Our blogs
Reception 11th January Home Learning
Date: 10th Jan 2021 @ 1:45pm
Monday 11th January 2021
We hope you all had a lovely weekend; it is lovely to see so many of you enjoying your home learning :)
Phonics –
Our new sound today is th, have a watch of Scraps Video below the attachments, you can pause it along the way if you need to.
Can I match the pictures to the correct sounds? (ch, sh & th – see the attached sheet)
Can I write a word for each sound using my whiteboard?
Phonics Play will help you to keep recapping all previous sounds the children have learnt since September. Follow - Resources, Phase 2, Speed Flash Trials https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ The log in is Username: jan21 Password: home You can also use this website to play any of the phase 2 phonic games 😊
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Dd.
The Humpty Words of the week are go, into, you, he – Look at them, Say them, Write them.
Can I find the words in my story books?
(using paper or your whiteboards from you pack)
Literacy – Our story this week is Handas Surprise – Have a watch of the story here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJdPlMebjAw
Have a look at the attachment below with today’s literacy tasks on 😊
Reading – Try to read 10 minutes each day 😊
For extra reading you can access Oxford Owl (optional)
Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234
Library – Age 4-7 – change the level to book band 1 and have a go at any of the e-books available to you
Maths - Can I count forwards to 20?
Can I count backwards from 20? (click writing)
Can I order my numbers to 20? Can I match the amounts to numbers? (use the numbers and amounts in your pack)
This week we are learning about money – starting with the coin 1p. We can use lots of 1ps to help us make different amounts.
Can I have a go at the attachment for maths? (see below)
Can I look for 1p coins in my house? Can I use them to make my own amounts?
Topic Time
RE – Our Topic for RE is Celebrations
EXPLORE: Discover what a celebration is. How do people celebrate?
Can I have a go at the activities on the attached sheet?
KUW (Knowledge and Understanding of the world) – We are in the season of winter.
Can I go on a winter walk with my grown up?
Can I spot some signs of winter? (There is a tick sheet attached if needed)
Can I talk about the differences between Autumn & Winter?
Have a super week home learning :)
HOME LEARNING Monday 11th January 2021
Date: 10th Jan 2021 @ 11:03am
Year 4
Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you had a good weekend and managed to do something fun and exciting with your family. Although it was chilly, I wrapped up warm and went for a lovely walk – this helped me to relax and exercise, as well as spend time with Basil and my family.
Please complete today’s work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary, and of course, your presentation. Remember to try and do the work on the day it is set as it usually follows on from the previous day. It is important that you continue to work hard recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things.
If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Can you find 5 new or interesting words from your reading book? Write down the words and their meanings in your Home Learning Book along with today’s date (Monday 11th January 2021). Use each word to write your own sentence.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
This week’s spellings all end with ‘ture’ or ‘sure’. They will be tested on Thursday 14th January 2021. They are:
future nature creature feature
mixture picture adventure treasure
pleasure enclosure measure leisure
Practise the spellings by splitting them up into chunks in different colours. Write the date in your Home Learning Book (Monday 11th January 2021) and have a go.
Eg future nature pleasure measure
Download the ‘Mission Impossible’ booklet attached to the blog.
Soon you will be planning and writing your own spy story. In preparation for this, you need to create some names for your characters.
Scroll to pg 17 – Character Names
Read page 17.
Write the long date in your Home Learning Book Monday 11th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I explain what I notice about character names?
Write a paragraph to FULLY explain:
- Whether you think the names of the people in the Mission Possible story suggest something about them, and if so, what it suggests about them
- Whether you like their names and WHY you either do or do not like their names
- What you notice about their names (eg rhyming, alliteration, suggests that they are a spy, thief etc)
Scroll to pg 18 – What are your favourite names of characters in stories that you have read? Look at the 3 clouds.
Think about your favourite names of characters, write them under the paragraph you have just written. Make sure you write the name of the book or film they were in too. Make sure you choose 3 different names and remember your capital letters.
Read the rest of pg 18 very carefully – it gives suggestions for inventing your own character names. Use these ideas to invent your own names for good characters and bad characters.
Write the long date Monday 11th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I make suggestions for character names?
Use the top half of the page to play around with ideas (for example list some names and put different first names and surnames together or think about a job and invent a surname to fit your character – this is all explained on page 18). Then, at the bottom half of the page, make a table and write in your favourite ideas for names. An example is given below.
Names for main characters – goodies |
Names for main characters - baddies |
Willy Wonka Bilbo Baggins Dennis Sims Honey Lovely |
Cruella de Vil Sapphire Diamond Tina Trotts Timothy Snodgrass |
Times tables
Practise your 3, 6 and 9 times tables on Sumdog.
Use the link below to go to ‘Hit the button’. Choose a times table or division fact you know you find tricky. Play ‘Hit the answer’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log. Play ‘Hit the question’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log.
By the end of Year 4 you should know all your tables and division facts, therefore please keep practising!
Use the link below – play Hit the button, Number bonds, Make 100 (tens) and Make 100
Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Add lengths’ attached to the blog. You may print this off if you have a printer.
EITHER click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths
and watch the lesson, Add lengths,
OR click on the link below for the video.
Write the short date 11.01.21
Write the learning objective Can I add lengths accurately?
Complete the worksheet as instructed (if you have printed it off) and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.
Check your answers from Friday, they are in the document ‘Answers equivalent lengths m and km’ which is attached to the blog. Make sure you look carefully at any questions you got wrong.
On Monday, we started revising types of lines (parallel and perpendicular) and angles. To consolidate this, I have set a challenge on Sumdog. Please log on and have a go. We will return to this topic when we are all back in school so being confident with this now will be beneficial.
Reminder - right angles - 90°
- acute angles less than 90°
- obtuse angles more than 90° but less than 180°
Our current topic is Romans. Last week, we completed a History Timeline in our books and talked about dates. A timeline gives information about when different events happened and how they relate to each other.
BC means Before Christ – you may see it written as BCE - Before Common Era.
AD means Anno Domini – you may see it written as CE - Common Era.
Today I would like you to complete a Roman Timeline. Print the document ‘Roman Timeline’ attached to the blog. Cut the pictures out and order them. Start by placing the ‘0BC / AD Jesus is born’ in the middle of your table and then put all the AD dates to the right and the BC dates to the left. Next, try and put them in the correct order. This diagram will help.
Once you are happy with the order, write the long date Monday 11th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I arrange key events in Roman History on a timeline?
Stick the pictures in the correct order in your book (you may want to turn the book on its side or have 2 rows of dates).
If you cannot print the sheet, draw and write the timeline into your books instead.
Follow the link below and click on the first lesson – How the Romans conquered Britain. Read the information, click on the images to reveal further information, and watch the clips.
Write the long date Monday 11th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I explain how the Romans conquered Britain?
Write some paragraphs to explain:
- When the Romans tried to invade Britain and who lead the attempts (there were 2 unsuccessful attempts before the third one in AD43!)
- Why the Romans wanted to invade Britain (you may think of some reasons which were not suggested in the video)
- How the Celts fought back
- What happened when Boudicca faced the Roman army?
Please focus on accurate historical facts, capital letters, handwriting and spellings (please copy spellings correctly).
Use the link below to log into code.org. Carry on from where you left off.
Sumdog challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
- A maths ‘types of lines and angles’ challenge
- A spelling challenge (for the words which will be tested on Thursday)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely evening and stay safe.
Year 1 Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 3:08pm
Good morning everyone. We hope you all had a safe weekend. All the home learning you have uploaded onto Seesaw is fantastic! We are really impressed with everything you are doing! Don't forget if you need to borrow an iPad please contact the school office. You can also collect exercise books from the foyer too.
We will also be making some quick checking in phone calls this week just to see how everything is going at home.
Today we will be learning Phonics, English, Maths, Science and R.E.
Today we are going to look at our o_e sound and our oa sound. Have a look at Geraldine learning these sounds by clicking the links below!
Can you think of any other words with these sounds? Write them in your book and use one or two to write a super sounds sentence.
Geraldine learns the split o_e sound Geraldine learns the middle oa sound
We have also created a new spelling challenge on Sumdog for this week. These words all contain a long o sound. (The end ow, the middle oa, the split o_e and the letter o) Answer as many as you can. Remember practise makes perfect!
We are continuing with our story of Sidney the Spider this week. Read or listen to the story again and think about Sidney's shed. Draw your own shed and include lots of places where Sidney and the other spiders could hide. Complete the sentences. Remember your Think Pinks!
Add a photo of your writing to Seesaw for us to give some feedback and support.
This week we will be looking at Subtraction strategies. Follow the link on Subtraction, Taking away, crossing out. Work through this video lesson. We've covered this strategy before so remember to draw your dots to help you. Complete the worksheet below, making sure all your numbers are written correctly. We have been very impressed at all the maths learning we've seen on Sumdog and Seesaw. Keep it up!
We have set a subtraction challenge on Sumdog this week. Remember that these challenges are there to promote fluency and consolidation of learning. Once completed, the maths training area will provide more challenge and cover areas for development, where your child isn't as accurate or fluent.
Today we are looking again at everyday materials. We really enjoyed finding lots of different materials around our classroom on Friday and we loved seeing all your learning at home. Super sorting! For our learning today we will be looking at our items and sort them into their materials. Complete the activities set below. Explain what you know about your items. How do you know its made from wood? Are there any items made from more that one material?
Add a photo of your learning to Seesaw for us to give some feedback.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
We are looking at the story of when Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the Temple. Read the story, talk about and answer the questions.
Well done on completing your home learning today.
Continue to read for 10 minutes everyday. Visit our eLibrary at Oxford Owl in the home learning button on the class page and if you would like some more reading books, contact the school office.
We look forward to seeing all your amazing learning on Seesaw!
Year 6 Home Learning - Monday 11th January 2021
Date: 8th Jan 2021 @ 12:36pm
Good morning Year 6. I hope you had a relaxing weekend with your family full of fun! If you have used the timetable given to you on Friday, you should be set up with a plan of when you can complete each day’s activities.
Aim to complete everything I set so that when we get back, we can use all of this knowledge to continue on with our learning.
For those who have not yet done so, your YELLOW HOME LEARNING BOOK is by the office along with a copy of our new novel, ‘Tom’s Midnight Garden’. All work can be stuck and written in your YELLOW BOOK.
Here are today’s Home Learning tasks:
Read for 20 minutes. School reading books are preferred and you can change them any time, just give the school a call of when you will be coming in and I can get your box ready for you at the office.
You may also read your own books from home or you can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. The username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
Reading activity for today:
- Re-read a chapter, Pick out three words that you feel are powerful words and that you could use in your own writing in the future.
English (split into three parts: Handwriting, Spellings and Writing)
Every day this week we are going to focus on our number 1 class target, Handwriting, which must be joined. Each day, I will give you a poem to copy in your neatest handwriting. This week focus on staying on the line.
Three Little Ghostesses
Three little ghostesses
Sitting on postesses
Greasing their fistesses
Up to their wristesses
Oh, what beastesses
To make such feastesses
There is a spelling file attached at the bottom of this blog which covers the spellings for this week – cial / -tial.
- All the spellings are on Sumdog (deadline is Friday for this as you can have your own spelling quiz at home).
Writing task
I realised that I had not attached the answers for Friday's reading task so at the bottom of this blog is an attachment called 'Answers for Friday's Tom's Midnight Gardeb reading task'.
Can I write a report to Peter explaining what has happened last night?
- Today is chapter 4 (pages 25 – 35)
- Stop reading at page 33 (even though the chapter isn’t finished yet, read the part where it says, ‘He also wrote to Peter – the first of an important series of reports.’
- The main task today is to write that report to Peter, as Tom. To help, follow the ‘Report to Peter Success Criteria and WAGOLL’ sheet attached at the bottom of this blog.
Maths – Fractions Week
- Warm up your Brain: Hit the Button. Today, focus on Number Bonds: Make 100 and practise with ‘Hit the Answer’.
- Sumdog – two challenges (both with 200 question target for this week). It begins on Monday and finishes this Sunday:
- 9 times tables to help you become more fluent
- Equivalent and Simplifying Fractions
- Main lesson: The objective for today is a recap of equivalent fractions:
Can I find equivalent fractions using my multiplication and division knowledge?
Remember that equivalent means the ‘same value’ or ‘amount’ so even though ½ looks different to 2/4, it is the exact same amount. We can prove this using a fraction wall like the one attached at the end of the blog named, 'Fraction Wall'.
Look at the line in middle of the two halves and follow it down; you should see that 2 quarters, 3 sixths, 4 eighths, 5 tenths and 6 twelfths is the same amount.
TOP TIP – Remember what I always say, “Always use a bar model for fractions”, followed by “Bars are amazing!”
Watch the video here, Equivalent Fractions, to help you understand how to solve the question sheet, which is attached at the bottom of this blog (hopefully this lesson is straight forward ready for tomorrow’s learning)
- Maths challenge – ‘Maths challenge - equivalent fractions’. This should stretch your thinking as you will have to explain your understanding. Do not worry if you get stuck: look at the answer sheet, work out how they got to the answer, then carry on with the questions.
I always mention how Reading is the most important thing you can do … well, I have one more REALLY important thing that you should do every day – and that is to MOVE! We always run a daily mile which makes us feel healthy, alert and happy. It is for these reasons I am suggesting that you get yourself moving every day, whether that is running (be careful as it is slippy outside these days), scooting, biking, walking, star jumps, hopping – whatever it is, we need to get our heart rate up.
In our Year 6 PE lessons, we always learn about two different activities, with this half term being Gymnastics and Games. Therefore, I will always provide two challenges that you can do at home, along with links and videos to see them. You can choose to do just one but it would be great to do both, either today or as many days as you can.
- Click on the link here, Balance Time To access the task of balancing and the video is here, Video for Balance Time
- Before you start, warm up your body with the following: 20 star jumps, 20 squats, 20 seconds running on the spot. Wait 30 seconds then do the same one more time.
- Now you are warm, swing your arms around in circles; left first then right. Do the same with your legs. Before any type of balancing, we need to make sure our joints are loose so we do not injure ourselves.
- Now we are ready to start. Follow the questions and dedicate some time to practising different balances safely.
- Two important points for gymnastic balances is pointed limbs and stillness
- See if you can create a sequence of three balances without wobbling.
- Click on the link here, Avoid the Defenders, to access the task of dribbling and the video is here, Video for Avoid the Defenders.
- Before you start, warm up your body with the same as the gymnastics: 20 star jumps, 20 squats, 20 seconds running on the spot. Wait 30 seconds then do the same one more time.
- Now you are warm, you can open the link and follow the steps. You can use any equipment in your house to dribble around: you can use the kitchen, your bedroom or from your kitchen to the lounge having random obstacles in the way.
- It mentions using your feet to dribble but you could use your hands (squatting down to hit each time) but if that is too tricky, use something in your house that could resemble a hockey stick (brush, toy lightsaber, large plastic or wooden spoon, etc)
- Try to keep the ball or scrunched up paper close to you and try to add speed to your movements.
HOME LEARNING Friday 8th January 2021
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 3:17pm
Year 4
Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you had a good evening last night and completed your work successfully yesterday. I can’t believe it’s Friday already! Make sure you keep positive and try and do something fun and exciting this weekend.
Please complete today’s work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary, and of course, your presentation. Try and do the work on the day it is set as it usually follows on from the previous day. It is important that you continue to work hard recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things.
If you need any reading books, please let us know and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Can you describe one of the characters – what do they look like and what sort of person are they? Explain how you know.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
This week’s spellings all had an apostrophe in. Children in school will be tested on these words today. Therefore, please ask someone at home to test you on them. Make sure you do the ‘test’ in your Home Learning book and check any that you get wrong.
The words are:
they’ll aren’t won’t we’ve
couldn’t who’s would’ve there’s
they’ve can’t shouldn’t you’ve
New spellings
Here are your new spellings which will be tested on Thursday 14th January 2021. All the words end in ‘ture’ or ‘sure’
future nature creature feature
mixture picture adventure treasure
pleasure enclosure measure leisure
Copy the new words into your book carefully. You can practise them in your book and they will be on Sumdog from 4pm today.
Download the ‘Mission Possible’ booklet attached to the blog.
Scroll to pg 12 – Characters in stories
Read the character profile of Willy Wonka. It provides information about his age, where he lives, siblings, appearance and personality.
Write the long date Friday 8th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I complete two character profiles?
Please complete a character profile for EITHER Polly (pg 13) or Pete (pg 14) (you can print the page from the booklet or draw the character and use the headings in the booklet to write your profile.)
Please complete a character profile for EITHER Dodgy Rodger (pg 15) or Raucus Reggie (pg 16) (you can print the page from the booklet or draw the character and use the headings in the booklet to write your profile.)
Focus on descriptive language, spellings and creative but sensible suggestions for your chosen characters.
Times tables
Practise your 3, 6 and 9 times tables on Sumdog.
Use the link below to goto ‘Hit the button’. Choose a times table or division fact you know you find tricky. Play ‘Hit the answer’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log. Play ‘Hit the question’ – see if you can get faster and add your results to your log.
Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Kilometres’ attached to the blog. You may print this off if you have a printer.
EITHER click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths
and watch the lesson, Kilometres,
OR click on the link below for the video
Write the short date 08.01.21
Write the learning objective Can I calculate equivalent lengths m and kilometres?
Complete the worksheet as instructed (if you have printed it off) and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.
Check your answers from yesterday, they are in the document ‘Answers equivalent lengths mm and cm’ which is attached to the blog. Make sure you look carefully at any questions you got wrong.
On Monday, we started revising types of lines (parallel and perpendicular) and angles. To consolidate this, I have set a challenge on Sumdog. Please log on and have a go. We will return to this topic when we are all back in school.
Reminder - right angles - 90°
- acute angles less than 90°
- obtuse angles more than 90° but less than 180°
Our new topic is ‘Community’.
Each one of us belongs to several different communities, e.g. our family community, the school community, the parish community or the area where we live (our neighbourhood) etc. If you are part of a team or a member of a group then they too are another community that you belong to.
During the past year we have all seen the effects of the global Coronavirus pandemic. You will have heard about lots of ways in which communities have worked together to help and support each other. You might have done something yourself like collecting food for the local foodbank or you may have written to people in hospital or a care home to show that you are thinking about them. You may have also taken part in ‘clapping for carers’ to show how much we appreciate the work that they do to help us in our communities.
Think about your own ‘class community’. What makes it function well? What are the ways in which individuals help make the class community a happy one?
Write the long date Friday 8th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I describe the communities I belong to?
To start our topic, I would like you to write the word COMMUNITY in the middle of your page and write around the outside / draw pictures to show all the communities you belong to (or would usually belong to without the pandemic). For example, you may write things like, My family, St Oswald’s Primary School, Year 4, Dance club, Gymnastics club, Cubs, Football Team etc. I’m sure you can come up with lots of other ideas. Try and include a small picture for each community too.
Focus on spellings, capital letters and presenting your work beautifully.
Underneath this work, write a few sentences to explain how people help make our class community a happy one. What do people in our class do which make it the lovely, friendly place it is?
Click on the link below and follow the instructions, pausing when told to. Have fun!
Sumdog challenges
You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:
- A maths times table challenge (based on the 3, 6 and 9 times tables)
- A maths ‘types of lines and angles’ challenge
- A spelling challenge (for the words which will be tested next week, this challenge will start at 4pm tonight)
Please make sure you log on and have a go!
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Year 3 Home Learning 8th January 2021
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 2:39pm
Good morning Year 3. I hope you are feeling happy and well. It made me feel happy to see that so many of you have been on Sumdog, I am so proud of you for continuing to work hard even at home.
Try to think of something nice to do with your family over the weekend. I am going to make a list of my favourite songs and then listen to them while I have my tea on Friday. Ms Hodson is going to go to the park to look for squirrels and robins.
Well done for all of the work you have been doing so far.
If you are finding any of it tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Use things in your house to help with Maths like coins, counters, toys.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
Don’t forget to collect an exercise book to do your work in – we will be looking at them when we are all back in school. I already can’t wait to see!
Remember to contact the school office and then collect or change reading books whenever you need to.
Try to have a look at some newspapers at home if you can.
Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)
- By Thursday lunch time, 29 of you had started the Sumdog challenge – amazing, well done!!!!!!
- Outside looked beautiful with the frosty ground.
- I enjoyed speed walking around the track at playtime to warm myself up.
- I sang in the car on my way to school – I LOVE singing in the car.
Friday 8th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.
Tell somebody what you think is going to happen next.
Here are your spellings for this week:
television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual
Write the long date: Friday 8th January 2021
Write the title: Both hand spellings
Split your page in half. On one half, write your spellings with the hand you normally write with. On the other half, write your spellings with your other hand.
Take care to spell the words correctly.
We are going to have a spelling test in school on Monday which I am also going to ask you to do at home. So it might be a good idea to practise your spellings over the weekend.
Writing activity 1:
Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p158 - 160.
Mr Stern’s news report is written on pages 159 and 160.
You are going to write more of your news report today.
Usually news reports have quotes in them. A quote is something that somebody has said.
Quotes include inverted commas (speech marks) and who said it.
Here are some examples of quotes that might be in the news report about Mrs Crumb.
- Mrs Crumb was telling us about her policy and said, “I believe that all homeless people should be off the streets.”
- Mr Stink said, “my new home is nice but the service is painfully slow.”
- Mrs Crumb had this to say about Mr Stink. “He deserves a home and I am happy to feed him as many sausages as he needs.”
- “It was all my idea.” Said Mrs Crumb.
- The tramp, known locally as Mr Stink, had this to say. “Please could I trouble you for another sausage?”
Date: Friday 8thJanuary 2021
Title: Can I use inverted commas to write quotes?
Focus: capital letters, full stops, inverted commas (speech marks)
Please use bullet points and write down at least 3 quotes you could include in your news report.
You can copy the ones below and fill in the gaps with what the person said, or you can make up your own.
- Mrs Crumb was telling us about her policy and said, “………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..”
- Mr Stink said, “……………………………………………………………………………………….
- Mrs Crumb had this to say about Mr Stink. “………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………”
Writing activity 2 (for those of you who want to write more):
Write the long date: Friday 8th January 2021
Write the title: Speed write
Focus: beautiful handwriting, capital letters and full stops.
Set a timer for 10 minutes, write as much as you can about anything you like.
Times tables
Call out your times tables while you are running on the spot.
Write out your times tables, in order first and then mixed up.
If you cannot remember which times table you are on, you can practise the 4s.
We are going to have a times tables test in school on Monday which I am also going to ask you to do at home. So it might be a good idea to practise your times tables over the weekend.
Count out loud in 4s up to 48 and then backwards to 0.
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January
Today in Maths you are going to do some dividing by sharing and making equal groups.
Some of the questions include cubes. For these questions you can use anything in your house e.g. coins, buttons, toys. Or you can draw squares.
Watch this video and pause where you need to:
Please complete the sheet attached to this blog called ‘Make equal groups – sharing.’ Then you can use the answer sheet to check your answers.
Extra challenge
If you want some extra division practice, you can complete the sheet called ‘Extra division.’
You can either complete the questions by drawing circles and sharing or by using your times tables.
To use your times tables, count in steps of the number you are dividing by and see how many there are.
12 ÷ 4.
Count in 4s.
4, 8, 12.
There are three 4s, so 12 ÷ 4 = 3.
Please follow the link and complete lesson 1.
Remember when you found out about sloths? I found it so interesting to read everything you found.
So today I would like you to find out about jaguars and make a PowerPoint or a Word document with what you find out. As we were studying rainforests in Geography, I would like you to include some information about this, such as where the jaguars live – you could even include a map.
Here are some useful websites:
See if you can remember how to:
Insert title
Insert text
Change the colour and style of your font
Copy and paste a picture from the internet
If you do not have a computer or laptop, you could find out about the jaguar and then make a poster instead.
Year 6 Home Learning - Friday 8th January 2021
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 2:29pm
Friday 8th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. It is the end of a crazy week but I hope you have all got yourselves into some kind of a routine – do not worry if you haven’t yet but come next week, try to map out what you will do and when (and also give yourself little wins/treats along the way - as an example, if you complete the Maths tasks for the day, play a game of your choice for 15 - 30 minutes, then your mind will be ready for the next activity). I have included a timetable that you can use with an example attached to it to have a look at, which is at the bottom of this blog.
For those who have not yet collected theirs, there is a YELLOW HOME LEARNING BOOK to collect from the office along with a copy of our new novel, Tom’s Midnight Garden. All work can be completed inside it (including Writing, Maths, History, Art, etc).
Well done to 23 of you who have started the new Sumdog challenges – this week’s deadline is Sunday so try to complete both by then.
Here are today’s Home Learning tasks:
Read for 20 minutes. You may read your own books from home or from you can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
School reading books can still be used (and preferred over your home books). Simply notify the school of when you will be coming and I can arrange a box to be in the school office for when you arrive.
Do not forget to continue using your Reading Journals for any thoughts, opinions, predictions and new vocabulary you find. I will give your reading activities each day starting from next week.
My apologies for leaving out the objective for yesterday’s English lesson – it was, ‘Can I write internal thoughts as Tom about the grandfather clock?’
Today’s objective is:
Can I use the skill of retrieval to answer reading questions?
Read chapter 2 (page 17 - 20)
- Look up these great words: yielded, indignation, instinctively – before you read the chapter. It will give you a better understanding of the story.
- This lesson will help to practice the retrieval skill.
- Print or copy the questions from the attached file, 'Reading questions for pages 17-20'.
- Read the whole passage from pages 17 – 20 before you answer them.
- Top tip - if the questions is, ‘Why was the moonbeam useless?’, pick out a word or two from the question that stands out (like moonbeam) and scan for that word between 17 and 20. Then read the sentence before that word, read the sentence with that word and read the sentence after that word to fully understand the answer to the question.
- Then you can write the answer (either on the sheet or in your YELLOW BOOK)
- There are also questions about vocabulary so use a dictionary any time you come across something you do not understand.
- All the questions are in order so as an example, questions 1-4 are mostly on page 17, then the rest will be on pages 18-20.
Once this activity is completed, enjoy reading the rest of the chapter, to the end of page 24.
I have set two challenges to complete by Sunday: both have a target of 100 correct answers.
- Week 1 – x7 tables
- Week 1 – Rounding and Place Value
Maths – Place Value Week
Can I multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000?
Hit the Button is our warm up for today. I would like you to focus on times tables: choose your times tables target but this time practise with ‘Hit the Question’.
Today has videos from White Rose Maths for both multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. This is an area we have looked at many times but we all need to be secure in this for later learning.
To access the videos below, simply click on the link or type it into to a search engine to find them. If you head to St Oswald’s website and click on ‘classes’ – ‘Year 6’ – ‘Home Learning’ – ‘White Rose Daily Maths’, you will find the following resources that we will also be using:
- ‘Year 6 – Spring Block 1: Decimals’. I have attached the video links to these documents and the worksheets at the bottom of this blog.
History answers
The answers to the investigation of yesterday’s History are as follows:
1. They had a system of writing a bit like the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, and even made what look like books.
2. They knew about the stars (had an observatory) and even had their own calendar.
3. They built great cities.
4. They discovered how to use chocolate.
5. A system of numbers enabled them to count. They even had a way of expressing zero.
6. Great craftsmen, sculptors
7. They played ball games.
8. They worshipped gods.
If you have others that are not written here, great work; historians came up with lots of predictions of what might have happened back then.
For our Art lesson this week, we are going to learn about Mayan clothing. Watch this video Maya clothing, which shows both what a woman and a man would have worn in those days. The task is to sketch a Mayan person is the style of their ancient art. To see how to do this, follow the YouTube clip Let's draw an Ancient Mayan to help you sketch a Mayan. If you have colours, you can use them but do not worry if not.
Happy sketching!
(We will be organising Seesaw soon so you will be able to show me all of your work so keep this artwork safe until then).
Year 2 Home Learning - 8th January 2021
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 11:48am
Happy Friday Everyone!
Well done for all your fantastic learning this week. We know it has been a bit different to normal times – but keep going you are doing great. We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.
Sumdog – Well done to the 10 children who have had a go at the new Sumdog challenges this week. We would love to see everyone have a go at the challenges set for next week. Sumdog can be a great way to consolidate learning and practise your spellings.
It is essential that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Corner stones have released some free reading resources
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading
Today we are going to focus on selecting the correct amount. I have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough. Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.
Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.
1. Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).
2. Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.
3. Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.
Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Money
Spellings – tion/ssion
English focus – Using capital letter and full stops for every sentence. Using lead-ins to every letter.
Over the next few days we will be writing about inspiring stories. Please see attached document for the lesson today.
Phonics and Spelling
Task – Have a go at completing the cross word to find all the ‘tion’ words.
See attached document for worksheet.
This term we are focuisng on coding in Computing. On the additional documents you will find your child’s individual code for the programme we use. The website is called Code.org. It should work on your tablets. If you do not have one, school will be happy to loan one out to you whilst you are off. Once your child has their unique login they will be able to access the programme on code.org by following the instructions on the document.
- Each child will have the same 6 letter section code – FMSQGM, they will then search for their name, choose their secret picture and then press the sign in button.
Today please complete the following lesson:
- Course B (2020)
- Watch the video for lesson 1 and 2.
- Complete Lesson 3 – Sequencing with Angry Birds.
Please only complete the lessons stated above.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
Year 2 team
Year 1 Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 9:27am
Good Morning Everyone. We hope you are enjoying your time at home and having a really good go with all your learning.
Yesterday we really enjoyed the coding with Scrat, not many of us finished the challenge but we all tried our best. If you are having any technical issues don't hesitate to contact school and we will do our best to resolve any issues. We also have a number of iPads available for loan over the lockdown period. Contact the school office for details.
Today we will be learning, Phonics, English, Maths, Science and DT.
On Fridays, we always play a game of sound spotter where we try and find the sounds in a story. We have attached a part of a story below. Print out the sheet and colour in all the ay, ai, a_e, a sounds that you can find. If you can't print out the sheet, read it on the screen and write down all the words you can find.
Well done to the ten children who started their spelling challenge on Sumdog. Three of you have completed it. A huge Well Done to you!
Today we are writing a letter as Sidney, Thanking the other Spiders for helping him. On the sheet below or on a page, can you write a letter using your own ideas. What will Sidney say to the other Spiders? Remember to use your Think Pinks.
Today we are learning to use our number bonds to help us add. Watch the Find and make number bonds video here ans complete the worksheet attached below. When you have finished, go onto Sumdog and answer as many questions as you can.
Remember, you can count on to add numbers together or you can use what you know to help you.
Well done to everyone who has started our addition challenge on Sumdog. Nine of you have completed the challenge and 13 of you have started. Keep up your fantastic maths learning!
Today we are starting out topic on Everyday Materials. We will be using the resources from the Association of Science Education. Have a look at the Everyday Materials PowerPoint in the files below. Sort the materials and talk about what you have done. If you'd like, record what you have done in your book.
Having read Sidney the Spider this week. We are going to create a moving spider model using paper and card. Watch the video explaining how to make your spider here. Use your model to retell the story. Can you make the other characters in the story too?
Well done for completing your home learning today.
Over the weekend you will receive an email inviting you to link to your child's seesaw journal on the Seesaw Family app. This journal has been newly created for home learning. Through this app, you will be able to upload work completed at home, for us to see and give feedback. You will only see your child's work and all feedback will be private to that account. If you have any questions please contact the school office.
Have a lovely weekend, from everyone in Year 1.
Reception 8th January Home Learning
Date: 7th Jan 2021 @ 9:12am
Friday 8th January 2021
We hope you are enjoying the home learning, it is amazing to see some of your work on seesaw, well done Reception :)
Phonics – Lets recap all of our sounds on Phonics Play – Log in, Resources, Flashcard speed trails – Phase 2 - How long did it take you? Did you remember all of are sounds?
The log in is Username: jan21
Password: home
You can also use this log in to play any of the phase 2 phonic games, the children will be familiar with the pirate game, obb & bob, pick a picture and make a match 😊
Can I remember my new diagraph sounds? ch & sh - Can you show your grown up how to write these sounds? - Please feel free to revisit the videos from the past 2 days to recap :)
Can I write the sh & ch words on the sheet attached below?
Handwriting - Have a go at the next page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Cc.
The Humpty Words of the week are the, to, no, I – We are going to have a little check on the spellings on these humpty words in school today, see how many you can do without looking 😊 (using paper or your whiteboards from you pack)
Literacy – Can I use my phonics sounds to help me write the words I can see?
Have a look at the picture in the attachment and have a go at writing the words by sounding them out independently - use your sound mat to help you get the formation of the letters correct. (literacy task)
Remember to try and read for 10 minutes each day.
When you need new reading books please let the school office know and we will get that sorted for you :)
Maths - Can I count forwards out loud to 50?
Can I use my number cards to order my numbers to 20? (these should be in your learning packs on card, they need cutting up)
Can I have a go at the maths activity sheets? (see attachment - there are two differnet ones to have a go at)
Can I have a watch of the shape songs that we use in school?
Topic Time
Music – Click on this link for session one, for the unit 'This is me'😊
PE – Can I practise hopping, running, skipping and jumping (two feet to two feet)? Maybe you could make a mini circuit of exercises?
Have a go at some of these activities too;
Cosmic Yoga Kids - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40SZl84Lr7A
Super Movers - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/pshe-super-mood-movers-fit-and-well/zqr67yc
Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend :)
Year 2 Home Learning - 7th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 3:14pm
Good morning everyone!
Well done to everyone who managed to complete yesterday’s work. We will explain the structure on here each day but please refer to the additional uploaded documents for each specific lesson guidance and resources.
It is essential that children continue to read every single day. This should be for a minimum of 20 minutes.
Oxford Owl – This resource has an exciting range of carefully levelled books to help children learn to read, and love to read.
If parents and children decide to use this resource, we ask they access phase 5 books. Go to https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/ and select ‘my class login’. Scroll down to the red box ‘eBook Library for Letters & Sounds’
Username: sto2
Password: 1234
Corner stones have released some free reading resources
Resources for questioning your child while they are reading
Today we are going to focus on counting money in pounds. I have uploaded an additional document named 'CHALLENGE'. This is only intended as extension work to challenge and push your learning. You are not required to complete this sheet. The WhiteRose sheet is more than enough. Make sure you watch the video carefully and pause to answer questions on the worksheet.
Please follow the link and complete the worksheet attached to the class blog.
1. Watch the video (either on your own or with your child).
2. Find a calm space where your child can work for about 20-30 minutes.
3. Use the video guidance to support your child as they work through a lesson.
Complete on the sheet (if you have a printer) or write your answers in your home learning book.
Sumdog can be played from home, as well as in the classroom. To log in from home, students use the same details as they do in class.
Log in at www.sumdog.com
Additionally, students can access Sumdog via the app, which are free to download and play. In both cases, they'll need an internet connection.
Sumdog challenges
Multiplication – x2, x3, x5 and x10 tables
Maths – Money
Spellings – tion/ssion
English focus – Using capital letter and full stops for every sentence. Using lead-ins to every letter.
Today we will be looking at The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright. Please see the attached document for today’s lesson and YouTube links.
Phonics and Spelling
Can you complete the word search finding the ‘tion’ words?
Please see attached documents.
The new topic in RE this term is Books.
Explore, discuss and investigate the many books which we use at home and at school and how and where each one might be used. Share together favourite books, why they are favourites and notice how people choose the same and different types of books.
- What types of books are there at home and at school?
- What uses do books have? (e.g. a timetable, telephone directory, text books, photo albums etc.)
- How do these books differ?
- What books do you like and why?
- What would a world without books be like?
Can you draw and colour your favourite book? Can you write 5 sentences about why it is your favourite? You might want to include: your favourite characters, your favourite part of the story and why you like to read it.
Keep smiling! J
Year 2 team
HOME LEARNING Thursday 7th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 2:19pm
Year 4
Home Learning Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you are all safe and well and completed your work successfully yesterday. Remember to stay positive and try and do other things that you enjoy and may not always get time to do, for example baking, playing board games or drawing.
Please complete today’s work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary, and of course, your presentation. Try and discipline yourself to get up each morning and do your work to the best of your ability. It is important that you continue to work hard recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things.
If you need any reading books, please ask your parents to email or ring Mrs Rothwell and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Can you predict what will happen next? Use evidence from the story to make your prediction.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
This week’s spellings all have an apostrophe in – they are all contractions.
Please make sure you practise your spellings on Sumdog and in your exercise books. These spellings will be tested in school on Friday 8th January, so please aim to learn them for Friday.
they’ll aren’t won’t we’ve
couldn’t who’s would’ve there’s
they’ve can’t shouldn’t you’ve
Can you write the words out in full eg they’ll = they will
Download the ‘Mission Possible’ booklet attached to the blog.
Re-read the text on pages 3, 4, 5 and 6 to remind yourself of the story.
Scroll to pg 10 – What happened next?
Write the long date Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I sequence a story?
If you can, print the page out then cut out the 5 boxes at the bottom – arrange them at the correct places on the story mountain at the top and stick this into your book
Write the information in the 5 boxes at the bottom in the correct (chronological) order in your book.
Scroll to pg 11 – Wonderful words
Write the long date Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I find definitions for words?
Copy out the words into your book and write the correct definition next to it (make sure you copy the words correctly and write in your best handwriting, taking care with joins and presentation)
Are there any other words you are unsure of? If so, copy them carefully into your book, find the definition of them (use a dictionary or online dictionary) and copy this into your book too.
Scroll to pg 12 – Characters in stories
Write the long date Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I draw and label my favourite story character?
Who is your favourite story character? What makes them your favourite character? Draw a picture of your favourite story character and label them with information about their appearance (what they look like) and personality (what they are like).
Remember – all your work should be completed in your best handwriting and to the best of your ability. Please use a ruler to underline and label your character carefully. Also, focus on capital letters, spellings, punctuation, vocabulary and presentation.
Times tables
Either carry on with your log from yesterday, or make a new ‘Hit the answer’ log in your exercise book like the one below
Hit the answer
Date |
Times table / division fact |
Number correct in 1 minute |
07.01.21 |
X8 |
5 |
8 |
10 |
Practise your times table target or a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using:
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
Please open the maths worksheet called ‘Equivalent lengths mm and cm’ attached to the blog. You may print this off if you have a printer.
EITHER click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths
and watch the next lesson, Equivalent lengths mm and cm,
OR click on the link below for the video
Write the short date 07.01.21
Write the learning objective Can I calculate equivalent lengths mm and cm?
Complete the worksheet as instructed (if you have printed it off) and stick it in your book or write the answers directly into your Home Learning Book.
Check your answers from yesterday, they are in the document ‘Answers equivalent lengths m and cm’ which is attached to the blog. Make sure you look carefully at any questions you got wrong.
In science, we will be learning about States of Matter using this resource:
Scroll until you see Year 4 Resources -States of Matter and click on Lesson 1 - Solids, Liquids and Gases.
You'll need some household objects to use in the practical parts of the lesson but the suggestions are all on the slides. Enjoy.
Write the long date Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the learning objective Can I classify a range of objects and materials as solids, liquids or gases?
Please record your written work underneath the date and learning objective (you may print out slide 7 if you wish)
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely evening and stay safe.
Year 3 Home Learning 7th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 1:27pm
Good morning Year 3. Ms Hodson and I are missing you all so much and we really hope that you are happy and well. Please think of all the wonderful things in our lives – talk to your parents about things that make you smile. The weather has been lovely – take a look outside and look at the beautiful world we live in.
Well done to all of you who had a go at the work yesterday. If you are finding any of it tricky you can:
- Draw things to help you in Maths like base 10.
- Write out the times tables you need for an activity before starting it.
- Use books and the internet for ideas.
- Discuss your work with people at home when they are not busy.
- Contact the school for support.
Please collect an exercise book from the school office to complete your work in, you will be able to bring these into school when we are all back together.
You can also collect reading books from the school office whenever you need to. Please let the office know beforehand so we can get them ready for you.
As we are looking at news reports at the moment, it might be a good idea to look at some newspapers if you have any at home.
Things that made me smile yesterday (you could write your own list too)
- By Wednesday lunch time, 23 of you had started the Sumdog challenge – amazing, well done!!!!!!
- You are all superstars
- The sun was shining
- I enjoyed a new flavour of tuna and cous cous for my lunch mmmm!
- Children came up with some great ideas in school for their news report headlines including:
- Crumb cooks cookies for homeless
- Yey for Crumb!
- Crumb is too cool for school
- Croooome zooms to the rescue
Thursday 7th January 2021
Please read out loud to somebody for 20 minutes. Once you have collected a school book from the office, you can start to read that.
Tell somebody all about one of the characters:
What are they like? How are they involved in the story? What do you know about them?
Here are your spellings for this week:
television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual
Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the title: Spelling chunks
Split your spellings up into chunks that you can remember. Write out the chunks in different colours.
Here is an example: television
Writing activity 1:
Read the pages from Mr Stink attached to this blog, p153 - 157.
Today you are still going to imagine you are the news reporter and are preparing your news report all about Mrs Crumb and Mr Stink. You think Mrs Crumb is very kind for helping homeless people. You are going to write a little bit of the news report each day.
This video tells you a little bit about news reports:
Date: Thursday 7th January 2021
Title: Can I summarise the main points?
Focus: Handwriting, spelling, full stops and capital letters
Today you are going to write an introduction to the news report.
An introduction to a news report should tell you the main points:
- When it happened
- Where it happened
- What has happened
- Who it involved
- Why it happened
Here is an example:
On the 7th January 2021 in Longton, it was found that Mrs Crumb, mother of 2 and candidate for MP, has let a homeless man live in her shed. Mr Stink, who used to live on the bench, is now living at the Crumb’s residence with his dog Duchess. Mrs Crumb did this as she cares deeply about the homeless community.
Writing activity 2 (for those of you who want to write more):
Write the long date: Thursday 7th January 2021
Write the title: Speed write
Focus: beautiful handwriting, capital letters and full stops.
Set a timer for 10 minutes, write as much as you can about anything you like.
Times tables
Go on Hit the Button to practise the 4x tables.
Play at least three times trying to improve your score each time.
Count out loud in 10s:
From 134 – 254
From 66 – 106
From 511 - 631
Go on Sumdog and complete the following challenges:
- Multiplication and division challenge: 6th January – 10th January
I hope you managed OK with the doubling yesterday. Some children in class drew base 10 to help them double, so if they were doubling 24 they drew two 10s (lines) and two 4s (dots) and counted them up to get to 48.
For Maths today, you are going to have some more practice of the 2, 4 and 8 x tables.
Remember you can double (draw base 10 to help). You could also write out the times tables before starting and have them in front of you.
I would like you to have a go at the lesson from Whiterose Maths. There is a video that you can watch and pause when you need to, a question sheet and an answer sheet you can use after you have finished.
Here is the video: https://vimeo.com/485432791
Today in school we would normally do PE in the afternoon.
Try to get outside for a walk or jog if you can.
Attached to this blog is an activity sheet called Jumping Dice.
Here is a video which helps to explain the activity.
If you do not have a dice, you can cut up 6 pieces of paper and write the numbers 1 to 6 on them.
Year 6 Home Learning - Thursday 7th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 12:52pm
Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. I hope you are all well and taking care of yourself and your family. I also hope you managed to complete the Home Learning tasks from yesterday, especially Maths and English as they will usually be following on from the previous day.
Remember, there is the YELLOW HOME LEARNING BOOK to collect from the office along with a copy of our new novel, Tom’s Midnight Garden. All work can be completed inside it (including Writing, Maths, History, Art, etc).
Well done to the 15 who have already started the new Sumdog challenges – this week’s deadline is Sunday so try to complete both by then.
Here are today’s Home Learning tasks:
Read for 20 minutes. You may read your own books from home or you can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
School reading books can still be used (and preferred over your home books). Simply notify the school of when you will be coming and I can arrange a box to be in the school office for when you arrive.
Do not forget to continue using your Reading Journals for any thoughts, opinions, predictions and new vocabulary you find. I will give your reading activities each day starting from next week.
Read chapter 2 (page 9 - 16)
- Look up these great words: devotedly, disapproval and subdued – before you read the chapter; it will help understand the story better.
- What was the cause of Tom’s sleeplessness? (page 10)
- Which word tells you in the third paragraph on page 10 that Uncle Alan was not happy?
- Why did Uncle Alan have a disapproving look? (page 11)
Now Tom is about to investigate what the grandfather clock is doing. Your task is to draw the grandfather clock and label it with Tom’s thoughts about it - in thought bubbles.
(This task will show how deep your understanding is of the character of Tom and shows, through his thoughts, some of his characteristics).
I have set two challenges to be completed by Sunday: both have a target of 100 correct answers.
- Week 1 – x7 tables
- Week 1 – Rounding and Place Value
Maths – Place Value Week
Hit the Button is a great way to warm up the brain for maths. There are a few options to choose from so feel free to do as much as you want. For today though, I would like you to focus on times tables: choose your times tables target and practise with ‘Hit the Answer’.
Can I show my understanding of place value up to 3 decimal places?
On Monday, we managed to name the value, partition and order numbers of two decimal places. This learning is to practice the same things but with three decimal places.
To access the videos below, simply click on the link or type it into a search engine to find them. If you head to St Oswald’s website and click on ‘classes’ – ‘Year 6’ – ‘Home Learning’ – ‘White Rose Daily Maths’, you will find the following resources that we will also be using:
- ‘Year 6 – Spring Block 1: Decimals’. I have attached the video links to this document and the worksheets at the bottom of this blog.
- Three decimal places
Today would have been the day we complete the Arithmetic quiz (1-18 questions) so attached at the bottom is a picture of the sheet (so you can print it or simply write the answers – with workings out – in your YELLOW BOOK).
I have also attached the answers at the bottom of this blog (for after the quiz so no peeking!)
I have changed the timetable slightly with Science and History swapped around (Science is Tuesday and History is Thursday from now on) to coincide with what we are doing in school.
We have a new topic, finally! If you remember way back before Christmas, we investigated the history of the world and discussed famous times such as: the Black Death, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, Ancient Egyptians, Tudors, Victorians, etc. The only thing we never had time to do was place them all on a map. If we had, we would realise that one area of the world’s history is only recently known… and that is at the bottom of North America:
Our new topic is … The Mayans!
We knew very little about this society until recent excavations. You will find out most of the information yourself in this lesson. So have a think of this question – why do we study the Mayans in history at school? Do not worry about the correct answer, there are no right answers at this moment – I just want you to be historians and work out things for yourself.
- On a new page in your YELLOW BOOK, write the title The Mayans in the centre and record any ideas around it during this task.n
- Have a look at the PowerPoint presentation (attached at the bottom of the blog, named The Mayans – week 1).
- Look at slides 10-14 which are pictures of famous buildings. What do you think is impressive about them? (Think about the weather near South America).
- Now look at slides 15 – 26. What else do you learn about these clues?
- What would you say are the top two things that the Mayans developed during their time? (Answers will be in tomorrow’s blog!)
- Slide 27 is a link to a video but you can access it here The Maya Civilisation
Home Learning Friday 15th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:50am
Year 5 Home Learning Friday 15th January 2021
Well done Year 5, you have nearly completed your first full week of Home Learning. I really hope it has been positive for you and you have managed to keep learning despite everything. I’m sure you are looking forward to a nice rest at the weekend. Remember to join Seesaw (family not class page) so you can share some of your lovely work.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then explore the contents page, glossary and index to see how it helps you find information.
We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: In your reading book look for ten common nouns (a person, place or thing) and five proper nouns (specific name for a person, place or thing – they always have capital letters) and list them under those headings. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings. If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone to test you today on the words below in your exercise book with today’s date. Write the mark you got out of fifteen.
elephant mutant hydrant hesitant consultant
remnant tenant dominant attendant immigrant
pennant tyrant expectant occupant informant
You will be planning a setting description today.
He pointed a finger up to where the mountains were wrapped in cloud. “It is the most magical and delicious tea in the world but it grows wild in high and dangerous places where men are afraid to go.”
Imagine that the writers, Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham, have received some beautiful illustrations to go with their book but they would really like one more: an illustration to show where the monkeys pick the Cloud Tea.
Please use your imagination to draw your own illustration of the place the monkeys found the Cloud Tea. You could draw and colour/paint/collage on some plain paper then stick it into your exercise book or display it at home somewhere.
There is no description of this magical place so you are going to plan a description. We know it is in the mountains, covered by cloud but the rest is up to your own imagination!
- Make some notes, writing words, phrases and sentences.
- Pick some interesting nouns to build expanded noun phrases around.
- Try to zoom in (detail) and pan out (wider view) to vary the description focus.
- Use the pictures in the book and on the worksheet below to inspire you.
Please write your plan (we will write our description properly on Monday) on the worksheet below or copy it into you exercise book.
The date and title are:
Friday 15th January 2021
Can I plan a setting description based on the story Cloud Tea Monkeys?
For your mental starter play hit the button – Mixed Times Tables, see if you can get faster each time you play.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Two-way tables.
Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Can I read and interpret two-way tables?
Jesus’ Mission:
In the Gospels, we read about Jesus’ mission. ‘Gospel’ means ‘Good News’. The Good News Jesus came to make known is that God loves each of us and that living in God’s Way brings love, justice and peace for the entire world.
In his Gospel, Luke shows us how Jesus chooses God’s way and begins his mission. He not only preached the Good News through His words, but He powerfully demonstrated the Good News through His actions. Jesus particularly delighted in doing this among the poor, the weak, the hurting and the rejected in society. He started this when he was about 30 years old. Jesus did not carry out his mission on his own, he called people to be with him and they were inspired to work with him. He travelled through towns and villages preaching and proclaiming the Good News. He chose twelve people to be his apostles and share his mission. The twelve apostles and some women went with him.
When Jesus started his mission, he attended the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth. He was given the privilege of reading from the scripture and selected a reading from the prophet Isaiah. This reading became the basis of his mission during his teaching and preaching.
Read the passage (in the documents below) and think about these questions:
- Why was the Spirit of God given to Jesus?
- How does Isaiah describe God’s love?
- How do you think the people felt as they listened to those words?
- Who are the people mentioned by Isaiah?
- Why did he select those people in particular?
- Where do you think we see these people today?
Create a ‘wanted’ poster to attract suitable people to share Jesus’ mission. Indicate how they might be inspired to do this and give reasons for your choices and try to make links with any other scripture passages you have read.
You may print out the document below and stick it in your exercise book or write it straight into the book. the date and title are:
Friday 15th January 2021
Can I describe Jesus' mission in the form of a wanted poster?
Times Tables and Spellings with the suffix -ant.
Have a great weekend.
Miss Gravili
Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:48am
Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 14th January 2021
Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. Wow, it was such a rainy day yesterday. Perfect, for curling up with a good book. I love reading and I know a lot of you are avid readers too. If you want to read more, have a look for some books on the Oxford Owl ebooks. Our login details are – username: sto56 and password: 1234. Remember to join Seesaw so you can share your lovely work. Well done for trying hard, staying positive and loving your learning.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction text then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information. We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Find ten adjectives (describing words) in your reading book and write them down. Make up some sentences that include at least three of your adjectives. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings for Friday (15.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone to test you on the words below in your exercise book with Friday’s date. Friday (tomorrow) is spelling test day!
elephant mutant hydrant hesitant consultant
remnant tenant dominant attendant immigrant
pennant tyrant expectant occupant informant
Re-read the pages of Cloud Tea Monkeys which describe the Royal Tea-Taster’s reaction when he tasted the tea (PowerPoint below).
This is a very special tea! See if you can find the noun phrases used to describe the tea. How do we know that the tea is special?
The tea was so rare that the Royal Tea-Taster paid in gold coins which ended Tashi and her mother’s money troubles.
What if Tashi decided to sell her tea? She would need someone to advertise it.
You are going to write an advertisement for Cloud Tea.
You can choose where it will be advertised. It could be, a YouTube video, on television, a flier, a magazine or an Internet Advertisement, etc.
You must write the words that will be said on the advertisement. When you have written your advert, you could read it out to your family or tape yourself performing it.
Describe the cloud tea, what it is like, where it comes from and how it is made. Be as descriptive as possible. Your focus is to include expanded noun phrases.
Please write this in your exercise book. The date and title are:
Thursday 14th January 2021
Can I write an advertisement for Cloud Tea using descriptive language?
For your mental starter play hit the button – Square Numbers, see if you can get faster each time you play.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Read and interpret tables.
Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book.
The date and title are:
Can I read and interpret tables?
We will continue our work on The Shang Dynasty. Please follow the link below and click on the second lesson down – What was it like to live in The Shang Dynasty? Watch the clip and do the little activity.
Today’s date and title are:
Thursday 14th January 2021
Can I compare what life was like for the rich and poor people of the Shang Dynasty?
After writing the date and title, draw a line down the middle of your page. In one half write Poor People and in the other write Rich People.
Using bullet points write short sentences to explain how the poor and rich people lived.
Times Tables and Spellings with the suffix -ant.
Keep up the good work everyone.
Miss Gravili
Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:48am
Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021
Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. It was such a nice, sunny day yesterday. Hopefully you had a chance to go for a walk or spend some time outside enjoying the winter sun.
Keep up the good work with your Home Learning today. I’m really looking forward to see what you have been doing. Remember best handwriting, presentation and effort just like you would do in school.
We have sent out emails with links to join Seesaw. You may be familiar with it from the last time we were in lockdown. It is a chance for you to post your work for me to see and comment on, so join up as soon as possible.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information. We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Write down 6 new words you have found in your reading book and use a dictionary to write the meaning of each word. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings for Friday (15.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone to test you on the words below in your exercise book with Friday’s date. Friday is spelling test day!
elephant mutant hydrant hesitant consultant
remnant tenant dominant attendant immigrant
pennant tyrant expectant occupant informant
Re-read the PowerPoint from yesterday on Expanded Noun Phrases, you will find it in the documents below.
Look at the PowerPoint with eleven pictures from Cloud Tea Monkeys. You will find this in the documents below.
Write a sentence (eleven sentences in total) for each picture with an expanded noun phrase.
For example:
Slide eight, the picture of Tashi looking at the tea leaves in the basket.
- Tashi stared in wonder at the glowing, emerald leaves that had appeared magically in her basket.
Please write these in your exercise book with the date and title:
Wednesday 13th January 2021
Can I write sentences with expanded noun phrases?
For your mental starter play hit the button – mixed times tables, see if you can get faster each time you play. Try playing hit the answer and hit the question. Which one are you better at and why?
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Use line graphs to solve problems. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:
Can I use line graphs to solve problems?
Start by watching this song and counting along:
(35) French numbers 1-100 - YouTube
Now watch this video again to remind yourself how to conjugate a regular ER verb:
(35) French er verbs - YouTube
Then write the date (in French) and the title in your home learning book:
mercredi treize février
Can I conjugate regular ER verbs?
Pause the video at 6:08 and copy out the verb jouer – to play, setting it out in exactly the same way as the video. So Je joue (I play) should be on the same line as Nous jouons (we play). Verbs are always set out like this so that the plural form of the subject pronoun is next to the singular form. Please use a different colour for the endings, just like on the video.
Pause the video again at 7:50 and copy out the verb Aimer – to like. Notice the endings are the same. Try to set it out just like you did for jouer.
J’aime Nous aimons
Tu aimes Vous aimez etc.
Do you know why J’aime is written like this and not Je aime? See if you can find out if you’re not sure.
Find a dice if you have one. If not, just write the numbers 1 – 6 on bits of paper and turn them face down. Practise saying the correct form of the verbs by rolling the dice:
1 = Je 4 = nous
2 = Tu 5 = vous
3 = Il/elle 6 = Ils/elles
So, if you roll/pick up 4, you would say nous jouons and nous aimons.
NOTE: PRONUNCIATION OF PLURAL FORMS OF AIMER: nous aimons is pronounce nou zaimon; vous aimez is pronounced vou zaimay, ils aiment = eel zaim; Elles aiment = ell zaim. There is what’s called a liaison between the final s of the pronoun and the verb because the verb starts with a vowel.
Don’t worry about the ‘on’ form of the verb as we haven’t talked much about that yet. It is an informal way of saying we…., but that’s just a step too far for now! Ignore it.
Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine!
Write the date and title in your home learning book
Wednesday 13th January 2021
Can I investigate thermal insulators and plot a graph of my results?
You will need some bubble wrap or fabric, some scissors, a ruler and a few ice cubes for this experiment.
This link will explain what to do:
Year 5a Lesson 2 thermal insulators.pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint Online (live.com)
Carry out the experiment and record your results. Then choose one of the graphs – bar chart or line graph and plot it from your results. After the graph, put a sub-heading:
What I found out:
Explain your results using the word bank to help you.
There is an example of ‘good work’ on slide 9 so please check that your work is similar and improve it if you can.
There are other ideas for further investigations at the end if you like! Well done!
Well done everyone. Remember to follow the link to Seesaw. I am looking forward to seeing your work.
Miss Gravili
Home Learning Tuesday 12th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:47am
Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 12th January 2021
Good morning Year 5. I hope you had a good day yesterday and you are ready, enthusiastic and excited about your learning today. I know you will be trying your best and working hard, just like you would at school. A big well done to everyone and keep up the positive attitude.
I have had a couple of calls about the answers for the maths work set each day. I will attach the answers in the documents below the following day. However, today I will do last week’s answers, so you can catch up. Hope this helps and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Give the book you have read marks out of ten and explain why you gave it that mark. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.
This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings for Friday (15.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. On Friday, ask someone to test you on the words below in your exercise book, remember the date.
elephant mutant hydrant hesitant consultant
remnant tenant dominant attendant immigrant
pennant tyrant expectant occupant informant
Re-read some of Cloud Tea Monkeys by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham to remind yourself of the story.
Read through the PowerPoint in the documents below- Expanded Noun Phrases (slides 1-8). This will help you learn how noun phrases are built around a head noun.
Print out the Noun Phrase Worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. You need to underline the head noun and put a circle around the noun phrase. Then write some of your own noun phrases. I will post the answers on tomorrow’s blog. The date and title are:
Tuesday 12th January 2021
Can I identify head nouns, expanded noun phrases and write my own expanded noun phrases?
For your mental starter play hit the button – Halves from 50 to 100, see if you can get faster each time you play.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Draw line graphs. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are: 12.01.21 Can I draw line graphs?
Games skills - Avoid the Defenders.
Watch the clips below and follow the instructions on the cards.
Gymnastic skills - Balance Time.
Use the link below to log into code.org. We have not worked on code yet in Year 5, but you have done it in other year groups so you are familiar with it. Please work through the lessons in order.
SUMDOG challenges this week are:
Times Tables and Spellings with the suffix -ant.
Have a good day, Miss Gravili
Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:46am
Year 5 Home Learning Monday 11th January 2021
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed time with your families. A big well done and thank you to everyone at home who is supporting you with your Home Learning. Together, let’s be positive, try our best and look forward to returning to school when it is safe.
Remember there are lots of other learning links on our school website that might interest you if you want to do further learning. Click on the Home Learning button just under the photograph of our class on the Year 5 class page. The BBC are showing educational programmes on CBBC starting at 9.00 today (Monday 11th Jan). Have a look and see if there is anything for you to watch. I’m very interested to see what they show!
I have included a timetable as a guide so you know what subjects to expect each day (there might be changes where necessary). This will help you plan your learning time but remember to plan breaks and fun activities too! You will find the timetable in the documents below.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.
Reading Challenge: Using your reading book, draw a picture of your favourite part of the story and describe what you have drawn. If your book is non-fiction draw one of the diagrams and write a caption to go with it. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.
Read the rest of the story - Cloud Tea Monkeys, you will find this in the documents at the bottom of the page.
What do you think of the story?
This story is set in the past, but in many parts of the world, families are working hard to harvest food for which they receive minimal payment. People around the world suffer a great deal of poverty because the wages for the pickers are not set at a fair rate.
Watch the clip below that explains what Fairtrade is all about:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeUGvhINwHw produced by Fairtrade (9m17)
Today you will be researching the issue of fair-trade. You will write your research notes in your exercise book. The date and title are:
Monday 11th January 2021
Can I research the Fairtrade movement?
Explore the sites (below) about Fairtrade and research interesting facts and information to share about how Fairtrade improves people’s lives.
Try to organise your notes using presentational devices: headings, sub-headings, bullet/numbered points, underlining, pictures/photos and captions.
When you have finished, present your findings to someone at home.
For your mental starter play hit the button – Doubles from 50 to 100, see if you can get faster each time you play.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Read and interpret line graphs. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:
Can I read and interpret line graphs?
We will be learning about different painters in Art.
Last term we learnt about The Victorians, so our painter for today is the famous Victorian artist, William Morris.
Look at the PowerPoint in the documents below which is all about William Morris’ life and work.
Choose one of the patterns from the PowerPoint slides to copy.
Draw a large square on some plain paper approx. 15cm by 15cm.
Copy (in pencil) the pattern you have chosen onto your square and colour.
Please stick this into your exercise book.
The date and title are:
Monday 11th January 2021
Can I draw in the style of William Morris?
I have also included some colouring sheets (documents below) in the style of William Morris. You could do some colouring or use the patterns to trace onto your art work square above.
SUMDOG challenges for this week are:
Times Tables and Spelling with the suffix -ant.
I hope you have a good day, Miss Gravili.
Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:46am
Year 5 Home Learning Friday 8th January 2021
Good morning everyone, it’s nearly the weekend!! Well done for working so hard and trying your best to keep learning every day. I hope you are achieving some of your goals that I mentioned on Wednesday. It feels good to do different and interesting things. I had a go at knitting a scarf during the holidays, it’s not finished yet!! I’ll look forward to hearing about some of the other things you have been doing at home, as well as your learning. You could take some photos of yourself achieving your goals and stick them into your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school). Remember to write what you did and how it made you feel to achieve it.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.
In the book you are reading find FIVE words that have apostrophes. Write down each word and explain why there is an apostrophe there, for example couldn’t – this is short for could not and the apostrophe is in place of the ‘o’. Please write these into you Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.
Read the next few pages of Cloud Tea Monkeys, you will find this in the documents at the bottom of the page. Think about how the story is different from what you predicted in your writing yesterday. Now answer the questions below in full sentences in your exercise book. Focus on best handwriting and punctuation.
- What words in the text describe the monkey’s excitement?
- What does scolded mean?
- What did Tashi discover in her mother’s wicker basket?
- The Overseer was marching about. He looked like a man whose brains were on fire. What does this tell you about the Overseer?
- What was the driver of the cart doing?
- Who was the man that came to visit the tea plantation?
- Write down the simile that describes the man’s moustache?
- What did the Tea-Taster first say about the Overseer’s tea leaves?
The date and title are:
Friday 8th January 2021
Can I answer comprehension questions about the text?
For your mental starter play hit the button – number bonds to 100, see if you can get faster each time you play.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Introducing line graphs. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:
Can I understand and interpret line graphs?
Our new topic in RE is - Mission. Please read the information below about Sir Tom Moore’s mission.
Now research a charity of your choice, for example - RNLI (Life boats), Caritas, CAFOD, Missio, NSPCC, RSPCA etc. Find out as much information as you can from the charitie's website. Here are some questions to help you:
- - Who was the inspiration for the group?
- - Who is involved?
- - Who do they help?
- - How are they funded?
- - How can people help?
- - What reasons do people have for wanting to help?
Create a poster to display the information you have found out about your chosen charity. Include information/facts/picture/photos/captions. You can use headings/sub-headings/bullet or numbered points/fact boxes. Make it colourful and interesting to read.
Please stick this into your exercise book. The date and title are:
Friday 8th January 2021
Can I design a poster to share information about my chosen charity?
Please follow the link below and complete lesson 1 – Understanding rhythm and pulse.
Enjoy your weekend, Miss Gravili
Home Learning Thursday 7th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:39am
Year 5 Home Learning Thursday 7th January 2021
Good morning everyone, I hope you had a good day yesterday and managed to complete your Home Learning. Well done for working hard and trying your best, I’ll look forward to seeing your work when you come back to school. The children that are in school will be doing exactly the same work that you are doing at home each day, so it will be lovely to share and celebrate our super learning together.
Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. We can issue books and change books as needed.
Find FIVE interesting words from your reading book (this can be a book from home if you do not have a school book yet). Write down the meaning of each word. Then using each word write a sentence of your own. Please write these into you Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.
Read the next few pages of Cloud Tea Monkeys, you will find this in the documents at the bottom of this page. Think about how the tension is built in this part of the story.
Can you predict what might happen next? What are Tashi’s worries? (She has all her worries about her Mum, she has been shouted at by the horrible overseer and now the monkeys have taken her Mum’s basket.) How might these worries be solved? Think about what might happen next. Have the authors left any clues?
Write an ending for the story so far in roughly 200 words. Please write this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school). The date and title are:
Thursday 7th January 2021
Can I predict and write my own ending to the Cloud Tea Monkeys story?
Focus on good punctuation and interesting vocabulary choices.
For your mental starter play hit the button – division facts, see if you can get faster each time you play.
Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Comparison, sum and difference. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:
Can I compare and find the sum and difference of data when using graphs and charts?
Our new topic in History is The Shang Dynasty. Follow the link below and click on the first lesson – The Shang Dynasty 1600 – 1046BC. Watch the clips and do the little tasks.
Have a look at the artefacts, choose one, draw it in your book and write about it. You may use the information provided and/or do your own research to find out more about that artefact. If you have time find out about another artefact from the Shang Dynasty.
Please do this in your exercise book. The date and title are:
Thursday 7th January 2021
Can I find information about artefacts from the Shang Dynasty?
A big well done everyone, Miss Gravili
Year 1 Home Learning 7th January 2021
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 9:14am
Good morning Year 1,
We hope you are enjoying doing your learning from home and enjoyed reading about Sidney the Spider yesterday. We are all missing you and hope you are keeping well.
Today we are looking at our split a_e sound. Watch the video of Geraldine the giraffe below and write out the words in your book, just like we'd do in class. Pause the video to give yourself time. We have also added a phonics challenge below. Sort the words and write a sentence on the sheet. If you can't print it off, write them down on a page or in your book. (These are available at the school office)
Continue to read for at least 10 minutes every day.
Today we are looking at the speech in the story and have created a quiz for you!
Read the story again listening carefully to what the characters say. Open the challenge and see if you can match the speech to the character. Can you write out some more speech from the story? What else might Sidney, Mrs Brown or Susie say?
We are looking at counting on from any number today up to 20 and using number bonds to help us add. Watch the two videos on adding ones using number bonds here.
Have a go at completing the questions on the worksheets below. Remember to draw your dots to help you.
Continue to answer your questions on Sumdog. Well done to everyone who went on yesterday!
In our coding we are looking at loops and writing algorithms with Scrat from Ice Age. Login to our class page on code.org. here.
We have attached sign in instructions and your child's 'sign in' picture. Use these to access the resource. Today's lesson is Lesson 8 and there are video instructions included. Do as much as you can.
Mrs Quilliam has put together a PowerPoint to celebrate The French holiday of the Three Kings. Have a look and listen to the attached video.
Well done for doing all your home learning. We can't wait to see what you've done.
Mr Campbell, Mrs Corbett and Mrs Anderson
Reception 7th January Home Learning
Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 9:03am
Thursday 7th January 2021
Here are your jobs for today :)
Phonics - Today we are learning ch. It is a diagraph (2 letters that make one sound).
Watch the video of Scrap attached below.
Can I practise writing the sound ch?
Can I think of any words that begin with ch?
Can I write the sh & ch words on the sheet attached below?
Handwriting - Have a go at the second page in your booklet, which is all about the letter Bb.
The Humpty Words of the week are the, to, no, I - Can I spell them without looking at them? (using paper or your whiteboards from you pack)
Literacy - Here is our story of the week, click on this link to watch the video - Oliver's Vegetables
In the Story Oliver loves to eat chips! But we can use potatoes to make lots of different types of food.
What can you make? Can you help your grown up? – We would love to see what you make on seesaw 😊
Can I write some instructions of the food I have made? (Let you child write the sounds they can hear for themselves and use the sound mat to find them. Use the finger space in your pack to put in between your words. Keep it simple, used the attached sheet if needed)
For example, if you were making chips
- Wash them
- Peel them
- Chop them up
- Put them in the oven
Maths - Can I count forwards out loud to 30?
Can I have a go at the ladybird counting game? (Click the writing)
Watch the White Rose Maths video - (Session 3)
Have a go at the activity in the maths attachment – Can you record your score?
Topic Time
Science – We are sorting fruit and vegetables.
Firstly, gather whatever fruit and vegetables you have in your home.
Can I sort them into 2 or more groups?
How have they sorted them? (Ideas might be green/not green. Smooth/rough.) How many ways can I find?
Once you have sorted them, you could cut them open and see if you can see any seeds inside. If it contains seeds, scientifically speaking it is a fruit eg tomato is a fruit. Can you now sort them into fruit and vegetables (seeds/no seeds)? Then you can taste them!
French -We are learning the names of some fruit and vegetables in French.
Here is a song to listen to and join in with. It's called J'aime les fruits (jayme lay froo ee). If you listen a few times you might be able to join and do the conga!
If you have any questions, please message us on seesaw.
Thank you for your continued support :)
Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 6th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 3:09pm
Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning Year 6. I cannot express how gutted I am that I will not see you all today. We will hopefully only be away up until half term which gives us just over 5 weeks to keep working hard, recapping, practising and learning new things so we are all ready for Spring 2 when we finally meet up again.
Every day, I will write up a daily Home Learning blog, which will follow the same timetable we do at school and it is important that you complete all the tasks I set. I will explain them all in detail and if any become too tricky or you are unsure of anything, you can always ask your parent to contact school where I will do my best to answer your query as soon as I can.
During this time it is important that you look after yourselves and your wellbeing – remember, the two most important things to me are your happiness and safety so do take care of yourselves and your family during these times.
There will be a YELLOW HOME LEARNING BOOK to collect from the office along with a copy of our new novel, 'Tom’s Midnight Garden'. All work can be completed inside it (including Writing, Maths, History, Art, etc).
As usual, I believe reading is the number one thing we should do every day as it is the key to all our learning. Please read for 20 minutes. You may read your own books from home or you can still use Oxford Owl ebooks, where there are a whole range of books from their library. If you would like to use this great resource, the username is ‘sto56’ with the password ‘1234’.
School reading books can still be used (and preferred over your home books). Simply notify the school of when you will be coming and I can arrange a box to be in the school office for when you arrive.
Do not forget to continue using your Reading Journals for any thoughts, opinions, predictions and new vocabulary you find. I will give your reading activities each day starting from next week.
On Monday, we started our new novel, 'Tom’s Midnight Garden' and were introduced to these characters:
Tom (main character)
Peter (brother of Peter)
Mrs Long (Tom’s mum)
Uncle Alan
Can I write my first impressions of each character based on the evidence from the text?
Depending on whether you receive the school novel today or not, you can still complete this task by remembering what happened in the first 5 pages of the book (Tom left his house as his brother Peter had the measles and Uncle Alan drove the boy to his poky flat). Think about using adjectives to describe what kind of people they are based on what happened during those 5 pages.
When you finally receive the novel, continue reading through chapter 1 (Exile) to page 8. Try to answer the following reading questions:
- How was Tom being deceiving to his aunt? (page 5)
- Why was Tom unhappy with his room? (page 6)
- On page 8, Tom had smiled condescendingly – use a dictionary or internet to find out what that means.
- In the first chapter, what evidence shows that Tom is angry?
- Based on what we have learnt, how would you describe Tom and his brother Peter’s relationship?
I have set two challenges to completed by Sunday: both have a target of 100 correct answers.
- Week 1 – x7 tables
- Week 1 – Rounding and Place Value
Maths – Place Value Week
Can I understand negative numbers in context?
Can I find the difference between positive and negative numbers?
I am sure you will all be used to White Rose Maths, which we use in school regularly and during last year’s lockdown. My planning does not follow the same structure as White Rose Maths so please check which part of the Year 6 curriculum I have sent you to and also follow the video links as it will take you to the explanations of how to complete the activity.
To access the videos below, simply click on the link or type it into a search engine to find them. If you head to St Oswald’s website and click on ‘classes’ – ‘Year 6’ – ‘Home Learning’ – ‘White Rose Daily Maths’, you will find the following resources that we will also be using:
- ‘Year 6 – Autumn Block 1 Place Value: I have attached the video links to this document and the worksheets at the bottom of this blog.
Our new topic is ‘Community: Sources’. To begin to understand this topic, I want you to think about a wide variety of books and the purpose for which they were written.
Did you know that only a few hundred years ago, books were only for the very rich, as they were costly and written by hand by monks. Later, when printing was first invented, they were still expensive and also very few people could read. Nowadays, books are for everyone.
If possible, discuss with someone whether Kindle or electronic books would ever completely replace actual books. Is it a book or not? What makes a book a book? What are the pros and cons? Is it possible to imagine a world without books? Talk about how books enrich our lives, whether they are electronic or hard copies, how they can take us beyond our environment and our own thoughts and ideas. Discuss how books might have influenced your thinking, ideas or behaviour.
- Look around your house and find many different books (atlas, Guinness World Records, novels, dictionary, diary, cookbook, etc).
- Copy the table below in your YELLOW BOOK and add the books you find to the list.
- In the right column, write what and for whom they have been written for.
Type of book |
What is it and who is it for? |
To entertain and take people to another world |
A guide book
Gives information about a place or a country that might be useful for a tourist. |
In French this week, we are going to recap the conjugation of regular ER verbs which we looked at briefly before Christmas.
Watch this video to remind yourself.
Pause the video at 9 minutes 24 and write out the sentences, choosing the correct verb ending. Press play again and check your answers. Now read your sentences out loud, being extra careful with your pronunciation. If you like, you can write some more sentences of your own.
French people celebrate Epiphany on the 6th January with the Fete des Rois. Here's a story to listen to . See how much you can understand. You can always slow down the speed.
HOME LEARNING Wednesday 6th January 2021
Date: 5th Jan 2021 @ 2:21pm
Year 4
Home Learning Wednesday 6th January 2021
Good morning Year 4. I hope you are all safe and well. It was lovely seeing you all on Monday – you always bring a smile to my face. Unfortunately, things have changed and we are not able to be together as a full class until after February half term (at the earliest). Please all try your best to stay positive, I’m sure many of you will keep in contact with each other during this tricky time.
Each evening, I will put the following day’s Home Learning on the Year 4 Blog. Please complete the work as if you were in school, taking care with your handwriting, spellings, punctuation and vocabulary. Try and discipline yourself to get up each morning and do your work to the best of your ability.
Please collect the purple Home Learning exercise book you used during our isolation weeks in November, from the school office. Alternatively, you may collect a new book. This exercise book will be used to record your Home Learning – be proud of all your achievements – you will be able to share these with me, Mrs Whitworth and your class mates when we return to school.
If you need any reading books, please ask your parents to email or ring Mrs Rothwell and we will arrange for some books to be collected from the school office.
Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes. Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.
Have you found any new words today? If so, copy them carefully into your reading diary. Use a dictionary to find the meanings and write the definitions in your diary.
You can find even more books to read on our website. Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl. Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.
This week’s spellings all have an apostrophe in – they are all contractions.
Please make sure you practise your spellings on Sumdog and in your exercise books. These spellings will be tested in school on Friday 8th January, so please aim to learn them for Friday.
they’ll aren’t won’t we’ve
couldn’t who’s would’ve there’s
they’ve can’t shouldn’t you’ve
Download the ‘Mission Possible’ booklet attached to the blog.
Scroll down to pg 2 and read the title and information given.
Read pages 3, 4, 5 and 6 – make sure you are reading with understanding. (You can also listen to an audio version of the story if you click on the link on page 3)
If you come across a word you are unsure of, use other clues from the sentence to help with its meaning. Does it have a capital letter? Is there part of the word you recognise from another word you know? Look the word up in a dictionary if you are still unsure.
Scroll to page 7 – Let’s chat about the story
Write the long date Wednesday 6th January 2021
Write the title Can I record my thoughts about a story?
Either complete the tasks on the sheet or in your Home Learning Book.
Scroll to page 8 – True or false Quiz
Write the title Can I use evidence from the text to answer questions?
Complete the quiz on the sheet or in your Home Learning Book. Give a full explanation as to how you know whether the answer is true or false.
Scroll to page 9
Explain whether the statements are correct or not. Write in full sentences, using clues from the story to help.
Write the title Can I write a quiz based on a story I have read?
Now make your own quiz for someone, based on this story or a story you have read or are currently reading. Don’t forget your question marks!
Remember to record your answers in complete sentences, explaining your answers fully. Focus on capital letters, spellings, punctuation and vocabulary, using evidence from the text to help back up your answers.
Times tables
Make a log in your exercise book like the one below
Hit the answer
Date |
Times table / division fact |
Number correct in 1 minute |
06.01.21 |
X6 |
5 |
8 |
10 |
Practise your times table target or a times table / division fact you know you find tricky using:
Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute. Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.
Add your results to your ‘Hit the button’ log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?
Please open the maths worksheet attached to the blog called ‘Equivalent lengths m and cm’. You may print this off if you have a printer.
Please click on the link below which will take you to White Rose maths
Watch the first lesson, Equivalent lengths m and cm, and either complete the worksheet as instructed or write the answers in your Home Learning Book.
Can you use a ruler and accurately measure some items around your home in cm?
Make sure you record the item and the length of it. Remember to include the units, cm.
Can you find 3 items which are exactly 10cm?
Exercising is excellent for both your mental and physical health.
Watch the video at:
Download the document called Feeling Flexible?
Have a go at the circuit. How many times can you repeat the circuit?
Can you challenge someone else to have a go?
If possible, go out for a walk, run or bike ride with an adult at home.
Well done for finishing today’s work. Have a lovely evening and stay safe.