Year 3: Blog items
Date: 5th May 2023 @ 3:55pm
Happy Friday and Welcome to your Coronation Blog
We had a lovely celebration on the field with lots of smiles, singing and dancing. Have a look at our coronation celebration gallery.
In our English we have almost come to the end of our Deathwood letters story. We have loved the letter writing story format of this book. It has really tested our reading skills, especially our inference. The letters have given us lots of clues and we now need to figure out what has happened to the main character Damien Drake.
In our Maths learning we have finished our Fractions topic and been learning about postition and direction. Everyone did really well with this. If you would like to practice this in a fun way. Go to and sign in to our class area with the code XJYWDV. There are lots of coding games using position and direction. PLEASE DON'T GO ON COURSE C. This is our Computer Science course for this term in school.
Here is some of the vocabulary we have met this week.
anti-clockwise clockwise right angle quarter turn half turn
In our Art this week we used Batic dye to stain our fabric. We also started removing our paste to unveil our designs. Everyone has worked hard on these and they will be going home next week. We also started the design process for our 3D sculptures. We are looking forward to creating these.
This week we learnt that in French, most adjectives have to go after the noun and have to agree with their noun; so a feminine noun needs a feminine form of the adjective. We practised translating phrases such as a black cat - un chat noir, and a green apple - une pomme verte.
In science, we recapped the parts of the flower and learnt the function of each part. Then we moved on to learning about pollination and fertilisation. There is a lot of new vocabulary to learn! We planted some cucumber and courgette seeds which may be ready for next year's Y3 to harvest in September with any luck!
In our History we learned all about how the pyramids were made. We investigated some theories on their construction and used our skills to deduce which were most likey to be true. We learned all about how they probably used causeways and that artisans rather than slaves were responsible for building them. Below you will find a little knowledge organiser on the key facts on the Ancient Egyptians.
Home Practice
Continue to read your school books regularly. We have seen great improvements in our reading skills so keep it up. Remember to throw in a few questions about what your child has read to promote understanding.
In maths we've set a fractions challenge focusing on solving problems. 15 children didn't access last weeks challenge so from next week we will be starting Sumdog club for those children who find it hard to access the platform at home.
We have also set a x8 times table challenge for everyone. Do your best!
Next week in our spellings we are looking at word families eg. medic/medically. Have a go at spotting others in your reading book.
plant planters transplant planting design sign designer
signature medic medical medicine medically
Have a lovely Coronation weekend
The Year 3 Team
Date: 28th Apr 2023 @ 11:04am
Welcome back to the Summer Term
We have a very busy term of learning ahead! You can see all of our Summer topics on our class curriculum overview on the class page.
In English this week we have started our new book, The Deathwood Letters by Hazel Townson. The story is written in letter format, following the correspondence between Damien Drake, a young boy who lives with his family on a huge estate, Deathwood Hall, and Frankie, a girl who lives in a run down part of town. They strike up a strong friendship and we have noticed some strange goings on already. We have written some letters in reponse to the characters and created a fact file on Deathwood Hall.
In Maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions and how to add and subtract fractions from a whole. Everyone has shown great undersatnding and used what they already know about fractions to solve problems. We have set a bumper fractions challenge on Sumdog. Do your best with these.
In Art we have added paste to our Egyptian fabric designs. Everyone took great care when applying their paste and we seen some fantastic designs come to life. Next week we will dye our fabric and see how they turn out. Have a look in our gallery.
In History we learned all about the afterlife and how the Egyptians prepared the bodies. We learned all about canopic jars and how they were welcomed into Paradise.
In PSHE we started our new topic on healthy eating and what a balanced diet looks like. Everyone had some great ideas and drew on their prior science learning on food groups.
Home Practice
Well done to everyone who continued reading over the Easter holidays. 20 minutes every night with your school books will help improve comprehension and fluency.
We have set 2 maths challenges on Sumdog, one on fractions and one on x4 and x8 tables.
Practice counting regularly with your child as well. Regular reviews of the number system will help build understanding and number fluency. Sing our songs, play what comes next, count forwards and backwards in numbers and fractions.
We will be revisiting all our suffix rules this week. We have set a Sumdog challenge looking at the 'drop the e add the suffix' rule.
Date: 6th Apr 2023 @ 1:49pm
Welcome to your Year 3 blog!
This week we have finished our novel Toro, Toro, written by Michael Morpurgo. It was an amazing book! We enjoyed travelling with Antonio on his adventure on the run from Franco's army and on his quest to find Paco the bull. We wrote some brilliant recounts from the story as Antontio and a book review using some examples from real book critics.
In Maths we have been learning how to read bar charts and pictograms and used these to solve problems. It has been tricky in parts but we've remembered our statistics learning from Autumn really well.
We had a lovely celebration in Church on Tuesday. Year 6 led a very thoughtful Easter liturgy and Year 3 joined in brilliantly with their singing.
On Thursday we planned out fabric designs using hieroglyphics and Egyptian art. Next term we will apply our paste and dye to complete our designs. Have a look at our gallery.
In French, we learnt how to make animal nouns plural. We read some short texts and matched the words to the correct picture, then some of us were able to draw our own animals picture and write a sentence to describe it, using the correct plural form of the noun.
We have had a lovely half term and seen lots of progress in all areas of our curriculum.
We are looking forward to next term!
Have a lovely Easter break and keep reading!!
The Year 3 team.
You can find the latest edition of our school Newspaper, The Learning Times in our galleries.
Date: 31st Mar 2023 @ 8:06am
Welcome to your Friday Blog!
This week we have finished our RE topic on Listening and Sharing and our PSHE learning on communities. The children's ideas and contributions have been wonderful and we have had some really rich discussions in class.
In English this week we have written our reports on the bullfight using some fantastic vocabulary and sentence openers. We have just reached the part of the story when Antonio's home is bombed by fighter planes. We will be exploring his thoughts and feelings in the week ahead.
In maths this week we have been revisiting our column addition and subtraction. We also learned how to estimate totals using rounding to the nearest 100 and the nearest 10. Everyone did really well with this and showed brilliant reasoning.
As part of our Ancient Egypt topic, we are looking at the Egyptian gods and how they were depicted in wall art. We learned all about Ra, Sekhmet and Bastet and why the Ancient Egyptians prayed to them. Below we have attached a video we watched about some of the other Egyptian gods. There were over 2000! We practiced sketching them ahead of our fabric art next week.
On Thursday we had a brilliant St Oswald's World Book Day. You all looked great in your costumes and we had a visit from Mrs Novak who shared some of her Revolting Rhymes.We had a wonderful world Assembly reading a story about an artist called Tyrus Wong who worked for Disney. The story was called Paper Son and it explored the challenges he overcame as a Chinese immigrant. Check out our gallery!
In Science, we looked at the plant investigation we set up last week where different plants are deprived of one of the requirements for growth eg light, water. We took measurements and recorded our observations. Then we learnt how water and nutrients are transported around the plant. We set up another investigation to dye celery stalks and white flowers to prove that water/dye travels up the stem to the leaves and flowers. We'll see what happens over the next few days.
We have attached a new online safety guide 'What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Age-Inappropriate Content'. Please Read.
Home Practice
The reading bug has hit Year 3. It was lovely to see everyone bringing in their books this week and swapping them with their friends. Also a huge thank you to Holly who brought in some Roald Dahl books for the class!
Keep reading your school books at home every night for at least 15 minutes.
We have set some number fact practice to improve fluency this week. These might seem a bit easier than normal but we have noticed that some need to increase their speed and accuracy with their number bonds to 20.
Spellings this week all begin with the prefixes super- or auto-. There is a sumdog challenge with these words. Do what you can.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 4:04pm
Welcome to your Friday blog.
This week we have been working hard on our writing presentation and enjoyed reading our new story, Toro! Toro! We have also been exploring our Ancient Egypt learning and writing our own hyroglyphics.
In English we have met Uncle Juan the Matador and Antonio has gone to his first Corrida. We wrote some responses as Antonio, exploring his feelings and what we would have done in his shoes. We also have planned a report on the bullfight ready for next week. Everyone has worked hard this week to make their writing look beautiful on the page.
In Maths we have been revisiting our column addition and subtraction. A lot of our learning from last term was remembered and lots of good reasoning was explained along the way. We also revisited our angles learning and learned all about parallel and perpendicular lines.

Home Practice
Continue to read every night for at least 15 minutes.
Check out our Sumdog challenges. This week we are practising our addition and subtraction. Continue to access the Sumdog Training tool. We have recently reset everyones account so that they are challenged on their hard skills. Well done on those who are practising regularly, we have seen a massive improvement in tables accuracy!
In our spellings, the children have been revisiting our spelling rules for past tense verbs. Knowing these rules will help your children to spell words more accurately. Here are your home spellings for this week.
We are also revisiting our OO,EW and U-E sounds spelling as some of us aren't totally accurate with these just yet.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team
Date: 16th Mar 2023 @ 8:46pm
Happy St Patrick's Day and Welcome to your Friday blog
This week we have enjoyed reading our story Toro, Toro and learned lots about bullfighting. We wrote some information texts using what we learned to write our sentences. We also wrote a lovely piece as Antonio, the main character, when he learned that his best friend, Paco the bull might have to fight in the corrida.
In Maths we learned all about angles and 2D shapes. We revisited our learning on right angles and remembered our 2d shapes from last term.
In our History learning this week we learned all about Ancient Egyptian society and what jobs people had at that time. We also investigated some Ancient Egyptian wall art and tried to identify the people in the picture. It was interesting to work as historians and use our evidence and interpretations.
In PSHE we further explored diversity and community with the Premier League's Primary Stars programme. We loooked at some vocabulary and described what these words meant to us.
In Science, we looked at the results of the investigation to find out which soil is best for growing different kinds of seeds. We've realised that sand does not have any organic matter in it and the seeds have not grown so this must be important for germination. We then continued to research the functions of each plant part. Finally we had a visit from the chicks - amazing!
We also had a great time with Freddie Fit this week. He taught us all about keeping a balanced diet and an active lifestyle. You can see our pictures on the school Twitter.
Home Practice
Keep up with the regular reading with your children. We are meeting a lot of texts in our curriculum this term and reading fluency is key to accessing lots of new learning.
We have set some new challenges on Sumdog today. Some of you are still not aceassing the platform regularly. If you'd like some help with accessing Sumdog, let is know and we will help where we can.
Continue to count with your children at home. Sing our songs and quiz your child. What number comes next? What is the missing number?
Our Spellings this week are
Have a fantastic weekend and a Happy Mother's Day for Sunday
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 4:15pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
What a fantastic week of learning we have had. Our Japanese visitors have been amazing and taught us so much about their culture. On Tuesday we learned all about the traditon of Mamemaki, where houses ward off evil spirits by chasing away an ogre called Setsubun with soy beans. We also used chopsticks to count our age in soy beans. It was great fun. Have a look at our photos here. On Friday we performed a dance called The Swallow - ???. Check it our in our galleries.
Our Japanese students now return to Japan. We would like to wish Minori well and give her a huge thank you!
In English we have finished our novel, journey to Jo'burg. We thoroughly enjoyed this story as a class and created some lovely pieces of work. Next week we start Toro, Toro by Michael Morpurgo, a tale about the relationship between a young boy and his bull Paco.
In Maths we have been reading scales and solving problems with capacity and volume. We used our estimating and rounding skills to explain our thinking. Everyone has really improved with their use of mathematical vocabulary in their explaining. Well done Year 3!
In our History learning we learned all about when the Ancient Egytpian era began and how to order event chronologically using BCE and CE. We learned about common time and how archeologists can date artefacts by how close they are to the surface. Here is some of the key vocabulary we will meet in the coming weeks.
era, artefact, chronology, scribe, hieroglyphs, polytheistic, obelisk, temple, preserve, prepare,
pyramid, chamber, Egyptologist, chariot, invade, bronze, archer, trade, expand, monarchy, empire
Home Practice
Continue to read your school books and have a go with your questioning. Practising these skills will ensure your children continue to improve as readers.
On your Sumdog challenges this week we have set times tables practice and an addition and Subtraction challenge.
Keep practising you timestables on Sumdog and one minute maths.
Your spellings this week have the -ce spelling pattern.

Year 3 Blog Friday 3rd March 2023
Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 3:36pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have done some amazing learning and have been spotted by lots of staff for our lovely manners and behaviour in class.
We have been enjoying our story and been learning alot about what life was like in South Africa during Apartheid. The children have asked some thoughtful questions and included some lovely ideas in their writing. We also have been planning a news report on the 'pass raid' at the train station. Next week we will be finishing our Journey to Jo'burg and completing our news reports.
In Maths we have been learning some new strategies to divide numbers into groups of 3,4,5 and 8. We have learned about remainders and how to use repreated addition to find how may groups are ina number. Have a go at the questions we have sent home and the Sumdog challenge.
We have also started our new topic, Mechanisms and Linkages in DT. We looked at some of the mechanisms created by last year's Year 3 class and talked about what we already know about mechanisms. We had a lot of interesting answers. We also met some new vocabulary. Here is the vocabulary list for this topic.
Home Practice
Continue to read your school books and have a go with your questioning. Practising these skills will ensure your children continue to improve as readers.
We have set a spelling, maths and times tables challenge. Try to complete these as they link to our learning in school.
Your spellings this week are all adopting different spelling rules and strategies. Talk about how you remember these words and wht strategies you could use to spell them.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 3 Blog Friday 24th February 2023
Date: 24th Feb 2023 @ 1:34pm
Welcome back to your Friday Blog
Thank you all for coming to our parents evenings this week. The children have been very proud to show off all their amazing learning this year.
In our English this week we have been acting as characters in the story and writing some accounts of their experiences on the road to Jo'burg so far. Everyone is working hard to improve their writing. Well done Year 3!
In Maths we have finished our fractions learning and next week we will be learning new division strategies. We have been learning to find fractions of amounts and solve word problems with these. It has been tricky! This week we have set a Sumdog challenge to get ready for your learning next week.
In PE we have been learning how to play a new sport, handball. We have used our skills from our invasion games learning earlier in the year and have enjoyed the new challenge. We have also started our gymnastics topic with Mrs Wood. This week we practiced some balances and animal travels. It was good fun. Over the next few weeks we will be perfecting our gymnastic skills and creating our own routines.
In our Geography learning we explored climate zones in Africa and used atlases to find out what the different climate zones were. We learned some great new vocabulary too!
temperate tropical desert grassland / savannah
In Music we have been continuing learning our Egyptian songs, exploring rhythm with our percussion instruments and using glocks to improvise our own compositions. Have a look at our gallery here.
Home Practice
Continue to read your school books and have a go with your questioning. Practising these skills will ensure your children continue to improve as readers.
On your Sumdog challenges this week we arae looking at division to get ready for next week's learning. We have also shown the children how to access the training and tables practice features.
Another great app for practising your number facts is one minute maths by the White Rose Maths team. It is free to download from the AppStore and PlayStore.
Your spellings this week are all homophones. Have a good go at learning them and using them in context.
there their they're bury berry break brake to too two
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 3 Friday 20th January 2023
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 2:39pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have enjoyed our new story The Butterfly Lion. We have been describing Bertie's home and retold the story where he saved the little lion from the hyenas. Everyone has been working hard to improve their writing this week and taking care with their presentation.
In our maths we have been learning a new strategy to add more efficiently. When adding 19, we can add 20 and take away 1, when we add 39, we can add 40 and take away 1. We have also been practising our x8 tables. Keep working on these as well as our x2, x5, x10, x3 and x4.
In Art, as part of our textiles learning we have been exploring African patterns and colour. Inhis topic we will be experimenting with different fabric paints and dyes. We will be designing and creating our own African cloth bag. Have a look at our gallery here.

Home Practice
Year 3 Blog Friday 13th January 2023
Date: 12th Jan 2023 @ 4:06pm
We have had another great week in Year 3!
In English, we have started reading The Butterfly Lion By Michael Morpurgo. We are really enjoying this book and are learning lots of new ways to write our sentences. We have been using ideas from the story and stealing some fantastic vocabulary. Well done Year 3!
In Maths we have been exploring 3D Shape. We have been lusing our mathematical vocabulary to describe our shapes (faces, edges and vertices) and used artstraws to make prisms, cubes, pyramids and lots more. We also started our new topic on place value and number this week. We have set two challenges on Sumdog, one to recap on our shape learning and one to prepare for next week's lessons on place value and subtraction.
We also started our new RE topic on Journeys. We discussed what our journey through the year looks like and what special events we look forward to. We also linked this to our PSHE learning on families. The children came up with some really thoughtful ideas about family and special times.
In Geography we started our new topic on Africa. In this topic we will be looking at three countries. Egypt, Ghana and South Africa. This week we used our atlases to locate these countries on the map and described their location using the points on the compass. We also created some new bookmarks using african prints as inspiration.
Home Practice
Read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes, tell them all about the different characters and places in your stories.
Practise your spellings every night. This week, your spellings have the -ness and -ment suffixes.
happiness loudness sloppiness darkness sadness enjoyment disappointment excitement improvement
Counting out loud is a great way to embed number fluency.
Count out loud in 10s from 81 to 181.
Count out loud in 4s from 0 to 48.
Count out loud in 2s from 40 to 20.
Times Tables
This week we have told the children their times table focus this week. You can use the times tables training on Sumdog and this will also pinpoint weaker areas.
In class we are continuing to practice the 8 times table. Here is a song we have been learning, with a little help from Adele.
Access the Sumdog challenges and training. These are essential to practise and prepare for what we are learning in school.
You will be tested on your spelling and times tables next Friday.
Have a lovely weekend.
Year 3 Friday Blog 6th January 2023
Date: 6th Jan 2023 @ 12:21pm
Welcome back to your Friday Blog and a Happy New Year!
This week everyone has settled back into school really well, ready for a busy term of exciting learning.
In our English this week, we finished the Post Box Mystery by Robert Swindells. It had a very exciting ending and we wrote our own newspaper article, reporting on the alien incident. On Friday we had a go at word processing these and publishing them onto our proud wall. Well done Year 3! Next week we will start our new novel, The Butterfly Lion by Michael Morpurgo.
In Maths we have continued learning about telling the time, this time in one minute intervals. This is always a tricky concept to learn and it takes a lot of practice to get it right. Here is the online resource we used this week if you want to have a look at home.
In our PSHE we started our families topic. We read the classic story Love You Forever by Robert Munsch and discussed what makes a family special.
We also continued our Geography topic, looking at physical geography of the North West of England. We used digital maps to explore the region and found lakes, rivers, hills, forests and much more.
Home Practice
Continue to read every night for at least 15 minutes. The regular reading you have been doing is showing in the progress your children have been making in all areas of the curriculum!
This week we have been learning how to use adverbs in our writing. Your spellings this week are
loudly quietly carefully sadly quickly slowly
happily bravely slowly clearly
We have sent home some times tables practise booklets to have a go at as well as the Sumdog challenges. Do what you can. Regular practice will help your children achieve fluency in their number facts.
Have a lovely weekend!
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Blog Friday 16th December
Date: 16th Dec 2022 @ 2:14pm
Happy Christmas Everyone!
We have had a great week in school this week. We had our Christmas post, Christmas lunch and finished our DT and Computing topics.
In Maths we started learning to tell the time to 5 minutes and had a go at telling the time in 1 minute intervals. We will revisit this in the new year.
In English we read a bit further in the Postbox Mystery. We found our that the postbox had been invaded by some aliens. We wrote some great descriptions using our newspaper sentences.
We had a great time creating our football stadiums / shell structures in DT. We had to work as a team with a project manager, construction supervisor, tape dispenser, photographers and builders. Everyone worked well in their roles and made some super constructions. Great work Year 3! Have a look at our designs here.
On Wednesday we explored temperature on our winter walk. Mrs Quilliam was very impressed with everyones questions and scientific vocabulary.
On Friday we completed our animation topic with some great final pieces. Everyone used their skills to create a stop frame animation with their own toys. Here are some of the final videos.
Over the holidays make sure to continue to read and access the Sumdog learning platform.
Here is the latest edition of the Learning Times, created by our Year 6 class.
Have a lovely break and we wish you all a peaceful Christmas
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Blog Friday 9th December
Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 3:42pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have enjoyed watching the Nativity performance, enjoyed our Christmas Bingo and watched an amazing drumming masterclass from year 4 and 5.
In our English this week we have been exploring the features of a news report. We wrote our own reports of the Postbox Mystery and shared them with Year 6 who have also been writing news articles. Have a look at our gallery here.
In our maths we have been learning to solve divisions with remainders. This proved very tricky and is a difficult concept to grasp. Have a go at your Sumdog challenges and division practice to help with understanding.
This week we have started to design and construct our sports stadiums. Everyone has been using their skills to evaluate their designs and decide what 3D shell structures will be best to add to their design. Next week we will be assembling our final construction. Super DT Year 3!
In French, we used bilingual dictionaries to look up nouns to write a letter to pere Noel. We managed really well to change the definite article (le,la or les) to an indefinite article (un, une or des). Tres bien, Y3!
Home Practice
Continue to read every night for at least 15 minutes.
Check out our Sumdog challenges. This week we are practising our x3.x4 and x8 related facts. Continue to access the Sumdog Training tool. We have recently reset everyones account so that they are challenged on their hard skills.
In our spellings, the children have worked hard this week to use simple words to construct compound words. This strategy will help children to spell longer words more accurately. Here are your home spellings for this week.
mouse trousers fountain grouse hound browse trowel powder shower tower howl blackout
We are revisiting our OU and OW sounds as some of us aren't fluent with these just yet. We have added a few extra ones to have a go at on Sumdog.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday Blog 2nd December 2022
Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 9:13pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog!
We have had a brilliant week in Year 3. Everyone was a amazing on Thursday afternoon at our Advent parent assembly. Well Done Year 3!
This week we have also enjoyed reading The Postbox Mystery by Robert Swindells. We have been working hard on our sentence writing this week and added some more pieces to our Proud Wall.
In maths we have been looking at division and been practising our grid method learning from last week. Well done to everyone who has been practising these at home. There has been some great understanding and explanations in our class this week!
In PE we have been learning some new hockey skills including passing, dribbling and trapping the ball. This is part of our invasion games learning. Have a look at our gallery here.
In RE we started our new topic for Advent. It is called Visitors will look at family, preparations and the Christmas story.
We also revisited our computing learning on Friday. We learned how to use onion skinning to make our animations run smoothly. Next week, can we have some toy models to create our final stop frame animations. Two characters and one prop max. This can be a toy car or a train or small setting.
Home Learning
Continue to read regularly for 15-20 minutes every day. Here is a helpful poster for ways you can help your child with their reading.
Maths - We have set 2 Sumdog challenges. One looking at the relationship between multiplication and division and one on our x8 times tables. We can see lots of regular practice is going on at home and it is making a huge difference for everyone in our maths lessons.
Have a look at our counting by 8 song here.
Your home spellings this week are...
playtime birthday breakfast ballroom cupcake chairman
sunflower dishcloth doorway patchwork
We will be learning how to use words we know to spell compound words. Practise these on Sumdog or by having a go of some of them activities on your spelling sheet.
In school we have been learning how to use syllables more effectively in our writing and looking carefully when we spell our words. We are seeing a great improvement in our spelling. Well done Year 3!
Unfortunately we have had an issue with our printer in school and are unable to print out the spellings and maths sheets. We will send these out on Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Year 3 Friday Blog 25th November
Date: 24th Nov 2022 @ 8:55pm
Happy Friday!
This week we have finished reading the Ice Palace and really enjoyed the ending. Here are some examples of the fantastic writing we have done from the story. Next week we are reading another Robert Swindell's novel, The Postbox Mystery. We will be exploring news papers and writing some articles.
In our maths learning this week we have been learning the grid method and everyone picked it up really quickly. Super listening was the key! We did find that not knowing our times tables fluently slowed us down a little but we are definitely getting quicker and more accurate. We have sent home some grid method practice to help embed this learning.
In our RE learning we have been completed our Promises topic. In this learning we explored Baptism and the role of parents and Godparents. Everyone contributed to these lessons and shared some lovely thoughts on their own experiences. Well done Year 3!
As part of our PSHE learning on keeping ourselves safe, we have been exploring how to prevent the spread of germs. We had a great discussion and learned some reasons why we need to wash our hands and bin our tissues.
In our Science, we used our results from our pattern seeking investigation last week to work out what they told us. We wrote what we had found out. After this, we recapped all our learning so far about bones and muscles. Next week we will move on to find out how invertebrates move without a skeleton like ours. Mrs Qulliam was very impressed with our knowledge adn ideas.
In French, we practised saying some words with the an/en sound and we continued to learn the verb etre, to be by listening and reading. Our language leaders have done a great job this week at asking everyone the french question in the mornings. Fantastique!
Next week we invite you to come to our Advent assembly. We have sent home some words to learn and you can use the songs below to practise together.
Home Practice
Keep changing your books regularly and read for at least 15-20 minutes every night!
Well done to everyone who completed their Sumdog challenges and even had some time to practise on the Sumdog Training. Three new challenges have been added today. Remember, little and often every night will benefit your children with their learning in school.
Try and do a little counting at home as well. This will promote number fluency and understanding. There are lots of counting games here at that we use in school. You will also find lots of counting songs here.
We have given out your spellings to practice for next week's test. We are looking at the -al and -il spelling pattern next week. In our spelling lessons this week we have been revisiting our spelling strategies. We have been stretching our words into sounds to help us spell more accurately and using what we already know to spell new words.
Here are your spellings for this week.
petal mental pedal cereal hospital pencil devil anvil gerbil pupil
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday Blog 18th November 2022
Date: 18th Nov 2022 @ 4:06pm
Happy Friday everyone!
We have had a brilliant week this week! We have had a visit from Freddie Fit and been singing lots in preparation for our Advent assembly in two weeks!
In our English we are really enjoying the Ice Palace. It has been a bit spooky and strange but has everyone on the edge of their seat. We have just arrived at Starjik's Palace and we meet him next week! We have been using words and phrases from the story to improve our writing and everyone has written some amazing pieces. We will share some of these next week.
In our Maths we have been learning how to use our times tables to solve problems and and how to sort numbers into Carroll and Venn diagrams. The children are showing great understanding and their explanations are improving every day.
As part of our Big Draw Art, we have been revisiting our collage making skills. We looked at all the countries taking part in the World Cup and looked at their flags. We then used coloured paper to recreate the flags, including some intricate designs. They've turned out brilliantly!
This week in our PSHE learning, we have been exploring how we can keep ourselves safe at home. We listened to some scenarios and assessed the risk they posed. We had some fantastic discussions and very sensible answers. Everyone was able to describe risks they have noticed and how they can keep themselves safe. Well done Year 3!
This year we have been looking at diversity in our Wonderful World assemblies. We listen to a story that makes us think about others in our world and then respond in our own class book. Everyone has enjoyed these stories and written some some thoughtful ideas. Here is a peak at our class book.
On Tuesday, We were visited by Freddie Fit! He put us through our paces and reminded us all about how to keep healthy and stay fit. Have a look here.
Home Practice
Continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes.
This week in our spelling we have been practising words that have the or, aw,au,al, oor, ore sounds. We talked about how we can spot patterns to help us remember how to spell these words and to look carefully when writing them.
Here are your spellings for this week!
record enormous dinosaur assault hawk squawk floor door score ignore chalk wall
We have also been learning about possessive apostrophes and when to use them!
For your maths challenges we have included a mix of x3 and x4 times tables and some number fact practice. We are seeing a huge improvement in number fluency lately. Keep up the regular practising.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 3:33pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had an amazing week of learning in Year 3. Everyone is showing a brilliant attitude to their learning and we have been very impressed!
In our English learning we have started our new novel, The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. We been looking at vocabulary to improve our ideas and how to use decriptive phrases to imropve our writing. Everyone created some fantastic descriptions the spooky forest.and of Ivan's dramatic escape from the wolf pack. On Friday as part of our Remebrance day commemorations, we heard the story of Walter Tull, one of the first black officer's to serve in the 1st Word War. We wrote some letters to Walter and asked him some poignant questions about the time he served in the army.
In our Maths learning we have been learning how to use our times tables to solve tricker problems. Through partitioning and regrouping, the children have been multiplying 2 digit numbers by 3 and by 4. We found this new learning tricky to start with but we have been very impressed with everyone's resilience. Well done Year 3!
In our Computing learning we have been having a go at making our very own stop frame animations. We used some of learning from last week and made some stickman sports.Have a look at some of our attempts here.
In DT we have continued our learning about shell structures. We really improved on our attempts from last week and created a 3D house. For our upcoming project, can you please send in a small shoe box with your child next week. We will be designing and making our own football stadiums for the world cup. Thanks in advance.
We have continued to explore Lancashire in our Geography. This week we had a go at being cartographers and drawing our own maps. We included the M6 and the major cities in our local area.
Home Practice
Keep changing your books regularly and read for at least 15-20 minutes every night!
Well done to everyone who completed their Sumdog challenges and even had some time to practise on the Sumdog Training. Three new challenges have been added today. Remember, little and often every night will benefit your children with their learning in school.
Try and do a little counting at home as well. This will promote number fluency and understanding. There are lots of counting games here at that we use in school. You will also find lots of counting songs on YouTube. We have been singing these this week...
We have given out your spellings to practice for next week's test. We are looking at contactions and how to use apostrophes. In our spelling lessons this week we have been revisiting our spelling strategies. We have been breaking our words into syllables to help us spell more accurately and using what we already know to spell new words.
Here are your spellings for this week.
don't didn't won't can't couldn't we'll they're we're she'll it's
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 team
Date: 4th Nov 2022 @ 4:02pm
Welcome back to your Friday blog. We have had a fantastic week back in school and started lots of new learning and exciting topics.
We have been writing our Quest adventure stories this week and on Friday afternoon we visited Reception and Year 1 to read our stories. Everyone made a huge effort all week to make their writing look beautiful on the page and used some fantastic sentences to excite the reader. We have been working hard on sentence structures this week and found out different ways to develop our ideas.
This week we have started our Geography learning. We have been exploring maps and will be studying our local area and Lancashire. We looked at differntly scaled maps and talked about what human features we could find. We spotted cities, towns, villages, motorways, airports and much more!
In maths we have been practising all our strategies and learned when we need to use formal written methods. We have sent home some times tables practice sheets as we will be focused on Multiplication and division from next week on. When practising times tables at home work on recall and speed as well as accuracy. The Sumdog times tables training is a great way to practice the individual times tables the children need to work on.
In French this week we have been learning the vern etre - to be. It was tricky but everyone gave it a good go. We finished with some spooky halloween songs.
We have also started our new computing topic on animation. Today your child will have brought home their first attempt at flip book animating. Everyone did very well at improving their designs as we struggled at first. Great perserverance Year 3! Next week we will be using the iPads to create our own stop frame animations!
Home Practice
Continue to read every night for at least 20 minutes. We have seen a huge improvement in everone's reading habits during silent reading time. Well done!
Spellings - This week we have been learning how to spell our homophones. A little practice every night does the trick. For these words, writing them in short sentences is a good way to remember them in the right context.
their there our are to too two break brake were where
Continue to access the Sumdog platform for a little time everyday. We are seeing huge improvements in accuracy across all maths skills. Keep it up!
We have set a 3 digit number challenge as well as a times table practice. Do your best!
Have a super weekend and enjoy the fireworks! And remember to keep safe.
The Year 3 team.
Year 3 Blog Thursday 20th October
Date: 20th Oct 2022 @ 1:05pm
Happy Half term everyone!
Well done for completing your first half term in the Juniors. We have had a busy half term with lots of fantastic learning! We learned all about Stone Age Britain in History, texture and shade in Art, friendships in PSHE, health and nutirion in Science and so much more. We have been adding lots to our proud wall and made huge improvements in our handwriting and presentation.
Today we have braved the elements and taken our learning outside. We created some leaf animals using the vast selection of leaves around our school grounds. Have a look here.
We also have finished reading our Diary of a Killer Cat story and had a look at the wordless story Quest by Aaron Becker. The children wrote some fantastic words to go with the story. Super descriptions and action everyone! You can watch the story here.
In Science this week, we consolidated our learning about staying healthy by making a poster to show what we've learnt. Then we moved on to the start of the next topic on Skeletons and Muscles. We researched and labeled a human skeleton. Fascinating!
We also explored inside a computer monitor as we have been learning about digital devices this term. We opened it up and had a good look inside. We heard some fantastic vocabulary and ideas, have a look here. We have some future engineers in our class! Well done Year 3.
Have a great half term and well see you all next Monday!
Keep reading and training on Sumdog!
The Year 3 Team!
Date: 19th Oct 2022 @ 1:52pm
Welcome to your latest Online Safety Update
At St Oswald's, we regularly discuss online safety with the children to find out what they are experiencing in their online spaces. We find out what new games and platforms are trending and if any of our children have worries or concerns about what they experience online. A lot of children continue to access YouTube so we have added a refresher guide on the platform.
In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as connecting with strangers, inappropriate content and high visibility.
We have also spotted that some children have the new FIFA 23 football game for the PlayStation and XBox. Gaming has changed massively in the past few years with social connection now becoming an integral part of the gaming experience. We have added the latest guide for this game also.
Below you will find a link to join the National Online Safety platform and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support.
Year 3 Friday Blog 14th October 2022
Date: 14th Oct 2022 @ 3:54pm
Welcome to your Friday blog
It was lovely meeting you all this week and talking about how well everyone has settled into Year 3. We have seen huge progress in everyone's attitude and good learning behaviours. Well done Year 3!
This we week have continued reading the Diary of a Killer Cat and wrote some fantastic diary entries. We also explored caves and wrote some fantastic stories about a dramatic cave rescue. The children have used some fantastic vocabulary in their writing this week. Well done!
We have also seen massive improvements in everyone's presentation and handwriting. We had to show this off to all our visitors, so here is a peak at our Proud Wall.
In our maths learing we have been learning how and when to use the formal written method for addition and subtraction. Everyone found this at little tricky at first but with some super listening and concentration we cracked it. We will continue to practise this next week.
In our Science learning we have been exploring the health benefits of regular and varied exercise. The children made some super posters to link their learning this week with their work on a varied diet and nutrition so far. We will publish these next week!
In French, the children have been learning how to say he and she (il and elle) and how to prounce some new words. Tres bien Year 3! Our language leaders have also been fantastic asking their French questions to the children every morning and to the adults on Monday and Tuesday. Be ready to show off your French next week!
On Friday we visited Fr Michael for morning mass. The children were fantastic and sat beautifully throughout their first mass in the juniors.
We also continued to explore texture in our Art learning this week. We looked at 3 natural materials nad had a go at rectreating them in our sketch books. Great effort!
Home Practice
This week we have set a high frequency/common words spelling challenge on Sumdog. This is to further embed these words and increase spelling accuracy when writing at length.
The children will still be tested on the oo, ue, ew, u_e words on Friday.
used refused rulers loose moose rescue glued cruel grew screw
It was lovely to hear about all the great reading that is going on at home. 20 minutes a night will make a huge difference to your child's learning journey at St Oswald's and beyond. Keep it up!
We have sent home a x3 spelling sheet for practice as well as the sumdog challenges. These are optional but a good way to improve number fluency.
Please also practise counting regularly to build up number fluency.
Count forwards and backwards in 3s, 30s, 5s, 50s.
Have a fantastic weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday 7th October 2022
Date: 7th Oct 2022 @ 3:51pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
Happy World Smile Day!
We have had a great week in Year 3! Everyone has been woring hard on their listening skills and their independent learning. We have had some outdoor learning in between the showers and been practising our dodgeball skills with Mrs Cookson.
In our English we have been reading The Diary of a Killer Cat. The children have enjoyed hearing about Tuffy's antcis and what he thinks about everything. We have had some great writing about the story. We wrote letters to an animal shelter to take Tuffy off our hand and we learned about speech sentences and speech marks.
In Maths we have been learning about bar graphs and pictograms. The children have been very good at showing their information on bar graphs and using them to answer questions. A huge well dont everyone who entered the Sumdog Lacashire competition. Our class finished 4th in Lancashire with a score of 251! Amazing effort Year 3!
In our Art learning this week we have been exploring texture in our outdoor area. Have a look at some of our work here.
On Thursday we celebrated National Poetry Day. As we are learning about friendship in our PSHE learning. We read lots of friendship poems and used our learning so far to write our own poems. We then performed them to eachother in our outdoor theatre. Have a look here.
This week we have been learning about how computers are connected. We learned about servers, network switches and wireless access points. Once we had looked at how networks pass information around we had a go ourselves and shared messages and sound files through Seesaw. We thought about where the messages went before they came onto our iPads. Super learning Year 3!
Home Practice
This week we have noticed most children in the class could improve their recall speed of number facts to 10 and 20. We have been using the number bonds to 10 to solve trickier problems and to be fluent, the children have to be quick and accurate. We have sent home a sheet to practise these number facts. Have a go.
Hit the button is a great game for practising number facts and times tables. Click the picture below to access the game.
We have also set a number fact Sumdog challenge and a statistics challenge to help embed the learning from this week.
This week in our spelling we have been focussing on how we can use our phonics knowledge to help spell words. The children have been revisiting their vowel sounds and looking carefully to make sure all our letters are in the right places. Here are your words for this week.
light might flight cried spied dried chime spike stride compile
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team!
Year 3 Blog Friday 30th September 2022
Date: 30th Sep 2022 @ 2:56pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had an amazing week of learning in Year 3. Everyone is showing a brilliant attitude to everything we do and we are very impressed!
We have finished reading The Twits now and can’t wait to start reading The Diary of a Killer Cat by Anne Fine next week. We loved writing about The Twits and have been improving our writing by looking carefully at our spelling and presentation and by writing in paragraphs.
Everyone is trying their best to improve their writing. Amazing effort everyone!
In our maths learning we have been learning to measure cm and mm and and calculating the perimeter of 2D shapes. Your Sumdog challenge this week is based on this learning. We have also been practising our adding, subtraction and difference on number lines. Everyone is improving their understanding with this method. Spot some super working out here.
In our computing learning we explored computer networks and different connections. We also looked at sending information and the importance of a network switch. Have a look at our gallery here.
In our PSHE, we had a great discussion on what we should do when our friendships aren't working out. We had some great ideas and everyone listened respectfully.
In history we stepped into the past and told the story of a day in the Stone Age. We told this in both super sentences and with a cave painting. Everyone was excited to go hunting for their dinner!
Home Practice
This week we have sent home two sheets to practice number facts to 10 and 20. This is an optional task but fluency in these (speed and accuracy) will help with all future number learning in Year 3.
Your Sumdog maths challenge has a perimeter and space focus. 50 questions! Do your best!
We have also entered the class into the Lancashire maths contest. These questions will be based on what skills your child needs to build fluency in.
Continue to read every night. The children are getting much better at remembering to change their books. Well done Year 3!
All the spellings this week have the -al pattern. Have a go at some of the other practice ideas on the card.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday Blog 23rd September 2022
Date: 23rd Sep 2022 @ 4:07pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had an amazing week of learning in Year 3. Everyone is showing a brilliant attitude to everything we do and we are very impressed! We are really improving our listening skills and independent learning. Keep up the hard work!
We have been looking at descriptive writing this week. We visited the Twit's home and garden and wrote some fantastic descriptions. Everyone has been trying to improve their handwriting and presentation, remembering to write on the lines and form our letters correctly. It makes a huge difference when our writing looks beautiful! Amazing effort everyone!
In our maths we have been learning to measure using a ruler and convert centimetres into metres and centmetres. We all picked this up really quicky. Super listening is the key! We also looked at drawing shapes using geoboards. We also revisited lots of vocabulary we'd met before.
Right angle, quadrilateral, 2D, centimetres, metres
In our computing, we explored the uses of digital devices and how they can make our lives easier. We explored if this was always the case and if non-digital devices were sometimes easier or more straightforward to use. We had some great ideas. We then tested this by using a whiteboard and and iPad to compare drawing with digital drawing. Have a look in our gallery here.
In our PSHE learning this week, we discussed friendship and how some qualites are more impotant than others. The children were very thoughtful and know exactly how to be a good friend.
In science we have started our Health and Nutrition topic. If possible, can you please send in some food packaging so we can compare the nutritional values of different foods. The children have been very curious about what goes into their food and how it helps them stay fit and healthy.
Home Practice
Keep changing your books regularly and read for at least 15-20 minutes every night!
Well done to everyone who completed their Sumdog challenges and even had some time to practise on the Sumdog Training. Three new challenges have been added today. Remember, little and often every night will benefit your children with their learning in school.
Try and do a little counting at home as well. This will promote number fluency and understanding. There are lots of counting games here at that we use in school. You will also find lots of counting songs on YouTube.
We have given out your spellings to practice for next week's test. We are looking at the -le and -el spelling pattern next week. In our spelling lessons this week we have been revisiting our spelling strategies. We have been breaking our words into syllables to help us spell more accurately and using what we already know to spell new words.
Here are your spellings for this week.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team