 5 more on slide 22!

I hope you understand. We will go back over this in school if you’re a bit unsure.

Here’s an animal song to finish.

Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine. See you next week!



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.



Have a wonderful day – see you very soon woohoo J

Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Date: 2nd Mar 2021 @ 4:09pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good Tuesday.

Today I would like you to send me a photo of your maths work and a video of yourself reading some or all of your rover story.


Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next in the story.


I would also love if you could read out all or some of your rover story and send me a video on Seesaw. Focus on making it sound very exciting. You might want to get other people in your house involved to help with sound effects. You could even have some exciting space music playing quietly in the background:



Please watch the video which will be on Seesaw in the morning.



Here are your spellings for this week. They all have the /ow/ sound in them spelled with ou.

mouth, around, sprout, sound, shout, cloud, hound, round, found, proud.


Say the words out loud.

Find the meaning of any words that you don’t know.


Write the long date: Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Write the title: /ow/ sound spelled ou

Write out your spellings in your best handwriting.



Write the long date: Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Write the title: Speed Writing

Set a timer for 10 minutes and then write about anything you want for 10 minutes. It is still important to remember capital letters and full stops, beautiful handwriting and perfect spelling.


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button three times.

Practise division facts for ÷ 4



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 1st March – 7th March

Times Tables Challenge: 1st March – 7th March



Count out loud in 1s.

From 387 to 410.

From 995 to 1015.

Back from 104 to 90.


Number Facts

Set a 30 second timer.

See how many pairs of numbers you can say or write which make 6.

Like this:  1 + 5


After 30 seconds, repeat for pairs of numbers which make:





Today you are going to be choosing the best method to add.

You will choose between partition into tens and units or bridge ten.

I have attached a sheet for you to complete, and there will be a video on Seesaw in the morning to explain the activity.

Please send me a photo of your maths work so I can check.



Follow the link and complete the music lesson.




As you know, it is Lent at the moment. I hope you are doing well with your Lenten Promise.

As well as making Lenten Promises, Lent gives us the chance to think about how we are living our daily lives.  During Lent it is good to think about the needs of other people. Jesus explains this in his teaching called ‘The Beatitudes.’

I have attached The Beatitudes to this blog.


Write the long date: Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Write the title: Can I describe ways we can think about others during Lent?

Please read The Beatitudes and then write your own list which will help you to think about the needs of others during Lent.

You could start each line with:

You will be blessed when…

Here are some words from The Beatitudes which you might want to use:

Generous, share, friends, comfort, treat others, kindness, patience, respect, forgive.

You can also draw some pictures to show ways we can think about the needs of others.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your maths and a video of yourself reading your rover story.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.



Have a happy smiley day.  J

Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Date: 1st Mar 2021 @ 3:27pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good day on Monday.  Only 4 more days of Home Learning (including Fun Friday).

Well done for all of the writing about Mars, Perseverance and the rover. The stories you have written have been so exciting to read on Seesaw. Today I would like you to send me a photo of your Science questions.


Tuesday 2nd March 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you know about one of the characters.



Write the long date: Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test  

Write the numbers 1 to 11 down your page. Ask somebody to call out each spelling twice. If you get any wrong, practise them and then try again.

You need the apostrophe in the correct place to get a tick.

  1. can’t
  2. didn’t
  3. hasn’t
  4. couldn’t
  5. it’s
  6. wasn’t
  7. doesn’t
  8. mustn’t
  9. I’ll
  10. she’d

Bonus question: different



Please watch the video which will be on Seesaw in the morning.




Today you are going to publish your rover story. I will tell you how we will do it in school, but you might choose to do something different like type it up on the computer or write it on lined paper or a new page in your book.



Check that every sentence starts with a capital letter.

Check that every name starts with a capital letter (planet names, rover names, people’s names).

Check AT LEAST 5 spellings using your yellow dictionary.


How we will be doing it in school:

We will do all the writing in the morning, and illustrate, decorate and colour in the afternoon.

Get 3 pieces of plain A4 paper and fold them in half so they open like a book.

Put them inside each other to create a book, you could staple along the fold to keep them together.

Write the title of your story on the front page.

Carefully copy one paragraph from your story onto each page, you will have some spare pages to draw pictures on.


Please bring these into school next week so we can all show each other.



Times tables

Write the short date: 02.03.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out the following questions.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 97 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.

  1. 12 ÷ 3 =
  2. 24 ÷ 3 =
  3. 6 ÷ 3 =
  4. 15 ÷ 3 =
  5. 30 ÷ 3 =
  6. 9 ÷ 3 =
  7. 18 ÷ 3 =
  8. 3 ÷ 3 =
  9. 21 ÷ 3 =
  10. 27 ÷ 3 =

Here are the answers:

  1. 12 ÷ 3 = 4
  2. 24 ÷ 3 = 8
  3. 6 ÷ 3 = 2
  4. 15 ÷ 3 =5
  5. 30 ÷ 3 = 10
  6. 9 ÷ 3 = 3
  7. 18 ÷ 3 = 6
  8. 3 ÷ 3 = 1
  9. 21 ÷ 3 = 7
  10. 27 ÷ 3 = 9





Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 1st March – 7th March

Times Tables Challenge: 1st March – 7th March




Count out loud in 4s from 0 to 48:

Whilst doing star jumps

Whilst jogging on the spot

Whilst doing squats



Number Facts

Write down or tell somebody the totals of pairs of doubles up to 10 + 10.

Like this: 

1 + 1 = 2

2 + 2 = 4



Today you are going to answer some arithmetic questions.

There will be some videos available on Seesaw in the morning which will remind you of the strategies we use for some of the questions.

After watching the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete the questions.

After 20 minutes, check your answers yourself and then use the answer sheet to check.




Next Tuesday in school we are going to be taking part in a live online Science lesson called Future Farming Robots.

The lesson will be run by Senior lecturer Paula and engineering researcher Megan from Harper Adams University.

We will get chance to look at their robotics lab to look at how robots can solve some of farming’s biggest challenges including - How can we improve soil health? How can we make growing crops more efficient? How can we farm areas that weren’t suitable for growing crops before?

At the end of the lesson, Paula and Megan will be answering questions sent in by children. So we are going to come up with some questions and I will send them in with the hope that we will have some of them answered.


Write the long date: Tuesday 2nd March 2021

Write the title: Can I suggest questions about the future of farming?  

I would like you to write at least 3 questions (more if you want) and send them to me on Seesaw.

They might be about:

Paula and Megan





Future technology

Jobs that farming robots might need to do



Illustrate your rover story with pictures, patterns, borders and decorations.

Use colour to make it look exciting.

If you have typed your story, you could either print it and illustrate it or add images from the internet.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your science questions.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.



Have a super day J I am so proud of each and every one of you!


Year 3 Home Learning Monday 1st March 2021

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 1:37pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the nice weather. This is your last week of home learning, how exciting. I can’t wait to see you all very soon 😊

This week we are going to focus on reading, times tables, number facts, handwriting and spelling. This will help when we are all back together next week.


Monday 1st March 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about what you have read so far.



Today I would like you to have another practice of the spellings from last week. You will be tested on them tomorrow.

can’t, didn’t, hasn’t, couldn’t, it’s, wasn’t, doesn’t, mustn’t, I’ll, she’d


Write the long date: Monday 1st March 2021

Write the title: Contractions

You need 3 different coloured pens or pencils.

Write out the part before the apostrophe in one colour.

Write the apostrophe in a different colour.

Write the part after the apostrophe in a different colour.

Like this – cant

Don’t join up the two letters which have the apostrophe between them.



Please watch the video which will be on Seesaw in the morning.



Write the short date in the margin underneath your story from last week: 01.03.21


Today you are going to finish your story all about the rover visiting a planet.

I want you to use your imagination to write about your first day on the planet.

I have attached an example of how you could write the next part of the story, you can use some of the ideas and good words or come up with your own.

Paragraph 1:

Write about the beautiful and amazing things you saw.

Paragraph 2:

Write about a problem or something dangerous that happened.


Make your writing amazing by:

Including a simile

Including an exclamation mark

Adding extra information in brackets

Writing a question at the end


Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for perfect spelling and exciting words.


Times tables

Tomorrow you are going to be tested on the division facts for the 3x tables.

I would like you to practise dividing by 3 using arrays.

An array is where you arrange things into columns and rows, we use them to help us with our times tables.

Click on the link to watch the video and read about arrays.


I have attached a sheet with questions to practise dividing by 3. The sheet also has some examples of arrays.

Please create arrays for the first 5 questions by:

Drawing shapes in rows of 3.

Complete the rest of the sheet by either using your times tables or drawing arrays.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 1st March – 7th March

Times Tables Challenge: 1st March – 7th March




Count out loud in 10s:

From 56 to 156.

From 985 to 1085.

From 312 to 412.



Number Facts

Write out or tell somebody all the pairs of number which make:

  1. 8 e.g.2 + 6
  2. 5
  3. 7


Geography and Fairtrade Fortnight

I found a really interesting fact to share with you all:

If the Amazon rainforest were a country, it would be the ninth biggest in the world!


I have attached two posters which tell you why the rainforest is so important.

Read the information and then make a poster about the rainforest, focusing on why it is important.

You could include things about:








Please keep these to bring into school next week 😊


Fairtrade Fortnight

Ask your parents to buy food – things like bananas, chocolate and avocados – that are grown in a sustainable way that’s safe for the rainforest environment, wildlife, and people. That goes for bathroom products too, like shampoo, conditioner and soap. If a product has the Rainforest Alliance or Fairtrade logo on it, you know that the farm, forest or company that provided it have created it sustainably!





Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. The new challenges start on Monday. It would be super if the whole class could complete them this week.



Have a wonderful day, smile lots J

Year 3 Home Learning Friday 26th February 2021 - FUN FRIDAY

Date: 25th Feb 2021 @ 4:08pm


Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day on Thursday and a nice week.

Tom has very kindly told me that you can visit this website to get your name sent to Mars on NASA’s next flight in 2026.

I have already added – Year 3, St Oswald’s Primary to the list J

Friday 26th February 2021


It’s Fabulous Friday! Woohoo.


Start your day by listening to this song, have a boogie:


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

  • Read

Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.


  • Complete the number activity. There will be a video on Seesaw in the morning to explain the game.


  • If you would like to do some colouring, this link will take you to some colouring pages of the planets and rovers including Perseverance.



  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see.


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!


Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 25th February 2021

Date: 24th Feb 2021 @ 1:59pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Wednesday and are looking forward to a fun day ahead. We really enjoyed listening to the story being read from the ISS. We loved seeing the book floating. We enjoyed writing our stories so much that we missed some of our maths time, oops.


Thursday 25th February 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Then, ask somebody to read out a page of your book to you. Listen out for different voices and also where they pause.



Below are your spellings, in brackets are the words that have been joined together to make the word.

can’t (can not)

didn’t (dot not)

hasn’t (has not)

couldn’t (could not)

it’s (it is)

wasn’t (was not)

doesn’t (does not)

mustn’t (must not)

I’ll (I will)

she’d (she would)


Write the long date: Thursday 25th February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Sentences

Write 3 sentences using your spelling words.

Here is an example:

She’d do much better if she wasn’t always daydreaming.



Please watch the video on Seesaw which will be available in the morning.



Today we are going to write some more of our story, based on the story read by the astronaut. Have another listen, we will be continuing from where we left off yesterday. The last thing you wrote was where you (the rover) are. This is 2:49 on the video.


Write the short date in the margin of your page, under your work from yesterday: 25.02.21


Try to use these words:

inhospitable (meaning difficult to live in), environment, further, possible, oxygen, scientists


Paragraph 1:

Pause the video at 3:32

Explain why scientists have chosen to send you to the planet you are on.

You could start with –

The reason I have been sent here instead of other planets is because …


Paragraph 2:

Pause the video at 4:06

Explain why humans haven’t been to your planet yet.

You could start with –

This wondrous planet that I am on has NEVER been explored by humans, that is because …


Paragraph 3:

Pause the video at 5:21

Explain what you (the rover) can do that a human cannot do.

You could start with –

It is not possible for a human to visit this planet. That is why scientists at NASA came up with the idea to create me, I can …



Perfect spelling

Capital letters

Beautiful handwriting



Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw, I am loving all of the work so far!



Count out loud in 4s:

From 0 to 48.

From 48 to 0.


Count out loud in 1s:

From 993 to 1012.

From 197 to 225.


Count out loud in 2s:

From 2 to 24.

From 24 to 2.

From 1 to 23.


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button.

Click on Division Facts and then ÷3.

If you find it tricky, write out your 3x tables before you start and use them to help.


Number Facts

Play on Hit the Button.

Click on number bonds and then addition within 20.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February

Shape Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February




We didn’t get time to finish the maths sheets from yesterday in school, so we are going to finish them today.

At home please spend  your maths time practising your times tables and number facts, counting, and going on Sumdog. These are all essential in your maths learning.

Try to finish the Sumdog challenges – today is the perfect day.  



Watch this video:

Complete the activity attached to this blog called Obstacle Course.




Here’s a song to welcome you back to French learning.

This week we are going to learn how to make nouns plural in French. Plural means when there is more than one. Eg dog = singular; dogs = plural.

Click this link and download lesson 16 with audio.

Work your way through the Powerpoint. You’ll need the phrase Ce sont (suh son) – they are.

Do the exercise on slide 32 in your book. Write the date in French and the title as on the slide – Que sont les pluriels? (What are the plurals.) Divide your page into 3 columns with a ruler:

Singular                                    Plural                              English

Look up the word in Collins online French dictionary if you don’t know what it means in English. You can add a little picture by each line if you like.

When we say the words in the plural, we don’t pronounce the last s – it is a silent letter. Listen to the lady and repeat the words after her. Did you notice in the earlier slides how to change oiseau (bird) and cheval (horse) into the plural? They don’t add an s.  Look back to see how to make these words plural and add them to your list.

Here’s a silly animal song to finish -

Excellent! Merci beaucoup.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.

10 of you have already completed the shape challenge – wow!!!

4 of you have already completed the number challenge – AMAZING!

It would be great if everybody could finish the Sumdog challenges today!



Have a wonderful day J I am OVER THE MOON with all of your work so far!

Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 24th February 2021

Date: 23rd Feb 2021 @ 3:34pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good Tuesday. The work you sent me on Seesaw was amazing, I really enjoyed reading your news reports about Perseverance Rover and seeing your science investigations. The whole classroom smells like cocoa powder now! Today I would like you to send me your writing.


Wednesday 24th February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next in the story.

Don’t forget to change your reading book with the school office when you have finished.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are words with apostrophes for contractions. This means a letter or letters have been taken out and two words have been joined together. The apostrophe goes in place of the missing letter or letters.

can’t, didn’t, hasn’t, couldn’t, it’s, wasn’t, doesn’t, mustn’t, I’ll, she’d


Write the long date: Wednesday 24th February 2021

Write the title: Spellings with contractions

Write your spelling words down the side of your page.

For an extra challenge, next to each spelling, write the two words that have been joined. I will put the answers in tomorrow's blog. 

Here are some examples:

can’t = can not

didn’t = did not




Listen to this story read by a real life astronaut.

Over the next two days and next week we are going to write a similar story, but about your own made up rover visiting a planet of your choice or a made-up planet.

You will write your story as if you are the rover.

Re-watch and pause the video as many times as you need – this will help with ideas and sentence structures.


Write the long date: Wednesday 24th February 2021

Write the title: Can I use exciting vocabulary?


Try to use some of these exciting words:

explore, dangerous, wondered, universe, scientists, discoveries, mysteries, secrets.


Today’s writing:

Paragraph 1 (in the style of page 1 in the book):

Write a sentence to say where in the universe you are. Explain what you are and what you were built for. Write 2 questions about your mission. End the paragraph with - This is my story.


Paragraph 2 (In the style of the next page of writing in the book):

Write about humans and scientists and why they want to explore the universe. End your paragraph with - One question intrigues humans above all others…


Paragraph 3 (In the style of the next page of writing in the book):

Write your question in big writing, the question humans and scientists most want to know.

Write a sentence to explain where scientists have decided is the best place to find the answer to the question.



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Using commas

Adding an exclamation mark


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button three times.

Practise division facts for ÷ 3



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February

Shape Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February




Count out loud in 1s.

From 299 to 324.

From 991 to 1011.

Back from 102 to 80.


Number Facts

Write down or tell somebody all the pairs of numbers which make 8.

E.g. 2 + 6 = 8



Today you are going to be looking at centimetres (cm) and metres (m).

Remember 100cm = 1m

Watch the video, pause where you need to.

Complete the sheet attached to this blog and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.




Follow the link and complete the music lesson. We will be continuing with Oak Academy but starting a new unit.



Fairtrade Fortnight


It is Fairtrade Fortnight.

For two weeks each year at the end of February and start of March, people across the UK share the stories of the people who grow our food and drinks, mine our gold and who grow the cotton in our clothes, people who are often exploited and underpaid.

This Fairtrade Fortnight we are thinking about what we want the world to be and the ways in which we can make choices to shape the world.

Watch this video about Fairtrade.

Attached is a grid of activities to choose from. Please choose and complete one.

In school, we will be completing ‘share your vision of the world you want.’

We will be doing a poem where each line starts with:

I want to live in a world …




Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.



Have a day that is out of the world J


Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Date: 22nd Feb 2021 @ 3:30pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good day on Monday. We loved all of the lessons about Mars and Space.

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw. Today I would like you to send me a photo of your science investigation and your writing.


Tuesday 23rd February 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you know about one of the characters.



Write the long date: Tuesday 23rd February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test  

Write the numbers 1 to 6 down your page. Ask somebody to call out each spelling twice. If you get any wrong, practice them and then try again.

  1. decide
  2. describe
  3. different
  4. difficult
  5. disappear

Bonus question: knight. The knight defeated the dragon.



Today you are going to write your news report all about the Mars 2020 mission, yay! You already have the information you need from your work yesterday. I will be sharing some of your work from yesterday on Seesaw.

I have attached an example news report and a blank sheet you can use to write on if you want to.

Remember to include:

Headline (5 words or less)

By-line (who wrote it)

Introduction – main points


Quote – something somebody said from the video, remember inverted commas (speech marks)

Picture with a caption underneath to tell you what the picture is



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops (places and names need capital letters)

Beautiful handwriting



Times tables

Write the short date: 23.02.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out the following questions.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 55 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.

  1. 12 ÷ 2 =
  2. 24 ÷ 2 =
  3. 6 ÷ 2 =
  4. 14 ÷ 2 =
  5. 20 ÷ 2 =
  6. 4 ÷ 2 =
  7. 18 ÷ 2 =
  8. 2 ÷ 2 =
  9. 16 ÷ 2 =
  10. 10 ÷ 2 =




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February

Shape Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February




Count out loud in 3s from 0 to 36:

In a high-pitched voice

In a robot voice

In a whisper




Today you are going to answer some arithmetic questions.

There will be some videos available on Seesaw in the morning which will remind you of the strategies we use for some of the questions.

After watching the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete the questions.

After 20 minutes, check your answers yourself and then use the answer sheet to check.



There is a PowerPoint attached, read through the PowerPoint and complete the activities. There is an optional extra on the last slide, you don’t have to do it but you can if you want.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your science investigation and your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.



Have a super day! Please send me pictures of your Science and writing.

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 22nd February 2021

Date: 21st Feb 2021 @ 3:40pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a lovely half term and managed to find the time to relax and enjoy yourself. I am looking forward to a fun week of learning, I hope you are too. I am also looking forward to seeing all of your work again on Seesaw, I have missed your messages over the past week.

Please send me a photo of your writing today, I can’t wait to hear from you all again!


Monday 22nd February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about what you have read so far.



Today I would like you to have another practice of the spellings from before Half Term. You will be tested on them tomorrow.

Write the long date: Monday 22nd February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Practice

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear


Write out your spellings down your page. Get a coloured pen or pencil and draw a circle around the parts of each word that you find tricky and need to remember.

Do this two more times, so you have written each word three times.



Tomorrow you are going to write a news report all about the landing of the Perseverance Rover on the Jezero Crater on Mars. I have been very excited following the story on the news.

Below are links to two videos all about the mission, watch both videos. After, watch them again but pause and write down information that you can use tomorrow when you write your news report. I have attached a sheet with the information I would like you find out.

If you are like me, and find it all very fascinating, you can watch more videos and read news reports to find out more – just check with your parents first.


Watch this video up to 2 minutes 36 seconds.


Watch this video up to 2 minutes 9 seconds.


Be very careful with capital letters and copying spellings from the videos!


Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for perfect spelling and capital letters.

I will choose some of the really good ones to share so please let me know on Seesaw if it is OK to share your work with the rest of the class, to help them with writing their news report tomorrow.



Times tables

Tomorrow you are going to be tested on the division facts for the 2x tables.

Cut up a piece of paper so you have 12 pieces. Write the following numbers on them:

2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24.

Shuffle the cards and face them down in front of you, set a timer for 1 minute.

Turn over a card and divide the number by 2, say the answer out loud.

See how many you can do in 1 minute.

Play two more times, can you improve your score?



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February

Shape Challenge: 22nd February – 28th February




Count out loud in 10s:

From 12 to 122.

Back from 122 to 12.

From 214 to 354.

Back from 354 to 214.


Number Facts

Write down or tell somebody all the pairs of numbers which make 9. Try to do it as quickly as you can.

Here is an example: 1 + 8



Today you are going to be practising measuring.

Watch the video, pause where you need to.

Complete the worksheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check.

Some of the questions ask you to use a ruler, if you don’t have a ruler you can skip those questions and write out your 2x tables instead.




I would like you to make a picture of a planet. It can be of Mars, a different planet, or a made-up planet.

Draw round something circle, like a plate, to draw your planet. Decorate your planet in whatever colours and patterns you want, you can look at pictures to try to make it realistic or you can use your imagination. Decorate the sky around the planet.

The children in school will choose out of paint, felt pens, crayons, torn up scraps of paper and pencil crayons. So you can use whatever you have at home.




Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. The new challenges start on Monday.

In school  tomorrow, we are going to be using flour and cocoa powder in our Science lesson. If you want to do the lesson too you will need flour and cocoa powder. The lesson will be explained in tomorrow’s blog.



Have a wonderful day, smile lots J

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
