Our blogs
Year 3 Home Learning 6th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 2:10pm
Hello Year 3. I hope you are all OK and finding lots of reasons to smile. I have uploaded some of your thankful poems onto the website so you can read them and remember all of the things you are thankful for.
I will upload a blog onto the school website each evening. On the blog will be the work which I would like you to complete the following day.
Last time when we were all off for 2 weeks, I was so impressed with how hard you all worked at home. It really made such a huge difference when we were back in school. I know it is for longer this time, but please try to complete as much of the work as you can while you are at home as it will really help you when we are all back together in school.
Please collect an exercise book from the school office to complete your work in, you will be able to bring these into school when we are all back together.
You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. You can read your own book or a school book if you have one at home.
Talk about what you have read.
Here are your spellings for this week:
television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual
Write the long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021
Write the title: Spelling sentences
Write 3 sentences using this week’s spellings. For an extra challenge, try to put more than 1 of the spellings into each sentence.
Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p149 - 152.
Imagine you are a news reporter writing an article about Mrs Crumb allowing Mr Stink to live in her home. You think that Mrs Crumb is very kind for allowing this. You are going to write a little bit of the news report each day.
This video tells you a little bit about news reports:
Today you are going to think of ideas for a headline.
A headline is a title for a news report.
A headline:
- Should be 5 words or less
- Gives you a clue of what the news report is about
- Should have exciting words
- Can use exclamation marks
- Has capital letters
- Can use alliteration where the words start with the same sound e.g. Hero helps the homeless
- Can rhyme e.g. Crumb: zero to hero
Write the long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021
Write the title: Can I use exciting words?
Focus: Perfect spelling
Write at least 5 ideas for your headline using bullet points
Here are some examples:
- Local Hero Helps the Homeless!
- Crumb: Zero to Hero
- Stink is Safe
Times tables
Go on Hit the Button to practise the 4x tables.
Play at least three times trying to improve your score each time.
Count out loud in 5s up to 100 and then backwards to 0.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January
In class we have practised the 2x and 4x tables.
Today you are going to use doubling to practise the 2x, 4x and 8x tables.
Doubling means adding a number to itself. For example double 4 is the same as 4 + 4.
Attached to this blog is a sheet called Double double double, where you will use doubling to fill in a table and then answer 8x tables questions.
To fill in the table:
1 – Fill in the 2x column
2- Double the 2x to find the 4x
3 – Double the 4x to find the 8x
Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Balance Time.
Long date: Wednesday 6th January 2021
Title: Can I learn about Egypt from a map?
Find Egypt on map:
Answer the following questions:
- Which continent is Egypt in?
- Which seas or oceans surround it?
- Which river runs through it?
- What is the capital?
- Which countries does it share a border with?
- What do you think Egypt is like based on where on a map it is? (Hot, cold, sunny, beaches, holiday spot?)
Year 2 Home Learning - 6th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 1:04pm
Good morning everyone!
We hope you are excited to start your home learning today. We can’t wait to see what you get up to. Each day we will be focusing on Spellings, English, Maths and foundation subjects along with additional fun activities. We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources. Remember, you can collect exercise books, stationary and additional resources from school if required. You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.
It is essential that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Corner stones have released some free reading resources
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading
Today we are going to focus on counting money in pence. I have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough. Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.
Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.
1. Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).
2. Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.
3. Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.
Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Money
Spellings - tion/ssion
English focus – Using capital letter and full stops for every sentence. Using lead-ins to every letter.
Over the next few days we will be writing about inspiring stories. Please see attached document for the lesson today.
Phonics and Spelling
Please practise writing these six spellings and try to think of 2 more. Pick 3 of these spellings and write them in a sentence.
We all know how much Year 2 love to dance so this term we will be focusing on different dance activities in PE. Please see the attached document.
You could use the following music to help you move to the beat.
Keep smiling :)
Year 2 team
Reception 6th January Home Learning 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 11:16am
Good Morning Children - We hope you are all excited for your home learning.
Here are your jobs for today :)
Phonics - Today we are learning sh. It is a diagraph (2 letters that make one sound).
Watch the video of Scrap attached below.
Can I practise writing the sound sh?
Can I think of any words that begin with sh?
Can I write the word or draw a picture?
Handwriting - Have a go at the first page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Aa.
The Humpty Words of the week are the, to, no, I - Can I spell them?
Literacy - Here is our story of the week, click on this link to watch the video - Oliver's Vegetables
Can I write a list of Oliver's vegetables? (Use your sound mat to help you sound out the words)
(There is a template attached below, please feel free to use it or paper)
Maths - Can I count out loud to 20, forwards and backwards?
Watch this counting video - Alive in 5 (Session 1)
Using any objects such as Lego, can you make different amounts to show more or fewer than 5?
(Talk about or discuss the differences between the amounts with your child)
Topic Time
Can I talk about keeping myself healthy? What food would I eat? What activities would I do?
Can I draw a healthy meal? (template is attatched below, if needed)
We would love to see some of your work on seesaw :)
Year 1 Home Learning 6th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 11:11am
Good Morning Year 1,
Here is your home learning for today.
This week we are revisiting our ay, ai and a_e sounds, and learning the long a sound. Below, you will find some videos. Listen to the instructions and write out some of the words you find. We have also set a spelling list on Sumdog for the week.
We are starting a new story about Sidney the Spider. Below, you will find a link to the story and a challenge to complete. If you can't print out any of the sheets, you can complete it on a piece of paper or in a book (you can collect a blank book from the school office).
This week we are revisiting addition strategies and looking at adding in different ways. We will be following the White Rose Maths lessons so check out the link below for today's lesson (6th Jan):
White Rose Maths Spring 1 Week 1
You will find some questions on the worksheet below.
We have also set a Sumdog challenge on addition to 20. There are 50 questions to get you going but answer as many as you can.
Our topic this half term is special people. Have a look at the photo below and answer these questions:
- What do you see?
- Where are the people going?
- Who is there?
- What are they doing?
- What other jobs do people do during Mass?
This week we are starting our Gymnastics learning. Have a look at the link below (Balance Time) which will give you some ideas on Gymnastics at home. There is also a video here to help you.
Home Learning Wednesday 6th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 9:10am
Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good Morning Year 5, I hope you are all well and staying safe with your families at home. I'm so sad that we only got to be in class together for one day, but we must try our best to stay positive and work hard to keep learning every day, it is so important for you. I'll be counting the days until we are all happily and safely back in class together.
Every evening, I will post your Home Learning on the Year 5 blog for the next day. Please try hard to complete the work as though you were in school. That means best handwriting, spelling, vocabulary choices, remember good punctuation (capital letters, full stops, commas, speech marks, exclamation and question marks to name a few). In Maths, please keep practising times tables, counting and number facts. You can do this weekly on Sumdog and in maths tasks. Of course, reading every day is a must!
Please collect a Home Learning exercise book (to put all your home learning work in) from the school office and you can show me and your class mates the lovely work you have done when you return to school.
We can also provide reading books as needed.
I hope you will all stay happy and positive at home even though you’ll probably miss your friends. A great way to do this is to set yourself a small goal each day, because reaching our goals gives us a sense of achievement and makes us feel proud, happy and positive. Please print out or copy the ‘My Goals’ document below, this can be done weekly.
Here are some ideas for your goals, but I’m sure you can think of lots of your own as well:
- Exercise for 20 minutes.
- Bake a cake or do some cooking.
- Learn something new.
- Speak to a friend.
- Do some Yoga (have a look on youtube for children’s Yoga sessions).
- Do some drawing (there are loads of tutorials for children on youtube. I like the cute drawings of animals).
- Tidy your bedroom.
- Play a board game or build with lego.
- Write a letter or postcard to family or friends/write a poem.
- Have a screen free day.
- Create your own workout.
- Make a den.
- List ten things to be thankful for.
Our new short novel is Cloud Tea Monkeys. Please read the story and look at the pictures up to page 10. You will find this in the documents below.
After reading the text, write a list of 10 questions you would like to ask someone about the text. Please write these into your exercise book. The date and title are:
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Can I ask and write questions about a text I have read?
Try to focus some of your questions on how the world of the story is created. What words and phrases build a picture of the setting? What simile is used to show that there are lots of tea plants?
Try to include some questions which encourage other people to use their skills of inference to find the answer? For example, how do you think the girl is feeling today and why? Can you ask open ended questions? These are questions where the answer is not written directly in the text.
Remember to use capital letters and question marks!!! Also best handwriting and presentation.
For your mental starter play hit the button – mixed times tables, see if you can get faster each time.
We are looking at statistics in Maths. Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths Website and watch the lesson - Interpret Charts. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Can I interpret charts?
Our new topic in science is Properties and Changes of Materials. Please follow the link below, scroll up slightly and you will find lesson one - Introduction to materials.
Read through the slides and watch any clips included. Print out slide 6 and stick it into your exercise book or copy and draw your own Carrol diagram from slide 6 into your exercise book and complete.
Bonne annee!
In French this week, we are going to recap the conjugation of regular ER verbs which we looked at briefly before Christmas.
Watch this video to remind yourself.
Pause the video at 9 minutes 24 and write out the sentences, choosing the correct verb ending. Press play again and check your answers. Now read your sentences out loud, being extra careful with your pronunciation.
French people celebrate Epiphany on the 6th January with the Fete des Rois. Here's a story to listen to. See how much you can understand. You can always slow down the speed.
Bonne chance! A la semaine prochaine! Mrs Quilliam
A big well done for working hard and completing your Home Learning. As it is Epiphany today, light a candle and say a prayer to Jesus.
Take care Miss Gravili
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:48pm
Year 4
Friday 18th December 2020
Year 4 - well done for all your hard work over the last term, both at school and at home. We have been impressed by the progress you have made and the resilience shown. Many of you are eager to share your knowledge and learning with the class and this is lovely to see.
During the holiday, make sure you relax and enjoy spending Christmas with your family. We look forward to seeing you on Monday 4th January 2021, refreshed and ready to learn.
Have a safe, enjoyable and fun filled Christmas, and a Peaceful New Year.
Mrs Tipping and Mrs Whitworth
Year 6 Home Practice - 18th December 2020
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:45pm
Our last week in December has been very exciting filled with the Christmas shop, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas lunch and ‘wearing your own clothes day’! We have become quite proficient at our Design and Technology project of hand sewing and learnt a great deal on how to be patient, to persevere and work together.
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have investigated problems with perimeter and used the strategy of drawing to solve them.
- With our completed novel of Room 13 still on our minds, we have planned, discussed and written our own suspense novel, then read them out dramatically to the class.
- In Design and Technology topic of sewing, we have planned, prepped, sewn, made mistakes, corrected those mistakes, persevered and finally completed our project. Please see the pictures on our website for their brilliant work.
- In PE, we have been working on teamwork for the past few months and it was great to see such positive discussions and praise to each other when playing lots of team games.
- In Music, we all enjoyed seeing the whole school’s performances for the Nativity and had a Christmas music quiz.
- In French, we completed our Cluedo-style report on ‘Who killed Santa?’ and then videoed each one.
- In Science, we designed and created junk modelling of our own made-up animal and had to categorise which type it would be, based on their features.
- Finally, Father made a visit to Year 6, remotely via Zoom, giving us a special blessing for Christmas.
Well done to every single person in Year 6. You have been superb role models around school following the new rules and keeping everyone safe. I, Mrs Jones and Mrs Wilson would like to say a huge thank you for being committed, hard-working, funny, sensible and always enthusiastic. We hope you have a fantastic and safe Christmas.
You will have also noticed that no Sumdog is being set for the Christmas break so that you can have a rest and come back fresh and ready for some exciting learning in January. BUT please keep reading as much as possible – like I always say, ‘Reading is the number one thing that will unlock all your learning!’.
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:40pm
We’d would first like to thank you all for your support over this term. Your children have been fantastic and had a great start to their Year 1 journey. We have had a lovely term and have seen your children make amazing progress in all of their learning. Enjoy your well earned break and we will see you all in the New Year.
Have a peaceful Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mrs Corbett, Mr Campbell and Mrs Anderson
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:37pm
What a wonderful last week to our very first term in school !
All the Reception team wish everyone an amazing christmas and new year, stay safe and thank you for all your support this year :)
Year 2 Home Practice - 18th December 2020
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:33pm
What an exciting week! We have visited the Christmas shop, wore our Christmas jumpers and created some brilliant pieces of Christmas art. We also had a visit from Father Michael, who joined us in prayer and gave us a blessing for the Christmas break. This term, the effort from the children has been incredible and they have worked very hard. We will not set any work on SumDog over the Christmas holidays but keep up with your reading. We are both so proud of the progress the children have made this term and we have enjoyed every second.
We hope you have a relaxing and peaceful Christmas holiday and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year.
Merry Christmas!
From the Year 2 team
Date: 18th Dec 2020 @ 1:28pm
Happy Christmas Holidays J
What a fantastic first term we have had in Year 3. This school year has been different to what we are used to but you really have amazed us at how well you have adapted and settled in. We are so grateful to all of you for being happy and smiling every day – you have honestly made this term so much better for us.
You have all grown up so much and are excellent juniors now. You have become much more independent throughout the term and your listening skills are now amazing.
You have worked so hard and we are so proud of the progress you have all made. I know that you are proud of yourselves when you look back through your books and see how far you have come.
As well as working your socks off in school, you have also worked extremely hard at home. It really has made a huge difference, so well done!
We both love how enthusiastic you all are about your reading so we decided to let you have a little Christmas treat. You have all had the chance to choose your own book to read over the Christmas holidays. We can’t wait to hear all about it. We know some of you will read lots of your own books too, we will be doing. We are both going to read the same book, which we will then read in English after the holidays – but it’s a secret which one it is J
Keep safe and happy and have a wonderful Christmas.
We hope every day is filled with smiles and laughter and we can’t wait to see you all in 2021.
Love from Miss Smith and Ms Hodson
Happy Christmas Holiday Year 5 18th December 2020
Date: 17th Dec 2020 @ 4:07pm
Happy Christmas Year 5
Year 5, you have all done so well and worked very hard in your first term as Upper Juniors. I’m so pleased with the effort, positive attitude and fantastic learning that has taken place.
You should be very proud of yourselves and you all definitely deserve a good rest and some fun time with your families. Therefore, there will be no Home Practice for you to do, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading a good book or two! I know I will!
I hope you have a fabulous holiday with lots of the things you enjoy, plenty of happiness, rest and presents.
I will look forward to seeing you all in January, excited, fresh and ready for another term of learning.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
Miss Gravili
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 10:57pm
Online Safety over the Christmas Holidays
Date: 16th Dec 2020 @ 2:11pm
Here you will find some help and advice for keeping your family safe online over Christmas.
Some of our learning this week - 11th December 2020
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:02pm
Year 3 Home Practice 11th December 2020
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 4:01pm
It has been another busy week in Year 3 filled with lots of learning, fun, smiles and festive feelings.
Everybody sounded amazing on Thursday singing Nativity songs and on Friday everybody managed to complete a mile for the Santa Dash.
In Maths we have been sorting numbers using Venn diagrams. We have been focussing on times tables and odd and even numbers.
As well as reading Mr Stink in English, we have also been writing stories about the future. There were some fantastic ideas about what the future will be like including flying animals and real life computer games.
Home Practice for 11th – 18th December
- Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
- Please practise the following skills for Maths – even if you already know them, you need to be quick.
- Odd and even numbers https://www.topmarks.co.uk/learning-to-count/coconut-odd-or-even
- Number facts https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- Times tables https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
- You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Thursday 17th December. Make sure you practise every night.
- Spellings
The spellings this week are ing words. When the word is one syllable, double the last letter and add ing.
patting, humming, dropping, running, hopping, clapping, sitting, flipping, wrapping, slipping
Year 2 Home Practice - 11th December 2020
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 3:52pm
Today we took part in the St Oswald’s Santa Dash. We managed to stay moving for 15 laps around the yard. Well done to all of Year 2 for showing resilience and not giving up! This week we have carried on reading The Christmasaurus. We have produced some wonderful descriptive pieces and the children have really enjoyed creating their own Christmas Ranch. In Maths we have focused on multiplication and touched on division towards the end of the week. We have used a number of various strategies to help us solve multiplication questions. In French the children have learnt about La légende de Saint Nicolas. We listened to this interesting story and made a card (in French). We are very excited for all the Christmas celebrations next week. 1 week to go! J
In Year 2 we aim to read for a minimum of 15 minutes every night and discuss the book with an older sibling or adult to help deepen your knowledge.
Reading books are changed every Monday.
Reading resources:
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading - https://www.literacyshedblog.com/uploads/1/2/5/7/12572836/ks1_reading_vipers.pdf
Please note: there will be no spelling quiz next week but please feel free to have a go at learning these Year 2 common exception words. These are spellings which do not follow a specific spelling pattern.
This week in Maths we have looked at various multiplication questions and we have touched on division. We have identified that multiplication can be shown as equal groups, arrays and repeated addition. Please continue to use the challenges set on Sumdog.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Multiplication questions
Phonics – Tricky words
Spellings - We have also uploaded a spelling quiz.
Thank you for all your continued support,
The Year 2 team
Home Practice Friday 11th December 2020
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 3:50pm
Year 4
Home Practice 11th December 2020
We’ve had a fantastic 3 days in Year 4 – it’s so lovely to see you all back in school and with your friends again. I am proud of each and every one of you for the superb work you have done at home – you have obviously worked hard and your Iron Man board games were fantastic. Thank you to everyone at home who has helped and supported the children in any way – it is very much appreciated.
This week, we played our Iron Man board games with a partner and evaluated them, thinking about what worked well and what we would change if we made the game again. In addition, we shared our adverts with the class – this was great fun – some of your performances were exceptional. In maths, we consolidated our mental subtraction skills and our times tables. We created some beautiful art work and were filmed singing and playing the glocks for the Nativity. In French, we designed and described a Christmas jumper – Mrs Quilliam said we did a super job on our first day back in school after 2 weeks!
As we missed ‘tree dressing’ day in school last week, we had our very own celebration outside. We all made decorations during our time at home and we hung these on a tree near the nature area. We also enjoyed the Sponsored Santa dash, which is helping to raise funds for reading books.
Well done to Gabriella T, India and Molly who spent the most amount of time on Sumdog this week – on Monday, you will be given 10 Dojos each to start the week! Well done to everyone else who has been on Sumdog during the last week, practising the skills set will help you to make even more progress.
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Make sure you discuss the story and the characters. Find the meaning of any new words too. Reading every night will help you read more fluently and with understanding.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Times tables
You have been given your own individual times table target. Please make sure you continue to practise your times tables in preparation for your test next week, on Wednesday (16th December 2020). Ask someone at home to test you on your tables – can you recall them quickly and accurately?
You can also practise your tables playing ‘Hit the button’. Select the times tables or division button and then the table that you want to practise. This is an excellent way to practise your tables. Either type in ‘hit the button’ (the game is on Top Marks) or use the link below:
This week, our spellings focus on words many children get wrong in their independent writing. These words will be tested next Thursday (17th December 2020). Please practise the spellings below each evening at home, on Sumdog, by writing them out, and by writing your own sentences including these words spelt correctly. Remember to take care with your handwriting and punctuate your sentences correctly too!
We have discussed in class different strategies you could use to help you learn them and you could always use ‘Look say cover write check’.
does doesn’t there their they’re were
where to too two your you’re
went would could our are goes
Sumdog Challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A spelling challenge based on the above spellings
- A maths challenge (mental subtraction within 1000)
- A maths times table challenge (based on arrays for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Year 1 Home Practice 11th December
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 3:48pm
What a busy week we have had! Not only did we complete our Santa Dash and our Nativity performance, we had time to do all of our fantastic learning as well! On Thursday, Mrs Quilliam brought in her dog Ollie as part of our animal learning. We looked at his features and what made him a mammal, using some super scientific vocabulary. Well done year 1.
We have really enjoyed our story this week. How the Grinch Stole Christmas by Dr Seuss. The children wrote some amazing descriptions and retold the story in their own words.
In our sounds this week we have learned our OY and OI sounds and our OR, AW and AU sounds. We have created two spelling challenges on Sumdog. Have a go at these, copy out the words or try writing some sentences with these words in.
boil boy toy soil royal enjoy annoy spoil coil
cork North sport fork crawl saw lawn claw sauce Claus launch
In our Maths we have continued our focus on number, especially with addition and subtraction. Have a go on the challenges set.
Next week we will be collecting in all reading books. Therefore we won’t be doing a book change on Monday and please could we have all books returned by Wednesday. Thank you.
We hope you enjoyed our Advent Assembly. Keep an eye on out the website for the release of our Nativity 2020 next week.
Thank you again for your continued support.
The Year 1 Team
Year 6 Home Practice - 11th December 2020
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 1:04pm
For our penultimate week before Christmas, Year 6 have been preparing for the whole school Nativity with some super pointillism artwork and lots of ukulele practise to perfect the songs. We have also started our new Design and Technology project, sewing, which is a new skill for most of the class, leading to some great selflessness and kindness from others this week. The final sewing piece will begin on Monday!
Our learning in Year 6 this week:
- In Maths, we have been recapping last year’s knowledge of perimeter, understanding how to find lengths, add them and work out missing ones.
- In English, Room 13 has become very exciting with the mystery of the door unfolding thanks to detective work from the main characters. This week we have developed our skimming skill when researching Whitby Abbey and Bram Stoker.
- In RE, we have improved our knowledge on the story of the Nativity and chosen one of our favourite parts which captures the story well. We then linked our artistic knowledge of pointillism to create some super artwork for the Nativity filming this Thursday.
- In Design and Technology topic of sewing, we have been practicing 4 different stitches: running stitch, over stitch, blanket stitch and back stitch. The children have designed their Christmas themed sewing and are now ready to begin their final piece on Monday.
- In PE, we have been developing our skill of orientating maps and working in larger groups to help assign specific roles that enables us to work more efficiently as a team.
- In Music, we have been perfecting our Ukelele skills for the songs, ‘Blue Christmas’ and ‘See him lying on a bed of straw’. Their performances for the school Nativity were excellent and can be seen on our website very soon.
- In French, we wrote a book called ‘Qui a tue le pere Noel?’ = Who killed Father Christmas? based on the game Cluedo.
- Finally, for Science, we have researched and classified unusual creatures and designed one of our own ready for sculpting next week.
Well done to 93% of you for changing your book this week. Please keep using your Reading Journals to complete your new ‘reading challenges’.
The days when you can change your reading book one last time before Christmas:
Monday – Roller Coasters
Tuesday – Big Dippers
Wednesday – The Waltzers
These are the tasks to be completed:
- Reading – Please keep reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every day.
You can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
- Sumdog challenges:
- Perimeter
- Do not forget that perimeter is the length of the outside of a closed 2D shape.
- Fractions of a number
- Use your times tables knowledge for this
- Perimeter
(1/5 of 30 = 6, 2/5 of 30 = 12, 3/5 of 30 = 18, 4/5 of 30 = 24)
- Year 5/6 words - December
- This week is a recap of our learning, especially with the year 5/6 spellings, therefore I have included 20 of them to practise for next week’s quiz.
- Year 5/6 words - December
(accommodate, achieve, amateur, cemetery, conscience, curiosity, desperate, disastrous, embarrass, exaggerate, foreign, guarantee, harass, hindrance, immediate, lightning, mischievous, necessary, persuade, vehicle)
Year 5 Home Practice 11th December 2020
Date: 11th Dec 2020 @ 11:01am
The children did a great job singing their Christmas songs and playing the instruments on filming day. It’s starting to feel very ‘Christmassy’ all of a sudden. The Santa Dash was lots of fun, everyone looked great in their hats and costumes. In French, the children wrote stories called Le Sauvetage de Noel – The Saving of Christmas. Some excellent work in Maths, we were working on the grid method of multiplication. In English, we researched a country that we will do some travel writing about. The children have drawn some lovely Nativity pictures that are displayed in class. Well done Year 5.
Year 5 Home Practice Friday 11th December 2020
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every evening. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. Write new vocabulary in your reading diary and include comments about the story. Y5 book changing day is Friday. Remember to sign when you have finished a book.
This week’s challenge on Sumdog is based on multiplying 2-digit numbers and times tables practice.
The Sumdog spelling challenge is focused on tricky words (different from the spelling test words below). If you don’t know what a word means, look it up in a dictionary or ask an adult. Please learn these spellings for next Thursday (17.12.20):
We are investigating animal homophones.
boar hair deer place flea bare tern towed
bore horse dear whale flee lynx turn
hare hoarse plaice wail bear links toad
Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar (SPAG)
There will be no grammar challenge this week.
Have a lovely weekend, Miss Gravili.
Date: 9th Dec 2020 @ 10:21pm
Last week we celebrated our Advent Assembly with our Year 1 children. We hope you enjoy our video.
HOME LEARNING Tuesday 8th December 2020
Date: 7th Dec 2020 @ 4:58pm
Year 4
Home Learning Tuesday 8th December 2020
Good morning Year 4. I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Please bring the work you have completed at home, your reading books, your PE kit, and your tree decoration – we will be having our own ‘Tree Dressing’ session in the next few days. We will be extremely busy when we get back to school with our learning as well as preparing for the Nativity which will be videoed on Thursday!
Please remember to take part in the Sumdog challenges that started last Friday (4th December). I will be seeing on Friday who has spent the most time on the challenges and there are plenty of Dojo’s up for grabs!
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Please make sure you practise your spellings on Sumdog.
Write each word in a silly sentence – check your spellings afterwards to check they are right. Did you remember your capital letters and full stops?
You will be tested on these words in class next Thursday (10th December 2020).
Times tables
- Practise a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any other times tables or division facts you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure it is something you know you could improve on (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Practise your 9 times table with the rapping unicorn
- Write a letter
Today I would like you to write a letter to me. Please take care with your capital letters, punctuation, spelling and handwriting. Organise your writing into paragraphs:
- Paragraph 1 – what you have been doing over the past 2 weeks
- Paragraph 2 – what you are looking forward to when we are back in school
- Paragraph 3 – the goals you are going to try and achieve when we are back in school and in the Spring term
Below, I have given you an idea of how to set your letter out and an example of how to start your paragraphs.
Dear Mrs Tipping Monday 7th December 2020
Today is the last day of home learning as we will be back in school tomorrow. During the past 2 weeks, I have …….
When we are back in school, I am looking forward to ……
I have thought carefully about what I need to do to in order to improve my learning. Before we break up for Christmas, I am going to ……. In addition, in the Spring term I am going to …….
Make sure you finish your letter off appropriately!
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, please have a go at the Sum blocks puzzle by clicking on the link below. You will be shown a sum and you need to drag the number blocks up to make the target sum. This starts off quite straightforward but do not be fooled, it gets progressively harder!
- Maths investigation
Today I would like you to carry out a maths investigation which will help practice and consolidate your addition and subtraction strategies. You may use different strategies, depending on the numbers in the calculation (eg a compensating strategy, counting up, subtracting by partitioning).
- Choose a 2-digit number eg 27
- Reverse the digits and subtract the smaller number from the larger number
27 reversed is 72, so the calculation will be 72 – 27
Use a numberline / jottings to solve the calculation
Eg 72 – 27 = 45
- Now, reverse the digits in the answer and add this to your answer
The answer to the subtraction was 45, reversed, this is 54, so the calculation is 54 + 45
Use a numberline / jottings to solve the calculation
Eg 54 + 45
50 add 40 = 90 5 + 4 = 9 90 + 9 = 99
- Do this with different 2-digit numbers
- What do you notice?
- Does this happen with any 2-digit number? Are there some exceptions?
- Why do you think this is?
Please show your working out and write what you notice in your books.
For a challenge, have a go with 3-digit numbers, an example is given below
- Choose a 3-digit number eg 431
- Reverse the digits in the number and subtract the smaller number from the larger number
Eg 431 – 134 = 297
- Reverse the digits in the answer and add it to your answer
The answer to the subtraction was 297, reversed, this is 792
Eg 792 + 297 = 1089
- Do this with different 3-digit numbers
- What do you notice?
- Does this happen with any 3-digit number? Are there some exceptions?
- Why do you think this is?
Please show your working out and write what you notice in your books.
Mighty Maths Challenges
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your understanding. Have fun!
- Carrying cards – click on the link below
Can you work out what the missing numbers should be?
If there was another row of four children standing behind the fourth row, what numbers would they be holding?
- Cracker – see the sheet attached to the blog
Have a go at the Christmas Code Cracker – what words can you find?
Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Monday 7th December 2020
Question 2 – Rows of Coins
- 5p 2p 20p 1p 10p
- 2p 5p 1p 2p 1p 5p or 5p 1p 2p 1p 5p 2p
When you use two 10p coins as well
2p 5p 10p 2p 1p 5p 1p 10p or 10p 1p 5p 1p 2p 10p 5p 2p
In our science topic, we have been learning about animal classification and habitats. Humans can have both positive and negative effects on habitats and environments. They can help to both sustain environments and destroy environments. In your books, please write the date and the learning objective, then divide your page into 2. Write Positive Impacts on one side and Negative Impacts on the other. Can you think of / research examples of each? Make sure you know why your example has an impact on habitats and environments, although you do not need to write this down. I have given you an example below:
Tuesday 8th November 2020
Can I give examples of the human impact on habitats and environments?
Positive Impacts |
Negative Impacts |
Setting up a bird house Making nature reserves Having garden hedges instead of fences |
Cutting down trees Dropping litter Polluting rivers, streams, and lakes |
Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Have a lovely evening Year 4 – I’m looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
HOME LEARNING Monday 7th December 2020
Date: 6th Dec 2020 @ 6:05pm
Year 4
Home Learning Monday 7th December 2020
Good morning Year 4. I hope you all had a lovely weekend with your family. I am looking forward to seeing your smiling faces on Wednesday!
Please complete today’s written work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return on 9th December.
Well done to the children who took part in the Sumdog challenges last week. Ezra spent the most amount of time on the Maths challenge, Leo the most amount of time on the Grammar challenge and Leah the most amount of time on the Spelling challenge. Well done Ezra, Leo and Leah – I will be rewarding you with Dojos when we’re back in school.
Please remember to take part in the Sumdog challenges that started last Friday (4th December). I will be seeing on Friday who has spent the most time on the challenges and there are plenty of Dojo’s up for grabs!
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Can you use lots of expression in your reading today? Think about the story and what you know about the characters so far, use the voice you think the character would have.
Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
Your spellings for this week all start with either uni, bi or tri.
unicycle universe universal unicorn bicycle
biceps biathlon binoculars bifocal triangle
triple triathlon tripod tricycle trilogy
Please make sure you practise them on Sumdog.
Today, split the words up into chunks and write them out in different colours.
Eg unicycle universe bicycle biceps tripod trilogy
You will be tested on these words in class next Thursday (10th December 2020).
Times tables
- Practise a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
- Practise any other times tables or division facts you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure it is something you know you could improve on (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know). Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.
- Practise your 6 times tables with a catchy tune …..
- Descriptive writing
Click on the link below and look at the picture. Imagine the door was a portal to another place, where would it take you? There is also a poem next to the image which may give you some ideas.
I would like you to compose a short piece of writing today using lots of description. Think about the door, does it open up to a place that is in the past, the present or the future. Is it a place in this country or another country, or even a different world?
Use your senses to help with your description, what can you:
- See
- Hear
- Smell
- Taste
- Feel
Choose your vocabulary carefully to fully describe the place and create a feeling of atmosphere. Write in the first person using pronouns such as I, my etc.
Before you start, make a list of ideas like the example below – these are just ideas, your ideas will come from whatever place is behind that door. This will help with vocabulary. You should also write down some adjectives and adverbs to help when you come to write.
See |
Smell |
Hear |
Taste |
Touch |
Dinosaurs Sharks / sea life Alien beings Animals - tigers / lions Trees / rainforest Unknown shapes Bright colours Victorian people Romans Darkness |
Flowers Food - roasting Perfume Rubbish rotting Salty sea Manure Unknown sweet odour Blood Decay Fire / smoke
Animal noises - fierce Whispering voices Music Footsteps Singing Doors slamming Cart wheels on roads Horses hooves Arguing Roaring Crackling of fire |
Fire Fruit Meat Salt Something sweet Something savoury Popcorn Metal Blood Candyfloss |
Nothing - I am floating Food An animal's fur Water – rain, moisture Clouds Coldness Metal - hot or cold Fur clothing Chainmail armour Rough skin of a dinosaur |
The focus is on:
- Capital letters and punctuation
- Correct spellings
- Neat, joined up handwriting
- Creating a feeling of mystery / atmosphere
- Using ambitious vocabulary
- Describing the place using exciting adverbs, adjectives, a variety of sentences (eg long, short) and a variety of sentence openers
Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I use my senses and ambitious vocabulary to describe a scene?
- Please update your self-isolation diary for today.
- As a warm-up, please have a go at the Do / undo addition puzzle at
Click on the arrow to take you to the game. The first game is straightforward, adding the numbers together and dragging the answer to the correct place. However, the next round ‘Take numbers apart’ is a little trickier – you need to work out which 2 numbers add together to make the sum. There are 3 levels and they get progressively harder.
Over the past few weeks, we have worked hard to practise and refine our mental addition and subtraction using different strategies. Today, I am going to give you some addition and subtraction questions and I would like you to write in your books, how you would answer them, using jottings / a numberline to explain your strategy (we have done something similar in class). Remember that we have practised strategies such as partitioning, compensating, counting up, doubling, using known facts, bridging 10 and 100, pairs to 10 etc. Which strategy you use will depend on the numbers in the question and how you like to calculate (for example, I like doubles and near doubles) however, you should be using a variety of strategies.
- Open the ‘Which way and why’ sheet attached to this blog
Either print it off or write the question and your methods in your books.
Remember to use a numberline / show your jottings. You are recalling and practising strategies which you feel are most appropriate for the numbers given in the question. If you struggle with this activity, do what you can and move onto the next question. Please have a go and do what you can, some questions are challenging.
Mighty Maths Challenges
For those of you who enjoy a challenge, here are today’s challenges. Please feel free to have a go, making sure that you show all your working out, trial and improvement jottings and full written explanations (where appropriate) to demonstrate your understanding. Have fun!
- Christmas Tree Lights - click on the link below
Level 1 - Consecutive numbers are numbers which are next to each other eg 1 and 2
Level 3 – Prime numbers are numbers which have only 2 factors, 1 and itself (this is quite advanced learning – a factor is a whole number which divides into another number exactly, leaving no remainder, so 3 is a factor of 6 because it divides into 6 without leaving a remainder – don’t worry if you don’t fully understand this at this stage). The prime numbers in the question are 2, 3, 5 and 7, so no two of these numbers can be joined by the wire. Have a go and have fun! (No answers will be published for this challenge as there are a few and you can check whether your answer is right or not).
- Rows of Coins – see the sheet attached to the blog
Read the instructions carefully and see if you can use your reasoning skills to solve the problems. The solutions will be published tomorrow.
Mighty Maths Challenge answers for Friday 4th December 2020
Question 1 – Dressing Elves
Did you find a systematic way to work out all the possibilities?
Question 2 – Christmas puddings
478g + 398g = 876g 502g – 478g = 24g
502g + 398g = 900g 605g + 478g = 1083g
605g + 398g = 1003g 605g – 502g = 103g
605g – 478g = 127g 478g – 398g = 80g
502g + 478g = 980g 605g – 398g = 207g
Yesterday was the second Sunday of Advent, when the second purple candle on the Advent wreath was lit – it represents hope. The second candle of the Advent wreath is sometimes called the Bethlehem Candle to remind us of the place in which preparations were made to receive and cradle Jesus. Hope is a gift that we must be prepared for – God gives us the gift of hope which we turn into faith.
Today I would like you to write a poem or a prayer about hope – what do we hope for? What does having hope do? How can we give hope to others? How does having hope help our faith? These are not questions for you to answer in your writing, but they may help with some ideas.
Make sure you write in your best joined up handwriting and decorate your work beautifully if you wish.
Please remember to practise our nativity songs – we will only have 1 day to practise when we are back at school!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Remember to complete today’s goal and tick it off on your chart. Have a lovely evening Year 4.
Date: 4th Dec 2020 @ 4:44pm
This week we have been looking at toys!! We have a toy shop role play and everyone has been busy buying things ready for christmas!! We have looked at toys from the past and toys today. We thought about the different materials.
In literacy we have been reading Stickman this week. We learnt that sticks float, so we explored what other things float and sink. We have been whittling sticks and making worry dolls from sticks too.
In Maths we have been doing a lot of taking away this week using practical objects.
We have learnt all about the christmas nativity story this week. We have loved learning all about the birth of Jesus.
What a fabulous week :)