Year 3: Blog items

Year 3 Friday 7th March 2024

Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 2:50pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

Rainbow gif(1).gif

We have had a great week in Year 3 with World book day and the arrival of our Japanese visitors

Home Practice

Keep reading every night with an adult or on your own. Talk about what you have read and explore new books, magazines and newspapers.

We have set two Sumdog challenges, one is practising your times tables and the other is on addition and subtraction. We have seen a big improvement in fluency with times tables this week. Keep up the good work!

Remember to access the fluency booster feature too!

Your spellings this week are the Year 3 /4 statutory words

minute, nature, naughty, notice, occasional, occasionally, opposite, ordinary, particular,

mention, notice, peculiar, potatoes, perhaps, popular, often, pressure, position

This week in Year 3

In RE we have been learning the last supper story and comparing it with the feeding of the 5000. We created some beautiful pop up pictures and had some lovely ideas.

Last Supper Stock Illustrations – 1,806 Last Supper Stock ...

We have loved having our Japanese visitors. Next week they will be teaching us a Japanese dance!

We are loving Toro, Toro! This week we read about Paco's escape and how Antonito rescued him. We have been learning how to use conjunctions to develop our ideas.

Toro! Toro! : Michael Morpurgo: Books

In maths we have been learning the tricky column method for addition and subtraction. We use this method when we have to exchange.

In PE we played some handball and touch rugby, practising our invasion games and fundamental skills. Well done Year 3!

Craic Rugby GIFs | Tenor

Today in DT we learned how to make a new mechanism. Everyone showed great perseverance when constructing their designs. Have a look in our galleries.

Have a great weekend

Flower Cute Stickers - Find & Share on GIPHY

The Year 3 Team



Year 3 Friday blog 28th February 2025

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 3:47pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Sun Sunshine Summer - Free GIF on Pixabay

It was lovely seeing you all on parents' evening and the children were very proud to show off all their learning!

Home Practice

Continue with your amazing reading at home. Everyone has made great progress in their reading this year so far.

Your home spellings are all a recap of the common words from Key Stage 1. Some of these can be decoded with phonics but it will also help to learn them by sight. Lots of regular practise will help this.


On Sumdog we have set the usual challenges. Everyone has a individual times table target now and this will be set in their times tables challenge. We will review these every week.

Sumdog have just launched a new fluency booster that is automatically available when your child signs into the app. This feature will direct you to skills that your child needs to improve on to boost their number fluency and will automatically update to meet their fluency needs.
We advise that your child spends at least 10 minutes a day on their booster feature as well as completing the maths focus and times tables challenges. 
This week in year 3
We have had a great week back in year 3!
In RE we started our new topic called Desert to Garden. We learned about the feeding of the 5000 and acted it out in our groups. Have a look at our gallery.
The Miracle of Jesus Feeding 5000 People: Inspiration for Faith | by Catur  C. Nugroho | Medium
In English we really enjoyed getting back into our Toro Toro story. We read about Antonito's first bullfight and wrote our own versions. Everyone is working hard to make their writing look beautiful on the page.
The Bullfighters GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY
In maths we have been learning all about 2D shapes and the angles within them. We met lots of new vocabulary this week and everyone showed great understanding.
perpendicular, parallel, angle, acute, obtuse, reflex
In DT we have been making some mechanisms and learning how fixed and loose pivots work. Everyone showed great persistence with their designs.
In PE we started our tag rugby topic and played a few games on the field. 
For our music learning this week we used Charanga to listen to a song about Dragons and will be using YuStudio on the iPads to write our own music based on the Dragon song we listened to.
Have a lovely weekend 
OG Rainbow Watercolor image 1
The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday Blog 14th February 2025

Date: 14th Feb 2025 @ 12:02pm

Friends of Claverdon half-term update

Welcome to your Friday Blog

As it is the half term holiday, there is no home practice set. However, please keep reading every day as this really does help to unlock your learning. Sumdog is also still available for maths and spelling training! 

This week in Year 3

We have loved reading Toro Toro. We met Paco the baby bull this week and wrote some fantastic recounts of his birth. Everyone continues to improve their handwriting and presentation. Well done Year 3!

110+ Matador Cape Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | Matador dramatic, Samurai, Flamenco

In maths we met a tricky strategy for our division. We looked at repeated addition and grouping and division with remainders. We will meet this again but everyone made a great start! 

In RE we finished our Galilee to Jerusalem where we learned about the Gospel of Matthew and the parables of Jesus. It has been lovely listening to everyone's questions and responses to the learning.

To Know You More Clearly - St Elizabeth's Primary School

In geography we also wrapped up our topic on North America. We investigated the eruption of Mount St Helens and explored the site on Google maps. 

reactine — niv sekar

In History we completed our learning on the Stone Age to the Iron Age. This has been a popular topic and everyone showed great knowledge in all our Kahoot quizzes! Brilliant History Year 3!


Have a lovely half term break

Rainbow Junktion

The Year 3 team

Year 3 Friday Blog 7th February 2025

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 3:58pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

We have had another brillinat week in Year 3 with clay models, shadow experiments and brass instruments.

Home Practice

27,300+ Rainbow Clipart Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free ...

Continue with all your brilliant home reading. Everyone has made excellent progress with their reading this year and this is down to reading regularly at home. Keep it up!

Practise counting in 8's from 0 to 96 and back again.

Your Sumdog challenges and competitions are on all your times tables, division and your home spellings. This week we have been remembering to use syllables to spell independently in our writing.

Your home spellings all end in -ous.

poisonous, famous, enormous, glamorous, outrageous, dangerous, various, jealous, vigorous,serious, mountainous, tremendous, humourous, courageous, obvious, curious, hideous, spontaneous

This week in Year 3

We have been enjoying our new class novel, Toro, Toro by Michael Morpurgo. We have written a fantastic description of Anontito's farm and surrounding area and retold the chapter on Paco's birth.

Toro! Toro! - Michael Morpurgo

In Maths we have started to learn how to divide using repeated subtraction. Everyone showed great understanding with this and asked some great questions!

In Art this week we made our clay models or our Roald Dahl characters. We will paint these and set the scenes next week! Check out our gallery.

Test on quentin blake - Animations - Krita Artists

In Science we investigated shadows and how they are formed. Everyone had great explanations, using the learning from last week on how light travels!

Funny Gifs : work Gif -

On Friday Year 1 came to visit with their fantastic Dragon writing. Year 3 gave some super feedback. Well done Year 3!

Have a lovely weekend

Flower Border Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 31st January 2025

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 3:48pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Hello and welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow gif(1).gif

Everyone has been amazing this week! We have written some brilliant poems and acted out scenes from the Bible.

Home practice

Keep up with your brilliant reading at home. We've seen lots of book changes and children sharing their stories from home. Well done year 3!

Your spellings this week all have the ending -ure

measure, pleasure, treasure, enclosure, furniture, creature, furniture, cure, picture, nature, adventure, sure, capture, leisure, literature, manicure, departure, puncture, mixture, temperature

We have set 2 maths Sumdog challenges, one for your fractions learning and one for practising your times tables.

This week in Year 3

We have loved reading Orion and the Dark. This week we finished retelling our stories and read them to Year 4. 

They were very impressed! Check out our gallery!

a cartoon character with blue eyes is standing next to a boy with netflix written on the bottom

We also listened to Michael Rosen's poem After Dark and used it to create some great poetry of our own,

In maths we have been learning to solve fraction problems involving amounts. We showed great understanding and applied our knowledge brilliantly.

a drawing of a colorful circle with a black outline on a white background

In RE we have been learning about the parables Jesus told his followers. We created a comic, acted out some scenes and played a game of Ping Pong where we asked and answered eachother's questions.

In History we have been learning about how the Neolithic people created round houses using the wattle and daub technique. The children showed great interest and asked fantastic questions. You are all super historians!

a cartoon illustration of the stone age with trees and people

In Geography we have been investigating the animals who are native to North America and looked at our new atlases and globe.

a blue globe with a black base and a black border

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday Blog 24th January 2025

Date: 23rd Jan 2025 @ 2:24pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog.

Watercolour Rainbow Clipart, 12 JPGs, Vibrant Rainbow Images, Printable Watercolor Clipart, Wall Art,Digital Download,Junk Journals,Graphics image 1

Home Practice 


Continue with your daily reading. The children are really enjoying picking their own books and changing them lots. 10 minutes every night will make all the difference.

On Sumdog this week we have set a times table and bumper maths challenge to practise all our number learning so far. A little practice with these every day will help your children become fluent in their number facts.

Continue to practise your counting. This week, try counting forwards and backwards in 8s.

Your home spellings this week all end with -ly. We will test the children on these on Friday.


comically dramatically frantically loudly crossly quickly kindly sleepily happily angrily simply slowly quietly gently humbly

Spelling at home tips.png

This week in Year 3

This week in our Galilee to Jerusalem branch we have been learning about the Epiphany and how Jesus revealed himself. We read the scripture from Matthew about the Baptism of Jesus and learned about other times Jesus revealed himself to us.

In English we have been retelling the story of Orion and the Dark, planning the story and using sentence openers to move the story forwards. The children have been working extra hard on their presentation this week, making their writing look beautiful on the page. Well done Year 3! | Tim Lamb and Christine Bian Talk 'MacGyvering Our Way to  Survival' on 'Orion and the Dark' - Mikros Animation

In Maths this week we have been revisiting the grid method for multiplication and solving word problems. It is important that we all know our times tables fluently. Practise these on Sumdog. We have changed the answering system from multiple choice to typed answers. Have a go.

In Geography this week we explored North America and its physical and Human features. We revisited the definitions of these and learned lots of new facts.

Cartoon Map. North America. Royalty Free SVG, Cliparts, Vectors, and Stock  Illustration. Image 36880684.

In History this week we were learning the differences between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. We found out that bronze was an alloy made from tin and copper and was much stronger than Stone Age weaponry.

Ages Ago (Stone, Bronze & Iron Ages) | Konflux Theatre in Education

In Science we have been looking at reflections and how these differ from sources of light. We also found out that light travels in straight lines.

Have a lovely weekend


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 17th January 2025

Date: 17th Jan 2025 @ 3:47pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow Clipart Images - Free Download on Freepik

We have had a jam packed week of learning!

Home Practice

Keep changing your books regularly and read for at least 15-20 minutes every night! 

Well done to everyone who completed their Sumdog challenges and even had some time to practise on the Sumdog Training. Three new challenges have been added today. Remember, little and often every night will benefit your children with their learning in school.

Try and do a little counting at home as well. This will promote number fluency and understanding. There are lots of counting games here at that we use in school. You will also find lots of counting songs on YouTube.

We have given out your home spellings to practice for next week's test. In our spelling lessons this week we have been revisiting our spelling strategies. We have been breaking our words into syllables to help us spell more accurately and using what we already know to spell new words.

Your Spellings this week are from the year 3/4 statutory spelling list.

fruit, grammar, guide, guard, heart, height, imagine, increase, interest, length, group, heard, history, important, knowledge, library

This week in year 3

In RE we are really enjoying learning about the three wise men and what happened to them on their journey to visit the baby Jesus. We made some puppets and recreated the story.

3 Wise Men Pictures | Free Download Clip Art | Free Clip Art ...

We have loved reading Orion and the Dark. This week we focused on non-fiction writing, looking at darkness and light and created some fantastic non-fiction reports on the dark. We explored our Whizz Pop Bang magazine to see how non-fiction reports are laid out and then shared our work with Year 2. Check out our gallery!

In Maths we have been learning how to use x10 to help us solve tricky problems. We have also revisited our partitioning model to multiply 2 digit numbers. Well done Year 3!

In Geography we conucted a map study of all the countries in North America and then recreated their some of their designs. We talked about the importance countries place on their flags and what the colours and pictures represent. Next week we will look at the human and physical geography of the continent. See our gallery!


In PE we started our Superheroes dance topic. We learned how to put emotion into our dances and showed fantastic teamwork to create our performamces. Super dancing!

Super Heroes Clipart Images – Browse 16,759 Stock Photos ...


Have a restful weekend

11,900+ Row Of Spring Flowers Stock Illustrations, Royalty ...

The Year 3 Team



Year 3 Friday Blog 10th January 2025

Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 10:48am

We’ve had a fantastic start to the Spring Term in Year 3! Happy New Year, and welcome back. It’s been lovely hearing about all the exciting things you got up to over the holidays.

25 Changes for 2025: What's New in France This Year? - FrenchEntrée

Home Practice

Please continue to read regularly with your children and remember to change reading books when needed. Regular reading is key to improving fluency, comprehension, and fostering a love of books.

In maths, we are practising counting in 8s. Fluency in these number facts will give the children the confidence to tackle more complex problems.

We have set three Sumdog challenges this week:
- The 8 times tables
- Addition and subtraction
- This week’s spellings

Remember, Accuracy + Speed = Fluency

Spellings for this week have been sent home and include words from Key Stage 1. Colours and Numbers!

Practising a little every night will make a big difference!

This Week in Year 3


We began our new book *Orion and the Dark* by Emma Yarlett. It’s a beautiful story about a little boy overcoming his fear of the dark. The children wrote wonderful letters to the Dark as Orion, expressing their fears and seeking comfort. Their writing was thoughtful and creative—well done, everyone!

Orion and the Dark: New DreamWorks film now on Netflix! : Emma Yarlett: Books


In maths, we learnt a new method called the compensating strategy which can help with addition and subtraction. This strategy requires great focus, and the children showed brilliant effort and problem-solving skills. Keep up the hard work!


Our new topic, “Galilee to Jerusalem,” began this week. We explored the story of the Magi in Matthew’s gospel. The children enjoyed discussing the journey of the wise men and the gifts they brought for baby Jesus.

Religious Education


We’ve started our new topic about North America! This week, we learnt about the countries on the continent and began exploring their unique features. The children showed great curiosity and asked lots of insightful questions.

North America Flag Map – Simply Canvas Art


On Thursday, we had a special visit from Lancashire Music Service. The children had the opportunity to try out brass instruments—a fantastic experience! Check out our gallery to see some wonderful photos of the session.

Brass Instruments for Needle Felted Characters


We’ve had a brilliant start to the term, and it’s wonderful to see the children’s enthusiasm for learning. Have a lovely weekend!

Rainbow Doodle by Marc Johns from Tattly Temporary Tattoos

The Year 3 Team.


Year 3 Friday 20th December

Date: 20th Dec 2024 @ 2:17pm

Welcome to the final blog of this term

We've had a lovely last week of term in Year 3!

On Monday, we were visited by the All Hallows Roadshow in church. 

On Thursday, we attended the Christingle service beautifully led by Year 6. 

We also spent the last week creating some super Christmas cards, finished our rocks and soils topics and made some fantastic 3D sculptures. Check out our galleries to see some of our learning from this week. 


We would like to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.

Over the holidays, remember to keep reading.

Thank you for all your kind gifts and messages. 


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday Blog 13th December 2024

Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 4:07pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

Where to Download Free Clip Art of Christmas Trees


What a busy week we've had in Year 3! Christmas card prints, The Rock Steady show and a brilliant production of Beauty and the Beast!


Home Practice

Keep reading every night with an adult or on your own. Talk about what you have read and explore new books, magazines and newspapers.

We have set two Sumdog challenges, one is practising time and the other is on the 8 times tables. We have seen a big improvement in fluency with times tables this week. Keep up the good work!

Your Spellings this week will have the ou pronounced /u/ 

young  courage  doubling  cousin  touched  rough  country  southern  trouble  couple  countries 

cousins  double  touch  colour  encourage  nourish  enough


On Wednesday, we are having our Christmas Jumper day and our Grand Christmas post!

We will also be finishing our animation topic this week so can you please send in one toy in with your child for their animation. Thank you.


This week in Year 3


This week we enjoyed listening to our Ice Palace story, and learning how to write speech using speech marks.

The Ice Palace – designer canvas print – Photowall

In maths we have been learning to tell the time to the nearest minute. We have been using the Mr Wolf App from teachers pet. A great game to teach the time!

Mr WOLF.png

In art we have been creating our own printing blocks from polystyrene and made some brilliant Christmas cards! Check out our gallery!

In history we learnt how people in the Neolithic period started to farm and rear animals. We also learnt why they built stone circles - to track the seasons to help them grow their crops.


On Friday we enjoyed the Rock Steady bands performances. Well done to everyone who took part. You were amazing!

Gif for the music band :: Behance

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 team!


Year 3 Blog Friday 6th December 2024

Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 2:42pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Kids Playing in Snow Clipart Vector Images (over 160)

We have had a great week in Year 3! We learned lots of new division strategies and finished our collage topic in art, using our skills to create some lovely Christmas cards.

Home Practice

It is lovely hearing about all the fantastic home reading and books the children are getting for Christmas. The children are all making fantastic progress and improving all their reading skills. Keep it up!

In maths this week, we learnt the grouping method for division with remainders Even though everyone picked up the method really quickly, a lot of us are still making mistakes with our times tables. Fluency in these will give your children the best chance to succeed when they meet trickier learning, as well as boosting their confidence! We have set some number fact Sumdog challenges on Sumdog this week.

Accuracy + Speed = Fluency.

Counting Practice - X3 

Your spellings this week all begin with auto-, super- and pre- . Try and practise a little every night.

supermarkerket, superman, superstar, autobiography, autograph, prehistoric, preface, prefix, automatic, automate, autonomy, predate, supermodel, supernatural, supernova

This week in Year 3

In RE this week we read the scripture about when Joseph was visited by an angel to tell him that Mary was about to have a baby. We created some lovely angels and talked about how Joseph must have felt.

Angel Outline - Etsy

In English this week we started our new novel The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. We explored letter writing and wrote a letter as Ivan to tell his parents where he had gone.

Ice Palace (Young Puffin) : Swindells, Robert: Books

We had a handball festival on Tuesday. Check out our gallery!

We had a great time doing our Santa Dash on Tuesday this week! See our gallery!

Santa Run gifs - Find & Share on GIPHY

Forest school - It was a wet and muddy afternoon in the nature area. We showed great teamwork and cooperation. We used willow to make a shape and then decorated it with wool, beads and wooden shapes. Great knot tying skills were shown.

Wilderness Knots: The Two Simplest Ways to Tie a Clove Hitch – Essential  Wilderness

In DT we explored 3D nets and discussed how we could use these to create some unique structures.
Have a lovely weekend
Snowy Ground with Trees PNG Clipart Image
The Year 3 Team!


Year 3 Friday Blog 29th November 2024

Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 6:14pm

Hello and welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow gif(1).gif

Everyone was amazing in our Advent Assembly! They sang and spoke brilliantly and put on a brilliant show to kick off the festive season.

Home practice

Keep up with your brilliant reading at home. The book fair visited and we recieved some free books for our class.

Your spellings this week all have the prefixes, tele, sub and re. Use your syllables strategy to spell the trickier ones!

redo, refresh, return, reappear, redecorate, subdivide, subheading, submarine, submerge, telephone, television, recount, rearrange, reassure, reassess

We have set 2 maths Sumdog challenges, one for your number facts and one for practising your multiplication and division.


This week in Year 3

This week we started our RSHE topic on friendships, exploring the social, physical and spiritual elements of the topic. You can find the slides for the topic here.


In English we have been reading How to Wash a Wooly Mammoth and writing our own instructions. We have explored verbs and prepositions and looked at how to lay out our work. 


In Maths we i've been learning strategies to divide numbers. We learned about grouping and how to use our times tables to help solve division problems.

In PE we had an intra-school handball competition. Everyone represented their houses brilliantly with Gregory coming out on top with two wins and six goals.


In art we looked at Matisse again and explored negative space and how to use stencils to create depth.

Have a lovely weekend


The Year 3 Team


Year 3 Friday Blog 22nd November 2024

Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 8:23am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

OG Rainbow Watercolor image 1

We have had a brilliant week in year 3, creating some fab Matisse inspired collages, playing our first games of dodgeball and going to the Parish Mass on Friday!

Home Practice

Continue with the brilliant home reading. We have loads of great school books in our Year 3 library, so keep changing your books and find something great to read.

We've set some new challenges on Sumdog. We continue to see improvements in number fact fluency. It is so important to know these when we meet new concepts in our maths. Keep up the regular practise!

Counting practise is also a great way to become familiar with the number system. Have a look at these counting songs.

Your spellings this week all have the prefix mis and dis. Remember to use your phonics and syllable strategies when attempting new words. 

disappoint   disagree   disobey   misbehave   mislead   misspell   misunderstand   misunderstood  

misfire   misguided   misuse     misspent    misplace    disgrace   disguise


This week in Year 3

This Friday we visited Fr Michael for the Parish Mass. Everyone was very respectful and asked some great questions about Fr Michael's new books!

St Joseph's Catholic Giftshop on Amazon 15 cms Wood Cross. Hand Painted Cross from Latin America. Risen Christ Cross.From

In English this week we have been reading Mammoth, Big Beast, Big city, Big Trouble! We have been writing in the first person as the mammoth and the people. It has been a great read! Next week we will be exploring non-fiction writing and reading How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.

Reader Q&A with Illustrator Adam Beer | Toppsta

In maths we have learned a new method to multiply, the grid method! Everyone showed great understanding of this and we learnt how to multiply up to 20 times a number. Next week we are learning some new strategies for division.

In Forest School, we used vegetable peelers to whittle some balsa wood. We used different thicknesses of wood to see what effects we could achieve. Someone asked for some sandpaper and had a go at smoothing the edges.

Whittling Basics, Part 1 | Popular Woodworking

We had a delicious hot chocolate to warm us up.
Please ensure your child has a warm coat and a hat, scarf and gloves in school as the weather gets colder. Girls can wear tights too.
In art this week we explored the cut out art of Henri Matisse. We met some artists and took a look around the Tate Modern. We then created our own designs inspired by Matisse. Check out our gallery.
Poem: Matisse Cut-Outs, and a nod to David Hockney | Andrea Skevington

Next week is our Advent assembly and we are looking forward to performing! We will send home a line for your child to learn on Monday. 

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday Blog 15th November 2024

Date: 15th Nov 2024 @ 2:21pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice

This week we have been working hard to explain and and summarise what we have read. Everyone has improved with these reading skills. Keep up the great home reading, 15 minutes every night!

On Sumdog we have set two maths challenges. One is a number competition that will challenge your children in all aspects of their number learning at their level. This is a good opportunity to practise all those number facts we neeed to know for all our maths learning!

We have also set a x3 and x4 multiplication practice. 

Your spellings this week are from the year 3/4 statutory word list. We looked at these today and spotted that using our syllables would help us spell some of these tricky words. We also said that we should look for patterns to remember parts of the word, like the -eme in extreme.

consider   continue   decide   describe   different   difficult   disappear   early   earth   eight   eighth   enough   exercise   experience   experiment   extreme   forward   famous

Keep counting, look back at our counting songs and have a go on some games from

This week in Year 3

This week we completed our second week of My Happy Mind. You will have received a letter today with the newsletter showing you how to access the parent resources. We learned about how our amygdala can override the other parts of our brain and make us panic, worry or feel strange. We learned how to do 'Happy breathing' to help wake up the other parts of the brain and calm ourselves down.

Bramble Infant School & Nursery - My Happy Mind

In English we have loved reading Stone Age Boy. This week we looked at retelling the exciting hunt and how we can order our ideas. We also looked at building suspense and talked about how different sentences make the reader feel. Everyone also edited their work, correcting any mistakes and improving their word choices.

Stone Age Boy: Kitamura, Satoshi, Kitamura, Satoshi:  9781406312195: Books

In maths this week we have learned the partition and the grid methods for multiplication, We used these to multiply 2 digit numbers. Everyone listened brilliantly to the explanations and could explain the method to a friend.

In PE we had a visit from Freddie Fit as well as continuing with our invasion games - hockey toplc. Check out our galleries.

Freddy Fit

In forest school, we had a great time in our nature area learning how to use tools safely. We raked up leaves and we also had all the shelter building resources out. We used the Kelly Kettle to boil water and made a drink of hot juice to warm us up.

In RE we have been learning all about the day of rest and created some lovely collages showing nature. Next week we will look at the Liturgy of the word and read some lovely scripture from Isaiah and Matthew.

In History we have been enjoying our Stone Age Topic. You can find an overview of the learning on the History page and some facts we will be learning below.

Stone Age Fact file.png


Have a brilliant weekend!

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 8th November 2024

Date: 8th Nov 2024 @ 2:49pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

It has been lovely having everyone back ready for an exciting half term of learning.

Home Practice

Continue with the fantastic home reading. 15 minutes a night!

We have set 3 Sumdog challenges for you to complete. Make sure you go on. The regular spelling and maths practise make a huge difference for your children.

Your spellings this week revisit some trickier words from Key Stage 1.

would  could   should   hear   here   night   father   where   mother   because   were    beautiful   said    people   water   friend   knight   children

Practise your counting regularly too. This will help your children become familiar with the number system and finding patterns in number.

This week practise counting up in 3s from any number and back again. 

This week in Year 3

On Friday, we had a special visit from Mr Turner from the Royal British Legion to talk to us about Rememberance Day and the poppy. He told us about his family and how his dad served during the war. The children listened brilliantly and asked some thoughtful questions.

Red Poppy Wire - Cairns RSL SubBranch 

This week we started our new My Happy Mind programme. Our first topic is all about meeting our brains. We learned some new vocabulary and talked about how our brain can grow (Neuroplastcity) and what the Hypocampus, Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex do! You can find more information on our My Happy Mind page on the parents area of the website.

My Happy Mind | Christ Church CE (VC) Primary School

We have been loving our new story Stone Age Boy. We have been adding in dialogue to the story and learning how to write speech sentences. Everyone has done brilliantly with this!

Stone Age Boy : Kitamura, Satoshi, Kitamura, Satoshi: Books

In maths we have been learning new ways to use our times tables to solve trickier number problems. We will be learning lots of new strategies linked to miltiplication over the next few weeks.

In art we started our new topic on collage and 'painting with scissors'. We looked at lots of different collage artists and created some of our own. 

In computing we created some fab animated characters. This was to kick off our animation topic where we will be learning some new skills in creating stop frame animation. Check out our gallery.

In forest school, we looked at some art by a Scottish environmental artist called Laurence Winram. We used his ideas to make our own leaf art by sticking leaves on tree trunks using honey as glue.

Have a great weekend

Clip on Poppy

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Blog Thursday 24th October 2024

Date: 24th Oct 2024 @ 4:10pm

Welcome to your end of half term blog

We have had a fantastic start to year 3 and are so impressed with how everyone has settled in and become juniors.

This week we completed our Journey stories and read them to year 2. We looked at how to start our sentences differently to add detail and move the story on. Everyone had a go at drafting their work and publishing it into their own book! Check out our gallery.

In maths we have been practising the formal methods of addition and subtraction and remembering to use our number facts to help us.

On Friday, leading on from our PSHE topic about relationships, we talked about our identity and what that meant to us. We then discussed how it was important not to share too much of your identity on line. We looked at some of our avatars and then created some of our own. Super Learning Year 3!


We collected sticks in the nature area. We had to look for sticks of roughly the same length and width.
We worked in our log circle to make our creations. We tied knots and turned the cross as we wrapped the wool to create a pattern. This activity promotes mindfulness and develps our fine motor skills.
Enjoy a well earned rest and we look forward to seeing you all again soon
Halloween Pumpkin Images – Browse 3,291,281 Stock Photos, Vectors, and  Video | Adobe Stock
The Year 3 team

Year 3 Friday 18th October 2024

Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 8:21am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

4,159 Animated Sun Images, Stock Photos, 3D objects, & Vectors |  Shutterstock

We have had a great week in Year 3! We have learned lots of new maths strategies and finished our Charcoal topic in art, using our skills to create some fantastic self portraits.

Home Practice

It was lovely hearing about all the fantastic reading you do at home on parents evening. The children are all making fantastic progress and improving all their reading skills. Keep it up!

In maths this week, we have been learning the formal written method for addition and subtraction. Even though everyone picked up the method really quickly, a lot of us were making mistakes with our number facts. Fluency in these will give your children the best chance to succeed when they meet trickier learning as well as boost their confidence! We have set some number fact Sumdog challenges on Sumdog this week. Accuracy + Speed = Fluency.

Counting Practice - X3 

Your spellings this week all have the same spelling rule. Try and practice a little every night.

crystal   pyramid   bicycle   oxygen   gym   symbol   cymbals   crypt   hymn   syrup   cylinder   lyrics   mystery   typical    gymnast   lynx   myth   Egypt   gymnastics   syrup

This week in Year 3

In English, we started reading the wordless book, Journey by Aaron Becker. We have ben exploring the scenes and learning how to use different sentence openers to improve our writing. Next week, we will be writing the story and visiting Year 2 with our published work.

The Journey Begins – signed print by Aaron Becker – Hope and Feathers  Framing

Year 2 came to visit us with their non-chronological reports about Owls. We were very impressed with their writing!

In PE, we have almost finished our invasion games unit. We have seen amazing improvement in everyone's tactics and ball skills. Next week, will be playing some games and evaluating our team's performances.

Netball Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

To finish our art topic we have created some fabulous charcoal self portraits. We looked at light and shade to create some 3d effects. Well done Year 3!

In Music this week, we have been composing our own version of The Carnival of The Animals. We worked in teams and will perform for Year 4 next week.

In Science, we learned about the skeletons of different animals and whether they had a back bone or not. We sorted these into invertebrates and vertebrates, and talked about how we knew which was which!

How to Draw a Cartoon Skeleton - Really Easy Drawing Tutorial

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 team.

Year 3 Blog Friday 11th October 2024

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 8:01am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow gif(1).gif

Home Practice

Mrs Woof and Mrs Lancaster have been so impressed with the progress everyone has been making in their reading. Keep reading every night for 10-15 minutes.

We have set 3 Sumdog challenges for home practice. A column addition practice, a x3 challenge and a spelling challenge. Your spellings are below. 

Continue to practise your counting at home. To build up fluency with the times tables count forward and back in 3s from 0 to 36.

forget   forgetting   forgotten  begin     beginning     beginner    prefer    preferred   gardening     gardener    limiting   limited   limitation   footballer     writer    writing    reading     reader

These follow the suffix rules and have multiple syllables. Remember to spell one syllable at a time to break up the word.

This week in Year 3

This week in English we enjoyed reviewing The Twits and started our new story Journey by Aaron Becker. We added speech to the wordless story and explored the feelings of the main character at the start of the story.

In maths this week we've been learning how to use the formal written method for addition. We learnt how to exchange our ones when using the column method. Next week we will be looking at exchanging tens and meeting the formal written method for subtraction.

In RE this week we have been reading the prayers written by Pope Francis about how we can take care of our planet. We talked about how doing little things can make a big difference and the children shared some lovely ideas.

We have been studying climate zones and what features each have. We also tracked the hurricane in Florida and had a good conversation about what causes these storms.

We've been further developing our tactics in some 4V2 invasion games. Everyone's ability defying space and working as a team has been fantastic. Well done Year 3!

On Monday, as part of Forest School, we went for a walk through our top field to spot the changes since we were last there. We spotted a few fungi, blanckberries and acorns. We then explored our log circle area.

What a brilliant week of learning!

Enjoy a well earned rest this weekend.

The Year 3 Team.

Year 3 Friday Blog 4th October 2024

Date: 4th Oct 2024 @ 3:58pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

We have enjoyed our harvest celebration this week and finished our Twits class novel.

Home Practice

Read, read and read some more. Everyone is making great progress with their reading and we're very pleased with all the book changing that is happening!

We have set 2 maths challenges for your Sumdog practice. We have been learning about bar charts this week, so there is a challenge to practise these skills. Also, we've set a x2,x5,x10 and x3 times tables practice. Try have ago on both! 

Keep counting as well. Here is a counting playlist to listen and sing along to.

Screenshot 2024-10-04 155908.png

For your spellings this week, we are revisiting the suffix rules. Have a go at practising these words, choose 2 or 3 a day. There is also a Sumdog Spelling challenge on these words.

This week in Year 3

We have loved reading The Twits! Lost of laughs and gasps and great discussion. We have written some play scripts and a letter to the Twits this week and on Monday we will be reviewing the story with our own book reviews.

In maths, we have learning to read bar charts and answer addition and difference questions using the information. The children have shown brilliant understanding with their maths learning this week.

In RE this week we read The Song of The Animals written by Saint Francis of Assisi. We talked about which parts of this poem showed how St Francis was thanking God for his creation and created some lovely art to accompany our ideas.

In art, we have been exploring texture and depth and used our skills to sketch some plants in torchlight. Check out our gallery.

In PE, we have been practising our throwing, catching and tactics in some 4V1 games. We also focussed on honesty and fairness when playing these games. Have a look in our gallery.

In geography this week, we explored the physical features of the UK using different maps. We discussed the differences between human and physical features and created our own physical maps of the UK.

In forest school this week we had a very wet and rainy session but we all had a great time.
We cored and chopped up apples, then mixed them with cinnamon, oil, oats and syrup. We cooked this over a fire and we all had some.
Some of us stayed in the meeting point shelter with blankets and books. Some of us invented our own games.
We had a lovely review at the end.
Have a lovely weekend
The year 3 team


Year 3 Friday Blog 27th September 2024

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 3:39pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

We have had a lovely week in Year 3. We've been very impressed with everyone's super listening!

Home Practice

Keep changing your books regularly and read for at least 15-20 minutes every night! 

Well done to everyone who completed their Sumdog challenges and even had some time to practise on the Sumdog Training. Three new challenges have been added today. Remember, little and often every night will benefit your children with their learning in school.

Try and do a little counting at home as well. This will promote number fluency and understanding. There are lots of counting games here at that we use in school. You will also find lots of counting songs on YouTube.

We have given out your home spellings to practice for next week's test. In our spelling lessons this week we have been revisiting our spelling strategies. We have been breaking our words into syllables to help us spell more accurately and using what we already know to spell new words.

Your spellings this week all cover the long ow/oa/o_e sounds. Good luck!

This week in Year 3

We have been looking at descriptive writing this week. We visited the Twit's home and garden and wrote some fantastic descriptions. Everyone has been trying to improve their handwriting and presentation, remembering to write on the lines and form our letters correctly. It makes a huge difference when our writing looks beautiful!  Amazing effort everyone!

The Twits - The House, The Tree and the Monkey Cage

In Maths we have been learning how to measure in mm and cm. We also learned about the perimeter of shapes and how to measure this. Super maths Year 3!

In Art we looked at chiaroscuro, which is an Italian art form exploring light and dark. We used our sketching pencils to create depth and form in our pieces.

Chiaroscuro Sphere | Art Education | Jessica Russo Scherr

In PE we practised our throwing and catching as well as feinting passes as part of our invasion games topic. We learned lob, chest and bounce passes and discussed when was best to use each. 

Netball Silhouette Vector Art, Icons, and Graphics for Free Download

In Forest School this week some of us had a go at stick wrapping with wool. This activity is very good for mindfulness and for developing our fine motor skills. We also tried to light a fire with the flint and steel again- some of us lit it first time which shows brilliant skill development. Eveyone's participation in the session was superb and we had a lovely review time at the end.

OG Rainbow Watercolor image 1

Next week we are celebrating harvest and are collecting food items to donate to the local food bank. Thank you for all the donations so far!

Have a lovely weekend.




Year 3 Friday Blog 20th September 2024

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 5:33pm

Welcome to your Friday blog


We have had a brilliant week in Year 3 with lots of learning in the sun!

Home Practice

Continue with your daily reading. The children are really enjoying picking their own books and changing them lots. 10 minutes every night will make all the difference.

On Sumdog this week we have set a times table challenge on the 3 times tables. A little practice with these every day will help your children become fluent in their number facts.

Continue to practise your counting. This week, try counting forwards and backwards in 5s from any 2 digit number. Can you spot a pattern?

We have also set an addition and subtraction challenge. This is to practise the learning we have done in school over the past few weeks.

Your home spellings this week are the days of the week and months of the year. We will test the children on these on Friday.

This week in Year 3

In English this week we have been really working on our think pinks. These are the individual writing skills your children are working on to improve their writing. We have loved reading The Twits. We have written in character this week and acted out some scenes from the story.

Helen's Roald Dahl challenge book 04 – The Twits | LeedsBookClub

In maths we have learning new strategies to add and subtract within 100. We learned how to use partitioning and a number line to solve our problems. Super maths Year 3!

Riseley CofE Primary School - Forest School

In Forest school we explored our nature area and noticed the changes that have happened since July. We played some fantastic games which showed super creativity and imagination. Mrs Marshall is our Forest School helper, and it was her first session with us this week. Some of us had a go at lighting a fire with the flint and steel. It's harder than it looks but quite a few children managed it and were pleased with their achievements- great determination was shown.


In Geography this week we learned how to use atlases to find settlements in the UK. Everyone showed great place knowledge and talked about some of the places they have visited. Check out our gallery.

File:Rotating earth animated transparent.gif - Wikimedia Commons

In music this week we were sorting our musical instruments. We also listened to the carnival of the animals and tried to spot the animals from their instruments.

In Science we were looking at the human body. We learned the names of a lot of bones and we learned what the bones are for, support, protection and movement. 

In swimming we used our noodles to help us to swim all around the pool by ourselves. Simon was very impresssed!

Top 10 swimming gif ideas and inspiration


Have a lovely weekend 

The Year 3 team




Back to School Online Safety

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 9:26am

With your children now back in school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership

We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find guides on new devices and WhatsApp.

To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.


Year 3 Friday Blog 13th September 2024

Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 3:41pm

Welcome to your Year 3 Blog

We have had a great first week in Year 3! We have been very impressed! Everyone has settled into the juniors and remembered all our new routines.

You are Amazing: Kaye, Alexa: 9781849539753: Books

Home Practice

Everyone has been given a reading book this week. Read a little every night, 10-15minutes. The regular routines for home practice will set your children up well for all future learning they meet. Little and often is the key!

We have set three Sumdog challenges, two maths and one spelling. Have a go at these. Try and do a little every night.

Do a little counting practise at home too. A little counting everyday has a big impact on your child's knowledge and understanding of the number system. This can be done with counting games such as counting tennis where you take turns, 1,2,3, where you say 1,2 or 3 numbers in a sequence and the winner reaches a target or just by singing some of our counting songs. Here is one we sang this week to practise your 3's.

Your spellings have also been sent home with some suggestions for practice and an activity to have a go with. This doesn't need to be handed in.

Your spellings this week are

house, glass, letter, skipped, puppet, door, duck, monkey, who, write, toy, tube, nurse, hair, eight, cakes, night, fruit, should, picture

This week in Year 3

In English this week we have started reading our class novel, The Twits by Roald Dahl. We read all about men with hairy faces, met Mr and Mrs Twit and read all about how they play pranks on each other. Everyone wrote some great pieces, describing the Twits and retelling their horrid tricks.

Pin on educate

In Maths, we have been learning about the place value of three digit numbers. Everyone showed good understanding and asked great questions in our lessons. 



We also continued our Art learning this week. We explored shape and space using charcoal and responded to different musical pieces to create our work. Have a look in our gallery to see some of our creations.


In our new Science topic we are exploring skeletons in animals and humans. We looked at a human skeleton and learned the scientific names for some of the bones in our body. We also learned that the human body has 206 bones and a newborn baby has more than 300! Here is some of the vocabulary we will meet in the coming weeks. 

Skeleton and muscles.png

In PE we started our invasion games topic with some throwing and catching practice and some 4v4 netball games. Mrs Cookson was very impressed with out teamwork. Well done Year 3!

In Forest School this week we explored around the log circle. We discussed why some of the trees had been cut down. We found many creatures including slugs, frogs and spiders. Some of us invented our own games which showed great imagination. Obstacle courses were constructed and the best performers (decided  by the course builders!) were presented with a trophy made from natural materials.


Thank you to all who attended the Meet the Teacher meeting on Tuesday. You will find the slides from the presentation attached below.

Have a lovely weekend


Watercolour Rainbow Splash Digital Download Art — Drawn Together Art  Collective - Art Prints London

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Final Blog - 19th July 2024

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 2:00pm

Happy Summer Holidays

Sun single clipart. Sun graphic. Yappy sun. Digital images, instant  download.

We have loved teaching your children this year. Their hardwork and brilliant attitudes to their learning has stood out!

Take a well eared rest over the Summer Holidays.

Remember to keep reading and using Sumdog as everything will remain open over the break.

We would also like to say a massive thank you for all your kind words and gifts from us all on the Year 3 team!

Happy Holidays!

Year 3 Friday 12th July 2024

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 3:46pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow Junktion

Home Practice.

Please continue to read every night. We will be collecting in books next week for the Summer holidays.

The Sumdog training features and all games are available this week. Go on and challenge yourself! We have also joined the Lancashire Sumdog tournament this week. See how high up the leader board you can get! We have also updated all passwords due to some children complaining about their avatars being tampered with. Please make sure you only use your own account and keep your passwords secret.

This week in Year 3

We have had a fantastic week at school this week. On Monday we watched Y6 and their amazing performance of Bugsy. You can see it too on our YouTube channel. On Friday we also had a blast watching our Rock Steady bands perform. They were amazing! Check out our galleries for some pics.

Gif for the music band :: Behance

In maths we have introduced decimals and recapped our fractions learning. Everyone had great understanding with this and asked great questions.

We made our sandwiches and had our very own judging session to evaluate our recipes this Friday. The children had some great ideas and showed super persistence when making their sandwiches.

Chef Walks - Animated Gif :: Behance

We hope you have been able to access all the wonderful learning on Seesaw this week. This will remain open until the end of term so make sure to check it out. If you’re having any issues logging in, let us know through the school office.

Have a great weekend

Flower Sticker - Find & Share on GIPHY

The Year 3 Team



Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
