Year 3: Blog items
Year 3 Friday Blog 5th July 2024
Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 3:42pm
Welcome to your Friday blog
completely bravely slowly quickly unusually carefully finally totally weekly vividly truthfully successfully
This week in Year 3
This week we finished our novel Finding Alfie. We wrote some fantastic book reviews, our best yet!
In Maths, we revisited our division strategies and found them a lot more manageable! Great remembering and applying your knowledge Year 3!
In RE, we discussed the special places Jesus had in his lifetime. We read some scripture to remember why these places were special to Him.
In Science, we created some quizzes about plants and showed off all the learning we've picked up this term.
In Art, we made some brilliant Cyanotograph prints using natural materials. These are still developing and you'll see them next week! They're brilliant!
This week in DT we deconstructed and reconstructed some sandwiches, exploring the methods we'll need to make our own. On Monday, we will be sending home the sandwich designs we have made.
On Friday, can the children please bring in the ingredients to make their sandwich (x1). We will be then carrying out a tasting session and evaluating our work as a class, Masterchef style!
Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you at the Summer Fair tomorrow at 12.30!
The Year 3 Team
Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 7:57am
Welcome to your Friday blog
We have had a fun filled week of learning in Year 3 this week. We enjoyed Super Learning day and started to design our own Sandwiches for our Food Technology DT topic.
Home Practice
Continue with your wonderful reading every night. The regular reading this year has really had a huge impact on all your learning this year, across the curriculum. Well done!
Your maths and spelling challenges are live now. Do your best to complete these and challenge yourself with some training!
Continue to practise counting at home. Sing our songs and play our games. Deep understanding of the number system will help your child tackle more complex maths next year and beyond!
Your spellings this week are from the statuatory year 3/4 word list. Do your best with these, and try and learn as many as you can, remembering your spelling strategies.
This week in Year 3
We have been enjoying listening to Finding Alfie this week. We found out that he was a D-Day hero and saved an entire family during the war. Next week we will finish the story and write newspaper reports about Michael and his adventure.
In Maths, we have been fine tuning the grid method for multiplication by using the inverse to find missing numbers. This was tricky, but will improve our understanding of the method for future learning!
On Thursday, we celebrated our annual Super Learning Day, when the children got to take part in a range of activities from meditation, traditional playground games and bowling, to foot golf, forest school and much more. Check out our gallery!
On Friday, Fr Michael invited us to celebrate the parish mass. The children were very respectful and enjoyed Fr Michel's sermon about being a good person.
In Science, we started an experiment to find out how flowers and plants absorb water to help them grow. We are patiently waiting for the results!
Your child's Seesaw account will be made live for a couple of weeks at the end of term. You will be able to access this using a QR which will appear on your child's report.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 team
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 4:00pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Keep reading your school books for at least 15 minutes a night.
In maths practice counting forwards and backwards. See our previous blog posts. Everyone is showing great improvements with their knowledge of the number system. Keep it up!
On Sumdog, have a go at the challenges. We have set a times tables and a multiplication challenge.
Your spellings this week are...
This week in Year 3
We are loving our novel 'Finding Alfie'. The main character is in France trying to find more clues as to who Alfie was. We have written some brilliant pieces including a letter home from Michael describing his adventure.
In Maths, we have been revisiting the grid method and number sequences. The progress everyone has made in maths this year is amazing. The mental maths and number fluency has really improved. Well done Year 3!
In Art, we have been using natural materials to make collages and pictures. Check out our gallery.
In PE, we have been learning new striking skills in our tennis topic. We practised 'catching' the ball on our racket and then passing it to our partners. We attempted some rallies and a bounce pass with the racket. Super PE!
We have also been practising our dance for the Dance From The Heart Roadshow which is coming soon.
Year 3's Seesaw will be open for the final 2 weeks of term. You will receive a QR code on your child's report to access their Seesaw learning from this year.
Have a great weekend everyone.
From the Year 3 Team
Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 8:08am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have danced, explored our grounds for colour and relaxed with another great yoga session with Katie!
Home Practice
We have been very impressed with all the book changing that has been happening again this week. We have seen lots of progress in everyone's reading. Keep it up!
On Sumdog this week we have set 3 challenges. If you finish or find them too tricky, you can access Sumdog Training which will set questions to practice weaker skills.
Your spellings this week are the next 20 statutory Year 3 spellings. Have a go and do lots of practise!
For your counting practice keep practising your 8s, forwards and backwards! Why not teach your family how to play 1,2,3?
This week in Year 3
This week we have really enjoyed the beginning of our novel, Finding Alfie by Michael Morpurgo. We have a lot of questions! We met Michael who has gone off to find out more about his Auntie Iris' long lost love Alfie. We wrote some amazing descriptions of the abandoned church and what we think Alfie might be like.
In Maths we have been learing how to use our number facts to help us add and take away using the column addition and subtraction method. We also revisited bridging through 10 when adding and taking away.
In RE we finished our Choices topic, revisiting some of our lessons and responding with our own Choices booklets. Everyone has had some very thoughtful ideas when exploring this topic. Well done Year 3!
In Art, we met Frances Hatch and explored some of her natural art. We also explored our grounds to find the colour palatte of our school. We created some natural paint and had a go at using these to paint our grounds.
We also had a brilliant session learning an Olympic dance. Check out our gallery!
Have a brilliant weekend!
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday Blog 7th June 2024
Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 1:00pm
Welcome back to our final half term in Year 3
This term we will be preparing the children for Year 4 and covering some fantastic final topics in Geography, RE, Art and DT.

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 11:09am
Welcome to the final blog of the Summer 1 Half term!
We have had a lovely half term and met lots of new learning along the way. We are loving our Egyptian learning and our animated art.
In English, we have been learning how to write speech sentences, including all the correct punctuation. We started out with some script writing and even did our own table reads. We then retold a chapter from our Cliffhanger story using speech and action.
In Maths we revisited some of the trickiest learning we met this half term. We found fractions of numbers and revisited our division strategies.
On Thursday, we had a visit from Lancashire cricket who put us through our paces. They were very impressed with our striking and fielding skills.
We also completed our final animated art projects. Have a look in our galleries at our final videos. We used stop animation to animate our art and then added sound effects in iMovie.
#30 Days Wild
As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.
Have a lovely half term holiday
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Blog Friday 17th May 2024
Date: 17th May 2024 @ 3:54pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had a great week of new learning in Year 3!
Home Practice
We have been very impressed with all the book changing that has been happening this term. We have seen lots of progress in everyone's reading. Keep it up!
On Sumdog this week we have set 3 challenges. If you finish or find them too tricky, you can access Sumdog Training which will set questions to practice weaker skills.
Your spellings this week are the first 20 statutory Year 3 spellings. Have a go and do lots of practise!
accident(ally) actual(ly) address answer appear arrive believe bicycle breath breathe
build busy business calendar caught centre century certain
For your counting practise this week, go back and practise counting in 4s forwards and backwards! Have a sing along at home to practice counting in 4s.
This week in Year 3
In English, we have started Cliffhanger by Jacqueline Wilson. It's an exciting story that's keeping us all on the edge of our seats! We have been acting out parts of the story and writing our own play scripts.
In Maths, we have been solving time problems, honing our skills in reading clocks and calculating durations. We have also been solving problems with the calendar and learning the months of the year.
In History, we have been learning about hieroglyphics, exploring the fascinating writing system of ancient Egypt.
Our Art lessons have been equally exciting as we evaluated our animated drawings and planned our final projects, which will be ready to show next week.
In PE, we have continued with our cricket practice and have also been gearing up for Sports Day, working hard to improve our skills and teamwork.
In RE, we started our new topic on choices and how our beliefs can influence the way people feel.
It’s been a busy and productive week, and we’re looking forward to more learning and fun next week!
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 3 Friday Blog 10th May 2024
Date: 10th May 2024 @ 11:25am
Welcome to your Friday blog
This week we have enjoyed the sunshine and finally got onto the field for sports!
Home Practice
Continue with your regular reading. With the nice weather, why not create a nice outdoor reading nook with some cushions and blankets.
This week we have set an addition and subtraction practice challenge as well as your times tables practice. We have set the times tables challenges to typed answers from now on to help with recall.
Continue to practise your counting. This week practise counting in fractions to see what you can remember from our fractions learning.
This week your home spellings end in -gue and -que.
league fatigue tongue rogue vague torque cheque antique plague unique mosque barbeque
Please make sure all PE kits are in school every day! We are getting ready for Sports Day and will be taking part in lots of sport in the coming term.
This week in Year 3
This week has been jam-packed with exciting learning opportunities in our classroom. We finished reading the thrilling mystery story, 'The Deathwood Letters', and were inspired to retell the story in our own words. We also interviewed each other and recorded our own book reviews.
In maths, we have been learning about position and direction, focusing on positional vocabulary and following intructions. We also started our time topic, learning how to read time to the nearest minute. Try and practise telling the time at home this week.
In Computing this week we have programmed our very own flappy bird games. Check out our gallery to play these on your devices at home.
In RE we have been learning about Pentecost and the gifts of the Holy Spirit this week. We also went to mass on Ascension Thursday and celebrated the feast day with Fr Michael.
In History this week we looked at ancient Egyptian artefacts and tried to figure out who might have used these in Ancient Egyptian society. Have a look in our gallery.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 - Friday blog 3rd May 2024
Date: 1st May 2024 @ 2:53pm
Welcome back to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Well done to everyone who is continuing with their regular reading into the Summer term. 20 minutes every night with your school books will help improve comprehension and fluency.
We have set 2 maths challenges on Sumdog, one on multiplication and division and one on the x4 and x8 tables.
Practice counting regularly with your child as well. Regular reviews of the number system will help build understanding and number fluency. Sing our songs, play what comes next, count forwards and backwards in numbers and fractions.You can also use this arrow cards resource to help with your counting.
Your home spellings all have the ch spelling pattern. We have used new resources in our spelling learning this week. Scribble spellings, Spiderweb spellings and Snake Spellings are three fun ways to promote practise. You can find them below.
scheme chorus chemist echo character chef chalet machine brochure ache anchor chaos
In Year 3 this week
We have a very busy term of learning ahead! You can see all of our Summer topics on our class curriculum overview on the class page.
In English this week we have been enjoying our new book, The Deathwood Letters by Hazel Townson. The story is written in letter format, following the correspondence between Damien Drake, a young boy who lives with his family on a huge estate, Deathwood Hall, and Frankie, a girl who lives in a run down part of town. They strike up a strong friendship and we have noticed some strange goings on already. We have written some letters in reponse to the characters and used our new iPads to record our ideas before writing.
In Maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions, and how to add and subtract fractions from a whole. Everyone has shown great understanding and used what they already know about fractions to solve problems. .
In Art we have been exploring different ways to make animated drawings and puppets. Everyone has shown great skills in their making and evaluating this week. Have a look in our gallery.
In History we learned all about Ancient Egyptian society and the jobs people had. Have a look at some of our ideas in our galley. We also used AI to create pictures of all the different jobs in Ancient Egypt.
In science we set up our seeds experiment and have been monitoring them to see which ones grow the best. Below you will find all the learning we will meet in the coming weeks.
Have a lovely Weekend
The Year 3 Team
Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 8:09am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have started our new novel, The Deathwood letters by Hazel Townson and enjoyed creating some animated drawings.
Home Practice
Continue to read regularly, 10-15 minutes every day.
Practise you number facts regularly too. Knowing these inside out will help your children succeed in their future maths learning. We have been using the White Rose Maths - 1 minute maths app in class this week. You can download this from the Appstore or the Google Playstore.
Please also practise counting in 10's from 10 to 120 and back again.
This week we have been learning about spelling patterns that sound the same but look different. Wh/w is a pattern that is still proving difficult. Here are your spellings for this week.
wheels everywhere wheelchair whirlwind meanwhile whack whistled somewhere whispered whenever
On Sumdog you will find 3 challenges. Times tables, Fractions and Wh spellings. Good luck!
This week in Year 3
We are really enjoying The Deathwood Letters. The story is written entirely in letter format, following the correspondence between Damien Drake and Frankie, We explored these characters and found lots of differences between them.
In maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions and how to spot them. We will be learning about fractions all next week, so make sure to refresh your memory by completing the Sumdog challenge.
In Art we created some brilliant moving pictures. We will be creating puppets and other animations in the coming weeks.
In PE we have been working on throwing and catching as part of our striking and fielding topic. We have also been learning to play cricket and rounders to apply our skills.
Check out our galleries.
Miss Whiting was very impressed with our Science learning this week. We planned an investigation on how to find out what plants need to grow. We also went outside to see the changes in our wild areas and what plants are growing on our school grounds.
Have a fantastic weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday Blog 19th April 2024
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 8:20am
Welcome back to the Summer Term
It has been lovely to see everyone back from their Easter Holidays looking smart in their Summer uniforms!
Home Practice
Continue with the good regular reading practice at home. It has been lovely to see the children bringing in their own books to school and sharing them with their friends this week.
This week we have been learning how to use apostrophes for possession and how to use plural apostrophes. Your home spellings are all plural apostrophes.
boys' girls' kids' teachers' cats' children's men's mice's women's parents'
For your maths practice this week, we have set a challenge to practice the x3,x4 and x8 times tables. We have been very impressed in the improvement in speed and accuracy in your times tables over the year. Keep it up!
Practice your counting in 3, 4 and 8, forwards and back. This will help with understanding your times tables and help you to remember them. We've added your songs below.
There is also a short column addition and subtraction challenge to complete.
This week in Year 3
This week in Year 3 has been filled with exciting learning adventures!
In English, we finished our captivating journey through "Toro! Toro!" by Michael Morpurgo. We wrote some insightful book reviews that showcased our writing skills. Check out on our gallery where you can read some of our thoughts on the story!
In Maths, we delved into the fascinating world of lines, mastering the art of identifying parallel and perpendicular lines within 2D shapes. Plus, we revisited our trusty written column method, practising this important skill so we can add it to our mathematical toolkit.
Art took us on a dynamic exploration of moving pictures, igniting our creativity as we watched mesmerizing natural world videos for inspiration. Our artistry flourished as we honed our skills, ready to bring motion to our creations this half term.
In RE, we read the story of the Ascension of Jesus, delving into its significance and relevance with some thoughtful responses.
In History, our journey through ancient Egypt began with enthusiasm as we visited websites, and pooled our collective knowledge and curiosity to unearth the mysteries of this captivating civilization. Find your knowledge map below which cover some of the learning we will be meeting in the coming weeks.
In Computing, we have started our learning all about loops and how we can use these to write more efficient algorithms.
Have a super weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 3 Thursday 28th March 2024
Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 8:13am
Welcome to your Year 3 blog!
This week we continued reading our novel Toro, Toro, written by Michael Morpurgo. We wrote some brilliant recounts of the bullfight and tried to use emotional vocabulary to describe how Anonito was feeling. We also read Ferdinand the Bull, a classic story from Spain about a reluctant bullfighting bull. We watched the film and talked about the similarities and differences in the stories.
In Maths we learnt how to find and measure right angles in 2D shapes. It was tricky in parts, but we remembered our statistics learning from Autumn really well.
We have had lovely week remembering Holy Week in school. We had a visit from Father Michael and had a beautiful celebration in church on Thursday. Year 6 led a very thoughtful Easter liturgy and Year 3 joined in brilliantly with their singing.
Check our our galleries showing some of the brilliant learning we have been doing this week.
On Thursday we finished out fabric and thread pieces. The children have shown great skill and resilience in completing these and they look amazing!.
In French, we finished our colours learning. Everyone has joined in brilliantly in our french lessons this term. Miss Whiting has been very impressed!
We have had a lovely Spring term and seen lots of progress in all areas of our curriculum.
We are looking forward to seeing you all next term!
Have a lovely Easter break and keep reading!
The Year 3 team.
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 7:58am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Continue with all your brilliant home reading. Everyone has made excellent progress with their reading this year and this is down to reading regularly at home. Keep it up!
Please count in 8's from 0 to 96 and back again.
For example 0 8 16 etc 96 88 80 etc
Your Sumdog challenges are on all your times tables, addition and subtraction and your home spellings. This week we have been remembering to use syllables to spell independently in our writing.
Here are your spellings for this week. They are all compund words.
sunshine goldfish anymore raindrop myself skateboard
seaside gentleman earring jigsaw overflow eyeball
This week in Year 3
We have had a fab week in Year 3!
In English we read Toro Toro and learnt how to write newspaper reports. Everyone worked hard on their sentence structures this week. Well Done Year 3!
In maths we revisited the formal written methods for addition and subtraction. We have set a challenge for you to practise these. We also used estimating to check our answers. Super maths this week!
On Wednesday, in our art lesson, we created the background for our final piece. Check out our gallery. We have made some beautiful landscapes.
We also finished our dance topic this week. We really enjoyed learning our routines and using gesture, stillness and travelling to create our own performances.
In computing this week we explored branching databases. We used seesaw to create some simple databases and tried them out on each other.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday Blog 15th March 2024
Date: 14th Mar 2024 @ 7:52am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had a very active week this week with Freddie Fit, Dance and Netball with Mrs Cookson
Home Practice
Continue to read every night and remember to change your books with Mrs Lancaster and Mrs Woof! We have loads of great books to read!
We have set 2 maths challenges on Sumdog, fractions and times tables. A little practice every night does the trick!
Please also practise your counting in 10's. Start at 0 and count in 10's up to 210 and back again. For example, 0 10 20 and so on. Then count back 210 200 190 until you get back to 0.
Your spellings this week are based on the different /aw/ sounds.
squawk scrawny spawn drawn audition applaud auction applause audience saucepan overhaul astronaut
This week in Year 3
This week we have started our new novel, Toro Toro by Michael Morpurgo. We have been spotting similarities in the story and The Butterfly Lion and writing descriptive pieces about Antonio's farm and the cork forest. Some brilliant pieces and a real improvement on spelling this week! Keep it up Year 3!
In maths we have been learning about volume and capacity and how to add 2 three digit measurements using the formal written method. Super learning this week!
In art we explored lanscapes in preparation for our final piece using fabric, paint and thread. Mrs Robinson was blown away by our work. Check out our gallery.
In geography we learned all about the United States and where it gets it's name. We used atlases and digital globes to locate some states on our maps.
On Friday, Year 1 came to read their Wild Things stories to us. Year 3 gave great feedback to the children. Great job year 1!
We have had a lovely couple of weeks with Yuri, one of our Japenese students. She made us some matcha tea and taught us a song called Totoro. Thank you Yuri for visiting us!
Have a lovely weekend and a Happy St Patrick's Day
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday blog 8th March 2024
Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 8:09am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have enjoyed World Book Day, Dance and Yoga. We also added to our brilliant Nature Journals!
Home Practice
Continue with your regular reading. At least 15 minutes every night.
Your Sumdog maths challenges are on the 4 and 8 times table and multiplication and division. Please complete both. Remember your 8 times table is double your 4 times table! 3x4=12 so 3x8 = 24
Practise counting forward and back in 8's or sing our 8's song.
Hit the Button is also a great way to improve fluency.
Your Home Spellings this week all begin with C or K. Look carefully to remember which words begin with C and which begin with K.
cabin cob cub canter coffee client course
kiln kiwi kerb kelp kiosk
This week in Year 3
We have had a brilliant week in Year 3! In English, we wrote police reports, retelling exciting parts of our novel from different perspectives and thinking about how the characters felt at different times in the story. We have seen a huge improvement in our presentation and spelling this week!
In maths, we learnt how to divide using repeated subtraction. We also explored how we can use a vertical number line to find groups and remainders.
In science this week, we took the opportunity to spot signs of Spring with the improved weather. We added to our nature journals and created scientific sketches.
We have been very lucky this term to have visitors from South Ribble to help us with our dance learning and mindfulness though yoga. We have been brilliant and can't wait to show you our dance!
We have loved having our Japanese visitors this week. We have been learning a new song and dance. We will also learn a little about Japanese culture next week.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy Mother's Day on Sunday
The Year 3 Team.
Year 3 Friday Blog 1st March 2024
Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 8:10am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
What a busy week full of dance, DT, art, disco and even a triathlon!
Home Practice
Continue with the great reading at home. See the guide added last week for top tips on home reading.
We have set a fractions and x8 challenge on Sumdog this week.
Your spellings all have the wh spelling pattern, see below.
wheels everywhere wheelchair whirlwind meanwhile whack whistled somewhere whispered whenever
This week in Year 3
In English this week we have been learning how to use persuasive language in our writing. Year 5 came and read their persuasive pieces to us on Monday and we wrote our own persuasive pieces about visiting South Africa. We then reorded our writing onto Apple Clips to make an advert. Super work Year 3!
In Maths, we learnt how to calculate fractions of shapes and numbers this week. We used our times tables and division facts to help us.
In art this week we explored mark making by different artists. Have a look in our galleries.
In Science this week we investigated reflections and how light sources and reflective objects differ. We had some great discussions and debates about how light works.
We also had lots of visitors this week. On Friday, TriKids come to school and set up a triathlon for us to complete. Everyone gave it their all and supported each other brilliantly. On Thursday, we had a dance session, learning new dance skills and moves to Dance the Night by Dua Lipa! Check out our gallery!
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday 23rd February 2024
Date: 23rd Feb 2024 @ 8:02am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had a lovely time in Year 3 this week starting lots of new topics and making our Lenten promises.
Home Practice
It has been lovely catching up with you all on parents evening and hearing about all the great reading at home. Keep it up. We've added some top tips below to help you support your child at home.
We have set 3 challenges on Sumdog for you to complete. You can also access the training to improve number and spelling fluency.
Your spellings this week come from the statuatory spelling list for year 3.
actually strange forward promise possess favourite women minute straight special breathe guard
This week in Year 3
We are loving our new novel Journey to Jo'burg! We have been looking carefully at our presentation this week as well as using vocabulary to up level our writing. Have a look in our galleries for some of your writing. We will be sharing more in the coming weeks.
In maths we have learnt how to use the compensation strategy to multiply by 19. We also solved word problems using the grid method. Super maths this week Year 3!
In Art we started our new topic of Cloth, Thread and Paint by exploring the work of the artist Alice Kettle. We watched her create some pieces and sketchbooked some ideas of our own. Check out our gallery! We have also added a gallery showing our clay models. Click the picture to learn more about Alice Kettle and her fabulous artwork!
In Science we started a new topic about Light. We sorted light sources and discussed what we already knew about the topic. Check out our posters below to see what we will be covering in this topic.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 3 Thursday 8th February 2024
Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 4:35pm
Welcome to your final blog of this half term
We have had a brilliant 5 weeks.
Please continue to read every night over half term. The Sumdog training features and all games will still be open over the holidays.
This week we started our new novel, Journey to Jo'burg by Beverly Naidoo. We met the main characters and learnt a little about South Africa in the process.
In maths this week we learnt to tell the time to 5 minutes. We will revisit this after half term.
If your child can't accurately tell time to 5 minutes, there is a great app on the AppStore called 'What's the time Mr Wolf' that they can use to practise time.
We finished our story telling art topic this week by painting our clay models - these models showed scenes from our favourite Roald Dahl books. They look great!
We also completed our history topic about The Stone Age to the Iron Age. We thoroughly enjoyed this topic and learnt lots about Stone Age Britain. We will test our knowledge with a Kahoot Quiz next Monday! Next half term we will begin our geography topic about North America.
Have a brilliant half term with your families and we will see you all soon
The Year 3 Team.
Year 3 Friday Blog 2nd February 2024
Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 8:13am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Continue with all your brilliant home reading. Everyone has made excellent progress in their reading this year and this is down to your regular reading at home. Keep it up!
Your Sumdog challenges are on x8, shape and your home spellings. This week we have been learning about homophones and how to remember them in context.
Here are your spellings for this week.
This week in Year 3
This week we finished our novel 'The Butterfly Lion' by Michael Morpurgo. Next half term we have organised a live lesson with Michael Morpurgo who will talk about The Butterfly Lion and how he finds inspiration for his novels. We can't wait!!
In maths we learnt some new strategies to multiply. We also learnt how to use our x10 method to multiply 2digit numbers by 3,4,5,and 8. Super work Year 3!
On Tuesday we had a yoga session with Amy who showed us some great poses and how to breathe for relaxation.
We also retold some Roald Dahl scenes through the medium of clay in our art lesson. Check out our gallery.
This Friday we were introduced to Keynote to create some presentations on the Stone Age. We have used Adobe express and Seesaw so far in this topic and now will use our skills to create a presentation in Keynote.
Have a fantastic weekend
The Year 3 Team
Year 3 Friday Blog 26th January 2024
Date: 26th Jan 2024 @ 3:32pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Continue to read every night and remember to change your books with Mrs Lancaster and Mrs Woof! We have loads of great books to read!
We have set 2 maths challenges on Sumdog. Addition and Subtraction and the 8 times table. A little practice every night does the trick!
Your Spellings this week are based on the double the consonant rule when adding suffixes.
begged swimming wrapping snapped splitting grabbing sitting
shopping dripped topped skipped skipping
Online Safety

Year 3 Friday Blog 19th January 2024
Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 12:45pm
We have had a great week in Year 3!
Home Practice
Continue with your regular reading. At least 15 minutes every night.
Your Sumdog maths challenges are on the 8 times table and Addition and Subtraction. Please complete both.
Practise counting forward and back in 8's or sing our 8's song.
Hit the Button is also a great way to improve fluency.
You spellings this week all have the ou letter pattern making the /u/ sound.
young touch double trouble couple country cousin courage encourage flourish nourish southern
This week in Year 3
In our English learning this week we have been using descriptive vocabulary in our writing to describe the characters and settings from The Butterfly Lion. Everyone has improved their presentation this week, looking carefully at their handwriting! Well done Year 3!
In maths this week we have been revisiting our addition and Subtraction strategies and working on a number line. Everyone has worked hard on their explanations this week and used what they know to work out their problems. Number bonds to 10 have proved very useful!
In our History this week we learned all about how the Neolithic people began to mine for metal ores and created bronze. We explored the cause and consequence of this and how the discovery of bronze improved their lives.
In Art this week in our Telling Stories through Drawing and Making topic we learned some new sketchings skills from Quentin Blake. We drew some one line and straight line sketches and explored exaggeration to convey a message. Check out our gallery.
In RE we have been exploring the liturgical year. This week we learned all about Ordinary time in the Church calendar and what we celebrate during this time. We learned a little bit about St Oswald and how his feast day is on the 5th of August.
In Science we started our new topic on Forces and Magnets. Have a look at our fact sheet below to see what we will be learning about this term.
Have a great weekend!
The Year 3 Team.
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:14pm
With your children returning to school, it is a great time to review Online Safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be continuing with their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas.
Self image and identitiy
Online relationships
Online bulllying
Health, Well-being and lifestyle
Online reputation
Managing online information
Copyright and ownership
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Year 3 Blog - Friday 12th January
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 8:11am
Happy New Year and welcome to the Spring term.
We have had a lovely first week back with a mix of new topics, tricky learning and great playtimes with our friends again!
Home Practice
Make sure you keep reading regularly and changing your school books. Mrs Lancaster and Mrs Woof have been very impressed with the progress in everyone's reading. Keep asking your VIPER questions to improve understanding.
For your Sumdog practice we have set 2 maths challenges. These each have 100 questions and should only take 15 - 30 minutes to complete. There is also training for times tables, counting and number fluency that your child can access at any time. We advise the children to do a little every night to build up fluency in number. The challenges are on division and the 3 and 4 times tables.
Your spellings this week are on how we use an apostrophe to contract words. Next week we will be revisiting possessive apostrophes and trying to use these in our writing accurately.
can't it's don't I'm you've didn't you're we'll couldn't wouldn't haven't aren't
This week in Year 3
In English this week we have been reading Michael Morpurgo's The Butterfly Lion. We met the main character Bertie and learnt how he befriended a little lion cub. We have written some great character descriptions and recounts of the story so far.
Our maths learning has been very tricky this week as we have been introduced to new strategies to help divide by grouping. Everyone has improved their understanding with this. Just keep practising your times tables - fluency in tables will benefit you when meeting more complex learning.
This week we started our gymnastics topic. We recapped our travels and balances from Year 2 and learnt how we can transition from travel to balance and back again. We also discussed the word trust and worked in pairs to evaluate our routines. Have a look in our gallery.
We also started our new Art learning this week. We will be exploring storytelling through drawing and making. We met the illustrator Inbal Leitner who talked to us about how she creates her own sketchbooks. We had a go at exploring our own ideas related to our new novel, The Butterfly Lion, drawing animals, the compound and the waterhole.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Date: 21st Dec 2023 @ 11:23am
Welcome to the final blog of this term
We've had a lovely last week of term in Year 3!
On Monday, we were visited by the All Hallows Roadshow in church.
On Tuesday, we attended the Christingle service beautifully led by Year 6.
We had a special assembly for Mr Mears on Wednesday. We all made a card to wish Mr Mears and his family the very best for their new life in Australia.
On Thursday, we had our final Golden Assembly of the term.
We also spent the last week creating some super Christmas cards and 2024 calendars, using some of our new art and DT skills. We hope you like them.
We would like to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas.
Over the holidays, remember to keep reading.
Thank you for all your kind gifts and messages.
We'll see you all again on Monday 8th January 2024
The Year 3 Team!
Year 3 Friday 15th December 2023
Date: 15th Dec 2023 @ 8:17am
Welcome to your Friday blog
What a busy week we've had in Year 3! Santa Dash, stop motion animation, a visit from the Dogs Trust and an amazing workshop with the Rock Steady music company.
Home Practice
Keep reading every night with an adult or on your own. Talk about what you have read and explore new books, magazines and newspapers.
We have set two Sumdog challenges, one is practising division and the other is based on your times table target. We have seen a big improvement in fluency with times tables this week. Keep up the good work!
Your Spellings this week will have the dis prefix
dislike disuse disown disarm dismay disconnect discover disagree disappoint disappear disengage displease disinfect disable
On Wednesday, we are having our Christmas Jumper day and our Grand Christmas post!
This week we have enjoying our Postbox mystery and used the story to write some brilliant newspaper reports. DIAMONDS STOLEN BY ALIENS!
In maths we have learnt how to use grouping to solve division problems. We noticed that our answer was always how many groups there were.
We also developed our own stop frame animations using toys from Reception. Have a look in our gallery.
In history we learnt how people in the Neolithic period started to farm and rear animals. We also learnt why they built stone circles - to track the seasons to help them grow their crops.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 team!