Year 3: Blog items
Year 3 Home Learning 11th January 2021
Date: 10th Jan 2021 @ 3:20pm
Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed spending time at home with your family.
I had a lovely time listening to my favourite songs on Friday. On Saturday, I went for a walk. I enjoyed jumping in the icy puddles in my wellies and watching lots of happy dogs wagging their tails. If you ever need cheering up, spotting happy dogs out on their walk is a great way to do it – they are always so excited chasing their ball and sniffing around.
Well done for all of the work you have been doing so far.
If you are finding any of it tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
Remember to keep all of your work in your exercise book so that we can celebrate it when we are all back together in school.
Remember you can change your reading books whenever you need to – just let the school office know.
Try to have a look at some newspapers at home if you can.
Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)
- ALL OF YOU had a go at the Sumdog challenge – well done, that is really impressive.
- I had a day of no TV and instead went for a jog, read my book, did puzzles and listened to music.
- I had my favourite lunch – SUSHI J
- I looked through my phone at photos and reflected on how lucky I am to have such great friends and family.
Monday 11th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.
Before you start to read, tell somebody everything that you can remember so far, make a prediction about what you think is going to happen next.
Here are your spellings from last week:
television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual
Write the short date: 11.01.21
Write the title: Spelling test
Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.
Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice.
The bonus question (a spelling from another week) is: skipped.
If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.
Click on the link to complete the lesson about newspaper reports.
There are:
- Two videos to watch
- Some information to read
- Four activities
Attached to this blog is a sheet you can either copy or print which you can use to complete the activities. The sheet is called 'Features of a news report.'
Times tables
Write the short date: 11.01.21
Write the title: Times tables test
Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.
Ask somebody to call out your times tables in a mixed up order (if you can’t remember which times table you are on, you can be tested on 4x.
In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.
The bonus question is: 65 x 10.
If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.
Count out loud in 10s:
From 78 to 208.
From 66 to 216.
From 122 back to 2.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
- ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
- Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
Today in Maths you are going to be dividing by making equal groups.
Click on the link below and watch the video, pause where you need to.
For some activities you might want to use counters, pencils, coins, toys, buttons or anything you can find at home. Or you can draw shapes.
Please complete the sheet attached to this blog called ‘Make equal groups – grouping.’ After, you can check your answers using the answer sheet.
Remember with division, the total number or highest number goes at the beginning of a number sentence.
Before Half Term we had started to look at rainforests and South America.
We used an atlas to label a map of South America with countries and capitals.
Write the long date: Monday 11th January 2021
Write the title: Can I use maps to find out about places?
Activity 1
Refresh your memory by having a look at South America on a map and writing 5 quiz questions to ask somebody at home.
Example questions:
Name a country that shares a border with Brazil.
What is the capital of Ecuador?
Which ocean is to the West of Chile?
La Paz is the capital of which country?
Which is the biggest country in South America?
Activity 2
Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world.
Can you remember the four larger countries?
Can you imagine what it must be like to live in a country as big as Brazil? We live in the UK and there are differences in the climate from the North to the South of the UK. I wonder how much more diverse the climate must be in Brazil.
Please complete the sheet called ‘Table for recording different temperatures.’
To complete the sheet, use the BBC weather forecast ( to find out the temperature in the following places:
- Your home place – Preston
- Your chosen place in the far North of the UK – for example Kirkwall
- Your chosen place in the far South of the UK – for example Penzance
- Rio de Janeiro
- Manaus
- Fortaleza
- Brasilia
As well as the average temperature, also look at the description, including snow, rain, cloud, sleet, etc.
When you have completed the sheet, have a think about the following:
In which country do you notice more differences in the climate?
Why do you think that is?
Year 3 Home Learning 8th January 2021
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 2:39pm
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are feeling happy and well. It made me feel happy to see that so many of you have been on Sumdog, I am so proud of you for continuing to work hard even at home.
Try to think of something nice to do with your family over the weekend. I am going to make a list of my favourite songs and then listen to them while I have my tea on Friday. Ms Hodson is going to go to the park to look for squirrels and robins.
Well done for all of the work you have been doing so far.
If you are finding any of it tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
Don’t forget to collect an exercise book to do your work in – we will be looking at them when we are all back in school. I already can’t wait to see!
Remember to contact the school office and then collect or change reading books whenever you need to.
Try to have a look at some newspapers at home if you can.
Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)
- By Thursday lunch time, 29 of you had started the Sumdog challenge – amazing, well done!!!!!!
- Outside looked beautiful with the frosty ground.
- I enjoyed speed walking around the track at playtime to warm myself up.
- I sang in the car on my way to school – I LOVE singing in the car.
Friday 8th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.
Tell somebody what you think is going to happen next.
Here are your spellings for this week:
television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual
Write the long date: Friday 8th January 2021
Write the title: Both hand spellings
Split your page in half. On one half, write your spellings with the hand you normally write with. On the other half, write your spellings with your other hand.
Take care to spell the words correctly.
We are going to have a spelling test in school on Monday which I am also going to ask you to do at home. So it might be a good idea to practise your spellings over the weekend.
Writing activity 1:
Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p158 - 160.
Mr Stern’s news report is written on pages 159 and 160.
You are going to write more of your news report today.
Usually news reports have quotes in them. A quote is something that somebody has said.
Quotes include inverted commas (speech marks) and who said it.
Here are some examples of quotes that might be in the news report about Mrs Crumb.
- Mrs Crumb was telling us about her policy and said, “I believe that all homeless people should be off the streets.”
- Mr Stink said, “my new home is nice but the service is painfully slow.”
- Mrs Crumb had this to say about Mr Stink. “He deserves a home and I am happy to feed him as many sausages as he needs.”
- “It was all my idea.” Said Mrs Crumb.
- The tramp, known locally as Mr Stink, had this to say. “Please could I trouble you for another sausage?”
Date: Friday 8thJanuary 2021
Title: Can I use inverted commas to write quotes?
Focus: capital letters, full stops, inverted commas (speech marks)
Please use bullet points and write down at least 3 quotes you could include in your news report.
You can copy the ones below and fill in the gaps with what the person said, or you can make up your own.
- Mrs Crumb was telling us about her policy and said, “………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..”
- Mr Stink said, “……………………………………………………………………………………….
- Mrs Crumb had this to say about Mr Stink. “………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”
Writing activity 2 (for those of you who want to write more):
Write the long date: Friday 8th January 2021
Write the title: Speed write
Focus: beautiful handwriting, capital letters and full stops.
Set a timer for 10 minutes, write as much as you can about anything you like.
Times tables
Call out your times tables while you are running on the spot.
Write out your times tables, in order first and then mixed up.
If you cannot remember which times table you are on, you can practise the 4s.
We are going to have a times tables test in school on Monday which I am also going to ask you to do at home. So it might be a good idea to practise your times tables over the weekend.
Count out loud in 4s up to 48 and then backwards to 0.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January
Today in Maths you are going to do some dividing by sharing and making equal groups.
Some of the questions include cubes. For these questions you can use anything in your house e.g. coins, buttons, toys. Or you can draw squares.
Watch this video and pause where you need to:
Please complete the sheet attached to this blog called ‘Make equal groups – sharing.’ Then you can use the answer sheet to check your answers.
Extra challenge
If you want some extra division practice, you can complete the sheet called ‘Extra division.’
You can either complete the questions by drawing circles and sharing or by using your times tables.
To use your times tables, count in steps of the number you are dividing by and see how many there are.
12 ÷ 4.
Count in 4s.
4, 8, 12.
There are three 4s, so 12 ÷ 4 = 3.
Please follow the link and complete lesson 1.
Remember when you found out about sloths? I found it so interesting to read everything you found.
So today I would like you to find out about jaguars and make a PowerPoint or a Word document with what you find out. As we were studying rainforests in Geography, I would like you to include some information about this, such as where the jaguars live – you could even include a map.
Here are some useful websites:
See if you can remember how to:
Insert title
Insert text
Change the colour and style of your font
Copy and paste a picture from the internet
If you do not have a computer or laptop, you could find out about the jaguar and then make a poster instead.
Year 3 Home Learning 7th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 1:27pm
Good morning Year 3. Ms Hodson and I are missing you all so much and we really hope that you are happy and well. Please think of all the wonderful things in our lives – talk to your parents about things that make you smile. The weather has been lovely – take a look outside and look at the beautiful world we live in.
Well done to all of you who had a go at the work yesterday. If you are finding any of it tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
Please collect an exercise book from the school office to complete your work in, you will be able to bring these into school when we are all back together.
You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.
As we are looking at news reports at the moment, it might be a good idea to look at some newspapers if you have any at home.
Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)
- By Wednesday lunch time, 23 of you had started the Sumdog challenge – amazing, well done!!!!!!
- You are all superstars
- The sun was shining
- I enjoyed a new flavour of tuna and cous cous for my lunch mmmm!
- Children came up with some great ideas in school for their news report headlines including:
- Crumb cooks cookies for homeless
- Yey for Crumb!
- Crumb is too cool for school
- Croooome zooms to the rescue
Thursday 7th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.
Tell somebody all about one of the characters:
What are they like? How are they involved in the story? What do you know about them?
Here are your spellings for this week:
television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual
Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the title: Spelling chunks
Split your spellings up into chunks that you can remember. Write out the chunks in different colours.
Here is an example: television
Writing activity 1:
Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p153 - 157.
Today you are still going to imagine you are the news reporter and are preparing your news report all about Mrs Crumb and Mr Stink. You think Mrs Crumb is very kind for helping homeless people. You are going to write a little bit of the news report each day.
This video tells you a little bit about news reports:
Date: Thursday 7th January 2021
Title: Can I summarise the main points?
Focus: Handwriting, spelling, full stops and capital letters
Today you are going to write an introduction to the news report.
An introduction to a news report should tell you the main points:
- When it happened
- Where it happened
- What has happened
- Who it involved
- Why it happened
Here is an example:
On the 7th January 2021 in Longton, it was found that Mrs Crumb, mother of 2 and candidate for MP, has let a homeless man live in her shed. Mr Stink, who used to live on the bench, is now living at the Crumb’s residence with his dog Duchess. Mrs Crumb did this as she cares deeply about the homeless community.
Writing activity 2 (for those of you who want to write more):
Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the title: Speed write
Focus: beautiful handwriting, capital letters and full stops.
Set a timer for 10 minutes, write as much as you can about anything you like.
Times tables
Go on Hit the Button to practise the 4x tables.
Play at least three times trying to improve your score each time.
Count out loud in 10s:
From 134 – 254
From 66 – 106
From 511 - 631
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January
I hope you managed OK with the doubling yesterday. Some children in class drew base 10 to help them double, so if they were doubling 24 they drew two 10s (lines) and two 4s (dots) and counted them up to get to 48.
For Maths today, you are going to have some more practice of the 2, 4 and 8 x tables.
Remember you can double (draw base 10 to help). You could also write out the times tables before starting and have them in front of you.
I would like you to have a go at the lesson from Whiterose Maths. There is a video that you can watch and pause when you need to, a question sheet and an answer sheet you can use after you have finished.
Here is the video:
Today in school we would normally do PE in the afternoon.
Try to get outside for a walk or jog if you can.
Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Jumping Dice.
Here is a video which helps to explain the activity.
If you do not have a dice, you can cut up 6 pieces of paper and write the numbers 1 to 6 on them.
Year 3 Home Learning 6th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 2:10pm
Hello Year 3. I hope you are all OK and finding lots of reasons to smile. I have uploaded some of your thankful poems onto the website so you can read them and remember all of the things you are thankful for.
I will upload a blog onto the school website each evening. On the blog will be the work which I would like you to complete the following day.
Last time when we were all off for 2 weeks, I was so impressed with how hard you all worked at home. It really made such a huge difference when we were back in school. I know it is for longer this time, but please try to complete as much of the work as you can while you are at home as it will really help you when we are all back together in school.
Please collect an exercise book from the school office to complete your work in, you will be able to bring these into school when we are all back together.
You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. You can read your own book or a school book if you have one at home.
Talk about what you have read.
Here are your spellings for this week:
television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual
Write the long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021
Write the title: Spelling sentences
Write 3 sentences using this week’s spellings. For an extra challenge, try to put more than 1 of the spellings into each sentence.
Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p149 - 152.
Imagine you are a news reporter writing an article about Mrs Crumb allowing Mr Stink to live in her home. You think that Mrs Crumb is very kind for allowing this. You are going to write a little bit of the news report each day.
This video tells you a little bit about news reports:
Today you are going to think of ideas for a headline.
A headline is a title for a news report.
A headline:
- Should be 5 words or less
- Gives you a clue of what the news report is about
- Should have exciting words
- Can use exclamation marks
- Has capital letters
- Can use alliteration where the words start with the same sound e.g. Hero helps the homeless
- Can rhyme e.g. Crumb: zero to hero
Write the long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021
Write the title: Can I use exciting words?
Focus: Perfect spelling
Write at least 5 ideas for your headline using bullet points
Here are some examples:
- Local Hero Helps the Homeless!
- Crumb: Zero to Hero
- Stink is Safe
Times tables
Go on Hit the Button to practise the 4x tables.
Play at least three times trying to improve your score each time.
Count out loud in 5s up to 100 and then backwards to 0.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January
In class we have practised the 2x and 4x tables.
Today you are going to use doubling to practise the 2x, 4x and 8x tables.
Doubling means adding a number to itself. For example double 4 is the same as 4 + 4.
Attached to this blog is a sheet called Double double double, where you will use doubling to fill in a table and then answer 8x tables questions.
To fill in the table:
1 – Fill in the 2x column
2- Double the 2x to find the 4x
3 – Double the 4x to find the 8x
Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Balance Time.
Long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021
Title: Can I learn about Egypt from a map?
Find Egypt on map:
Answer the following questions:
- Which continent is Egypt in?
- Which seas or oceans surround it?
- Which river runs through it?
- What is the capital?
- Which countries does it share a border with?
- What do you think Egypt is like based on where on a map it is? (Hot, cold, sunny, beaches, holiday spot?)
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:28pm
Happy Christmas Holidays J
What a fantastic first term we have had in Year 3. This school year has been different to what we are used to but you really have amazed us at how well you have adapted and settled in. We are so grateful to all of you for being happy and smiling every day – you have honestly made this term so much better for us.
You have all grown up so much and are excellent juniors now. You have become much more independent throughout the term and your listening skills are now amazing.
You have worked so hard and we are so proud of the progress you have all made. I know that you are proud of yourselves when you look back through your books and see how far you have come.
As well as working your socks off in school, you have also worked extremely hard at home. It really has made a huge difference, so well done!
We both love how enthusiastic you all are about your reading so we decided to let you have a little Christmas treat. You have all had the chance to choose your own book to read over the Christmas holidays. We can’t wait to hear all about it. We know some of you will read lots of your own books too, we will be doing. We are both going to read the same book, which we will then read in English after the holidays – but it’s a secret which one it is J
Keep safe and happy and have a wonderful Christmas.
We hope every day is filled with smiles and laughter and we can’t wait to see you all in 2021.
Love from Miss Smith and Ms Hodson
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:57pm
Online Safety over the Christmas Holidays
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:11pm
Here you will find some help and advice for keeping your family safe online over Christmas.
Year 3 Home Practice 11th December 2020
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:01pm
It has been another busy week in Year 3 filled with lots of learning, fun, smiles and festive feelings.
Everybody sounded amazing on Thursday singing Nativity songs and on Friday everybody managed to complete a mile for the Santa Dash.
In Maths we have been sorting numbers using Venn diagrams. We have been focussing on times tables and odd and even numbers.
As well as reading Mr Stink in English, we have also been writing stories about the future. There were some fantastic ideas about what the future will be like including flying animals and real life computer games.
Home Practice for 11th – 18th December
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
- Please practise the following skills for Maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick.
- Odd and even numbers
- Number facts
- Times tables
- You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 17th December. Make sure you practise every night.
- Spellings
The spellings this week are ing words. When the word is one syllable, double the last letter and add ing.
patting, humming, dropping, running, hopping, clapping, sitting, flipping, wrapping, slipping
Year 3 Home Practice 4th December 2020
Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 3:51pm
We have had a great week in Year 3. The weather has been a bit cold and wet but we haven’t let that dampen our spirits.
Everybody has come into school every day with a huge smile on their face.
We have read more of Mr Stink, we were not impressed with Mrs Crumb’s strict policy. We made up our own policies that we would use if we were MP. I would definitely vote for some of you!! We also wrote a spooky story where all the teachers are vampires!!
In Maths we have been practising our 4x tables and have been doing lots of subtracting.
Friday was exciting as it was ‘tree dressing’ day where we celebrated being outside. We wrote Advent promises on coloured stars, decorated them with sequins and patterns and then tied them onto a tree near to the Year 3 classroom. We love the outdoors.
Home Practice for 4th December – 11th December
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
x tables challenge – 4th December – 11th December. This includes all of the x tables you need to know by the end of Year 3, don’t worry if you don’t know them yet, it is good practice and will help you a lot in our maths work next week.
Spelling Challenge - apostrophes - 4th December – 11th December
- Practise your x tables – you will be tested on them on Thursday 10th December. You need to know them quickly and confidently without having to count on.
- Spellings - you will be tested on them on Thursday 10th December. You need to practise them every night. It is also a good idea to practise spellings from previous weeks.
The spellings this week are ing words. When adding ‘ing’ to words that end in ‘e’, the ‘e’ must be removed.
hiking, shining, surprising, joking, hoping, smiling, loving, writing, coming, caring
- Listen to the Nativity songs at home and practise singing along.
Year 3 Home Practice 27th November 2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:38pm
It’s so wonderful to be back in school and together. I am so proud of you all for the hard work you did at home; I can see a huge difference in your handwriting, number skills and times tables. I really enjoyed Tuesday morning when you all brought your work into school and showed it off to the class.
In Maths we have been rounding to the nearest 10 and have been doing lots of counting, our maths is getting harder but we love the challenge.
In English we have been reading Mr Stink, we have started to write our own policy that we would use if we were an MP.
On Friday we enjoyed our own spotty and odd socks day, we celebrated our friendships and thought about what makes us unique and special.
Home Practice for 27h November – 4th December
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. Retell it in your own words.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Maths Challenge – addition, subtraction, time: 27th November – 4th December - target 100 questions.
Spelling Challenge - ed: - 27th November – 4th December - target 100 questions.
- Practise your x tables – you will be tested on them on Thursday 3rd December. You need to know them quickly and confidently without having to count on.
- Spellings - you will be tested on them on Thursday 3rd December. You need to practise them every night. It is also a good idea to practise spellings from previous weeks.
The spellings this week are the same as last week – they were tricky so we need a bit longer to practise.
accident, actual, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe
- Listen to the Nativity songs at home and practise singing along.
Year 3 Home Learning 23rd November 2020
Date: 22nd Nov 2020 @ 3:59pm
Monday 23rd November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you have all had a nice weekend with your family. I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Don’t forget to bring a smile and the work that you have completed at home.
I have been getting out all of my Christmas decorations over the weekend, I haven’t put them up yet – that is going to be Friday evening’s fun. I normally wait until the first weekend In December but I am going to do it a week early this year.
I watched the final Harry Potter movie on Sunday. I will probably watch and read them all again throughout December.
I know some of you were disappointed that we were not in school for Children in Need Day so on Friday 27th November we will have our own Children in Need Day in Year 3. You can wear something spotty. You can also wear odd socks on Friday as this is something the rest of the school did as part of Friendship Week to celebrate that we are all unqique.
Friday 27th November - wear something spotty and odd socks.
See you tomorrow J
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Your new spellings this week do not follow a rule. They are some of the spellings which you need to know by the end of Year 3. You will be tested on these spellings on Thursday in school.
accident, actual, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe
Split your spellings up into chunks you can remember and write out these chunks in different colours.
Here is an example: accident
Times tables
Call out your x tables in different voices – like a robot, like a baby, in a deep voice, in a whisper, in slow motion.
Today I would like you to write a letter to me that you can give to me tomorrow. Please take care with spelling, handwriting, capital letters and full stops. I would like you to organise your writing into paragraphs.
- Paragraph 1 – what you have been doing during the past 2 weeks
- Paragraph 2 – what you are looking forward to when we are back in school
- Paragraph 3 – goals that you are going to try to achieve in our first week back
Here is an idea of how to start your letter and how to start each paragraph.
Dear Miss Smith
I am writing this letter on Monday 23rd November. It is the last day of home learning before we are back in school tomorrow.
During the past 2 weeks, I have been…
I can’t wait to go back to school. I am excited to…
In the first week back I am going to work really hard. I have thought carefully about what I need to do to improve my learning. I am going to…
There is a Sumdog challenge that will just last for today. The challenge will focus on number facts and times tables.
Please make sure you have a go. 26 of you started the last challenge – well done!
Have a go at measuring in cm on the following website.
There are 2 levels to choose from.
If anybody wants an extra challenge, see if you can write the length in cm and mm.
There are 10mm in 1cm.
Example –
Rubber = 4cm = 40mm
Crayon = 5.5cm = 55mm
Last week you looked at the outside of a synagogue – the Jewish place of worship.
Watch this video which talks about the inside of a synagogue.
Design a stained glass window for a synagogue – remember no human faces are used. You can draw and colour it in or you can use coloured scraps of paper from your recycling.
Attached to this blog are some pictures to help you.
Year 3 Home Learning 20th November 2020
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 7:55am
Friday 20th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day yesterday; I am excited to look at your facts about slothsJ. 21 of you so far have started the Sumdog challenge. Some of you have even completed it already – well done. This competition will run until Sunday evening.
Yesterday I had another sushi delivery, listened to some music (not Christmas music), read some of my book and watched Frozen 2. I am saving the last Harry Potter for the weekend. Ms Hodson watched Coco, Disney day for both of us.
Not long to go now until we are back at school, we will spend some time on the first day back looking at all of the work you have been doing at home.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Talk about your favourite bit so far and why.
Your new spellings this week do not follow a rule. They are some of the spellings which you need to know by the end of Year 3.
accident, actual, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe
Cut up scraps of paper and write out your spellings, write a different letter on each scrap of paper. Jumble up the letters (like we do with the scrabble letters in class). Ask somebody to call out your spellings and find the letters you need to make each word.
Times tables
If you have an iPad, see if you can answer x tables questions quicker than Siri.
Or see if you can answer x tables questions quicker than somebody at home.
I would like you to choose your favourite piece of writing from this week.
Improve it by:
- Checking at least 3 spellings using a dictionary or an online dictionary.
- Checking that each sentence or name starts with a capital letter.
- Changing at least 3 words to more exciting words.
- Checking that you have started your sentences in different ways.
Then I want you to write a neat copy of your work. It should be written in your best joined up handwriting. You can decorate it afterwards if you like. Make sure it is a piece of work that you are really proud of.
Don’t forget to complete the Sumdog challenge that ends on Sunday evening.
Have another go on Hit the Button – hopefully you will be quicker than last time.
Today I would like you to have a look at different measuring equipment you have at home.
Talk to somebody at home about them:
- What do they measure?
- What is the unit of measurement? Cm, m, g, kg, ml, l?
- What is each line or interval worth?
If you can, have a go at using the measuring equipment.
Attached to this blog there is step-by-step guide for drawing a sloth. Have a go at following the guide. You don’t need to use squared paper, you can do it on plain paper – I had a go myself, I will show you when we are back at school.
Year 3 Home Learning 19th November 2020
Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 3:29pm
Thursday 19th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all doing OK at home and finding plenty of things to do that make you happy. Maybe today you could focus on doing something nice for the people in your house and make them feel happy. Mrs Wood put a big smile on my face yesterday by delivering a lovely pink bunch of flowers to my doorstep J and my sister delivered my favourite lunch – sushi.
As I was feeling a bit better yesterday, I took the time to do some puzzles and read some of my book, and of course watched the next Harry Potter movie, one more to go. I love doing arrow words and Sudoku. I haven’t listened to any Christmas songs like Ms Hodson yet but I do like the idea of dancing in the kitchen to some. You know how much Ms Hodson likes to dance in her kitchen – it makes me smile to think of her doing that… and hopefully some of you have taken her advice and had a go.
I am really looking forward to seeing the work that you have been doing at home. I have been on Sumdog every day and I can see that you are working so hard, I am very proud of you all.
Don’t forget to keep all of the work that you are doing at home so you can bring it in and show me when we are back on 24th November.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Tell them what you have read in your own words.
Your spellings for this week all end in ‘–il’
pencil, fossil, nostril pupil, April, gerbil, lentil, evil, basil, stencil
Ask somebody at home to test you on your spellings. If there are any words that you struggle with, practise them a bit more and then have another go.
Times tables
Ask somebody to test you at home on your x tables. Ask them to read them out twice and in a mixed up order.
Here is a bonus question: 34 x 10
Writing and computing
I have been talking a lot about things that make us happy. I have based today’s writing activity on a video that makes me laugh a lot. The video is below:
The video includes sloths. Sloths are creatures that live in tropical rainforests.
I would like you to do some research and then create an animal fact file about sloths.
Below are some ideas for websites you might want to use for research and for examples of fact files. Attached to this blog is a blank animal fact file you can copy and use if you want to.
There is a new Sumdog challenge where you will be practising some of the Year 3 skills. This challenge will end on Sunday evening.
I would like you to have more practice at telling the time today.
Write a list of different things you do throughout the day – look at the time for each of them and write it down. Try to write the time like this if you can - 5 minutes past 8, 20 minutes past 9, half past 12, etc.
You might write the times for the following:
- Woke up
- Had breakfast
- Read my book
- Had lunch
- Did some writing
- Went on Sumdog
- Tidied my room
- Watched TV
- Had tea
- Went to bed
Use an atlas or an online map to find out where sloths live. It might be interesting to have a look on Google Maps and Google Earth.
Year 3 Home Learning 18th November 2020
Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 7:44am
Wednesday 18th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all well and happy. I am happy and starting to feel better, I have watched 6 out of 8 of the Harry Potter movies so far.
32 of you of have started the Sumdog challenge which ends today – wow, well done; it makes me happy to know that you are working hard. I keep checking and smiling when I see that you have been on. You all make me smile J
There will be a new Sumdog challenge starting tomorrow morning.
Don’t forget to keep all of the work that you are doing at home so you can bring it in and show me when we are back on 24th November.
A note from Ms Hodson:
Hello Year 3!
I am missing you all very much! I can’t wait until we are back together again next week J
I’ve been trying to do something each day to make me smile. Yesterday I danced in my kitchen to some Christmas songs, it was really fun, you must try it!
Stay safe and happy,
Ms Hodson x
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Discuss what you have read, tell somebody how you think the characters are feeling and why.
Your spellings for this week all end in ‘–il’
pencil, fossil, nostril pupil, April, gerbil, lentil, evil, basil, stencil
Write out your spellings and then use look, cover, write, check to write them out 3 more times.
Times tables
Call out your x tables whilst jogging on the spot. Call them out in order first and then mixed up.
Watch this video. It is about Esther, a homeless woman, searching through a junkyard.
Write a diary entry as if you were Esther. Describe your day at the junkyard. Talk about how you felt at different parts of the day and what you saw.
You could start your diary entry like this:
Dear diary,
Today started off the same as every other day. I woke up cold and alone and put on my hat and scarf ready for a day of hunting for treasures at the local junkyard.
Focus on spelling, handwriting, capital letters and full stops.
Practise your number facts on the following website. There are different skills you can choose from.
Don’t forget to complete the Sumdog x tables challenge which will end this evening.
Watch this video about soil.
There at two quizzes to complete at the bottom of the web page.
If you can, go outside with a clear container like a jar. Fill half of the jar with soil and then fill it nearly to the top with water. Shake the jar and leave it for an hour to settle.
Draw and label the jar with what you can see.
Year 3 Home Learning 17th November 2020
Date: 17th Nov 2020 @ 7:45am
Tuesday 17th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all well and happy.
So far, 25 of you have started the Sumdog challenge – well done and keep up the hard work J
Take the time each day to do something with your family that makes you happy (I have been working my way through the Harry Potter movies).
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Pick out any words that you are unsure about and find out what they mean.
Your spellings for this week all end in ‘–il’
pencil, fossil, nostril pupil, April, gerbil, lentil, evil, basil, stencil
Choose 3 of your spellings and write silly sentences using them.
Times tables
Call out your x tables whilst doing star jumps. Call them out in order first and then mixed up.
Here is a poem about friendship.
The Best of Friends
The best of friends
Can change a frown,
Into a smile,
when you feel down.
The best of friends,
Will understand
Your little trials,
And lend a hand.
The best of friends,
Will always share,
Your secret dreams,
Because they care.
The best of friends,
Worth more than gold,
Give all the love,
A heart can hold.
Write your own poem called The Best of Friends
You can copy the poem above and change some parts into your own ideas, or you can write a completely different poem.
Remember a capital letter at the beginning of each line and a comma or full stop at the end of each line.
Focus on perfect spelling and joined up handwriting,
I would like you to practise subtracting again today. You can complete the other half of the sheet that you started yesterday. The sheets are attached to this blog.
You can also visit this website. Click on Mental Maths Train and then the subtract symbol (-). There are different levels to choose from.
Don’t forget to complete the Sumdog x tables challenge which will end on Wednesday evening.
Friendship week
Type up your poem about friendship or illustrate it.
Year 3 Home Learning 16th November 2020
Date: 16th Nov 2020 @ 7:35am
Monday 16th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all happy and well. I am missing you all and missing being in school but we will see each other soon.
It has made me very happy to see that 25 of you have taken part in the Sumdog challenge that started on Thursday. There is a new challenge starting today so make sure you get involved.
Please keep all of the work that you complete during these 2 weeks and bring it into school when we go back on 24th November.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Discuss what you have read and tell somebody what you think is going to happen next.
Your spellings for this week all end in ‘–il’
pencil, fossil, nostril pupil, April, gerbil, lentil, evil, basil, stencil
Split your spellings into chunks you can remember and write them out in different colours.
Here is an example: pencil
Times tables
Listen to the times tables song for your x table target. Get up, dance, and sing.
You can listen to all of them if you like.
1 – Read the Pobble story starter attached to this blog.
2 – The story starter is called ‘Unlikely Friends.’
Make up your own story about unlikely friends, it can be humans or animals – try to think of 2 people or things that you would not expect to be friends. It might be people who speak different languages, people with different jobs, people who come from different parts of the world, people who have different lives (like Chloe and Mr Stink), etc.
Focus on handwriting, spelling, capital letters and full stops.
Try to use some of the good words or sentences from the Pobble story.
3 – Check your spellings, capital letters and full stops when you have finished.
Attached to this blog are some maths sheets where you will be practising subtraction (taking away). Choose sheet A or B. Sheet A is the easiest. You don’t have to print the sheet, you can write the questions and answers on paper. You only need to do half of the sheet.
If you need help with subtracting, you can draw the first number with base 10 symbols (lines and dots) and then cross out what you are taking away.
There is also a new Sumdog x tables challenge which will end on Wednesday evening.
Friendship week
This week is Friendship Week.
One of the things to celebrate during friendship is that we are all different, unique and special in our own way.
Draw a picture of yourself and then around it, draw or write all of the things that make you unique and special. You might include:
- Things you are good at
- Hobbies
- Family
- The way you look
- Your personality
Year 3 Home Learning 13th November 2020
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 7:57am
Friday 13th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. Today is Children in Need Day, so wear something spotty if you have anything. I am going to spend the day in my Pudsey Onesie.
Well done to everybody who completed yesterday’s Home Learning. So far 15 of you have started the Sumdog challenge which was set yesterday – well done and keep it up.
Please keep all of the work that you complete during these 2 weeks and bring it into school when we go back on 24th November.
Get active
This year, BBC Children in Need have made children’s mental wellbeing their number one priority. Watch this video where Joe Wicks helps us to get active in order to feel good.
Afterwards, spend some time being active. You could do some of Joe Wicks’ exercises.
Another idea is to ‘act your age.’ This means, take your age (or the age of people you live with) and use it in your activity – it might be that you do something for 7 or 8 minutes, or you repeat an exercise 7 or 8 times, or you jog 7 or 8 laps of your garden.
It is SO IMPORTANT to keep up with your reading EVERY DAY over the next 2 weeks.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. After each page or chapter, tell them what has happened in your own words.
Your spellings for this week all end in ‘–il’
pencil, fossil, nostril pupil, April, gerbil, lentil, evil, basil, stencil
Make a word search with your spellings in and ask somebody at home to find them.
Here is a grid you could copy, trace or print. Or you can create your own.
Times tables
Ask somebody to time you writing out your x tables.
Repeat again throughout the day trying to get quicker each time.
Write 5 sentences about what we have read so far in Mr Stink.
Start each sentence with a conjunction:
Even though, because, while, when, after, before, so, despite.
Remember to use a comma.
Here is an example:
Because she loved to use her imagination, Chloe’s Maths book was full of stories she had made up.
Attached to this blog are some Children in Need maths sheets. Choose one to complete – you don’t have to print it, you can write your answers on paper and if you need to, draw your own pictures to colour in.
I would like you to find out how fossils are made and then make something to show what you have found out – it could be a poster, leaflet, video, PowerPoint.
Here are some useful videos. - If you scroll to the bottom of the page, there is a quiz and more videos.
Year 3 Home Learning 12th November 2020
Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 11:05am
Thursday 12th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all feeling happy and well. I miss you all already but we know we will be back together in 2 weeks.
Please complete the work set over the next 2 weeks so that when we are back together in 2 weeks we can carry on with all of our amazing learning in school.
It is SO IMPORTANT to keep up with your reading EVERY DAY over the next 2 weeks.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. After each page or chapter, tell them what has happened in your own words.
Today in school you would have been tested on your spellings, so ask somebody to test you on the spellings you were given last week.
medal, petal, capital, hospital, animal, equal, final, pedal, magical, local
If there are any that you get wrong, practise them and then ask somebody to test you again.
If anybody wants an extra challenge, ask somebody to test you on some of the spellings from previous weeks. They are all on the school website on the Home Practice sheets under Year 3 Blog Items.
Times tables
Today in school you would have been tested on your x tables, so ask somebody to test you on your x tables. You all know which x table you are focussing on.
Remember in class, the questions are read out twice and in a mixed up order.
It might be fun if you then swap and you can test people at home.
In class we have been talking a lot about being positive. I really want you to stay happy and positive over the next 2 weeks.
For your writing today I want you to set yourself a small goal for each day – when we achieve our goals it makes us feel happy.
Copy and complete the table, fill in your goals, and then tick them off when you have done them.
Focus – joined up handwriting, capital letters, perfect spelling.
Day of the week |
Goal |
Tick |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Here are some ideas if you struggle:
- Do 20 minutes of mindfulness or yoga from Youtube
- Read 20 pages of my book
- Write a diary
- Stay off screen all day (phone, TV, computer, IPad)
- Get up early
- Write down 5 things I am grateful for
- Clean my bedroom
- Exercise for 10 minutes
- Eat more fruit and vegetables
- Create my own workout
- Try a new type of exercise
- Go to bed early
- Learn something new
- Speak to a friend
Complete today’s Sumdog challenge.
Today I would like you to practise telling the time.
Watch the BBC video and complete the quiz at the end
After, have a look at the different clocks you can find in your house. Talk about them with somebody at home, try to tell the time at different points throughout the day – ask somebody at home to help you.
Here is a game you can have a go at; there are different levels to choose from.
RE and Art
This week in school is Judaism Week, where every class is learning something different about Judaism. In Year 3 our learning focus is the Jewish place of worship – the synagogue.
The synagogue is a special building where the Jewish community meet to pray, study and celebrate. If possible, synagogues are built facing in the direction of where the Temple was in Jerusalem. Jewish people often call the synagogue the shul which is a Yiddish word for school.
The outside of the synagogue might be decorated with a design of a menorah, or a six sided star, and the name of the synagogue in Hebrew letters. There are no statues or representations of the faces of people because for the Jewish people that would be going against the second of The Ten Commandments which says you must not worship images you have made.
When boys and men go into the synagogue must cover their heads. The little round hat they wear is called a kippah. Often women covered their heads too. The men often wear a tallit that is a prayer shawl over their shoulders. These are worn as a sign of respect and as a reminder of God’s presence.
Design the outside of a synagogue, remembering what you have seen and learnt.
Year 3 Home Practice 6th November 2020
Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 7:27pm
We have had a great week back at school after Half Term. So lovely so see everybody safe and happy.
We have started reading Mr Stink in English, we are really enjoying getting to know the characters in the book. In Maths we have been doing lots of counting and times tables. We have also been drawing base 10 symbols to help us add numbers together.
Each day we have had ‘Time To Talk.’ We have focussed on positive things and have thought about ourselves, how we see things and how we can overcome any challenges we may face.
On Thursday we enjoyed ‘Outdoor Classroom day.’ We did some orienteering by looking at symbols and a key and then using them to make silly faces out of PE equipment. We are looking forward to trying this again next week (hopefully minus the rain).
Home Practice for 6th November – 13th November
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. Retell it in your own words.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Number and Addition Challenge: 6th November – 13th November - target 100 questions.
x tables challenge: 6th November – 13th November - target 100 questions.
- Practise your x tables – you will be tested on them on Thursday 12th November. You need to know them quickly and confidently without having to count on.
- Spellings - you will be tested on them on Thursday 12th November. You need to practise them every night. It is also a good idea to practise spellings from previous weeks.
The /l/ or /ul/ sound spelled ‘-al’ at the end of words.
medal, petal, capital, hospital, animal, equal, final, pedal, magical, local
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 3:28pm
A new film version of The Sectret Garden has been released. To celebrate this a competition is being run by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and Sky. You can draw, paint, create a collage or model or even plant up a minature garden. If you would like your child to be in the competition the entry needs to be on a single sheet of A4 paper. The entry needs to include the design elements and why they have chosen them.
Please send your child's entry into school by Monday 16th November and we will send them off.
Good luck!
Click here to find out more.
Year 3 Home Practice 23rd October 2020
Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 7:36pm
What an amazing first half term in the juniors. We have had a fantastic time and grown up so much already. We have worked hard and are ready for a well-deserved week off to rest, reflect on our learning and spend time with our families.
This week we have absolutely LOVED reading the instruction book ‘How to Wash your Woolly Mammoth.’ We wrote our own instructions and used our sense of humour to make them funny – like paint the woolly mammoth’s tusks pink and give it a foot massage.
We have been looking at 2-D shapes in Maths and have been measuring accurately using our rulers. As always, we have counted and practised our times tables every day!
We have done lots of art to make spooky pictures which we used to decorate our classroom for Friday’s Halloween themed day. We practised mixing different colours of paint, sketching and cutting out. We also got in the spirit of Halloween in our French lesson where we looked at Halloween traditions in France, read a story in French about Halloween and wrote our own sentences using the text as a model.
Well done Year 3 and thank you for such a super first half term!!! JJJ
Home Practice for 23rd October – 6th November
If you do the home practice for 10 minutes every day and read each night, you will really see a difference in your learning.
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. Retell it in your own words.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Spelling Challenge: 23rd October – 6th November - target 250 questions.
Maths Challenge: 23rd October – 6th November - target 250 questions.
x tables challenge: 23rd October – 6th November - target 250 questions.
- Practise your x tables – you will be tested on them on Thursday 5th November. You need to know them quickly and confidently without having to count on.
- Spellings - you will be tested on them on Thursday 5th November:
The /l/ or /ul/ sound spelt ‘-el’ at the end of words.
This spelling is usually used after m, n, r, s, v, w and commonly s.
camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel, hazel, vowel, angel, jewel
- If you want to do some writing during Half Term, you could keep a diary. Focus on capital letters, full stops, spelling, and handwriting.
Year 3 Home Practice 16th October 2020
Date: 15th Oct 2020 @ 7:38pm
We have had a wonderful week in Year 3. We have finished reading The Twits – we really enjoyed it and are excited to find out what our next books will be (it is top secret for now)!
We have been using our imagination lots in our writing to write about astronauts, glowing keys, jungles and more. Our imagination is unbeatable – so many fantastic ideas. The stories everybody wrote at home with their spellings in were amazing!
We are still focussing on counting, times tables and number facts in Maths. We have also started to look at 2-D shapes and their properties.
We combined Art with RE this week and made beautiful collages all about ourselves – which groups we belong to and promises we have made. We were amazed to realise how many different groups and clubs we are actually part of.
In PE we have been perfecting our throwing and catching skills and using different techniques to beat a defender in a game. We are really good at working together as a team, encouraging and helping each other.
In French we had our first attempt at using phonic sounds to write French words.
Home Practice for 16th October – 23rd October
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. Discuss the characters and what has happened to them. Predict what you think will happen next.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Spelling Challenge: 16th October – 23rd October - target 100 questions.
Number and Shape Challenge: 16th October – 23rd October - target 150 questions.
- Spellings:
The /l/ or /ul/ sound spelled –le at the end of words.
table, apple, bottle, little, middle, bubble, cable, uncle, ankle, circle
Use look, cover, write, check to practise.
Make a list of any other words you can think of which end with the /l/ or /l/ sound spelled -le.
Year 3 Home Practice 9th October 2020
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 6:33pm
Thank you for all of your amazing rock posters. We have put them up on display in our classroom and they look great. I have learnt lots of new things.
We have done a lot of hands on learning this week. We used charcoal and sand to create Stone Age cave paintings (we worked so well as a team to clean the classroom afterwards). We also did an investigation in Science where we looked at different qualities of rocks to choose which would be best for a Stone Age cutting stone (again great team work and sharing).
In Maths we have been using number lines to find missing numbers and to add numbers together. In English we have been hearing all about the monkeys and the Roly-Poly Bird in The Twits.
Friday was ‘Let’s Brighten Up a School Day.’ We focussed on all of the positive things – things we are good at and things we have in our lives that we are grateful for. It was really nice to hear how proud we all of ourselves and each other.
Home Practice for 9th October – 16th October
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Number Challenge: 9th October – 16th October - target 100 questions.
X2 and x5 tables challenge: 9th October – 16th October – target 100 questions.
- If you are confident enough, teach somebody at home how to use a number line to find numbers which total 100.
- Spellings:
These are words that have an /s/ sound spelled with a ‘c’, they have an ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’ after the /s/ sound.
race, ice, cell, city, fancy, lace, space, circle, circus, rice
Make up a story using all of your spellings words. It can be as silly as you like. I would love to see when you have finished.
Year 3 Home Practice 2nd October 2020
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 9:01pm
We have had a very creative and exciting week in Year 3.
Thursday was National Poetry Day so we read some poems with actions and lots of expression. We chose our favourite which was ‘How to Turn Your Teacher Purple’ by James Carter. We performed this poem together and made a video – this is on the school website.
On Monday we travelled back in time and did some Stone Age art (pictures to follow when we have finished). We realised how talented people were in the Stone Age using what they could find to survive and communicate.
In Maths we have been using equipment to add hundreds, tens and units, in English we are still enjoying reading The Twits and in French we have been counting to 20 focussing on the different sounds of the letters.
Home Practice for 2nd October – 9th October
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes.
- Practise the x2 tables –
- Play ‘Hit the button’
- Ask somebody to test you on the way to and on the way back from school every day. You need to know them quickly without counting on.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenge:
Number Challenge: 2nd October – 9th October – target 100 questions.
- Spellings:
gem, gym, giant, magic, giraffe, energy, digit, engine, religion, gentle
Make a word search with your spellings in, ask somebody at home to find the spellings.
- Research and then create a poster about different types of rocks.
Visit -
There are 4 learner guides and 7 class clips which you can look at.
The three types of rock you need to include are:
Igneous rock
Metamorphic rock
Sedimentary rock
Make your poster easy to read and colourful. See if you can find some really interesting facts to share with the class.
Year 3 Home Practice 25th September 2020
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 4:51pm
Another amazing week in Year 3.
We went outside and had our first ‘Time To Talk’ where we discussed how to be a good friend. Throughout the week we have really worked well together and have been great friends to each other. We read some more of the Twits and wrote news reports about a mysterious sighting in the sky (Mrs Twit attached to balloons). We used clues to find out what life was like in the Stone Age and sorted and compared different rocks in Science. You can see some pictures of this in the galleries. In Maths we have been using number lines to round to the nearest 10 and used equipment to make and compare numbers up to 1000. Mrs Quilliam is proud of Year 3 for their first attempt at using a French dictionary.
I am already looking forward to another great week next week!
Home Practice for 25th September – 2nd October
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes.
- Practise the x2 tables – listen to this song every night. Sing along and dance.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Number Challenge: 25th September – 2nd October – target 100 questions.
x2 tables: 25th September – 2nd October – target 50 questions.
Grammar Challenge: 25th September – 2nd October – target 50 questions.
- Spellings:
age, huge, change, charge, bulge, village, range, orange, hinge, stage
Write out the spellings and stick them up somewhere you will see them every day. Use look, cover, write, check to practise your spellings.