Year 3: Blog items

Year 3 Friday 8th December 2023

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 8:00am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Advent Candle Clipart Four Candles Are Placed In A Wreath Cartoon Vector,  Advent Candle, Clipart, Cartoon PNG and Vector with Transparent Background  for Free Download

Home Practice

This week everyone has changed their book at least once. The reading bug is alive and well in Year 3!

Continue with your regular home reading and make sure you explore new authors, there are some fantastic new books out there.


For your online practice, we have set 2 multiplication challenges. Everyone was given their own times tables target to practise this week (check your Sumdog challenge). Make sure you know them inside out!

Keep up with your counting practice. It will help with your times tables recall. x3,x4,x8


Your home spellings this week all end with -ly. We explored this spelling pattern this week and tried to use more -ly words in our writing.

completely, bravely, slowly, quickly, unusually, carefully, finally, totally, weekly, vividly, truthfully, successfully


Next Wednesday is our final swimming lesson. Steve has been so impressed with the progress everyone has made and will treat us to a fun swim! Please don't forget your swimming kit!

Our annual Santa Dash is on Monday. Bring a Santa hat or costume. (We will have some spare)


In English we started our new novel, The Post Box Mystery by Robert Swindells. This is a classic mystery novel and the children are really enjoying it so far.


In maths we have been using the grid method to solve missing number problems and word problems. We have seen an improvement in the children's times tables speed and accuracy. Well done Year 3!


On Thursday we were treated to a live production of the Snow Queen. The children were stunned by the show. A brilliant theatre experience!


In history this week we have been using evidence and our interpretation skills to find out what the people in the paleolithic and mesolithic ages ate. We also created our own cave art using collage and stencilling skills. Have a look in our gallery.

Stone Age Technology by Ahmet Çukuryurt on Dribbble

On Friday we had our very own dance festival at St Oswald's! Check out our gallery. The video should be on StOswaldsTV soon!

Have a great weekend

6-8 years: Colours of the Rainbow - National Portrait Gallery

The Year 3 Team


Year 3 1st December 2023

Date: 1st Dec 2023 @ 4:09pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog!

Well done to everyone for their fantastic Advent Assembly! Everyone spoke and sang so clearly. What a lovely way to start the Advent season.


This week we finished our Journey stories. The children worked so hard on these, making their writing look beautiful and making their sentences flow together. Year 1 and Year 6 were amazed when we visited them. We got some great tips from Year 6! Super effort by everyone. Have a look in our gallery.

In Maths we have been learning to use the grid method to multiply teen numbers. Year 3 have shown great understanding with this. It is so important that we know our times tables fluently. It really helps with applying our new strategies when we know them! Keep practising!

In history we have been learning a little more about life during the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic periods. We explored some Mesolithic artefacts and talked about the difference between geologists and archaeologists. Have a look at your knowledge organiser below. We will be meeting all theses facts in the coming weeks.



This week in French, we continued with learning the numbers to 20. The children remembered these very well! We recapped numbers to 10 using the Learn French Through Music song, which got faster each time. We also matched the numbers 11-20 to the correct word and listened to the Alain le Lait song to help us.

In music, we sang We will rock you, the Stone Age song, accompanying with rhythms on stones. We sang the song from last lesson, Hey Ho Nobody home, and clapped the rhythm from notation, using Ta, Ti-Ti and Ta-ah. We practised our Carols for Christmas – Starry Night and O little town of Bethlehem. We finished with a new rhythm game – Don’t tap this one back.

On Monday we investigated some new mechanisms and designed a new one using 2 loose pivots and one fixed pivots. We also learned how to use a bridge to improve our linkage.

Home Practice

Continue to read regularly and talk about what you have read.

You can access all our counting songs by clicking on the view all blogs on the class 3 page. This week we have set a x8 times table challenge and a multiplication challenge for you to practise. You will know a lot of these already. Try and remember the trickier ones!

Your home spellings this week all end in -il or -al. There isn't a specific rule for these so see what patterns you can spot. We have been very impressed with the improved spelling this term.

gerbil, devil, evil, anvil, pencil, fossil, medal, metal, coastal, material, hospital, animal

Have a fantastic weekend


The Year 3 team


Year 3 Friday 24th November 2023

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 3:44pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

We have had a fantastic week of learning this week in Year 3. 

In English, we have started writing our own versions of the Journey, story by Aaron Becker. We have been focusing on presentation this week as well as sentence structure. Next week we hope to take our stories to year one and year six and publish them to the website.

In maths, we will be learning new multiplication strategies, including using partitioning to help us with trickier problems. Everyone is showing great understanding with this this is down to great listening and concentration in class. Well done Year 3!

In music, we started with a new song, Hey Ho Nobody home. We looked at how the rhythm was written and clapped the rhythm from notation. We learnt to sing thethird verse of We will rock you, the Stone Age song, accompanying with rhythms on stones. We discussed the different parts of the song – verse, chorus and instrumental. We played a rhythm game – Forbidden Rhythm. We began to learn carols for Christmas – Starry Night and O little town of Bethlehem.

We have also been practising our assembly this week. We have given out everyone a line to practice over the weekend. We are looking forward to to perform on Friday.

In art, we have been completing our collages based on the story journey by Aaron Becker. Have a look at our gallery which shows some of our artwork and the pictures we have used for inspiration.

This week we also completed our RSHE and RE topics. In RSHE we looked at friendships and how we can mend broken ones. We also finished our Baptism learning. Next week we will begin our topic on Advent and Preparations.

Home Practice

Continue to read every night. We have seen amazing progress in everyone's reading this term. Well done Year 3!

All the spellings this week have the le or el spelling pattern. Remember to use all your strategies to help you spell your words independently.

apple, bottle, candle, middle, bubble, giggle, vowel, tunnel, squirrel, tinsel, travel, camel

We have set 2 Sumdog challenges this week. One will cover number facts  and the other will be to practice your multiplication strategies.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 17th November

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 11:55am


Happy Friday everyone!

Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter are sleeping by the football pitch at PNE’s Deepdale Stadium this Friday 17th November. This is to raise money for a day centre called The Foxton Centre who provide food and warmth to the homeless people of Preston. Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter will sleep on cardboard and will only have with them what they can carry. This will give them an insight into how difficult it is for people sleeping on the streets, particularly as the nights are getting colder. We are all fortunate that we have food and somewhere warm to go to sleep every night, this is not the case for some people in Preston. Miss Smith and Mrs Dexter are asking for sponsorship, any donation would go a long way to help Preston’s vulnerable homeless community.  

You can read more and donate here:

Robot 78: Happy Dance Animated GIF Robot | TIM

We have had a brilliant week this week! We have had a visit from Freddie Fit and been singing lots in preparation for our Advent assembly in two weeks!

In English we have been reading the Journey and Quest books by Aaron Becker. These books have no words so we have been writing the action to match the story. It has been very exciting. Next week we will be creating a comic book of the story, looking at bringing the pictures to life with our words. You can watch these stories in the videos below.

Journey: Becker, Aaron, Becker, Aaron: 8601418331124: Books Quest, written and illustrated by Aaron Becker

In Maths we have been learning how to use our multiplication facts to solve problems. We looked at different arrays and used these to solve tricky times tables. We have set a Sumdog challenge to practice these strategies.

In this week’s French lesson, we learned how to count up to 20! We started the lesson by reviewing how to count up to 10 and used the Learning French Through Music ‘French Numbers’ song to remind us. We then learned up to 15, and then up to 20. We put some actions to some of the new vocabulary to help remember them and listened to the Alain Le Lait ‘French numbers 1 to 20’ song to help us. After this, we practised the numbers 10-20 by saying the number shown on the screen and by counting some items to say ‘Il y a ______’ = There are ________.

We have started our new DT topic this week. We will be looking at mechanisms, pivots and levers over the next few weeks developing ideas to make a moving picture. In Art we have been exploring drawing with scissors. We looked at some of Henry Matisse's art work and started to create out own pieces. We are using the amazing pictures from our Quest story books as inspiration. Check out our galleries.


We finished our geography learning on mapping and the UK. The children have really enjoyed learning about the geography of our home country. Next week we are beginning our Stone age history topic. We can't wait!

Caveman | Animated gif, Animation, Cartoon drawings

We continued with music based on our upcoming History topic, The Stone Age. We learnt to sing the second verse of We will rock you, the Stone Age song, accompanying with rhythms on stones. We revised the note – Ta ah from last lesson. We finished with a new rhythm game – Forbidden Rhythm.

Home Learning

Continue to read regularly and talk about what you have read with an adult.

Complete the Sumdog challenges, this week we are practising our addition and subtraction facts and our multiplication strategies. Below you will find a song to practice counting in 8s. Have a go!

Here are your home spellings for this week

decided, taking, serving, writing, making, driving, shaking , baked, giving, tiled, stored, using

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 3 Team





Year 3 Friday 10th November 2023

Date: 10th Nov 2023 @ 4:02pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog.

We have had another great week in Year 3.

In English, we have written our own story based on the book Ice Palace, trying to use adjectives and similes for description and adverbs to make the story more interesting.  The children have enjoyed finishing this complete with illustrations and cover page.

Ice Palace by Robert Swindells-Planning | Teaching Resources

In Maths we have continued to work on addition and are now learning how to do subtraction using formal written methods.

Formal Written Methods

In Art we have begun a study of L S Lowry’s painting ‘Coming from the Mill’ looking at shapes, lines and colours.  We are going to use these to make a collage inspired by this painting.

Coming From The Mill, 1930 Art Print by L.S. Lowry | King & McGaw

In Geography we looked at the counties, rivers and hills in the North West of the UK and found where Preston was.

North West England Map

This week in French, we started our new topic of Numbers 0-20. We started the lesson recapping numbers 0-5 and then 0-10. We listened to KidsTV123 ‘Numbers Song in French’ to help count up to 10. We sang this faster each time! Our first activity was to find the correct number for the French words, our second activity was to count fruit, and our third activity was to say which number was missing. We also listened to Learn French Through Music ‘French Numbers Song’ which also got faster each time! To show we knew numbers 0-10, we drew the right number of fish in a fish bowl and the right number of spots on a ladybird.


Home Practice

On Sumdog there are spelling and maths challenges.  Your spellings for this week are:

Playtime, birthday, background, ballroom, baseball, cupcake, doorway, eardrum, evergreen, chairman, patchwork, driveway.

Don’t forget to keep up with the fantastic home reading.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 3 team




Year 3 Blog Friday 3rd November 2023

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 3:41pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

We have had a great week back in Year 3 this week and the children have been very keen to continue their learning.

In English, we have been concentrating on the use of interesting vocabulary, using adjectives to add more detail to our writing and to show feeling and similes to describe landscapes.  We have used clues from the text and our imaginations to write predictions as to what we think might happen next in the story.  Now we have finished reading the book, we are looking forward to using these ideas to help write our own story.

Examples of formal written methods for addition, subtraction,  multiplication and division.

In Maths we have completed our work on bar charts and begun to look at addition and using formal written methods.

What is a Bar Chart? - Twinkl

In Science we have begun our topic on rocks and soils and in PSHE we are looking at keeping safe in the home and school; our bodies; hygiene; medicines and household products.  The children showed a good awareness recognising hazards that may cause harm or injury and what they should do to reduce risk and keep themselves (or others) safe.

Names of rocks and soils' Matching Cards | Twinkl KS2

In French, it was Halloween! We discussed whether some facts about Halloween in France were vrai o faux, we learned some vocabulary for typical Halloween things and were able to write the correct French word and English meaning for each picture in our books. We then played ‘What’s missing?’ and also had a chance to complete a French wordsearch with the Halloween vocabulary.

What Is Halloween? Origins, Meaning, and Traditions

Home Practice

On Sumdog there are spelling and maths challenges.  Your spellings for this week are:

after, father, improve, hour, eye, would, whole, many, busy, people.

Don’t forget to keep up with the fantastic home reading. Here is a reminder of the link to some Year 3 recommended reads if you want to extend your home libraries.

Have a lovely weekend!

The Year 3 team

Year 3 Thursday 19th October

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 2:01pm

Welcome to your weekly blog.


This week we have worked hard on our final artworks, using light and shadow to make some moody scenes. We showed these to Year 6 looked at their fantastic dog sculptures.

In English we have been enjoying the mysterious story The Ice Palace and following Ivan's journey through the ice forest. We will find out what happens in the next 2 weeks. This week we have been writing description and remembering our full sentences and careful spelling.

In our maths have been learning about bar charts and how we can use these to show information and solve problems. 

This week in our French lesson we finished our greetings conversation that we started writing in our books last week. This included saying hello, hi or good evening to someone, asking how they are, saying how they are, asking their name, saying their name, saying goodbye, see you later or nice to meet you. The children then completed a range of listening, reading and writing activities to show they have understood the vocabulary from this topic. Next half term, we will be ready to have some new sessions about numbers 1-20 (after we’ve learned about French Halloween!).

We also wrapped up our Science topic all on the human body and nutrition. We had a Kahoot! quiz and remembered lots of our learning from the past few weeks.

In our geography this week we investigated topographical maps which showed how high the land is in different areas. We explored the 3 peaks challenge and found lots of peaks from around the UK.


Home practice


Over half term continue to read regularly and access the Sumdog learning platform little and often.

Have a lovely, well earned rest and we will see you next half term.


The Year 3 team

Year 3 Friday 13th October 2023

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 12:47pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

🌈 Rainbows Everywhere 🌈 | Rainbow gif, Animation, Rainbow

We have had a great week in Year 3 this week. It was lovely chatting to you all about your children's learning at parents evening and I look forward to speaking to the reast of you next week. THe children are very excited to show off their learning.


This week we we have been reading deeper into the Ice Palace and learning how to add description and suspense into our writing. We have also been working hard on our presentation and sentence structure.

Robert Swindells: Ice Palace | Liszt Ferenc Zeneműbolt | Liszt Ferenc  Zeneműbolt

In Maths we have been learning about the perimeter of 2D shapes and started our topic on statistics. We have inroduced bar charts and compared these to the different charts we have met already.

via GIPHY | Youtube banner template, Chart infographic, Gif

In RE we have started our new topic on Promises which will look at Baptism. The children came up with some lovely contributions about how they keep promises and why their actions are important.

We are coming to the end of our Art topic exploring charcoal. This week we used the pictures from our novel as inspiration, looking again at light and dark when creating a scene. Check out our gallery.

Home Practice

Keep up with the fantastic home reading. Here is a link to some Year 3 recommended reads if you want to extend your home libraries. You can also find our reading VIPERS in our galleries that will help you with your questioning when listening to your child read.

On Sumdog we have entered the class into the lancashire contest. This will run all week and cover a range of topics. We have also set some times tables practice on the x2, x5 and x10. With these focus on speed as well as accuracy.

Here are your home spellings for this week


Spellings 13.10.png

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 team

Year 3 Friday 6th October 2023

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 8:07am

Welcome to your Harvest Blog!

Harvest food Vectors & Illustrations for Free Download | Freepik

We have had a great week of new learning in Year 3 this week and had a lovely harvest celebration in church on Friday. 

In English we started our new novel, The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. It is an enchanting tale of a boy called Ivan and an evil being called Starjik. We have looked at descrpition this week and using lots of different verbs to add feeling to our writing. 

Fantasy Ice Castle Images – Browse 4,569 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video |  Adobe Stock

On Thursday we celebreated National poetry day looking at the poetry of Michael Rosen and his poem On The Move Again. The theme of this years celebration was Refuge. We wrote some lovely poems on welcoming refugees and listened to stories and poems on displaced people.

Pin on Pericles- TSC

In Maths we have been looking at shape and measurement, learning all about right angles, metres, centimetres and  milimetres. We also have been partitioning measurements eg. 94mm = 9cm 4mm, 152cm = 1m 52cm. We have set a challenge looking at length, weight and volume. Have a go and try your best.

In RE we finished our Homes topic and created some lovely posters on a recipe for a happy family. Have a look in our galleries.

In Science we learned all about the major food groups and what makes up a healthy diet. We looked at the Eatwell plate and talked about what makes up our favourite meals.

The Eatwell Plate - Forum Health Centre

This week in our French lesson we reviewed the greetings we have learned so far. This included bonjour, salut, bonsoir, monsieur, mademoiselle, madame, au revoir and à bientôt. We listened to the ‘comment tu t’appelles?’ song from Basho & Friends and then practised a conversation with our partners to ask and say their name. We then learned how to ask and say how we are feeling… Ça va trés bien / Ça va bien / Ça va moyen / Ça va mal.

Home Practice

We have been very impressed with all the book changing that has been happening this term. We have seen lots of progress in everyone's reading. Keep it up!

On Sumdog this week we have set 3 challenges. Do what you can with these. If you finish or find them too tricky, you can access Sumdog Training which will set questions to practice weaker skills.

Your spellings this week are on the linked air/are/ear sounds. Your spelling challenges include unknown and tricky words to encourage your children to apply strategies we have taught in school. They also include your home spellings as it is also important your children learn to memorise some words to increase their spelling fluency.

We have introduced a new song this week to help learn your 4 times tables. Have a sing along at home to practice counting in 4s.

x4 .png

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 29th September 2023

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 3:52pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

We've had an amazing week in year 3 this week. We've learned lots of new things in maths, Science and Geography.

In English we have finished reading our book and written our own stories, describing how Muggle Wump outwitted the Twits. We published these and read them to Year 1. Have a look in our galleries.

In maths we have been learning to add and take away on a number line. We found this tricky, especially bridging through the next 10. We have set a number facts challenge on Sumdog to practise number facts to 20. 

In Geography we learned about the physical features of the UK and how maps differ from satellite imagery. We used Google maps and atlases to investigate some of the main physical features in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England.

In Science we explored some animal skeletons and tried to identify the different bones. We also learned the difference between vertebrates and invertebrates.

Home Practice

Continue to read every night. The children are getting much better at remembering to change their books. Well done Year 3!

All the spellings this week have the 'or/aw/au/ore/oor'  sounds. Unfortunately we are unable to set a spelling challenge on Sumdog this week so please have a go at some of the other practice ideas on the card.

We have set 2 Sumdog challenges this week. One will cover number facts to 20 and the other will be to practice your times tables.

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 team


Year 3 Friday 22nd September 2023

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 12:55pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

We have had an amazing week of learning in Year 3. Everyone is showing a brilliant attitude to everything we do and we are very impressed! We are really improving our listening skills and independent learning. Keep up the hard work!

watercolor rainbow isolated on white background vector illustration EPS10 |  Rainbow drawing, Watercolor rainbow, Rainbow tattoos

We have been looking at descriptive writing this week. We visited the Twit's home and garden and wrote some fantastic descriptions. Everyone has been trying to improve their handwriting and presentation, remembering to write on the lines and form our letters correctly. It makes a huge difference when our writing looks beautiful!  Amazing effort everyone!

The Twits - The House, The Tree and the Monkey Cage

In our maths learning this week we have been learning how to add and subtract 10s and 100s to three digit numbers. Next week we will be learning new strategies to add and subtract. Make sure you go on the Sumdog challenge as it is a warm up for the coming week's learning. 

In Science this week we explored the muscles in the arm and investigated how muscles can contract and relax and sometimes work in pairs.

Did you know there are over 600 muscles in the human body!


In Art we looked at chiaroscuro, which is an Italian art form exploring light and dark. We used our charcoal to create depth and form in our pieces. Check out our gallery.

In PE we practised our throwing and catching as well as feinting passes as part of our invasion games topic. We learned lob, chest and bounce passes and discussed when was best to use each. Have a look in our galleries.

In computing this week we explored different digital devices and what they can be used for. We debated whether it was best to use a digital or non digital devices in different scenarios.


Home Practice

Keep changing your books regularly and read for at least 15-20 minutes every night! 

Well done to everyone who completed their Sumdog challenges and even had some time to practise on the Sumdog Training. Three new challenges have been added today. Remember, little and often every night will benefit your children with their learning in school.

Try and do a little counting at home as well. This will promote number fluency and understanding. There are lots of counting games here at that we use in school. You will also find lots of counting songs on YouTube.

We have given out your home spellings to practice for next week's test. In our spelling lessons this week we have been revisiting our spelling strategies. We have been breaking our words into syllables to help us spell more accurately and using what we already know to spell new words.

Here are your spellings for this week.



Have an amazing weekend!

The Year 3 Team


Year 3 Friday 15th September 2023

Date: 15th Sep 2023 @ 12:51pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog


This week we have been working hard in all our subjects and are continuing to shine as juniors!

We have been enjoying The Twits and have been looking at speech in the story. This has helped us to write in full sentences, remembering to write one idea at a time. The children acted some scenes out and even wrote their own scripts. 


In maths we have been learning how add and take away 10s and 100s. We have also been working hard on our place value and explainging our ideas. This has been tricky but everyone has worked hard and made super progress with their learning this week. 


In our PE we have been learning some new tactics and strategies to pass the ball in a game of netball. We explored bounce, chest and lob passes as well as working as a team.


In our Geography learning we have been finding out about the counties of England and describing where they are located using our geography vocabulary. Here is a knowledge organiser showing the learning we will be meeting in the coming weeks.


uk knowledge organiser 2.png

In our Science we planned an investigation asking if longer arms resulted in longer throwing distances. We deecided to meassure our arms and see if the longest arms threw the furthest. After taking our experiment outside we found out that arm length and throw length we not linked. We then talked about what we could test next. Super Science Year 3! Check out our gallery.

Pin on reference

This week in French our lesson was all about ‘La France’. We looked through some photos and information about France, discussing each point and sharing what we already knew. This included: the French flag, the French Speaking World, the location of France, the capital city of Paris, La Tour Eiffel, Le Sacré Coeur, Notre Dame, Les Champs Élysées, Le Louvre, La Siene, Disneyland, the Euro currency and some typical French food. The children then designed their first page in their books to show everything they knew about ‘La France’.

Home Practice


Read every night for at least 20 minutes. Regular reading is a great habit to get into. It will make all the difference as your children move through the juniors, allowing them to access more and more of our curriculum.

Pin on Pusheen


Your children will have brought home a spelling card with their spellings to practise.

We have been learning to apply our phonics knowledge to our spellings and finding patterns. 

We have also added some ideas on how to practise these at home. They are also available on Sumdog, practising little and often is the key!



We have set two maths challenges this week on Sumdog. Please practise the three times tables to improve accuracy and recall speed. We have also set a challenge on reading and counting three digit numbers.

Please also practise counting regularly to build up number fluency.

Count forwards and backwards in 10s from any 3 digit number. 

Eg. 157, 167, 177,187, 197, 207


Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 8th September 2023

Date: 8th Sep 2023 @ 4:32pm

Welcome to your Year 3 Blog

We have had a great first week in Year 3! We have been very impressed with how everyone has settled into the juniors and remembered all our new routines.

You are Amazing: Kaye, Alexa: 9781849539753: Books

In English this week we have started reading our class novel, The Twits by Roald Dahl. We read all about men with hairy faces, met Mr and Mrs Twit and read all about how they play pranks on eachother. Everyone wrote some great pieces, describing the Twits and retelling their horrid tricks.

Pin on educate

In maths we have been looking at the place value of three digit numbers. Everyone showed good understanding and asked great questions in our lessons. 

On Friday Fr Michael came to visit and welcomed us back to school. We told him all about our new RE topic, Homes, and what we will be learinng about.

Welcome Home | Greetings Cards Delivered | Bunches

We also started our Art learning this week. We explored shape and space using charcoal and met Laura Mc Kendry who showed us how she used gestures and charcoal to draw dogs. Have a look in our gallery to see some of our creations.

Dogs · Laura McKendry

In our new Science topic we are exploring skeletons in animals and humans. We looked at a human skeleton and learned the scientific names for some of the bones in our body. We also learned that the human body has 206 bones and a newborn baby has more than 300! Here is some of the vocabulary we will meet in the coming weeks. 

Skeleton and muscles.png


Home Practice will begin from next Friday. Sumdog is still available and continue reading your new books!

Watercolour Rainbow Splash Digital Download Art — Drawn Together Art  Collective - Art Prints London

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team



Back to School Online Safety Tips for Children

Date: 30th Aug 2023 @ 11:55am

With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas. 

Self image and identitiy

Online relationships

Online bulllying

Health, Well-being and lifestyle

Online reputation

Managing online information

Copyright and ownership

We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find a guide on some back to school online safety tips for children.

To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.

Back to school Tips Online Safety.png

Click to View

Year 3 Blog 20th July 2023

Date: 20th Jul 2023 @ 2:27pm

Welcome to your final blog of Year 3


We have had a lovely week to finish off our Year 3.

With the help of Year 6 we made our sandwiches and had our very own judging session to evaluate our recipes. The children had some great ideas and showed super persistence when making their sandwiches. Check out our gallery.

We both would like to say a huge thank you for your kinds words and gifts. It has been a pleasure to teach your children this year and we have been very impressed with their attitude and growth through the year.

Have a well earned rest Year 3 and have a safe and happy holiday with your families.


The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 14th July 2023

Date: 14th Jul 2023 @ 3:11pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog


We have had a fantastic week at school this week. On Monday we watched Y6 and their amazing performance of Oliver. You can see it too on our YouTube channel. On Friday we also had a blast in our Super Learning Day. We played footgolf, made journey sticks, woven turtles, and much more. Check out our galleries for some pics.

Next week, to finish off our DT topic on food, could you please send your child in with the ingredients to make one sandwich. They have designed their own creations which will be judged in class by the other children. We will supply the equipment needed and will be making these on Wednesday afternoon  morning. 



In English we read all about Little Witchery and Toby had some tricky decisions to make once again. We also created some non chronological reports on all the different species of penguins as part of our Geography learning. We learned some very interesting facts!

In Maths we have been looking at 2D shapes and learning all about acute and obtuse angles. We revisited some of our shape vocabulary from earlier in the year. 


In French, we learnt to play Rock, paper, scissors in French and then we played a hoop hop version outside. Great fun! We also talked about La Fete Nationale or Bastille Day on the 14th July - why and how this is celebrated in France.   
I would like to thank the children for being such brilliant language learners. It has been a pleasure to teach them French and watch them gain confidence as French speakers.  Just think how good they will be if they keep it up! 
In Science, we learned about the dangers of sunlight and how we can protect ourselves. We tested different sunglasses and suncreams to see how well they filtered out the harmful rays. Super scientists - well done!
Home Practice
Continue to read every night. It is important to keep up with your regular reading over the holidays too, have a look at the library reading hero challenge here.
Visit Sumdog and take part in the Lancashire Sumdog Competition and show off your maths skills!
Have a great Weekend and we hope to see you all on Saturday at the Summer Fair.

Year 3 Friday 7th July 2023

Date: 7th Jul 2023 @ 8:16am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Digital-sun GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

This week we have had a great week of learning. We have had our final yoga session with Katie and enjoyed exploring outdoor Art in our Art week. We also had two moving up mornings in Year 4. Mrs Tipping commented on how well behaved and eager Year 3 were in finding out about their new class! Well done Year 3!

Today we have sent out your end of year reports. You will find a QR code at the bottom to get access to your child's seesaw account. Just download the seesaw app, create an account and scan the code. We will keep this live until the end of the school year. Enjoy seeing a little more of what we've been learning this year.

In our class novel we have reached Little Witchery, the mysterious witch kingdom in the sky. We found out what the S.M.I was, (the Society of Magical Investigation) and Toby had a few difficult decisions to make. 

Witches-brew GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

In Maths we have finished our Decimals topic, and learned how to count forwards and backwards in tenths. Everyone showed great understanding with this.

In Art we met Frances Hatch and looked at her landscape pictures and how she used natural materials to create her pieces. We also made some colour palettes and visual drawings. Check out our gallery.

In French, we concentrated on phonics - the sounds are different in French. We went on a treasure hunt to find words and grouped them according to the sounds in the words. We made sure we could read them all. Learning actions to go with the sounds really helps. 
In Science, we found out what shadows are and how we can change them. The children carried out a pattern seeking investigation to see if there is a link between the distance the light source is from the object and the length of the shadow. This linked into our Art week learning too with the art of Anne Atkins where we explored cyanographs and had a go at making our own shadow art.
Hand work GIF - Find on GIFER
Home Practice.
Read read and read again! Continue with the great reading habits you have had all year. Today we had a visit from the library to introduce their summer reading scheme. It looks great, pop into the library to find out more.
We have set 3 challenges on Sumdog. Keep preactising your number facts and spelling.
Here are your spellings for this week. These will be the last home spellings of the year but there is still plenty of practise available on Sumdog Training.



Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you all next week!

Happy Friday Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHY

The Year 3 Team!

Year 3 Friday 30th June 2023

Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 2:01pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog!

Rabiscosdaquarentena Rainbow Sticker - Rabiscosdaquarentena Rainbow Arco  Iris - Discover & Share GIFs

We have had a fun filled week of learning in Year 3 this week. On Monday we were visitied by the brilliant poet. Ian Bland. He taught us how to write Kennings and read us some of his hilarious poems.


In English we have really enjoyed our new story. We have met some new witches and learned a lot more about the mysterious S.M.I. We focused on descriptive writing this week and are using some great openers to our sentences.

Animated Witches Image Gifs

In Maths this week we have been learning about decimals and how they are related to fractions. We have been partitioning mixed numbers and comparing our decimals.

In Art this week we have glazed our canonic jars ready for going home. They look great! Next week is Art week and our class will be using natural materials to make images.

This week we did our yoga session outside with Kate. We learned some positive affirmations and balance poses. Have a look at our gallery.

Yoga by EB Park on Dribbble

We also had a fabulous Sports Day on Tuesday. Everyone outperformed their personal bests and showed great attitudes and teamwork. Aidan came out victorious but every house was amazing.


In French, we practised giving our opinion of different ice cream flavours and asked others their opinion. We played a game to reinforce the vocabulary. Then we talked about the Tour de France which starts this Saturday, and designed a new jersey. The children looked up some new vocabulary in bilingual dictionaries - a  great skill when learning a language. 
In science, we tested different materials to see if they reflected light well or not. We talked about when we should wear reflective clothing to be seen and be safe. 
Light Reflection GIF - Light Reflection Refraction - Discover & Share GIFs
Home Practice
Continue to read every night. We have been talking this week about how reading can help with so many areas of learning, including spelling and sentence writing.
Corpus Christi RC Primary School - Reading at Home
We have set 3 Sumdog challenges this week on fraction, times tables and on your spellings. This week we have been looking at using phonics to spell and reading our words to check our spelling.
Here are your spellings 












Have a great weekend

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday Blog 23rd June 2023

Date: 23rd Jun 2023 @ 11:15am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Springboard on Twitter: "Happy Friday Friends! We hope you enjoy this  Spring weather and have a safe weekend. #FridayFeels" / Twitter

This week we have loved reading deeper into our new novel, Toby and the Silver Blood Witches. It has been very mysterious and we're still not sure what is going to happen.

Witchy GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY 

In maths we have finished our multiplication and division learning. We talked about our strategies for division and why we use certain methods. We had lots of good ideas and explanations on why we chose our methods. Next week we are introducing decimals and have set a fractions challenge to prepare for this learning on Sumdog.

In yoga we learned some paired yoga poses and worked hard on our team work. It was great fun!

Yoga Animation by Sibin K Devassia on Dribbble

In Geography we explored Antarctica in more detail and used a report to learn more and create our own fact files.

In French, we learnt how to say 6 ice cream flavours and give our opinion of them - either I love, I like, I don't like or I hate.... We looked at the phonic sounds in 'vanille' and 'menthe' and added actions to help us remember how to pronounce these words. 
van leeuwen ice cream GIFs on GIPHY - Be Animated
In Science, we recapped parts of the flower and their part in reporoduction. Then we moved on to investigate the need for light to see. A common misconception is that we can see in the dark once our eyes adjust but if there is complete darkness, we cannot see anything. The children made predictions then tested how easy it was to see various items in varying levels of light. They understood that darkness is the absence of light. 
Light-bulb-sticker GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY

Next Tuesday is our sports  day. We are looking forward to it and have practised lots to make sure we are at our best on the day!

We no longer need shorts and t-shirts for swimming. Normal swimming kits from now on. 

Well done to you all on an amazing Tough Kidder. Keep an eye out for our galleries!

Home Practice

Keep reading your school books for at least 15 minutes a night. 

In maths practice counting forwards and backwards. See our previous blog posts. Everyone is showing great improvements with their knowledge of the number system. Keep it up!

On Sumdog, have a go at the challenges. We have set a Times tables and a fractions challenge.

Your spellings this week are...

















We will send out the spelling cards on Monday

Rainbow | LearnEnglish Kids

Have a great weekend

From the Year 3 Team!

Year 3 Friday 16th June 2023

Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 8:19am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Keep Shining GIFs | Tenor

This week we have been enjoying all our learning, even with the warm temperatures. We have had our second yoga session with Katie and loved dancing in our Dance from the Heart performance.

In English we have been reading our new story, Toby and the Silver Blood Witches. We have met Toby and his friends Jazz and Roger and learned all about how he cares for his mum and how he has met strange woman in his attic. This story is filled with suspense and mystery and we can't wait to find out what happens.

In maths we have been revisiting our multiplication and division strategies. Some of us have found this tricky but tried hard to remember our number facts and methods. Next week we will continue to work on multiplication and division problems so have a go at the bumper times table challenge on Sumdog to improve your child's flency when it comes to their number facts.

In our computing learning we have been learning all about events and using these to create our own games. You can play some of our flappy bird creations in the gallery we posted earlier this week. We are currently working on a chasing game. We hope to publish some of these next week. 

Pixilart - flappy bird gif by trewfdsa

In French, we put the last few weeks of learning together to make a dialogue at the zoo, asking a partner where different animals are using 'sont' for are, and where the cafe or lake is, using 'est' for is. Then we played a game with animals to remind us that colour words go after the noun. Finally, we enjoyed our favourite song - Le Rock and Roll des animaux!
Can't go to the zoo? Visit one virtually then! - Wild Animal Health Fund
In Science, we learnt that magnets have a North and South pole, and that opposite poles attract and the same poles repel. Then we classified materials according to whether they are magnetic or non-magnetic. We discovered that magnetic materials are always made of metal, but not all metals are magnetic.  
Then we moved on to a new topic about Light. We learnt about sources and reflectors of light and that we need light in order to see. We understood that darkness is the absence of light. There was lots of great discussion and investigating - well done Y3. 
Magnetic Force GIF - Magnetic Force Physics - Discover & Share GIFs

Home Practice



Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.



This week we have noticed although everyone is improving with the recall of their times tables, we need to improve our speed. We have set a 200 question times table challenge on all your year 3 times tables. Quick and accurate recall will help your child with their resoning when solving multiplication and division problems.



Next week we will learning the different pronunciations for the 'ou' spelling pattern. We will also be revisiting our compund words and spelling strategies. Here are your spellings.


ou spellings.png

Have a lovely weekend and a happy Father's day to all the Dads and Grandads 

6-8 years: Colours of the Rainbow - National Portrait Gallery

The Year 3 Team


Year 3 Friday 9th June 2023

Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 8:23am

Welcome back to our final half term in Year 3

This term we will be preparing the children for Year 4 and doing some fantastic final topics in Geography, RE, Art and DT. We will also have our Sports Day and Tough Kidder to look forward to! 

Primary 1 - Summer Sunshine

This week we have finished the BFG. What an amazing book! We wrote some persuasive letters to the Queen to help stop the giants and we corrected the BFG's writing from his dream labels. Great work Year 3!

The BFG (2016)

In Maths we finished off our addition and subtraction topic with a huge focus on how we solve problems. We talked about when we can do calculations in our head and when do we need to use a jotting or a formal written method. Everyone could give reasons for why they chose different strategies and how they came to an answer! Super maths!

In French, we learnt how to give an opinion about animals using j'aime and je n'aime pas. We sang le Rock and Roll des Animaux - a favourite song! 
In Science, we began a new topic about Forces and Magnets. We compared how things move on different surfaces and learnt that there are contact forces (eg friction) and non-contact forces (eg gravity). We explored magnets to learn about poles and whether all metals are attracted to magnets. 
Science Clipart - magnet-wrench-animation - Classroom Clipart
On Monday we started Yoga with Katie from the Lancashire Sports team. We learned how to do a sun salutation and began to create a yoga sequence. This links brilliantly to our gymnastics work from earlier in the year. Have a look in our galleries.
This week we also finished our History topic on the Ancient Egyptians. We learned all about the reign of Ramses II and how he strengthened the Egyptian Empire. We also learned of how the Egyptian empire came to an end with the invasions by Alexander the Great and later, the Romans. We also learned a little about Cleopatra and Marc Antony.
Next week we will be starting our Geography topic on the Polar Regions.
Polar Bear GIFs |
Home Practice
Keep up with the great reading! Grab a book and sit in the garden or make an outdoor reading spot.
We have set 2 Maths challenges on Sumdog. One on your times tables and one on addition and subtraction.
Your spellings are as follows. We have been looking at when we need to double the last letter before adding a suffix. The rules aren't very clear so we talked a lot about how by doing lots of reading you can spot when a word doesn't look quite right. This helps us become even better spellers.


Spellings 9.06.png


Have a lovely weekend in the sun.

6-8 years: Colours of the Rainbow - National Portrait Gallery

The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 25th May 2023

Date: 25th May 2023 @ 3:04pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog and Happy Half Term holiday!

Rainbow Thank You Sticker for iOS & Android | GIPHY

This week we have loved reading the BFG. We have been comparing the book to the cartoon and live action film and using these to help us create some lovely pieces of writing. Have a look in our galleries.

Why The BFG Is Roald Dahl's Most Important Story Ever | Fandango

On Thursday we had our latest Wonderful World assembly. We read the Little people, Big Ideas biography on David Attenborough. We discussed how we can look after our world and the creatures that we share it with. Our Wonderful World scrap book looks brilliant now. Have a look at our gallery.

David Attenborough - Little People, BIG DREAMS

In Maths we have been looking at differnt strategies we can use to add and subtract. We also looked at some number sequences and used our number knowledge to solve some problems.

In Science, we completed the plants topic by looking at seed dispersal and the whole life cycle of plants. The children demonstrated their learning by finding dandelions at each stage of the life cycle and putting the plants into order. They annotated the poster with all their learning from the last few weeks. Great job, Year 3!

Dandelion GIFs | Tenor

On Thursday, we went out into our outdoors and created some stick art. We collected some sticks and decorated them using cotton and natural materials. We learned how to tie a simple knot and showed great perserverance when things got tricky. You can see some of our work in our gallery.

Sticks and KNots.jpeg

We also moved onto the next step of our 3D clay models in Art. We created some miniature models of Egyptian Gods using joins with our clay and experimenting with surface patterns and textures.

Continue to read everynight and spend a little time practising your maths and spellings on Sumdog.

We hope you all have a lovely half term break in the sun.

The Year 3 Team.

13,328,800+ Sunshine Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock  | Sunshine background, Sun, Sunrise


Online Safety Update - Roblox

Date: 23rd May 2023 @ 12:10pm

Image result for roblox logo

We have noticed a growing number of children from all classes accessing this platform and so here is a guide on how to use the platform, including what potential risks come with allowing your children on Roblox.


Roblox Guide 2.jpg


Below you will find a link to join the National Online Safety platform and gain free access to a huge range of videos, resources and support, incuding filtering and the best ways to monitor your child's online activity.

Year 3 Friday 19th May 2023

Date: 19th May 2023 @ 12:57pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Happy Sunny Day Sticker by Lavi - A Day To Make for iOS & Android | GIPHY

We have had a lovely week in Year 3

We have started our new book, Roald Dahl's BFG. We have been using to book and exploring Dahl's writing style to create some great desriptive pieces of writing. We have described The Witching Hour, from chapter one and been drafting a character description of the BFG himself.

Next week we will be watching some clips from the live action movie which has a PG rating. If you don't want your child watching the movie, please notify the school office and we will provide an alternative.

Pin by Kieran Stone on GIFs | Zelda characters, Character, Disney characters

In maths we have been doing some tricky learning on column additon and subtraction. We have been looking at how to exhange and estimate to help us check our answers. We have set some new maths challenges on Sumdog to practice our maths skills and improve our number fluency.

In French, we read some short texts in French  about pets to see if we could understand. Then we went on to read an advert for a zoo and drew the animals that could be seen there. Next week, we will try to write a tour of our zoo!
Premium Vector | Zoo cartoon illustration with safari animals on forest  background
In Science, we learnt how fertilisation takes place in plants after pollination, then how seeds are dispersed in different ways. We discussed how the design of the seed helps in dispersal.  Our cucumber and courgettte seeds are beginning to germinate so they will soon be ready for planting out in the polytunnel. 
Time-for-planting GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
Home Practice
Continue to read every night. We have been talking this week about how reading can help with so many areas of learning. The children had some great ideas.
We have set 3 Sumdog challenges this week on number, times tables and on your spellings. This week we have been looking at homophones and discussing what rules we use to spell.
Here are your spellings - piece, peace, knot, not, break, brake, accept, except, plain, plane, whether, weather
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team

Year 3 Friday 12th of May 2023

Date: 12th May 2023 @ 4:03pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow Clipart. Free Download Transparent .PNG or Vector | Creazilla

This week has been jam-packed with exciting learning opportunities in our classroom. We finished reading the thrilling mystery story, 'The Deathwood Letters', and were inspired to write our own news reports about the kidnapping case. We put our writing skills to the test as we used evidence from the letters to build our case.

Spinning Newspaper Gif

In maths, we have been focusing on telling time and solving time-related problems. We learned about the different parts of a clock and how to read both analogue and digital clocks. We also worked on calculating durations and figuring out how much time has passed between different events. We are proud of our progress in this area and excited to keep practising.

In art, we learned about the technique of shading and used it to make our drawings appear three-dimensional. We were amazed at how much depth and realism we could add to our artwork simply by adding shadows in the right places. We can't wait to continue exploring this technique in future art lessons.

6 shading techniques for your drawings - ARTiful: painting demos

In our swimming lessons, everyone is doing very well. We have been working on building our confidence in the water and refining our swimming strokes. We are all excited to show off our skills to our families and friends.

Swimming boy by KellerAC on DeviantArt

In History, we delved into the fascinating topic of how Ancient Egypt was invaded. We learned about the different groups of people who invaded Egypt and the challenges that the Egyptians faced in trying to defend their land. We discussed the importance of understanding the past and how it shapes the world we live in today.

Finally, in Science, we went outside to explore the natural world around us. We found different kinds of seeds and recorded our observations in our nature journals. We discussed the different ways in which plants reproduce and the role that seeds play in the life cycle of a plant.

Earth Day Growing Flower From Seed GIF |

Overall, it has been a busy and rewarding week. We are proud of all that we have accomplished and are excited to see what the next week will bring.


Home Practice


Keep reading your school books for at least 15 minutes a night. 

In maths practice counting forwards and backwards. See our previous blog posts. Everyone is showing great improvements with their knowledge of the number system. Keep it up!

On Sumdog, have a go at the challenges. We have set a Times tables, Time and Spelling challenge.

Your spellings this week are...


















Have a lovely weekend and we will see you on Monday

Moving Sunny Day Sticker by Christine Polz for iOS & Android | GIPHY

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
