Our blogs
HOME LEARNING Tuesday 19th January 2021
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 2:51pm
Year 4
Home Learning Tuesday 19th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you managed to complete your Home Learning yesterday. Try not to worry if you don’t manage to finish everything in one day, sometimes things may take a little longer. Remember just to try your best.
Please complete today’s work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary, and of course, your presentation. Remember to try and do the work on the day it is set as it usually follows on from the previous day. It is important that you continue to work hard recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things.
If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Summarise what you have read so far by speaking for one minute without hesitating or saying ‘um’?
These are your new spellings which will be tested on Thursday 21st January 2021. They all have the prefix super. A PREFIX is a group of letters that change the meaning of a word when they are added to the START. Super means ‘above’ or ‘over’.
superstar supermarket supernova supermodel
superpower superhero supernatural superglue
supersonic superintendent supersaturated superstore
Write the long date Tuesday 19th January 2021
Use look, cover, write, check to practise your spellings. Write them 3 times each.
Today you are going to be writing your own spy story which you planned yesterday. Read over your planning ideas from yesterday. You should be in a good position to start your writing.
Write the long date Tuesday 19th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I write a spy story?
Give your story a title, for example, Mission Possible. When you are writing please focus on:
- Handwriting – neat and joined up correctly – please sharpen your pencil before you begin!
- Capital letters for proper nouns (places and people)
- Ambitious vocabulary
- Past tense (it has already happened) and third person (using the pronouns he, she, it, they etc)
- Paragraphs (start a new paragraph for each part of the story eg the opening, build-up, problem, resolution and ending)
- A variety of sentence openers (see the ISPACE document attached to the blog)
- Connecting sentences using words such as and, but, or, yet, so
- Including some correctly punctuated speech BUT NO MORE THAN 6 SENTENCES OF SPEECH
Please time yourself and write for 20 minutes. It does not matter if you do not finish your story within this time, however, you should have written nearly one side of A4 in 20 mins.
Read over your work. Then time yourself to write for another 5 minutes.
Read over the last 5 minutes work. Tomorrow we will edit our work, with a fresh set of eyes. Well done!
Please share your work on Seesaw
Times tables
Practise your 4 and 8 times tables on Sumdog (a challenge has been set).
On Monday 4th January, you were all given your individual table targets. Please practise your table target using ‘Hit the button’ and the link below. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.
If you are in school this week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 21st January 2021 - if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷8.
Play ‘Hit the answer’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log. Play ‘Hit the question’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log.
By the end of Year 4 you should know all your tables and division facts, therefore please keep practising!
Please count in 4’s from 100 to 150 and back again – can you go any further?
Count in 8’s from 100 to 200 and back again – can you go any further? (if you get stuck, add 8 on to your last number if counting up, or subtract 8 if counting down)
Count in 10’s from 880 to 1060 and back again. Count in 10’s from 925 to 1095 and back again. Think about what you found tricky?
Use the link below – play Hit the button, Doubles, Doubles Multiples of 10, Upto 500. If you get stuck, partition the number.
eg Double 180 Double 100 (200) then double 80 (160) and add the two together (200 + 160 = 360)
See how many you can get right in 1 minute. Then play again and see if you can beat your score.
Over the next couple of weeks, we are going to learn more about multiplication and division.
Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Multiply by 1 and 0’ attached to the blog. You may print this off if you have a printer.
EITHER click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths and watch the lesson, Multiply by 1 and 0
OR click on the link below for the video.
Write the short date 19.01.21
Write the learning objective Can I multiply by 1 and 0?
Complete the worksheet as instructed (if you have printed it off) and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.
Check your answers from yesterday, they are in the document ‘Answers Perimeter of a rectilinear shape’ which is attached to the blog. Make sure you look carefully at any questions you got wrong.
For the last week or so, we have been revisiting and learning more about measurement – length and perimeter. To consolidate this learning, I have set a challenge on Sumdog. Please log on and have a go.
Here’s a song to recap colours
Visit this website: http://www.rachelhawkes.com/Resources/Y4_French/Yr4SpringFr.php
Click on Lesson 13 with audio. Can I name some shapes in French?
Download the PowerPoint and work through it, focussing on correct pronunciation.
Replay each one several times, and make an action to correspond to the shape, as you say the word. The lesson ends with colour mixing!
Write the date mardi dix-neuf janvier
Write the learning objective Can I name some shapes and add a colour in French?
Draw the 5 mathematical shapes (square, circle, rectangle, triangle, oval) and colour each with a different colour. Remember to use a ruler to draw straight lines. Now colour each one a different colour. Write the correct word next to each shape and the colour you’ve used : Un cercle bleu, or whatever colour you used. Remember the colour goes after the noun in French! A circle blue.
You can draw and name the other shapes too if you want.
Now read them again, making sure your pronunciation is correct.
Bon travail
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can see your super French.
Please click on the link below for Lesson 3
Sumdog challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 4 and 8 times tables)
- A maths challenge ‘Measure the perimeter of 2D shapes’
- A grammar challenge ‘Inverted commas / speech marks’ to consolidate last week’s learning
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely evening and stay safe.
Year 6 Home Learning - Tuesday 19th January 2021
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 12:37pm
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. This is the 10th day of Home Learning and a great time to reflect on how well you are organising yourself. Hopefully you are using some sort of timetable, whether that is the one I provided for you or your own. I understand that some days it might be difficult to complete everything but as long as you do your best each day, then that is all we can ask for. Remember to plan in some treats or 'little wins' throughout the day to reward yourself for completing tasks.
Here are the tasks for today:
Read for 30 minutes. Keep building up that stamina. It is so important that you keep this your number one priority.
Reading activity for today:
- Draw a cartoon strip of the main events in the story.
English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)
Every day this week we are going to focus on our number 1 class target, Handwriting, which must be joined. Each day, I will give you a poem to copy in your neatest handwriting. This week focus on having clear spaces between your words.
Riddle (yesterday’s riddle = SHADOW)
My first is in fish but not in chip.
My second in teeth but not in lip.
My third’s in potato but not in plum.
My fourth’s in mouth and also in thumb.
My fifth is in pear but not in cherry.
My sixth is in bacon but not in berry.
My last is in chocolate but not in crumble.
Sometimes when I’m empty you’ll hear me rumble.
(Tomorrow I will reveal the answer)
There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week, -fer (and suffixes attached to them).
- All the spellings are on Sumdog (deadline is Friday for this as you can have your own spelling quiz at home).
- Highlight each syllable to help you spell (e.g. prefer, preferring)
Writing task
Can I create dialogue following the 4 speech marks rules?
Read chapter 12 (up to the end of page 94, where the aunt arrives, furious at what Hatty has done and blames her). Hatty, feeling guilty and disappointed in herself, returns to Tom, who is feeling guilty for watching Hatty take all the blame. What do you think might be said to each other? Surely Tom might want to make Hatty feel better, apologise or say something to make her laugh? But how would Hatty respond?
This is a task which will enable you to show your understanding of speech marks from yesterday’s lesson.
Remember, to follow the 4 main rules when writing your dialogue between the two characters:
- Speech marks at the beginning and end of speech
- New speaker, new line
- Punctuation inside the speech marks
- Capital letter at the beginning of every speech mark
Here is one example, which has been mixed with action (the writer has used an indent rather than leaving a line):
Hatty moped over towards Tom who hesitated. He wasn’t sure what to say. After a long silence, Tom broke it saying, “I can’t believe she said that. We were only playing.’
“No,” said Hatty, staring at her shoes, “I was playing. You weren’t even here.”
“What do you mean?” said Tom defiantly. “I was right here playing with you.”
Hatty looked Tom in the eyes, “Not to my aunt you weren’t. You do not even exist.” She turned away and started kicking leaves that had fallen on the grass.
Tom looked puzzled. He did not know what to say back. “Listen,” he finally blurted, “Let’s head over to the pond. I am sure I saw a new path that led to a place I have never been before.”
For this lesson, add your written dialogue to Seesaw for me to give you feedback.
(Then finish reading chapter 12).
Maths – Percentages Week
- Warm up your brain: Counting back in 10s.
1024, 1 843, 24 626, 274 763, 1 847 265
With each number count back in 10s, 10 times.
(1024, 1014, 1004, 994, 984, 974, 964, 954, 944, 934, 924)
- Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 answer targets for this week):
- Mix of 7 and 9 times tables
- FDP – converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
- Main lesson. The objective for today is:
Can I convert fractions to percentages?
Today is to convert fractions to percentages. So we are taking the learning from last week and adding it to our percentage learning. Once again, this isn’t completely new learning but it has been a long time since we looked at this. You might become confused at times but mistakes are proof you are learning.
Tip – if you use the equivalent fraction learning from last week that 10/100 = 1/10, you can always create bars into tenths which will be equivalent to 10% so:
1/10 = 10%, 2/10 = 20%, 3/10 = 30%, and so on.
Keep the question sheet in front on you during the video, Fractions to Percentages .
The following picture from the video is a great example of how percentages and fractions are related.
4. Maths challenge – Fractions to Percentages. These challenges are split into 3 pages so completing one would be fine but for those who want to show they are completely secure with converting, attempt all three. If you do complete any, send it to me on Seesaw: I would love to see how well you did.
In this lesson, we are going to learn how fossils are formed and how they provide evidence for the theory of evolution. We will learn what the fossil record is and why there are parts missing from the record. In this lesson, you will need a piece of paper and a pencil.
Work through the first part – How fossils are formed. You don’t need to make notes when the teacher suggests it because you are going to switch to BBC bitesize for this. Pause the video at the end of the section explaining how fossils are formed, after you’ve done the putting the stages in order activity. Now click on this link to go to BBC bitesize: How are fossils made?
Watch the short video and complete the 2 activities below. It’s quite short but the explanation is easier to follow.
Now complete the cartoon strip attached to the blog below. Add in the missing words and draw pictures.
Now go back to the Oak Academy lesson and do the next 2 sections, What fossils tell us and what is missing from the fossil record.
Reception 19th January Home Learning
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 10:47am
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Hello Reception! Here is your learning for today J
Phonics –
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games 😊
Revisit all our new diagraph daily 😊 - ch, sh, th, ng, qu and ai.
Our new sound today is ee, have a watch of Polly’s video to show you how to make the sound.
Can I write the sound on a whiteboard?
Can I think of some words with the sound?
Can I read these words?
Sheep beep queen feet
Can I read this caption?
The rain is wet.
A bee is in the tree.
Can I have a go at matching the pictures to the correct sound? (See the attached sheet - there are three blank boxes for you to think of your own)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Jj.
The Humpty Words of the week are she, they, all, was –
Can I look at them, say the words and write the words?
(using paper or your whiteboards from your pack)
Literacy –
Our story this week is - The Tiger who came to Tea.
Have another listen to the story.
Can you add some speech / thought bubbles to the illustrations in the story?
What do you think the characters might be thinking or saying in the attached images? (Just choose one to have a go at)
Remember when you are writing a sentence to say it out loud a few times, count how many words are in the sentence, say each word slowly and use your sound mat to help you write the sounds you need.
It has been great to see so many of you using your finger spaces to help you remember the spaces in-between words!
You can watch the story on demand on Channel 4 - https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-tiger-who-came-to-tea/on-demand/68261-001
Reading – try to read 10 minutes each day 😊
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Maths – Can I count in twos?
Thinking back to yesterday’s video – when we count in twos, we are grouping two items together, we only say every other number out loud.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Have a go at using items in your house to group objects into piles of two & practise counting out loud in twos.
This week we are looking at addition – Have a watch of the White Rose Maths to help you complete the activity attached. (Combining two groups – it’s the third video)
Topic Time
EAD – Can I have a go at sketching a Tiger?
Have a look at the attached images to give you some inspiration.
Think about the patterns of their fur.
What colours might you need? (You might not want to use the traditional colours)
What will be around your tiger? (Trees, grass, sky, jungle)
Will you use crayons, felt tips, pencil crayons?
Lovely to see some of you having a go at the science experiment, your fruit boats looked amazing 😊
Year 1 Home Learning Tuesday 19th January
Date: 18th Jan 2021 @ 9:15am
Good morning Year 1 and welcome to your Tuesday Home Learning.
Yesterday, we all enjoyed our new story about Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess. We came up with some fantastic ideas and shared some brilliant pirate facts. In our Science, we found lots of objects to match our properties and materials and we also found some objects that had more than one property. Super science everyone!
Continue to read for at least 10 mintues everyday. Reading is the most important part of your home learning. If you need more books, please contact the school office and we will send home some more. Also, our Oxford Owl eLibrary is available at the Home Learning button of the Year 1 page.
Today we will be looking at the y letter shape making the I sound. Do you notice anything about the sounds before the y? Watch the video below and write out the words you spot. Can you think of any more?
Here are some we found.
Cry Dry Fly My Fry Why Try
Now use these words in some sentences.
I always try my best in my learning.
Listen to or read the story again.
Talk about and answer these questions.
1. How did Sayeeda like to spend her days?
2. What did she like to do best?
3. Why did Sayeeda’s father tell her not to open her treasure box on the galleon’s deck?
4. What do you think Sayeeda’s father said to her when the jewelled key slid away?
5. Why did Sayeeda weep?
6. What happened to the jewelled key when it slid from Sayeeda’s hands?
7. What lesson did Sayeeda learn by the end of the story?
You could record yourself answering the questions.Post on Seesaw
Sing another pirate song . Click here.
Today we are looking at subtraction by counting back (not passing through 10). Watch the video linked and complete the worksheet attached below.
We have also created a new Sumdog challenge on Addition and Subraction within 20. Remember to try out your strategies of counting on and back and using what you know.
Look at your picture from yesterday when Jesus was in the Temple. Talk about who everyone is in the picture.Have a go at acting out the story. Take photos or a video.
This week we are going to look at creating a sequence using your jumps, balances and travels. Watch the video lesson attached below and join in. Use the activity card to create your own sequence and film your routine on Seesaw.
Well done on completing your home learning today.
If you'd like to do some more home learning, visit our home learning resource area in the Parent tab of the website.
Year 3 Home Learning 18th January 2021
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 4:44pm
Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice weekend with your families and are looking forward to another week of impressing your parents with your amazing work J
Well done for all of the work you have been doing. I have been so impressed with all of the work you have sent me on Seesaw.
If you are finding any of it tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – I am so proud of you for the work I have seen so far. Today I would like you to send me a photo of the writing you do.
Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.
You can change your school reading books whenever you need to, just let the school office know beforehand so we can get some books ready for you to collect.
Things that made me smile over the weekend (you could write your own list too)
- I went for a nice walk on Saturday and watched some dogs playing in the huge puddles, they looked so happy.
- My dad sent me a funny picture where he had given the dog, Chester, a funny moustache – I have attached a photo to this blog so you can see.
- I had a video call with all of my friends on Saturday; it made me happy to speak to them all.
- 12 of you completed the suffix challenge on Sumdog – well done to you.
- 22 of you completed the times tables challenge on Sumdog – give yourself a pat on the back.
- 14 of you completed the division challenge on Sumdog – ask somebody at home to give you a high 5.
Monday 18th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.
Tell somebody about what you have read in your own words.
Here are your spellings from last week:
careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless
Write the short date: 18.01.21
Write the title: Spelling Test
Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.
Ask somebody to read out your spellings twice.
The bonus question (a spelling from another week) is: treasure
If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.
Attached to this blog is the start of a story called The Curiosity Shop. Please read the story starter.
Choose your 5 favourite words or sentences – you are going to try to use them in your own writing.
Long date: Monday 18th January 2021
Title – Can I use exciting vocabulary?
Write your own story about The Curiosity Shop. You can use the same ideas as the example and write it in your own words. Or you can make up your own ideas.
Use the 5 words or sentences from the example that you chose.
Split your writing into paragraphs:
Paragraph 1 – write a sentence to say what the shop owner did while he waited for customers.
Paragraph 2 – describe the shop and explain why people come to visit it.
Paragraph 3 – describe the shop owner.
Paragraph 4 – describe something exciting or scary that happens when a customer comes in, maybe he or she buys something magical.
Please send me a photo of your writing on Seesaw.
Times tables
Write the short date: 18.01.21
Write the title: Times Tables Test
Write the numbers 1-11 down your page.
Ask somebody to call out your 3x tables in a mixed up order.
In school I always read the question out, count to five, read it out again and then count to three before moving on to the next question.
The bonus question is: 33 x 10.
If you get any wrong, practise a bit more and then try again.
Count out loud in 10s:
From 99 to 219.
From 135 back to 5.
From 701 up to 811.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Statistics Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
- ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 18th January – 24th January
- Homophone Challenge: 18th January – 24th January
Today’s lesson is about drawing pictograms. I have also attached a video and worksheet about drawing tally charts, you do not have to do these, but they could help you with the pictograms lesson. You could have a look at them before starting the pictogram lesson.
https://vimeo.com/500377891 - make tally charts
https://vimeo.com/500379996 - draw pictograms
Please watch the video and complete the worksheet. The answers are attached so you can check when you have finished.
Have a look at Brazil on a map to remind yourself how big it is.
You can use Google Earth and zoom in and out or you can follow this link:
Look at the main cities and rivers; I wonder if you noticed that most of the cities are along the coast.
Today you are going to be looking at different places in Brazil to help imagine what life is like there. I bet it is quite different to life in England.
Attached to this blog is a Rainforest Researcher Quiz.
Please complete the following questions first using a map:
1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15, 16,
If you want, you can use the internet to try to answer the rest of the questions.
The answers are attached to this blog so you can check afterwards. The answer sheet also has lots of interesting facts that you can read.
If you find out any interesting facts whilst you are researching, please send me them on Seesaw so I can share them with everybody J
Reception 18th January Home Learning
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 4:43pm
Monday 18th January 2021
Hello Reception! I hope you had an amazing weekend 😊
I went on lots of lovely walks with my dog, did some yoga and I watched some good films. I also read some more of my book, which is called Happy. What did you do?
Phonics –
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials
The login is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games 😊
Revisit all our new diagraphs daily 😊 - ch, sh, th, ng and qu.
Our new sound today is ai. We are now up to Polly's videos.
Watch the video below to learn all about the ai sound.
Can I write the sound on a whiteboard?
Can I think of some words with the ai sound?
Can I read these words?
Rain sail chain plain
Can I have a go at one of the phonics play games?
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter i.
The Humpty Words of the week are she, they, all, was – Can I find these humpty words in my reading books?
Can I write these words?
(using paper or the whiteboards from your pack)
Literacy – We will be continuing with our theme on food.
Our story this week is The Tiger Who Came To Tea by Judith Kerr, watch the story here -
Discuss with your grown up –
What would you do if a tiger turned up at your house?
How would your family react if a tiger wanted to come to tea?
What does the tiger eat in the story?
Can you draw and label what you would make the tiger for his tea? (Use your booklet to do this activity)
You can watch the story on demand on Channel 4 - https://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-tiger-who-came-to-tea/on-demand/68261-001
Reading – try to read for 10 minutes each day 😊
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you.
Maths – Can I count backwards from 20?
Can I draw a big number line outside with chalk or mud?
Can you jump on a number that your grown up chooses?
Can you jump forwards and backwards to find one more and one less?
This week in maths we are thinking about making pairs – watch this white rose maths video to help explain what a pair is (it is the second video on the page)
Can I have a go at the making pairs activity attached? – we would love to see your pairs activity on seesaw
Topic Time
RE - How the parish family celebrate.
Talk about the church, the school and all the families you know. We all are part of a parish.
Talk about how we can celebrate in church. Have you have been to a Baptism, Christmas Mass or a Wedding?
Sometimes the parish family celebrates in church and sometimes outside church. Have a look at the pictures attached. Talk about how the parish family celebrates. Who are the people in the pictures? What are the people doing?
Draw a picture of everyone in our school family.
Have a super week everyone 😊
Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 18th January 2021
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 12:26pm
Monday 18th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. I hope you had a great weekend full of family fun and having time to relax. For my weekend, I was working hard on a new dance routine for a ‘remote’ competition I am taking part in next week. I will be practising every night so fingers crossed I remember all the moves.
Thank you once again to those who have sent in their work via Seesaw last week. It was super to see you are working hard. Please continue to send me work, especially on the lessons I mention Seesaw on. If you have not sent anything in yet and you are having any trouble with how it works, please contact school where we can assist you.
Also, another well done to the 27 of you who started or completed the Sumdog challenges set last week. Sumdog is a great way to practise your basic skills so please make sure you complete these every week. Let me know if you are having issues with it at home. There are new challenges this week which you will find below in the Maths section.
Here are the tasks for the day:
Read for 30 minutes. Now is the time to build up reading stamina by reading for longer. Some of you do this already, which is great, but it is important that we all do it every day.
Reading activity for today:
- Find 10 common nouns (things) and 5 proper nouns (places and people) in your book and make a list.
English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)
Every day this week we are going to focus on our number 1 class target, Handwriting, which must be joined. Each day, I will give you a poem to copy in your neatest handwriting. This week focus on having clear spaces between your words.
I am at your beginning and your end.
I dog your footsteps
And cannot be shaken off.
Though I fade from view
You are never alone.
So silent that you often forget me.
I am still there,
Your constant dark spy and companion.
(Tomorrow I will reveal the answer)
There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week, -fer (and suffixes attached to them).
- All the spellings are on Sumdog (deadline is Friday for this as you can have your own spelling quiz at home).
Writing task
Can I add speech marks perfectly to sentences?
Read chapter 11 (pages 82 - 88) where Hatty and Tom discuss many things together in their time in the garden and see the river. The task today is to look at how the author writes dialogue mixed in with action. The best page to see this mixture is on page 87. Have a read of it again and you will notice that there is speech and action (the author’s description of the characters doing things like ‘startled, gazed eagerly, facing downstream’).
Today’s lesson is to complete the, ‘Spot the missing speech punctuation’ sheet attached at the bottom of the blog. The task is to add punctuation to each sentence. The sheet will mention inverted commas but they are the exact same as speech marks. The answers are at the bottom of that document.
Remember that, just like in every book you have read, speech marks follow 4 main rules:
- Speech marks at the beginning and end of speech
- New speaker, new line
- Punctuation inside the speech marks
- Capital letter at the beginning of every speech sentence
Complete this worksheet and send it to me via Seesaw. (If this learning is cemented, we can be ready to create our own dialogue tomorrow.)
Maths – Percentages Week
- Warm up your brain: Counting back in 100s.
1024, 1 843, 24 626, 274 763, 1 847 265
With each number count back in 100s, 10 times.
(1024, 924, 824, 724, 624, 524, 424, 324, 224, 124, 24)
- Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 answer targets for this week):
- Mix of 7 and 9 times tables
- FDP – converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
- Main lesson. The objective for today is:
- Can I show and explain my understand of percentages?
Today we will be recapping our learning on percentages. Hopefully this lesson will be quite straight forward and is crucial in helping us understand the rest of this week.
Follow the video here, Understanding percentages . Remember that ‘percent’ means out of 100 (creating bars out of 10, like Mr Mears does all the time, will help with percentages).
The video shows you pictures of 100 squares with some of them shaded. We can relate our learning from last week of fractions to percentages, e.g 85 out of 100 are shaded = 85/100 = 85%.
Tip – having the worksheet in front of you while you are watching the video will help in answering the questions.
- Challenge – if you found that lesson quite easy, have a go at the questions on the sheet, Maths challenge – understanding percentages, which is more questions to cement the learning.
As always, keep yourselves moving and active – it is good for the head as well as the heart!
In today’s PE lesson we will continue with our gymnastics and games. Please try to complete both but if you can spread them out over a few days, that would be fine.
- Click on the link here, Jumping Dice, with the attached video here, Video for Jumping Dice .
- Warm up – 25 star jumps, 25 squats, 25 seconds running on the spot. 30 seconds rest and do it again.
- Once warmed up, we need to loosen your joints with arm circles, hip circles, lift your leg round circles.
- This activity asks for you to have a dice or anything to randomly pick numbers 1-6.
- Have fun with this activity by challenging others in your house, if they are not too busy.
- Click on the link here, Battleships, with the attached video here, Battleships.
- Don’t forget to be warm before each activity. Do the same warm up as the gymnastics above.
- The video explains in depth what you have to do but mainly this is an aiming game. If people in your house are busy, you can always set up items to aim for and all you would need is a scrunched-up piece of paper and away you go.
- See if you can create your own adaptations of the game. I would love to see any of these through Seesaw.
HOME LEARNING Monday 18th January 2021
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 10:43am
Year 4
Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you all had a good weekend and enjoyed spending time with your family. Although it was quite chilly, it was nice to be able to go out for a lovely walk without getting wet. I hope you managed to get some exercise too.
Please complete today’s work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary, and of course, your presentation. Remember to try and do the work on the day it is set as it usually follows on from the previous day. It is important that you continue to work hard recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things.
If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
When you are reading today, try and think of the voice the characters might use – are they a grumpy person, are they always happy, would they have a deep or a high voice? Use lots of expression and different voices for the characters.
These are your new spellings which will be tested on Thursday 21st January 2021. They all have the prefix super. A PREFIX is a group of letters that change the meaning of a word when they are added to the START. Super means ‘above’ or ‘over’.
superstar supermarket supernova supermodel
superpower superhero supernatural superglue
supersonic superintendent supersaturated superstore
Write the long date Monday 18th January 2021
Write each of the words in your book but in different colours and in different styles eg
Download the ‘Mission Possible’ booklet attached to the blog.
Today you are going to be planning your own spy story. In preparation, read over the work you have done over the past couple of weeks – this will remind you of the Mission Possible story, character names and profiles you have created, ideas for settings, and spy codes and spy gadgets you have invented – all of which you could use in your story.
Scroll to pg 28 Let’s start to create and plan your story.
Read the information given carefully which shows the structure of the story ‘Mission Possible’.
Scroll to page 29 The Story Road
Read the page carefully – it shows the beginning, the build-up, problem, resolution and ending.
Scroll to pg 30 Story Planner
Write the long date Monday 18th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I plan a story?
Print pg 30 out if you wish and complete each of the boxes with ideas for your story – stick this into your book. Alternatively, write subheadings on your page (eg Characters – write your characters names underneath, Setting – write where your story will be set etc).
You should now have some basic ideas for your story.
Scroll to pg 31 Story Ideas
Read the ideas given to help you if you are struggling.
Scroll to pg 32 Use this road to plan your story
Print pg 32 out if you wish and complete each of the boxes. The top box is the opening, next box the build-up, followed by the problem, then the resolution and finally the ending. Alternatively, write subheadings on your page (eg Opening – summarise the opening to your story, Build-up – briefly describe the build-up etc). Refer back to p29 if you get stuck.
You should now have all the information you need to write your story tomorrow. DO NOT WRITE YOUR STORY TODAY.
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can give feedback and support.
Times tables
Practise your 4 and 8 times tables on Sumdog (a challenge has been set).
On Monday 4th January, you were all given your individual table targets (if you are unsure, please message me on Seesaw). Please practise your table target using ‘Hit the button’ and the link below. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.
If you are in school next week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 21st January 2021 - if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷8.
Play ‘Hit the answer’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log. Play ‘Hit the question’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log.
By the end of Year 4 you should know all your tables and division facts, therefore please keep practising!
Please count in 4’s from 0 to 50 and back again – can you go any further?
Count in 8’s from 0 to 100 and back again – can you go any further? (if you get stuck, add 8 on to your last number if counting up or subtract 8 if counting down)
Count in 10’s from 250 to 400 and back again. Count in 10’s from 72 to 232 and back again. Think about what you found tricky?
Use the link below – play Hit the button, Doubles, Doubles Multiples of 10, Upto 250. If you get stuck, partition the number.
eg Double 230 Double 200 (400) then double 30 (60) and add the two together (400 + 60 = 460)
See how many you can get right in 1 minute. Then play again and see if you can beat your score.
Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Perimeter of rectilinear shapes’ attached to the blog. You may print this off if you have a printer.
EITHER click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths and watch the lesson, Perimeter of rectilinear shapes,
OR click on the link below for the video.
Write the short date 18.01.21
Write the learning objective Can I calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes?
Complete the worksheet as instructed (if you have printed it off) and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.
Check your answers from Friday, they are in the document ‘Answers Perimeter of a rectangle’ which is attached to the blog. Make sure you look carefully at any questions you got wrong.
For the last week or so, we have been revisiting and learning more about measurement – length and perimeter. To consolidate this learning, I have set a challenge on Sumdog. Please log on and have a go.
Follow the link below to take you to “What was life like in the Roman army?”
Read the information, click on the images to reveal further information, and watch the clips.
Write the long date Monday 18th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I explain what life was like in the Roman army?
Using your own words, give definitions for the following words:
- Legionaries
- Auxiliaries
- Legions
- Centuries
- Centurion
Print off the sheet attached to the blog called ‘Roman soldier’. Please label the javelin, sword, tunic, sandals, helmet, armour, and shield. Add some information to your labels to show your understanding. (Eg Javelin. Another name for the javelin is a pilum. It had a sharp iron spike at one end and was made of wood. Before charging into battle, a Roman legionary would throw his pilum towards his enemy.)
If you want to, you may also write a diary extract:
Write the long date Monday 18th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I write a diary extract as a Roman soldier?
Write a short diary extract as if you are a soldier in the Roman army. Make sure you include information about what you have been asked to do and your thoughts and feelings. (eg explain what you have to wear and the equipment you carry, have you spent the day training - marching 20 miles whilst wearing all your armour and equipment which would weigh approximately 35kg. What did you encounter during your march? Following this you have set up camp – how tired are you feeling? Did you see anyone not follow orders or fall asleep on duty?)
If you want to have a go at drawing a Roman solider, I have found a video which gives step by step instructions:
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can see your super history.
Use the link below to log into code.org. Carry on from where you left off.
Sumdog challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 4 and 8 times tables)
- A maths challenge ‘Measure the perimeter of 2D shapes’
- A grammar challenge ‘Inverted commas / speech marks’ to consolidate last week’s learning
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely evening and stay safe.
Year 2 Home Learning - 18th January 2021
Date: 17th Jan 2021 @ 10:12am
We hope you all had a lovely weekend.
We were so excited to see all your wonderful work on Seesaw last week – you should be very proud of all the amazing work you have done so far, keep it up Year 2! We are sure that you will have another fantastic week of home learning. Let’s get going!
Please complete the work this week as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, and your presentation.
Also, well done to the 27 children that managed to have a go on Sumdog last week. Sumdog is a great way to quickly consolidate any learning done in school or at home. Please make sure you have a go at the challenges set for this week.
If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Keep active with Joe Wicks every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am.
Have a go at drawing some cute animals, learning step by step how to draw them.
Premier League Stars have come up with some great videos to stay fit and healthy – they are for the whole family.
We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.
You should have received an email inviting you to join your child’s account on Seesaw – please check your junk mail if you have not received this. Through Seesaw, you will be able to upload work which has been completed at home and we will be able to give feedback. You will only see your child’s work and all feedback given will be private to your account. We are looking forward to seeing the super learning which has been completed at home.
It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Write, or draw pictures, from anything you’ve read! Big writing and pictures are even more fun. For example, use an old roll of wallpaper to make a treasure map with clues from the stories you’ve read together.
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Corner stones have released some free reading resources
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading
Counting and Times Tables
Counting in 5’s – Can you count forwards to 60? Challenge – Can you count backwards from 100?
5 Times Tables – Listen to this 5 times table song: 5 times table song
Play hit the button and select 5 times tables – hit the button
Can you write out all your 5 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal.
This week we will be doing a re-cap on addition and subtraction. We have already covered this area in class so children should be able to use certain strategies like; drawing tens and ones, partitioning numbers or drawing number lines to help you work out the answers. We will also cover some new areas of addition and subtraction too.
Can I practise my number bonds?
Today we are going to look at practising our number bonds.
We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough.
Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.
Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.
1. Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).
2. Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.
3. Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.
Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Addition and subtraction
Spellings – adverbs with the suffix -ly
Please see attached document for the English lesson. We are continuing to focus on dragons and we have an exciting picture for you to write about today.
Please complete the work this week as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, and your presentation.
Phonics and Spelling
Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!
You may log in with the following details:
username: jan21
password: home
This week we will be looking at adverbs using the suffix -ly.
An adverb is simply a word that describes a verb (an action or a doing word).
• He ate his breakfast quickly.
The word 'quickly' is an adverb as it tells us how he ate (the verb) his breakfast.
Where to place adverbs?
Adverbs can come before or after a verb.
• He 'quickly' ate his lunch.
• He ate his lunch 'quickly'.
Let Johnny and Inel get you up and moving, while you learn about adjectives and adverbs. Through a song and routine, children will learn how to write better stories using adjectives and adverbs.
Watch this introduction to adverbs on BBC bitesize and have a go at the games – BBC bitesize - adverbs
Please see attached PowerPoint presentation and worksheet for you to have a go at.
Talk to an adult about 'Waterproof materials'. Explain that, if a material does not absorb water, it is said to be waterproof. How many waterproof materials can you think of? Ask if they know what makes a material waterproof and write their answers and theories down.
Waterproof Investigation
1. Choose a piece of plain paper.
2. Drop water onto it. Keep the droplets on just one side of the paper.
3. Watch the droplets. Do they get absorbed into the paper or do the droplets sit on top?
3. Rub wax (a wax crayon) onto the dry side of the paper.
4. Drop water onto the waxy side.
5. Watch the droplets carefully. What do they do? Is it different to the side with no wax?
Mr Ingram and Miss Bennison love to read books in the park but we worry that they can get wet in the rain. Could you make a cover for our books? Give them time to explore making paper waterproof with wax crayons. The Nikwax weblink gives instructions about how to make a waterproof book cover and this challenge could be a homework activity.
Additional activities – Art
Create some dragon art. See the attached document with ideas.
We can’t wait to see what you get up to this week!
Year 2 team
Year 1 Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021
Date: 15th Jan 2021 @ 2:30pm
Good morning everyone. We hope you had a lovely weekend. We are enjoying seeing all your great learning on Seesaw, keep posting what you can.
Today we are learning...
The long I sounds (igh, ie, i_e and i.) in our Phonics
A new pirate story in our English
Addition and Subtraction within 20 in our Maths.
About The Presentation in the Temple in our RE
All about Everyday Materials in our Science
Please keep reading everyday, it really is the key to learning. We changed lots of your reading books last week-just pop in if you need some new ones. For your reading challenge today think about some of the vocabulary in your reading book. Pick out some words and explain them, think of some other words which mean the same.
This week we are looking at the long i sound.
Watch Geraldine learn the split i sound here and the i sound as in pie here. Write out the words and think of some more using these sounds.
Practise your blending by playing this game
We are starting a new text today. Its from the Talk for Writing resources. It's called Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess. We will be doing lots of learning about pirates. Please read the story or listen to it on the link.
Listen to the story of Sayeeda, the Pirate Princess here
Talk about these questions
- Which character did you like best? Why?
- Did anything surprise you about the story?
- What did Sayeeda learn by the end of the story?
You could write your answers on a post-it or record them and upload it to Seesaw.
Sing a pirate song! click here
Watch the videos linked below to practise your counting and number facts to 10.
This week we are reviewing addition and Subtraction strategies and bridging through 10. Watch the video on Adding by Making 10 and complete the worksheet attached.
We have also started a new challenge on Sumdog. Well done to everyone who completed their challenge last week. Practice makes all the difference!
Read the story of Jesus in the Temple when he was older.
Talk about these questions
- How did you feel when you were listening to the story?
- Who went on the journey to Jerusalem?
- Where was Jesus and what was he doing when Mary and Joseph found him?
- How do you think the people listening to Jesus felt?
Draw a picture of the story. Upload it to Seesaw.
Today we are looking at materials and their properties. Use the sheet below to help you find materials around your home and write some super sentences in your book. Watch the videos linked below to help you.
HOME LEARNING Friday 15th January 2021
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 3:56pm
Year 4
Home Learning Friday 15th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you all had a good week despite the weather being a little cold and wet. It really brought a smile to my face when looking at your work on Seesaw this week – you should feel proud of everything that you have done, you really are amazing Year 4! Have a wonderful weekend and make sure you look after yourselves and everyone at home.
Please complete today’s work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary, and of course, your presentation. Remember to try and do the work on the day it is set as it usually follows on from the previous day. It is important that you continue to work hard recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things.
If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
ANSWERS – for Subtract lengths (Tuesday’s work) and Measure Perimeter (Wednesday’s work) are also attached to today’s blog.
Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Can you find 10 adjectives in your reading book (adjectives describe a noun and you used them to help describe your mirror this week). Try and choose adjectives which are more ambitious, unusual or are new words for you – write today’s date and write them in your book.
These are your new spellings which will be tested on Thursday 21st January 2021. They all have the prefix super. A PREFIX is a group of letters that change the meaning of a word when they are added to the START. Super means ‘above’ or ‘over’.
Copy the new words into your book carefully and make sure you find the meanings out of any words you don’t know. Please practise these words in your books, they are NOT on Sumdog this week.
superstar supermarket supernova supermodel
superpower superhero supernatural superglue
supersonic superintendent supersaturated superstore
Download the ‘Mission Possible’ booklet attached to the blog.
Next week you will be planning and writing your own spy story. Today you will be designing a spy gadget.
Scroll to pg 27 Design a Spy Gadget
Read the information given carefully and watch the video.
Write the long date Friday 15th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I design a spy gadget?
- Draw a picture of you gadget and label its features
- Write a sub heading How the (write the name of your gadget here) works and explain how it works and its features
- On the next clean page, design a poster to advertise your gadget so that other spies will want to buy it
Success criteria for a poster
- Name of the gadget / catchy slogan (you could use rhyme / alliteration etc)
- Eye catching and colourful layout
- A mix of information boxes and pictures / diagrams
- Include a rhetorical question (For example, You wouldn’t want to be the only spy without the Scuba Skateboard, would you?)
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can give feedback and support.
Read over all the work you have completed during the past week in English. Next Monday you will be planning your spy story, so reviewing what you have done so far will help with ideas. DO NOT DO ANY PLANNING TODAY!
Times tables
Practise your 3, 6 and 9 times tables on Sumdog.
On Monday 4th January, you were all given your individual table targets (if you are unsure, please message me on Seesaw). Please practise your table target using ‘Hit the button’ and the link below. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.
If you are in school next week, you will be tested on your individual target - if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷8.
Play ‘Hit the answer’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log. Play ‘Hit the question’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log.
By the end of Year 4 you should know all your tables and division facts, therefore please keep practising!
I have also attached a ‘Times table Practice Sheet’ to the blog which you will recognise from school. You may also find this helpful when practising your individual target.
Please count in 3’s from 0 to 50 and back again – can you go any further?
Count in 6’s from 0 to 100 and back again – can you go any further? (if you get stuck, add 6 on to your last number if counting up or subtract 6 if counting down)
Count in 9’s from 0 to 108 and back again – can you go any further than 108, adding 9 each time?
Use the link below – play Hit the button, Doubles, Doubles from 50 to 100. If you get stuck, partition the number. This is quite tricky, so practising again today will help with fluency, accuracy and speed.
eg Double 67 Double 60 (120) then double 7 (14) and add the two together (120 + 14 = 134)
Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Perimeter of a rectangle’ attached to the blog. You may print this off if you have a printer.
EITHER click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths and watch the lesson, Perimeter of a rectangle,
OR click on the link below for the video.
Write the short date 15.01.21
Write the learning objective Can I calculate the perimeter of a rectangle?
Complete the worksheet as instructed (if you have printed it off) and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.
Check your answers from yesterday, they are in the document ‘Answers Perimeter on a grid’ which is attached to the blog. Make sure you look carefully at any questions you got wrong.
Last Monday (4th January 2021), we started revising types of lines (parallel and perpendicular) and angles. To consolidate this, I have set a challenge on Sumdog. Please log on and have a go. We will return to this topic when we are all back in school so being confident with this now will be beneficial.
Reminder - right angles - 90°
- acute angles less than 90°
- obtuse angles more than 90° but less than 180°
Open the file called ‘RE – Community’ which is attached to the blog. Read the story carefully.
Write the long date Friday 14th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I show an understanding of what community means?
Answer these questions in your book:
- What do you think are the advantages of being part of a community?
- What do you think are the demands of being part of a community?
- What helps to build up community?
Write your own ending to the story showing how Jack or Holly and the community could help Alfie.
Draw a picture at the bottom which shows how Jack, Holly and the community have helped Alfie.
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can see your super understanding.
Watch the 2 videos below which explain how archaeology uncovers Roman remains including mosaics. (Archaeologists are people who study history by looking at remains buried in the ground and left by people long ago).
Mosaics are pictures and patterns made from tiny pieces of coloured stone called ‘tesserae’. Follow the link below to look at some Roman mosaics.
Open the document called ‘Mosaics’ attached to the blog. Read the facts and look at the mosaics and borders.
Today I would like you to explore and have a go at designing a border using 5 rows of squares and either 2 or 3 colours. You can find some examples on page 3 of the Mosaics document (eg chequerboard, zigzags, castle top etc). Remember only 2 or 3 colours are used and each pattern repeats itself again and again.
Have a go – it doesn’t matter if you get it wrong – art is all about having a go and celebrating what we have done, as well as thinking of ways to improve our work.
I have included some squared paper for you to use, which is attached to the blog (Mosaic squared paper) – print this off if you can, have a go at your border and stick this in your book with the date Friday 15th January 2021, and the learning objective Can I design a mosaic border?
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can see your creative designs.
Sumdog challenges
You have been set 2 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
- A maths challenge ‘Types of lines and angles’
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
New Sumdog challenges will start on Monday.
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Year 2 Home Learning - 15th January 2021
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 3:15pm
Happy Friday!
Thank you for an amazing week of home learning. We know you will all be working hard at home and doing us proud. Keep it up year 2!
We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.
It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.
When you’ve finished reading, talk about what happened. Acting out the things that happened in the story or describing the big idea of a chapter is really fun and maximises learning. For example, ‘can you remember all the things that happened on the bear hunt?’
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Corner stones have released some free reading resources
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading
Counting and Times Tables
Counting in 2’s – Can you count backwards from 24? Challenge – Can you count backwards from 50?
2 Times Tables – Listen to this 2 times table song: 2 times tables
Can you write out all your 2 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal.
Can I find the correct change?
This week we are going to continue to focus on our topic – Money.
Today we are going to look at finding change.
We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough.
Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.
Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.
1. Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).
2. Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.
3. Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.
Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Money
Spellings – Past tense verbs -ed
Sumdog – Well done to the 20 children who have had a go at the new Sumdog challenges this week. We would love to see everyone have a go at the challenges set for next week. Sumdog can be a great way to consolidate learning and practise your spellings.
We hope you came up with some exciting rules for ‘How to escape from a dragon’ in yesterday’s writing. Remember to use your capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and lead-ins for all your writing. Take your time with your handwriting to make it look beautiful.
Please see the attached document for the lesson details.
Phonics and Spelling
Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!
You may log in with the following details:
username: jan21
password: home
Does your child know how to change the tense of a verb? Can they say both "I am playing on the field today" and "I played on the field yesterday"? This means they can understand how to change the present tense into the past tense.
What are the rules for changing verbs to the past tense? For a regular verb, add "ed" to turn it into a past tense verb. If a regular verb already ends in "e", make sure it ends in "ed". If a verb ends in a "y", such as "hurry", you change it to an "i" and then add "ed". This becomes "hurried". If a regular verb ends with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant before adding "ed". For example, "wrap" would become "wrapped". If a verb ends with a "c", you then need to add a "k" before "ed."
For many verbs, to change to past tense you add -ed to the verb.
Example 1:
Jump = jumped
For many verbs that end in y, there are simple rules for changing these words to past tense:
If the y follows a consonant, then change the y to i and add -ed.
Example 2:
Carry = carried
If the y follows a vowel, add -ed.
Example 3:
Play = played
Please have a go at the attached worksheet.
This term we are looking at coding in Computing. On the additional documents you will find your child’s individual login for the programme we use. The website is called Code.org. It should work on your tablets. If you do not have one, school will be happy to loan one out to you whilst you are off. Once your child has their unique login, they will be able to access the programme on code.org by following the instructions on the document.
- Each child will have the same 6 letter section code – FMSQGM, they will then search for their name, choose their secret picture and then press the sign in button.
Today please complete the following lesson:
- Course B (2020)
- Complete Lesson 4 – Programming with Angry Birds.
Please only complete the lessons stated above.
Additional activities – Art
Try one of the windy art activities attached to this post.
We hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend.
Year 2 team
Year 3 Home Learning 15th January
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 2:46pm
Good morning Year 3. I hope you have a happy Friday.
I hope that you enjoy the weekend and spending time at home with your family. I am going to make homemade pizzas for tea on Friday and listen to music. My favourite pizza toppings to add are pineapple and fresh chillies. Ms Hodson is looking forward to watching her little boy play his musical instruments whilst wearing his genie costume.
Well done for all of the work you have been doing. I have been so impressed with all of the work you have sent me on Seesaw.
If you are finding any of it tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
We will be doing spelling and tables tests on Monday, you could practise over the weekend.
Please keep sending me your work on Seesaw – it is so amazing to see.
Don’t forget to have a go at all 3 Sumdog challenges before they end on Sunday – so many of you have already completed them, super work.
Remember to bring your home learning book into school if you are coming in on some days.
Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)
- The writing about Bath Time really made me laugh, there were some brilliant ideas including:
Mr Stink having a bath in the sea with a fish to clean himself and seaweed to dry himself.
Mr Stink using a diving board to get into the bath.
Mr Stink flooding the house.
Mr Stink using Annabelle’s bedding to dry himself.
- A squirrel decided to sit on the table outside the Year 3 classroom, I have attached a photo to this blog.
Friday 15th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.
Tell them what a character is thinking and feeling.
Here are your spellings for this week:
careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless
You are going to create a game. You can either play against somebody at home to see who gets the most points, or you can play by yourself and time how long it takes you to get all 10 words.
Cut up 20 pieces of paper.
On 10 of the pieces – write the root words: care, play, thank, help, wonder, use, care, home, hope, spot.
On 5 of the pieces – write the suffix ful.
On 5 of the pieces write the suffix less.
Mix up and shuffle all of the pieces. Place them face down on the table.
Pick up 2 pieces, if they make a real word keep them, give yourself a point. If they do not make a real word, put them back on the table face down.
Read pages 169 to 176 attached to this blog.
I would like you to write instructions on how to have a bath like Mr Stink.
Please include:
Long date: Friday 15th January 2021
Title – How to have a bath
Introduction – what the instructions are for.
Equipment – list what is needed.
Method – steps for how to do it.
Labelled pictures to show some of the steps.
I have attached an example with SOME of the equipment and steps.
Times tables
Listen to this 3x tables song, sing along.
Count out loud in 2s:
From 0 to 24.
From 24 back to 0.
From 1 to 23.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
- ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
- Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
Today you are going to practise dividing by 10. Remember the strategies we have looked at so far:
Using equipment
Using times tables
Please follow the link to watch the video, pause the video to complete the activities where you need to.
Please complete the sheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.
Optional Maths challenge
If you complete the work quickly and would like another challenge, there is a challenge sheet attached where you will practise dividing by 2, 5 and 10.
Attached to this blog is a Science lesson all about light. Please have a look and complete the lesson. If you do not have all of the equipment needed, you can watch the videos and read the information.
Golden Time
You have worked hard all week, you deserve a treat. Here are some ideas you could do during your Golden Time. We will have it at half past 2 in school.
- Listen to some music and dance
- Draw a picture and colour it in
- Play a game
Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 15th January 2021
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 2:30pm
Friday 15th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. Thank you to those who have sent in their work via Seesaw; it has been great to know how hard you have been working. If you have not sent anything in yet and you are having any trouble with how it works, please contact school so we can assist you.
Well, we have made it to Friday! As you know, I always say it is the best day of the week as after these tasks, you should look forward to chilling and having fun with your family this weekend.
Right, here are the final tasks of the week:
Read for 30 minutes. Now is the time to build up reading stamina by reading for longer. Some of you do this already, which is great, but it is important that we all do it every day.
Reading activity for today:
- Think of 5 questions you would like to ask one of the characters (or the author, if it is a non-fiction book).
English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)
Every day this week we are going to focus on our number 1 class target, Handwriting, which must be joined. Each day, I will give you a poem to copy in your neatest handwriting. This week focus on staying on the line.
Breakfast for One
Hot thick crusty buttery toast
Buttery toasty thick hot crust
Crusty buttery hot thick toast
Cristy thick hot toasty butter
Thick hot buttery crusty toast
Toasty buttery hot thick crust
Hot buttery thick crusty toast -
With marmalade is how I like it most!
There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week – cial / -tial.
- Today is the spelling quiz. Hopefully you can get someone to quiz you on the 15 spellings, in random order. Then ask them to come up with 3 sentences for you to write for your dictation.
Writing task
Can I write a character description of Hatty?
- Today read chapter 10 (72 – 81) where we learn more about Hatty.
- Hatty becomes one the main characters in the story so from these extra chapters we are aiming to write a character description (as a paragraph) of her. To help, use the Impression List I attached to yesterday’s blog. Based on what you have learnt about Hatty, write down 5 main impressions (they could be opposites, like mean and kind, but you are simply basing your knowledge on Hatty’s first impressions in the story.
- I did the same for Edgar and came up with these:
mean, rude, obnoxious, seems to dislike Hatty, observant (quick to notice things)
Then, using these words, I based my character description on Edgar’s behaviour.
Edgar is the third eldest boy of four children who live in the big house. He seems to be the least favoured character as the book describes Edgar as being Tom’s least favourite. This is quite evident as he begins to treat Hatty very rudely with quick remarks and negative comments towards her. He shows he is mean with strong words such as, “Spy and tell-tale," and “Don’t give pert lying answers!” He is quite observant, but in a negative way, as it mentioned he ‘had brown eyes that moved around remarkably quickly, missing nothing’. This makes me believe he uses this skill to keep watch of any adults while he is making wrong choices.
- Now you try to write something similar but for Hatty. This understanding of the character will us next week when we write from her perspective. Remember to include:
- descriptions of her personality
- any evidence for them
- your opinions of Hatty
- (bonus – any physical features, which means what she looks like)
Maths – Fractions Week
- Warm up your brain: Counting. Today let’s practise counting in 1s. Add 1 to these numbers, ten times: 5.4, 8.2, 16.4, 73.05, 62.27
(5.4, 6.4, 7.4, 8.4, 9.4, 10.4, 11.4, 12.4, 13.4, 14.4, 15.4)
- Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 question target for this week):
- 9 times tables
- Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions
- Main lesson. The objective for today is:
Can I place fractions on varying number lines?
Today’s learning is a collection of this week’s fractions which enables you to push your fractions knowledge further. Watch the video carefully, Fractions on a line, which works through intervals on a number line. It explains how to find intervals using the number of intervals between numbers and then dividing by that number. It will make more sense once you see the video, but we have looked at this before.
Later in the video, it will ask you to place fractions on a number line so use these tips to help:
0 _____________I____________I____________I_____________ 1
- Look at the numbers that it shows you on the number line (it could be 0 and 1 which is simply 1)
- Count how many gaps, or intervals, there are (I counted 4)
- Then divide by this number to find each interval (therefore 1 divided by 4 intervals equals ¼ - each interval is ¼ ).
It is important that when you are stuck in Maths, use what you know and try to work out the question step by step – the video will help in doing this and I suggest to watch certain parts a few times to let this learning sink in.
- Maths challenge – Challenge Fractions on a Number Line. These questions will push your learning. Just remember that you may need to convert each fraction to help you place them on a number line.
In today’s lesson, we are going to sketch the Chichen Itza pyramid temple that we researched about in yesterday’s lesson. So let’s split this into 3 tasks:
- Look at a picture of the Chichen Itza (either on the internet or on the PowerPoint from yesterday’s lesson) and sketch it without any practice or over thinking – let’s call this ‘Sketch number 1’.
- Watch the clip from YouTube How to draw the Chichen Itza Follow the example step by step. You will notice the artist starts with the top, then the main shape, then the detail (he defines it with a black outline but you could use your pencil but with a bit more force on the paper). We will call this ‘Sketch number 2’.
- Challenge - Draw the Chichen Itza one last time but do not follow the video. You may copy from your ‘Sketch number 2’ picture but the main challenge is to sketch it without taking your pencil off the paper THE WHOLE TIME!
Good luck – you may try this challenge again and again if you wish. Each time you try, you will improve.
Happy sketching!
You made it. It's the end of the week! Give yourself a treat for completing everything. I think I might have some chocolate this weekend - just a little. Enjoy your weekend with your family and stay safe.
Reception 15th January Home Learning
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 10:44am
Friday 15th January 2021
Hello Reception! It is Friday! – I hope you have a lovely weekend with your families 😊
Phonics –
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games 😊
You have learnt three new sounds this week can you remember them? (if you need to revisit any of the sounds – have another watch of Scrap's video from the home learning pages)
th, ng and qu
Can you practise writing all your new sounds? (including your ones from last week too ch, sh)
Can I write the words on the attached sheet? (either in your books or on the sheet)
Can I play the read and roll game? (see attached)
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Hh.
The Humpty Words of the week are go, into, you, he – it is spelling check day.
Can you write your humpty words without any help?
Can you remember the ones from last week too? (the, no, to, I)
(using paper or your whiteboards from your pack)
Literacy – Our story this week is Handa’s Surprise – Watch the story here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJdPlMebjAw
I hope you have enjoyed learning all about Handas Surprise this week!
In the story Handa goes on a journey.
Can you draw a story map of her journey? (see examples on the attached sheet)
If you have enjoyed learning about Handa – watch her other story - Handas Hen. Get yourself a blanket and enjoy 😊
Reading – try to read 10 minutes each day 😊
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to your child’s book band level and have a go at any of the e-books available to you. (please ask if you don't know your level)
Maths – When we count backwards our numbers get smaller – Can you order your numbers to 20? (from your packs) –
Starting from 20, count out loud and as you take one away each time, notice the numbers getting smaller and smaller.
Have another look at the money video
Can I have a go at matching the correct coin to the amount? (see attached)
Can I have a go at the PowerPoint piggy bank game? (open it and view it as a slideshow the play the game)
Topic Time
Science – In science this week, we are still thinking about our topic of being healthy, discuss with your child what being healthy looks like?
Fruit Boat Experiment
We have an experiment this week – follow the instructions on the attached sheet and see what you can find out!
PE – This week we are practising under arm throwing. (see the attached file for the correct way to teach the skill)
Can you make a target using a box or basket and see how many balls you can get inside?
Can you practise throwing a ball to your grown up? How many times did you catch it?
Maybe you could make a bowling alley and roll your ball to see how many you get down?
Can you have a go at making up an animal dance? (see below for some ideas)
Have a watch of the youth sport trust video to give you some ideas.
Cosmic Kids Yoga – Lulu the baby lioness
You have all done amazing this week, keep up the great work Reception. Well done you. Everyone would get a golden star award if we had our Golden Assembly!!
Year 1 Home Learning Friday 15th January
Date: 14th Jan 2021 @ 10:01am
Good Morning, Everyone. Welcome to your Friday Home Learning.
Well done on all your home learning this week. You have put in a lot of effort and done your best. 33 of you have had a go at your Sumdog Challenges! Amazing! Yesterday, we enjoyed our Geography and Computing. Collecting the gems proved quite tricky so well done for having a go.
Continue to read for at least 10 mintues everyday. Reading is the most important part of your home learning. If you need more books, please contact the school office and we will send home some more. Also, our Oxford Owl eLibrary is available at the Home Learning button of the Year 1 page.
Can you spot any sounds in your book? Are there any long O sounds?
We have attached the reading VIPERS questions to promote comprehension in reading. Use a few of these when reading with your child to promote reading skills.
Today we are spotting the long O sound in the text below (Long O sound spotter). Print off the sheet and colour all the words that contain any of our long O sounds.OW, OA, OE, O_E and O. Remind yourself with the videos below.
You can use different colours for different sounds and write out all the words you can find in your book.
Using these words, write a super sentence remembering your capital letters, finger spaces and full Stops.
Today you are ging to write your spider story. Tell someone in your family your story using the pictures from yesterday's story map.Make a word bank of the words you will need. Remember to write on the line, form your letters correctly, use the sounds you know to write words, use full stops, finger spaces and capital letters. Have fun!
This week we will start every maths lesson by practising our counting. Watch the counting videos below and count along.
Today we are looking at Subtracting by finding the difference. Have a look at the videos on Finding the difference 1 and Finding the difference 2 complete the worksheet attached.
When you've done this, spend 10 minutes practising your subtraction questions on Sumdog. Can you remember any subtraction facts?
Here is a link to a maths games website the children are familiar with. Visit ictgames and have a play.
Think about the places in the U.K. you talked about and drew yesterday. Today you are going to make a collage showing two contrasting places, town and countryside. Use any materials you have at home to make your collage.
Have a look at this video for ideas.
Well done on completing your home learning this week! Have a lovely weekend and keep safe.
The Year 1 team
Year 3 Home Learning 14th January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 2:29pm
Good morning Year 3. I hope you had a nice day. Thank you to everybody who has sent me some work on Seesaw, the work you have done is amazing, I am so proud of you all!
If you are finding any of the work tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
For the children who are in school some days and at home some days, please bring your home learning books into school the days you are in school.
Don’t forget to send me some of your work on Seesaw.
Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)
- I enjoyed dancing and singing to the 3x tables song, some of the children in school had some interesting dance moves.
- I spotted a robin in the Nature Area.
- 7 of you have COMPLETED the suffix challenge on Sumdog – wow.
- 13 of you have COMPLETED the times table challenge on Sumdog – woohoo.
- 4 of you have COMPLETED the division challenge on Sumdog – yey!
Thursday 14th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes.
When you have finished, tell somebody about what you have read in your own words.
Here are your spellings for this week:
careful, playful, thankful, helpful, wonderful, useless, careless, homeless, hopeless, spotless
Write the long date: Thursday 14th January 2021
Write the title: Look, cover, write, check
Use look, cover, write, check to practise your spellings. Write each word at least 3 times.
Write the long date: Thursday 14th January 2021
Write the title: Can I split my writing into paragraphs?
Tell somebody at home everything you can remember about the story of Mr Stink so far.
Read pages 160-169 which are attached to this blog.
The chapter we are going to read tomorrow is called Bath Time. I would like you to imagine what might happen during bath time and write the next part of the story.
If you have already read this part of the story or have seen the film, make up your own ideas, use your imagination.
I would like you to split your writing into paragraphs. Please skip a line after each paragraph. Below are some ideas of how to start each paragraph.
- This was no ordinary bath time. Chloe realised this had to be run like a military option. She had to make sure she had everything she needed…
- Even though she had prepared everything, bath time got messy. First of all, Mr Stink…
- Chloe couldn’t believe her eyes when she found Mr Stink…
- Because he hadn’t had a bath for a year, Mr Stink…
- After bath time was finished, Chloe had to …
Please send me a picture of your writing on Seesaw. I will look out for beautiful handwriting and perfect spelling.
Times tables
Call out your 3x tables whilst doing star jumps. Then again jogging on the spot. And then again jumping all over the place.
Count in 10s:
- From 33 to 103 in a baby voice.
- From 116 to 206 in a robot voice.
- From 401 to 521 in a deep voice.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Division Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
- ×2 ×3 ×4 ×5 ×8 ×10 tables: 11th January – 17th January
- Suffix Challenge: 11th January – 17th January
Today you are going to practise dividing by 5. Remember the strategies we have looked at so far:
Using equipment
Using times tables
Please follow the link to watch the video, pause the video to complete the activities where you need to.
Please complete the sheet attached and then use the answer sheet to check your answers.
Optional Maths challenge
If you complete the work quickly and would like another challenge, there is a challenge sheet attached where you will practise dividing by 5. You could time yourself answering each column and see if you can get quicker each time.
Today in school is PE day. Try to get outside and get active, walk, jog, cycle.
Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Sequence Champions.
Here is a video which helps to explain the activity.
If you do not have a dice, you can cut up 6 pieces of paper and write the numbers 1 to 6 on them.
Attached to this blog are some yoga activities. It will be a nice and relaxing way to end the day.
HOME LEARNING Thursday 14th January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 1:31pm
Year 4
Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to complete your Home Learning. Don’t worry if you don’t manage to finish everything in one day, sometimes things may take a little longer. Remember just to try your best.
Please complete today’s work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary, and of course, your presentation. Remember to try and do the work on the day it is set as it usually follows on from the previous day. It is important that you continue to work hard recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things.
If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Does the mood of the main character change throughout the story? If so, how does it change and can you find any examples which show evidence of this change?
This week’s spellings all end with ‘ture’ or ‘sure’. Children in school will be tested on these words today, therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on them. Make sure you write the ‘test’ in your Home Learning book and check any that you get wrong. Good luck! The words are:
future nature creature feature
mixture picture adventure treasure
pleasure enclosure measure leisure
New spellings will be given tomorrow.
Download the ‘Mission Possible’ booklet attached to the blog.
Soon you will be planning and writing your own spy story and you should already have some character names. Today we will be revising inverted commas (speech marks).
Scroll to pg 24 Speech Marks
Read the information given VERY CAREFULLY
Write the long date Thursday 14th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I use inverted commas correctly?
Copy this into your book (don’t worry about using red or blue, just write in pencil):
Use arrows and label the sentences like the example at the bottom of page 24. This will help you understand the golden rules for speech.
Scroll to pg 25
Using the example and golden rules, punctuate the sentences given correctly.
Try and think about how the person speaks instead of saying ‘said’ each time. Eg shouted, cried, exclaimed, whispered etc.
Write your own sentences when one person speaks and someone answers. Try and make the conversation interesting and punctuate it correctly. NO MORE THAN 6 SENTENCES PLEASE.
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can give feedback and support.
Scroll to pg 26 Create a secret code!
Read the information given and have a go at making your own secret code. You may want to use this in your story.
Write the long date Thursday 14th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I create my own secret code?
Times tables
Practise your 3, 6 and 9 times tables on Sumdog.
Use the link below to go to ‘Hit the button’. Choose a times table or division fact you know you find tricky. Play ‘Hit the answer’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log. Play ‘Hit the question’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log.
By the end of Year 4 you should know all your tables and division facts, therefore please keep practising!
Use the link below – play Hit the button, Doubles, Doubles from 50 to 100. If you get stuck, partition the number.
eg Double 67 Double 60 (120) then double 7 (14) and add the two together (120 + 14 = 134)
Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Perimeter on a grid’ attached to the blog. You may print this off if you have a printer.
EITHER click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths and watch the lesson, Perimeter on a grid,
OR click on the link below for the video.
Write the short date 14.01.21
Write the learning objective Can I calculate perimeter on a grid?
Complete the worksheet as instructed (if you have printed it off) and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.
Check your answers from yesterday, they are in the document ‘Answers Measure perimeter’ which is attached to the blog. Make sure you look carefully at any questions you got wrong.
Last Monday (4th January 2021), we started revising types of lines (parallel and perpendicular) and angles. To consolidate this, I have set a challenge on Sumdog. Please log on and have a go. We will return to this topic when we are all back in school so being confident with this now will be beneficial.
Reminder - right angles - 90°
- acute angles less than 90°
- obtuse angles more than 90° but less than 180°
Follow this link:
You will need some plastic cups and a variety of liquids suitable for children such as water, milk, cooking oil, syrup, juice and washing up liquid. You will still be able to use these again afterwards – they won’t be wasted.
Write the long date Thursday 14th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I compare the thickness of different liquids?
Read through the slides and try the activities.
Draw the table on slide 5 to record your results. Try different races.
Put a sub-heading What I found out
Then order your liquids from most viscous to least viscous. Viscous means how thick or runny the liquid is.
There are some extra exciting ideas on slide 6. You could draw a picture in your book and label it or take a photo if you try one of these experiments.
Good luck! Don’t forget to clean up after yourself!
Please share your work on Seesaw so that I can see your super science.
Sumdog challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
- A maths ‘types of lines and angles’ challenge
- A spelling challenge (for the words which will be tested on Thursday)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely evening and stay safe.
Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 14th January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 1:18pm
Thursday 14th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. We have some exciting Seesaw news. You may already be aware but you have all been emailed by school with a personal link to a new Seesaw account (Family Seesaw app) that will enable you to send work to me privately. I can give you feedback, as I would in school, and I will do my best to get back to you with it on the same day. It will be best used for any writing, History, RE, Science, etc that would need my input on. Whereas with Maths, I will attach the answers so you can get regular feedback on how you are progressing with your Maths learning. Any queries you have with remote learning should go through the office where a phone conversation may be easier. I cannot wait to see your work.
Stay safe and let’s get ready for today’s Home Learning tasks:
Read for 30 minutes. Now is the time to build up reading stamina by reading for longer. Some of you do this already, which is great, but it is important that we all do it every day.
Reading activity for today:
- Which character in this book are you most like? (the question can be the same for non-fiction books too as there might be a real person or animal you are most like)
English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)
Every day this week we are going to focus on our number 1 class target, Handwriting, which must be joined. Each day, I will give you a poem to copy in your neatest handwriting. This week focus on staying on the line.
To begin to toboggan, first buy a toboggan
But don’t buy too big a toboggan,
(A too big a toboggan is not a toboggan
To buy to begin to toboggan).
There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week – cial / -tial.
- Find the definition of 5 words and create sentences with at least three of them.
Writing task
Can I use the evidence from the text to justify my opinions of Hubert, James, Edgar or Hatty?
Prediction from yesterday's lesson:
'I think the person in the window is Mrs Bartholomew and she can see Tom and everyone else in the garden.'
'I think his body knows when he needs help so he goes invisible like the time when he didn't want to see the gardener. His body knew to go invisible and that is why the gardener didn't see him. Or the time when he got frustrated that he couldn't open the door so he went as a shadow through it.'
- Today read chapter 8 (61 – 66) and 9 (67 – 71) where we are introduced to new characters: Hubert (the eldest), James and Edgar (who are still older than Tom) and Hatty (the youngest).
- The objective is to use evidence from the text but I want you to pay close attention to not only how the author describes the characters but mainly what the characters do, which will help in determining what kind of person they are.
Copy the table below to complete. To help, I have added an example. You can pick anything that they do, even if it is small, and name the impression they have on you because of their action. So, if any of the boys run away from Hatty, you might think that would be mean. Therefore, you would say the boys are mean and the evidence is ‘because they ran away’. Or to be more precise, you would use evidence from the text like below:
Character chosen |
Impression |
Evidence |
Considerate |
“Let’s run away from Hatty” said Hubert suddenly.
‘James heard the sound, and turned back and picked her up.’
- I have attached an Impression List to help, which includes many adjectives to choose from.
- You may choose just one character to focus on but for a challenge, see if you can find 2/3 impressions for each character based on just one chapter.
- Then send it to me through Seesaw.
Maths – Fractions Week
- Warm up your brain: Counting. We have done this so many times at the beginning of lessons: on number lines, out loud, etc. Today let’s practice counting in 100s. Add 100 to these numbers, ten times: 252, 1846, 15 635, 5.4 (e.g. 252, 352, 452, 552, 652, 752, 852, 952, 1052, 1152, 1252)
- Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 question target for this week):
- 9 times tables
- Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions
- Main lesson. The objective for today is:
- Can I convert mixed numbers to improper fractions?
- Today is a slight reverse of yesterday’s lesson.
- Tip:
- improper fractions have numerators larger than the denominator (11/7)
- mixed numbers have whole numbers and fractions together
Follow the video, Mixed numbers to improper fractions which will explain how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions following easy steps:
- Partition the mixed number (3 ½ = 3 whole and ½ )
- Work out how many parts will the wholes be split into? (3 wholes = 6 halves)
- Add the fractions together to make the improper fraction (6 halves and 1 half = 7/2)
Complete the worksheet at the bottom of this blog.
- Challenge – Challenge of mixed to improper sequences questions and answers are at the bottom of this blog too.
- Arithmetic quiz (19 - 36 questions). Attached at the bottom is a picture of the sheet (so you can print it or simply write the answers – with workings out – in your YELLOW BOOK). I have also attached the answers (for after the quiz so no peeking!). Try to time yourself 20 minutes for this.
This week we are learning more about the Maya civilisation, especially the Chichen Itza. I have attached a PowerPoint all about the Chichen Itza, which is the ruins of the dazzling ancient city that once centred the Mayan empire.
Objective for this week is:
Can I research the Chichen Itza to create an informative poster?
Here are some questions for you to research and make notes on.
What are the 3 main things the Mayans did in Chichen Itza? (there might be many reasons so choose what you think are the 3 main points of Chichen Itza)
When was it discovered?
When was it all built?
Any interesting facts?
Once you have answered these on your mind map (which might look like a spider diagram of your notes – we have done many of these before), use the History informative poster template (or your own design) to create tourist information for a 10 year old.
The best thing to do is to follow these steps:
- Have the ‘Chichen Itza’ as a title
- Pick a maximum of 6 things to write in your information sheet but make the information simple to understand (so it could be only one or two sentences for each section)
- Make sure the poster looks appealing to the eye
- Draw one main or 2/3 pictures
- Add colour if you have any
Finally, send it to me through Seesaw – I can’t wait to see them!
Year 2 Home Learning - 14th January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 1:00pm
Hello everyone!
We hope you all had a fantastic day of home learning yesterday. I know it can be hard at times but be resilient and keep going!
10 Minute Shake Up games
Change4Life and Disney have teamed up again to bring you new Shake Up games inspired by Disney and Pixar's Toy Story 4 and Incredibles 2, and Disney's The Lion King and Frozen. These 10-minute bursts of fun will really get your kids moving and count towards the 60 active minutes they need every day!
You should have received an email inviting you to join your child’s account on Seesaw – please check your junk mail if you have not received this. Through Seesaw, you will be able to upload work which has been completed at home and we will be able to give feedback. You will only see your child’s work and all feedback given will be private to your account. We are looking forward to seeing the super learning which has been completed at home.
We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.
It is ESSENTIAL that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.
If it is a book, look at the front cover—or the last chapter—and talk about what might happen next. Look for clues in the book and be a reading detective! For example, ‘can you see the bear on the front cover? Where do you think he will go?’
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Corner stones have released some free reading resources
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading
Counting and Times Tables
Counting in 2’s – Write out a sequence, counting in 2’s up to 24. Challenge – Can you go all the way to 50?
2 Times Tables – Listen to this 2 times table song: 2 times tables
Can you write out all your 2 times tables up to 12 in your home learning journal.
Can I find the difference?
This week we are going to continue to focus on our topic – Money.
Today we are going to look at finding the difference.
We have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough.
Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.
Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.
1. Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).
2. Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.
3. Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.
Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Money
Spellings – Past tense verbs -ed
Sumdog – Well done to the 16 children who have had a go at the new Sumdog challenges this week. We would love to see everyone have a go at the challenges set for this week. Sumdog can be a great way to consolidate learning and practise your spellings.
We hope you are enjoying our new novel. We are looking forward to seeing all your great writing on Seesaw. Remember to use your capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and lead-ins for all your writing. Take your time with your handwriting to make it look beautiful.
We have attached a document to the uploads with the text from the book needed for the lesson today. We realise the YouTube videos are quite long so hopefully this helps if you prefer to read it together. It is under the document called 'text from the book - Chapter 2'.
Please see the attached document for the lesson details.
Please check the Success Criteria for our expectations in your writing.
Phonics and Spelling
Phonics play have made their website free to use throughout January. Login -> select the resources tab -> select phase 6 phonics and have a play!
You may log in with the following details:
username: jan21
password: home
Does your child know how to change the tense of a verb? Can they say both "I am playing on the field today" and "I played on the field yesterday"? This means they can understand how to change the present tense into the past tense.
There are certain rules we need to follow when changing verbs into the past tense.
What are the rules for changing verbs to the past tense? For a regular verb, add "ed" to turn it into a past tense verb. If a regular verb already ends in "e", make sure it ends in "ed". If a verb ends in a "y", such as "hurry", you change it to an "i" and then add "ed". This becomes "hurried". If a regular verb ends with one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant before adding "ed". For example, "wrap" would become "wrapped". If a verb ends with a "c", you then need to add a "k" before "ed."
Once your pupils recognise and understand the suffix 'ed', a whole new dimension will be available to them in reading and writing.
They'll recognise the past tense in their reading, and be able to write about things in the past.
Please use the attached worksheet to help your child use the ‘ed’ suffix fluently.
The Bible is God’s special book. It is all about how much God loves and cares for people. The Bible is the most important book that Christians use, because it is God’s Word, so it is always treated with reverence. Like all special books we take care of it, make sure our hands are clean before we use it and keep it in a safe place.
There are two main sections in the Bible. The Old Testament tells us about the time before Jesus. The New Testament tells us about Jesus and the beginning of the Church. Some of the books are called by the name of the person thought to have written them: Mark, Jeremiah, Peter. Some are named after the person the story is about: Job, Ruth, Jonah. One is called after an event: Exodus.
Others tell you about the content of the book: Genesis (Beginnings), Psalms, Proverbs, Letters. The Bible is like a library of different books just like we saw a variety of different books that we have at home and in school.
Q What is the Bible and why is it such an important book?
Q Why do you think we should show reverence for the Bible?
Q What does the first part of the Bible tell us?
Q What is the second part of the Bible about?
Activities to choose:
- Design a front cover for the Bible that shows it is a special book. On the back cover write a summary of what you would find inside.
- Create a bookmark for a Bible including the title of your favourite story from the Bible.
Additional activities – Art
Try one of the rain art activities attached to this post.
Enjoy your day!
Year 2 team
Home Learning Friday 22nd January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 12:02pm
Year 5 Home Learning Friday 22nd January 2021
Good morning Year 5, well done for just about completing your second full week of Home Learning. I hope you have enjoyed it and learned some new things. Remember we learn new things every day and a lot of the time we don’t even realise it! Have a great weekend with plenty of rest and fun. Look out for 'Friday catch up' which will be posted on Seesaw later on today. I will be back on Monday for another instalment of Year 5 Home Learning.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.
We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Copy out three sentences or phrases you really liked in your reading book. Explain what it is you really liked about each of them. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Please ask somebody to test you on the spellings below. Write today’s date in your exercise book and remember to put a mark out of fifteen. I will issue new spellings on Monday.
infancy pregnancy extravagancy significancy absorbancy
truancy expectancy redundancy vibrancy buoyancy
reluctancy elegancy flamboyancy occupancy accountancy
Read the next few pages of Mysterious Traveller by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham (documents below).
We learnt that the book builds vivid images of the setting and characters. One way in which we can build rich images is through using relative clauses.
Read through the PowerPoint: Relative clauses (to slide 8, in the documents below). The slides will remind you about relative clauses and pronouns. We looked at this in the Autumn Term. Have a go at the small activity on slide 8 but there is no need to write anything down, just think about it.
Complete one of the worksheets below. The activities increase in difficulty. You must do one of the activities, but for those of you who are enjoying this work you could do two or three of them.
Relative Clauses (A) asks you to identify relative clauses.
Relative Clauses (B) asks you to insert relative clauses with given pronouns.
Relative Clauses (C) asks you to write relative clauses, choosing from nouns in given sentences and selecting the best relative pronoun.
Please complete your worksheet (will need trimming down) and stick it into your exercise book. You could copy the work straight into your book.
The date and title are:
Friday 22nd January 2021
Can I discuss, identify and insert relative clauses?
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
For your mental starter play – Daily 10. You can choose between level 5, times tables up to 12 or level 5, fractions of amounts. Maybe, challenge yourself and do both!
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Fractions greater than 1.
These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.
Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Do I understand fractions greater than 1?
Problem Solving Extension (optional):
Slick Jim
Slick Jim won the lottery.
He spent two thirds of his
winnings on a very posh house.
He spent two thirds of what he
had left on a luxury yacht.
Then he spent two thirds of what
he had left on a hot air balloon.
He spent his last £20000 on a
flashy car.
How much did Slick Jim win on the lottery?
Solve a problem by organising information.
Find fractions of quantities.
Understand the relationship between multiplication and division.
Money Bags – Answers:
Ram put 1p, 2p, 4p and 8p in the four bags.
Any sum from 1p to 15p can be made with
these amounts.
We will continue our work on Mission.
You will find something to read and an activity to do in the documents below (How the Mission of Jesus Continues Today).
You can write the letter straight into your book or use the worksheet provided below, it will need to be trimmed down and stuck it into your book.
The date and title are:
Friday 22nd January 2021
Can I write a letter, as though I were a Bishop, to my Parishes explaining the mission in the Diocese?
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
Click on the link below and follow the lesson:
Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Fractions.
Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ence. These - ence words are slightly different from our test spellings above but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.
Well done Year 5. Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Gravili
Home Learning Thursday 21st January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 12:01pm
Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 21st January 2021
Good morning Year 5, well done for working so hard. Each day I am seeing more and more fantastic work posted on Seesaw. Thank you again to all those who are helping with your learning. As a thank you to someone in your family, you could surprise them with a random act of kindness. This could be, drawing them a picture or making them a card or even bringing them a treat like a biscuit or a cup of tea (always ask another adult or older sibling to help you with the boiling water!) Make someone smile today! If you want to make me smile today, try your hardest to do your Home Learning as though you were in school. Best handwriting, presentation and effort please.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.
We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Design a poster for the book you have read to persuade other people to read your story/fact book. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date. If you want to draw and write on plain paper, you could trim it down and stick it in your book.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus your handwriting at the same time.
infancy pregnancy extravagancy significancy absorbancy
truancy expectancy redundancy vibrancy buoyancy
reluctancy elegancy flamboyancy occupancy accountancy
In our story, when Issa lost his sight, he was still able to navigate using Mariama’s vivid descriptions and his own memories of what the place was like.
Mysterious Traveller (and Cloud Tea Monkeys) has beautiful illustrations but even without them the reader builds strong images of the setting and characters though the language used.
Re-read the paragraph where sunrise is described (find it in Tuesday’s documents Mysterious Traveller 1 on page 3). What do you notice about the language used? Note down in your exercise book the powerful language and similes you can find in the text. Why doesn’t the writer just say, ‘The sun rose’? Simile= when you describe something as or like something else. For example, as brave as a lion, or fast like a Cheetah. The sub-heading for this list is: Powerful Language and Similes in the Text
When you do this, think about and include in your list all the ways that writers build images (impactful adjectives and adverbs, powerful noun phrases, similes and metaphor, describing small details, including different senses, etc.).
Now read pages 17, 19 and 20 (documents below) slowly, see if you can spot words and phrases which build vivid images. List them under this sub-heading: Words and Phrases which Build Vivid Images. For example, similes to describe the strangers, ‘evening shadows’ to show time passing, details such as scars, giving the strangers temporary names like Scarface.
Select examples from your second list (Words and Phrases which Build Vivid Images) to record on the imagery worksheet. You will find this in the documents below.
Harder: You could colour-code your imagery examples, e.g. red for simile, green for powerful adjective/verb, purple for small detail, etc.
Please write your lists and stick your worksheet (will need trimming down) into your exercise book.
The date and title are:
Thursday 21st January 2021
Can I identify examples of powerful language, similes and imagery in my reading?
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
For your mental starter play – Daily 10 and select level 5, multiplication and mixed times tables.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Equivalent fractions (Y5).
These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.
Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Do I understand what an equivalent fraction is?
Problem Solving Extension (optional):
Money bags
Ram divided 15 pennies among four small bags.
He could then pay any sum of money from 1p to
15p, without opening any bag.
How many pennies did Ram put in each bag?
Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.
Explain methods and reasoning.
Three Digits – Answers:
You can make six different numbers.
In order, the numbers are:
799, 889, 898, 979, 988, 997.
Follow the link below, scroll down to lesson three – How did the Shang army win battles? Watch the clip and do the short activity.
Whilst watching the clip take notes about the Shang army and the different types of warriors. Write these notes neatly in your exercise book. Illustrate your notes with pictures of some of the warriors.
The date and title are:
Thursday 21st January 2021
Can I take notes about the Shang army?
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.
Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.
Well done Year 5.
Miss Gravili
Home Learning Wednesday 20th January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 12:00pm
Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 20th January 2021
Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. The weather is due to be very rainy for the next couple of days which is a shame because you might not be able to go outside as much. However, going out in the rain can be a lot of fun. Pull on your rain coats, wellies and grab your umbrellas. There are plenty of puddles to go and splash in and feeling the rain on your face can be really special. It also gives you the opportunity to do some good indoor activities like painting, baking, colouring and reading or playing some Lego/board games. Remember there are challenges on Sumdog for you to do, well done to those of you who have been completing them. Keep up your fantastic Home Learning. I’m so impressed with what I am seeing on Seesaw.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.
We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Draw a picture of your favourite character from the story you are reading or one you have read before. Write a short description of who they are and what you have learnt about them through your reading. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus your handwriting at the same time.
infancy pregnancy extravagancy significancy absorbancy
truancy expectancy redundancy vibrancy buoyancy
reluctancy elegancy flamboyancy occupancy accountancy
After reading the first part of the story, what mysteries have been set up? What clues can you spot that the setting is faraway? Some examples could be…desert, goatskin flask, donkey, etc. What have you learnt about Issa so far? Re-read the paragraph beginning, ‘Issa’s old eyes…’ What can we infer (find out) about him from these words? Take some time to think about these questions and the answers.
Read the next few pages of Mysterious Traveller (documents below).
You will be answering the comprehension questions (documents below) about language, character and plot. The questions get more difficult as you work through them. The answers will be posted on tomorrow’s blog.
Please write your answers in full sentences in your exercise book.
The date and title are:
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Can I use retrieval, inference and prediction to answer comprehension questions?
Retrieval means that you can simply find the answer directly in the text.
Inference means to find something out from what you have read already, by problem solving from previous knowledge rather than simply finding the answer in the text.
Prediction means to work out what you think will happen before you know what really does happen.
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
For your mental starter play - Subtraction Grids and select two numbers, up 100.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Equivalent fractions.
These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.
Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Do I understand what an equivalent fraction is?
Problem Solving Extension (optional):
Three digits
Imagine you have 25 beads.
You have to make a three-digit number on an abacus (shows numbers in units, tens and hundreds etc using beads).
You must use all 25 beads for each number you make. How many different three-digit numbers can you make?
Write them in order.
Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.
Know what each digit represents.
Order a set of whole numbers.
Coins on the table – Answer:
Anna put 12 coins on the table.
Click on this link and follow the lesson on Soluble and Insoluble materials.
In school, we will test materials to see if they are soluble or insoluble and record our observations and results in a table copied from slide 6. If we have time, we will try the normal water/salty water experiment suggested on slide 7.
The date and title are:
Wednesday 20th January 2021
Can I investigate whether materials are soluble or insoluble?
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
You have learnt about the planets in Science recently. Now let’s learn the French words for the planets and we’ll do a piece of space writing in a couple of weeks’ time once we’ve built up our vocabulary. Please read through all these instructions before you start.
Listen to this song first. See if you can pick out the names of the planets. They are very similar to English apart from Earth which is la Terre (la tair).
In your exercise book, write the date:
mercredi vingt janvier – no capitals in French remember!
Write the LO: Can I name the planets in French?
You are going to draw a diagram of our solar system and name the planets, the sun and our moon in French. Look at the picture in the documents below – French - Planets.
Start with a large sun on the left-hand side of the page. You could just draw part of the sun to show how huge it is. Label the sun le soleil (luh solay. You don’t need to write this. It’s just how to pronounce it.)
Now draw the planets in order (MVEMJSUNP – My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets). We’ll include Pluto for the purposes of this exercise.) Add a moon next to Earth and label it la lune (la loon).
You can find the spellings of the planet names using this online dictionary:
Click on the audio button to hear the pronunciation and repeat the word a few times.
Your diagram should look something like the example below – French – Planets.
Please colour it in suitable colours.
Now use the dictionary to find the French words for:
Close to
Far from
and listen to how to pronounce them.
Write the English and French words under your diagram. You’ll need these soon.
Now listen to the song again, listening for the names of the planets and some of the words you’ve just looked up.
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine!
Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.
Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.
If you would like to do an extra bit of PE today click on the link below for a live lesson, it is called 'Cool Catcher' and is on at 2.00 - 2.45 today.
If you love dancing, have a look at this link for a dance routine that you can learn at home.
Well done Year 5.
Miss Gravili
Home Learning Tuesday 19th January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 11:59am
Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 19th January 2021
Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well today. I’ve seen some great work on Seesaw, thank you so much for sharing it. I know you are all working hard and trying your best so I am a very proud teacher at the moment.
We have finished our work on Cloud Tea Monkeys and we will be starting our new book Mysterious Traveller which is also by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham. In Maths, we have finished statistics and will now be learning fractions.
Remember to look on CBBC for any programmes that interest you or BBC Bitesize if you want to do any extra learning. Our website has got lots of links to some really interesting webpages. If you go to - Parents then Home Learning Resources.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.
We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Find a non-fiction (fact) book to read. Write down eight facts you have learnt whilst reading. You could draw a mini picture to go with your facts. Please do this in your exercise book with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus your handwriting at the same time.
infancy pregnancy extravagancy significancy absorbancy
truancy expectancy redundancy vibrancy buoyancy
reluctancy elegancy flamboyancy occupancy accountancy
Our new short novel is Mysterious Traveller by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham. This book is set in another faraway place based on an African country called Mali. Look at the map of the continent of Africa (documents below). Africa contains 54 countries; Mali is in the North West.
Read the Blurb and the Authors’ Note at the back (documents below).
You will be reading the opening few pages of Mysterious Traveller. The book begins at an exciting moment of the story (even though it is also acting as an introduction). What do we call this feature built in exciting or scary stories? Tension.
Tension is built through the language used but also through setting up mysteries and making the reader ask questions about characters or events.
Read the opening section of Mysterious Traveller (documents below).
Write down all the questions you can think of that the passage raises (approx. 10).
List the words that the authors’ use to make this passage an exciting opening and to make you want to read on (desperately fast, hunted, chased, etc.). The heading for your list is:
Words That Build Excitement and Tension:
Extension (optional): Are there any phrases or sentences from the text that you could write in your exercise book that show examples of strong descriptive words/phrases?
The date and title are:
Tuesday 19th January 2021
Can I identify how texts build tension and ask questions about my reading?
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
For your mental starter play Who Wants to Be a Hundredaire?
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – What is a fraction?
These lessons start by recapping prior learning then move onto Year 5 objectives. The work will get more challenging as we progress.
Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Do I understand what a fraction is?
Problem Solving Extension (optional):
Coins on the Table
Anna put some 10p coins on the table. One half of them were tails up. Anna turned over two of the coins, and then one third of them were tails up. How many coins did Anna put on the table?
Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.
Understand simple fractions.
Explain methods and reasoning.
Games Skills - Battleships.
Watch the clips below and follow the instructions on the cards.
Gymnastic Skills – Jumping Dice.
Use the link below to log into code.org.
Please work through the lessons in order.
Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.
Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.
Well done Year 5.
Miss Gravili
Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021
Date: 13th Jan 2021 @ 11:36am
Year 5 Home Learning Monday 18th January 2021
Good morning Year 5, I hope you had a good weekend and a chance to do some of the things you enjoy most. Having a good rest and spending time on your hobbies helps you to be ready for learning new things again. We have got some fun learning ahead of us this week, so remember to work as though you were in school and hopefully, I will be able to see some of your work on Seesaw now.
A big well done to those of you who have managed to post some work on Seesaw already. I really enjoyed looking at your fantastic work. You have been trying so hard at home and I can see you are proud of the work you have done. Thank you to everyone who is helping you with your learning. The most important thing is to do your best and stay positive.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.
We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Draw a picture of your favourite character from your reading book. Write a short description of who they are and what you have learnt about them. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ancy. Please learn these spellings for Friday (22.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Write them out each day to help you learn them.
infancy pregnancy extravagancy significancy absorbancy
truancy expectancy redundancy vibrancy buoyancy
reluctancy elegancy flamboyancy occupancy accountancy
Today you will be writing your description of the magical place that the monkeys found the Cloud Tea.
Use your plan and illustration from the work you did on Friday (15.01.21) to help you write descriptively. Focus on using expanded noun phrases and great vocabulary choices.
Write this on the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book (it will need trimming down) or write straight into your book.
The date and title are:
Monday 18th January 2021
Can I write a setting description using expanded noun phrases?
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
For your mental starter play Carroll Diagrams Odd and Even – Level 3 and 4.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Timetables.
Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Can I read and interpret timetables?
This week we are going to have a look at the author and illustrator Rob Biddulph. You may have seen some of his books/drawing books before.
Please watch the clip below and have a go at drawing your own dog – called Ringo.
Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.
Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Timetables and Line Graphs.
Spelling Challenge: The suffix -ance. This is slightly different from our test spellings…the suffix – ancy, but still worth working on.
Well done Year 5.
Miss Gravili