Our blogs
Reception Blog - Friday 20th September 2024
Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 12:47pm
Welcome to Reception's Friday Blog!
Communication and Language
This week we have been taking part in listening games.
We had French with Miss Whiting. We practised saying Hello again and we learnt Goodbye!
Personal, Emotional and Social Development
This week we have revisited the colour monster. We sorted the colours whilst talking about the feelings of each colour and discussing times we may have felt this way.
Expressive Art and Design
We have continued to explore primary colours, but this week we have been mixing them to see what colours they make. See the gallery here.
We had Music with Mrs Campbell. We listened to music from other countries.
Understanding the World
This week we have been learning about the season of Autumn and what happens in our world when this season arrives. The children have loved exploring our outdoors to create our Autumn tray. We also made leaf rubbings with the items we found!
Drawing Club
This week we have been listening to the story of the Three Little Pigs.
We drew pictures of who we live with in our houses.
Physical Development
This week we have introduced our dough disco and pen disco to help strengthen our hand muscles.
Forest School
We played a game in our nature area. Someone hid a toy whilst everyone else closed their eyes. We then had to find the toy. The person who had hidden it shouted ‘hot’ if we were near to the toy and ‘cold’ if we were far away from it. We had a discussion about the seasons and how we are moving into Autumn. We went on a leaf hunt and threaded our leaves on a skewer. We were really good at noticing different colours, shapes and sizes.
Year 3 Friday Blog 20th September 2024
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 5:33pm
Welcome to your Friday blog
We have had a brilliant week in Year 3 with lots of learning in the sun!
Home Practice
Continue with your daily reading. The children are really enjoying picking their own books and changing them lots. 10 minutes every night will make all the difference.
On Sumdog this week we have set a times table challenge on the 3 times tables. A little practice with these every day will help your children become fluent in their number facts.
Continue to practise your counting. This week, try counting forwards and backwards in 5s from any 2 digit number. Can you spot a pattern?
We have also set an addition and subtraction challenge. This is to practise the learning we have done in school over the past few weeks.
Your home spellings this week are the days of the week and months of the year. We will test the children on these on Friday.
This week in Year 3
In English this week we have been really working on our think pinks. These are the individual writing skills your children are working on to improve their writing. We have loved reading The Twits. We have written in character this week and acted out some scenes from the story.
In maths we have learning new strategies to add and subtract within 100. We learned how to use partitioning and a number line to solve our problems. Super maths Year 3!
In Forest school we explored our nature area and noticed the changes that have happened since July. We played some fantastic games which showed super creativity and imagination. Mrs Marshall is our Forest School helper, and it was her first session with us this week. Some of us had a go at lighting a fire with the flint and steel. It's harder than it looks but quite a few children managed it and were pleased with their achievements- great determination was shown.
In Geography this week we learned how to use atlases to find settlements in the UK. Everyone showed great place knowledge and talked about some of the places they have visited. Check out our gallery.
In music this week we were sorting our musical instruments. We also listened to the carnival of the animals and tried to spot the animals from their instruments.
In Science we were looking at the human body. We learned the names of a lot of bones and we learned what the bones are for, support, protection and movement.
In swimming we used our noodles to help us to swim all around the pool by ourselves. Simon was very impresssed!
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 team
Year 4 Blog Friday 20th September 2024
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 5:02pm
Welcome to your Friday blog
Home practice
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Discuss what you have read with an adult. See if you can spot any nouns – do they have capital letters or not?
These are your spellings which will be tested next week – please practise them
minute natural naughty notice occasion(ally)
opposite ordinary particular peculiar perhaps
material possible medicine potatoes popular
often pressure position probably possess(ion)
This week, please practise counting in 2’s
For example, start at 0 and count to 24 and back again
0 2 4 etc 24 22 20 etc
Now try counting from 25 to 41 and back again
25 27 29 etc
Times tables and Number facts
Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week.
You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk
Please also practise your number facts.
You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button
It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.
TTRockstars challenge
- A ‘garage’ session – please log on and have a go!
Sumdog challenges
- A spelling challenge based on the words above
- A maths challenge based on ordering and comparing whole numbers
In English, we wrote reasons for and against sailing around the world. In addition, we collected words to describe Michael’s character. Information about Michael's character could have been written down in the novel, or inferred – that is, we could work it out from the evidence.
In Maths, we learnt more about place value. We learnt how to compare and order both whole and decimal numbers, and how to round numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
In RE, we acted out the story of Abraham and Sarah. Following this, we retold the story in our own words ensuring we included some important vocabulary, eg covenant and trust.
In PE, we practised our chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass and shooting skills and then applied these skills to a game of netball.
In Science, we grouped animals in a variety of different ways, for example as vertebrates or invertebrates / as fish, amphibians, retiles, birds or mammals.
In Art, we created our own scenes and then sketched them. We also gave them a title. Please have a look in our gallery.
Have a relaxing weekend
The Year 4 Team
Year 2 Blog Friday 20th September 2024
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 3:29pm
Year 2 have had another fantastic week, filled with lots of interesting and enjoyable learning.
Home Practice
Reading: In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Spelling: Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (27.09.24):
house, school,once, come,they,
by,here,friend, go, be
Sumdog: Complete the 'one more/less than' challenge.
We have continued our learning through the story of Burglar Bill. He wrote us all a letter. As they were all different, they told us lots of information. We used this information to write a character description of him. We also planned an alternative ending to the story and wrote it. We have been using connecting words and adjectives to make our writing even better.
In handwriting we have been learning how to form our letters with lead-ins.
We have been revising oo as in zoo and ew as in brew and y as in happy.
The children have been learning how to work out one more/less than and ten more/less than a given number. We have also been comparing two numbers and deciding which is the greatest or which is the least.
We re-read the story of Noah's Ark, focusing on the rainbow being a sign of God's promise (covenant) never to send another flood again. The children made their own rainbows and Noah's Ark puppets.
Year 2 are thoroughly enjoying learning about The Great Fire of London. We compared London today with London back in 1666 and learnt where the fire started and how it spread so quickly.
The children have already learnt most of the continents and oceans of the world and really enjoyed looking at their location on the map.
Forest School
We went on a scavenger hunt to find natural objects. We then displayed them on a log-we showed lots of creativity. We then had time for our own learning-we invented games, found plenty of apples, did some wood carving with stones, tried to make a whistle, spotted patterns in the tree stumps, found creatures, problem-solved and practised balancing.
Year 6 Blog - 20th September 2024
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 11:03am
Welcome to the Year 6 weekly blog!
We have had individual and sibling pictures taken today, with everyone looking very smart in their autumn uniforms. They should take a couple of weeks to come back to us, if you would like to order any. Letters for bikeability and a taster day at All Hallows have also been handed out this afternoon.
This week in Year 6
In English, we have continued with our work on 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross Mackenzie. We read the story 'The Wonder' in class to inspire us to think of our own wonders that we could incorporate into our Nowhere Emporium stories. We were able to gather and use some amazing higher level vocabulary to apply to our fantasy story writing!
This week we have completed our Place Value topic and begun to learn about the four operations, starting with addition and subtraction. We have been learning about the mental and written strategies that we can use to help us add and subtract numbers, such as partitioning using a number line.
We have continued with our 'Creation and Covenant' topic in RE this week and have been learning about the meaning of the second story of creation. We shared the next part of the story together, where Adam and Eve are tempted to eat from the tree of knowledge, and used watercolours to paint our favourite part of the story!
For Science this week, we have learned how to classify leaves. Together, we gathered leaves from our forest school area and investigated how to classify them like Scientists. We enjoyed gathering our samples and sketching them in our Science books! You can see us working hard on our galleries.
This week in PSHE, we discussed what makes a positive and healthy friendship. We imagined that we had to give advice and provide a solution to some friendship problems in our lesson.
In Geography, we researched how mountains are formed. Did you know that there are five different ways that a mountain can be formed? We presented our research as some amazing posters!
Home practice
Please complete the following tasks by next Wednesday:
Reading - Use your home reading to read every night for 30 minutes. You also have a reading diary that must be used for the title of the book and any challenges chosen.
Books may be changed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Spelling -
Please practise the following spellings this week, which are homophones and other words that are often confused:
device |
devise |
license |
father |
prophesy |
licence |
farther |
prophecy |
morning |
mourning |
principal |
principle |
precede |
proceed |
profit |
prophet |
wary |
weary |
aisle |
isle |
All spellings are on Sumdog to practise for our test next Friday.
Maths Challenges:
Counting: This week we have had to count powers of ten for our place value work. Try to count in powers of 10 (1000, 10,000, 100,000 etc). You could do this out loud or write it on a piece of paper.
You could draw a numberline, like we have done in class this week. Can you count up and down in powers of ten? How far can you go? Challenge yourself by choosing different starting numbers and practising your exchanging.
Times Tables: This week I would like the children to practise their 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables. There are 100 questions to answer on Sumdog!
Place Value: This week's learning is to practise questions on addition and subtraction. For further Maths work, please visit the 'Maths Training' section, where your child will be able to push their learning further with the skills that Sumdog has given them.
Have a wonderful weekend Year 6!
Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 9:26am
With your children now back in school, it is a great time to review online safety in your homes and make sure we are all up to date with developments in the online world. At St Oswald's, all classes will be beginning their Online Saftety learning where they will learn all about safe practices online in the following areas.
Self image and identitiy
Online relationships
Online bulllying
Health, Well-being and lifestyle
Online reputation
Managing online information
Copyright and ownership
We will blog regularly to keep you updated with developments in the online space, sharing platform guides and links to expert training for you to keep your children safe when exploring the internet. Below you will find guides on new devices and WhatsApp.
To access a huge range of information on the National Online Safety website click the link below and join our school online safety hub.You will get access to videos, training and guides to keep you informed of the best practices in keeping your children safe online.
Year 5 Friday blog 13th September 2024
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 4:26pm
Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice
Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of any words you don’t know.
Here are your spellings this week.
said with because went like water people children asked school thought
friends house through each different something
Count out loud in:
10s back from 249 249, 239, 229 …
25s from 0 to 450 and back again 0, 25,50, …
3s from 0 to 99 and back again 0, 3, 6, …
Times Tables
Please practise your times tables every day. Every pupil has been given their tables target
to practise at home.
Maths Competition – individual
Spelling Challenge
We have had a wonderful week in Year 5.
In English, we enjoyed reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe together. There were some super written summaries of the opening chapters by Year 5. It’s been an impressive start!
In Maths, we learnt about place value, including tenths, hundredths and thousandths . Everyone has been trying so hard with this.
We started our topic of Creation and Covenant in RE this week by learning about Moses and the burning bush. We talked about God calling to Moses and the task that he asked him to do.
In Art, the children enjoyed learning about typography and they created some of their own unique designs. Their natural creativity really shone through.
PE has been enjoyed by all with the whole class demonstrating great ball skills in netball. Despite the erratic weather, everyone
persevered which was great to see.
In Science, we started a new topic; forces. The children performed experiments with different objects to see if they dropped to the floor at the same rate. It was wonderful to see everyone so engaged in this task.
Year 3 Friday Blog 13th September 2024
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 3:41pm
Welcome to your Year 3 Blog
We have had a great first week in Year 3! We have been very impressed! Everyone has settled into the juniors and remembered all our new routines.
Home Practice
Everyone has been given a reading book this week. Read a little every night, 10-15minutes. The regular routines for home practice will set your children up well for all future learning they meet. Little and often is the key!
We have set three Sumdog challenges, two maths and one spelling. Have a go at these. Try and do a little every night.
Do a little counting practise at home too. A little counting everyday has a big impact on your child's knowledge and understanding of the number system. This can be done with counting games such as counting tennis where you take turns, 1,2,3, where you say 1,2 or 3 numbers in a sequence and the winner reaches a target or just by singing some of our counting songs. Here is one we sang this week to practise your 3's.
Your spellings have also been sent home with some suggestions for practice and an activity to have a go with. This doesn't need to be handed in.
Your spellings this week are
house, glass, letter, skipped, puppet, door, duck, monkey, who, write, toy, tube, nurse, hair, eight, cakes, night, fruit, should, picture
This week in Year 3
In English this week we have started reading our class novel, The Twits by Roald Dahl. We read all about men with hairy faces, met Mr and Mrs Twit and read all about how they play pranks on each other. Everyone wrote some great pieces, describing the Twits and retelling their horrid tricks.
In Maths, we have been learning about the place value of three digit numbers. Everyone showed good understanding and asked great questions in our lessons.
We also continued our Art learning this week. We explored shape and space using charcoal and responded to different musical pieces to create our work. Have a look in our gallery to see some of our creations.
In our new Science topic we are exploring skeletons in animals and humans. We looked at a human skeleton and learned the scientific names for some of the bones in our body. We also learned that the human body has 206 bones and a newborn baby has more than 300! Here is some of the vocabulary we will meet in the coming weeks.
In PE we started our invasion games topic with some throwing and catching practice and some 4v4 netball games. Mrs Cookson was very impressed with out teamwork. Well done Year 3!
In Forest School this week we explored around the log circle. We discussed why some of the trees had been cut down. We found many creatures including slugs, frogs and spiders. Some of us invented our own games which showed great imagination. Obstacle courses were constructed and the best performers (decided by the course builders!) were presented with a trophy made from natural materials.
Thank you to all who attended the Meet the Teacher meeting on Tuesday. You will find the slides from the presentation attached below.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team
Reception Blog - Friday 13th September 2024
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 1:55pm
Welcome to Reception's Friday Blog!
Communication and Language
This week we have been taking part in circle times. During these we have been introducing ourselves to each other and learning each other's names.
We have also used this time to practise our Golden Rule about listening.
We also had our first French lesson with Miss Whiting. We all learnt how to say hello. We have said Bonjour a lot since!
Expressive Art and Design
We have been exploring the primary colours this week. We have been using different materials which were red, yellow and blue, and we made our own colour patch.
We had our first Music lesson with Mrs Campbell. We listened to different instruments.
Physical Development
We all went to the hall to get changed for PE!
We found our spot on the mat and focussed on keeping our clothes in our bags. Then we took part in some jumping games.
We have also been using beads to make necklaces to help our fine motor skills.
Forest School
We had a great first Forest School session. We got changed into our wellies independently and showed great listening which is always so important in school.
Mrs Cliffe will always be in the Forest School sessions with Mrs Corbett.
We explored our log circle area and showed great care for all the creatures we found.
We also played on the logs, balanced on them and jumped off them.
To finish we played a game of 'Swap the Log, swap logs if you have ...a pet dog, hearts on your wellies, walked to school today!
Year 1 Blog - 13th September 2024
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 1:04pm
Home Practice
Sumdog challenges will start next week once we have taught your child how to access Sumdog.
Counting - Count in ones forwards and backwards, from different starting numbers.
Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!
All teachers, including Mrs Anderson, will be reading with the children so please remember to bring book bags in each day.
Our story this week is all about a family of elephants called The Large Family. We read the story 'Five Minutes Peace' and wrote some super sentences identifying the different characters.
We have been assessing the children's phonic knowledge ready for our phonics groups next week.
This week our learning has been about place value. The children have explored adding ones to groups of ten to make teen numbers.
We have been learning about The Creation Story. We read the Bible and explored God creating our beautiful Earth.
Our learning in Art this week has been investigating and drawing spirals, both in the classroom and outside on the playground.
Forest School
This week we explored our nature area and spotted all the changes since we were last in there. We picked some apples off the trees and baked them with cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar and butter. We watched Mr Corbett start the fire and we remembered how to be safe around it. We also had time for our own play and we showed great imagination, teamwork and resilience.
Meet the teacher
Thank you to everyone who came to our meet the teacher.
Please find our meet the teacher slides attached below.
Year 4 Blog Friday 13th September 2024
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 8:41am
Welcome to your first blog of this school year
Home practice
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. Discuss what you have read with an adult.
These are your spellings which will be tested next week – please practise them
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday January February March
April May June July August
September October November December month
This week, please practise counting in 10’s
For example, start at 0 and count to 120 and back again
0 10 20 etc 120 110 100 etc
Times tables and Number facts
Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week.
You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk
Please also practise your number facts.
You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button
It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.
TTRockstars challenge
- A ‘garage’ session
Sumdog challenges
- A spelling challenge based on the words above
- A maths challenge based on recognising place value in 4 digit numbers
In English, we used the front cover of the class novel – Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo – to make predictions about the story. We also met the main characters and read the blurb on the back cover to see if our predictions were correct.
In Maths, we learnt the meaning of ‘place value’. We used part whole diagrams and partitioning and recombining numbers to help with our understanding of what each digit in a number represents
In RE, we started our new topic ‘Creation and Covenant’. We listened to the story of Abraham when God asked him to leave Haran and travel to Canaan, We considered the sort of person Abraham must have been, and how his faith, hope and love gave him the strength to do as the Lord had asked.
In Science, we recapped the definition of a living thing. We then discussed different habitats and the type of animal which would be found there.
In PSHE, we learnt the meaning of collaboration and how to work together as a team. Have a look at our pictures in the gallery.
In Art, we learnt about the work of Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan. We then practised our shading skills which we will be using over the coming weeks.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 4 team
Year 6 Blog - 13th September 2024
Date: 12th Sep 2024 @ 1:40pm
Welcome to our first blog of the year!
Year 6 have worked really hard during their first full week of school. All of the children have transitioned well into our class routines and have been working hard during their lessons. I would like to congratulate each of the children for their brilliant letters of application for responsibilities around school; they were all so wonderful that Mrs Wood has given each child two jobs this year! I am looking forward to seeing all of our Year 6 working hard to support the school as ambassadors, eco team members, school councillers, sports captains, liturgy team, housepoint team members and much more!
Thank you to everyone who completed a summer holiday challenge, it was lovely to see the children enjoying and embracing the outdoors this summer.
We also celebrated our first mass together on Thursday with the rest of KS2. Well done to all the children who read and helped at the mass.
This week in Year 6
For English, we have been reading 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross Mckenzie. This week, we have been thinking about the character of Daniel and what we can infer about his thoughts and feelings. Everyone worked hard to apply their inference skills by writing a diary entry in role. We were all very proud of our hard work! As a class, we also debated if the character of Lucien Silver would be good or evil. We had to find evidence from the text to support our answers.
This week we have continued to improve our place value knowledge in Maths. We have learned how to partition numbers up to 10,000,000 and also how to round whole numbers and decimals. As the week has progressed, we have become more confident at applying our knowledge and showing resilience for our deeper learning tasks!
We have started our new RE topic this week, with a focus on the second story of creation. Together, we have explored the symbolic meaning of the story and understood what important message it teaches us. We have learned that this story teaches us that we need to live in a community with each other. We also discussed that we are stewards for creation and how we have a responsibility to look after the environment.
In Year 6, we are really enjoying our Science topic, which is all about classification. We have learned about a famous scientist, Carl Linnaeus, who created a way to classify animals into different categories. We used Seesaw to create a biography to learn all about his important work.
For PE, invasion games is our new theme for the next few weeks. Year 6 have worked hard on improving their throwing and catching and begun to apply these in a game of netball.
We have also begun our new Art topic, which is all about making a 2D drawing into a 3D drawing. We have explored the work of artist Lubaina Hamid and shared our opinions on their work!
In Geography, we explored what a mounrtain was. We have also used atlases to locate the seven summits, which are the highest mountains on each of the continents.
Home practice
As mentioned in meet the teacher, homework has been set for this week. Please complete the following tasks by next Wednesday:
Reading - Use your home reading to read every night for 30 minutes. You also have a reading diary that must be used for the title of the book and any challenges chosen.
Books may be changed on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Spelling -
Please practise the following spellings this week from the Y5/6 spelling list:
programme |
pronunciation |
relevant |
marvellous |
All spellings are on Sumdog to practise for our test next Friday.
Maths Challenges:
Counting: This week we have had to count in tenths to complete our rounding work. Try to count in decimal steps of 0.1, 0.2 or 0.5. You could do this out loud or write it on a piece of paper.
You could draw a numberline, like we have done in class this week. Can you count up and down in decimal tenths? How far can you go?
Times Tables: This week I would like the children to practise their 3, 4, 5 and 6 times tables. There are 100 questions to answer on Sumdog!
Place Value: This week's learning is to practise questions on rounding numbers. For further Maths work, please visit the 'Maths Training' section, where your child will be able to push their learning further with the skills that Sumdog has given them.
Thank you to everyone who came to Meet the Teacher on Thursday evening. The presentation is attached at the bottom of the blog.
Have a great weekend Year 6!
Year 2 Blog- Friday 13th September 2024
Date: 11th Sep 2024 @ 5:50pm
Welcome to your first Friday blog of the new school year. The children have settled in so well, they are following the Golden Rules, class routines and have already done so much great learning, well done Year 2.
Home Practice
Reading: In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Spelling: Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (20.09.24):
said, are, the, was, his, today, is, were, has and you.
Sumdog: Complete the 'Place Value - Tens and Ones' challenge.
We have been learning through the story of Burglar Bill. We wrote him a letter telling him all about ourselves. We also described his house-we were great at thinking of adjectives. We wrote some questions and asked him for some answers! There was a bag of bread from his bakery in our classroom and we wrote some excellent senteces describing it.
In handwriting we have been learning how to form our letters with lead-ins.
We have been revisiting ee as in tree, ea as in leaf, e-e as in Steve and y as in happy.
We have been learning how to represent 10s and 1s using equipment. We have used Base 10, straws ,counters and cards.
We have read and retold the story of Noah's Ark.
The children have revisited the fundamental skills of underam throwing and catching. They played mini-games and displayed fantastic team work.
Forest School
Last week we explored the log circle area. We found many creatures, played our own games and built dens.
This week we explored our nature area and spotted many changes since we were last in there.
We found blackberries and apples growing.
Thank you for coming to the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting.
Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 3:36pm
We have finished our first week in Reception.
We have done amazing!
We have loved exploring all of the different areas, both indoors and outdoors. Especially our stage, we love to perform songs and dances.
We have also read the story of the Colour Monster and talked about his feelings.
See you next week for a fun week of learning!
Date: 4th Sep 2024 @ 3:50pm
We have had a fabulous day at school. Everyone found their own peg this morning and joined in the songs on the carpet.
We enjoyed a lovely story called 'Starting School' by Janet and Allan Ahlberg.
Then we went onto the playground with the rest of the infants.
We had lots of time to choose and get busy in the classroom and our outdoor area.
We decorated our names for the classroom door.
Year 3 Final Blog - 19th July 2024
Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 2:00pm
Happy Summer Holidays
We have loved teaching your children this year. Their hardwork and brilliant attitudes to their learning has stood out!
Take a well eared rest over the Summer Holidays.
Remember to keep reading and using Sumdog as everything will remain open over the break.
We would also like to say a massive thank you for all your kind words and gifts from us all on the Year 3 team!
Happy Holidays!
Year 2 Blog - Friday 12th July
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 4:43pm
Welcome to the last Friday Blog!
Home Practice
Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!
Maths - Counting in 3s practise
Sumdog - Maths and Spellings Challenge
This week, we have re-told the story of Fantastic Mr Fox and wrote a book review.
This week we have been learning about number patterns and counting in jumps of 2, 5 and 10 from any number.
We have been learning about Judaism.
In Art this week, the children explored creating art with music.
We explored different artists and learnt how they used music and sounds to create different pieces of Art.
Well done to all the children for taking part in Tough Kidder.
Thank you for all the support this year in Year 2.
Have a great summer holidays.
Mrs Sheen, Ms Singleton and Mrs Deighton
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 3:46pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
Home Practice.
Please continue to read every night. We will be collecting in books next week for the Summer holidays.
The Sumdog training features and all games are available this week. Go on and challenge yourself! We have also joined the Lancashire Sumdog tournament this week. See how high up the leader board you can get! We have also updated all passwords due to some children complaining about their avatars being tampered with. Please make sure you only use your own account and keep your passwords secret.
This week in Year 3
We have had a fantastic week at school this week. On Monday we watched Y6 and their amazing performance of Bugsy. You can see it too on our YouTube channel. On Friday we also had a blast watching our Rock Steady bands perform. They were amazing! Check out our galleries for some pics.
In maths we have introduced decimals and recapped our fractions learning. Everyone had great understanding with this and asked great questions.
We made our sandwiches and had our very own judging session to evaluate our recipes this Friday. The children had some great ideas and showed super persistence when making their sandwiches.
We hope you have been able to access all the wonderful learning on Seesaw this week. This will remain open until the end of term so make sure to check it out. If you’re having any issues logging in, let us know through the school office.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team
Reception Blog - Friday 12th July 2024
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 12:59pm
Welcome to Reception's Last Friday Blog!
This week, we recapped all the sounds we have learnt so far.
Drawing Club
This week, we read the story of ‘The Queen’s Hat’.
We drew and wrote about the places that the hat visited in London.
This week, we revisited lots of learning from this year.
This week, we talked about our favourite Bible stories from this year. These included; The Feeding of the 5000 and the Good Samaritan.
We also revisited the Ten Commandments.
Physical Development
This week, we took part in our first Tough Kidder!
It was amazing to see all of the children take part, a big well done to everyone!
Understanding the World
This week, we completed our topic all about London. We finished by comparing it to Longton!
Expressive Art and Design
We had our final Yoga session with Hannah. We practised some of the amazing poses and breathing exercises we have learnt during the year.
We all went to watch the Rock Steady concert. It was fantastic seeing all the different bands perform. A letter will be in bags tonight if you wish your child to sign up.
We had a whole school celebration assembly for Mrs Winter to wish her the best in her retirement. Each class chose their favourite song they had learnt with Mrs Winter and sang it to her. Ours was 'If I were a Butterfly'.
Look at Me Now Assembly and Final Stay and Play
A very big thank you to everyone who came to watch us and join in with our last stay and play. It was an amazing turn out and the children loved showing you their learning from the whole year.
We just want to say a massive thank you for all your support this year.
We hope you have a fantastic Summer holidays together.
Mrs Stone, Mrs Robinson and Mrs Cliffe
Year 6 Blog Friday 12th July 2024
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 12:32pm
Welcome to our last Friday Blog of the year.
What a fabulous week we have had!
Year 6 were tremendously good in their production of Bugsy Malone. It was a huge success and so many people have commented on how much they enjoyed it. We can see many budding actors and actresses, watch out Broadway!
The Tough Kidder event also went extremely well and everyone's help made it such fun for the younger children.
The Bikeability Team were impressed with how well Year 6 managed on the road. They quickly learned a selection of bike skills on the playground, then learnt how to ride correctly and safely whilst out on the road. The next session will be Thursday 18th July, so rememnber those bikes!
The band performances were fabulous today, well done to all those involved.
Next week will be a very special week for Year 6, including the Leaver's Assembly and Mass/Party, the Retreat Day to Liverpool Cathedral/Crosby Beach and your last few days at St Oswald's Catholic Primary School.
We wish you all a wonderful Summer Holiday and all the best for your new adventures at High School.
Year 6 Team.
Year 4 Blog Friday 12th July 2024
Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 9:21am
Welcome to your Friday blog
Next week, please bring an item of food to sketch, for example:
- a packet of biscuits
- a tin of something (eg beans, tinned tomatoes)
- a packet of something (eg pasta, rice, couscous, crisps)
- a piece of fruit or a vegetable
- a bread item (eg crumpets, bagels)
- cakes or other sweet treats etc
If everyone could bring at least one item in, we will have a variety of food items to sketch. Thank you.
Home practice
Please read for 20 minutes each evening to an adult at home. If you find any words you are unsure of, look them up in a dictionary or ask an adult for the meaning.
We have been revising the possessive apostrophe rule in class, therefore there are no spellings to learn this week.
This week, please practise counting in 100’s
For example, start at 0 and count to 1500 and back again
0 100 200 etc 1500 1400 1300 etc
For example, start at 245 and count to 1845 and back again
0 245 345 etc 1845 1745 1645 etc
Times tables and Number facts
Please practise your individual tables target for your test next week.
You can practise your tables on TTRockstars, Hit the Button and timestables.co.uk
Please also practise your number facts.
You can practise your number facts on Hit the Button
It is crucial that you learn all of your table facts and your number facts as this will help you with many aspects of maths.
Sumdog challenges
- A maths challenge to add and subtract metric units
TTRockstars challenge
- A ‘garage’ session
In English, we discussed the features of a non-chronological report. Following this, we labelled the features in our books so that we can refer to them later. In preparation for writing our own non-chronological on a topic of our choice, we then created a planning document with ideas for our subheadings and contents. We also started to write our reports and will finish these next week.
In Maths, we learnt how to measure, draw and compare the length of different objects. We then converted between metres and centimetres using two decimal places to write centimetres in the unit of metres (eg 34cm = 0.34m). In addition, we used our knowledge of multiplying by 100 and 1000 to convert between m and cm and km and m.
In RE, we learnt about the life of St Oswald and were surprised to learn that he was once a king and died when he was only 38 years old!
In PSHE, we learnt how stereotypes can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others. In addition, we considered what strategies we could use to challenge stereotypes.
In Art, we sketched food using different mediums, for example, pencil, graphite, oil pastels and handwriting pens. Have a look at some of our sketches in our gallery. Next week, we will be sketching food items onto sheets.
This week we also watched the school production of Bugsy Malone on Monday morning, and took part in Tough Kidder on Wednesday afternoon. You can see some pictures of us taking part in Tough Kidder in our gallery. We had great fun getting wet and muddy. In addition, we took part in a special retirement assembly for Mrs Winter. During the assembly, we sang 'I got a little dog' beautifully - Mrs Winter and her family thoroughly enjoyed listening to it. On Friday morning, we watched a 'Rock Steady' concert. Wow – we were so impressed by everyone who took part!
Have a super weekend
The Year 4 team
Year 1 Blog - Friday 12th July 2024
Date: 11th Jul 2024 @ 5:13pm
Home Practice
Phonics - High frequency words OR o_e words OR y (ee sound) words
Maths - Counting in tens practise
Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards, from different starting numbers.
Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!
Our new book is about Matilda and her dad who visit an island full of treasure!
We wrote our own version of the story. Our writing looked beautiful on the page and we are trying so hard to learn to spell words correctly.
Some of us have been revising ow as in snow, o-e as in stone, oa as in road and o as in motorway.
Some of us have been learning some different sh spellings: ti in section, ssi in mission and si in mansion.
This week we have been learning how to find a half of odd and even numbers.
We have been learning about Fairtrade and how we can help our neighbours that are in need.
We used all of our sewing skills to make our own felt/foam creation. We had some amazing love hearts, footballs and even dogs! All of the adults are so impressed!
We created our own minibeast using pieces of painted card. Each piece of artwork was completely different and well thought through.
We loved watching the Year 6 children perform Bugsy. The energy was amazing!
We all had a great time participating in Tough Kidder. See our pictures here.
We have changed the reading books for the final time. Next week we will collect them in.
Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 4:07pm
Thank you so much for all your support over the last six weeks, we have loved getting to know everyone and we cannot wait for September!
Don't forget to make your 'Treasure Box' over the holidays and bring it with you during the first week of school.
We would like to say a big 'thank you' to everyone who came along to our stay and play :)
Have a great summer holidays.
See you in September
Year 5 Blog Friday 12th July 2024
Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:38pm
Happy Friday and welcome to your Friday Blog
Please remember to bring a shoe box and a cereal box into school next week for our DT project. If you have any spares, please also bring them.
Read out loud every day for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
Here are your spellings this week. They don't follow a rule or pattern so you just need to practise lots.
Try splitting the words into chunks to help you.
aggressive awkward category committee hindrance government environment existence embarrass disastrous criticise marvellous mischievous twelfth prejudice
Times Tables
Remember to practise your tables on Times Tables Rockstars. Everybody's current target is division facts.
Spelling Challenge
Maths Competition
We have had a brilliant week in Year 5. There have been lots of exciting things happening.
On Monday and Tuesday we sang the songs in Bugsy Malone to support the Year 6 children with their end of year performance. Everybody was amazing.
On Wednesday afternoon we all took part in Tough Kidder. We all gave it our best shot and loved getting a bit wet and muddy.
On Thursday we celebrated Mrs Winter's retirement. We had a special assembly where each class performed a song. We did a performance of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It was so energetic and fun, Mrs Winter and her family loved it.
On Friday we were lucky enough to watch a concert of all the children who have taken part in Rock Steady this year. We were blown away by the musical talent.
In between all of these exciting things, we have been reading parts of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkhaban and will be writing about it next week. We have been calculating the area of shapes in maths and also using nets to make 3D shapes. In PE we had a Year 5 tennis and rounders tournament where everybody worked so well as a team and had a fantastic time.
Have a happy weekend!
Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 8:36am
This week we split into our Key Worker Groups with Mrs Stone and Mrs Robinson.
We all shared our 'All About Me' posters in a lovely circle time session.
Our story this week was 'We're going on a bear hunt'
The children had tomatoes for snack today.
Next week: We have our 'Stay and Play' - If the parents let the children come in by themselves first, we will have our short meeting and then Mrs Stone will bring you across to the classroom.