Our blogs
Reception 9th October - Hello Yellow
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 4:14pm
We have had the best day celebrating 'Hello Yellow', thinking about happiness, hopes and wishes all day !
The Children have loved dancing to happy music, playing well-being bingo, telling funny jokes, making others smile and going to the photobooth!
Have a look at some of our fab pictures. :)
Year 6 Home Practice - 8th October 2020
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 3:51pm
Well done to everyone for completing their Home Practice. We have had 96% changing their Home Reading books this week – let’s keep aiming for 100%. Once again, just to remind you, here are the days when you can change your book:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
This year we are using Sumdog as a great way to practice our learning that has been taught in school that week. We will always have a maths, spelling and grammar challenge to practice all week from Friday to the next Friday. We have had another brilliant response with 90% completing all the challenges by Wednesday – keep this up everyone, as little and often will help our learning for the following week.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have been using different strategies to add large numbers together and how to effectively use the written method.
- In our novel, ‘Private Peaceful’, we have developed our understanding of the characters, Tommo, Charlie and Mother and explored the themes that might run through this story.
- In Geography, we learnt how the world consists of tectonic plates (part of the Earth’s crust) and that they move at an incredibly slow pace – around 100mm a year!
- For RE, we have begun our new topic, ‘Vocation and Commitment’, with some excellent debates on what makes a vocation. We also created some questions and interviewed a firefighter via zoom to understand their commitment to their role.
- In music, boomwhackers have been our focus to create our own unique beats.
- In French, we used the bilingual dictionaries to further understand, ‘le, la and les’.
- In Science, we have continued our research into non-flowering plants with mosses, ferns and conifers, and deciding how to present our research.
- Finally, this Friday, we celebrated our ‘Hello Yellow’ day which helped us to understand resilience and what ‘powers’ we have to improve our resilience.
Home Practice all relates to this week’s learning. These are the tasks needed to be completed:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
Most of you are using your Reading Journals really well – just remember to add in any thoughts, vocabulary or any opinions you have of the book at any time, not just after finishing it.
As you may know, we have access to Oxford Owl ebooks where you can read a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
- Spellings (-sion / -ssion / -cian words)
- We will be learning the -sion, -ssion spellings again, along with -cian words, which will be looked in detail from Monday:
- division, television, discussion, session, mission, percussion, profession, politician, magician, electrician, optician, musician, technician, Egyptian, dalmatian
- We will be learning the -sion, -ssion spellings again, along with -cian words, which will be looked in detail from Monday:
- Sumdog challenges:
- x2, x5, x10, x4, x8
- SPAG – More verbs
- Spellings (-sion / -ssion, -cian words)
- Once again, I suggest to first write these out on a piece of paper, then play the games. We will look at these spellings in more detail from Monday so the spelling of these words will be easier after we have investigated them.
Home Practice Friday 9th October 2020
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 3:44pm
Year 4
Home Practice 9th October 2020
This week we have planned and written our own story in the style of the stories from ‘How the Whale became’ by Ted Hughes. In maths we have been counting in different steps, including 100’s and tenths. We have also explored tenths in more detail and found the effect of multiplying and dividing a one or 2 digit number by 10. In history, we discovered the type of houses the Celts lived in – we prefer living in our own homes, ask us why! In French we practised the days of the week and talked about what activities we carried out on which day.
Well done to everyone who has been on Sumdog during the last week – practising these skills is the key to making progress, so keep up your fantastic efforts.
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next Wednesday (14th October 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately? Well done to everyone who has been practising their tables during the past week – it is fantastic to see the progress you are making.
The spellings this week explore the ‘o’ sound spelt ‘a’ after w and qu. Please practise your spellings each evening at home. You will be tested on them next Thursday (15th October 2020). We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
what quality quantity squash squad
squabble squander squadron wanted swallow
quad swap swapped wallow wasp
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A counting challenge (counting in multiples of 4, 5 and 8)
- A maths challenge (recognising tenths)
- A spelling challenge (based on the sound ‘o’ sound spelt a, after w and qu)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Year 2 Home Practice 9th October 2020
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 3:37pm
Year 2 have had a fantastic week. Well done to everyone who has gone onto Sumdog and had a go at the challenges. This week we have focused on ‘being a great friend’ and Year 2 have enjoyed celebrating #HelloYellow day. In English this week we have looked at non-fiction writing and the children have researched all about Longton to write a leaflet. They all look great! For Maths we have continued to focus on number and place value. This week we have looked at finding different ways to make a number and exchanging using base ten. In French this week the children have learnt colours through the story ‘Pop le dinosaure mange toutes les couleurs’. They created their own colourful dinosaur using French colours – they look brilliant. In Geography we explored key features on a map and how we use them. We make sure we continue to take part in the daily mile to stay active at school.
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘oa’ sound.
Please complete practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week we have been looking at place value and number. We are working hard at writing the words for all of our numbers up to 100. Please have a go at using the resources and work set on Sumdog.
A Sumdog Contest starts today and finishes at 8pm on the 15th October. Here are some key things to keep in mind whilst having a go at the Contest:
- Children can play at any time.
- For the score to count, the Lancashire Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of the students screen when they click to start each game.
- Their scores are based on correct answers.
- A class score is the average of scores from all the children from that class who take part.
- To appear on the leader board, at least 5 children from your class need to play.
- As some children have limited computer access, every child is limited to 1000 Contest questions.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com.
Additionally students can access Sumdog via the app, which is free to download and play.
In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2 x10 tables
Maths – Place value
Spellings – oa o_e oe, o, ow
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
Year 5 Home Practice 9th October 2020
Date: 9th Oct 2020 @ 11:25am
The weeks are flying by in Year 5 due to all the learning we are doing. Well done to everyone for working with interest and positivity. The diary recounts about an alien adventure were excellent. I really enjoyed reading them. We have learnt some new things in Maths – factors, multiples, square numbers, prime numbers and prime factors! In French, the children have learnt to read unknown words using the sounds an/en/am and em. Amazing pronunciation Year 5! #Hello Yellow Day for Young Minds was really fun. We did a lot of talking and some great activities.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 9th October 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.
If you would like to find even more books to read, please look on Oxford Owl ebooks. You will find the link on the website - Year 5, Home Learning and there is a password for you.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on multiples, factors, prime numbers and mixed times tables practice. There is also a Lancashire Maths Contest on Sumdog. Look out for this on the green panel on the left of the screen when you start your games. It must be there for your scores to count!
There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule/pattern (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (16.10.20):
We are investigating the silent letters b, h and t in words.
whistle ghoul rhythm subtle comb
thistle ghastly rhinocerous Christmas debt
ghost rhyme nestle doubt climb
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on verbs.
Have a great weekend. Miss Gravili
Year 3 Home Practice 9th October 2020
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 6:33pm
Thank you for all of your amazing rock posters. We have put them up on display in our classroom and they look great. I have learnt lots of new things.
We have done a lot of hands on learning this week. We used charcoal and sand to create Stone Age cave paintings (we worked so well as a team to clean the classroom afterwards). We also did an investigation in Science where we looked at different qualities of rocks to choose which would be best for a Stone Age cutting stone (again great team work and sharing).
In Maths we have been using number lines to find missing numbers and to add numbers together. In English we have been hearing all about the monkeys and the Roly-Poly Bird in The Twits.
Friday was ‘Let’s Brighten Up a School Day.’ We focussed on all of the positive things – things we are good at and things we have in our lives that we are grateful for. It was really nice to hear how proud we all of ourselves and each other.
Home Practice for 9th October – 16th October
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Number Challenge: 9th October – 16th October - target 100 questions.
X2 and x5 tables challenge: 9th October – 16th October – target 100 questions.
- If you are confident enough, teach somebody at home how to use a number line to find numbers which total 100.
- Spellings:
These are words that have an /s/ sound spelled with a ‘c’, they have an ‘e’, ‘i’ or ‘y’ after the /s/ sound.
race, ice, cell, city, fancy, lace, space, circle, circus, rice
Make up a story using all of your spellings words. It can be as silly as you like. I would love to see when you have finished.
Year 1 Home Practice 9th October 2020
Date: 8th Oct 2020 @ 4:21pm
Year 1 Home Practice 9th October 2020
This week we have read Dogger by Shirley Hughes. The children have really enjoyed the story and created some fantastic pieces of work from it. Next week we are reading Black Dog by Levi Pinfold, a beautiful picture book about facing fears and overcoming worry.
In our Science this week we explored the science of smell and how we use our sense of smell to keep us safe. We have also started our new RE topic on Belonging and Baptism. The children have had some lovely ideas on belonging and family.
Home Practice
Keep reading for at least 10 minutes every night. It is also important to reread your books to boost confidence and fluency. We have also sent home some words for everyone to practice reading and writing. You can request a new set through the reading diary.
Sounds / Phonics
We have been learning the long e sound this week. ee, ea and y Have a go at our Sumdog Sounds challenge where we look at these words.
treat, seat, please, dream, tree, teeth, street, greet, happy, funny, jelly, runny
This week we have been learning new addition strategies and our number facts to 20. Have a go at completing the Sumdog challenges and keep a eye out for new challenges during the week. The practice you do at home is key to improving accuracy and speed with taught number skills. Well done, keep it up!
Thank you for your continued support
The Year 1 team
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 4:03pm
This week in Reception we have been learning all about Autumn. We brought in our Autumn Treasures from home and we have been reading Autumn Stories. In literacy, we have read the story 'You & Me, Little Bear and Home after Dark'. We have been busy mixing colours, counting amounts to 10, sequencing what we do in a day, learning about nurses and making a collage of ourselves in RE and so much more! Well done Reception :)
Our Golden Stars this week, we have really been trying to follow the Golden Rules are,
Joni - Star of the Week
Madelaina - Super Writer
Sidney - Bookworm
Evangeline - Mathematician
Joseph - Super Learner
Evelyn & Trudy - Special Mentions for being lovely friends to others
Year 2 Home Practice - 2nd October 2020
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:43pm
We have had another brilliant week in Year 2. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone has who logged onto Sumdog to have a go at the challenges. This consolidation of learning will really help the children to make excellent progress throughout the year. We are really starting to settle into the routines for school and our effort in class has been superb. The children have loved reading our class novel and this week we have produced some wonderful pieces of writing. We have also taken part in National Poetry Day. We wrote our own poem about Flat Stanley. In Maths we have continued to focus on number and place value. In French we have produced a poem based on the colours of the rainbow. We have created some great paintings in RE and we have continued to take part in the Daily Mile. We love staying healthy and active!
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘igh’ sound.
Please complete practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week we have been looking at place value and number. Please have a go at using the resources and work set on Sumdog.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x10 tables
Maths – Place value
Grammar – Capital letters and punctuation
Spellings – igh y and i_e
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
Home Practice Friday 2nd October 2020
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:32pm
Year 4
Home Practice 2nd October 2020
This week we have read ‘How the Hare became’ and performed a role play between Hare and another character in the story. Following this, we learnt how to punctuate speech correctly. We also wrote a class poem and performed it together for National Poetry Day. In French we practised numbers to 31 and the days of the week.
Well done to everyone who has been on Sumdog during the last week – practising these skills is the key to making progress, so keep up your fantastic efforts.
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next Thursday (8th October 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately? Well done to everyone who has been practising their tables during the past week – it is fantastic to see the progress you are making.
The spellings this week explore the ‘i’ sound spelt y elsewhere than at the end of a word. Please practise your spellings each evening at home. You will be tested on them next Thursday (8th October 2020). We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
gym myth Egypt pyramid mystery
symbol synonym lyrics system gymnastics
hymn typical cylinder physical oxygen
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A multiplication challenge (Mixed tables 2’s 5’s 10’s 3’s 4’s and 8’s)
- A grammar challenge (speech marks / inverted commas)
- A spelling challenge (based on the sound ‘i’ sound spelt y elsewhere than at the end of a word)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Year 5 Home Practice 2nd October 2020
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 3:28pm
Year 5 have worked so hard this week. They have finished their Concertina Story Books which look fantastic. There is a sample of them on the website, Year 5 - Gallery. National Poetry Day was a great success, we wrote some amazing poems. In Maths, we have worked on multiples, factors, multiplication/division and using facts we already know to work out trickier questions mentally. Our daily runs are going well and in RE the children have written and illustrated some lovely prayers.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 2nd October 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on related facts for multiplication and division and times tables practice.
There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule/pattern (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (9.10.20):
We are investigating the silent letters g, k and w in words.
know gnome knitting wren wriggle
knee gnat wrapper knuckle sword
write gnash answer resign wrong
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on question words and types of sentences.
Have a lovely weekend, see you on Monday.
Miss Gravili
Year 6 Home Practice - 2nd October 2020
Date: 2nd Oct 2020 @ 1:11pm
Another super week of learning from Year 6. We have started our ‘Daily Mile’ exercise and already we have seen an improvement in our fitness levels. Well done to 90% of you for changing your Home Reading books this week – let’s aim for 100% next week! As another reminder, these groups can change their books on the following days:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
This year we are using Sumdog as a great way to practice our learning that has been taught in school that week. We will always have a maths, spelling and grammar challenge to practice all week from Friday to the next Friday. We have had a brilliant response from Year 6 with 85% completing all the challenges by Wednesday – keep this up everyone, as little and often will help our learning for the following week.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we are using our place value knowledge to add large and decimal numbers mentally.
- We have begun our new novel, ‘Private Peaceful’ and investigated themes and predictions from the cover, blurb and first chapter.
- In Geography, we enjoyed a game of ‘Search, Find and Recover’ where groups had to search for information for the features of mountains and create their own mountain map – check out the pictures on our Year 6 gallery page.
- For RE, we have completed our topic of ‘Unconditional Love’ through creating our own Beatitudes to help make our school a better place.
- In Art, we continued to use Keynote to cleverly focus on one part of our face (eye, mouth, etc) like a ‘view finder’ and then practiced techniques to sketch those in our Sketch book.
- In French, we have been developing our dictionary skills, looking up new words and understanding the abbreviations n/f/s = noun, feminine, singular.
- Also, in Science, we researched non-flowering plants found on the school grounds and investigated the question, how do they reproduce without flowers?
Home Practice all relates to this week’s learning. These are the tasks needed to be completed:
- Reading – In Year 6, we read for a minimum of 20 minutes every day. You still have your new Reading Journal so any opinions, thoughts, discussions or vocabulary you come across, write them in there. We can then discuss these when you bring it into school.
- Spellings (-tion / -sion / -ssion words) which will be looked in detail from Monday:
- direction, collection, addition, action, rotation, creation, punctuation, subtraction, division, television, discussion, session, mission, percussion, profession
- Sumdog challenges:
- Addition – whole numbers
- SPAG – Verbs
- Spellings (-tion / -sion / -ssion words)
- Once again, I suggest to first write these out on a piece of paper, then play the games. We will look at these spellings in more detail from Monday so the spelling of these words will be easier after we have investigated them.
Year 3 Home Practice 2nd October 2020
Date: 1st Oct 2020 @ 9:01pm
We have had a very creative and exciting week in Year 3.
Thursday was National Poetry Day so we read some poems with actions and lots of expression. We chose our favourite which was ‘How to Turn Your Teacher Purple’ by James Carter. We performed this poem together and made a video – this is on the school website.
On Monday we travelled back in time and did some Stone Age art (pictures to follow when we have finished). We realised how talented people were in the Stone Age using what they could find to survive and communicate.
In Maths we have been using equipment to add hundreds, tens and units, in English we are still enjoying reading The Twits and in French we have been counting to 20 focussing on the different sounds of the letters.
Home Practice for 2nd October – 9th October
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes.
- Practise the x2 tables –
- Play ‘Hit the button’ https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- Ask somebody to test you on the way to and on the way back from school every day. You need to know them quickly without counting on.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenge:
Number Challenge: 2nd October – 9th October – target 100 questions.
- Spellings:
gem, gym, giant, magic, giraffe, energy, digit, engine, religion, gentle
Make a word search with your spellings in, ask somebody at home to find the spellings.
- Research and then create a poster about different types of rocks.
Visit - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z9bbkqt
There are 4 learner guides and 7 class clips which you can look at.
The three types of rock you need to include are:
Igneous rock
Metamorphic rock
Sedimentary rock
Make your poster easy to read and colourful. See if you can find some really interesting facts to share with the class.
Year 1 Home Practice 2nd October 2020
Date: 30th Sep 2020 @ 2:14pm
Home Practice 2nd October 2020
Well done everyone for their response to the home practice we have set on Sumdog over the past weeks. Almost everyone has gone on and practised their learning at home and this has shown in the progress the children have made since returning to school.
We have added a few extra challenges this week but are keeping the number of questions in these to a managable level so all children can complete the tasks. Little and often is the key to home practice so keep up the great work.
Keep reading for 10 minutes every night. We have added an extra day for book changing on Mondays incase you forget on a Friday. We will still give out three books a week so please limit your change to one a week. We have also signed up to a huge library of ebooks on Oxford owl, tailored for our youngest children. Click here for access and sign in using our class login - sto1, password -1234. Choose books from phase 3 or 4 to practice taught sounds. This practice will benefit all readers in Year 1.
We have added 4 new challenges this week.
2 x Maths, 1 x Spelling and 1x Reading.
Try to do a little every night and keep up the great learning at home.
Keep checking our class page for new galleries to see what we have been learning in the week.
The Year One team.
Date: 25th Sep 2020 @ 4:04pm
We have had a wonderful week learning all about Elmer. We have spoken about all the things that make us special and learning it is ok to be different. We have made our own patterns and experimented with colour mixing.
We have began to learn our phonics sounds - s, a, t and our humpty words too!
It was very tricky to choose our superstars this week for golden assesmbly because everyone is trying so hard all the time. But have a look at the picture to find out who has been spotted.
The home challenge this week is to go on an Autumn walk and find lots of treasures to share with us next week :)
Home Practice Friday 25th September 2020
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 5:23pm
Year 4
Home Practice 25th September 2020
Another busy week in Year 4 – we’ve nearly worked our socks off!
In English we read ‘How the Tortoise became’ and created our own blurb and book cover for the story. In Maths we have been rounding numbers to 10, 100 and 1000 and using symbols to compare numbers. In French, we read and wrote classroom instructions and learnt more about the Tour de France - we know the winner this year was Pogacar. Friday was European Sports Day and we learnt how to play handball! Well done Year 4.
This week's Home Practice can be found below. The purpose of Home Practice is to ensure the basic skills of reading, spelling and number are practised on a regular basis at home - the tasks consolidate classroom learning. Practising these skills little and often will ensure firm foundations for learning throughout the year.
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next Thursday (1st October 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately?
The spellings this week explore different letter patterns for the same ‘ei’ sound. Please practise your spellings each evening at home. You will be tested on them next Thursday (1st October 2020). We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
prey wait bait afraid grey
eight weight sleigh neighbour freight
paint eighteen eighty reign vein
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A multiplication challenge (Related facts for x3 x4 and x8)
- A maths challenge (Rounding and place value to 10 000)
- A spelling challenge (based on the sound ‘ei’ spelt different ways)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Year 3 Home Practice 25th September 2020
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 4:51pm
Another amazing week in Year 3.
We went outside and had our first ‘Time To Talk’ where we discussed how to be a good friend. Throughout the week we have really worked well together and have been great friends to each other. We read some more of the Twits and wrote news reports about a mysterious sighting in the sky (Mrs Twit attached to balloons). We used clues to find out what life was like in the Stone Age and sorted and compared different rocks in Science. You can see some pictures of this in the galleries. In Maths we have been using number lines to round to the nearest 10 and used equipment to make and compare numbers up to 1000. Mrs Quilliam is proud of Year 3 for their first attempt at using a French dictionary.
I am already looking forward to another great week next week!
Home Practice for 25th September – 2nd October
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes.
- Practise the x2 tables – listen to this song every night. Sing along and dance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGWMPqh04o4&safe=active
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Number Challenge: 25th September – 2nd October – target 100 questions.
x2 tables: 25th September – 2nd October – target 50 questions.
Grammar Challenge: 25th September – 2nd October – target 50 questions.
- Spellings:
age, huge, change, charge, bulge, village, range, orange, hinge, stage
Write out the spellings and stick them up somewhere you will see them every day. Use look, cover, write, check to practise your spellings.
Year 1 Home Practice 25th September 2020
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 4:38pm
Year 1 Home Practice 25th September 2020
This week we have started our new story, Percy the Park Keeper, After the Storm. The children designed some animal homes, wrote some super sentences and even received a letter from Percy himself.
On Friday we participated in European sports Day, learning how to play Handball. We had an experiment in Science, looking at our hands and feet and in French we’ve been counting and learning new greetings.
For your home practice this week, we have set three Sumdog challenges in Reading, Spelling and Maths. Have a go and answer as many as you can. Practise of these skills is the key to making progress so keep up your fantastic efforts.
Read for 10 minutes every night. If you have read all your books, have a look at Oxford Owl on our class page (Home learning button). We will change the books on Fridays so please remember to send them in.
Keep a look out for new galleries on the Year 1 class page. All the children have settled in brilliantly and have shown great attitudes to all their learning this week.
Please check that all items of clothing have names on them so we don’t misplace any items.
Thank you for your continued support,
The Year 1 team
Year 2 Home Practice - 25th September 2020
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 4:25pm
We have had a fantastic week in Year 2. In English we have been basing all our writing around the novel Flat Stanley. In Maths we continue to focus on number and place value. In Geograpghy we have explored hot and cold countries as well as looking at specific climates. In French this week the children have learnt how to say greetings as well as their numbers to 20. We have really enjoyed European Sport Day today and have learnt key skills in Handball.
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘ai’ sound.
Please complete practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week we will be looking at place value and number. We have learnt all the numbers in word form to 20. Please have a go at using the resources and work set on Sumdog.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x10 tables
Maths - Place Value
Grammar – Verbs
Spellings - /ay/ and /ai/ a_e words
Year 6 Home Practice - 25th September 2020
Date: 24th Sep 2020 @ 2:54pm
Nearly one month has passed in Year 6 and you have all done extremely well. You are now organising yourselves efficiently with handwashing, the morning tasks and working on your individual targets. The past week we have introduced new Home Reading books and to clarify, these are the days each reading group will change their books:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
We have had an amazing response with 100% of you changing your books this week. Remember, as always, read 20 minutes every day.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- Our place value knowledge has widened as we have ordered, compared, identified, rounded, added and subtracted numbers up to three decimal places.
- Using our novel, ‘Clockwork’, we have improved our reading skill of retrieval and learnt how to describe scenes using exciting vocabulary.
- In Geography, we located the three peaks of the UK (Ben Nevis, Snowdon, Scafell Pike) and compared Ordinance Survey maps to Google maps to help us figure out the best route up Scafell Pike.
- For RE, our topic of ‘Unconditional Love’ continued with the ‘Prodigal Son’ story where the children animated one of the scenes to show their understanding of how the story relates to our lives today.
- In Art, we have used the Apple version of PowerPoint, Keynote, to create some self-portrait art. Check out some of the pictures in our Year 6 gallery.
- In French, we have been practicing our numbers to 100 and learning how to say the different family names.
Home Practice all relates to this week’s learning. These are the tasks needed to be completed:
- Reading – you have all chosen your second Home Reading book for Year 6 this week so reading every night for 20 minutes is essential. You still have your new Reading Journal so any opinions, thoughts, discussions or vocabulary you come across, write them in there. We can then discuss these when you bring it into school.
- Spellings (-ious and ous words) which will be looked in detail from Monday:
- cautious, various, vicious, precious, conscious, conscientious, gracious, suspicious, perilous, hazardous, marvellous, adventurous, dangerous, glamourous, famous
- Sumdog challenges:
- Decimal Place Value
- SPAG – More Amazing Adjectives!
- Spellings (-ious words)
- I suggest writing these out first three times, then play the games. We will look at these spellings in more detail from Monday so the spelling of these words will be easier after we have investigated them.
Year 5 Home Practice 25th September 2020
Date: 23rd Sep 2020 @ 10:19am
Another great week in Year 5, well done to everyone for working so hard in all subjects. Your stories are great and the concertina books will look so good when they are finished. European Sports Day was fun and you did so well playing Handball. Mrs Quilliam was very pleased with the work you did on L'alphabet francais and I loved reading your poems about being unique (RE). It’s super to see that you have enjoyed doing your first Home Practice on Sumdog. Excellent effort with your reading and spelling too. Keep up the good work!
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 25th September 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Please sign to say you have read the book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based adding and subtracting within 100 and times tables.
This week's challenge on Sumdog is linked to the same spelling rule (spellings could be different from the ones below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (2.10.20):
The rule is i before e except after c (there are some exceptions to the rule!).
field their weigh sleigh lied
weird shield neither beige wield
friend pierce fierce view spied
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on sentence punctuation and adverbs.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Gravili
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:52pm
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:51pm
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:51pm
Date: 18th Sep 2020 @ 4:50pm