Our blogs
Home Practice Friday 13th November 2020
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 3:35pm
Year 4
Home Practice 13th November 2020
This week, we predicted the next chapter of our novel the Iron Man and created our own ‘Iron Man Menu’ – full of foods only the Iron Man would find delicious! In maths, we doubled numbers, partitioned numbers to help with addition, used compensating to help add numbers when they are a near multiples of 10, and multiplied and divided by 10 and 100 – phew, what a busy week! Next week, we will move onto the expanded method of written addition. We finished our symmetry patterns using Publisher in computing, and will use these skills over the next few weeks to make our perfect classroom and playground. In French, we drew and labelled clothing and tried to include colours too. We learnt how to draw a Celtic knot in art and now understand that there is no beginning and no end!
Well done to all those who has been on Sumdog during the last week. It is crucial that you practise the skills set on Sumdog, as they will help you make more progress. If you do a little every night, you will very soon see a difference in your learning.
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next week, on Wednesday (18th November 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately? Well done to everyone who has been practising their tables during the past week – it is fantastic to see the progress you are making.
You can also practise your tables playing ‘Hit the button’. Select the times tables or division button and then the table that you want to practise. This is an excellent way to practise your tables. Either type in ‘hit the button’ (the game is on Top Marks) or use the link below:
The spellings this week all have the spelling ‘que’ in them, but this is a ‘k’ sound (again, they are often French in origin). Please practise your spellings each evening at home. You will be tested on them next week, on Thursday (19th November 2020). We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
antique mosque opaque unique cheque
boutique oblique conquer grotesque critique
croquet plaque briquette baroque picturesque
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
- A maths place value challenge (numbers upto 10 000 – there may be some Roman Numeral questions included – even though we haven’t covered these in class, have a go!)
- A maths addition challenge (more mental addition of numbers within 1000 – this is an important skill, the more you practise, the better you will become at adding numbers quickly and accurately)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Year 1 Home Practice 13th November 2020
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 3:34pm
We have had a great week of learning through two Bob books, Bob's Best Ever Friend and Bob and the Moontree Mystery. We wrote our own Bob adventures. In Maths we have been looking at addition and subtraction and how they relate to each other. In Science we have been classifying animals and made some birds with feathers on which are flying in our classroom!
On Wednesday we had a minute silence for Remembrance Day, we also made poppies and talked about their significance. We learned about How Moses led the people out of Egypt as part of our Judaism week. Our Space pictures using the technique of wax resist look great and our claylians are drying out before we paint them.
Thank you for supporting Children in Need.Everyone looked brilliant!
Keep reading for 10 minutes every night. Please ask for more tricky words.
New Sumdog Challenge
Sounds / Phonics
We have been learning the split i_e sound this week.
Please continue with the Sumdog tricky words spelling challenge. With these words,
the, no, go, into, are, me, my, be, her, was
Year 5 Home Practice 13th November 2020
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 1:50pm
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 13th November 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on revising time and times tables practice.
The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on words with double suffixes. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (20.11.20):
We are investigating words with double suffixes.
beautifully dutifully faithfully mercilessness recklessness
forgetfully thankfully skilfully lawlessness breathlessness
regretfully dreadfully hopelessness pointlessness fearlessness
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on advanced antonyms and synonyms.
Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.
Year 3 Home Learning 13th November 2020
Date: 13th Nov 2020 @ 7:57am
Friday 13th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. Today is Children in Need Day, so wear something spotty if you have anything. I am going to spend the day in my Pudsey Onesie.
Well done to everybody who completed yesterday’s Home Learning. So far 15 of you have started the Sumdog challenge which was set yesterday – well done and keep it up.
Please keep all of the work that you complete during these 2 weeks and bring it into school when we go back on 24th November.
Get active
This year, BBC Children in Need have made children’s mental wellbeing their number one priority. Watch this video where Joe Wicks helps us to get active in order to feel good.
Afterwards, spend some time being active. You could do some of Joe Wicks’ exercises.
Another idea is to ‘act your age.’ This means, take your age (or the age of people you live with) and use it in your activity – it might be that you do something for 7 or 8 minutes, or you repeat an exercise 7 or 8 times, or you jog 7 or 8 laps of your garden.
It is SO IMPORTANT to keep up with your reading EVERY DAY over the next 2 weeks.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. After each page or chapter, tell them what has happened in your own words.
Your spellings for this week all end in ‘–il’
pencil, fossil, nostril pupil, April, gerbil, lentil, evil, basil, stencil
Make a word search with your spellings in and ask somebody at home to find them.
Here is a grid you could copy, trace or print. Or you can create your own.
Times tables
Ask somebody to time you writing out your x tables.
Repeat again throughout the day trying to get quicker each time.
Write 5 sentences about what we have read so far in Mr Stink.
Start each sentence with a conjunction:
Even though, because, while, when, after, before, so, despite.
Remember to use a comma.
Here is an example:
Because she loved to use her imagination, Chloe’s Maths book was full of stories she had made up.
Attached to this blog are some Children in Need maths sheets. Choose one to complete – you don’t have to print it, you can write your answers on paper and if you need to, draw your own pictures to colour in.
I would like you to find out how fossils are made and then make something to show what you have found out – it could be a poster, leaflet, video, PowerPoint.
Here are some useful videos.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9bbkqt/articles/z2ym2p3 - If you scroll to the bottom of the page, there is a quiz and more videos.
Year 3 Home Learning 12th November 2020
Date: 12th Nov 2020 @ 11:05am
Thursday 12th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all feeling happy and well. I miss you all already but we know we will be back together in 2 weeks.
Please complete the work set over the next 2 weeks so that when we are back together in 2 weeks we can carry on with all of our amazing learning in school.
It is SO IMPORTANT to keep up with your reading EVERY DAY over the next 2 weeks.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. After each page or chapter, tell them what has happened in your own words.
Today in school you would have been tested on your spellings, so ask somebody to test you on the spellings you were given last week.
medal, petal, capital, hospital, animal, equal, final, pedal, magical, local
If there are any that you get wrong, practise them and then ask somebody to test you again.
If anybody wants an extra challenge, ask somebody to test you on some of the spellings from previous weeks. They are all on the school website on the Home Practice sheets under Year 3 Blog Items.
Times tables
Today in school you would have been tested on your x tables, so ask somebody to test you on your x tables. You all know which x table you are focussing on.
Remember in class, the questions are read out twice and in a mixed up order.
It might be fun if you then swap and you can test people at home.
In class we have been talking a lot about being positive. I really want you to stay happy and positive over the next 2 weeks.
For your writing today I want you to set yourself a small goal for each day – when we achieve our goals it makes us feel happy.
Copy and complete the table, fill in your goals, and then tick them off when you have done them.
Focus – joined up handwriting, capital letters, perfect spelling.
Day of the week |
Goal |
Tick |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Here are some ideas if you struggle:
- Do 20 minutes of mindfulness or yoga from Youtube
- Read 20 pages of my book
- Write a diary
- Stay off screen all day (phone, TV, computer, IPad)
- Get up early
- Write down 5 things I am grateful for
- Clean my bedroom
- Exercise for 10 minutes
- Eat more fruit and vegetables
- Create my own workout
- Try a new type of exercise
- Go to bed early
- Learn something new
- Speak to a friend
Complete today’s Sumdog challenge.
Today I would like you to practise telling the time.
Watch the BBC video and complete the quiz at the end https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zm4k7ty/articles/zbjbbdm
After, have a look at the different clocks you can find in your house. Talk about them with somebody at home, try to tell the time at different points throughout the day – ask somebody at home to help you.
Here is a game you can have a go at; there are different levels to choose from.
RE and Art
This week in school is Judaism Week, where every class is learning something different about Judaism. In Year 3 our learning focus is the Jewish place of worship – the synagogue.
The synagogue is a special building where the Jewish community meet to pray, study and celebrate. If possible, synagogues are built facing in the direction of where the Temple was in Jerusalem. Jewish people often call the synagogue the shul which is a Yiddish word for school.
The outside of the synagogue might be decorated with a design of a menorah, or a six sided star, and the name of the synagogue in Hebrew letters. There are no statues or representations of the faces of people because for the Jewish people that would be going against the second of The Ten Commandments which says you must not worship images you have made.
When boys and men go into the synagogue must cover their heads. The little round hat they wear is called a kippah. Often women covered their heads too. The men often wear a tallit that is a prayer shawl over their shoulders. These are worn as a sign of respect and as a reminder of God’s presence.
Design the outside of a synagogue, remembering what you have seen and learnt.
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 4:28pm
This week has been very eventful in Reception!
Someone had frozen our dinosaurs overnight, we had to work out how to free them, without hurting them, We tried using salt, hammers, we chizzled them, but the thing that worked best was warm water!
We then came up with a plan to turn on the camera overnight and see what happens at school when we go home. We found out that real DINOSAURS had been on our playground !!! They have left us some eggs to look after, so we followed the instructions and have left them in water to see what happens on Monday morning ! What a week!
Well done Reception on a fabulous return to school after half term!
Our Golden Stars this week are well deserved and have worked hard every single day :)
Year 2 Home Practice - 6th November 2020
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 3:55pm
It has been great to see smiling faces back in school this week. The children have had an excellent week and the have continued their brilliant work ethic from before the half-term. Great work everyone! The children have really enjoyed our class novel this week and they have produced some excellent work about the character Leaf. In maths we have been looking at addition using base 10. Yesterday we enjoyed Outdoor Classroom Day 2020. Time outdoors – on Outdoor Classroom Day and every day – will help us become happier and healthier, as well as helping us to form habits that will stick with us for life. We enjoyed Maths with sticks and stones, finding 10 more and 10 less; and creating bonfire art work. We have had a brilliant first week back! J
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘ar’ sound.
Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week in Maths we have been focusing on addition. We have looked at mental strategies as well as using concrete equipment like base ten, to help consolidate learning. Please continue to use the challenges set on Sumdog.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Addition questions
Spellings – ‘ar ir and er’
We have also uploaded a spelling quiz. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
Year 6 Home Practice - 6th November 2020
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 3:47pm
For our first week back after half term, Year 6 have come back working very hard, keeping to the golden rules and remembering to keep ourselves and each other safe so thank you.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have investigated different subtraction strategies and used them to solve problems. We have also recapped our learning of fractions, rounding and multiplications.
- In English, our main character, Tommo, in Private Peaceful, has finally headed off to war and met some interesting characters. We have used our reading skills to retrieve and infer how these new characters’ words and actions affect others and the main story.
- In Geography, we have been learning how the movement of tectonic plates can create natural disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
- In PE, we have begun our new topic, Orienteering, and thanks to the Cross Curricular Orienteering Company, we have a new orienteering map to use. This week, we have been improving our mapping and teamwork skills.
- In French, we have been learning to tell the time and linking it to meal times (I eat my breakfast at … Je mange mon petit dej a sept heures moins le quart).
- In Science, following the last lesson’s work on Carl Linnaeus, we have been using the Linnaeus’s classification system to classify many living things.
- Finally, the children had a great time during our Outdoor Classroom Day where natural items (stones, sticks and leaves) were used to create algebraic equations.
Well done to 79% of your for changing your book this week. Remember that the days for when you can change your reading book are:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
These are the tasks to be completed for Home Practice:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
Please write in your Reading Journals often.
Try to use Oxford Owl ebooks once this week, where you can read a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
- Sumdog challenges:
- x9, x11, x12
- Each child has their own tables target which they should know. The Sumdog challenge may relate to their target but if not, you can always use Sumdog for extra Tables Practice. Every Tuesday there is a tables test.
- SPAG – Quotation Marks
- Spellings (-able, -ably words)
- enjoyable, unavailable, available, changeable, noticeable, unbelievable, probably, considerable, irritably, unacceptably, arguably, suitably, adorable, comfortable, respectable, dependable, incapable, miserable, unachievable, uncomfortable
- Only 15 of these 20 will be on the spelling test next Friday but all 20 will be on the Sumdog challenge for you to practice.
- x9, x11, x12
Year 1 Home Practice 6th November 2020
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 3:45pm
6th November 2020 Home Practice
Welcome back,
It has been lovely seeing everyone again after the half term break. This week we have been reading The Man on the Moon (A day in the life of Bob) by Simon Bartram. We will be more of Bob’s adventures over the next couple of weeks.
This week we have finished our belonging topic in RE and celebrated the 5th of November with some fantastic firework art. On Thursday we took our learning outdoors for National outdoor classroom day, creating some homes for our mini hedgehogs.
Next week we will continue our new History topic on toys from long ago and go spotty for Children in Need on Friday.
Home Practice
Read every night for at least 10 minutes. We are seeing great progress in the reading. Keep it up!
Remember, if you need a new set of Tricky words, just write a note in the reading diary.
The Oxford Owl e-library is still available via the home learning button on the class page.
Sounds / Phonics
We have been learning the split a_e sound this week. Have a go at our Sumdog Sounds challenge where we look at words with this spelling pattern.
We have also added a tricky words spelling challenge. With these words.
the, no, go, into, are, me, my, be, her, was
We have entered the children into a country wide maths competition on Sumdog starting today. Answer as many as you can over the next week. Keep an eye out for new challenges in the week.
The Year 1 team
Year 5 Home Practice 6th November 2020
Date: 6th Nov 2020 @ 11:40am
A great first week back, lovely to see everyone after the holiday. Well done to all those who have worked hard on their home practice and reading. We have started our new novel, Goth Girl by Chris Riddell which includes some really interesting vocabulary. In Maths, we have looked at regular and irregular 2D polygons. Outdoor Curriculum Day was fun, we spent some of the morning cloud watching and learnt the names of types of clouds – Geography. In the afternoon, we spent time in our nature area and made journey sticks. They were really good and the children thoroughly enjoyed making them.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 6th November 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on regular and irregular 2D shape and times tables practice.
The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (13.11.20):
We are investigating ‘rr-ed’.
purred stirred deferred conferred ignored
spurred slurred preferred bored explored
occurred referred scarred stored blurred
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on parts of speech (nouns, verbs etc).
Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.
Year 3 Home Practice 6th November 2020
Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 7:27pm
We have had a great week back at school after Half Term. So lovely so see everybody safe and happy.
We have started reading Mr Stink in English, we are really enjoying getting to know the characters in the book. In Maths we have been doing lots of counting and times tables. We have also been drawing base 10 symbols to help us add numbers together.
Each day we have had ‘Time To Talk.’ We have focussed on positive things and have thought about ourselves, how we see things and how we can overcome any challenges we may face.
On Thursday we enjoyed ‘Outdoor Classroom day.’ We did some orienteering by looking at symbols and a key and then using them to make silly faces out of PE equipment. We are looking forward to trying this again next week (hopefully minus the rain).
Home Practice for 6th November – 13th November
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. Retell it in your own words.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Number and Addition Challenge: 6th November – 13th November - target 100 questions.
x tables challenge: 6th November – 13th November - target 100 questions.
- Practise your x tables – you will be tested on them on Thursday 12th November. You need to know them quickly and confidently without having to count on.
- Spellings - you will be tested on them on Thursday 12th November. You need to practise them every night. It is also a good idea to practise spellings from previous weeks.
The /l/ or /ul/ sound spelled ‘-al’ at the end of words.
medal, petal, capital, hospital, animal, equal, final, pedal, magical, local
Home Practice Friday 6th November 2020
Date: 5th Nov 2020 @ 4:49pm
Year 4
Home Practice 6th November 2020
Year 4, well done for working so hard on your first week back after half term.
This week, we have learnt more about the characters in the Iron Man and written our thoughts and feelings as if we were Hogarth. In maths, we learnt more strategies for adding numbers together mentally, including partitioning, using pairs to ten, finding doubles and near doubles, and bridging 10 and 100. We also worked hard to refine our 3 and 6 times tables by counting in multiples and playing Fizz Buzz. In Science, we learnt more about classifying animals and went on a mini-beast hunt in the nature area. We enjoyed making clay tree faces during ‘Outdoor Classroom Learning’ Day – see our pictures in the gallery.
Well done to all those who have been on Sumdog during the last week. It is crucial that you practise the skills set on Sumdog, as they will help you make more progress. If you do a little every night, you will very soon see a difference in your learning.
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test after half term, on Wednesday (11th November 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately? Well done to everyone who has been practising their tables during the past week – it is fantastic to see the progress you are making.
You can also practise your tables playing ‘Hit the button’. Select the times tables or division button and then the table that you want to practise. This is an excellent way to practise your tables. Either type in ‘hit the button’ (the game is on Top Marks) or use the link below:
The spellings this week all have the spelling ‘ch’ in them, but this is a ‘sh’ sound (they are mostly French in origin). Please practise your spellings each evening at home. You will be tested on them after half term, on Thursday (12th November 2020). We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
chalet chef brochure parachute sachet
charlatan quiche chaperone chauffeur moustache
crochet chivalry machine charade machinery
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths challenge (mental addition of numbers within 1000)
- A grammar challenge (tricky past tense verbs)
- A spelling challenge (based on the spellings above)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 3:28pm
A new film version of The Sectret Garden has been released. To celebrate this a competition is being run by the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and Sky. You can draw, paint, create a collage or model or even plant up a minature garden. If you would like your child to be in the competition the entry needs to be on a single sheet of A4 paper. The entry needs to include the design elements and why they have chosen them.
Please send your child's entry into school by Monday 16th November and we will send them off.
Good luck!
Click here to find out more.
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 5:08pm
This week our story has been funny bones!
We have learnt a lot about our body and all our different bones. In Maths, we have been finding the missing numbers from the numberlines and making Halloween Patterns. In Literacy, we have been using our phonics to help us label the skeletons.
We had a special Halloween Day on Friday! We got to dress up in our spooky costumes, we made potions and scooped out pumpkins. Mrs Wood came for our special Golden Assmebly and read us 'A Dark Dark Tale'!
What an amazing end to our first half term of school!
Year 6 Home Practice - 23rd October 2020
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 4:23pm
For the final blog of this half term, I would like to say a huge thank you to Year 6. You have been brilliant these past 7 weeks and 2 days: working hard in all lessons, respecting the rules and routines we have in place; and completing the Home Practice in time. We hope you all have a great half term doing lots of things you enjoy!
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have been learning how to use the grid method effectively, which is one of our formal written strategies, for large multiplication calculations and applying that knowledge to reasoning questions.
- In English, we have researched World War I (The Great War) and found some very interesting facts to help us understand what the main character, Tommo, will be going through as he heads off to war.
- In Geography, Year 6 researched expertly again to create a poster about one of the many famous mountains of the world.
- In PE, we have completed our first Intra Competition and the first ever Virtual Inter Competition – Football. It consists of dribbling around cones in the fastest time possible. The results of Year 6 is as follows:
- For the girls, the fastest was Erin
- For the boys, the fastest was Daniel
- Congratulations to everyone for taking part!
- In French, we have been looking at L’Halloween traditions in France and writing Halloween-themed sentences, ‘I am going to dress up as … I am going to wear…’
- In Science, we learnt about the work of Carl Linnaeus and explored the classification system of living things.
- Finally, the children had a super day dressed in their Halloween outfits and everyone created their own scary story on a Halloween night.
After half term, remember that the days when you can change your book are:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
The Home Practice deadline is still for the Friday we come back after the half term. These are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
Please write in your Reading Journals often.
As you may know, we have access to Oxford Owl ebooks where you can read a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
- Sumdog challenges:
- x3, x6, x9, x4, x8
- Each child has their own tables target which they should know. The Sumdog challenge may relate to their target but if not, you can always use Sumdog for extra Tables Practice. Every Tuesday there is a tables test.
- SPAG – Parts of Speech
- Spellings (-ent, -ence words)
- persistent, persistence, violent, violence, intelligent, intelligence, inconvenient, inconvenience, obedient, obedience, conference, difference, conscience, reference, excitement
- x3, x6, x9, x4, x8
Year 5 Home Practice 23rd October 2020
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 3:55pm
Year 5 have had a great start to the new school year. The children have worked so hard and shown interest and enthusiasm for all their learning. We have finished our first novel, Street Child by Berlie Doherty and learnt so much about Victorian Times. In maths, we worked on written methods of addition. The children learnt about Halloween traditions in France and wrote some excellent sentences in the future tense. The costumes were great for Halloween Day, thank you for your kind donations. Have a wonderful holiday and stay safe.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 23rd October 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign to say you have finished a book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on written addition and tables practice.
The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for the Friday after half term (6.11.20):
We are investigating ‘pp-ed’.
slipped cropped dropped swapped wrapped
skipped tapped stepped nipped bopped
hopped stopped flipped clipped whipped
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on pronouns.
Have a great holiday.
Miss Gravili
Year 2 Home Practice 23rd October 2020
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 3:49pm
We have had a wonderful half term in Year 2. All of year 2 this week have made a great effort to be the best friend they can be, in the classroom and during play times – well done. In English this week the children have wrote about the novel Meerkat Mail. They did a brilliant performance in groups, acting out parts of the story on our outdoor stage. This week in Maths we have looked at our 2 x tables, counting in 2s and finding missing numbers. The children have done lots of learning all about ‘number bonds’ and they have loved being the quickest to say the correct bond. The children have celebrated L’Halloween in French. The children learnt all the body parts and took part in spooky French races. In Geography the children have enjoyed creating their own zoo maps. The maps have included key features and the children have used their brilliant imagination about what their zoo will be like. Today the children have had a Halloween learning day. We have done spooky number work in maths, created our own potion and instructions in writing, created monsters in Design Technology and used Pumpkins in Art. Well done to all the children (and parents) costumes were great today!
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘oi’ sound.
Please complete practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week we have been looking at counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Finding missing numbers when counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Please practise your times-tables at home. We have looked at and recapped number bonds to 10 and 20. The children have enjoyed playing SPLAT – being the first one to say the correct pair of numbers to make 10.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class. There are new challenges put onto Sumdog every week.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2 x10 x5 tables
Maths – number bonds to 10 and 20
- Place value and comparing numbers.
Spellings – oi oy
Thank you for all your hard work and support this half term. Have a great week off and we will look forward to seeing you when you are back.
The Year 2 team
Home Practice Friday 23rd October 2020
Date: 23rd Oct 2020 @ 1:57pm
Year 4
Home Practice 23rd October 2020
Another fantastic week of learning Year 4!
In maths we have consolidated our learning of tenths, including counting in tenths, placing and finding tenths on a numberline and finding the difference between tenths. We also started learning more strategies for mentally adding numbers together – this will be our next focus. In English, we started our new novel, ‘The Iron Man’ and retold the first chapter as the Iron Man. We also created a ‘Wanted’ poster for him. We found out more about Celtic warriors in history and labelled our own warrior.
Well done to all those who has been on Sumdog during the last week – practising these skills is the key to making progress, so keep up your fantastic efforts. Let’s see if everyone in Year 4 can log onto Sumdog during the next couple of weeks and practise these skills!
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test after half term, on Wednesday (4th November 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately? Well done to everyone who has been practising their tables during the past week – it is fantastic to see the progress you are making.
You can also practise your tables playing ‘Hit the button’. Select the times tables or division button and then the table that you want to practise. This is an excellent way to practise your tables. Either type in ‘hit the button’ (the game is on Top Marks) or use the link below:
The spellings this week are taken from the Year 3/4 statutory word list. Please practise your spellings each evening at home. You will be tested on them after half term, on Thursday (5th November 2020). We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
appear continue grammar material possible
suppose breadth different group medicine
pressure surprise breathe difficult guard
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A multiplication challenge (x3 x4 and x8 – multiplication, division and arrays – many of you are still finding these tables tricky)
- A maths challenge (adding 1’s, 10’s and 100’s, or multiples of)
- A spelling challenge (based on the spellings above)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
And finally, have a lovely relaxing time over half term. Make sure you have lots of fun and enjoy spending time with your family. Come back to school refreshed and ready for the next 7 weeks of learning at St Oswald’s.
Year 3 Home Practice 23rd October 2020
Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 7:36pm
What an amazing first half term in the juniors. We have had a fantastic time and grown up so much already. We have worked hard and are ready for a well-deserved week off to rest, reflect on our learning and spend time with our families.
This week we have absolutely LOVED reading the instruction book ‘How to Wash your Woolly Mammoth.’ We wrote our own instructions and used our sense of humour to make them funny – like paint the woolly mammoth’s tusks pink and give it a foot massage.
We have been looking at 2-D shapes in Maths and have been measuring accurately using our rulers. As always, we have counted and practised our times tables every day!
We have done lots of art to make spooky pictures which we used to decorate our classroom for Friday’s Halloween themed day. We practised mixing different colours of paint, sketching and cutting out. We also got in the spirit of Halloween in our French lesson where we looked at Halloween traditions in France, read a story in French about Halloween and wrote our own sentences using the text as a model.
Well done Year 3 and thank you for such a super first half term!!! JJJ
Home Practice for 23rd October – 6th November
If you do the home practice for 10 minutes every day and read each night, you will really see a difference in your learning.
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. Retell it in your own words.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Spelling Challenge: 23rd October – 6th November - target 250 questions.
Maths Challenge: 23rd October – 6th November - target 250 questions.
x tables challenge: 23rd October – 6th November - target 250 questions.
- Practise your x tables – you will be tested on them on Thursday 5th November. You need to know them quickly and confidently without having to count on.
- Spellings - you will be tested on them on Thursday 5th November:
The /l/ or /ul/ sound spelt ‘-el’ at the end of words.
This spelling is usually used after m, n, r, s, v, w and commonly s.
camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel, hazel, vowel, angel, jewel
- If you want to do some writing during Half Term, you could keep a diary. Focus on capital letters, full stops, spelling, and handwriting.
Year 1 Home Practice 23rd October 2020
Date: 22nd Oct 2020 @ 3:52pm
Year 1 Home Practice Friday 23rd October 2020
First of all we’d like to say a huge well done to everyone in Year 1 for settling in so well and completing their first half term in Year 1. You have all been amazing and deserve a well earned break. This week we have enjoyed reading Winnie the Witch and her adventures with Wilbur and friends. We really enjoyed our Halloween dress up day and even created some magical potions. See our galleries on the class page!
We have also been building some skeletons and putting them back together in our Science and looked at some pastel drawings in our Art.
Continue to read every night over half term. When you have finished your books, please access our eBook library to keep up the practise.
Phonics / Sounds
This week we have been recapping all our long vowel sounds. We will add new spelling challenges on Sumdog over the next week so keep an eye out. First up - words with consonant blends (br, fl, nt, ck etc...) Keep practising your tricky words. We have sent a new set out with everyone today.
This week we have introduced the features of 3d shapes and continued looking at addition and subtraction within 20. Have a go at the Sumdog challenges we have set.
We’d like to extend thanks to all for your continuing support.
Have a lovely half term
The Year 1 team
Year 6 Home Practice - 16th October 2020
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 6:07pm
Well done to the whole class for reading this week. We have noticed an improvement already in those who have read every day so please keep it up; little and often will make a huge difference this year. As well as reading, we have introduced the Home Reading Journals where you can add comments, opinions, vocabulary and any thoughts. This helps to show us how much you understand the book you have read. Thank you to those who have written detailed comments about their books. Once again, just to remind you, here are the days when you can change your book:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
Another thank you to those who have completed their Sumdog challenges by Wednesday. All the challenges will be a practice of last week’s learning which will always help when we review it the following week. We will always have a maths, spelling and grammar challenge to practice all week from Friday to the next Friday. This week have had another brilliant response with 87% completing by Wednesday.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have been learning a range of mental strategies for multiplying large and small numbers.
- In our novel, ‘Private Peaceful’, we have investigated the relationships between Tommo (the main character) and every other character and improved our skill in summarising events. In Mrs Wood’s English lesson, we learnt about the brilliant story of Macbeth and wrote a letter to Lady Macbeth.
- In Geography, we learnt how mountains are formed through two tectonic plates moving towards, away and across each other, which eventually (over millions of years) creates ‘folded’, ‘fault-block’ and ‘dome’ mountains.
- For RE, in our topic of ‘Vocation and Commitment’, we wrote as John the Baptist and the impact that had on many people’s lives as Jesus began his mission.
- In PE, we have been preparing for this year’s first Intra Competition and the first ever Virtual Inter Competition – Football. It consists of dribbling around cones in the fastest time possible. All the schools in South Ribble are taking part so fingers crossed for those in Year 6!
- In French, we have been writing sentences using opinions and negatives, e.g. “I love … I hate …”
- Following last week’s research into non-flowering plants in Science, we have presented our information to the class and are now beginning to classify animals.
Home Practice all relates to this week’s learning. These are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
Please write in your Reading Journals often.
As you may know, we have access to Oxford Owl ebooks where you can read a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
- Spellings (-ant, -ance)
- Just like last week, these spellings will be looked in detail from Monday:
- assistant, assistance, arrogant, relevant, important, importance, appearance, extravagant, hesitant, reluctant, nuisance, hindrance, ignorance, resistance, restaurant
- Just like last week, these spellings will be looked in detail from Monday:
- Sumdog challenges:
- x2, x5, x10, x3, x6, x9
- SPAG – Adverbs
- Spellings (-ant, -ance words)
- Once again, I suggest to first write these out on a piece of paper, then play the games. We will look at these spellings in more detail from Monday so the spelling of these words will be easier after we have investigated them.
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 4:04pm
This week we have been reading the story 'Kippers Birthday by Mick Inkpen'
We have been thinking about what we might need for a party, we have made cupcakes, we been busy writing lots of invitations and birthday cards. We discussed what we do for our own birthday partys and looked at birthdays in the 1930s.
We have done lots of counting this week, especially getting the right amount of candles for our playdough cakes!
Reception are really trying hard to follow the Golden Rules every single day, so choosing the Golden Stars this week was a tricky job, but here they are :)
Year 1 Home Practice - 16th October 2020
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:54pm
Year 1 Home Practice Friday 16th October 2020
Well done Year One on a fantastic week of learning. This week we have loved our story Black Dog and even retold it with some lovely writing. In our Maths we have been learning our 2D shapes as well as our numbers to 100 and in Science we read all about Linda Buck, a famous scientist who studied smell. (A Smelly scientist)
On Thursday we took part in Lancashire intra-sports football challenge. Everyone took part and didn’t give up, even when it got tricky. Amazing! We’ve also looked at pumpkin sketching, Baptism, in our RE and created some lovely Autumn posters.
For your home practice this week…
Continue to read every night. This is key to unlocking all the learning we do at St Oswald’s. Continue to access our eBook library at Oxford Owl, via the home learning button on the class page.
Phonics / Sounds
This week we have been learning the oo, ew and ue sounds. Here are the words we’d like you to have a go practising in your Sumdog spellings.
Pool, boot, cool, shoot, spoon, blew, chew, crew, drew, flew, grew, blue, clue, glue, fuel
This week we have introduced the features of 2d shapes and continued looking at reading, writing and counting numbers within 100. Have a go at the Sumdog challenges. We are seeing great progress in our number learning. Well done!
In other news...
Well done to Year One who competed in the Lancashire Maths Contest this week. Out of 68 Classes across Lancashire we came 21st (Best at St Oswald’s) and on Wednesday Year 1 were the daily winners with an amazing daily score of 165. A special mention to Libby and Xavier who came 44th and 3rd in all of Lancashire. Well Done everyone, an amazing achievement. We’d also like to thank Sam for the video he sent in on Monday. Everyone was so happy to see Sam and his chickens.
Year 2 Home Practice - 16th October 2020
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:52pm
With only 1 week of half-term left, Year 2 have been working harder than ever. Our leaflets from last week managed to make their way to the top shelf in Booths. We have uploaded the photos to our class gallery. Great work by everyone! The children have really enjoyed our class novel this week and they have produced some wonderful pieces of writing. This week we have also taken part in an Intra Sports Competition. The children had to use their dribbling skills and race against the clock on an obstacle course. A great effort by everyone! In French we have been performing and practicing Autumn poems along with learning seasonal colours.
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘ow’ sound.
Please complete practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
We have been counting forward and backwards in tens and fives. We have also looked at repeated addition.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x5 tables
Maths – counting in 10 and 5
Spellings – ow and ou
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
Year 5 Home Practice 16th October 2020
Date: 16th Oct 2020 @ 3:49pm
Another fantastic week Year 5. We’ve moved on to comparing and measuring angles using a protractor in Maths. For English, we have looked at the different types of recounts and their key features. Our new topic in Science starts next week, Earth and Space and in RE we have been looking at friendship. French with Mrs Quilliam was great, you all counted in fives so well. This will come in handy for telling the time. Keep up the good work by doing all your home practice.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 16th October 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on angles and mixed times tables practice.
There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule/pattern (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (23.10.20):
We are investigating the silent letters n, p and u in words.
Autumn circuit psalm plague guillotine
rogue cupboard tongue condemn pneumonia
build hymn raspberry baguette plaque
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on antonyms and synonyms.
Have a great weekend. Miss Gravili