Year 3: Blog items
Year 3 Friday Blog 28th January 2022
Date: 28th Jan 2022 @ 1:06pm
We have had an excellent week in Year 3.
A highlight for all of us was our school trip, we absolutely loved it!
We went to The Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester. We loved learning about forces and loved spending time experimenting and learning lots of new and exciting things! Everybody represented St Oswald's brilliantly and should feel proud of their impecible manners and behaviour.
On Friday we wrote about our school trip in English and used persuasive language to persuade people to visit the museum. In English we have also finished reading Toro Toro, we really enjoyed this book and learnt lots of new vocabulary. We will be starting our next class novel on Monday, but it is a secret for now.
In maths we have been learning about division, we have been using counters and drawings to help us group and share. We have also started to practise counting in 8s. We have been listening to a song to help us do this.
In geography we did some map work. We used atlases to locate and talk about Scotland, the UK and Australia. We focused on these places to celebrate Burn's Night and Australia Day. We are getting really good at using an atlas.
We also continued our mechanisms learning in DT. We are very impressed with the great listening and perseverance everyone is showing with what is some very tricky new concepts.
Here is some of our new vocabulary we have met: fixed pivot, loose pivot, lever, mechanism, input, output.
Home Practice
Read out loud to somebody every night for 20 minutes. Talk about your favourite parts and why you like them.
Your spellings this week are some of the words you need to know by the end of year 3.
Make sure you practise a little bit every day.
eight caught centre century heart breath busy early different favourite
Count out loud in 4s from 0 to 48 and back again.
Count out loud in 10s from 57 to 157.
Count back in 10s from 899 to 799.
Times Tables
Listen to the 8x tables song on YouTube and practise counting in 8s every day.
Go onto Sumdog and complete the challenges and training.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Tuesday 1st February.
Have an amazing and happy weekend!
Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 8:34am
We have had a wonderful week in Year 3, we have enjoyed spending some time outside in the sunshine and we have done lots of exciting learning.
In English, we have continued reading Toro Toro. There are some really fantastic words in the novel which we are all trying to use in our own writing. We are currently writing a story based on the novel, we are adding new bits to the story every day.
In maths we have learnt some new methods to multiply a teen number (like 16) by a 1-digit number (like 4). We have also been doing some problem solving - we love a challenge and never ever give up!
We enjoyed some time outside on Thursday as we put on our wellies and headed out onto the field to plant a row of saplings. Each class has done this along the edge of the school field, we can't wait to see the hedge start to grow.
In PE we have been learning new hockey skills, with a focus on how to hold the hockey stick correctly. We have also been learning different ways to travel and balance and using these to create gymnastics sequences.
We learnt about the African countries that speak French this week. The African Cup of Nations football tournament is taking place in Cameroon at the moment so we looked at the map and found all the countries who are taking part. We spotted some footballers we knew too! We loved the official song!
Home Practice
Read out loud to somebody every night for 20 minutes. Talk about the author's choice of words - can you find some good words to use in your writing?
Count out loud in 3s from 0 to 36 and back again.
Count out loud in 4s from 0 to 48 and back again.
Count out loud in 20s to 240.
Times Tables
Practise the 3 and 4 x tables.
Login to Sumdog and complete the challenges. Do a little bit every night.
Your spellings this week all have the /i/ sound spelled with a y.
gym myth Egypt pyramid mystery symbol synonym
lyrics systems gymnastics
Have a wonderful weekend :)
Date: 14th Jan 2022 @ 2:10pm
We have had another great week in Year 3!
In English, we have been reading Toro Toro. We are really enjoying this book and are learning lots of new exciting words, for example mesmerizing and entranced. We have been using these words in our writing. Our focus this week has been conjunctions and how to use them accurately. Conjunctions join two or more parts of a sentence together. They can go at the beginning or in the middle of a sentence.
Here are some examples of conjunctions:
after although as long as because before even though when whenever since unless so while
We have linked our English learning to our new topic in geography which is Andalucia in Spain. Toro Toro is set in Andalucia which is a region in Spain. We have been using atlases and maps to locate and learn about Andalucia and Spain.
Our new PSHE topic is 'What are families like?' We have been talking about our own families and have realised that there are lots of different types of families. Everybody has found it fascinating to learn about different types of families that exist in our class and around the world.
This week we also had a session on online safety, looking at online gaming platforms and online chat. We talked about how we shouldn't talk to people we don't know in real life and to speak to an adult if anything worries or upsets us. We know a lot of your children are accessing the chat features of Fortnite, Minecraft and Roblox. Below we have attached 3 guides for the three mentioned platforms.
Home Practice
Read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes, tell them all about the different characters.
Practise your spellings every night. This week, your spellings have the /u/ sound spelled ou.
Here are your spellings:
touch double country trouble young cousin enough encourage flourish couple
Count out loud in 10s from 81 to 181.
Count out loud in 4s from 0 to 48.
Count out loud in 2s from 40 to 20.
Times Tables
Practise your 3 and 4 times tables this week. Go on Hit the button, Sumdog and times tables videos we have added in past blogs.
Access the Sumdog challenges and training. These are essential to practise what we have been learning in school.
You will be tested on your spelling and times tables on Tuesday 18th January.
Have a lovely weekend.
Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 12:54pm
Happy New Year!
It has been lovely seeing everyone back at school this week.
In our English we have started our new novel, Toro!Toro!, written by Michael Morpurgo. We have read the blurb and a letter from the author. Before starting the story, we have been finding out about some of the topics which will come up in the book including Spain, bullfighting, and The Spanish Civil War. We have written non-chronological reports including this information and are now ready and excited to start reading the story an Monday.
In Maths this week we have been learning all about multiplication and how to use our times tables to solve complex calculations. We have set some Sumdog competitions and challlenges to help improve fluency in your tables.
On Friday, we continued our Science topic on light. We explored light sources and talked about how we know something is luminous or non-luminous. Here is some of the vocabulary we will meet this half term.
luminous, reflective, transparent, translucent, opaque, source, dim, artificial, natural
Home Practice
Please read out loud to somebody every night for 20 minutes and talk about what you have read.
Practise your spellings every night by writing them down and saying the letters out loud.
Your spellings this week all have the /ow/ sound spelled ou.
mouth around spout ouch sprout hound trout outside found sound
Practise the following skills for maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick.
- Number facts, click on doubles – doubles to 20.
- Times tables and counting. Click on times tables – x3 and x4
Well done to everyone who is accessing the Sumdog Learning platform. The training feature is still available to practise those skills your child finds tricky.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Tuesday 11th January.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 3 team
Date: 5th Jan 2022 @ 11:44am
Too often, children can run rings around their parents when it comes to online safety, but guardians must stay clued up, warns Elizabeth Kitto (prevent education officer for Barking and Dagenham)
While there are a number of important areas of Online Safety, these are the big four.
Filters are amazing and can set healthy, age-appropriate boundaries for free on any device connected to the home WiFi. These can be set through a phone call to any internet provider and updated as children grow. Updates are incredibly important to gradually increase exposure and allow young people to build resilience as they mature.
Make sure that you are aware that any devices with their own data sets, like phones, will need their filters set separately. And remember that you can set passwords to override the filter system so you don't miss out on any of the film releases that would be less suitable for your 10-year-old.
Safe search engines
For under 10s, setting the homepage to a safe search engine is an excellent way to overcome mishaps. We have all had a seemingly innocent image search go awry, and by using child-friendly sites like Smiggle, YouTube Kids and KidRex, we can reduce that risk substantially. Some large web search providers do have safe search options but, be aware, these are very easy to switch off.
As for older children (year 6), it's all about reinforcing the importance of responsibility. Leaning over a child's shoulder at all times or attempting to monitor their screens using apps is less likely to create a healthy relationship and more likely to teach them how to creatively sneak past you.
Have you ever bought a pair of jeans and then been bombarded with ads for jeans for the next three months? That's an algorithm. They collect information and send us materials that will make us tick. While this may be great for our wardrobe, it can create problems regarding echo chambers and fake news.
Reinforce the importance of learning about the world from mainstream media channels rather than stories from social media or news suggestions from their phones. This can build a more balanced knowledge of the world within the home and help you recognise when you or your children are straying into conspiracy theories and bias debates, and instead form healthy informational environments.
Social media
Social media is often the centre of a young person's world and while many parents may have a Facebook account, they may be less au fait with the newer, young models.
For younger children, play around on social media sites alongside your child, learn together how to block and apply appropriate privacy settings to form a positive online space.
For older children, reinforce the message of accountability. What happens on the internet can be difficult to erase. Many young people have no interest in "friending" their parents, and respect of space can build trust, but if you have any concerns, ensure that the parents feel they can have an open a supportive dialogue to air out any worries.
National Online Safety Training Hub
Continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.
We have set up a watchlist which includes some videos and training we think you will find beneficial.
Date: 16th Dec 2021 @ 3:40pm
Merry Christmas everbody!
We have had an amazing first term in Year 3 - well done!
Now enjoy spending time with your family and friends, relaxing, and having lots of fun.
We look forward to seeing you in 2022.
Miss Smith, Mr Campbell and Mrs Woof.
Year 3 Friday Blog - 10th December
Date: 10th Dec 2021 @ 1:16pm
Welcome to your Friday blog.
We have had a very exciting week this week.
We loved Christmas Jumper Day on Friday - everybody looked amazing. We gave out our Christmas cards and also enjoyed a Christmas lunch.
In our English lessons this week we have been writing our very own Christmas stories. We have used lots of interesting words to make our stories really exciting. Everybody has tried really hard.
In geography we have been looking at lots of different maps online and in atlases. We love looking at maps to see where we live and to see what different places we recognise. We picked out physical and human features of Longton. At the start of our geography lessons we have been trying to name cities around the world, we have found this tricky. So try to find out the names of some cities by talking to people in your house and looking on maps and on the internet.
In maths we have been learning different methods to subtract. We found this a bit difficult at first, but we are getting the hang of it now and will be doing some more practice next week.
We also created our 2022 calendars in art. Everyone was very creative with their collages and shape ideas. Well done year 3!
Home Practice
Continue to access the Sumdog training feature to practise tricky skills in both spelling and maths. Try to use the times tables feature too. A little Sumdog every night will make all the difference.
Read out loud to somebody every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Practise the 4x tables by listening to the song and playing on Hit The Button.
Count out loud in 10s:
Forwards from 56 to 356.
backwards from 821 to 521.
You will be tested on your spellings and 4x tables on Tuesday 14th December. Try to practise every day.
Have a great weekend!
Year 3 Friday blog - 3rd December
Date: 3rd Dec 2021 @ 8:48am
Welcome to your Friday blog
This week we have finished reading Mr Stink. We have loved reading it, some parts have made us laugh, some parts have made us cry, some parts have made us think about people who are less fortunate than us. The writing produced whilst reading Mr Stink has been wonderful, we have learnt lots of new exciting words. Well done Year 3!
In maths we learned a new method for subtraction. We used equipment and written methods to subtract two 2-digit numbers. Next week we will be moving on to 3-digit numbers. We have also continued practising our 4x tables. We know every word to the 4x tables song now, it is great to hear that so many of you have been listening at home.
In French, we learnt how to say I have (J'ai...) and I have not (Je n'ai pas de ..) using pencil case items. Some of us are doing really well at recalling the vocabulary. Tres bien, year 3!
We had such a special treat on Thursday. We got to watch a pantomime in school! We loved watching Dick Whittington, we absolutely loved it.
Home Practice
1.Read out loud to somebody every night for 20 minutes. Predict what you think will happen next.
2. Go on Hit the Button to practise the following skills:
Times Tables, x4.
Number Bonds, Subtraction within 20.
3. Spellings:
This week your spellings do not follow a pattern or a rule. They are words you need to be able to spell by the end of Year 3:
actual learn group heard arrive circle often build
4. Sumdog.
Well done to everyone who is accessing the Sumdog Learning platform. The training feature will be available from now on so continue to access this to practice those skills your child finds tricky.
You will be tested on your spellings and 4x tables on Tuesday 7th December.
Year 3 Blog Friday 26th November
Date: 26th Nov 2021 @ 1:04pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week in our English learning we have continued to investigate news reports and articles. We have created our own reports, making sure to include all the features and remembered to write like journalists. We have enjoyed reading lots of news articles and watching the news on Newsround. Next week will be finishing our Mr Stink story, looking at instuctional writing and using exciting vocabulary to improve our sentences.
In maths, we have been learning new strategies to add and when to use them. We discussed when we solve problems in our head, when we do jottings and when we have to use a written method. Everyone is enjoying their maths learning and having a go when it gets tricky. We have also started to learn the 4x tables. Please practise at home. In school, we are listening to a 4x tables song on YouTube. See below.
On Friday we started our Big Draw project. Every friday we will explore drawing and art through various media. This week we explored how sounds and music can inspire us to create beautiful art. Have a look at the link below.
We also started our new topics in Geography and Science. We used Digimaps on the latops to look at maps at different scales and to find our homes using our postcodes and addresses. We added labels to our maps and had some great ideas on how maps help us discover new places.
In Science we started our new topic on Light. We discusssed what we already knew and what we would like to find out. Here are some questions we came up with.
Where does light come from?
What is light?
Who invented light?
What does opaque mean?
Home Practice
1. Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
2. Please practise the following skills for maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick.
- Number Bonds, make 20.
- Times Tables, x4.
3. Spellings
Click the file below to see your spellings.
You will be tested on your spellings and 4x times tables on Tuesday 30th november. Make sure you practise every night.
Have a fantastic weekend!
Year 3 Friday Blog 19th November 2021
Date: 19th Nov 2021 @ 1:10pm
Welcome to your Friday blog. We have enjoyed wearing spots today to support Children in Need. We have uploaded a class photo at the end of this blog.
This week we have continued to enjoy reading Mr Stink. He finally met the Crumb family and appeared on Question Time! We looked at how to write news articles and created our own using brilliant ideas, quotations and facts.
In our maths learning, we introduced column addition and looked and exchanging hundreds, tens and ones. Everyone applied what they already knew about addition and subtraction to help them with their learning and now have a new method to practise.
This week we also finished our Stone Age learning. On Monday we used what we already knew about people in the Stone Age to tell stories through cave art. We used charcoal and sand paper so it really felt like we were living in the Stone Age. Click below to find the gallery of all our amazing creations.
On Thursday, we created some videos to explain what we have learned about the Stone Age on Apple Clips. As a class, we voted fo the videos that tell us the most about the Stone Age, and posted them to St Oswald'sTV on YouTube. Have a look by clicking on the link below.
In PE, we have continued our new dance topic. The focus in our dance lessons is to use our imagination, be creative, be brave and enjoy ourselves. We have been working in smalls groups to come up with travels, gestures, jumps and turns - all as superheros.
We also started our new RE topic on Visitors. The children came up with some lovely ideas on how we prepare for visitors and what it is like to be a visitor in someone’s home.
Home Practice
1. Continue to read for at least 20 minutes every night. We know you are all enjoying your reading so make sure you are reading lots of different books by different authors.
- Please practise the following skills for maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick.
- Number facts, click on Doubles – Doubles to 10.
- 3x table, click on Times tables – x3.
- You will be tested on your spellings and 3x times tables on Tuesday 23rd November. Make sure you practise every night. See your splling sheet for top tips for practice! (Also attached below)
- Spellings
The spellings this week are plurals. Each word ends with a y in the singular form. To make the word plural, we change the y to an i and add es.
ladies babies parties cries spies
flies fries poppies lorries lollies
- Sumdog - Keep and eye out for new challenges. Maths and Spelling Training is also available to practise less fluent skills.
Year 3 Friday Blog 12th November 2021
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 12:47pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had an amazing week of learning in Year 3. Everyone is showing a brilliant attitude to their learning and we have been very impressed!
In our English learning we have been looking at vocabulary to improve our ideas. Everyone created some fantastic descrtiptions of Mr Stink's mystery photo, using some fabulous words. Here are some of our favourite sentences.
The man in the photo looked handsome in his bow tie and best suit.
The lady next to him looked beautiful and elegant. She looked like a movie star!
The seats were immaculately perfect and comfortable.
In our Maths learning we have been exploring pictograms and bar charts. We found this new learning tricky to start with but we have been very impressed with everyone's resilience. Well done Year 3!
On Friday we had our Go Green Day. We switched off our lights and worked by candlelight. We thought about how we could be more green and came up with some fantastic ideas on how we as a class could look after our environment.
As a class we came up with some pledges.
We are going to try and use less electricity, eat less meat and pick up litter.
In our Science we have finished our topic on Rocks. Everyone showed amazing knowledge and applied this to find out what rock would be best for a new paved area in school. Super science!
Next week we will be starting our new topic investigating light.
On Thursday we marked Rembrance day with a moment of silence. We also wrote some thoughful poems and created videos to present them. Click the links below to listen.
Home Practice
Read to somebody for 20 minutes every night and talk about what you have read.
This week we have been revisiting our il,le el and al spellings and explored homophones,(eg, to, too, two). We have seen a lot of improvement in everyone's spellings. Keep up the regular practice.
Your Sumdog spellings will go on tonight. There is also a spelling training feature which will challenge everyone with words they aren't as accurate on. Use this for practice once you have learned your spellings.
foxes churches animals basketballs glasses
capitals ladybirds envelopes washes bushes
For your maths challenges this week we will be practising times tables and statistics.
Make sure you complete these challenges before Thursday. Good Luck!
Practise the following skills for Maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick. Click the links below to access the games. We will have a tables test on Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend!
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 12:31pm
Keeping our children safe in the online space is of ever growing importance. From phones to consoles, our children are exposed to more online risk than ever and it is important that we adults keep up to date to ensure our children are prepared for all they meet online.
This term our classes have been learning about privacy and security as part of their Online Safety lessons. Below we have attached a guide for settting up new devices that your children may use. This incluses tips for security and password protection.
Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.
Year 3 Friday Blog 5th November 2021
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 11:33am
Happy Friday Everyone!
It has been lovely seeing you all back in school. Everyone has come back so grown up and ready to learn. Well done.
This week we have continued reading Mr Stink and looked at how he made a home in Chloe's shed. We wrote some super descriptions and looked carefully at our sentences, making sure they always make sense.
In our maths we have been learning statistics and how to draw accurate bar charts. We have all listened really well to our instructions and showed great understanding. We also introduced number bonds to 100. Keep an eye on Sumdog for new challenges and competitions.
In Science we explored soil samples and discussed where we think rocks come from.
On the 1st and 2nd November there was a celebration in Mexico called Day of the Dead Festival. We took the opportunity to do some geography work. We located Mexico and different cities on a world map and on a map of Northern and Central America. We were really good at using an atlas.
Mrs Winter was very impressed with our music learning this week. We have been exploring pulse and rhythm.
Home Practice
1. Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
2. Please practise the following skills for maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick.
- Number facts, click on number bonds – make 100.
- 3x table, click on Times tables – x3.
- Spellings
The spellings this week all end with –il.
fossil daffodil pencil gerbil utensil nostril basil stencil April pupil
4. Sumdog
You will be tested on your spellings and 3x times tables on Tuesday 9th November. Make sure you practise every night.
Year 3 Friday 15th October 2021
Date: 13th Oct 2021 @ 9:12am
Year 3 Friday Blog
This week we have chosen our School Councillors, Digital Leaders and Eco Team. Henry and Eleanor will represent our class on the School Council, Zofia and Elliott will be our Digital leaders for this term and our Eco Team is made up of Tom, Daenerys and Joshua. Well done and thank you to everyone who showed an interest.
In our English we have continued reading Mr Stink and used the text to create some fantastic pieces of writing. We also explored techniques in poetry and wrote some amazing poems.
In our maths learning we have been learning geometry, length and measurement. We met some new vocabulary and had a good go at accurately drawing a range of shapes and measuring.
millimetre centimetre metre right angle quadrilateral height width
In science, we excavated our bones and examined the fossils left behind. We discussed how they were formed and similarities and differences with real fossils.
On Friday we explored our grounds in our woodland learning. We created some leave prints and used natural materials to create our own contructions, making links to our Stone Age learning.
Home Practice
First of all we'd like to say a huge well done to everyone for all their practising last week. We are seeing huge improvements in both our spellings and times tables and increasing numbers on our Sumdog challenges. Continue to access your challenges and look out for rewards in your Sumdog bank.
We are also seeing great progress in all our reading groups. You are clearly reading lots at home. Keep it up!
Below we have added some question stems we use in school to promote reading comprehension.
Continue to access the challenges and competitions on Sumdog. Do a little everyday to build up number and spelling accuracy.
The spelling pattern we are learning this week is the -el ending.
Your Sumdog spelling challenge will include words with both -le and -el endings.
Our maths focus this week has been on shape and measure. You have two competitions this week. One on the x2 and x5 times tables and one on shape and measure. Over 70% of the class have practised on Sumdog for over an hour. Well done!
An hour a week = less than 10 minutes a day!
Play Hit the Button to improve speed and fluency in times tables and number facts.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 3 Friday 8th October 2021
Date: 8th Oct 2021 @ 1:14pm
Welcome to your Friday catch up.
We have had an amazing week in Year 3. We have seen everyone make a huge effort and on Friday the whole class got to GOLD! Mrs Wood even dropped by to award us a gold award. Well done Year 3!
We have started reading our new class novel in English. We are reading Mr Stink by David Walliams. We are really enjoying it so far and have been picking up some good vocabulary and writing techniques. We have loved creating our own character and writing our own story in the style of David Walliams.
In our maths we have been using our number lines to add two 2-digit numbers and bridging through the next 10. It was a new strategy but everyone has enjoyed the challenge and made great progress!
All our counting practice has really helped the children with their maths learning this week.
Remember to practise counting often at home.
Counting forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s.
Counting forwards and backwards in 10s from any number.
We will add a counting challenge on Sumdog this week as well. Do as much as you can. Every little helps.
In PSHE we have been talking about how to be a good friend to everybody and also about persevering with our learning when things get tricky.
We learned that when things are tricky and we make mistakes, the neurons in our brain get stronger and make connections. We love a challenge.
We have finished our RE topic on Homes. We celebrated our learning by reflecting on the work we have done and thinking about our family and our homes. Some of the children did a fantastic job at planning this celebration.
In our science we created our own fossils and talked about how fossils are formed over thousands of years. We had some fantastic questions. Super science Year 3!
We have loved seeing you bring in your books on Rocks and the Stone Age and showing such enthusiam for your learning. This week we were lucky enough to receive a library loan of books on our history and science topics. We can't wait to read them all! We are going to read these books during quiet reading time after lunch every day next week. We love our quiet reading time, everybody is loving their book and it is a nice relaxing time.
Home Practice
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Please practise the following skills for Maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick. Hit The Button
- Number facts, click on Doubles – Doubles to 10.
- 5x table, click on Times tables – x5.
On Sumdog we have set 3 maths competitions this week.
Number Facts
Addition and Subtraction
There is no limit on the amount of questions. Do as many you can on each challenge.
The spellings this week all have the /ul/ sound spelled –le at the end of words.
Words ending in ‘le’ are usually pronounced /ul/ following a consonant.
This is the most common spelling of this sound at the end of words.
table apple bottle little middle
bubble uncle horrible possible impossible
You will be tested on your spellings and 5x times tables on Tuesday 12th October. Make sure you practise every night.
Our spelling and tables tests are a check on how well the children are learning their spellings. It is still important to keep practising every night, even after the tests on Tuesday. It is wonderful when we use the spellings we have been learning in our writing.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 3 team.
Year 3 Friday 1st October 2021
Date: 1st Oct 2021 @ 1:09pm
Year 3
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had an amazing week of learning in Year 3. Everyone is showing a brilliant attitude to everything we do and we are very impressed!
We have finished reading The Twits now and can’t wait to start reading Mr Stink by David Walliams next week. We loved writing about The Twits and have been improving our writing by including inverted commas (speech marks) and by writing in paragraphs.
Everyone is trying their best to improve their writing. Amazing effort everyone!
In our maths we looked at adding and subtracting 10s and 100s from three digit numbers. We found this tricky but nobody gave up. Super resilience Year 3! Check out Sumdog for your maths challenge to practise these skills. Well done to everyone for their practise last week.
This week we have continued learning about The Stone Age and learnt some great facts about the Palaeolithic period and early human life. We had some great questions and had an interesting discussion on transport, food, shelter and clothes.
In computing, we learnt how to to debug algorithms to help Scrat find to his nut. Super problem solving and teamwork.
- Algorithm - A list of steps to finish a task.
- Bug - Part of a program that does not work correctly.
- Debugging - Finding and fixing problems in an algorithm or program.
In Science we have been looking at different types of rocks and learning how fossils are made. We learnt that fossils can only be found in sedimentary rocks.
Fab Fact! - Sedimentary rocks are formed over millions of years from sediments (bits of other rocks and remains of plants or animals).
I wonder if we will be able to find any while we are out and about?
Home Practice
On Sumdog we have set three challenges. Well done to everyone who went on last week. We could see how all the practise is helping with understanding in our lessons.
The spellings this week all have the /j/ sound spelt –ge at the end of words.
Carriage Challenge Change Village Arrange
Range Orange Courage Stage
You can practise these spellings on Sumdog.
Continue to read to someone every night for at least 20 minutes.
Remember - We will change the books whenever you need a new one.
Your maths challenges are on the 5 times table and adding and subtracting ones, tens and hundreds to/from a three digit number.
10 minutes Sumdog practise every night will improve number fluency and understanding.
You will be tested on your spellings and 5x times tables on Tuesday 5th Make sure you practise every night.
You can also practise your number facts by playing Hit the button. Its a great game for improving speed and number fluency.
Have a fantastic weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday 24th September 2021
Date: 23rd Sep 2021 @ 1:12pm
Welcome to your Year 3 Blog.
Here you will find out about all the fantastic learning we have been doing throughout the week and see your home practice for the coming week. This will help your children with all aspects of their learning. We will set weekly spelling and maths challenges with the focus on regular practise of key skills.
We have enjoyed reading The Twits in English and have done lots of amazing writing. We have been focussing on using exciting words in our sentences.
In Maths we have been learing about ordering, partitioning and counting three digit numbers. Everyone showed great persistence and resilience with their learning this week as it did get tricky. We have set a Sumdog challege to consolidate the skills taught in class. Do a little maths practice everyday to make all our new learning sticky!
In History we have been learning about the Stone Age. Everybody has loved this topic so far, lots of us have already learnt lots of facts from books we have been reading at home.
In our Science we studied lots of different rock types and explored how different rocks have different properties. We also looked at what rocks were used for during the stone age.
Home Practice
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Remember, your books can be changed any day so remember to pop them into the red box.
Here are your spellings to practise this week. We will have a spelling test on Tuesday. These Spelling rules are also on your Sumdog Spelling challenge to help you practice. The words will be different but the rules will be the same. Remember our rules for past tense verbs.
walked talked clapped wrapped breathed described halved partied worried floated
For your maths challenges this week we will be practising our numbers to 1000 and your times tables. Make sure you complete these challenges before Thursday. Good Luck!
Practise the following skills for Maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick. Click the links below to access the games. We will have a tables test on Tuesday.
It was lovely seeing so many of you at our Meet the Teacher meeting on Thursday. We hope you found all the information useful. Below we have attached the slides from the presentation. Don't hesitate to contact the school office with any questions you might have.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Date: 14th Sep 2021 @ 11:55am
With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas.
Self image and identitiy
Online relationships
Online bulllying
Health, Well-being and lifestyle
Online reputation
Managing online information
Copyright and ownership
We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.
To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.
Year 3 Home Practice 9th July 2021
Date: 10th Jul 2021 @ 6:31am
We have had another wonderful week in Year 3! Even though we are starting to get tired and are looking forward to the summer holidays, everybody is still working their socks off!
We have been doing some tricky dividing in Maths but have all done so well! We are getting near the end of Toro Toro now; it is very tense as the Spanish Civil War is happening in the part where we are up to.
We did some videos on Apple Clips on Friday. A group of us did our videos about being safe and kind to each other online – it is so important to behave in a nice, polite, and kind manner online, just as you would face to face.
We absolutely LOVED watching the Year 6 children in the marquee. They treated us to a viewing of their Year 6 performance – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We couldn’t stop smiling throughout.
Home Practice for 9th July – 16th July
The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Times Tables
There will be no times tables test this week. We will continue to practise the Year 3 times tables in class – 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 10. Some children are also starting to learn some of the Year 4 times tables too. Please keep practising your times tables on Hit the Button.
Times Tables Challenge: 9th July – 16th July
Year 3 Competition: 9th July – 16th July
There will be no spelling test this week. We will be practising some of the Year 3 spellings in class.
Year 3 Home Practice 2nd July 2021
Date: 2nd Jul 2021 @ 3:31pm
What an exciting and fun week in Year 3.
We had our Sports Day on Thursday, and on Friday was Tough Kidder. The best bit was definitely the slip and slide, everybody took part and had such a great time!
We have also been very creative this week, we have painted the clay that we made about the ocean and creatures that live in the sea.
We are still really enjoying our class novel Toro Toro. We have also been making up stories about what the teachers get up to in the summer holidays.
Home Practice for 2nd July – 9th July
The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Times Tables
Please practise the 3x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.
Times Tables Challenge: 2nd July – 9th July
Year 3 Competition: 2nd July – 9th July
Your spellings this week have the prefix mis-. This creates words with negative meanings or the opposites of positive words.
Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 8th July. Make sure you practise every night. Your times tables test will be the 3 times tables.
Year 3 Home Practice 25th June 2021
Date: 25th Jun 2021 @ 3:31pm
We have had a very busy week in Year 3.
We celebrated World Ocean Day on Tuesday by doing some painting of the sea and creatures that live in it.
We did our first ever cross country competition in PE, it was so fun to use the beautiful school grounds. Everybody tried so hard and had a really good go at running.
We have been practising our times tables in Maths, and also looking at right angles in shapes and roman numerals on clocks.
We are still loving our novel Toro Toro. On Friday we wrote poems about bullfighting, the poems are amazing!
Home Practice for 25th June – 2nd July
The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Times Tables
Please keep practising the 4x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.
Times Tables Challenge: 25th June – 2nd July
Year 3 Competition: 25th June – 2nd July
This week, I would like you to keep practising the spellings from last week.
They all have the prefix dis-. This is used to find the opposite of words and means does not, e.g. disobey means does not obey.
Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 1st July. Make sure you practise every night. Your times tables test will be the 4 times tables.
Year 3 Home Practice 18th June 2021
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 3:27pm
We have had such an amazing week in Year 3.
We loved starting our new book in English – Toro Toro. In Maths, we have been looking at money and tenths.
We have done some very exciting learning including making ocean animals out of clay, visiting the pond and taking inspiration for Art – just like Gaudi did, locating the host cities of Euro 2020 on a map of Europe, and we have also been practising for Sports Day.
Home Practice for 18th June – 25th June
The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Times Tables
Please practise the 4x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.
Times Tables Challenge: 18th June – 25th June
Year 3 Competition: 18th June – 25th June
Your spellings this week all have the prefix dis-. This is used to find the opposite of words and means does not, e.g. disobey means does not obey.
Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 24th June. Make sure you practise every night. Your times tables test will be the 4 times tables.
Year 3 Home Practice 11th June 2021
Date: 10th Jun 2021 @ 4:52pm
It has been a wonderful week back in school after Half Term. Everybody has come back ready to learn and work hard.
We have been very excited to find out what our next class novel is – Toro Toro by Michael Morpurgo. This week we have been finding out about Spain, bullfighting and the Spanish Civil War in preparation for reading the book next week. We have been writing non-fiction reports with all of the information we have learnt.
In Maths we have been learning about tenths and we have been practising the 8 times tables.
We are looking forward to doing lots of map work over the next few weeks as we find out about the countries in the Euro 2020.
Home Practice for 11th June – 18th June
The key to completing your home practice is to do a little bit every night.
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Times Tables
Please practise the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8x tables on Hit the Button. Play 3 games every night. See how much quicker you can get each night.
Times Tables Challenge: 11th June – 18th June
Year 3 Competition: 11th June – 18th June
Your spellings this week are plural words. Your spellings are words which end with a y in the singular form. When making the word plural, the y is replaced with an i and then es is added.
city – cities
ability – abilities
baby – babies
butterfly – butterflies
century – centuries
cherry – cherries
party – parties
enemy – enemies
fairy – fairies
library - libraries
Say the words out loud, find the meaning of the words, write them out in different coloured chunks that you will remember, and write them out each night.
You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 17th June. Make sure you practise every night. Your times tables test will be a mixture of 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables.
Date: 9th Jun 2021 @ 2:25pm
Keeping our children safe in the online space is of ever growing importance. From phones to consoles, our children are exposed to more online risk than ever and it is important that we adults keep up to date to ensure our children are prepared for all they meet online. Here is an interesting article on Internet Security professionals teach their children about internet safety.
How do I keep my children safe online? What the security experts tell their kids
Below we have attached two guides on how to set up your child's phone for privacy. We teach the children not to share their information when online, however social platforms and games will take data from users unknowingly.
"If its free, you're paying with your information."
Please continue to access all information on the National Online Safety website. You will get access to all videos and guides by clicking the link below and joining free to our school online safety hub.
Year 3 Half Term Message - 28th May
Date: 28th May 2021 @ 3:28pm
We have had an amazing half term in Year 3. Everybody has worked their socks off, been great friends and had lots of fun!
Everything we have been practising throughout Year 3 at home and in school has really started to pay off now – our spellings, times tables, number facts, handwriting, it is all getting better and helping us to learn more.
Everybody looked fantastic dressed as teachers, I see some future teachers among you.
Enjoy your week off in the sunshine woohoo!
Thank you for being absolutely amazing children and for making myself and Ms Hodson smile and laugh every day. We absolutely love coming into school and seeing all of you.
After Half Term, don’t forget Ms Hodson will be called Mrs Dexter – her wedding is on Sunday 30th May