Year 3: Blog items

Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 10th February 2021

Date: 9th Feb 2021 @ 3:39pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good Tuesday. The work you sent me on Seesaw was amazing, I really enjoyed the poem Ryan read out and sent me, it’s called What Turkey Doing? By John Agard. I loved listening to all of you read, what a treat. Ms Hodson can't wait to listen tomorrow morning. 

You really are doing such a great job at home, I know it must be tricky for you sometimes J

Please send a 10 second video of yourself doing the dance on Seesaw today or tomorrow. These will be used to create a whole school video.

The video and more information can be found here:


Wednesday 10th February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next in the story.

Don’t forget to change your reading book with the school office when you have finished.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are some of the words which you need to know by the end of Year 3.

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear


Write the long date: Wednesday 10th February 2021

Write the title: Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

Write your spelling words down the side of your page.

Look very carefully at a word - notice double letters, words within words, tricky parts, letters that don’t sound like you would expect.

Say the word out loud.

Cover the word and write it down next to it.

Uncover the word and check you have spelt it correctly.

Repeat so you have written each word 4 times.



Listen to pages 260 – 267 of Mr Stink, I will send you a video of the pages on Seesaw in the morning.

I have really enjoyed this book, I hope you have too. I wonder if you notice anything about the very last sentence…


You are going to design a new cover for the Mr Stink book. I have attached a photo of the front and back covers so you can see what they look like.

I would like you to get a piece of paper and fold it in half so that it is like a book.

On the back, write a blurb for Mr Stink. A blurb tells you what the book is about.

On the front, design your own front cover for Mr Stink – you might want to draw a picture of your favourite part. Remember to include the title, author and illustrator.

I would love to see your book cover on Seesaw.

Keep these handy because you are going to do something on the inside tomorrow.



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Using commas

Adding an exclamation mark

Writing in paragraphs

Ending with a …


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button three times.

Practise division facts for ÷ 2



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 10s.

From 234 to 334.

From 901 to 1011.

Back from 1052 to 972.



Watch the video, pause where you need to.

Complete the sheet attached to this blog and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.

Some questions ask you to use base 10, you can draw this.

Draw a square for 100, a line for 10 and a dot for 1.


Optional Maths Challenge

Attached is a sheet called Magic V Challenge.

This is an investigation where you will be finding as many possibilities as you can. I would love for anybody who has a go to tell me all about what you found out on Seesaw.



Please look at the photo attached all about songs that make you feel good, either write your favourite songs or talk about them. 

Follow the link to complete the music lesson. You will need a cup.




Next Wednesday 17th February will be Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent. 


During Lent we prepare for Easter.

In Lent we remember how Jesus suffered and died for us.

When Jesus rose from the tomb on Easter Sunday, he showed us that death

is not the end.

God, our Father, wants us all to live with him in a new life of peace and joy in heaven.

During Lent, we prepare for Easter in three ways: we pray, fast, and do acts of kindness.

By doing these things we grow in love of God and other people.


I would like you to write your Lenten Promise on the cross attached to this blog. Stick it up somewhere at home.

I would like your Lenten Promise to be something you can do to make yourself a better person. Here are some examples:

I promise to do 20 minutes of exercise every day.

I promise to ask my Mum and Dad for jobs every day.

I promise to swap iPad time for reading time.

I promise to do something kind each day.


Decorate your cross with pictures and patterns – make it look beautiful.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your RE work and your Mr Stink book cover.  

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. There is a new game :) 



Have a wonderful day J Remember you are amazing! Please send me a photo of your Lenten Promise and your Mr Stink cover on Seesaw. I will be looking out for beautifully presented work.  

Try to send a 10 second video of yourself doing the dance today or tomorrow.


Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Date: 8th Feb 2021 @ 3:24pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good day on Monday.

We had quite a debate in History about which of the Ancient Egyptian achievements was the most important. We agreed on two in the end – creating their own language and building the pyramids and houses without the machinery and technology we have today. 

Well done all of your hard work, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw. Today Ms Hodson would love to hear some of you reading on Seesaw – so please send a short video if you can.


Tuesday 9th February 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and pause where there is a full stop or comma. Ms Hodson would love it if you could record yourself reading your favourite part of your book and send it on Seesaw.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are some of the words which you need to know by the end of Year 3.

Read them out loud.

decide, describe, different, difficult, disappear

You will be tested on these spellings on Tuesday 23rd February after Half Term. We have this week to practise them and the Monday after Half Term, you don’t need to worry about them during the holidays.


Write the long date: Tuesday 9th February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Chunks

Write out your spellings in chunks you can remember, sometimes you can find words within your words. Last week we spotted the word pet in competition.

Here is an example:




Follow the video on Seesaw to practise your handwriting.




Read pages 252 - 260 of Mr Stink attached to this blog.

I would like you to imagine that you are Chloe. You are going to write Mr Stink a thank you letter that he can keep with him wherever he wanders.


Long date: Tuesday 9th February 2021

Title: Can I write a letter?


Here are some ideas to start each paragraph. Try to write at least 3 sentences for each paragraph with different memories and things that Chloe is thankful for:

Dear Mr Stink,

I am writing this letter to you so that …

First of all, I want to say a massive thank you for everything you have done for me. You have…

I will always remember our time together; we had some laughs! I remember when …

I hope that you and Duchess have a great time on your next adventure, and I hope …

Thanks again,

Love from Chloe



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops (places and names need capital letters)

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Using words from the Mr Stink book

Using commas and exclamation marks


Times tables

This week we are going to practise division facts for the tables we know.

Play on Hit The Button three times.

Click on division facts.

Click on ÷2.

It might help to write out your 2x tables before you play.

Try to improve your score each time.





Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 20s:

From 0 to 300.

From 22 to 122.

From 10 to 110.




Today you are going to answer some arithmetic questions.

There are two videos on Seesaw which will help you with questions 25 and 26, you can also watch previous videos if you need a reminder.


Don’t forget to use a number line to help with question 24.

Don’t forget to use a grid to help with questions 19 and 23.

Don’t forget to look for number bonds to help with question 21.


After watching the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete the questions.

After 20 minutes, check your answers yourself and then use the answer sheet to check.



Complete the Science lesson attached to this blog, it is all about transparent, translucent and opaque objects and materials.  



Have another practice of the dance:

Remember I will be asking for a short video of the dance by Thursday.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a recording of yourself reading.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog.

Lexie has already completed the times tables challenge - wow!

Lexie, George and Madeline have already completed the number challenge - amazing! 

Don’t forget to collect a yellow dictionary from the school office when you can.



Have a super day J I am so proud of each and every one of you! Please send me a video of yourself reading out loud on Seesaw.  


Year 3 Home Learning Monday 8th February 2021

Date: 7th Feb 2021 @ 12:47pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a lovely weekend with your family and are looking forward to another fun week ahead.


Monday 8th February 2021


Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about what you have read so far.



Write the long date: Monday 8th February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test  


Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice.

  1. station
  2. fiction
  3. motion
  4. nation
  5. education
  6. action
  7. injection
  8. caption
  9. fraction
  10. competition

Bonus question: 11. careless



You are going to be writing a story about a baby animal. There is an example story to give you ideas, you just need to change parts to make it your own.

Please download the writing task PowerPoint and turn the sound on, the PowerPoint will explain the task.

If you want to, you can draw a picture to go with your story.

Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for perfect spelling and capital letters.



Times tables

Write the short date: 08.02.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your 4x tables in a mixed up order.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 89 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Number Challenge: 8th February – 14th February

Times Tables Challenge: 8th February – 14th February




Count out loud in 2s:

From 0 to 30.

Back from 30 to 0.

From 234 to 254.

From 1 to 31.




Today you are going to have some more practice with adding, it might be helpful to think about or watch the video again on Seesaw from last week about bridging ten.

Then watch this video, pause where you need to.


Complete the worksheet and then use the answers to check. You can draw empty number lines or base ten symbols to help with the questions if you want to.



Today you are going to be looking at some of the great achievements of the ancient Egyptians.

Watch this video and see if you can spot anything amazing that the ancient Egyptians did:

Ancient Egypt video 

Even though they lived thousands of years ago, they managed to do some very impressive things! They built the pyramids at around the same time that Stone Henge was built in Britain.

More informatian and your task are on the PowerPoint attached.



This week we are celebrating Dance Week with a whole school dance project. Mr Mears will teach us our routine (see video) and we hope to see everyone take part in school and at home.

Have a practice of the dance in preparation for making a short video later in the week. I will be asking you to have a little practice each day. By Thursday, you can send your dance videos to your class Seesaw (through the inbox). 10 seconds per child is more than enough footage as we will be using these clips to create a whole school video.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. The new challenges start on Monday.

Don’t forget to collect a yellow dictionary from the school office when you can.



Have a wonderful day J start the week with lots of smiles, always take the time to do something that makes you feel happy! Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.


Year 3 Home Learning Friday 5th February 2021 - Fabulous Friday

Date: 4th Feb 2021 @ 1:37pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day on Thursday. We enjoyed being active in school and did PE outside.


I hope you have an amazing weekend filled with laughter and smiles.


Friday 5th February 2021


It’s Fabulous Friday! Woohoo.

Start your day by listening to this song – some of you have told me on Seesaw that you have been singing REALLY loudly, I love that!

This week, for Children’s Mental Health Week, you have been doing different activities to express yourself. I would like you to finish the week off with Dress to Express. Wear an outfit that makes you feel great!!!


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

  • Read

Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.


  • Complete the number activity.

There are two videos on Seesaw.


  • Listen to this 4x tables song.

Do silly dances and call out the numbers in silly voices. Make your voice go really high when the song goes high.


  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see.



The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it!

Year 3 Home Learning Thursday 4th February 2021

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 2:17pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Wednesday and are looking forward to a fun day ahead. I think you will enjoy the writing activity today.


PLEASE NOTE: I have left some yellow dictionaries at the school office. These are the same dictionaries that we use in school. You can show the people at home how we use them, and then you can use them to make sure that your spellings are perfect in your writing, just like we do in class.


Thursday 4th February 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.

Each day you will be doing some activities related to Children’s Mental Health Week and hopefully it will help you to feel happy and positive.

Start your day with this song – Get back Up Again:



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Choose 3 words which you do not know the meaning of. Try to figure out their meaning from the sentence they are in. Use a dictionary to check.



Here are your spellings for this week. They all end in –tion.

station, fiction, motion, nation, education, action, injection, caption, fraction, competition.


Write the long date: Thursday 4th February 2021

Write the title: Letter Jumble

Try to unjumble these letters to find your spelling words. Remember, they all end in –tion.

  1. attnsio
  2. rtnoacfi
  3. euncdaoti
  4. jniinecto
  5. iimepcoottn
  6. pacntio
  7. noitcif
  8. nntaio
  9. anioct
  10. tmnooi


Here are the answers:

  1. station
  2. fraction
  3. education
  4. injection
  5. competition
  6. caption
  7. fiction
  8. nation
  9. action
  10. motion



Read pages 246 to 252 of Mr Stink.

Please collect a yellow dictionary from school when you can to use in your writing.


Long date: Thursday 4th February 2021

Title – Can I choose words to use in a policy?

On page 248, Chloe’s mother said she could stand at the next election but would have to change her policies. I would like you to write her new policies for her.

You might want to include things about: homeless, education, health, NHS, jobs, environment, and anything else you can think that would make the world a better place.

Try to use some of the words we found in Mrs Crumb’s old policy – banned, outlawed, deported, introduced, discontinued.

I have attached her old terrible policies to the blog in case you want to have another look. They are on the same PowerPoint as today’s pages.

Here is how I would like you to set out your policy:


If you vote for me, I will make the world a better and safer place for everybody. Here is a list of my policies:

  1. Homeless people to be given shelter, food and water.
  2. Plastic wrappers to be discontinued in all supermarkets.



Perfect spelling

A capital letter at the beginning of each policy and a full stop at the end

Beautiful handwriting


To make it even better:

Add extra information to some of your policies using brackets, like this:

  1. Plastic wrappers to be discontinued in all supermarkets (plastic is destroying our oceans).


Please send me a photo of your policies on Seesaw, I will be looking out for beautifully presented work.


Times tables

Play on Hit the Button.

Click on Division Facts and then ÷4.

If you find it tricky, write out your 4x tables before you start and use them to help.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Spelling Challenge – tion – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February

Number Challenge – Addition and Subtraction – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February




Count out loud in 4s:

From 0 to 48.

From 48 to 0.



Today you are going to be practising adding by bridging ten. There is a video on Seesaw which will explain this and show how you can draw an empty number line to complete the questions. We have done this in class before, so it should just be a reminder.

Write the short date – 04.02.21

Write the title – Can I bridge ten to add?

Copy and complete the questions attached to the blog.

The answers are on the same sheet, below the questions.

For an extra challenge if you want to:

Make up your own addition sums and show me how you could use bridging ten to answer them, you could use higher numbers. If you choose to do this, you could send me a video or photo on Seesaw – pretend you are the teacher J


Children’s Mental Health Week activities

  • Complete today’s Wellbeing Journal – attached to this blog.
  • Complete Our Friends – attached to this blog.
  • Listen to and take part in the breathing activity which is on Seesaw.



Watch this video

Complete the activity attached to this blog – Healthy Hearts




The theme for our learning this week is la Fête de Chandeleur – the feast of Candelmas on the 2nd February. Attached is a PowerPoint which describes French traditions on this feast day and an idea for a treat!

Download the PowerPoint and read and listen.

Now write today’s date in your book – you should be able to do this by yourself by now. The month is now février. Write the learning objective:

Can I write my opinions of pancakes?

The instructions are on slide 6 of the PowerPoint.

I’d love to see a little video of you saying whether you like or don’t like different pancakes on seesaw!

Bon appétit! Bonne fête!



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing.  

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 21 of you have been on the spelling challenge, one of you has already completed it, wow. 20 of you have been on the number challenge and 7 of you have already completed it. Well done.

Don’t forget to collect a yellow dictionary from the school office when you can.



Have a happy day J I am so proud of each and every one of you! Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw. I will be looking out for beautifully presented work.  

Year 3 Home Learning Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Date: 2nd Feb 2021 @ 4:05pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a good Tuesday. You all did so well on your arithmetic questions!! You really are doing such a great job at home, I know it must be tricky for you sometimes J


Wednesday 3rd February 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.

Each day you will be doing some activities related to Children’s Mental Health Week and hopefully it will help you to feel happy and positive.

Start your day with this song:




Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next in the story.

Don’t forget to change your reading books with the school office when you have finished them.



Here are your spellings for this week. They all end in –tion.

station, fiction, motion, nation, education, action, injection, caption, fraction, competition.


Write the long date: Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Write the title: Wrong Hand Spelling

Read the spelling words out loud.

Split your page in half.

On one half, write the spellings with the hand your normally write with.

On the other half, write the spellings with your other hand.



Read pages 238 to 246 of Mr Stink attached to this blog.

Answer the following questions in full sentences. The answers you need are in this chapter.


Long date: Wednesday 3rd February 2021

Title – Can I infer a character’s thoughts and feelings?

  1. Find and copy something that Chloe was looking forward to when she thought she was running away.


  1. Find and copy a sentence that shows that Chloe realised she actually liked her bedroom.


  1. On page 242, it says that Chloe felt a little guilty, why do you think she felt guilty?

I think that Chloe felt guilty because …


  1. On page 243, it says that it was as if Chloe was looking at another person entirely. What do you think this means?

I think this means…


  1. On page 244, it says mother’s legs looked like they were going to give way. Why do you think this is?

I think that mother’s legs were going to give way because…




Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Times tables

Call out your 4x tables whilst:

Jogging on the spot.

Doing a dance.

Clapping your hands.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Spelling Challenge – tion – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February

Number Challenge – Addition and Subtraction – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February




Count out loud in 10s.

From 884 to 954.

From 456 to 556.

Back from 1032 to 922.



Watch the video about adding and subtracting, pause where you need to.

Complete the sheet attached to this blog and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.

Remember, you can draw base ten symbols to help with adding and subtracting.

Draw a square for 100. A line for 10. A dot for 1.


Children’s Mental Health Week activities

  • Complete today’s Wellbeing Journal – attached to this blog.
  • Complete Kitchen Band and breathing activity – attached to this blog.




Follow the link to complete the music lesson. You will need a spoon.




Our next RE topic is all about listening and sharing.


Make a poster about sharing:

Write the word SHARING in big letters at the top.

Write 3 things that are good about sharing, e.g.

  • Sharing makes you feel better.
  • You can help people who have less than you.
  • You can be a good friend.

Draw pictures and decorate your poster with patterns, a border, and boxes around your writing.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far. Today I would like you to send me a photo of your RE work.  

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 15 of you have been on the spelling challenge, one of you has already completed it, wow. 16 of you have been on the number challenge and 6 of you have already completed it. Well done.



Have a wonderful day J Remember you are amazing! Please send me a photo of your RE poster on Seesaw. I will be looking out for posters which are bright and easy to read.

Year 3 Home Learning Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Date: 1st Feb 2021 @ 3:25pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you enjoyed your Monday, especially focussing on positive things :)

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Write down your working out.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your arithmetic questions and any working out that you do.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 4 of you have been on the spelling challenge, one of you has already completed it, wow. 5 of you have been on the number challenge and 3 of you have already completed it. Well done.


Things that made me smile on Monday (you could write your own list too)

  • Wiggle and dance at the end of the day.
  • Thinking about the good things in our lives.
  • It wasn’t pitch black when I arrived at school which was amazing!


Tuesday 2nd February 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.

Each day you will be doing some activities related to Children’s Mental Health Week and hopefully it will help you to feel happy and positive.

Start your day with this song:




Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody at home everything you know about one of the characters.



Here are your spellings for this week. They all end in –tion.

station, fiction, motion, nation, education, action, injection, caption, fraction, competition.


Write the long date: Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Write the title: Words ending in –tion

Read the spelling words out loud.

Write out your spelling words using two different colours. Write the suffix –tion in the same colour for each word, like this:






Follow the video on Seesaw to practise your handwriting.




Read pages 226 – 238 of Mr Stink attached to this blog.


Long date: Tuesday 2nd February 2021

Title – Can I write the next part of the story?

I would like you to imagine that Chloe does go wandering with Mr Stink instead of going home. Write the next part of the story, talking about an adventure they go on together. Use your imagination, they could go anywhere in the world. Maybe you could write about an adventure you have been on or would love to go on.

Split your writing into two paragraphs:

Chloe and Mr Stink’s first epic adventure together was …

Despite having a thrilling time, Chloe did miss some things about her life before. She missed…



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops (places and names need capital letters)

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Adding a simile

Adding a question

Adding an exclamation mark

Starting a sentence with a conjunction

Using exciting words


Times tables

Play on Hit The Button three times.

Practise the 8x tables.

Try to improve your score each time – my record is 36/36.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Spelling Challenge – tion – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February

Number Challenge – Addition and Subtraction – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February




Count out loud in 4s:

From 0 to 48.

From 48 to 0.



Today you are going to answer some arithmetic questions.

There is a video on Seesaw which will help you with question 23, you can also watch previous videos if you need a reminder.

Don’t forget to use a number line to help with question 22.

Don’t forget to use a grid to help with questions 20 and 21.

After watching the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes and complete the questions.

After 20 minutes, check your answers yourself and then use the answer sheet to check.


Children’s Mental Health Week activities

  • Complete today’s Wellbeing Journal.
  • Complete Relax and breathing activity – attached to this blog.




Complete the Science lesson attached to this blog, it is all about light and reflection.

Year 3 Home Learning Monday 1st February 2021

Date: 31st Jan 2021 @ 4:21pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed your learning on Fun Friday, it was nice to hear about your day on Seesaw – I know a lot of you spent a lot of time reading which is fantastic.

Well done for the work you have done so far, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing and Geography.

The Sumdog challenges start on Monday – make sure you log on and have a go.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect. Reading every day is key.


Things that made me smile over the weekend (you could write your own list too)

  • I went for a run on Sunday morning and beat my record time woohoo – practice makes perfect J
  • I spent a lot of time relaxing and recovering from a busy week – reading, listening to music, doing puzzles, etc.
  • I spoke to Ms Hodson on the phone about what a great week we had at school – we were both feeling really happy. It is the children in school and at home that made us happy – you are all amazing.


Monday 1st February 2021

This week is Children’s Mental Health Week.

This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Expressing yourself is about finding ways to share feelings, thoughts, or ideas. This could be through art, music, writing and poetry, dance and drama, photography and film, and doing activities that make you feel good.

Each day you will be doing some activities related to Children’s Mental Health Week and hopefully it will help you to feel happy and positive.

Start your day with this music:



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody what has happened in your own words.




Write the long date: Monday 1st February 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test   


Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice, ask them to read out these sentences so you can choose which homophone to use for each question. You don’t need to write the sentence, just the word.


  1. Quiet. It was nice and quiet in the library.
  2. Quite. I was quite tired.
  3. Bare. The trees were bare in winter.
  4. Bear. A polar bear is white.
  5. Sun. The sun is shining brightly.
  6. Son. Her son is called Tom.
  7. New. I like to try new things.
  8. Knew. I always knew I wanted to be a teacher.
  9. Night. It was a dark and cold night.
  10. Knight. The knight fought the dragon.

The bonus question (a spelling from another week) is: television  

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Long date: Monday 1st February 2021

Title – Can I use different sentence structures?


Please complete the writing activity on the PowerPoint attached.

You will need to download and then view slideshow with sound on as I have recorded the instructions over the top.

The writing has been broken down into stages so you can do a little bit at a time.



Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.


Times tables

Write the short date: 01.02.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your 8x tables in a mixed up order.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 47 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Count out loud in 100s.

From 30 to 1030.

From 57 to 1057.

From 78 to 1078.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

Spelling Challenge – tion – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February

Number Challenge – Addition and Subtraction – Monday 1st February – Sunday 7th February




Play on Hit the Button –

Click on number bonds, addition within 10.


Today you are going to be looking at adding and subtracting multiples of 100.

Watch the video, pause where you need to:

Complete the worksheet attached to this blog and then used the answer sheet to check.

REMEMBER - with subtraction, the highest number goes at the beginning.


Children’s Mental Health Week activities

  • Complete today’s Wellbeing Journal – attached to this blog.
  • Complete the Wiggle and Dance and breathing activity – attached to this blog.



Before you start, think about what you already know about the Amazon Rainforest – tell somebody at home if you can. Do you know which continent it is on? Which country it is in? Any rivers that flow through it? Any animals that live there? What the weather is like?


Watch the video about the Amazon Rainforest:


Write the date: Monday 1st February 2021

Write the title: Can I recognise key features of the rainforest?

Choose your 5 favourite facts from the video and draw a picture next to each one, you could pause the video and copy what you can see.


Please send me a photo of your Geography work on Seesaw – you know how much I love to learn about places around the world.

Year 3 Home Learning 29th January 2021- Fun Friday

Date: 28th Jan 2021 @ 2:34pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day, the children in school really enjoyed writing similes. Here are my favourite examples:

Mother’s bouffant danced around her head like a jaguar running around in circles after eating the world’s hottest chilli, the Carolina Reaper.

The postal districts were packed below her like an unsolved Rubik Cube.


I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your families and find lots of reasons to smile. I am looking forward to getting a curry on Friday, with lots of chillies mmm. Ms Hodson is excited to bake some cookies. 


Friday 29th January 2021


It’s Fabulous Friday!


Fridays are now a lighter day with limited screen time to give you and your families the chance to catch up and switch off!

Today you just need to:

  • Read

      Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.


  • Complete the number activity.

There is a video on Seesaw.


  • Listen to the 8x tables rap.

Do silly dances and call out the numbers in silly voices.



  • Finish anything off that you want to upload to Seesaw for me to see.


The rest of the day is yours, you’ve earned it! 

Why don’t you put on something that makes you feel happy? A bright top, your comfiest jumper, something fancy, or whatever makes you happy.

Year 3 Home Learning 28th January 2021

Date: 27th Jan 2021 @ 2:02pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you have had a nice day today. The maths work you have sent me on Seesaw is super!

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Write down your working out.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing, I will be looking out for some funny and imaginative ideas.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 25 of you have been on the grammar and spelling challenge, and still just 1 person has completed it. 19 of you have been on the related facts challenge and 3 of you have already completed it. Well done.


Things that made me smile on Wednesday (you could write your own list too)

  • The thought of Mr Stink wearing makeup and a butterfly clip.
  • Your great maths work on Seesaw.
  • A loud singalong in my car.


Thursday 28th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Choose 3 words that you don’t know the meaning of. Try to figure out their meaning from the sentence and then use a dictionary to check if you were correct.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings. Some are near homophones which means they have slightly different pronunciation.

quiet, quite, bare, bear, sun, son, new, knew, night, knight


Write the long date: Thursday 28th January 2021

Write the title: Homophone Pairs

Write out the homophone pairs next to each other.

quiet            quite

bare            bear

sun              son

new              knew

night           knight


Add pictures or decorations to some of the words to help you remember what the different spellings mean. For example, you might turn the k in knight into a sword, or you might turn the t at the end of quiet into a finger over lips to show sssh.



Read pages 216 – 226 of Mr Stink attached to this blog. I wonder if you notice a change in Chloe in this chapter.

This chapter uses a lot of similes, similes compare things to other things to help describe them. Here are the similes from this chapter.

Mother’s bouffant danced around her head like candyfloss on a windy day at the seafront as she attempted to hold it down.

She shot across the garden like a furry cannonball and into the pond.

The postal districts were packed below her like squares on a chessboard.

Gosh, he does smell like a toilet.


Long date: Thursday 28th January 2021

Title – Can I write similes?

Write your own similes about:

Mother’s hair

The cat being blown across the garden

What the town looked like from up above in the helicopter

Mr Stink’s smell


You can start your sentences like this if you want to, or some of you might come up with your own ideas:

Mother’s bouffant danced around her head like…

She shot across the garden like…

The postal districts were packed below her like…

Gosh, he does smell like…


For an extra challenge, you could also make up some more similes about:

The Prime Minister

Ten Downing Street

Chloe sticking up for Mr Stink

Anything you like



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Please send me your similes on Seesaw – I will be looking out for great handwriting, perfect spelling, capital letters and good ideas.



Times tables

Listen to the 8x tables rap – dance and sing along.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Related Facts Challenge: 25th January – 31st January
  • Grammar and Spelling Challenge: 25th January – 31st January



Count out loud in 10s:

From 32 to 142.

From 705 to 815.

From 988 to 1018.



Today you are going to do some arithmetic questions. Please watch two videos on Seesaw before starting. 

Remember the number line method we looked at last week, use this to help you with question 19. Watch the video on Seesaw again if you need a reminder.

I have also posted two new videos on Seesaw to help you with questions 20 and 25.

After you have watched the videos, set a timer for 20 minutes.

Before using the answer sheet, read through your answers to make sure you haven’t made any silly mistakes – we had lots of these last week in class!

After 20 minutes and after you have checked yourself, use the answer sheet to check your answers.



Watch the video:

Complete the activity called – Feeling Flexible



We were doing really well with our French phonics so here’s a video to watch first to practise some sounds.

Now click this link and download Lesson 10 with audio.

 First, it recaps the pencil case items that you should be quite familiar with by now.  On slide 5, you are going to use a negative sentence – Example,  there is no ruler = il n’y a pas de règle. Slide 7 – 9 are spot the difference slides. Again you need a negative – il n’y a pas de … there is no ….Notice you need the word de (duh) after a negative.

On slide 11, you are going to have a conversation with someone else if possible, or with your teddy if not! Tu as un …..? Do you have a ….? The reply is either Oui, j’ai un ….. Yes I have a ….. or Non, je n’ai pas de …… No, I don’t have a  …..

In your book, write the date en francais – mardi vingt-six fevrier and the title

Can I write a conversation including a negative sentence?

Using slide 11 as a model, can you write a conversation like this using one ‘Yes I have’ reply and one ‘No I don’t have’ reply?

Here’s my favourite song to finish!

Très bien! I’d really like to see your work on Seesaw! A la semaine prochaine.

Year 3 Home Learning 27th January 2021

Date: 26th Jan 2021 @ 3:33pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you have had a nice day today, in school we really enjoyed describing the Prime Minister’s house and we enjoyed our Art and Geography this afternoon. We are getting really good with our 8x tables as we practise every day!

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Write down your working out.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your maths work including your working out (the grids).  

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 22 of you have been on the grammar and spelling challenge, still only one person has completed it so far, well done to you. 17 of you have been on the related facts challenge and 3 of you have already completed it. Well done.


Things that made me smile on Tuesday (you could write your own list too)

  • We listened to beach waves sounds and a song called Copacabana while we did our art work – I enjoyed that.
  • I watched a TV programme with my breakfast called Countdown. You get 9 letters and have to make words out of them, I managed to make a word which was 8 letters long so was very pleased with myself.


Wednesday 27th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next and talk to somebody at home about it.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings. Some are near homophones which means they have slightly different pronunciation.

quiet, quite, bare, bear, sun, son, new, knew, night, knight


Write the long date: Wednesday 27th January 2021

Write the title: Spelling Sentences

Choose 3 of the spelling words and write your own sentences using them. It is probably a good idea to choose the spellings you find most tricky.



Read pages 208 – 216 of Mr Stink which are attached to this blog. This chapter is a nice one as Chloe and Annabelle spend some time together.    

Mrs Winter has recorded some of the pages and put them on Seesaw for you to listen to – what a treat!


 Long date: Wednesday 27th January 2021

Title – Can I use conjunctions and exciting vocabulary?

I would like you to write some sentences about this chapter using conjunctions. Also, try to use some of the good words from the book like zoomed, honoured, announced, vagrant, hissed, fantasies, unexpectedly, nervously, slowly.


Please write at least 3 sentences with the conjunction in the middle, like this:

Mr Stink sat on an upturned plant pot while the girls put pink glittery blusher on his cheeks.


Please write at least 3 sentences starting with a conjunction, you will need a comma for these ones where you pause.

After the vagrant had given his speech, he rolled up the grubby toilet roll and put it back in his pocket.


Conjunctions: because, after, when, while, before, even though, despite, though, so, if.



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting



Times tables

Play on Hit The Button three times.

Practise the 8x tables.

Try to improve your score each time – my record is 36/36.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Related Facts Challenge: 25th January – 31st January
  • Grammar and Spelling Challenge: 25th January – 31st January



Count out loud in 8s from 0 up to 96:

Whilst doing star jumps

Whilst clapping your hands

Whilst doing a crazy dance



Watch the video sent on Seesaw to help you with your maths. The video will remind you of the method we use in school to multiply a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number. We have done it before.

After watching the video, have a go at the questions on the worksheet – using the grid method from the video.

There are some challenge questions on the worksheet – you don’t have to do these but you can if you would like, the work you did on Tuesday might also help you.

Finally, use the answer sheet to check your answers.

Please send me a picture of your answers and working out on Seesaw.



In RE we have been looking at journeys and the church’s year – the Liturgical Calendar.

The Liturgical Calendar helps people to be close to God and Jesus as everyone celebrates the same things throughout the year, such as the birth of Jesus at Christmas and Jesus’ sacrifices for us at Lent and Easter. These celebrations remind us to love and serve God.

Write the long date: Wednesday 27th January 2021

Write the title: Can I describe ways I love and serve God?

Make a list and draw pictures of ways that you love and serve God. Think about how you live in a way that God would want and things you do that make you a good person.

Here are some examples:

  • I make sure that I am kind to everybody I meet, even if it is just by giving them a smile.
  • I say a prayer at lunch time to thank God that I have food, water and shelter. I know that I am lucky as there are people in the world without food and water.



Follow the link and complete the lesson:






Year 3 Home Learning 26th January 2021

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 3:25pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Monday and enjoyed some snow as well as your learning. 

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

We enjoyed the beautiful weather in school and played in the snow at play time and lunch time. We found the maths quite tricky, it was much easier when we wrote out our times tables and remembered to write our answers above each part of the question. Rushing did not work.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Write down your working out.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your Geography and Art, please put the two pieces of Art from Monday and Tuesday next to each other so I can see how different they are.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.

Don’t forget to go on Sumdog. 7 of you have been on the grammar and spelling challenge, one of you has already completed it, wow. 6 of you have been on the related facts challenge and 1 of you has already completed it. Well done.


Things that made me smile on Monday (you could write your own list too)

  • The beautiful weather.
  • The snowmen the children in school made at play time.
  • Your amazing art work that you sent me on Seesaw – so bright and colourful.


Tuesday 26th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody at home everything you know about one of the characters.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings. Some are near homophones which means they have slightly different pronunciation.

quiet, quite, bare, bear, sun, son, new, knew, night, knight


Write the long date: Tuesday 26th January 2021

Write the title: Homophones Sentences

Copy the sentences and fill in the gap with the correct spelling.

  1. The library was very … (quiet, quite)
  2. The brown … growled at the man. (bear, bare)
  3. The … was so bright I needed sunglasses. (sun, son)
  4. The brave … rescued the princess (night, knight)
  5. I wore my … dress to the party. (new, knew)


  1. The library was very quiet.
  2. The brown bear growled at the man.
  3. The sun was so bright I needed sunglasses.
  4. The brave knight rescued the princess
  5. I wore my new dress to the party.




Follow the video on Seesaw to practise your handwriting.




Read pages 201 - 208 of Mr Stink. They are attached to this blog. Some parts are written in capital letters. This is because the characters are shouting, see if somebody at home can read this bit out loud with you.  


Long date: Tuesday 26th January 2021

Title – Can I use adjectives?

Today you are going to write a description of the Prime Minister’s house, Number Ten Downing Street. Try to use lots of adjectives to describe the house. I have attached some photos and good words on the same PowerPoint as the Mr Stink pages. Some of these are not really Ten Downing Street, but might help you to come up with some ideas.

Paragraph 1 – Talk about the outside.

You could start with: 

As Mr Stink and Chloe stepped out of the limousine, they looked in front of them at Number Ten Downing Street.


Paragraph 2 – Talk about the room where they have tea.

You could start with:

They were led through a never-ending corridor and taken into a huge dining room with shiny golden walls.


Paragraph 3 – Talk about the bathroom.

You could start with:

Mr Stink had eaten egg sandwiches before setting off, you know what that means. He needed to go to the toilet. It was just as fancy as he expected it to be.



Perfect spelling

Capital letters and full stops

Beautiful handwriting


Make it even better by:

Adding a simile

Adding a question

Adding an exclamation mark

Starting a sentence with a conjunction


Times tables

Play on Hit The Button three times.

Practise the 8x tables.

Try to improve your score each time – my record is 36/36.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Related Facts Challenge: 25th January – 31st January
  • Grammar and Spelling Challenge: 25th January – 31st January



Count out loud in 5s:

From 0 to 60.

From 60 to 0.



Watch this video about related facts. Pause the video where you need to.

Complete the worksheet and use the answer sheet to check when you have finished.

Write out your times tables to help you with any tricky questions.


Geography and Art

Below is the link to a video about a favela in Rocinha, Brazil. A favela is a slum on the outskirts of a large city. Normally lots of people who don’t have a lot of money live in a favela.

I have attached some pictures to this blog of the favela. I would like you to create your own piece of art showing the favela. This time, you are not going to use colour – it is going to be black and white. This is to show how different life is for the people who live by Copacabana Beach compared to the people who live in the favela. They live in the same city but have very different lives.

  1. Draw your buildings, remember there are lots of them close together and they are on a hill.
  2. Draw the trees and hills.
  3. Use newspaper scraps to fill in the picture. Tear strips off and use them to fill in the buildings.
  4. Or if you would prefer, colour in black and white. You can do patterns like Romero Britto if you want to, but only in black, grey and white this time.

Year 3 Home Learning 25th January 2021

Date: 24th Jan 2021 @ 5:32pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed your learning on Fun Friday.

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw, it was nice to see your pictures or videos on Friday. They put a smile on my face.

If you are finding any of your work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of your Geography and Art work.

The Sumdog challenges will start on Monday – make sure you log on and have a go.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.


Things that made me smile over the weekend (you could write your own list too)

  • I had a snowball fight on the park – I won.
  • I played basketball on the park with snowballs.
  • I went for a run on Sunday morning and saw a fox; it walked right in front of me and stopped to look at me, and the street was called Fox Street – I couldn’t believe it!


Monday 25th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody what has happened in your own words.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings:

there, their, they’re, here, hear, see, sea, too, two, blue, blew


Write the long date: Monday 25th January 2021

Write the title: Spelling Test   


Write the numbers 1-12 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice, ask them to read out these sentences so you can choose which homophone to use for each question.

  1. There. Put your pencil over there.
  2. Their. I like the way they did their hair.
  3. They’re. They’re going to do well on the test.
  4. Here. Come over here.
  5. Hear. I can hear a bird tweeting.
  6. See. You can see if there is some light.
  7. Sea. I love swimming in the sea.
  8. Too. I was too cold when it snowed.
  9. Two. I would like two pizzas please.
  10. Blue. She has blue eyes.
  11. Blew. The wind blew through the cracks.


The bonus question (a spelling from another week) is: wonderful

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Long date: Monday 25th January 2021

Title – Can I use conjunctions?

Your writing activity is attached on a PowerPoint. Please watch and listen to the PowerPoint as I have recorded my voice to help and give you ideas. You can do this by opening the PowerPoint, clicking slide show, and then clicking from beginning.


Times tables

Write the short date: 25.01.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your 8x tables in a mixed up order.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 87 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Related Facts Challenge: 25th January – 31st January
  • Grammar and Spelling Challenge: 25th January – 31st January



Today you are going to be looking at times tables and comparing statements.

Watch the video, pause where you need to.

Complete the worksheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.

For questions 2, 4, 5 and 6, it will help you if you write the answer to each part of the question above the question.



Attached to this blog is a PowerPoint, complete the lesson on the PowerPoint which is all about sources of light.


Geography / Art

In Geography we have been looking at South America, and last week we focussed on Brazil. Today we are going to look at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Click on the link below, watch both videos and read the information.

You are going to do some art in the style of a Brazilian artist today called Romero Britto. He painted what he saw in Brazil using bright colours and bold patterns.

Attached to the blog is a picture of a piece of art in the style of Romero Britto. You are going to create your own picture of Copacabana Beach in the style of Romero Britto.

  1. Draw the hills, sky, sun, sea and lots of tall buildings (you might want to use a ruler).
  2. Split them into sections.
  3. Fill each section with different colours and patterns.
  4. You can use whatever you have at home – paint, felt pens, pencil crayons, crayons.

Year 3 Home Learning 22nd January 2021 - FUN FRIDAY

Date: 21st Jan 2021 @ 3:41pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day, it was fantastic to see how well you did with your arithmetic questions and lots of you practised using a number line – amazing!

Friday 22nd January 2021


Today we are going to have FUN FRIDAY!

I know you have been working so hard at home – I have seen amazing work on Seesaw and so many of you have been going on Sumdog every day.


In school, we are going to try to be active today. We are going to have an extra 5 minutes outside (hopefully) at play time, and an extra 10 minutes at lunch time. Why don’t you do the same at home?


On Seesaw today, please send me a photo of something happy – it can be a photo of yourself or something you have done that made you smile.



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Try to use lots of expression and different voices for the different characters.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings:

there, their, they’re, here, hear, see, sea, too, two, blue, blew


Write the long date: Friday 22nd January 2021

Write the title: Homophones practice  


Split your page into 10 shapes.

Fill each shape with a different spelling word – make sure they are all spelt correctly. Use different colours for each shape.



Long date: Friday 22nd January 2021

Title: Can I write a story?

Make up a story about anything you want, you could choose a character or setting from a book you are reading at home and use them. Or you could write a silly story. Or you could write the story of your favourite film. It can be ANYTHING that you are interested in.

Illustrate it with colourful pictures when you have finished.



Capital letters and full stops

Perfect spelling

Beautiful handwriting


To make it even better:

Add a simile

Include a question

Use an exclamation mark

Start a sentence with a conjunction – if, when, because, even though, so that



Times tables

Listen to the 8x tables rap. Do silly dances and call out the numbers in silly voices.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Statistics Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 18th January – 24th January
  • Homophone Challenge: 18th January – 24th January



Times tables game

Cut up 24 pieces of paper.

On 12 pieces write out times tables questions from 1 x 8 up to 12 x 8.

On 12 pieces write the answers from 8 up to 96.



Put the cards face down on the table.

Choose two cards.

If they match, keep them.

If they do not, put them back.



Share the cards between yourself and somebody at home.

Play snap – shout a silly word if they match.



If you can remember your login details for, log on and have a go at the next lesson. - YCTNBX


Or choose an animal that lives in the Amazon Rainforest and make a PowerPoint about it including pictures and facts.


Get active

Follow the link.

Double click on Year 3 and 4.

Double click on the street dance video.

Watch the video and try to learn the dance.


Golden Time

Do something fun at half past 2:

Play outside, draw and colour a picture, make up your own game, make a PowerPoint about something you love, type up your favourite writing from the week.

Year 3 Home Learning 21st January 2021

Date: 20th Jan 2021 @ 2:20pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day and are looking forward to another day of learning. I hope you enjoyed listening to my reading of some of Mr Stink – I love reading to you all. Today you will get to see me in a video which I have made for your maths lesson – I had some help from some wonderful Year 3 children.

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far. Today I would like you to send me a photo of your arithmetic questions and number lines.  

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.


Things that made me smile on Wednesday (you could write your own list too)

  • Morgan and Louis were very helpful with making a video for your maths lesson – we had a few funny mistakes like pen lids flinging and the wrong words being said.
  • Ms Hodson was laughing a lot while we were reading Mr Stink – especially the bit about the egg sandwiches and toilet habits. It makes me happy when I hear people laughing.
  • 3 of you have already completed the homophones challenge on Sumdog J
  • 9 of you have already completed the times table challenge on Sumdog J
  • 9 of you have already completed the statistics challenge on Sumdog J



Thursday 21st January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody what you think is going to happen next and why.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings:

there, their, they’re, here, hear, see, sea, too, two, blue, blew


Write the long date: Thursday 21st January 2021

Write the title: Homophones


Copy the sentences and fill in the gaps with the correct spelling

  1. I can … the birds singing. (here, hear)
  2. All of … handwriting was beautiful. (their, they’re, there)
  3. Mrs Crumb was … posh to listen to rock music. (too, two)
  4. Mr Stink asked if … are any more egg sandwiches. (there, their, they’re)
  5. … the best class in the whole school! (their, there, they’re)


  1. I can hear the birds singing.
  2. All of their handwriting was beautiful.
  3. Mrs Crumb was too posh to listen to rock music.
  4. Mr Stink asked if there are any more egg sandwiches.
  5. They’re the best class in the whole school!




Read pages 194 - 201 of Mr Stink. They are attached to this blog. I think you will enjoy the part about earplugs.


Long date: Thursday 21st January 2021

Title – Can I use exciting vocabulary?

You are going to write a story explaining who Mr Stink used to be and how he became homeless. Use your imagination just like Chloe does.

I would like you to choose 5 good words from this chapter and write them down, you are going to use them in your writing.

Here are my choices:

Invented, powerful, abandoned, hilarious, world-famous


Please write two paragraphs and try to write at least half a page in total.


Paragraph 1:

Mr Stink used to…


Paragraph 2:

It all ended and he became homeless when…


Please make sure you have:

  • Beautiful handwriting
  • Capital letters and full stops
  • Great spelling


Here are some top tips of how to make your writing amazing:

  • Include commas and exclamation marks.
  • Include a question.
  • Include a simile.
  • Include feelings.
  • Start sentences in different ways.
  • Use conjunctions – if, when, as, so, because, even though.


Times tables

Go on hit the button and practise your 8x tables, if you want, you could listen to the 8x table rap first and write out your 8x tables to help.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Statistics Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 18th January – 24th January
  • Homophone Challenge: 18th January – 24th January



Your Maths lesson today is on Seesaw, before starting the video please get everything you need:


Exercise book or paper

20 minute timer

Arithmetic questions

Arithmetic answers to check after


Optional Maths Challenge

Attached to this blog is a sheet with some questions. Use a number line to answer the questions.  


Please send me a photo of your arithmetic questions and number lines on Seesaw



Attached to this blog is an activity called – Ship Shape

Here is a video to help:



Here’s a song to recap greetings

Look back at your pencil case words from last week. Test yourself. How many can you remember?

Go through the PowerPoint again to remind yourself of all the other items.

Scroll down to Lesson 9 with audio.

Now collect some pencil case items and play Kim’s Game.  You’ll need an adult to help.

Look carefully at the items for about thirty seconds. Then you close your eyes and the adult takes one item away. The adult asks ‘Qu’est-ce qui manque?’ (kess key monk?) What’s missing? You say the name of the missing item in French and roles are swapped.

Here’s a familiar song to finish:

Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine!




Year 3 Home Learning 20th January 2021

Date: 19th Jan 2021 @ 4:14pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day and enjoyed reading the funny chapter in Mr Stink, I found it funny that he kept calling Sir David the wrong name, asked him if he was wearing any makeup and asked to go to the lavatory in the middle of the show. Today’s chapter is just as funny, if not more funny – I bet you can’t read it without laughing.

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far. Today I would like you to send me a photo of your writing and of your spelling sentences.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.


Things that made me smile on Tuesday (you could write your own list too)

  • The very funny Mr Stink.
  • The sound of the rain on the windows.
  • When it stopped raining J
  • 9 of you have started the homophones challenge on Sumdog - amazing!
  • 15 of you have started the times table challenge on Sumdog - woohoo!
  • 20 of you have started the statistics challenge on Sumdog - yippee!



Wednesday 20th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody everything you can about one of the characters.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings:

there, their, they’re, here, hear, see, sea, too, two, blue, blew


Write the long date: Wednesday 20th January 2021

Write the title: There, their, they’re


Write at least 3 sentences using the correct spelling of there, their, they’re.

Here are some examples:

  1. I just saw a pink fluffy unicorn over there.
  2. Their pizza looks delicious, mmm!
  3. They’re working very hard in school and at home.

Please send me a photo of your sentences on Seesaw. 



Read pages 184 – 194 of Mr Stink. They are attached to this blog. I will definitely be laughing when I read this to the children in school.


Long date: Wednesday 20th January 2021

Title – Can I infer a character’s thoughts and feelings?

You are going to write a diary entry today, as if you are Chloe. Imagine you have just got into bed after your day at the television studio.

Remember, you are pretending to be Chloe, so you won’t say Chloe, you will say I.

Here are some ideas of how you might want to start each paragraph.

Dear diary,

I have just got back from the funniest day of my life at the television studio. We were there because…

Mr Stink was so funny, he …

After he came back from the toilet, Mr Stink started telling everybody…

Mother made such a fool of herself when she …

When Mr Stink said I’m an absolutely fantastic girl, I felt…

I wonder what will happen tomorrow!


Here are some top tips of how to make your writing amazing:

  • Include commas and exclamation marks.
  • Include a question like – How could she think she would get away with telling all those lies?
  • Include a simile.
  • Include feelings.
  • Start sentences in different ways.


Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.


Times tables

Listen to this 8x tables rap, try to join in.



Count out loud in 2s:

From 0 to 24 and then back again.

From 1 to 25 and then back again.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Statistics Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 18th January – 24th January
  • Homophone Challenge: 18th January – 24th January



Attached to this blog is a worksheet for some extra practice of pictograms.

Please have a go and then use the answer sheet to check your answers. If you need to, you can watch the videos from Monday and Tuesday to help.

You can also click on the following link for some more practice.


Optional Maths Challenge

Attached to this blog is a sheet to practise your 8x tables. Time yourself to see how quickly you can answer each column.



Please follow the link and complete the music lesson. You will need a pencil and paper.



During Collective Worship in the hall you have been looking at the fruits of the Holy Spirit. This has been the theme of Collective Worship since September.

Attached to this blog is a booklet. The booklet has activities which will help you to remember and think about the fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Today, you can colour in or draw the front cover and then draw a picture about joy. It could be a picture of how you can make life happier for others, which is very important at the moment. If you would prefer, you can write a poem or a prayer about joy.

Year 3 Home Learning 19th January 2021

Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 3:41pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Monday and enjoyed doing your work. I really enjoyed learning about Brazil and South America – I never knew that Brazil was named after a type of tree.

Well done for the work you have done, I have been very impressed with what I have seen on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of the questions you do for your writing and I will reply telling you which questions you got correct.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.


Things that made me smile on Monday (you could write your own list too)

  • I enjoyed looking at maps and learning new facts – I am fascinated by the world around us.
  • I took a few quiet moments after school to listen to the birds tweeting outside in the Nature Area, it made me feel calm and happy.
  • I am already excited to read the next chapter of Mr Stink - it is very funny :)



Tuesday 19th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Predict what you think is going to happen next.



Here are your spellings for this week. They are homophones. Homophones are words which sound the same but have different meanings or spellings:

there, their, they’re, here, hear, see, sea, too, two, blue, blew


Write the long date: Tuesday 19th January 2021

Write the title: Homophones

Copy and complete the sentences with the correct spelling.

  1. The beach is over ……… (there, their, they’re)
  2. I can …….. the moon out of the window. (see, sea)
  3. I …….. out all of the candles. (blue, blew)
  4. It was ……… cold to go swimming. (too, two)
  5. I could …….. a strange sound coming from the forest. (here, hear)




  1. The beach is over there.
  2. I can see the moon out of the window. 
  3. I blew out all of the candles. 
  4. It was too cold to go swimming. 
  5. I could hear a strange sound coming from the forest. 



Read pages 176 – 184 of Mr Stink. They are attached to this blog. The next two chapters are very very funny J



Long date: Tuesday 19th January 2021

Title – Can I infer a character’s thoughts and feelings?

Write the answers to these questions in your book, please write in full sentences and copy spellings from Mr Stink carefully. Some of the questions ask what you think. 

  1. Find and copy a sentence which shows that Mrs Crumb does not like the smell.


  1. Find and copy a sentence that shows that Chloe cares about Mr Stink’s feelings.


  1. Why do you think Chloe’s mum slapped Mr Crumb’s hand when he reached for a rock CD?

I think Chloe’s mum slapped Mr Crumb’s hand because…


  1. Do you think the audience like Mr Stink? Why do you think this?

I do/ do not think the audience like Mr Stink because…


  1. On page 178, Sir David says, “Can we put some dirt on him? He doesn’t look trampy enough.” What does this make you think of Sir David?

This makes me think that Sir David is…


  1. Why do you think Anabelle was trying not to laugh at the end of the chapter?

I think Anabelle was trying not to laugh because…



Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw and I will tell you if you got the answers correct. Some of the questions ask what YOU think, so I will be interested to read your thoughts. I will also check you have copied spellings perfectly.


Times tables

Listen to this 8x tables rap, try to join in.



Count out loud in 10s:

From 988 to 1108.

From 789 back to 659.

From 906 up to 1016.  



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Statistics Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 18th January – 24th January
  • Homophone Challenge: 18th January – 24th January



Please watch this video about interpreting pictograms, pause where you need to:

Complete the worksheet and use the answer sheet to check when you have finished.


Optional maths challenge

Make your own tally chart and pictogram.

You could do it about things you can find in your house e.g. type of fruit, colour of teddies, etc.



Watch this video which gives an introduction to Ancient Egypt.

Below the video, there is some information to read.

Attached to this blog are some key events which happened during the Ancient Egyptian Civilisation.

Put the events in order starting with 6000 BC and ending with 30 BC. BC means before Jesus was born. 6000 BC is 6000 years before Jesus was born. 30 BC is 30 years before Jesus was born. So 6000 BC is further in the past than 30 BC.

Optional extras

  • Draw some pictures to go with the events.
  • Find out some more key events and add them to your page, in the correct order.



Year 3 Home Learning 18th January 2021

Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 4:44pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice weekend with your families and are looking forward to another week of impressing your parents with your amazing work J

Well done for all of the work you have been doing. I have been so impressed with all of the work you have sent me on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far.  Today I would like you to send me a photo of the writing you do.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.

You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.


Things that made me smile over the weekend (you could write your own list too)

  • I went for a nice walk on Saturday and watched some dogs playing in the huge puddles, they looked so happy.
  • My dad sent me a funny picture where he had given the dog, Chester, a funny moustache – I have attached a photo to this blog so you can see.
  • I had a video call with all of my friends on Saturday; it made me happy to speak to them all.
  • 12 of you completed the suffix challenge on Sumdog – well done to you.
  • 22 of you completed the times tables challenge on Sumdog – give yourself a pat on the back.
  • 14 of you completed the division challenge on Sumdog – ask somebody at home to give you a high 5.


Monday 18th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell somebody about what you have read in your own words.  



Here are your spellings from last week:

careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless


Write the short date: 18.01.21

Write the title: Spelling Test


Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice.

The bonus question (a spelling from another week) is: treasure

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Attached to this blog is the start of a story called The Curiosity Shop. Please read the story starter.

Choose your 5 favourite words or sentences – you are going to try to use them in your own writing.

Long date: Monday 18th January 2021

Title – Can I use exciting vocabulary?

Write your own story about The Curiosity Shop. You can use the same ideas as the example and write it in your own words. Or you can make up your own ideas.

Use the 5 words or sentences from the example that you chose.

Split your writing into paragraphs:

Paragraph 1 – write a sentence to say what the shop owner did while he waited for customers.

Paragraph 2 – describe the shop and explain why people come to visit it.

Paragraph 3 – describe the shop owner.

Paragraph 4 – describe something exciting or scary that happens when a customer comes in, maybe he or she buys something magical.


Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.


Times tables

Write the short date: 18.01.21

Write the title: Times Tables Test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your 3x tables in a mixed up order.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 33 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Count out loud in 10s:

From 99 to 219.

From 135 back to 5.

From 701 up to 811.  



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Statistics Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 18th January – 24th January
  • Homophone Challenge: 18th January – 24th January



Today’s lesson is about drawing pictograms. I have also attached a video and worksheet about drawing tally charts, you do not have to do these, but they could help you with the pictograms lesson. You could have a look at them before starting the pictogram lesson. - make tally charts - draw pictograms


Please watch the video and complete the worksheet. The answers are attached so you can check when you have finished.



Have a look at Brazil on a map to remind yourself how big it is.

You can use Google Earth and zoom in and out or you can follow this link:

Look at the main cities and rivers; I wonder if you noticed that most of the cities are along the coast.

Today you are going to be looking at different places in Brazil to help imagine what life is like there. I bet it is quite different to life in England.

Attached to this blog is a Rainforest Researcher Quiz.

Please complete the following questions first using a map:

1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15, 16,

If you want, you can use the internet to try to answer the rest of the questions.

The answers are attached to this blog so you can check afterwards. The answer sheet also has lots of interesting facts that you can read.

If you find out any interesting facts whilst you are researching, please send me them on Seesaw so I can share them with everybody J


Year 3 Home Learning 15th January

Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 2:46pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you have a happy Friday.

I hope that you enjoy the weekend and spending time at home with your family. I am going to make homemade pizzas for tea on Friday and listen to music. My favourite pizza toppings to add are pineapple and fresh chillies. Ms Hodson is looking forward to watching her little boy play his musical instruments whilst wearing his genie costume.

Well done for all of the work you have been doing. I have been so impressed with all of the work you have sent me on Seesaw.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



We will be doing spelling and tables tests on Monday, you could practise over the weekend.

Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – it is so amazing to see.

Don’t forget to have a go at all 3 Sumdog challenges before they end on Sunday – so many of you have already completed them, super work.

Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.



Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • The writing about Bath Time really made me laugh, there were some brilliant ideas including:

Mr Stink having a bath in the sea with a fish to clean himself and seaweed to dry himself.

Mr Stink using a diving board to get into the bath.

Mr Stink flooding the house.

Mr Stink using Annabelle’s bedding to dry himself.


  • A squirrel decided to sit on the table outside the Year 3 classroom, I have attached a photo to this blog.


Friday 15th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell them what a character is thinking and feeling.



Here are your spellings for this week:

careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless


You are going to create a game. You can either play against somebody at home to see who gets the most points, or you can play by yourself and time how long it takes you to get all 10 words.

Cut up 20 pieces of paper.

On 10 of the pieces – write the root words: care, play, thank, help, wonder, use, care, home, hope, spot.

On 5 of the pieces – write the suffix ful.

On 5 of the pieces write the suffix less.

Mix up and shuffle all of the pieces. Place them face down on the table.

Pick up 2 pieces, if they make a real word keep them, give yourself a point. If they do not make a real word, put them back on the table face down.



Read pages 169 to 176 attached to this blog.

I would like you to write instructions on how to have a bath like Mr Stink.

Please include:

Long date: Friday 15th January 2021

Title – How to have a bath

Introduction – what the instructions are for.

Equipment – list what is needed.

Method – steps for how to do it.

Labelled pictures to show some of the steps.

I have attached an example with SOME of the equipment and steps.


Times tables

Listen to this 3x tables song, sing along.



Count out loud in 2s:

From 0 to 24.

From 24 back to 0.

From 1 to 23.  



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
  • Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January



Today you are going to practise dividing by 10. Remember the strategies we have looked at so far:

Using equipment



Using times tables


Please follow the link to watch the video, pause the video to complete the activities where you need to.

Please complete the sheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.


Optional Maths challenge

If you complete the work quickly and would like another challenge, there is a challenge sheet attached where you will practise dividing by 2, 5 and 10.



Attached to this blog is a Science lesson all about light. Please have a look and complete the lesson. If you do not have all of the equipment needed, you can watch the videos and read the information.


Golden Time

You have worked hard all week, you deserve a treat. Here are some ideas you could do during your Golden Time. We will have it at half past 2 in school.

  • Listen to some music and dance
  • Draw a picture and colour it in
  • Play a game

Year 3 Home Learning 14th January 2021

Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 2:29pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day. Thank you to everybody who has sent me some work on Seesaw, the work you have done is amazing, I am so proud of you all!  

If you are finding any of the work tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



For the children who are in school some days and at home some days, please bring your home learning books into school the days you are in school.

Don’t forget to send me some of your work on Seesaw.


Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • I enjoyed dancing and singing to the 3x tables song, some of the children in school had some interesting dance moves.
  • I spotted a robin in the Nature Area.
  • 7 of you have COMPLETED the suffix challenge on Sumdog – wow.
  • 13 of you have COMPLETED the times table challenge on Sumdog – woohoo.
  • 4 of you have COMPLETED the division challenge on Sumdog – yey!


Thursday 14th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

When you have finished, tell somebody about what you have read in your own words.



Here are your spellings for this week:

careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless

Write the long date: Thursday 14th January 2021

Write the title: Look, cover, write, check

Use look, cover, write, check to practise your spellings. Write each word at least 3 times.



Write the long date: Thursday 14th January 2021

Write the title: Can I split my writing into paragraphs?

Tell somebody at home everything you can remember about the story of Mr Stink so far.

Read pages 160-169 which are attached to this blog.

The chapter we are going to read tomorrow is called Bath Time. I would like you to imagine what might happen during bath time and write the next part of the story.

If you have already read this part of the story or have seen the film, make up your own ideas, use your imagination.

I would like you to split your writing into paragraphs. Please skip a line after each paragraph. Below are some ideas of how to start each paragraph.

  • This was no ordinary bath time. Chloe realised this had to be run like a military option. She had to make sure she had everything she needed…


  • Even though she had prepared everything, bath time got messy. First of all, Mr Stink…


  • Chloe couldn’t believe her eyes when she found Mr Stink…


  • Because he hadn’t had a bath for a year, Mr Stink…


  • After bath time was finished, Chloe had to …


Please send me a picture of your writing on Seesaw. I will look out for beautiful handwriting and perfect spelling. 

Times tables

Call out your 3x tables whilst doing star jumps. Then again jogging on the spot. And then again jumping all over the place.



Count in 10s:

  • From 33 to 103 in a baby voice.
  • From 116 to 206 in a robot voice.
  • From 401 to 521 in a deep voice.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
  • Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January



Today you are going to practise dividing by 5. Remember the strategies we have looked at so far:

Using equipment



Using times tables


Please follow the link to watch the video, pause the video to complete the activities where you need to.

Please complete the sheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.


Optional Maths challenge

If you complete the work quickly and would like another challenge, there is a challenge sheet attached where you will practise dividing by 5. You could time yourself answering each column and see if you can get quicker each time.  



Today in school is PE day. Try to get outside and get active, walk, jog, cycle.

Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Sequence Champions.

Here is a video which helps to explain the activity.

If you do not have a dice, you can cut up 6 pieces of paper and write the numbers 1 to 6 on them.  



Attached to this blog are some yoga activities. It will be a nice and relaxing way to end the day.

Year 3 Home Learning 13th January 2021

Date: 12th Jan 2021 @ 3:17pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy and smiley day.

Well done for all of the work you have been doing so far.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Remember to keep all of your work in your exercise book so that we can celebrate it when we are all back together in school.

Remember you can change your reading books whenever you need to – just let the school office know.  

You can now send me your work on Seesaw.


Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • I had the loudest sing along in the car on the way to work. A song came on the radio that I really like singing to, it was called High by the Lighthouse Family. You should try putting it on next time you are in the car.
  • I ate my lunch outside in the sunshine.
  • 31 of you have started the suffix challenge on Sumdog.
  • 28 of you have started the times tables challenge on Sumdog.
  • 10 of you have started the division challenge on Sumdog.
  • I loved seeing the work you have sent me on Seesaw. It makes me so happy to see how hard you are all working, I know it must be difficult for you working at home.


Wednesday 13th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.

Tell them what a character is thinking and feeling.



Here are your spellings for this week:

careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless

Write the long date: Wednesday 13th January 2021

Write the title: Suffixes ful and less

Copy and complete the table by adding the suffix ful or less. A suffix is added onto the end of a word.

The first two are done for you.

Root word


















































Please send me a picture of your spelling work on Seesaw – I would love to see some beautiful handwriting and perfect spelling.



Read through your news report. Check you haven’t missed any words, capital letters or full stops. It helps if you read it out loud.

Check you have used capital letters for places and names.

Use a dictionary or an online dictionary to check any spellings you think you need to check.

Write your news report out again, trying to make it even neater than yesterday and making sure there are no mistakes. Colour in the pictures you draw.

A writing sheet is attached to this blog.

If you are absolutely certain that your news report is already perfect, you can write a different news report about something else, you could make something up or write about some happy news in your house.

Remember to include:








Times tables

Listen to this 3x tables song, sing along.



Count out loud in 5s up to 100 and then back to 0.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
  • Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January



Today you are going to practise dividing by 2. Remember the strategies we have looked at so far:

Using equipment



Using times tables


Please follow the link to watch the video, pause the video to complete the activities where you need to.


Please complete the sheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.


Optional Maths challenge

If you complete the work quickly and would like another challenge, there is a challenge sheet attached where you will practise your 2x tables and related facts.



Click on the following link and complete the lesson:



Last week in RE, when we were all in school, we started our new RE topic – Journeys.

We talked about how our life is a journey.

Today you are going to be thinking about the Christian family’s journey with Jesus through the Church’s year.

Look at the diagram of the Church’s year.

Liturgical Year - Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Windham, ME

The year of the Church family is marked by special events and seasons. It is called the Liturgical Year. It begins with the first Sunday of Advent and ends with the feast of Christ the King.

Below are 4 special events which the Christian family celebrate throughout a Liturgical Year.

  • Advent
  • Christmas
  • Lent
  • Easter


I would like you to:

  • Draw a picture representing your favourite part of the Liturgical Year and write a paragraph explaining why this is your favourite part of the Liturgical Year.


Year 3 Home Learning 12th January 2021

Date: 11th Jan 2021 @ 3:57pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a happy Monday and enjoyed doing your work.

We have been doing the same work in school as you are doing at home. Please do not worry if you don’t manage to finish everything in one day. Sometimes things might take longer than expected as you might be talking about things with somebody at home or trying your very very best with your handwriting. Just try your best to have a go at everything.

I hope your parents managed OK with your South America quiz, I had to use the atlas to answer the questions the children in school wrote.

Here are some examples of the tricky ones:

How many countries share a border with Peru?

Which is the third biggest country in South America?


Well done for all of the work you have been doing so far.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Remember to keep all of your work in your exercise book so that we can celebrate it when we are all back together in school.

Remember you can change your reading books whenever you need to – just let the school office know.  

Try to have a look at some newspapers at home if you can.

You can now send me your work on Seesaw - please send me your English work from today when you have done it.


Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • I really enjoyed being challenged in Geography – I love learning new things, especially about the world.
  • I had a dance to the video about fact and opinion.
  • Ms Hodson and I walked around the track for the whole of play time and tried to get lots of steps.
  • 4 of you have started the division challenge on Sumdog.
  • 21 of you have started the times tables challenge on Sumdog.
  • 24 of you have started the suffix challenge on Sumdog - well done everybody :)

Monday 12th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.

Discuss the meaning of new words.



Here are your spellings for this week:

careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless

Say the words out loud and then spell them out loud using the correct letter names.



Today is the day you get to put all of your hard work together and write your news report – yey! Please send a photo of your news report to me on Seesaw when you have finished. 

Attached to this blog you will find an example news report and a writing sheet you can use to write your news report on.

Here are some reminders for you when you are writing your news report:

  • Choose one of the headlines you came up with on Wednesday and write it in big letters at the top of the news report.


  • Write the by-line (your name).


  • Copy your introduction that you wrote on Thursday under the by-line.


  • Write at least one of the quotes you made up on Friday remembering to include inverted commas (speech marks).


  • Write the rest of the news report – you might want to split your writing into the following paragraphs:
    1. Talk about Mrs Crumb’s policy.
    2. Talk about what it is like for Mr Stink living at the Crumb’s house.
    3. Talk about Mrs Crumb running for MP.


  • Draw some pictures and write captions underneath


Times tables

Go on Hit the Button and practise the 3x tables.

Play at least 3 times; try to improve your score each time.



Count out loud in 4s up to 48 and then back to 0.



Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
  • Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January



Today in Maths you are going to complete some arithmetic questions.

There are two sets of questions to choose from – Set A is slightly easier than Set B. Have a look at both and choose which you feel will be best for you.

Set the timer for 20 minutes and work through the questions.

Remember some of the strategies we use in class:

  • Drawing number lines
  • Drawing base 10
  • Using your times tables
  • Partitioning the number (splitting it up)


After 20 minutes, use the answer sheet to check your answers.

If you can, go through any corrections with somebody at home.



Click on this link then scroll down and select Lesson 9 with audio.

Listen to the pronunciation of the words and repeat them.

If possible, ask an adult to play the game on slide 12.

In your home learning book, write the date in French:

mardi douze février (remember no capitals for days and months in French)

Write the learning objective: Can I name items in a pencil case?

Choose at least 6 items from your pencil case. Draw them and write the French word next to them. Test yourself – can you still say the words correctly? Use the powerpoint to check your pronunciation and your spelling. Don’t forget any accents – they change the sound of letters.  Fantastique!

Song: La neige tombe – keeping yourself warm in the snow by rubbing your nose and arms, clapping your hands and stamping your feet.


Merci. A bientot!



Hieroglyphs were symbols that the Ancient Egyptians used for writing. Some symbols stood for words and some for sounds. Ancient Egyptian school children had to learn 700 hieroglyphs.

If you can, print out two copies of the hieroglyphic alphabet attached to this blog.

If you don’t have a printer, you can have a go at drawing them.

Colour both in the same like the example attached to this blog – you can choose whatever colours you like.


Cut one of your sheets up so that you just have the pictures, not the letters.


Make a word out of your pictures and then give somebody the other sheet.

Ask them to figure out what word you have made.

You could do this each day. Stick the sheet and the cut-out pictures up on your fridge, or somewhere everybody will see. Create a different word each day for people in your house to figure out.

There are pictures attached to this blog to help you understand.


Year 3 Home Learning 11th January 2021

Date: 10th Jan 2021 @ 3:20pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed spending time at home with your family.

I had a lovely time listening to my favourite songs on Friday. On Saturday, I went for a walk. I enjoyed jumping in the icy puddles in my wellies and watching lots of happy dogs wagging their tails. If you ever need cheering up, spotting happy dogs out on their walk is a great way to do it – they are always so excited chasing their ball and sniffing around.

Well done for all of the work you have been doing so far.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Remember to keep all of your work in your exercise book so that we can celebrate it when we are all back together in school.

Remember you can change your reading books whenever you need to – just let the school office know.  

Try to have a look at some newspapers at home if you can.


Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • ALL OF YOU had a go at the Sumdog challenge – well done, that is really impressive.
  • I had a day of no TV and instead went for a jog, read my book, did puzzles and listened to music.
  • I had my favourite lunch – SUSHI J
  • I looked through my phone at photos and reflected on how lucky I am to have such great friends and family.  


Monday 11th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.  

Before you start to read, tell somebody everything that you can remember so far, make a prediction about what you think is going to happen next.



Here are your spellings from last week:

television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual


Write the short date: 11.01.21

Write the title: Spelling test


Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice.

The bonus question (a spelling from another week) is: skipped.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.



Click on the link to complete the lesson about newspaper reports.

There are:

  • Two videos to watch
  • Some information to read
  • Four activities

Attached to this blog is a sheet you can either copy or print which you can use to complete the activities. The sheet is called 'Features of a news report.'


Times tables

Write the short date: 11.01.21

Write the title: Times tables test

Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.

Ask somebody to call out your times tables in a mixed up order (if you can’t remember which times table you are on, you can be tested on 4x.

In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.

The bonus question is: 65 x 10.

If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.




Count out loud in 10s:

From 78 to 208.

From 66 to 216.

From 122 back to 2.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
  • ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
  • Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January



Today in Maths you are going to be dividing by making equal groups.

Click on the link below and watch the video, pause where you need to.

For some activities you might want to use counters, pencils, coins, toys, buttons or anything you can find at home. Or you can draw shapes.

Please complete the sheet attached to this blog called ‘Make equal groups – grouping.’ After, you can check your answers using the answer sheet.

Remember with division, the total number or highest number goes at the beginning of a number sentence.




Before Half Term we had started to look at rainforests and South America.

We used an atlas to label a map of South America with countries and capitals.


Write the long date: Monday 11th January 2021

Write the title: Can I use maps to find out about places?


Activity 1

Refresh your memory by having a look at South America on a map and writing 5 quiz questions to ask somebody at home.

Example questions:

Name a country that shares a border with Brazil.

What is the capital of Ecuador?

Which ocean is to the West of Chile?

La Paz is the capital of which country?

Which is the biggest country in South America?


Activity 2

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world.

Can you remember the four larger countries?

Can you imagine what it must be like to live in a country as big as Brazil? We live in the UK and there are differences in the climate from the North to the South of the UK. I wonder how much more diverse the climate must be in Brazil.

Please complete the sheet called ‘Table for recording different temperatures.’

To complete the sheet, use the BBC weather forecast ( to find out the temperature in the following places:

  • Your home place – Preston
  • Your chosen place in the far North of the UK – for example Kirkwall
  • Your chosen place in the far South of the UK – for example Penzance
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Manaus
  • Fortaleza
  • Brasilia

As well as the average temperature, also look at the description, including snow, rain, cloud, sleet, etc.

When you have completed the sheet, have a think about the following:

In which country do you notice more differences in the climate?

Why do you think that is?




Year 3 Home Learning 8th January 2021

Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 2:39pm

Good morning Year 3. I hope you are feeling happy and well. It made me feel happy to see that so many of you have been on Sumdog, I am so proud of you for continuing to work hard even at home.

Try to think of something nice to do with your family over the weekend. I am going to make a list of my favourite songs and then listen to them while I have my tea on Friday. Ms Hodson is going to go to the park to look for squirrels and robins.


Well done for all of the work you have been doing so far.

If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Don’t forget to collect an exercise book to do your work in – we will be looking at them when we are all back in school. I already can’t wait to see!

Remember to contact the school office and then collect or change reading books whenever you need to.

Try to have a look at some newspapers at home if you can.


Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • By Thursday lunch time, 29 of you had started the Sumdog challenge – amazing, well done!!!!!!
  • Outside looked beautiful with the frosty ground.
  • I enjoyed speed walking around the track at playtime to warm myself up.
  • I sang in the car on my way to school – I LOVE singing in the car.


Friday 8th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.  

Tell somebody what you think is going to happen next.



Here are your spellings for this week:

television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual


Write the long date: Friday 8th January 2021

Write the title: Both hand spellings


Split your page in half. On one half, write your spellings with the hand you normally write with. On the other half, write your spellings with your other hand.

Take care to spell the words correctly.

We are going to have a spelling test in school on Monday which I am also going to ask you to do at home. So it might be a good idea to practise your spellings over the weekend.


Writing activity 1:

Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p158 - 160.

Mr Stern’s news report is written on pages 159 and 160.

You are going to write more of your news report today.

Usually news reports have quotes in them. A quote is something that somebody has said.

Quotes include inverted commas (speech marks) and who said it.

Here are some examples of quotes that might be in the news report about Mrs Crumb.

  • Mrs Crumb was telling us about her policy and said, “I believe that all homeless people should be off the streets.”
  • Mr Stink said, “my new home is nice but the service is painfully slow.”
  • Mrs Crumb had this to say about Mr Stink. “He deserves a home and I am happy to feed him as many sausages as he needs.”
  • “It was all my idea.” Said Mrs Crumb.
  • The tramp, known locally as Mr Stink, had this to say. “Please could I trouble you for another sausage?”


Date: Friday 8thJanuary 2021

Title: Can I use inverted commas to write quotes?

Focus: capital letters, full stops, inverted commas (speech marks)

Please use bullet points and write down at least 3 quotes you could include in your news report.

You can copy the ones below and fill in the gaps with what the person said, or you can make up your own.

  • Mrs Crumb was telling us about her policy and said, “………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..”


  • Mr Stink said, “……………………………………………………………………………………….


  • Mrs Crumb had this to say about Mr Stink. “………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”





Writing activity 2 (for those of you who want to write more):

Write the long date: Friday 8th January 2021

Write the title: Speed write

Focus: beautiful handwriting, capital letters and full stops.


Set a timer for 10 minutes, write as much as you can about anything you like.



Times tables

Call out your times tables while you are running on the spot.

Write out your times tables, in order first and then mixed up.

If you cannot remember which times table you are on, you can practise the 4s.


We are going to have a times tables test in school on Monday which I am also going to ask you to do at home. So it might be a good idea to practise your times tables over the weekend.





Count out loud in 4s up to 48 and then backwards to 0.




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January




Today in Maths you are going to do some dividing by sharing and making equal groups.

Some of the questions include cubes. For these questions you can use anything in your house e.g. coins, buttons, toys. Or you can draw squares.

Watch this video and pause where you need to:

Please complete the sheet attached to this blog called ‘Make equal groups – sharing.’ Then you can use the answer sheet to check your answers.


Extra challenge

If you want some extra division practice, you can complete the sheet called ‘Extra division.’

You can either complete the questions by drawing circles and sharing or by using your times tables.

To use your times tables, count in steps of the number you are dividing by and see how many there are.

12 ÷ 4.

Count in 4s.

4, 8, 12.

There are three 4s, so 12 ÷ 4 = 3.



Please follow the link and complete lesson 1.




Remember when you found out about sloths? I found it so interesting to read everything you found.

So today I would like you to find out about jaguars and make a PowerPoint or a Word document with what you find out. As we were studying rainforests in Geography, I would like you to include some information about this, such as where the jaguars live – you could even include a map.


Here are some useful websites:,water%20and%20are%20good%20swimmers.&text=Help%20us%20protect%20these%20enigmatic%20cats.



See if you can remember how to:

Insert title

Insert text

Change the colour and style of your font

Copy and paste a picture from the internet


If you do not have a computer or laptop, you could find out about the jaguar and then make a poster instead.

Year 3 Home Learning 7th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 1:27pm

Good morning Year 3. Ms Hodson and I are missing you all so much and we really hope that you are happy and well. Please think of all the wonderful things in our lives – talk to your parents about things that make you smile. The weather has been lovely – take a look outside and look at the beautiful world we live in.

Well done to all of you who had a go at the work yesterday. If you are finding any of it tricky you can:

  • Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
  • Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
  • Use books and the internet for ideas.
  • Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
  • Contact the school for support.



Please collect an exercise book from the school office to complete your work in, you will be able to bring these into school when we are all back together.

You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.

As we are looking at news reports at the moment, it might be a good idea to look at some newspapers if you have any at home.


Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)

  • By Wednesday lunch time, 23 of you had started the Sumdog challenge – amazing, well done!!!!!!
  • You are all superstars
  • The sun was shining
  • I enjoyed a new flavour of tuna and cous cous for my lunch mmmm!
  • Children came up with some great ideas in school for their news report headlines including:
  • Crumb cooks cookies for homeless
  • Yey for Crumb!
  • Crumb is too cool for school
  • Croooome zooms to the rescue


Thursday 7th January 2021



Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.  

Tell somebody all about one of the characters:

What are they like? How are they involved in the story? What do you know about them?



Here are your spellings for this week:

television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual


Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021

Write the title: Spelling chunks

Split your spellings up into chunks that you can remember. Write out the chunks in different colours.

Here is an example: television


Writing activity 1:

Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p153 - 157.

Today you are still going to imagine you are the news reporter and are preparing your news report all about Mrs Crumb and Mr Stink. You think Mrs Crumb is very kind for helping homeless people. You are going to write a little bit of the news report each day.

This video tells you a little bit about news reports:


Date: Thursday 7th January 2021

Title: Can I summarise the main points?

Focus: Handwriting, spelling, full stops and capital letters


Today you are going to write an introduction to the news report.

An introduction to a news report should tell you the main points:

  • When it happened
  • Where it happened
  • What has happened
  • Who it involved
  • Why it happened

Here is an example:

On the 7th January 2021 in Longton, it was found that Mrs Crumb, mother of 2 and candidate for MP, has let a homeless man live in her shed. Mr Stink, who used to live on the bench, is now living at the Crumb’s residence with his dog Duchess. Mrs Crumb did this as she cares deeply about the homeless community.


Writing activity 2 (for those of you who want to write more):

Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021

Write the title: Speed write

Focus: beautiful handwriting, capital letters and full stops.


Set a timer for 10 minutes, write as much as you can about anything you like.



Times tables

Go on Hit the Button to practise the 4x tables.

Play at least three times trying to improve your score each time.



Count out loud in 10s:

From 134 – 254

From 66 – 106

From 511 - 631




Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:

  • Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January




I hope you managed OK with the doubling yesterday. Some children in class drew base 10 to help them double, so if they were doubling 24 they drew two 10s (lines) and two 4s (dots) and counted them up to get to 48.

For Maths today, you are going to have some more practice of the 2, 4 and 8 x tables.

Remember you can double (draw base 10 to help). You could also write out the times tables before starting and have them in front of you.

I would like you to have a go at the lesson from Whiterose Maths. There is a video that you can watch and pause when you need to, a question sheet and an answer sheet you can use after you have finished.

Here is the video:



Today in school we would normally do PE in the afternoon.

Try to get outside for a walk or jog if you can.

Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Jumping Dice.

Here is a video which helps to explain the activity.

If you do not have a dice, you can cut up 6 pieces of paper and write the numbers 1 to 6 on them.  

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
