Our blogs
Year 2 Home Practice - 4th December 2020
Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 9:22am
Another brilliant week in Year 2. We are starting to feel very Christmassy! After quarantining, a naughty elf has joined our classroom today. I wonder what sort of mischief he will get up to. This week we have been reading The Christmasaurus and Year 2 have produced some wonderful pieces of work. In Maths we have been focusing on multiplication. We have used arrays to help us solve questions and understood that multiplication is the same as repeated addition. In RE we looked at the different symbols on an Advent Wreath and we tried to retell the Annunciation story. We even did some orienteering to find baby Jesus! It has been lovely seeing all of Year 2 creating their own dance routines - we have even performed them to the class! We have had a great time in PE with Mrs Cookson and we have also done our the active Advent, trying to stay active for at least 30 minutes a day.
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been focusing on a mixture of phase 5 sounds. This weeks spelling list will be Year 2 common exception words. These are spellings which do not follow a specific spelling pattern.
Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week in Maths we have looked at the multiplication symbol. We have identified that multiplication can be shown as equal groups, arrays and repeated addition. Please continue to use the challenges set on Sumdog.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Multiplication questions
Phonics – Tricky words
Spellings - We have also uploaded a spelling quiz. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
HOME LEARNING Friday 4th December 2020
Date: 3rd Dec 2020 @ 4:52pm
Year 4
Home Learning Friday 4th December 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you are all safe and well and had a good night’s sleep!
Please complete today’s written work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return on 9th December.
Well done to those of you who have been practising your skills on Sumdog. When I logged on last night, Ezra was in the lead on both the Grammar and Maths challenges and Leah had spent the most time on last week’s Spelling challenge – super work Ezra and Leah.
New Sumdog challenges start at 4pm this evening. They are:
- A spelling challenge based on new spellings set today (see below)
- A grammar challenge relating to adverbs (remember an adverb describes a verb, for example it can tell us how, when or where it was done and they don’t always end in ‘ly’)
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Can you summarise in a few sentences what has happened so far?
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Your spellings for next week all start with either uni, bi or tri. Uni and bi come from Latin, uni means one and bi means two. Tri comes from both Greek and Latin and means three.
unicycle universe universal unicorn bicycle
biceps biathlon binoculars bifocal triangle
triple triathlon tripod tricycle trilogy
Copy the words out carefully and write a definition for them. Ask someone at home to help or use a dictionary if you find this tricky. A few of you may wish to choose just 5 words and learn those really well.
You will be tested on these words in class next Thursday (10th December 2020).
Times tables
- Practise a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any other times tables or division facts you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure it is something you know you could improve on (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Practise your 6 times tables with Todd and Ziggy. Make sure your join in!
- Write an animal fact file
Yesterday I asked you to research an animal of your choice and plan a non-chronological report about it. Today, I would like you to write your report. You can decide whether to do this on 1 page of your exercise book or over 2 pages next to each other. Please look again at the non-chronological reports attached to yesterday’s blog. Remember non-chronological reports:
- Have a title
- Are written in paragraphs
- Contain an introduction - what the report is about
- Include sub-headings – to separate information
- Include information / facts about the topic
- Are written in the third person (he, she, it)
- Are written in the present tense (imagine it is happening now)
- May include pictures / diagrams
As this is an English and science report, please make sure that you include scientific words (eg carnivore, herbivore etc) and information about whether it is a vertebrate / invertebrate etc.
The focus is on:
- Capital letters and punctuation
- Correct spellings
- Neat, joined up handwriting
- Ensuring you have used the correct layout for a non-chronological report (see above)
Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I write a non-chronological report?
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, practise telling the time using the link below.
Click on ‘Play Game’, then ‘play’. Decide which level to start at – can you start at a higher level than yesterday? Tick the 12-hour clock (or challenge yourself to the 24 hour clock) and timed game. How many can you get right in 60 seconds? Repeat and see if you can beat your previous score.
Today, we are practising subtracting 3digit numbers from 3digit numbers using a different mental strategy from yesterday. Again, many children find this tricky but practising and consolidating this skill now will enable us to calculate mentally with larger numbers when we are back in school.
Please use the strategy below when practising your mental subtraction today.
Find a difference counting up through a multiple of 10 / 100
Using this strategy, we count UP from the number we are taking away - we are finding the difference. Make sure you count up to the next multiple of 10 /100 according to the question, look at the examples carefully.
Please make sure you use a NUMBERLINE to show your working out and to help you calculate accurately.
Attached to the blog is a subtraction maths sheet. You don’t need to print the sheet you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.
- Open ‘Sheet 1b subtract 3d from 3d counting up’
Complete A or B, or challenge yourself and do both.
Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.
If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them as we will be building on these skills with larger and trickier numbers.
Ask someone at home to check your work.
Mighty Maths Challenges
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s ‘Christmaths’ challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your understanding. Have fun – answers will be published on Monday!
- Dressing Elves – see the sheet attached to the blog
Can you work out how many ways Elves can get dressed? This is a ‘finding all possibilities’ problem. You will need to find a logical system to test all possibilities and record them in an ordered list or table. You don’t need to cut the clothing items out, but they are there to help if you wish.
- Christmas Puddings – see the sheet attached to the blog
Put your mental addition and subtraction to the test and replace the question marks with the weights of the puddings. Make sure you show your jottings and the strategies you have used to calculate mentally (eg partitioning, compensating, counting up).
Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Thursday 3rd December 2020
Question 1 – Pens problem
- Danielle bought 8 pens
- She bought 4 rulers, 4 x 45p = 180 pence or £1.80
- She got 40p change from £5, so she spent £4.60
- Take the cost of the 4 rulers away from the amount she spent, £4.60 £4.60 – 1.80 = £2.80
- She spent £2.80 or 280 pence on pens
- If pens cost 35p, 2 pens cost 70p, 3 pens cost 105p, 4 pens cost 140p counting up in 35’s ….
- OR if pens cost 35p, 2 pens cost 70p, so 4 pens cost 140p and 8 pens cost 280p, using a doubling strategy
- This gives a couple of ways to work out the last part of the question, you may have done it differently
Question 2 – Birthday bonanza
- Fred 6 aquarium
- Bill 12 laptop
- Skyla 9 guitar
- Riya 11 bike
Art - sketching
Many of you enjoy drawing, so today I would like you to practise sketching an object. Remember, sketching is roughly scribbling an idea on paper, using free flowing lines and a relaxed pencil grip. Start with an initial sketch and then refine and define it.
This is an example of the process I found on the internet.
Here are some ideas you could sketch – a fork, an apple, a banana, a hat, your foot, your eye, a key, a lamp, a laptop, a flower, a person, a mug, a car, a potato …… the list is endless. Remember to shade your sketch to add contrast and depth.
Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Have a lovely weekend with your family Year 4 and I look forward to seeing you all again next week.
HOME LEARNING Thursday 3rd December 2020
Date: 2nd Dec 2020 @ 5:00pm
Year 4
Home Learning Thursday 3rd December 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you have had a good week so far. I’m looking forward to seeing your board games and listening to your adverts next week!
Well done to those of you who have been practising your skills on Sumdog. Ted has currently spent the most time on the Maths challenge, Ezra the most time on the Grammar challenge and Leah has spent the most time on the Spelling challenge – well done Ted, Ezra and Leah, keep it up.
Please complete today’s written work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return on 9th December.
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Talk to someone at home about your favourite part of the book and explain why.
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Your spellings for this week all have ‘ou’ in them, the ‘uh’ sound. Please ask someone at home to test you on the spellings. Make sure you write the words in your exercise books. Check them afterwards, if you found any of them tricky, have a look at where you went wrong. New spellings will be set tomorrow.
Times tables
- Practise a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any other times tables or division facts you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure it is something you know you could improve on (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Today we are going to practise the 8 times table with Todd and Ziggy. Make sure your join in!
- Create an animal fact file
Our topic in science has been ‘Classification’ and we have learnt a lot about different animals, their characteristics and how they can grouped. Some examples are given below:
- Vertebrates – mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians
- Invertebrates - I have just written 6 groups below, there are others
Insects (ant, ladybird, beetle)
Crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, woodlice)
Molluscs (snails, slugs)
Arachnids (spiders!!)
Echinoderms (starfish)
Annelids (worms, leeches)
Today, I would like you to carry out some research and plan a non-chronological report about an animal of your choice – it can be anything you like, however, don’t pick something that you either don’t know much about or cannot find much information about.
Non-chronological reports don’t need to be read in any order and aim to give us information about a topic. Non-chronological reports:
- Have a title
- Are written in paragraphs
- Contain an introduction - what the report is about
- Include sub-headings – to separate information
- Include information / facts about the topic
- Are written in the third person (he, she, it)
- Are written in the present tense (imagine it is happening now)
- May include pictures / diagrams
I have attached some non-chronological reports for you to read through and so you can see the features and structure.
For today, please plan (either on 1 page of your book, or over 2 pages side by side) where you are going to put your title and your introduction – jot some ideas down about what you will write here. Draw boxes for your information and write in the sub-headings - jot down some information you will include here. Draw a box / boxes for your pictures – you will need to label them, eg Hammerhead shark.
As this is an English and science report, please make sure that you include scientific words (eg carnivore, herbivore etc) and information about whether it is a vertebrate / invertebrate etc.
Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I plan a non-chronological report?
Remember, today you are planning, tomorrow you will be writing, so make sure that you plan and carry out your research thoroughly.
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, practise telling the 12-hour clock using the link below.
Click on ‘Play Game’, then ‘play’. Decide which level to start at, then make sure you have ticked 12-hour clock and timed game. How many can you get right in 60 seconds? Repeat and see if you can beat your previous score.
Today, we will be practising subtracting 3digit numbers from 3digit numbers using a mental strategy. Many children find this tricky but practising and consolidating this skill now will enable us to calculate mentally with larger numbers when we are back in school.
Please use the strategy below when practising your mental subtraction today.
Please make sure when you do this that you use a NUMBERLINE to show your working out and to help you calculate accurately.
Attached to the blog is a subtraction maths sheet. You don’t need to print the sheet you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.
- Open ‘Sheet 1a subtract 3d from 3d partitioning’
Complete A or B, or challenge yourself and do both.
Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.
If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them as we will be building on these skills with larger and trickier numbers.
Ask someone at home to check your work.
Mighty Maths Challenges
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s maths challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your understanding. Have fun – answers will be published tomorrow!
- Pens problem – see the sheet attached to the blog
Can you work out how many pens Danielle bought? Remember to show your working out / jottings. Think carefully about where to begin – there is always a way in – and what steps you need to take to solve the problem!
- Birthday bonanza – see the sheet attached to the blog
Can you work out the age of each child and the present they received for their birthday. You may find it useful to draw a chart (like we have done in school) and / or make jottings. Good luck and have fun!
Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Wednesday 2nd December
Question 1 – Calendars Problem
Aneesa – 1st February Bobby – 30th March
Carla – 19th January Daniel – 16th February
Emma – 6th March Farooq – 22nd January
Question 2 – Futoshiki puzzle
5 3 2 4 6 1
4 2 1 5 3 6
6 4 3 1 2 5
1 6 5 3 4 2
3 1 6 2 5 4
2 5 4 6 1 3
Tree Dressing
On Friday, children at school are going to be ‘dressing’ their tree. When Year 4 are back in school, we will be having our own ‘tree dressing’ session. In preparation for this, please design and make your own decoration for our tree. It can be anything you like but try not to make it too big or complex. Remember, simple is usually best. I have included a couple of links to websites below to help you with some ideas.
Please bring your decoration into school on Wednesday 9th December.
Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. I can’t wait to see your tree dressing decorations. Keep safe and well Year 4.
Year 5 Home Practice 4th December 2020
Date: 2nd Dec 2020 @ 10:24am
Another busy and hard working week Year 5, well done to everyone. In Maths, we have looked at written methods for subtraction. The children have finished Goth Girl and written some great book reviews and summaries. We decorated the Christmas tree in the hall with stars and lovely messages for our loved ones. In Science, we learnt how day and night occurs due to the Earth rotating. Thank you all those who painted Baby Jesus on pebbles and hid them around school for classes to find. We enjoyed using the school maps to find Jesus and read the scriptures and words of inspiration. As part of our outdoor learning, we decorated a tree with ribbons. It looks beautiful and the children thoroughly enjoyed it. Keep working hard on your home practice.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 4th December 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Y5 book changing day is Friday. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on addition, subtraction and times tables practice.
The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on homophones (different from the spelling test words below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (11.12.20):
We are investigating more homophones.
meat wrap thrown daze marshal rays build symbol
meet threw throne kernel martial whirled billed
rap through days colonel raise world cymbal
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is also based on homophones
Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.
HOME LEARNING Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Date: 1st Dec 2020 @ 4:44pm
Year 4
Home Learning Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you are all happy and well!
Well done for working hard during the time you’ve been at home – keep up the good work!
Please complete today’s written work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return on 9th December.
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Take extra care with punctuation when you read today – pause at full stops and commas.
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Your spellings for this week all have ‘ou’ in them, the ‘uh’ sound. Please make sure you practise them on Sumdog.
Repeat what you did yesterday in your books - writing the words in different clouds / spiky shapes and colouring the backgrounds. Keep the words and backgrounds exactly the same as yesterday – are there any you can remember without looking at yesterday’s work?
Times tables
- Practise a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any times tables or division facts you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure it is something you know you could improve on (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Today we are going to repeat the 9 times table with the rapping unicorn! Get up on your feet and dance and sing along!
- Create an advertisement for your Iron Man game
This week you have made your own Iron Man game and written a set of instructions.
Today, I would like you to make your own radio advertisement for your game. You have all heard radio and television adverts and have a good idea of the words used and how the presenter speaks. You will need to write the words you would say and practise saying them at home – I would love to hear them when we are back at school.
First of all, listen to some examples of radio adverts made by children at:
You don’t need to listen to them all, however, some I thought were of interest can be found at:
- 1 minute 17 seconds - Bubble Pop Malteasers
- 4 minutes 58 seconds - Kinder Chocolate
- 6 minutes 03 seconds - Easter Monopoly
Each one starts with a rhetorical question to engage the audience eg “Are you bored of your old board games?” The advert then goes on to persuade the listener to buy the product being advertised.
Your advert will need to encourage people to buy your board game, so try and include some memorable words, short descriptions or a little ‘jingle’ (a short song or tune).
You will need to include:
- A rhetorical question - ask the listener a question and let them know how much they need the game, eg Have you ever needed ….
- The name of your game
- A brief explanation of what your game is
- Persuasive language – use positive language that will appeal to the buyer (eg exclusive, educational, one of a kind)
- A catchy slogan – a phrase that represents the product and makes people remember it (you could use alliteration, humour or rhyming)
- Hyperboles (pronounced hi-puh-buh-lees). These are exaggerated claims or statements, so exaggerate the positive points about the game, eg the world’s greatest, the only game of its kind, voted number 1 educational game of 2020
- A customer review – this must be positive, eg Jack, aged 8, from Preston said, ‘It’s the best game I’ve ever played!’
The focus is on:
- Capital letters and punctuation
- Correct spellings
- Neat, joined up handwriting
Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I write a radio advertisement?
Remember to have fun and persuade others to buy your board game. You could practise saying your advert to someone at home! Would they buy it?
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, practise rounding to the nearest whole number, using the link below.
Click on ‘Play Game’ then decide whether you want to use a numberline or not. Play ‘Up to 9.9 to the nearest whole number’.
See how many you can get right in a minute.
If you found this tricky, come back to it later on today and have another go. Can you have a go without using a numberline? Can you beat your score from earlier today?
Using a different strategy from yesterday, we are continuing to consolidate our mental subtraction skills when subtracting 2 digit numbers. Please use the strategy below when practising your mental subtraction today.
Find a difference counting up through a multiple of 10
Using this strategy, we count UP from the number we are taking away - we are finding the difference. Make sure you count up to the next multiple of 10, then in tens, look at the examples carefully.
Please make sure when you do this that you use a NUMBERLINE to show your working out and to help you calculate accurately.
Attached to the blog are some subtraction maths sheets. You don’t need to print the sheets you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.
- Open ‘Sheet 3 subtract 2d from 2d’
Complete C or D
Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.
- Open ‘Sheet 4 subtract 2d from 2d’
Complete C or D
Time yourself and write down how long it took to complete that section.
If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them as we will be building on these skills with larger and trickier numbers.
Ask someone at home to check your work.
Mighty Maths Challenges
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s maths challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your maths understanding. Have fun – answers will be published tomorrow!
- Calendars Problem – see the sheet attached to the blog
Either print the sheet off or look at it carefully online but write your answers in your book. Can you work out each person’s birthday from the clues given? Remember to show your working out / jottings. Think carefully about where to begin – there is always a way in!
- Futoshiki puzzle – see the sheet attached to the blog
Either print the sheet off or copy the numbers very carefully into your book.
This is very similar to a Sudoku puzzle. You will need to place the numbers 1 to 6 into each row and column of the puzzle so that no number is repeated in a row or column AND so that the < > signs are obeyed. As you work through the puzzle, write missing numbers at the end of the rows and columns and cross them off when you have used them.
(TIP – find the 2 columns with only 2 answers to write in and jot down the missing numbers at the bottom of the columns – you should be able to fill a couple of gaps in now!)
Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Tuesday 1st December
Question 1 - Shape puzzles 1
- Puzzle A Rectangle = 8 Square = 2 Circle = 7
- Puzzle B Star = 9 Sem-circle = 8 Square = 6
- Puzzle C Hexagon = 1 Rectangle = 4 Circle = 8
Question 2 – Subtraction, how many ways
- 2 ways 61 – 7 = 54 60 – 7 = 53
- 4 ways 80 – 17 = 63 80 – 13 = 67 90 – 23 = 67 90 – 27 = 63
History - Romans
Please pick a topic about Romans you are especially interested in, for example:
- Roman inventions
- Roman roads
- Roman numerals and the calendar
- A famous Roman person
- The Roman army
- Roman baths
- Roman entertainment
- Roman gods
- Hadrian’s wall
- Roman mosaics
- Roman soldiers
These are only suggestions, there may be another topic you are interested in.
Please write 10 facts about your topic, although you may wish to write more. Use bullet points and write each fact on a new line. Please do not copy off the internet, if you are unsure about a word, ask someone or look it up, then write your fact so that children of your own age would understand the language used.
The focus is on capital letters, punctuation and spellings as well as finding some interesting facts! We will be able to share our facts when we are back in school.
Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Why not challenge someone at home and play your Iron Man game? Keep safe and well Year 4.
HOME LEARNING Tuesday 1st December 2020
Date: 30th Nov 2020 @ 4:47pm
Year 4
Home Learning Tuesday 1st December 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you are all safe and well and finding plenty of things to do that make you happy. I can’t believe it’s December, we put up some Christmas lights at home over the weekend and this made me feel quite festive!
Please complete today’s written work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return on 9th December.
I am looking forward to seeing the work you have been doing at home. Well done to all those who have been completing the new Sumdog challenges – keep it up Year 4!
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Can you predict what will happen in the next chapter? Or what the ending will be?
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Your spellings for this week all have ‘ou’ in them, the ‘uh’ sound. Please make sure you practise them on Sumdog.
Today, write the words in different clouds / spiky shapes and lightly colour the backgrounds in different shades or with different patterns – can you remember which colour or pattern you put with which word? (see example below)
Times tables
- Practise your PREVIOUS times table target using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any times tables you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure they are different from last week’s (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Today it’s the 9 times table with a rapping unicorn! Get up on your feet and dance and sing along!
- Create a set of instructions for your Iron Man game
Now that you have created your questions and made your Iron Man game, you will need a set of instructions to help other people understand the rules and how to play it.
You will need to include:
- A list of equipment needed
- Information on how to decide who goes first (eg youngest person, throw the dice for the highest number, the person with birthday in January etc)
- Whose turn is it next (the player to the left or the right?
- How many people are needed to play (2 or more?) and the age group the game is aimed at
- What happens when a player lands on a question or square
- How to finish or win the game (eg the player with the most points after 5 minutes, the player who reaches the end square first)
- Can a player ‘pass’ on their go, and how many passes can they have?
I have included a few links below which will take you to some examples – note they have headings, bullet points and numbered instructions.
Have a look at these examples and remember to take some inspiration from them. My biggest tip again is to keep it simple.
The focus is on:
- Capital letters and punctuation
- Correct spellings
- Neat, joined up handwriting
- Including imperative (bossy) verbs
- Ensuring you have used the correct layout and punctuation for instructions (eg headings, bullet points, numbered instructions etc)
Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I write a set of instructions for my Iron Man game?
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, practise rounding to the nearest 100, using the link below.
Click on ‘Play Game’ then decide whether you want to use a numberline or not. Play ‘Up to 999 to nearest 100’ first, then ‘Up to 9 999 to nearest 100’.
See how many you can get right in a minute.
If you found this tricky, come back to it later on today and have another go. Can you have a go without using a numberline? Can you beat your score from earlier today?
Today we are continuing to consolidate our mental subtraction skills when subtracting 2 digit numbers. Please use the strategy below when practising your mental subtraction today.
Partitioning and recombining
Please make sure when you do this that you use a NUMBERLINE to show your working out and to help you calculate accurately.
Attached to the blog are some subtraction maths sheets. You don’t need to print the sheets you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.
- Open ‘Sheet 1 subtract 2d from 2d no bridging’
Complete A or B
Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.
You should not need to to bridge 10 on your numberline.
- Open ‘Sheet 2 subtract 2d from 2d some bridging’
Complete A or B
Time yourself and write down how long it took to complete that section.
For some questions you will have to bridge 10 on your numberline
If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them as we will be building on these skills with larger and trickier numbers.
Ask someone at home to check your work.
Mighty Maths Challenges
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s maths challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your maths understanding. Have fun – answers will be published tomorrow!
- Shape puzzles 1 – see the sheet attached to the blog
Either print the sheet off or draw the shapes in your book. Remember to show your working out / trial and improvement jottings. Think carefully about where to begin – there is always a way in!
- Subtraction – how many ways – see the sheet attached to the blog
Either print the sheet off or copy the numbers very carefully into your book. Read the instructions and see if you can complete Level 1, 2 and 3 for each question. Make sure you show your working out and any jottings that you make. Can you explain how you worked out your answers?
Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Monday 30th November
Question 2, Make 21 – see the answer sheet attached to this blog
A good starting point would have been the number 10, as you need to add 11 to 10 to make 21. The only combinations of numbers which would make 11 would be 9 and 2, and 5 and 3.
Question 3 - Joins
Using 4 numbers – the highest score is 19 + 15 + 17 + 18 = 69
- the lowest score is 6 + 5 + 2 + 17 = 30
Using 5 numbers – the highest score is 20 + 18 + 13 + 17 + 18 = 86
- the lowest is 6 + 18 + 2 + 5 + 6 = 37
Using 5 numbers and diagonal joins – the highest is 19 + 17 + 14 + 15 + 18 = 83
- the lowest is 13 + 6 + 20 + 2 + 6 = 47
Read the Scripture attached to this blog, John Chapter 1_4 Verses 9-12. This tells us about the pure generosity of God’s love for us. The way that we can be a disciple is to make sure we live out our faith – the way we behave towards others, our love of God and the way that we love our neighbour, goes hand in hand.
God sent his only son Jesus as a gift for everyone. God’s love for us is shown through his gift of Jesus. The love of God and gift of Jesus teaches us about love, kindness, hope and joy.
I would like you to write a poem or a prayer (the choice is yours) about God’s love for us and giving us the gift of his son. Include why you are glad that Jesus lived among us and reasons why this helps us to be a better person. Please also decorate your work beautifully.
Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Keep safe and well Year 4.
HOME LEARNING Monday 30th November 2020
Date: 29th Nov 2020 @ 1:57pm
Year 4
Home Learning Monday 30th November 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to do something exciting with your family!
Please complete today’s written work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return on 9th December.
Well done to the children who took part in the Sumdog challenges last week. Izaiah spent the most amount of time on the Maths challenges and Evie spent the most amount of time on the Spelling challenge! Well done Izaiah and Evie – I will be rewarding you with Dojos when we’re back in school.
Please remember to take part in the Sumdog challenges that started last Friday (27th November). I will be seeing each week who has spent the most time on the challenges and there are plenty of Dojo’s up for grabs!
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Can you use lots of expression in your reading today? Think about the story and what you know about the characters so far, use the voice you think the character would have.
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Your spellings for this week all have ‘ou’ in them, the ‘uh’ sound.
touch trouble young nourish flourish
tough courage encourage double enough
discourage rough cousin country couple
Please make sure you practise them on Sumdog.
Today, split the words up into chunks and write them out in different colours.
Eg rough touch young
Times tables
- Practise your PREVIOUS times table target using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any times tables you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure they are different from last week’s (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Get up on your feet and dance and sing with Filbert Fox whilst practising your 8 times table!
(Apologies to those of you who aren’t Leicester fans - I’m looking for a Deepdale Duck times table song!!)
- Create a quiz based on The Iron Man
I know that some of you have enjoyed making your own quizzes at home and sharing them with the class. Today, I would like you to create a set of questions / a quiz based on the novel The Iron Man.
You will need to write questions that test the players’ knowledge of the book and characters. Try and write a variety of questions, eg some true / false style questions; some where the answer is quite straightforward and others where the person needs to explain their answer. Some examples are given below:
The Iron Man lost the battle with the space-bat-angel-dragon. True or False.
(This is not a question, it is a statement, therefore it does not need a question mark)
What was the name of the boy who befriended the Iron Man? (Hogarth)
Why did the Iron Man walk back into the sea at the end of Chapter 1? (He couldn’t find his ear and he thought the sea had stolen it)
The focus is on:
- Capital letters and punctuation (full stops and question marks)
- Correct spellings
- Neat, joined up handwriting
- A variety of question openers eg what, why, how, which, when, where, who etc
- Making an interesting set of questions which tests the players’ knowledge of the novel
Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I write a quiz based on The Iron Man?
Write each question then leave a line.
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, practise rounding to the nearest 10, using the link below.
Click on ‘Play Game’ then decide whether you want to use a numberline or not. Play ‘Up to 99 to nearest 10’ first, then ‘Up to 999 to nearest 10’ and lastly ‘Up to 9 999 to nearest 10’.
See how many you can get right in a minute.
If you found this tricky, come back to it later on today and have another go. Can you have a go without using a numberline? Can you beat your score from earlier today?
Today we are practising our mental subtraction skills using a compensating strategy. Consolidating this strategy now will enable us to build on it further with larger numbers, and in different and more complex problems, when we are back in school. Please make sure you use a numberline to show your working out.
Attached to the blog are some subtraction maths sheets. You don’t need to print the sheets you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.
- Open the sheet ‘Subtracting 9 from a 2d number’
Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)
Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.
- Open the sheet ‘Subtracting 99 from a 3d number’
Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)
Time yourself and write down how long it took to complete that section.
If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them. Use a numberline each time, showing your subtraction of 10 / 100 and then adding 1 back on.
Ask someone at home to check your work.
Mighty Maths Challenges
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, I will be including some maths challenges from today. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your maths understanding. Answers to Challenges 2 and 3 will be published tomorrow!
- Subtracting a near multiple of 10 or 100
Using the strategy above (compensating when subtracting 9 and 99), write questions and answers which demonstrate how to subtract 19, 29, 39, 198, 199, 397, 498, 998, 999 and 1999. Make sure you show your working out on a numberline. (You only need to give one example of each, although you may wish to do more). This is a super way to show your understanding of how to modify a strategy, according to the numbers involved.
- Make 21 – see the sheet attached to this blog.
Either print the sheet off or draw the circles in your book. Remember to show your working out / trial and improvement jottings. Think carefully about where to begin – there is always a way in!
- Joins – see the sheet attached to the blog
Either print the sheet off or copy the numbers very carefully into your book. Read the instructions and see if you can find the solutions. Make sure you show your working out and see how quickly you can add mentally using strategies we have learnt in class.
English and DT
You should have a list of questions you wrote for English today. Using these questions, I would like you to make your own Iron Man board game.
You will need to think about:
- The layout
- The object of the game (ie how do you win – do you win the most points, is it the first to reach the end or the person who answers the most questions etc)
- The method of play (eg with a dice, follow a trail, pick up cards)
- What sort of counters are used?
- How the game is scored?
- Whether you need to give a certain amount of time to play the game (eg the person with the most points after 5 minutes wins)
Tomorrow you will need to write the rules for your game, so also be thinking about:
- What equipment you need
- How to decide who goes first
- What happens when you land on a square or question
- How to finish / win
Before you start, have a think about board games you have played before eg Snakes and ladders, Monopoly, Game of Life or even Top Trumps. You could base your game on one of these or come up with your own idea. My top tip though, is to keep it simple!
I have included some board game templates which you can either copy or print out if you wish. Alternatively, you can make your own according to whatever your game is. Children in previous years who have made their own games have come up with some fantastic ideas. Have fun and enjoy making your very own Iron Man game.
Mrs Winter has asked me to remind you to practise our songs for the school nativity. The nativity will be recorded the week we go back to school, so we will not have much time to practise in school. Therefore, please practise EVERY DAY at home. The words and music can be found on the website under ‘Parents’, ‘Nativity 2020’. Our songs are Silent Night and It was on a Starry Night.
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Keep safe and well Year 4, I can’t wait to see your board games.
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 4:10pm
We have had a lovely week learning all about jungle animals! We have read the stories Monkey Puzzle and Rumble in the Jungle. We have been great at describing the different animals and even better at acting like animals too!
In Maths this week we have been focusing on adding together numbers to make a bigger number. We are amazing at getting ready for PE now - this week we have been doing a lots of races and team games!
We have also started learning all about advent and what we need to do to get ready for christmas!
Well Done Reception for a super week!
Year 6 Home Practice - 27th November 2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:53pm
For our fourth week back after half term, Year 6 have been working very hard in all areas to improve their learning with quicker maths strategies, new characters in Room 13, new History topic and even a new artist to inspire their own artwork.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have been learning multiples, factors and new ways to divide large numbers.
- Our new novel in English is Room 13, a suspenseful story about a class heading off on a school trip to Whitby where the dreaded room 13 awaits our main characters. This week we have learnt how to describe our impressions of characters and how to create a suspenseful atmosphere.
- We have also begun History but before we can introduce our new topic, we have been learning how to sequence events in chronological order and trying to order the vast history of Britain.
- In our topic in RE, Expectations, we have been using the hymn ‘Maranatha’ to help us understand what advent means to Christians.
- In PE, we have continued to improve our attacking skills in rugby and completed the orienteering competition created by South Ribble. Congratulations to the following teams:
- First = Aiden
- Second = Bede
- Third = Gregory
- In Art, Year 6 have learnt ‘pointillism’ created by Georges Seurat and Paul Signac in 1886, and have designed their own tree art using that technique (head to the Year 6 gallery to see our artwork).
- For science, we researched a group of invertebrates and wrote the characteristics in the form of a poem, song or rap.
- Finally in French, we learnt how to use subject pronouns effectively in sentences.
Well done to 88% of you for changing your book this week. We understand some people can have books with a lot of pages so please keep using your Reading Journals to complete your new ‘reading challenges’.
The days when you can change your reading book are:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
These are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
You can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
- Sumdog challenges:
- Divide by 2 or 3 digit number
- Each child has their own tables target which they should know. The Sumdog challenge may relate to their target but if not, you can always use Sumdog for extra Tables Practice. Every Tuesday there is a tables test.
- SPAG – Sentences
- Spellings – 27th Nov – 4th Nov (silent letters)
- answer, favourite, bruise, actually, build, guarantee, certain, guard, definite, library, difference, muscle, exercise, doubt, environment, comb, February, foreign, gnaw, government
- answer, favourite, bruise, actually, build, guarantee, certain, guard, definite, library, difference, muscle, exercise, doubt, environment, comb, February, foreign, gnaw, government
- Divide by 2 or 3 digit number
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:47pm
This week we have loved our new book, Traction Man Is Here by Mini Grey. The children have planned and written their own adventure and had a look at Traction Man’s many costume changes. Well done everybody!
In our PE we have started our Dance topic on Robots. Check out our moves in this week’s gallery. Some super movers! To tie in with our toys and space learning, we have researched Neil Armstrong, looked at Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night painting and even launched some rockets of our very own. The children have loved their space learning this term.
Continue to read every night with your children. 10 minutes a night makes a huge difference in reading fluency and comprehension. It is the key to all learning!
This week we have looked at the ir, ur and er sounds. Everybody is using their phonics in their reading and writing which is great to see. Keep it up! We have set a new word list on Sumdog. Keep practising your spellings through games and writing them out. It has been lovely seeing all the practise brought in by some children. Well done.
We have been focussing our learning on Number fluency this term. The children are loving their maths learning, becoming more confident and fluent every week. Keep checking Sumdog for new challenges. These tie in with the skills taught in school and are helping the children remember those key number facts.
Year 3 Home Practice 27th November 2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 3:38pm
It’s so wonderful to be back in school and together. I am so proud of you all for the hard work you did at home; I can see a huge difference in your handwriting, number skills and times tables. I really enjoyed Tuesday morning when you all brought your work into school and showed it off to the class.
In Maths we have been rounding to the nearest 10 and have been doing lots of counting, our maths is getting harder but we love the challenge.
In English we have been reading Mr Stink, we have started to write our own policy that we would use if we were an MP.
On Friday we enjoyed our own spotty and odd socks day, we celebrated our friendships and thought about what makes us unique and special.
Home Practice for 27h November – 4th December
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read. Retell it in your own words.
- Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
Maths Challenge – addition, subtraction, time: 27th November – 4th December - target 100 questions.
Spelling Challenge - ed: - 27th November – 4th December - target 100 questions.
- Practise your x tables – you will be tested on them on Thursday 3rd December. You need to know them quickly and confidently without having to count on.
- Spellings - you will be tested on them on Thursday 3rd December. You need to practise them every night. It is also a good idea to practise spellings from previous weeks.
The spellings this week are the same as last week – they were tricky so we need a bit longer to practise.
accident, actual, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe
- Listen to the Nativity songs at home and practise singing along.
Year 2 Home Practice - 27th November 2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 8:35am
It was great to see smiling faces return to school this week. We continue to work hard in Year 2 and the children have had a great week. This week we have been carrying on from our Paddington story and carried out research on different types of bears. The children then created a non-fiction poster with the information gathered. In Maths we have continued to focus on strategies for solving addition and subtraction questions. Next week we ill be moving onto multiplication. In RE we have started our new topic of Advent/Preparation and we have discussed how we can prepare for Christmas/the birth of Jesus. In PE we have continued to look at racket skills and children have worked hard on being able to strike ball accurately. Another brilliant week, well done!
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘ur’ sound.
Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week in Maths we have continued to focus on addition and subtraction strategies. We have looked at mental strategies as well as using concrete equipment like base ten, to help consolidate learning. There has been a particular focus on exchanging with subtraction. Please continue to use the challenges set on Sumdog.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Addition and subtraction questions
Phonics – Tricky words
Spellings - We have also uploaded a spelling quiz. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
HOME LEARNING Friday 27th November 2020
Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 8:25am
Year 4
Home Learning Friday 27th November 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday and achieved your personal goal – I can’t wait to hear what interesting goals you set yourself!
Please complete today’s work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return.
Please remember to take part in the Sumdog challenges that started last Friday. 24 children have now taken part in the Maths challenges – this is brilliant, well done - and 7 in the Spelling challenge. New challenges will be starting today at 4pm, so make sure you get involved. I will be seeing each week who has spent the most time on the challenges and there are plenty of Dojo’s up for grabs! Well done to Neeve and Evie who are currently in the lead. On Monday, I will let you know who spent the most time on this week’s challenges!
New Sumdog challenges start at 4pm this evening. They are:
- A spelling challenge based on new spellings set today (see below)
- A grammar challenge relating to co-ordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) and subordinating conjunctions
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables)
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story and who the characters are – who is your favourite and why. Can you summarise what has happened in the story so far?
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary – you may like to write the new vocabulary in your reading diary and then you can use these words in your own writing.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Your spellings for the next week all have ‘ou’ in them, the ‘uh’ sound.
touch trouble young nourish flourish
tough courage encourage double enough
discourage rough cousin country couple
Copy the words out carefully and write a definition for them. Ask someone at home to help or use a dictionary if you find this tricky. A few of you may wish to choose just 5 words and learn those really well.
Times tables
- Practise your current times table target using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to yesterday’s log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any times tables you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure they are different from yesterday’s (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Practise your 6 times table dancing and singing with Fred the Red.
(Apologies to those of you who aren’t Manchester United fans!!)
- Write an alternative ending to the Iron Man
As you know, we finished reading The Iron Man this week. Today, I would like you to write your own ending to the story, your own Chapter 5. Here are some things to think about which may help you with ideas.
Did the Iron Man get shipped to Australia and challenge the space-bat-angel-dragon to something different?
Did the Iron Man win the challenge? And if so, what happened to the SBAD?
Did the SBAD win the challenge? And if so, what happened to the Iron Man and the world?
Perhaps the Iron Man’s plan wasn’t for him to challenge the SBAD, instead Hogarth needed to battle with the SBAD.
Did the SBAD eat what he wanted and then leave as suddenly as he came?
The choice is entirely yours as to how you want to finish the story.
Make sure that you:
- Use capital letters and full stops
- Write in your best, joined up handwriting
- Check your spellings very carefully
- Write in the past tense (it has already happened) and third person (you are telling the story, you are not in it)
- Try and include some excellent vocabulary and different sentence openers
- Try and write in the style of Ted Hughes (repetition of words, short sentences, longer sentences, descriptive)
Give your chapter a title, according to what your ending is going to be. In the book, Chapter 5 was called The Iron Man’s Challenge.
Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I write an alterative ending to The Iron Man?
Write the title Chapter 5 ___________________
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, practise some doubling on Hit the Button, multiples of 10. Have a go at ‘up to 100’ and ‘up to 250’. Make jottings to help. If you want more of a challenge, have a go at ‘up to 500’.
Attached to the blog are some subtraction maths sheets. You don’t need to print the sheets you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book. These build on the work you did yesterday and relate to subtraction of multiples of 100.
- Open the sheet ‘Multiple of 100 – multiple of 100 eg 900 - 600
Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)
Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.
- Open the sheet ‘3d number – multiple of 100 eg 323 – 100
Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)
Time yourself and write down how long it took to complete that section.
If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them. Use a numberline to help counting back in hundreds.
Ask someone at home to check your work.
As you know, this Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent.
Please draw an Advent wreath in your book, including the candles, and colour it in with pencil crayons if you can. Then, please explain what Advent means, where the word originates from, the meaning of the wreath (the green part) and each of the candles.
Write the date and the learning objective, Can I describe the meaning of the Advent wreath?
Your RE work is always beautiful Year 4, and I look forward to seeing your Advent wreaths and descriptions.
Last week, we drew a Celtic knot in our art books. Have another go at the same Celtic knot by clicking on the link below (it is the first link).
Then have a go at a Celtic knot of your own choice. A couple of links are given below, but you may find one you especially like.
HOME LEARNING Thursday 26th November 2020
Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 5:49pm
Year 4
Home Learning Thursday 26th November 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you had a good night’s sleep and are all well and happy.
Remember to complete the work set each day in your exercise book and be proud of the work you do.
Please remember to take part in the Sumdog challenges that started last Friday. Only 17 children have taken part in the Maths challenges and 7 in the Spelling challenge. New challenges will be starting tomorrow (Friday 26th November), so make sure you get involved. I will be seeing each week who has spent the most time on the challenges and there are plenty of Dojo’s up for grabs! Well done to Sophia and Evie who are currently in the lead.
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story and who the characters are – who is your favourite and why. Can you predict what might happen next and why you think this?
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary – you may like to write the new vocabulary in your reading diary and then you can use these words in your own writing.
You would have been tested on your spellings in school today. Please therefore ask somebody at home to test you on this week’s spellings. (They all have ‘sc’ in them which sounds like ‘s’.) Remember you can find these spellings under Year 4 Home Practice Friday 20th November 2020.
If you get any wrong, practise them again and ask someone to retest you on them.
New spellings will be set tomorrow.
Times tables
- Practise your current times table target using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to yesterday’s log. Hopefully, you should see an improvement and will have achieved more than yesterday!
- Practise any times tables you like using ‘Hit the Button’ (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Complete the Sumdog times table challenge.
We finished reading The Iron Man this week. I have given you a very brief summary of each chapter of the book:
Chapter 1 – The coming of the Iron Man
The Iron Man falls off a cliff and puts himself back together then walks off into the sea. No-one knows where he has come from.
Chapter 2 – The return of the Iron Man
Hogarth sees the Iron Man and runs home frightened. The Iron Man eats lots of metal and farm machinery. Hogarth tricks the Iron Man into falling into a pit. The Iron Man is buried.
Chapter 3 – What’s to be done with the Iron Man?
The Iron Man frees himself. Hogarth feels sorry for the Iron Man and leads him to a junk yard. The Iron Man enjoys his feast!
Chapter 4 – The Space-Being and the Iron Man
A space-bat-angel-dragon lands on Australia – it is enormous. It demands food, otherwise it will eat what it wants! Many countries attack the SBAD with weapons but he is not harmed and just smiles. Hogarth asks the Iron Man if he can come up with a plan.
Chapter 5 – The Iron Man’s Challenge
The Iron Man is taken to pieces and put back together again in Australia. He challenges the SBAD to a contest and wins. The SBAD becomes a slave to the world and sings at night. This makes all the people in the world feel calm and peaceful, and countries start to live in peace with each other. The Iron Man is a hero.
1. Please write a book review of The Iron Man.
Write the date and learning objective, Can I write a book review?
Write the title The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
- Paragraph 1 – Give a brief summary of the plot that doesn’t give too much away. Include the main characters, plot and setting.
- Paragraph 2 – Comment on the book’s strengths and weaknesses – give your opinion of what you liked and didn’t like – remember to include reasons WHY you liked or disliked something.
- Paragraph 3 – Who would you recommend this book to (eg what age of person, what sort of person, for example, someone who enjoys fantasy stories / science fiction / stories with underlying themes / stories about peace in the world etc). Again, explain why you are recommending it to these people.
- Paragraph 4 – How many stars out of 5 would you give the book? And WHY.
- REMEMBER to check spellings, capital letters, punctuation and sentence openers!
Below you will find some links to book reviews written by other children. These are just examples, please follow the outline above to make your book review a superb piece of work.
- Please update your diary for today.
As a warm-up, practise some doubling on Hit the Button, doubles to 50 and doubles from 50 to 100.
Attached to the blog are some subtraction maths sheets. You don’t need to print the sheets you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.
- Open the sheet ‘Multiple of 10 – multiple of 10 eg 70 – 20
Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)
Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.
- Open the sheet ‘2d number – multiple of 10 eg 53 – 40
Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)
Time yourself and write down how long it took to complete that section.
If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. Use a numberline to help counting back in tens.
Ask someone at home to check your work.
Last week we learnt more about food chains.
Please follow the link to “What is a food chain?”
Watch the video and read the information below the video. Then have a go at completing the food chain and the quiz.
Please either print off the attached sheet (called Food Chains) or draw pictures and write the answers in your exercise book. Make sure you write in your best, joined up hand-writing and spell words correctly – you will find many of the words on the sheet and the website.
NOTE – a secondary consumer is the second animal to each something, they can be either carnivores (meat eaters) or omnivores (meat and plant eaters). A primary consumer is the first animal to eat something and they are herbivores (plant eaters).
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Keep safe and well Year 4 and keep smiling.
HOME LEARNING Wednesday 25th November 2020
Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 2:41pm
Year 4
Home Learning Wednesday 25th November 2020
Good afternoon Year 4 – thank you for being so sensible this morning when you were waiting to be picked up. You will all be at home by now and I hope you have enjoyed your lunch. Although it seems a long time, these 14 days will go really quickly and we will soon be back together again, just in time for some fantastic learning in school before Christmas!
Over the next 2 weeks, please complete the work set. Some of it will be new learning and some will be practising key skills which will help you to make more progress once we are back at school.
It is important to keep reading EVERY DAY over the next 2 weeks.
Please read out loud to someone at home each day. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story and who the characters are – who is your favourite and why. Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary – you may like to write the new vocabulary in your reading diary and then you can use these words in your own writing.
Practise this week’s spellings and write each word in a sentence of your own. Make sure you punctuate your sentences correctly and use capital letters for proper nouns.
Times tables
Although we completed our times table test today, I will be giving out new tables targets when we return to school on 9th December. For today, please practise your current table target using ‘Hit the button’.
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Keep a log of which times table you are practising and how many you get right in 1 minute, hopefully you should see an improvement!
Hit the answer
Date |
Times table / division fact |
Number correct in 1 minute |
24.11.20 |
X6 |
5 |
8 |
10 |
Hit the question
Date |
Times table / division fact |
Number correct in 1 minute |
24.11.20 |
X6 |
4 |
6 |
9 |
I would like you to stay happy and positive over the next 2 weeks. A super way to do this is to set yourself a small goal for each day, this is because when we reach our goals it gives us a sense of achievement and makes us feel happy. I know Year 3 and Miss Smith set themselves a goal for each day and it really helped to keep a positive mindset.
Please copy and complete the table below and write in a goal for each day – tick your goals off once you have achieved them.
REMEMBER to write neatly in your best joined up your handwriting, use capital letters and spell accurately. (I have put an example in for you!)
Day |
Goal |
Tick |
Wednesday (today) |
Play with Basil Read for pleasure for 20 minutes |
ü |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Here are some ideas:
- Exercise for 15 minutes
- Make a cake or bake something tasty
- Learn something new
- Speak to a friend
- Do some mindfulness yoga (have a look on youtube)
- Draw something (find a tutorial video on youtube eg you could draw characters / 3d images / a Celtic knot)
- Clean your bedroom
- Write a letter or make a card for an elderly person in Longton (see last week’s school newsletter)
- Stay off screen all day (phone, TV, computer, ipad, xbox, PS4 etc)
- Create your own workout
- Make your own game up, teach it to someone at home and play it together
- Make a den in the house and enjoy spending some time in it
- Write a poem about a topic of your own choice
- Write down 8 things you are thankful for
Please also keep a diary over the next 14 days of what you have been doing and include any thoughts and feelings. Start this today in your exercise book – it’s been a very different day for us all.
Keep safe and well Year 4 – I’m missing all your smiley faces already.
Year 5 Home Practice 27th November 2020
Date: 25th Nov 2020 @ 10:18am
Another fantastic week Year 5. In Maths, we have learned how to calculate the area of a shape and solved problems involving area. The children are really enjoying Goth Girl and have written some great sentences using adverbs of possibility. We have also researched stately homes, similar to Ghastly Gorm Hall in our novel. For PE, we took part in a virtual orienteering event with the children completing the tasks in very quick times. In Geography, we learnt about the seas and rivers of the U.K. Mrs Quilliam was very pleased with the French work on time and pronouns. Keep up the good work Year 5.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 27th November 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Y5 book changing day is Friday. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on the perimeter/area of a shape and times tables practice.
The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on homophones (different from the spelling test words below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings (more than usual) for next Friday (4.12.20):
We are investigating homophones.
heel feat cheep plain blew stare pair fare
heal feet peak plane knot stair berry fair
he’ll cheap peek blue not pear bury
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is also based on homophones
Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.
Year 3 Home Learning 23rd November 2020
Date: 22nd Nov 2020 @ 3:59pm
Monday 23rd November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you have all had a nice weekend with your family. I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Don’t forget to bring a smile and the work that you have completed at home.
I have been getting out all of my Christmas decorations over the weekend, I haven’t put them up yet – that is going to be Friday evening’s fun. I normally wait until the first weekend In December but I am going to do it a week early this year.
I watched the final Harry Potter movie on Sunday. I will probably watch and read them all again throughout December.
I know some of you were disappointed that we were not in school for Children in Need Day so on Friday 27th November we will have our own Children in Need Day in Year 3. You can wear something spotty. You can also wear odd socks on Friday as this is something the rest of the school did as part of Friendship Week to celebrate that we are all unqique.
Friday 27th November - wear something spotty and odd socks.
See you tomorrow J
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Your new spellings this week do not follow a rule. They are some of the spellings which you need to know by the end of Year 3. You will be tested on these spellings on Thursday in school.
accident, actual, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe
Split your spellings up into chunks you can remember and write out these chunks in different colours.
Here is an example: accident
Times tables
Call out your x tables in different voices – like a robot, like a baby, in a deep voice, in a whisper, in slow motion.
Today I would like you to write a letter to me that you can give to me tomorrow. Please take care with spelling, handwriting, capital letters and full stops. I would like you to organise your writing into paragraphs.
- Paragraph 1 – what you have been doing during the past 2 weeks
- Paragraph 2 – what you are looking forward to when we are back in school
- Paragraph 3 – goals that you are going to try to achieve in our first week back
Here is an idea of how to start your letter and how to start each paragraph.
Dear Miss Smith
I am writing this letter on Monday 23rd November. It is the last day of home learning before we are back in school tomorrow.
During the past 2 weeks, I have been…
I can’t wait to go back to school. I am excited to…
In the first week back I am going to work really hard. I have thought carefully about what I need to do to improve my learning. I am going to…
There is a Sumdog challenge that will just last for today. The challenge will focus on number facts and times tables.
Please make sure you have a go. 26 of you started the last challenge – well done!
Have a go at measuring in cm on the following website.
There are 2 levels to choose from.
If anybody wants an extra challenge, see if you can write the length in cm and mm.
There are 10mm in 1cm.
Example –
Rubber = 4cm = 40mm
Crayon = 5.5cm = 55mm
Last week you looked at the outside of a synagogue – the Jewish place of worship.
Watch this video which talks about the inside of a synagogue.
Design a stained glass window for a synagogue – remember no human faces are used. You can draw and colour it in or you can use coloured scraps of paper from your recycling.
Attached to this blog are some pictures to help you.
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 5:00pm
What a week we have had! Everyone has loved learning all about the 'Snail and the Whale'.
We discovered lots of different under water animals, searched for snails outside and we even had a little visit from a hedgehog! We have made some fabulous ocean art work and some of us made snail collages too!
In maths we have been writing our numbers to 10 and finding one more and one less than a given number.
Well done to everyone in Reception and here are the Golden Stars this week.
Year 2 Home Practice - 20th November 2020
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 4:00pm
The children have really enjoyed wearing odd socks and talking about their friendships this week. We have continued to look at different stories from The Paddington Treasury and we have produced some wonderful pieces of work. In Maths we have continued to focus on strategies for solving addition and subtraction questions. We have designed some Baptism candles in RE along with researching The Great Fire of London in History. We have had a brilliant PE lesson this week, learning how to strike a ball. A fantastic week Year 2!
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
This week we have been learning how to spell words with the ‘u’ sound.
Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
This week’s spellings are:
This week in Maths we have been focusing on addition and subtraction. We have looked at mental strategies as well as using concrete equipment like base ten, to help consolidate learning. Please continue to use the challenges set on Sumdog.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Addition and subtraction questions
Spellings – tricky words
We have also uploaded a spelling quiz. Please practise these spellings ready for your quiz every Friday.
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
Year 6 Home Practice - 20th November 2020
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:54pm
For our third week back after half term, Year 6 became the stars of the Cross Curricular Orienteering filming which took place on Thursday. As well as learning how to become great orienteers, a film crew came to St Oswald’s to film a video for their new orienteering website, www.crosscurricularorienteering.co.uk. Will Huntington, the founder of Cross Curricular Orienteering, who came to teach and be filmed, said, ‘What a super class you have Mr Mears; you must be proud!’ (Yes I am – well done Year 6!)
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have been learning how to solve problems using the bar model and improving our arithmetic with quicker strategies.
- We have finally completed our novel of Private Peaceful which the children really loved and connected with, especially with all the characters. Let’s hope they enjoy the next one.
- In Geography, we completed our topic through researching and creating a biography of Sir Edmund Hillary – the first person to climb the top of Mount Everest.
- In RE, our new topic, Expectations, has created a super debate between ‘what we would like to do’ (with many different scenarios) compared to ‘what I am expected to do’.
- In PE, we have worked hard to improve our tactics in tag rugby and how to orientate maps so we are ready for next week’s orienteering competition created by South Ribble.
- In Art, our new artist, Lola Dupre, has inspired us to use charcoal where we have begun to improve our shading effects.
- Finally in Music (and some lunch times) we have been practicing the ukuleles in preparation for the whole school nativity production in a few weeks.
Well done to 80% of you for changing your book this week. We understand some people can have books with a lot of pages so please keep using your Reading Journals to complete your new ‘reading challenges’.
The days when you can change your reading book are:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
These are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
You can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
- Sumdog challenges:
- Fluency with division facts
- Each child has their own tables target which they should know. The Sumdog challenge may relate to their target but if not, you can always use Sumdog for extra Tables Practice. Every Tuesday there is a tables test.
- SPAG – Conjunctions
- Spellings (ough words)
- through, although, rough, tough, though, cough, nought, brought, ought, thought, fought, plough, dough, enough, thorough, bought, sought, thoughtful, thoughtless, borough
- Fluency with division facts
Year 1 Home Practice 20th November
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 3:48pm
20th November 2020 Home Practice
This week we have celebrated friendship week at St Oswald’s. In Year 1 we looked at being a good friend and how to show kindness to others.
It was lovely to speak to you all this week, sharing all the great progress your children are making this year. Keep up all the learning at home, it makes such a huge difference.
This week we have been reading Toys in Space by Mini Grey. We’ve been learning all about space, looked at pictures from the Hubble telescope and created a starry night chalk picture.
We continued learning overarm throwing and catching in our fundamental PE skills and helping eachother succeed in our PE lessons. Well done Year 1.
We’ve looked at doubling and halving and odd and even numbers this week. Keep an eye out for new maths challenges during the coming week. Remember, do 5-10 minutes a night on Sumdog and don’t worry if you don’t complete the challenges set. Do what you can!
Keep up with the great reading! 10 minutes a night.
Sounds and Spelling
We have been learning the split o_e sounds. Have a go at the spelling list on Sumdog. It’s has been lovely seeing so many children enjoying their writing and bringing notebooks into school. Practise writing your words out or writing sentences with your spellings in for extra practice if you wish.
Year 3 Home Learning 20th November 2020
Date: 20th Nov 2020 @ 7:55am
Friday 20th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day yesterday; I am excited to look at your facts about slothsJ. 21 of you so far have started the Sumdog challenge. Some of you have even completed it already – well done. This competition will run until Sunday evening.
Yesterday I had another sushi delivery, listened to some music (not Christmas music), read some of my book and watched Frozen 2. I am saving the last Harry Potter for the weekend. Ms Hodson watched Coco, Disney day for both of us.
Not long to go now until we are back at school, we will spend some time on the first day back looking at all of the work you have been doing at home.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Talk about your favourite bit so far and why.
Your new spellings this week do not follow a rule. They are some of the spellings which you need to know by the end of Year 3.
accident, actual, address, answer, appear, arrive, believe, bicycle, breath, breathe
Cut up scraps of paper and write out your spellings, write a different letter on each scrap of paper. Jumble up the letters (like we do with the scrabble letters in class). Ask somebody to call out your spellings and find the letters you need to make each word.
Times tables
If you have an iPad, see if you can answer x tables questions quicker than Siri.
Or see if you can answer x tables questions quicker than somebody at home.
I would like you to choose your favourite piece of writing from this week.
Improve it by:
- Checking at least 3 spellings using a dictionary or an online dictionary.
- Checking that each sentence or name starts with a capital letter.
- Changing at least 3 words to more exciting words.
- Checking that you have started your sentences in different ways.
Then I want you to write a neat copy of your work. It should be written in your best joined up handwriting. You can decorate it afterwards if you like. Make sure it is a piece of work that you are really proud of.
Don’t forget to complete the Sumdog challenge that ends on Sunday evening.
Have another go on Hit the Button – hopefully you will be quicker than last time.
Today I would like you to have a look at different measuring equipment you have at home.
Talk to somebody at home about them:
- What do they measure?
- What is the unit of measurement? Cm, m, g, kg, ml, l?
- What is each line or interval worth?
If you can, have a go at using the measuring equipment.
Attached to this blog there is step-by-step guide for drawing a sloth. Have a go at following the guide. You don’t need to use squared paper, you can do it on plain paper – I had a go myself, I will show you when we are back at school.
Year 5 Home Practice 20th November 2020
Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 5:14pm
A super week Year 5, well done to everyone for working so hard. In Science, we started making an Orrery, it helped us to learn about the planets in our solar system and how they orbit the sun. In Maths, we learnt to find the perimeter of shapes with missing lengths and solved problems linked to perimeter. There were some excellent sentences about the characters from Goth Girl and you all used realative clauses. In PE, we did Tag Rugby and orienteering skills. It’s been a good friendship week, with lots of discussions about kindness and how to be a great friend.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 20th November 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on mixed times tables practice.
The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words. If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Friday (26.11.20):
We are investigating tt-ed and dd-ed words.
patted thudded knitted lidded skidded
batted knotted trotted nodded kidded
plodded spotted slotted splatted swotted
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
This week’s challenge on Sumdog (grammar section) is based on relative pronouns and adverbs.
Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.
Home Practice Friday 20th November 2020
Date: 19th Nov 2020 @ 4:10pm
Year 4
Home Practice 20th November 2020
This week, we dramatized a scene from The Iron Man, when a family were being interviewed by a reporter – these were brilliant year 4 and some were very funny! We also wrote a letter to a friend telling them of the events of Chapter 4 when the space-bat-angel-dragon arrived, and drew and labelled what we thought the space-bat-angel-dragon looked like. In maths, we learnt how to add numbers using the expanded method of addition, this included recording exchanging accurately. In history, we started our new topic of the Romans. We learnt the myth behind how Rome got its name and created a story board to retell the tale of Romulus and Remus. We made our own classification key in science, and used Flexitree to produce a computer version of it. We also learnt about food chains and the effect of losing a link in the food chain.
Well done to all those who has been on Sumdog during the last week. It is crucial that you practise the skills set on Sumdog, as they will help you make more progress. If you do a little every night, you will very soon see a difference in your learning.
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next week, on Wednesday (25th November 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately? Well done to everyone who has been practising their tables during the past week – it is fantastic to see the progress you are making.
You can also practise your tables playing ‘Hit the button’. Select the times tables or division button and then the table that you want to practise. This is an excellent way to practise your tables. Either type in ‘hit the button’ (the game is on Top Marks) or use the link below:
The spellings this week all have the spelling ‘sc’ in them, but this is an ‘s’ sound. Please practise your spellings each evening at home. You will be tested on them next week, on Thursday (26th November 2020). We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
science scene scientist scenery scent
scissors scenic scientific disciple crescent
scented muscle fascinate ascend descend
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A spelling challenge based on the above spellings (s sound, spelt sc)
- A maths challenge related to addition and subtraction facts within 1000 (even though we haven’t done much subtraction in Year 4, please have a go!)
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Year 3 Home Learning 19th November 2020
Date: 18th Nov 2020 @ 3:29pm
Thursday 19th November 2020
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are all doing OK at home and finding plenty of things to do that make you happy. Maybe today you could focus on doing something nice for the people in your house and make them feel happy. Mrs Wood put a big smile on my face yesterday by delivering a lovely pink bunch of flowers to my doorstep J and my sister delivered my favourite lunch – sushi.
As I was feeling a bit better yesterday, I took the time to do some puzzles and read some of my book, and of course watched the next Harry Potter movie, one more to go. I love doing arrow words and Sudoku. I haven’t listened to any Christmas songs like Ms Hodson yet but I do like the idea of dancing in the kitchen to some. You know how much Ms Hodson likes to dance in her kitchen – it makes me smile to think of her doing that… and hopefully some of you have taken her advice and had a go.
I am really looking forward to seeing the work that you have been doing at home. I have been on Sumdog every day and I can see that you are working so hard, I am very proud of you all.
Don’t forget to keep all of the work that you are doing at home so you can bring it in and show me when we are back on 24th November.
Please read out loud to somebody at home today for 20 minutes. Tell them what you have read in your own words.
Your spellings for this week all end in ‘–il’
pencil, fossil, nostril pupil, April, gerbil, lentil, evil, basil, stencil
Ask somebody at home to test you on your spellings. If there are any words that you struggle with, practise them a bit more and then have another go.
Times tables
Ask somebody to test you at home on your x tables. Ask them to read them out twice and in a mixed up order.
Here is a bonus question: 34 x 10
Writing and computing
I have been talking a lot about things that make us happy. I have based today’s writing activity on a video that makes me laugh a lot. The video is below:
The video includes sloths. Sloths are creatures that live in tropical rainforests.
I would like you to do some research and then create an animal fact file about sloths.
Below are some ideas for websites you might want to use for research and for examples of fact files. Attached to this blog is a blank animal fact file you can copy and use if you want to.
There is a new Sumdog challenge where you will be practising some of the Year 3 skills. This challenge will end on Sunday evening.
I would like you to have more practice at telling the time today.
Write a list of different things you do throughout the day – look at the time for each of them and write it down. Try to write the time like this if you can - 5 minutes past 8, 20 minutes past 9, half past 12, etc.
You might write the times for the following:
- Woke up
- Had breakfast
- Read my book
- Had lunch
- Did some writing
- Went on Sumdog
- Tidied my room
- Watched TV
- Had tea
- Went to bed
Use an atlas or an online map to find out where sloths live. It might be interesting to have a look on Google Maps and Google Earth.