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Online Content - 10 tips to keep your children safe online

Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 6:22pm


"In light of recent distressing content circulating on several popular social media platforms, we're reminding parents how important it is to monitor, support and talk to children about their online activities." - National Online Safety

Here are some top tips from National Online Safety on keeping children safe online when viewing content online.

Year 5 Home Practice 18th September 2020

Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 5:15pm

Year 5 Home Practice 18th September 2020

Year 5 have settled back to school brilliantly and have learnt all the new rules and routines so quickly, well done everyone! We have enjoyed reading our class novel, Street Child and story, The Hole. I'm very impressed with the excellent work the children have produced. There is a big focus on times tables, place value and number facts in maths. Our history topic - The Victorians is very interesting. Keep up your positive attitude and hard work whilst doing your home practice year 5.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story.


This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on place value, rounding to the nearest 10/100 and times tables.


There will be new spellings to learn each week on a Friday and a Sumdog spelling challenge linked to the spelling rule (spellings could be different from the ones below). The children will be tested on those spellings the following Friday. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (25.9.20):

The rule is i before e except after c (there are some exceptions to the rule!).

chief          niece          piece          seize          receipt      

thief          priest         belief          relief        ceiling     

grief          mischief      deceive      fiend          relieved

Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)

This week's challenge on Sumdog (grammar) is based on basic punctuation and adjectives.

Year 6 Home Practice - 18th September 2020

Date: 16th Sep 2020 @ 4:39pm

Well done to everyone for completing the first few weeks of year 6. You have all been exceptional in transitioning into the routines and getting used to the expectations of this new year.


This week in Year 6:

  • We have improved our place value knowledge in Maths through comparing and rounding numbers to ten million.
  • In English we are reading ‘Clockwork’ by Phillip Pullman where we have investigated how to develop the story through dialogue.
  • In Geography, we have begun our new topic Mountains, searching atlases and maps to see where the highest mountains are.
  • For RE, we have also begun our first topic of ‘Love’ and how God’s unconditional love can affect our lives.
  • In PE, invasion games is our theme for the next 5 weeks, focusing on improving our throwing and catching skills and starting to develop advanced tactics to give an advantage for the attacking team.
  • In Music, we have been enjoying our new instruments, the Boomwhackers.


Home Practice all relates to this week’s learning. These are the tasks needed to be completed:

  • Reading – you have chosen your first Home Reading book for Year 6 so reading every night for 20 minutes is essential. You also have your new Reading Journal so any opinions, thoughts, discussions or vocabulary you come across, write them in there.
    • Spellings (ly words) which will be looked in detail from Monday - test is on Friday:
        • really, hardly, happily, finally, suddenly, angrily, safely, truly, carefully, frantically, slowly, rapidly, reluctantly, energetically, swiftly
  • Sumdog challenges:
    • Times Tables (x4 / x8)
    • SPAG – adjectives
    • Spellings (ly words)

Year 1 Home Practice - 18th September 2020

Date: 15th Sep 2020 @ 8:17pm

Year 1 Home Practice                                                                                                                 18th September 2020

This week we have had a fantastic week of learning. Everyone has really enjoyed our Large family stories and created some super pieces of work in our families topic in RE. We have had some busy afternoons in our outdoor area and been very active in our PE sessions, learning new skills and games.

We have given out new reading books this week for you to read at home. Make sure you are reading for at least 10 minutes every night. You can also access a huge range of e-books on Oxford Owl in the home learning button on our class page. These books will be changed on Fridays but for this week we will have an additional change on Monday, so send in your books.

This week we have been learning how to count in lots of ways, looked at numbers to 100 and learned the ow and oa sounds. We have set a few challenges on Sumdog to practise this learning. Have a go on all of these. We have given out passwords today and all the children have had a go to familiarise themselves with the platform. The games can be accessed through the website www.sumdog.com or through the app (available on the App store)

Try not to help your child too much as this will mean they get questions that may be too tricky for them. 

Keep checking our class page on our new website for galleries and news from Year 1.


Reminder - Send in PE kits every Monday and make sure your child has a water bottle, especially during this warm weather.

Online Safety at Home

Date: 25th Aug 2020 @ 12:55pm

Online safety at home

Over the last few months many schools across the UK closed to most families. This page has been created to provide you with the support and resources to help learn about online safety at home with your child. 

Click the link below to access resources to help promote online safety at home

Online Safety at Home

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk